National Industrial Strategy 2030 - Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy - BMWi
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1 National Industrial Strategy 2030 Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy
Imprint Publisher Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Public Relations Division 11019 Berlin Current as at February 2019 Printed by MKL Druck GmbH & Co. KG, 48346 Ostbevern Design PRpetuum GmbH, 80801 München Image credits Dillinger / p. 12, 13 / Industrieblick / p. 4 Getty Images Westend61 / p. 6 zoranm / p. 10 istockphoto / Aquir / title Kugler / Bundesregierung / p. 1 You can obtain this and other brochures from: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Public Relations Division Email: Central ordering service: Tel.: +49 30 182 722 72 Fax: +49 30 181 027 227 21 This brochure is published as part of the public relations work of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It is distributed free of charge and is not intended for sale. The distribution of this brochure at campaign events or at information stands run by political parties is pro hibited, and political party-related information or advertising shall not be inserted in, printed on, or affixed to this publication.
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 1 Foreword This draft for the first time develops a coherent national and European industrial strategy based on fundamental considerations. It is intended to provide a rational response to one of the most important questions in today’s world: How can we sustainably maintain and develop our high level of private and public prosperity under the conditions of increasing globalisation, hugely accelerated processes of innovation and the expansive and protectionist industrial policy of other countries? Our state has directly assumed responsibility for the creation and maintenance of prosperity since the times of Ludwig Erhard. His programmatic approach of “prosperity for all” formulates a far-reaching political pledge to all citizens across all strata of society. In over seven decades, it has been possible to fulfil this promise to an extent that was impossible to foresee at that time. Today, Ludwig Erhard’s pros- perity pledge has – alongside freedom and secur ity – become part of the national interest of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is guaranteed jointly by the economic sector, social partners and the state. Our high level of prosperity was facilitated by the social market economy which has become estab- lished as the world’s most successful economic model. It was and is superior to any form of planned economy. Elements of a market econ- omy were even introduced in China forty years ago. Since the end of the Cold War, the market economy has been triumphant on a global basis. In Germany, the state has nevertheless intervened time and again in the economic sector with its industrial policy: from the establishment of Air- bus in 1969 through the “rescue attempts” for individual companies (Salzgitter, Holzmann, Opel,
2 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 Quelle) to the settlement of photovoltaic enter- If key technological skills were lost and as a result prises or the production of semiconductors and our position in the global economy damaged microchips. Some interventions failed because substantially, this would have dramatic conse- they fell short and the state is not in principle quences for our way of life, for the ability of the the better entrepreneur. And because unlike the state to act and for its room for manoeuver in case with Airbus, for example, they were aimed almost all areas of politics and sooner or later at isolated effects, triggered misallocations, yet did also for the democratic legitimacy of its institu- not satisfy any strategic function. tions. A completely different approach has therefore The successful management and shaping of the been selected for this industrial strategy. It new global challenges and developments is in the defines those cases in which state activity is direct national and European interest of Germany justified by way of exception or may even be and all member states of the European Union. We necessary to avoid serious disadvantages for the wish to promote innovative technologies to a country’s economy and for the prosperity of the greater extent and to protect strategically import- nation as a whole. It also represents a contribu- ant areas. tion to shaping a future-proof market economy and foundation for a political debate that must Merely sitting on our laurels is not enough; adopt- be held. ing false practices is out of the question. In many cases, strengthening and revitalisation of the Global economic forces are moving quickly. The market economy is the best answer to inexorable world market is in a process of rapid and far- new technological and industrial changes. The reaching change – due to the acceleration of glo- principle applies that we need more, not less, balisation and innovation on the one hand and market economy if we are to maintain the future due to the rise in state interventions and an viability of our economic sector. abandonment of multilateral agreements on the other. This affects countries and companies alike. In some cases, we are finding that the totality of Old stakeholders are disappearing whilst new ones individual business decisions made by the com- are moving to the fore. Trade flows are shifting. panies in a country is not sufficient to balance There are many winners – but also big losers. The out and prevent shifts in forces and prosperity. cards are being reshuffled throughout the world. This is because a company has its sights set on And we are only at the beginning of this wind of its own advancement and not that of the entire change. country. It is in these cases – and only in these cases – that activating, promoting and protective The question facing Germany is how to react to industrial policy finds its justification. If the these new developments and shifts and what market forces within a country’s economy cannot action needs to be taken. As a globally successful maintain its innovative strength and competitive industrial location, German must actively and ness, then it is the responsibility and task of the successfully help to shape this development state to step in. instead of passively tolerating, enduring and let- ting it happen because one thing is certain: com- The strategy presented is based on the tried and petitors do not sleep and there is a lot at stake: tested principles of the social market economy
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 3 and develops criteria which the necessity of state action can be justified in exceptional cases or usually negated. This serves to effectively limit state interventions as well as to legitimise them in those cases in which they are required under higher ranking economic considerations. When my intention to elaborate an industrial strategy was published last autumn, I received a great deal of approval from people from whom I was not expecting: from industry, society and politicians across party boundaries. There were also critical reactions. Both strengthened my conviction that an industrial strategy and the associated debate are useful and urgently neces- sary. Berlin, 5 February 2019 Peter Altmaier Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
