National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library

Page created by Leroy Keller
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • • (631) 360-2480   February 2022

  National Library Lover's Month
      Valentine's Day isn't the only reason why love is in the
     February air—it's also National Library Lover's Month !
      The entire month of February is dedicated to celebrating
            libraries, book lovers and lovers of libraries.

                                                                            Black History Month is
  Celebrate all month long                                                 an annual celebration of
  with special Valentine’s                                                 achievements by African
                                                                          Americans and a time for
 Day programs. Look for
the heart throughout the
                                                                        recognizing their central role
                                                                         in U.S. history. Look for this
                                                                        logo for programs celebrating
Newsletter indicating these                                                  Black History Month.
      sweet programs.

                       Children • Pages 2-7          Children's Bookmark Contest Winner • Page 7
                       Teen Scene • Pages 8-9        Teen Volunteer Opportunities • Page 9
                       Adult • Pages 10-15           Book Discussion Groups • Page 15

Lo ng Islan d’s Largest Li brary - Servi ng th e Co mmu n iti es o f Smithtown:
Commack • For t Salonga • Hauppauge • Head of the Harbor • Kings Park • Nesconset
         Nissequogue • S aint James • Smithtown • Village of the Branch
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Children’s Program Registration                  Take and Make-Penguin Fun                          Baby Playground
Information                                    Smithtown Building                                   K-Tuesday, February 15 • 10:30-11:15am
In-person, online and telephone regis- If you love penguins, then                                   (Birth-12 months with parent/caregiver)
tration begins at 9:30am for Commack you’ll love this activity                                      Enjoy free-play and language-based
on Wednesday, January 26, Kings                                                                     activities with other babies in a relaxed,
Park on Friday, January 28, Nesconset kit filled with adorable                                      friendly environment. Siblings are
on Tuesday, February 1, Smithtown              penguin crafts and activity
on Monday, January 31.                         sheets. Kits will be available                       welcome.
Registration is required for all programs      at the Smithtown Building
unless otherwise indicated. Check the          beginning February 19.                               Baby Games
Library’s calendar or contact your local       No registration required. Supplies are               N-Tuesday, February 15 • 10:30-11:00am
Children’s Department for availability. A      available on a first come, first served basis.       (Birth-15 months with parent/caregiver)
complete list is also available on the                                                              Sign, sing and play with your little one.
Library’s website at Take and Make-All About                                      Babies will be introduced to simple signs,
Please note: Each child must have his/her                                                           engage in age appropriate games and
own Library card to register for programs.     Elephants
Priority is given to Smithtown residents for Smithtown Building                                     learn new fingerplays.
program registration. Children's programs      Learn all about elephants with this
are created with the needs, abilities and      interactive kit, which includes an elephant          Baby Playdate
interests of the age groups listed. To make    craft, coloring sheet, maze, a suggested             S-Tuesday, March 1 • 10:00-10:30am
programs enjoyable for the children and        reading bookmark and a link to an online             (Birth-18 months with parent/caregiver)
their caregivers, please register for programs puzzle from World Book Kids. Kits will               Visit the Library for
that correspond with the child's age.          be available at the Smithtown Building               a playdate just for
C = Commack Building N = Nesconset Building
                                               beginning February 26. No registration               baby! Meet other
K = Kings Park Building S = Smithtown Building                                                      babies while enjoying
                                               required. Supplies are available on a first
                       YouTube                 come, first served basis.                            free play and songs.

                                                 In Person Programs                                 Nursery Rhyme Time
Take and Make-Things That Go                     Baby Love      ♥                             C-Monday, February 7 • 10:30-11:00am
Smithtown Building                               C-Monday, February 14 • 10:30-11:15am C-Saturday, February 26 • 10:30-11:00am
Celebrate trains, planes and other things        (Birth-11 months with parent/caregiver) K-Saturday, February 5 • 10:00-10:30am
that go with a craft kit filled with stories,    Bring your babies and we will create a       K-Thursday, February 17 • 10:30-11:00am
crafts and activities. Kits will be available    keepsake using their actual hands or         N-Saturday, February 12 • 10:00-10:30am
at the Smithtown Building beginning              footprints. We will provide one item for     N-Monday, February 28 • 10:30-11:00am
February 12. No registration required.           you to print on, but feel free to bring your S-Monday, February 14 • 10:00-10:30am
Supplies are available on a first come, first    own, such as a t-shirt or tote bag.          S-Saturday, February 19 • 10:00-10:30am
served basis.                                                                                 S-Wednesday, February 23 • 10:00-10:30am
                                                 Baby Lapsit                                  S-Thursday, March 3 • 10:00-10:30am
                                                 S-Tuesday, February 8 • 11:00-11:30am        (Birth-35 months with parent/caregiver)
                                                 S-Saturday, February 26 • 10:00-10:30am Enjoy a traditional time of nursery
                                                 (Birth-12 months with parent/caregiver) rhymes and songs for baby; this is
                                                 Join us for stories, music, tickle time and great introduction to the Library for the
                                                 fun to begin building early literacy skills. youngest of children!
                                                 Stay and play afterwards and meet your
     2 February 202 2            •                Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