4 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 Objective: • The aim of the “National Industrial Strategy • By firmly opposing arbitrary interventions of 2030” is to make a contribution, together with others in the processes of the market econ- stakeholders from industry, to securing and omy and systematically preserving our own regaining economic and technological com- economic interests, Germany and the Euro- petence, competitiveness and industrial lead- pean Union also make a long-term contribu- ership at a national, European and global tion to the development of a global social level in all relevant areas. market economy which can lead to more market and greater prosperity for all. • This is a necessary requirement to lastingly secure and extend the economic power of Germany on the whole and therefore the jobs Initial situation: and prosperity of its citizens. Germany’s current strength in international • One aim here is to gradually extend the share competition is largely based on the strength of assumed by industry in gross value added to its industry. With industry assuming a share of 25 per cent in Germany and 20 per cent in the 23 per cent in the gross value added, Germany European Union by 2030. leads all countries in the EU and occupies an excellent position also internationally. • The means of choice to achieve the goals are rooted in a market economy, private sector We are also so successful as an industrial nation and responsible approach. State activity can by international comparison because we have only come into question as an exception, steadfastly adhered to our industry-based eco temporarily, and only in cases of fundamen- nomic model. German industry is highly competi tal importance once all other options have tive and innovatively strong. In 2015 it invested proven to be inadequate. some EUR 53 billion in research and develop-
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 5 ment, corresponding to 85 per cent of internal Challenges: expenses of the private sector in total which is almost four times as much as its share in gross The excellent economic initial situation is not value added. preordained. It is put into question time and again by international competition and by The key industrial areas in which Germany arbitrary interventions of other states and enter- already or still takes a leading position include prises and must therefore be constantly won and the following: confirmed anew: • Steel, copper and aluminium industry • The advantage of far lower wage and production costs in important threshold countries has so • Chemicals industry far been contrasted by German industry’s large lead in terms of technology and quality. How • Mechanical engineering and plant ever, this lead is slowly evaporating as the construction countries concerned are quickly catching up and extending their skills through comprehen- • Automotive industry sive concepts for the development of techno logical expertise, joint ventures or through • Optical industry company take-overs in Europe. This causes the competitive pressure to increase also in areas • Medical device industry in which German enterprises have so far been without competition. This shift is compensated • GreenTech sector for in part only by the slow increase in wage and social costs in the emerging countries. • Armaments industry • Back in the seventies, Germany lost its hitherto • Aerospace industry leading position in the entertainment electron ics sector, for example, to countries such as • Additive production (3D printing) Japan and South Korea. Since then, this loss has been shown to be seemingly final. Without its large share of industrial jobs, Ger- many could not maintain its high level of in come and its high level of education, environ- • At a later date, this contributed to the inability of Europe to get a foothold in the new fields of mental protection, social security, healthcare telecommunications technology and computer and infrastructure. This is why strengthening electronics (including smartphones, tablets, etc.). the country’s industrial base is in the national interest and a task of national importance for • Innovative carbon fibre materials are largely which the state needs suitable instruments and produced outside of Germany. means. A debate is required in this context and on the requirements and limits of their use • The automotive industry, whose success is of which must be conducted frankly, without pre- great importance for the future of Germany as judice and in a results-oriented manner. an industrial location, has for some time been faced with considerable challenges which have not yet been successfully overcome: the cir- cumstances surrounding high and manipulated
6 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 exhaust gas levels, the development of alterna- scientific and political strengths in the area of tive drives and of electromobility as well as the Artificial Intelligence. The competitive gap significant innovation of autonomous driving behind the major technology group must be and the development of completely new mobil closed, data sovereignty created and the eco ity concepts. nomic potential of the new key technology exploited to its fullest. • Globally successful Internet companies of the platform economy are currently developing • There is a risk of Europe failing to catch up with almost exclusively in the USA and in China international developments in new biotechnol but not in Germany and in the majority of ogies or losing touch with them again if they countries in the EU. This situation does not do catch up. look likely to change so far. There is a need for action here. • New, large and globally successful companies are arising in almost all high innovation areas, • In the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) we still particularly those of digitalisation and AI, with occupy a good position in research. However, huge capital and market force which exceeds there is already much catching-up to do in the that of individual DAX companies. This trend commercialisation of practical applications. has so far passed Germany by. Successful Ger- The gap to the leading Internet companies man and European start-ups in this field are would currently appear to be growing rather increasingly financed by venture capital funds than shrinking: no German company invests in the USA starting from a certain size. They as much in this field as every one of the large therefore gradually become USA-based com- US platform/software/mobile hardware enter- panies – all the more so and faster, the more prises. Germany must pool its entrepreneurial, successful they are.