Wonderful Ones                                   Time for Twos                                      Construction Zone
C-Thursday, February 17 • 10:30-11:15am          C-Tuesday, February 22 • 10:30-11:15am             C-Friday, February 11 • 10:30-11:15am
K-Monday, February 28 • 10:30-11:15am            K-Wednesday, February 23 • 10:30-11:15am           K-Monday, February 7 • 10:30-11:15am
N-Tuesday, February 8 • 11:00-11:45am            N-Wednesday, February 9 • 11:00-11:45am            N-Wednesday, February 16 • 11:00-11:45am
S-Tuesday, February 15 • 10:00-10:45am           S-Wednesday, February 16 • 10:00-10:45am           (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
(12-23 months with parent/caregiver)             (24-35 months with parent/caregiver)               Put on your hard hats and bring your little
This action-packed program engages               Visit the Library and enjoy building social        construction workers to build with all
little ones in language-based activities;        skills in a relaxed, friendly environment;         types of blocks.
includes free play, stories and fun. Siblings    includes free play, songs, stories and a
are welcome.                                     craft. Siblings are welcome.                       Be My Valentine        ♥
                                                                                                    S-Thursday, February 10 • 11:00-11:45am
Story Tots                                       Chicka Chicka Boom Boom                            (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
C-Tuesday, February 15 • 11:00-11:30am           C-Tuesday, February 1 • 11:00-11:30am              Make a variety of art projects
(12-23 months with parent/caregiver)             (2-3 years with parent/caregiver)                  and valentines to give to the
Unplug and unwind with your little ones.         Join us for the story Chicka Chicka Boom           special people in your life.
Engage in stories, fingerplays, rhymes           Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and create your           Dress to make a mess.
and musical activities.                          own alphabet tree.
                                                                                                    Love Bugs     ♥
                                                                                                    N-Monday, February 14 • 10:00-10:45am
                                                                                                    (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
                                                                                                    Feel the love with your one-of-a-kind
                                                                                                    valentine. Dance, sing and create away
                                                                                                    with our loveable crafts.
Rock and Rhyme
N-Friday, February 4 • 10:30-11:00am OR                                                             Parachute Play
11:30am-12:00pm                                  Art Starts                                         S-Thursday, February 17 • 10:00-10:30am
(12-30 months with parent/caregiver)             K-Tuesday, February 1 • 10:30-11:15am              (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
Early literacy fun with your little one! Our     S-Wednesday, February 9 • 10:00-10:45am            Come to the Library for a fun program
rocker babes will jam out with upbeat            (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)                  featuring parachute games and activities.
tunes, groovy stories and musical props.         Different crafts encourage children’s
                                                 hand-eye coordination and gross and fine           Create-N-Play
Rockin’ Tots                                     motor skills development as they explore           S-Friday, February 18 • 10:00-10:45am
K-Friday, February 11 • 10:30-11:00am            a variety of materials; includes storytime.        (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
(12-30 months with parent/caregiver)             Dress to make a mess.                              Come to the Library to create a cute craft
Join us for stories, fingerplays, songs                                                             project, meet other families and enjoy
and dancing in an engaging and social            Library Playdate                                   playing with our playsets in our Children's
atmosphere.                                      K-Friday, February 18 • 10:30-11:15am              Craft Room.
                                                 S-Monday, February 7 • 10:00-10:45am
                                                 (2-4 years with parent/caregiver)
                                                 Seize the play and keep the mess at our
                                                 place. Join us for an informal playdate-meet
                                                 other children and families while playing
                                                 with toys and creating an art project.
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 3
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Friday Funday                                    Kindness Kids                                      Little Loves Storytime        ♥
S-Friday, February 25 • 10:00-10:45am            N-Monday, February 7 • 11:00-11:45am               N-Friday, February 11 • 2:30-3:15pm
(2-4 years with parent/caregiver)                (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                  (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
Join us in our Children’s Craft Room for         Throw kindness around like confetti. Join          Join us for some loveable stories and
fun-filled creative play.                        us for crafts, read-alouds and songs all           sweet crafts.
                                                 about getting along.
Wonderful Winter
K-Friday, February 25 • 10:30-11:00am
                                                                                                    Heartful Hounds        ♥
                                                 Jump and Play                                      K-Saturday, February 12 • 10:00-10:30am
(2-4 years with parent/caregiver)                K-Tuesday, February 8 • 2:30-3:15pm                (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
Join us as we read winter tales and then         (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                  After we listen to Valentine’s Day stories,
make a special snowman.                                                                             we will make a cool dog valentine magnet.
                                                 Meet new friends at the Library and work
                                                 on social skills with our fun playground

                                                 Love You to Pieces        ♥
                                                 C-Tuesday, February 8 • 3:00-3:30pm
Terrific Threes                                  (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
S-Monday, February 28 • 10:00-10:45am            Celebrate Valentine’s
(36-47 months with parent/caregiver)
Enjoy free play, stories, crafts and circle
                                                 Day with us. Have fun                              Valentine Wishes        ♥
                                                 listening to valentine                             K-Monday, February 14 • 10:30-11:00am
time. Siblings are welcome.                      stories and doing a                                (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
                                                 special craft.                                     Join us for some “heartful” stories to
Groundhog Day                                                                                       celebrate this loving day.
K-Wednesday, February 2 • 10:30-11:00am          Talking Hands-Basic Sign
(3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                Language                                           Winter Whimsy
Enjoy a series of stories and a craft about      K-Wednesday, February 9 • 11:00-11:30am            N-Saturday, February 19 • 10:00-10:45am
this fun holiday.                                (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                  (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
                                                 Learn simple American Sign Language                Snow is falling and winter is calling.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie                                                                        Celebrate the freezin’ season with stories
C-Thursday, February 3 • 11:00-11:30am           (ASL) along with a story and craft.
(3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                                                                   and crafts.
Listen to the book If You Give a Mouse
a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff and                                                                Storytime Safari
create a cute mouse craft.                                                                          N-Tuesday, February 22 • 10:30-11:15am
                                                                                                    (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
                                                                                                    Wild characters abound when you open
                                                                                                    a book. Treat your mind to an adventure
                                                 Storytime Surprise                                 with stories and an art project.
                                                 K-Thursday, February 10 • 3:00-3:30pm
                                                 (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                  Mini Makers
Pizza Mania                                      Join us as we read an assortment of                K-Thursday, February 24 • 3:00-3:45pm
K-Friday, February 4 • 10:30-11:00am             stories with Miss Sharon and then do a             (3-5 years with parent/caregiver)
(3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                surprise craft.                                    Discover and explore STEAM concepts
We love pizza! Join us for delicious stories                                                        through play with other little learners.
and an awesome pizza craft.                                                                         Dress to make a mess.
     4 February 202 2 •                           Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

Twist and Shout                                   Cricut Crafts-Love Bug        ♥                   Knuffle Bunny Storytime
C-Monday, February 28 • 3:30-4:00pm               S-Monday, February 7 • 7:00-7:45pm                C-Wednesday, February 16 • 4:15-4:45pm
(3-5 years with parent/caregiver)                 (5-7 years)                                       (5-8 years)
Be prepared to move and groove in this            Celebrate Valentine’s Day                         We will share the story Knuffle Bunny by
interactive storytime.                            in the LearnLab! Join Miss                        Mo Willems and make a craft to go along
                                                  Dawn to learn the basics of                       with the book.
Pajama Storytime                                  the Cricut cutting machine while making
S-Tuesday, February 15 • 7:00-7:30pm              a love bug craft to take home.                    Slithering Snakes
(3-6 years with parent/caregiver)                                                                   K-Thursday, February 17 • 4:30-5:00pm
Want to come to the Library in your               100 Days of School                                (5-8 years)
pajamas? Join us for stories and songs            S-Thursday, February 10 • 4:30-5:15pm             Warm up with fun stories about snakes
and bring a favorite stuffed animal if            (5-7 years)                                       and learn about our legless friends.
you’d like!                                       The 100th day of school is approaching
                                                  and we’re celebrating with a storytime            Happy Lunar New Year
Take Your Child to the Library Day                full of games and crafts. Join the fun!           K-Thursday, February 3 • 4:15-4:45pm
C-Saturday, February 5 • 10:00am-12:00pm                                                            (5-9 years)
(3-9 years)                                       Cheerio Bird Feeder                               Celebrate Lunar New Year (also known
Celebrate Take Your Child to the Library          S-Tuesday, February 22 • 3:00-3:45pm              as Chinese New Year) with stories and an
Day by visiting the Children’s Room.              (5-7 years)                                       upcycled craft.
Have fun making a sticker scene or two.           Join Miss Cecilia to create a sweet snack
No registration required. Supplies are            for our feathered friends!
available on a first come, first served basis.
                                                  Amazing Race
                                              S-Thursday, February 24 • 11:00-11:45am
                                              (5-7 years)
                                              Race around the world right from the
                                              Library! Compete to solve puzzles and
                                              complete challenges from all around the Robot Buddies
                                              world and see if you have what it takes to K-Tuesday, February 22 • 2:15-3:00pm
Little Craft Buddies                          win the race.                              (5-9 years)
K-Tuesday, February 8 • 4:15-5:00pm                                                      Learn to code using different robots.
(4-7 years)                                   Junior Lego® Buddies                       Children will be paired with teens for a
Craft Buddies is a program in which a         K-Monday,   February  28 • 4:15-5:00pm     rewarding experience.
child is paired with a teen as they work to   (5-7 years)
create a craft for the child to take home. Do you enjoy building things? Come join Our Friend Paddington
                                              the fun. Children will be paired with      K-Wednesday, February 23 • 3:30-4:00pm
Penguin Adventures                            teens for a rewarding experience.          (5-9 years)
C-Saturday, February 19 • 10:30-11:00am                                                  What’s not to love about
(4-7 years)                                                                              this adventurous bear? Join
Brrrrr, it’s cold out! It’s even colder where                                            us for Paddington stories
some penguins live! Come on down to                                                      followed by a beary cute
the Library to learn all about penguins                                                  craft.
and make an awesome penguin craft.
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 5
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

LEGO® League                                     Have You Met Jean-Michel                           DIY Photo Block Holder          ♥
S-Saturday, February 12 • 3:00-3:45pm            Basquiat?                                          S-Tuesday, February 8 • 4:30-5:15pm
S-Tuesday, February 22 • 4:30-5:15pm             N-Tuesday, February 22 • 5:30-6:15pm               (8-12 years)
S-Wednesday, March 2 • 4:30-5:15pm               (6-12 years)                                       Decorate a wooden photo holder for
(5-10 years)                                     Feel the beat of the art                           Valentine’s Day to keep for yourself or give
Calling all master builders. Bring your          in the streets when we                             to someone special. Dress to make a mess.
imaginations to this block party and             read Radiant Child: The
construct your own creations using our           Story of Young Artist                              Brain Twisters
collection of LEGO® bricks.                      Jean-Michel Basquiat by                            K-Wednesday, February 16 • 5:00-5:45pm
                                                 Javaka Steptoe and create a self-portrait          (8-12 years)
                                                 with vivid colors and textures.                    Challenge your brain with riddles, puzzles
                                                                                                    and a game to win prizes.
                                                 Game Squad
                                                 N-Thursday, February 24 • 5:30-6:15pm              Computer Build-A-Thon Jr.
                                                 (6-12 years)                            S-Wednesday, March 2 • 6:30-7:30pm
                                                 Put on your game face and team up       (8-12 years)
                                                 against our teen volunteers when we playHave you ever wondered how to build
                                                 supersized games, Nintendo Switch™ and  a computer? Learn how the different
                                                 craft the evening away.                 components work together to create a
Make It Monday                                                                           functioning machine, then pair up with a
S-Monday, February 7 • 6:30-8:30pm               Learning to Code with Scratch           teen volunteer to help Library staff build
S-Monday, February 14 • 6:30-8:30pm              S-Saturday, February 12 • 10:00-11:30am brand new computers from scratch!
S-Monday, February 28 • 6:30-8:30pm              (7-12 years)
(5-12 years)                                     Join Code4Joy to learn the basics of    Owl Diaries
Come to the Library during these hours           coding with the Scratch programming     C-Thursday, February 24 • 11:00-11:30am
to tinker, build and play with a variety of      language, a block-based coding language (9-11 years)
STEAM challenges, toys and projects. No          that’s perfect for beginners!           We will be sharing an Owl Diaries story by
registration required.                                                                   Rebecca Elliot and making an Eva owl craft.
                                                 Paper Football Tournament
Chess and Checkers Buddies                N-Saturday, February 26 • 11:00-11:45am
C-Monday, February 14 • 4:15-5:00pm       (7-12 years)
(5-12 years)                              First downs to touchdowns-that’s how
It’s time for a board meeting; play chess we roll. Participate in our Paper Football
and checkers with our teen volunteers. A Tournament, maybe you have the guts to
great opportunity to learn a new game or get the glory of being our Paper Football                  Word Winder
practice a favorite.                      Champion.                                         C-Wednesday, February 23 • 3:45-4:30pm
                                                                                            (9-12 years)
Winter Watercolor Art                            Valentine Box       ♥                      Word Winder is the giant game of
N-Friday, February 25 • 10:00-10:45am            C-Saturday, February 12 • 10:30-11:00am winding words. Lay down your chips to
(6-8 years)                                      (8-11 years)                               form winding lines of winding words.
Cozy up with winter stories and create a         Have fun decorating a box with an          Outrace your opponents and block
magical snowy scene using watercolors            attached lid. It can be used to hold your  their lines. Children will work with teen
and “salt” snow.                                 special valentines or as a trinket holder. volunteers to compete in this fun game.
     6 February 202 2 •                           Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

Circus Skills Workshop                            Kids Can Volunteer-Thank a Mail
C-Friday, February 25 • 11:00-11:40am             Carrier
(9-12 years)                             S-Thursday, February 24 • 4:30-5:15pm
The National Circus Project will teach us(Families)
how to do fun and easy circus tricks.    Let’s thank the mail carriers for all that
                                         they do. Join us for a storytime and craft
Winter Watercolor Art                    where we’ll make colorful cards for you to
N-Friday, February 25 • 11:30am-12:15pm take home and give to your mail carrier.
(9-12 years)
Cozy up with winter stories and create a
magical snowy scene using watercolors
and “salt” snow.