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 7 So far, it has been possible to compensate for the If the future viability and competitiveness of losses in all of these fields by growth in other, German industry is to be maintained in the long traditionally strong areas. For example, the Ger- term, it must be possible to recognise and esti- man automotive industry has hugely extended mate global development lines in good time. its top position in recent decades. In the pre- Knowledge of current strength may not lead to mium segment, some 80 per cent of cars sold are blindness to coming changes. The Japanese Sony made by German companies worldwide. This group celebrated its largest sales of music CDs at a process has at least meant that the number of time when the zenith of this sound carrier had industrial jobs in Germany could be maintained already been reached and was soon to wane and at a high level. All in all, Germany currently has the opportunity was then no longer seen to tech- more jobs than ever before in its history. nologically heave the Walkman to iPod level. It is precisely in areas of traditional strength that We need an independent, comprehensive and the sweeping consequences of innovation and ruthless analysis of the strengths and weaknesses digitalisation will become ever stronger. The of all economies in the European Union, including hitherto lack of success in the future technolo the German economy. The available studies are gies mentioned will therefore become a direct frequently incomplete or their assessment criteria risk to future long-term success in the tradition opaque. We must know where we stand so that ally strong areas. Our traditional strength in the we can master the future together. core industrial areas can only be maintained if we are also strong in the new future areas. Other countries that count among our main com- petitors have already reacted and repositioned Changes are moving quickly: some time ago. Examples of this, without the need to copy, are as follows, in particular: • Based on scientific studies, we can assume that the number of jobs on the whole will • In the USA, the technological development is increase rather than decrease, but that a large primarily driven by large technology groups number of existing jobs will be affected by such as Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and the transformation. General Electric. Together, they invest three- digit billion sums in research and development • However, in view of the disruptive nature for AI, digitalisation, autonomous driving and of many changes, the risk exists that new, biotechnology. The previous US administration innovative and future-viable jobs will not at least provided extensive support for this necessarily be created in countries and regions development. The current administration is in which existing jobs are lost as a result of making an effort to revitalise and protect tradi- technological progress and increases in pro- tional industrial sectors such as steel, alumin- ductivity. ium, automotive industry and agriculture with its “America First” policy and to relocate lost • This leads to a risk for Germany and Europe shares in value added to the USA. of a considerable loss in value added if they are not successful in achieving a leading posi- • The strengths of the Japanese economy include tion in the disruptive technologies. in particular AI, networked machines and robot- ics alongside the automotive industry. The Jap anese group Softbank has set up an investment fund (Vision Fund) for network technologies
8 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 (Artificial Intelligence, networked machines Strategies of rapid expansion quite evidently and robotics) which is to grow to USD 100 bil- exist with the clear objective of conquering new lion within a decade. markets for own economies and monopolising such wherever possible. • A particularly successful country in terms of industrial policy is the People’s Republic of There are also trends towards sealing-off and China that decided its “Made in China 2025” protectionism, where it can already be seen that Agenda in 2015 in which active industrial pol- their success is doubtful. icy is intended to strengthen key technologies in ten sectors. These include information tech- Politics has ignored the entirety of these devel nology, high-end robotics, aerospace, maritime opments for far too long. It is necessary to industry, electromobility, transport and rail- address them and to develop our own concepts ways, biopharmaceuticals and medical tech- because our partner countries are also doing so nology. In 2017, China announced that it at a political level and setting the path for the sought to be the world leader in Artificial future. Intelligence by 2030. The Chinese state-owned group CMG decided in July 2018 to set up a A German and European policy that fails to con- technology fund worth USD 15 billion (China sider the fundamental challenges of economic New Era Technology Fund) to invest in tech- policy and leaves them unanswered would leave nology companies in China and also around its own companies alone and weaken them in a the world. With the new Silk Road project, difficult phase. China is