Creation Station
C-Saturday, February 12 • 10:00am-3:00pm
K-Saturdays in February • 10:00am-3:00pm          Library Mini Golf
S-Saturdays in February • 10:00am-3:00pm          S-Friday, February 25 • 6:00-7:30pm
(Families)                                        (Families)
Are you looking for something to do on            Stop by the Library for a round of
Saturday? Come to the Library during              miniature golf! Sign up for a tee time
these hours and complete some cool                and putt your way around our indoor
crafts. No registration required.                 mini golf course. Tee times are every 15
                                                  minutes from 6:00pm to 7:15pm. Please
Valentine’s Day with Charlie                      sign up for one tee time per family.
Brown    ♥
S-Wednesday, February 9 • 4:30-5:15pm             Virtual
(Families)                                        Toddler Music Makers
Join us as we watch Be My Valentine,      Saturday, February 5 • 9:30am
Charlie Brown and make a bear-y special   You and your toddler can follow along
Valentine craft to bring home.            with our musical program and jam
                                          along to our favorite age appropriate
                                          tunes. Build your Toddler Music Makers
                                          collection with each session of this
                                          program. Items for the program will be
                                          available for pick up at the Smithtown
                                          Building beginning February 5. No                                     Pola W.
Family Bingo                              registration required. Supplies are                             February Bookmark
S-Wednesday, February 23 • 3:00-3:45pm available on a first come, first served
(Families)                                                                                                  Contest Winner
                                          basis. This program will be shared on
Come to the Library to enjoy bingo card   our YouTube channel (                                 Grade 5
fun. Sure to be fun for the whole family! SmithLibYouTube). After the program, the                       Accompsett Elementary
                                          video will remain available.

    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 7
National Library Lover's Month - Smithtown Library
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Teen Services Program                            Teen Take and Make-Valentine                      Learn to Draw Polar Bears
Information                                      Tic-Tac-Toe     ♥                                 S-Thursday, February 17 • 6:30-7:30pm
In person, online and telephone                  Commack Building                                  Learn step-by-step how to draw and
registration for January programs began          Nesconset Building                                paint a beautiful polar bear with Art
on Monday, December 13. February                 Create a sweet travel                             Teacher Amy.
program registration begins Monday,              Tic-Tac-Toe set, perfect
January 10. Registration is required             for snowy days.
unless otherwise noted. Programs that            Supplies can be picked up at the Commack
require fees can be paid in person by            and Nesconset Buildings beginning
credit card, cash, check or money order          February 1 and must be picked up before
to The Smithtown Library. Credit card            February 28. In person or telephone
payments are also accepted through               registration required. Supplies are available
our online payment system. If paying             on a first come, first served basis.              Dungeons and Dragons
in cash, please bring exact change only.                                                           S-Tuesday, February 22 • 6:00-8:00pm
Program fees are non-refundable and              In Person                                         Join us for a round of this classic role-
non-transferable. Teen Services programs         ValenSlime Time         ♥                         playing game! Perfect for players of all
are open to those in grades 6-12 (up to          K-Wednesday, February 2 • 4:30-5:30pm             skill levels, this campaign will introduce
age 18) unless otherwise noted. When             What's more lovable than slime? Make              you to the game and its rules while you
registering online, please indicate name         your own in celebration of Valentine's            play. Dice and snacks will be provided.
and grade in the note field. Check the           Day.
Library’s calendar or contact the Library                                                          Canvas and Cookie Party
for availability.                                Pawsome Pet Valentines             ♥              N-Wednesday, February 23 · 4:30-5:30pm
C = Commack Building N = Nesconset Building      C-Monday, February 7 · 4:30-5:30pm                Enjoy cookie pairing with an instructional
K = Kings Park Building S = Smithtown Building   Make “pawsome” valentines for your                paint party. This program may not be
                                                 favorite fur friends!                             suitable for those with food allergies.

Teen Take and Make-Personalized                                                                    One World Book Club
Button Art                                                                                         S-Thursday, February 24 • 4:00-5:00pm
Kings Park Building                                                                                Join us as we discuss
Smithtown Building                                                                                 March-Book One, the
Create a personalized                            Valentine Canvas Banner            ♥              first book in the graphic
work of art using                                N-Tuesday, February 8 · 4:30-5:30pm               novel trilogy by late
buttons and a                                    Sweet and charming. A craft perfect for           Congressman John
picture frame. When                              someone special this Valentine's Day.             Lewis. Pick up your copy
registering please                                                                                 of the book from the Smithtown Building
indicate what initial                            No Sew Heart Pillows          ♥                   beginning January 29.
you would like for your craft. Kits will be      S-Wednesday, February 9 • 7:00-8:00pm
available at the Smithtown and Kings Park        No sewing skills are                              Nail and String Art
Buildings beginning February 1 and must          required to create                                N-Friday, February 25 · 2:30-3:30pm
be picked up by February 28. In person or        this plushy pillow                                Hammer and nails have never been so
telephone registration required. Supplies        just in time for                                  fun. Create a wooden art piece using
are available on a first come, first served      Valentine’s Day.                                  these basic household tools.
     8 February 202 2 •                           Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

Craft Kits for Kids Volunteers                    Robot Buddies Volunteers                          Amazing Race Volunteers
S-Tuesday, February 1 • 4:30-5:30pm               K-Tuesday, February 22 • 2:00-3:00pm              S-Thursday, February 24 • 10:30am-12:00pm
S-Tuesday, February 15 • 4:30-5:30pm              Help a younger child code robots.                 Assist the Children's Department set up
Assist our Children’s Department by                                                                 and run a fun afternoon of puzzles and
assembling craft kits for kids. Please            Kindness Cards Volunteers                         challenges from all around the world.
register for one session.                         C-Tuesday, February 22 • 7:00-8:00pm
                                                  Help brighten someone's day by                    Game Squad Volunteers
Decorate to Donate Volunteers                     volunteering to hand make greeting                N-Thursday, February 24 • 5:15-6:15pm
S-Wednesday, February 2 • 7:00-8:00pm             cards for people in your community.               Put on your game face and team up and
C-Saturday, February 5 • 3:30-4:30pm                                                                play our younger patrons in supersized
Join us to make seasonal decorations that                                                           games and the Nintendo Switch®.
will be donated to local nursing homes.
                                                                                                    Paper Football Tournament
Craft Buddies Volunteers                                                                            Volunteers
K-Tuesday, February 8 • 4:00-5:00pm               Word Winder Volunteers                            N-Saturday, February 26 • 10:45-11:45am
Spend an afternoon paired with a younger          C-Wednesday, February 23 • 3:30-4:30pm            First downs and touchdowns. Participate
child for some craft projects. We will be         Word Winder is the giant game of                  in our Paper Football Tournament, assisting
using art materials. Dress to make a mess.        winding words. Lay down your chips to             our younger patrons in becoming the Paper
                                                  form winding lines of winding words.              Football Champions.
Chess and Checkers Buddies                        Outrace your opponents and block their
Volunteers                                        lines. Teen volunteers will help children         Junior LEGO® Buddies Volunteers
C-Monday, February 14 • 4:00-5:00pm               compete in this fun game.                         K-Monday, February 28 • 4:00-5:00pm
Teach younger children how to play chess                                                            Be paired with a younger child and help
and checkers. You do not have to be an    Library Mini Golf Volunteers                              him/her with a LEGO® creation.
expert to volunteer but knowledge of the S-Wednesday, February 23 • 7:00-
rules is required.                        8:30pm & Friday, February 25 • 5:30-
                                                                                                      Earn community service by creating
Bookmark Volunteers                       Help the Children’s Department transform
                                                                                                      social media posts for the Library that
K-Wednesday, February 16 • 7:00-8:00pm our community room into a miniature golf                       promote library services and resources.
N-Saturday, February 19 • 11:30am-12:30pm course! Volunteers will help design and                     Check out the Teen section f the Library’s
Teen volunteers are needed to design      decorate the obstacles and assist young
                                                                                                      homepage for more information.
and make bookmarks. Bookmarks will        children as they play through our course
be sent to patrons who are enjoying The on February 25. Please note: Teens must
Smithtown Library's Homebound Mail        attend both sessions to receive community
Service.                                  service credit.
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 9
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
                                                 Take and Make-Hot Cocoa Bombs                     Commack Continued
Adult Program Information
In person, online and telephone                  Take home a bag                                    Ukulele Workshop
registration for all programs is required and    filled with supplies                               Thursdays, February 3, 10, 17 & 24 •
                                                 needed to create these                             7:30-8:30pm
begins one month prior to the program                                                               Learn the fundamentals of the ukulele
date unless otherwise noted. Programs            trendy hot chocolate
                                                 bombs to warm up                                   in this four-session series. Musician and
that require fees can be paid in person by                                                          educator Adam King will extend past the
                                                 your winter nights.
credit card, cash, check or money order          Online and in person                               basics of a ukulele and teach patrons how to
to The Smithtown Library. Credit card            registration begins                                play a full song by the end of the workshop.
payments are also accepted through               on February 14 and                                 Each patron will be provided with a ukulele
our online payment system. If paying             ends on February 24. Supply bags can be            to use during the program. Fee: $15.00
in cash, please bring exact change only.         picked up from the building of your choice         per person.
Program fees are non-refundable and non-         beginning February 28. When registering
transferable. Check the Library’s calendar       online, please indicate pick up building.
or contact the Library for availability. Out     Fee: $5.00 per person.
of district residents should call the Library
for program availability.                        In Person
C = Commack Building N = Nesconset Building      Commack
K = Kings Park Building S = Smithtown Building   Game Day
                                                 Wednesdays • 12:00-2:00pm
           Facebook            Zoom              We provide the space, tables, chairs and           Hygge-The Art of Living Danishly
                                                 a variety of games. Meet friends here or           Saturday, February 5 • 10:00-11:00am
Take and Make-Valentine’s Candle                 make new ones. No registration required.
Holders   ♥                                                                                         Combat the winter
                                                                                                    blues as you learn
Take home a bag filled with supplies                                                                about the Danish
needed to create three festive candle                                                               art of embracing
holders. Online and in person registration                                                          seasonal changes,
begins on February 1 and ends on                                                                    especially winter and
February 8. Supply bags can be picked up                                                            creating cozy spaces
from the building of your choice beginning                                                          around your home. According to recent
February 10. When registering online,            Gentle Flow Yoga                                   research, the Danes are the happiest
please indicate pick up building.                Wednesdays, February 2, 9, 16 & 23 •
                                                                                                    people on earth and their attitude
Fee: $5.00 per person.                           10:30-11:30am
                                                                                                    about accepting nature as is can be
                                                 Perfect for those new to yoga looking to
                                                                                                    inspiring. Pat Summers will begin with
                                                 deepen their practice or rediscover the key
                                                                                                    Scandinavia in winter (little daylight,
                                                 postures and flow of yoga. We will explore
                                                                                                    long nights, cold and snow) and how
                                                 the foundations of yoga with emphasis on
                                                                                                    residents have adapted. Then she will
                                                 alignment, building strength, increasing
                                                                                                    move on to things anyone can do in order
                                                 flexibility and developing confidence and
                                                                                                    to embrace winter and look at things
                                                 experience to create a strong practice.
                                                 Fee: $10.00 per person.