attempting to proactively secure sales markets and logistics. This strategy, that com- bines market economy principles with pro Ground-breaking innovations as a game active and flanking policy, has so far proved changer: most successful. Companies of international standing have emerged in China and entire Innovation is a continuous process which has industrial areas could become a technological always existed and always will. However, monopoly of these companies in the coming “ground-breaking innovations” occur at lengthier years, with the result that functioning inter intervals and have a fundamental impact on national competition would then no longer be important or even all areas of an economy and its possible. value added chains. Very frequently, these inno- vations are “disruptive”, i. e. they radically break It is evident from all of this that the challenges of with previous processes or technologies and the future were similarly recognised even con- replace them with new ones. They are an enor- siderably earlier in important countries with mous challenge for any highly developed indus- whom we compete and placed on the political trial country. Often they are also disruptive geo- agenda with far-reaching consequences also for graphically and in terms of former market leaders Germany and Europe: and then lead to considerable distortions within a very short period of time. Industrial policy strategies are experiencing a renaissance in many parts of the world. Hardly Examples of this are the invention of the steam a successful country exists that relies exclusively engine, the railway, the exploitation of electricity, and without exception on market forces to the combustion engine and the automobile, the manage the tasks at hand. aeroplane, radio and TV, computer and Internet.
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 9 Only those who have and command the new Applications that are constantly optimised and technologies can lastingly assert their position further developed through machine learning in competition. represent a new and additional acceleration of innovative processes. The decisive AI applica- The most important ground-breaking innovation tions of the future include autonomous driving today is digitalisation and in particular the rapid and medical diagnostics. Germany is still well dissemination of Artificial Intelligence applica- positioned in the field of research but is distin- tions: ctly lagging behind in practical applicability. The development of a global platform economy If the digital platform for autonomous driving at world market level is a logical and inevitable with Artificial Intelligence were to come from further development of market economy on a the USA and the battery from Asia for the cars global scale in the age of the Internet. It can of the future, Germany and Europe would lose increase availability and transparency of prices over 50 per cent of value added in this area. The enormously and therefore contribute to the in associated impact would extend far beyond the ternationalisation of goods and services flows automotive industry itself. This problem there- and to the development of more competition. fore concerns not only the companies in the Conversely, monopolisation by a few companies sector but all economic and state stakeholders can also lead to less market. equally. The large Internet platforms now have huge The interlinking of machine and Internet amounts of capital and data and are becoming (Industrie 4.0) is a further extremely important the drivers of innovation in their turn and are game changer. The division that has so far been changing value added chains throughout the in place between the “real” world of (production) world. machines and the “virtual” world of the Internet is increasingly disappearing. Machines are con- If a large economy is therefore to be successful nected with other machines and people via the on a sustainable basis it must participate properly Internet. The Internet is accorded a new dimen- in the value added by the platform economy. sion; industrial production without the use of This has not so far been the case in Germany and the Internet is no longer conceivable from the Europe, representing a large risk of losing com- point of view of economic efficiency. The ques- petitive positions also in other areas. The cards tion as to which side will take the lead with this have not yet been dealt once and for all in the fusion of machine and network is anything but large and certainly relevant areas of mobility, clear; the change has only just begun. healthcare sector and digital cloud learning (distance learning). However, many companies Further game-changing technologies of the future throughout the world are working on global will presumably be nanotechnology and biotech- leadership in these areas too. nology, new materials and lightweight construc- tion technologies as well as the development of The applications of Artificial Intelligence pre quantum computing. sumably represent the greatest ground-breaking innovation so far since the invention of the steam engine as they extend equally to all econ omic, industrial and service areas, to logistics and transport, to work, private and social life.