     10 February 202 2              •             Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Commack Continued                                Commack Continued                                  Kings Park
One-On-One Medicare Counseling                    Turntable Talk                                    Game Day
and Assistance                           Saturday, February 12 • 2:00-3:00pm                        Mondays • 12:30-2:30pm
Tuesday, February 8 • 10:00am, 10:45am, Like music? Like talking about music?                       We provide the space, tables, chairs and
11:30am OR 12:15pm                       Come to our new discussion where you                       a variety of games. Meet friends here or
Register for an appointment to meet      can discuss albums with other music                        make new ones. No registration required.
individually with a Suffolk County RSVP  fans! Patrons can listen to the album
(Retired Senior Volunteer Program)       being discussed in any format. Copies
volunteer from HIICAP (Health Insurance will be available at the Commack Building
                                                                                                    Valentine Gnomes          ♥
                                                                                                    Tuesday, February 1 • 7:00-8:30pm
Information, Counseling & Assistance     Circulation Desk. We will be discussing                    Join us as we create these adorable,
Program) to answer questions and         A Night At The Opera by Queen.
provide information specific to your                                                                quirky gnomes just
own needs regarding your Medicare                                                                   in time to display
health insurances and benefits, Medicare                                                            for Valentine’s Day!
Savings Programs and EPIC.                                                                          Participants will
                                                                                                    learn some tips for
William Sidney Mount, a                                                                             working with air
Long Island Artist-His Life                                                                         clay and get to take
and His Work                                                                                        home paint colors of their choice to finish
Wednesday, February 9 • 7:00-8:30pm               Resume Workshop                                   off their projects after 24 hours of drying.
William Sidney Mount was a genre                  Tuesday, February 15 • 7:00-8:00pm                Each patron will sculpt two gnomes.
painter labeled by his critics “absolutely        Want to make your job application materials       Fee: $5.00 per person.
American”. This slideshow and lecture             stand out? Market yourself and gain a
will spotlight the blitheness of Mount’s          competitive edge by writing a compelling          Abbott and Costello-The Early
treatment of powder keg political issues          resume and cover letter. In this session,         Years
of the 19th century. Enter the world of           Angela Monahan who works in Career                Saturday, February 5 • 3:00-4:00pm
William Sidney Mount and view the                 Services at Hofstra University, will teach        Explore the history of
paintings that will delight and amaze             you the proper length, format, content and        Bud Abbott and Lou
the viewer.                                       structure of resumes and cover letters.           Costello, from their
                                                                                                    introduction right
                                                  Are You Getting What You Are                      through their years in
                                                  Entitled To?                                      burlesque, radio and
                                                  Friday, February 18 • 3:00-4:30pm                 finally the motion
                                                  Kimberly Mosscrop, Esq., an elder law and         picture screen. Keith Crocker will focus
                                                  estate planning lawyer will provide the latest    on the WWII era films and also discuss
                                                  information on Medicaid planning, different       their career lags, rebirth and finally their
                                                  types of trusts and the protections and limits    split up and solo careers.
                                                  of the common legal documents used in
                                                  planning. She will also address the stages        Getting Started with Windows 10
                                                  of estate planning for the younger through        Wednesday, February 23 • 7:00-8:00pm
                                                  the older generations. Gracemarie Horan-          A class designed specifically for computer
                                                  Luce from Senior Health Plan Specialists will     beginners. Learn how to use a computer,
                                                  provide an in depth look at Medicare and the      mouse and keyboard as well as beginning
                                                  options available at this time.                   to use and browse the internet.
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 11
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Kings Park Continued                             Nesconset Continued                                Nesconset Continued
Coming in March                                  Talking to Your Doctor                             NOLA Breakfast with Brian Collins
Defensive Driving                                Monday, February 7 • 3:00-4:00pm                   Tuesday, February 8 • 7:00-8:30pm
Thursday, March 10 • 9:30am-4:30pm               It is often difficult for caregivers to speak      Award winning
Telephone, online and in                         with their physician regarding their loved         BBQ pitmaster
person registration begins                       one's diagnosis. Get tips on how to speak          Brian Collins
two months prior to                              with your doctor about dementia and                returns with
program date. Classes are                        important questions to ask during your visit.      some Mardi Gras
open to Smithtown Library cardholders                                                               favorites! Sip
only until one week prior to the program,        Beginner Canasta with Jacqui                       chicory coffee and
when, space permitting, all individuals          Thursdays, February 17, 24 & March 3 •             enjoy fresh beignets and shrimp and grits as
regardless of library district are welcome to    10:00-12:00am                                      Brian demonstrates how to recreate these
register. Open to all adult drivers regardless   Join instructor Jacqui                             delicious treats at home. Fee: $5.00 per
of age. Please bring your license to class.      Palatnik to learn this                             person.
Must have a library card to register; one        oldie but goodie card
registration per library card. Please note:      game. Enjoy playing                                Coin and Stamp Appraisal
cash payment only is due to the instructor       with a partner and                                 Saturday, March 5 • 1:00-4:00pm
at the beginning of class. Fee: $30.00 per       the challenges of the                              Frank Mcaloran will help patrons to
person.                                          cards. By the end of these three sessions,         assign a value to their stamp and coin
                                                 you'll be playing like a pro. Fee: $10.00          collections. Register for a ten-minute
Nesconset                                        per person.                                        appointment to ask individual specific
Game Day                                                                                            questions.
Mondays • 12:00-3:00pm                           Shakespeare's Lovers          ♥
We provide the space, tables, chairs and         Tuesday, February 22 • 7:00-8:30pm                 Smithtown
a variety of games. Meet friends here or         In celebration of Library Lover's Month,           Art Group
make new ones. No registration required.         writer and editor Richard Kantro will              Tuesdays • 12:00-2:15pm
                                                 discuss the various lovers throughout              Fulfill your passion for art. Bring your
Famous Long Island Shipwrecks                    Shakespeare's works.                               supplies and work on your current
Wednesday, February 2 • 7:00-8:00pm                                                                 project while you share ideas and learn
Learn about prominent Long Island                One-On-One Medicare Counseling                     new techniques from others in a relaxed
shipwrecks with historian, author and            and Assistance                                     atmosphere. No registration required.
retired Newsday reporter Bill Bleyer. This       Thursday, February 3 • 12:00, 12:45, 1:30
lecture will include maritime disasters          OR 2:15pm                                          Game Day
from the Prins Maurits, HMS Culloden, the        Register for an appointment to meet                Fridays • 11:00am-1:30pm
sinking of the USS San Diego in World War I      individually with a Suffolk County RSVP            We provide the space, tables, chairs and
and many more.                                   (Retired Senior Volunteer Program)                 a variety of games. Meet friends here or
                                                 volunteer from HIICAP (Health Insurance            make new ones. No registration required.
                                                 Information, Counseling & Assistance
                                                 Program) to answer questions and                   Adult Writers Group
                                                 provide information specific to your               Tuesday, February 1 • 7:00-8:30pm
                                                 own needs regarding your Medicare                  Meet with our local group to share ideas
                                                 health insurances and benefits, Medicare           and get feedback on your latest writing
                                                 Savings Programs and EPIC.                         efforts. No registration required.
     12 February 202 2               •            Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Smithtown Continued                               Smithtown Continued                               Smithtown Continued
Zumba Gold with Fran                              Open Knit and Crochet Night                       Route 25-Long Island's Route 66
Thursdays, February 3, 10, 17 & 24 •             Tuesday, February 8 • 5:00-6:30pm                  Thursday, February 24 • 7:00-8:30pm
10:00-11:00am                                    Tuesday, February 22 • 5:00-6:30pm                 Route 25 stretches
Fran Ferriso will lead this fit and fun          Join our local group and enjoy a friendly          from the very western
low-impact dance fitness class perfect for       and informal get together. Experienced             part of Manhattan all
seniors or beginners of all fitness levels.      crafters and beginners are welcome to              the way to the Orient
Fee: $10.00 per person.                          knit and crochet with other enthusiasts.           Point Ferry Terminal
                                                 No registration required.                          at the far eastern tip of Long Island's
Game Night                                                                                          North Fork. Along the way, this iconic
Thursday, February 3 • 6:30-8:30pm               Parkinson's Awareness Listen                       thoroughfare has different names, but
Thursday, February 17 • 6:30-8:30pm              and Learn                                          one common purpose-to stitch together
We provide the space, tables, chairs and         Friday, February 11 • 7:00-8:30pm                  the communities of Long Island while
a variety of games. Meet friends here or         Join us as local resident, John Zollo gives        providing a direct route for commerce
make new ones. No registration required.         a brief overview of Parkinson's Disease as         and town identity. In this fascinating
                                                 well as area resources available through           program, Eco-Photo Explorers will
Film and Discussion                              the Smithtown Parkinson's Therapy Center.          explore the historic past of Route 25 and
Friday, February 4 • 6:30-8:30pm                 We will then honor Neil Diamond, who               examine its special place in the lives of all
Join Joyann Cirigliano of the Four               has been affected by this disease, with a          Long Islanders through photographs and
Harbors Audubon Society for a film               musical performance.                               stories. Join us for a fast paced tour of our
viewing and light discussion of topics                                                              own "Route 66"!
related to our environment. This month’s         Stress Management
movie will be Before the Flood.             Tuesday, February 15 • 3:00-4:00pm                      How a Baseball Team Broke
                                            In addition to the physical health risks                Racial Barriers
Up to Date Legal Knowledge and              surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic,                      Saturday, February 26 • 3:00-4:00pm
Improve Your Communication Skills many people are experiencing stress                               Long Island has been in the corridors
Tuesday, February 8 • 3:00-4:00pm           and anxiety which can also lead to other                of almost all major turning points of
Avoiding creating a will? Don’t want to     health issues. Crisis counselors from                   American history. It has however, been
have those difficult conversations with     NY Project Hope will discuss ways to                    overlooked as a battle ground of the civil
your parents or children? Who would         manage stress, the importance of self-                  rights movement. Christopher Verga,
you select as your Power of Attorney?       care and provide coping techniques such                 author and history instructor, will focus
What rights does that give them? While      as meditation and breathing techniques                  on the impact of the Cuban Giants which
creating a legal plan protects you and      that can help.                                          produced players such as Solomon “Sol”
your family, it is difficult to take action                                                         White, who used his notoriety to go on
sometimes. Elder law and estate planning How to Look at the Dutch Golden                            to desegregate the minor leagues years
attorney Jacklyn Kramer will walk you       Age of Painting                                         before Jackie Robinson broke the color
through what wills, trusts, powers of       Wednesday, February 16 • 7:00-8:30pm                    barrier in the major leagues.
attorney and health care proxies can do     Survey the art of the 17th century Dutch
and not do. Michele Gegwich, licensed       Republic. Explore the different genres of
social worker, will discuss improving       painting through the works of Rembrandt
communication skills along with how to van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, Jacob van
initiate difficult conversations and hold   Ruisdael and more in this informative art
them in a strong and yet loving manner. history lecture.
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                        • Fe b ruary     202 2 13
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at
Smithtown Continued                              Virtual Continued                                 Virtual Continued
Coming in March                                  Five Basic Principles for Getting                 Coming in March
Traditional Irish Soda Bread with                and Staying Organized                             Savvy Sightseer Video Vacation-
Chef Rob Scott                                  Monday February 28 • 7:00-8:30pm                   Republic of Ireland
Friday, March 4 • 6:30-8:30pm                   This lecture                                       Saturday, March 5 • 10:00am
Chef Rob Scott will lead this hands-on          teaches simple                                     From Dublin to Bunratty, the Republic
demonstration where you will make a huge organizing                                                of Ireland’s sights are as varied as its
loaf of this bread ready to take home and       concepts and                                       many shades of green. We’ll visit an
bake. Please bring a large bowl, wooden         provides solutions                                 incredible sight that even frequent
spoon, cookie tray, parchment paper and         to common                                          visitors to Ireland are not familiar with
aluminum foil to class. Fee: $7.00 per person. challenges that                                     at Newgrange; then we’ll swing through
                                                get people stuck.                                  Dublin before branching out for the
                                                No matter what your level of organization midlands, and a stop off at my absolute
                                                may be, you will feel empowered                    favorite tiny town of Bunratty, before
                                                because they can start implementing                finishing with amazing views along the
                                                these principles right away. No                    Atlantic seaboard and the unforgettable
                                                registration required. This program will           Cliffs of Moher. No registration required.
                                                be available on Zoom and shared on our             This program will be shared on our
                                                Facebook page (https://www.facebook.               Facebook page (https://www.facebook.
Virtual                                         com/thesmithtownlibrary).                          com/thesmithtownlibrary).
Meditation-A Tool for Stress                    Zoom Information:
Reduction and a Healthier             
Lifestyle                                       Password: SmithLib
Wednesday, February 2 • 3:00-4:00pm             Join Zoom program on your computer:
Join John Bednarik, longtime meditator, Meeting ID: 868 0902 6613
for this lively and engaging workshop.          Password: SmithLib
Meditation can bring about a sense of           Join Zoom program by telephone:
calm and balance that benefits both             (646) 558-8656
your physical and emotional being. No
registration required. This program will        Meeting ID: 868 0902 6613
be available on Zoom and shared on our          Password: 72782100
Facebook page (https://www.facebook.
com/thesmithtownlibrary).                      Smithtown Grows
Zoom Information:                              Smithtown Grows is back for its second year! Patrons with an adult Smithtown                                Library card can come to any of our four buildings to pick up seed packets for their
SmithLibMeditationforStress                    gardens. Please see any Reference Desk for more information. We are excited for you
Password: SmithLib
Join Zoom program on your computer:            to grow with us!
Meeting ID: 832 8629 6460
Password: SmithLib
Join Zoom program by telephone:
(646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 832 8629 6460                                                    The Smithtown Library
Password: 43530109

     14 February 202 2              •             Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •
Registration is required for these programs unless otherwise indicated • All program fees are non-refundable • Register online at

 Commack                                              Kings Park                                          Smithtown
 Thursday Movie of the Week                           Friday Movie of the Week                            Friday Movie Matinee
 • Thursday, February 3 • 1:30pm                      • Friday, February 4 • 2:15pm                       • Friday, February 4 • 2:00pm
 Dear Evan Hansen                                     Mass                                                My Salinger Year
 Rated PG-13; runtime 137 minutes.                    Rated PG-13; runtime 110 minutes.                   Rated R; runtime 101 minutes.
 • Thursday, February 10 • 1:30pm                     • Friday, February 11 • 2:15pm                      • Friday, February 11 • 2:00pm
 No Time to Die                                       Dick Johnson is Dead                                Percy vs. Goliath
 Rated PG-13; runtime 163 minutes.                    Rated PG-13; runtime 89 minutes.                    Rated PG-13; runtime 99 minutes.
 • Thursday, February 17 • 1:30pm                     • Friday, February 18 • 2:15pm                      • Friday, February 18 • 2:00pm
 One Night in Miami…                                  Moffie                                              One Night in Miami…
 Rated R; runtime 114 minutes.                        Rated NR; runtime 104 minutes.                      Rated R; runtime 114 minutes.
 • Thursday,February 24 • 1:30pm                      • Friday, February 25 • 2:15pm                      • Friday, February 25 • 2:00pm
 Jungle Cruise                                        Dear Evan Hansen                                    Military Wives
 Rated PG-13; runtime 127 minutes.                    Rated PG-13; runtime 137 minutes.                   Rated PG-13; runtime 112 minutes.
                                                                                                          Friday Night Movie
                                                      Nesconset                                           • Friday, February 18 • 6:15pm
                                                                                                          One Night in Miami…
                                                      New Movie Matinee                                   Rated R; runtime 114 minutes.
                                                      • Wednesday, February 16 • 1:00pm
                                                      No Time to Die
                                                      Rated PG-13; runtime 163 minutes.

                                                                           Copies of the books are available at at the Circulation Desk of their
                                                                           respective buildings. Book discussion groups denoted with an asterisk (*)
 will take place both in person as well as on Zoom. Login information for Zoom, if applicable, will be sent to the email address associated with your
 library card on the day of the event.
 Commack                                             Smithtown
 Commack Book Discussion Group *                     Sports Pages Book Discussion Group
 Monday, February 14 • 12:00-1:00pm                  Monday, February 7 • 10:30am-12:30pm
 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E.           The Soul of Baseball: A Road Trip Through
 Schwab                                              Buck O'Neil's America by Joe Posnanski
 Kings Park                                         Clue-A Mystery Book Discussion Group *
 Killer Reads Book Discussion Group *               Wednesday, February 9 • 2:30-3:30pm
 Tuesday, February 8 • 11:00am-12:00pm              Still Life by Louise Penny
 The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
                                                    Smithtown Book Discussion Group
 Nesconset                                          Thursday, February 17 • 10:45am-12:45pm
 Tea-rrific Reads Book Discussion Group             The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
 Tuesday, February 22 • 2:00-3:00pm
 Send for Me by Lauren Fox
 Night Owl Cafe Book Discussion Group
 Thursday, February 24 • 7:00-8:00pm
 Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos
    Commack • Kings Park • Nesconset • Smithtown • (6 31) 360 -2480 •                             • Fe b ruary     202 2 15
(631) 360-2480
      This Newsletter is
      available online.

                                                     3 Indian Head Road                                   1 Church Street
                                                  Commack, New York 11725                           Kings Park, New York 11754
                                                 MONDAY           9:30am-9:00pm                   MONDAY             9:30am-9:00pm               148 Smithtown Boulevard
        1 North Country Road                     TUESDAY          9:30am-9:00pm                   TUESDAY            9:30am-9:00pm               Nesconset, New York 11767
      Smithtown, New York 11787                  WEDNESDAY        9:30am-9:00pm                   WEDNESDAY          9:30am-9:00pm             MONDAY        9:30am-9:00pm
                                                 THURSDAY         9:30am-9:00pm                   THURSDAY           9:30am-9:00pm             TUESDAY       9:30am-9:00pm
      MONDAY          9:30am-9:00pm
                                                 FRIDAY           9:30am-6:00pm                   FRIDAY             9:30am-6:00pm             WEDNESDAY       9:30am-9:00pm
      TUESDAY         9:30am-9:00pm
                                                 SATURDAY         9:30am-5:00pm                   SATURDAY           9:30am-5:00pm             THURSDAY      9:30am-9:00pm
      WEDNESDAY       9:30am-9:00pm
                                                 SUNDAY           1:00-5:00pm                     SUNDAY             CLOSED                    FRIDAY        9:30am-6:00pm
      THURSDAY        9:30am-9:00pm
                                                 (Sept-May)                                                                                    SATURDAY        9:30am-5:00pm
      FRIDAY          9:30am-9:00pm
                                                                                 The Library will be closed                                    SUNDAY        CLOSED
      SATURDAY        9:30am-5:00pm
      SUNDAY          1:00-5:00pm                                                Sunday & Monday, February 20 & 21
     (Sept-May)                                                                  for Presidents Day.
                                                Nesconset Building                                                                 Smithtown
                                                Display Case                                                                       Long Island Room
                                                Dainty Discards                                                                    Coming Soon: Preserving Long Island's Past
              On Exhibit                        View Nancy Bertrand-Loesch's handmade collection of jewelry
                                                and bookmarks crafted from the pages of discarded library books.
          Do you have an exhibit you would
         like to share with your community?
           We would love to hear from you.
                      Please call:
                     Gina Ferreira
               (631) 360-2480 ext. 235

                                                                                                                                   Weather/Emergency Closing Information
Board of Trustees Meeting                     C= COMMACK K= KINGS PARK N= NESCONSET S= SMITHTOWN
Tuesday, February 15 • 6:30pm                                                                                                      For weather closings/delayed openings
Community Room at the                                Program registration is on a first-come, first-served basis–a place in the    please visit:
Nesconset Building                                   program cannot be guaranteed. Dates, times, programs and locations are        • Telephone: (631) 360-2480
The public is welcome.                               subject to change. All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.          • Web:
Library Board of Trustees                            Library staff may take photographs or video recordings at Library             • Facebook:
Brianna Baker-Stines • President                     programs for use in publicity. This includes use in our Newsletter, website     thesmithtownlibrary
Thomas Maher • Vice President                        and social media. Please inform us if you do not want photos or videos        • Twitter: @SmithLibRef
Anita Dowd-Neufeld • Trustee                         taken of you or your child.                                                   • Instagram: @smithlibref
Marie Gergenti • Trustee
Joseph Gregurich • Trustee                           The Library cannot accept bills larger than $20.00 in payment for overdue     • WBLI, WBAB and News12
                                                     items or program registration. Thank you for your cooperation.
Theresa C. Grisafi •  Trustee
Marilyn Lo Presti • Trustee                                                                                                           Large Print and
                                                     The Library is glad to provide reasonable accommodations for patrons
                                                     with special needs. Please call us two weeks prior to a program to make         Braille Newsletter
Robert Lusak
Assistant Director
                                                                                                                                      available upon
Patricia Thomson
Newsletter Editor & Graphic Design
                                                     Assistive Listening Device available: a portable listening device is
                                                     shared among all four Library buildings and is available for use during              request.
                                                     Library programs. The device must be reserved in advance by contacting
Pamela Punger
                                                     a Reference Librarian in any Library building.
You can also read