10 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 Speed of innovation as a game changer: Compared with earlier periods, the speed of innovation has increased enormously today. The possibilities of television, fax and mobile tele- phony were already known in principle at the beginning of the 20th century. Nevertheless, it took many decades until the technical develop- ment made implementation and commercial isation possible. The speed of innovation – particularly in the rele vant digital and future areas – has accelerated radically over the past 15 years. This means that the risk of losing touch with such developments grows. Companies and economies to which this applies will change from “rule-makers” to “rule- takers”, and become the extended workbench of those countries that have acted in a timely fashion. The speed of innovation will increase drastically once again by linking main aspects of the digital revolution with traditional research and imple- mentation. The use of AI applications will contribute greatly to this. Decisions as to whether to enter into the innovation competition in a certain area must be • The share of industry assumed in gross value added is a quantitative objective and is not taken in future far more quickly within a narrow solely sufficient as a point of reference. How time window, and are far less reversible than was ever, it is an important indicator as to whether the case in earlier innovation cycles. the development is going in the right or wrong direction. An increase to 25 per cent of gross value added is viewed to be expedient and Points of reference for a national possible in Germany. The task is considerably industrial policy: more difficult for the EU as a whole because the process of de-industrialisation is still in • The issue of industrial and technological full swing in many countries. A trend reversal sovereignty and capacity of our economy is is in the German economic interest, however, the decisive challenge to maintaining the as important momentum for all countries is to future viability of our country. Our economy be expected from an industrial renaissance in must be able to withstand global competition Europe. In perspective, the industrial share in in all main areas also in future, particularly the EU as a whole should therefore increase to where key technologies and ground-breaking 20 per cent by 2030. innovations are concerned.
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 11 • Maintaining closed value added chains is in an increasing number of areas is that of the highly important: if all parts of the value critical mass necessary for an industrial stake- added chain exist in an economic area from holder to successfully participate in interna the production of basic materials, through tional competition or to be able to offer certain finishing and processing, to distribution, ser- products and services. Large commercial air- vices, research and development, the individ craft are built by companies only from a certain ual links in the chain will be more resistant, size. The creation and modernisation of the and it becomes more probable that a competi- railway system leads to large projects totalling tive lead can be achieved or extended. This is USD 30 billion and more. Large Internet plat- why we need a holistic approach and analysis forms that are successful on the world market as to where former value added chains have need enormous quantities of capital. The same already been broken or are endangered as well can be said of plant construction, the interna- as an agreement on suitable measures to pre- tional financial and banking sector and of vent or reverse further erosion. many other tasks: they all call for large and strong stakeholders at eye level with competi- • We must extend existing strengths and at the tors from the USA or China. same time launch a catching-up process in areas in which we are better than the others. If a country lacks enterprises of a requisite Experience has shown that once “lost” to critical mass to realise significant projects and other competitors, industrial areas are very assert itself in international competition against difficult to regain. This is why we must fight large competitors, this leads de facto to being for every industrial job. It is misguided to shut out of an important and growing part of make the wrong distinction between “old and the global market. dirty” industries and “clean new ones”. It is therefore worrying that hardly any new • Strengthening industrial small and medium- enterprises of this magnitude have emerged in sized enterprises is of central importance as it Germany for years and that instead former is here that the special strength of our country world leaders such as AEG or Grundig have is to be found. Many such companies have long lost their position. Numerous large global “conquered” parts of the world market with market players have developed in the USA and highly specialised products and applications in China, particularly in the area of telecom- (hidden champions), have enormous techno- munication technologies, the Internet and logical expertise and are highly competitive. digitalisation. This has led to an enormous However, they are faced with huge challenges growth in value added for these countries in as a result of the rapid pace of innovation and some areas. in particular digitalisation because their spe- cial technological capabilities are frequently German or European mergers which are useful to be found in other areas. More than ever and necessary with a view to the global market before, they need customised offers and sup- frequently fail due to the focus on national and port. regional markets in prevailing law. European and German competition law must be reviewed • National and European champions: and changed where applicable so that interna- size matters! tional competition “at eye level” remains pos- A question that increasingly arises from the sible for German and European companies. emergence of a comprehensive global market
12 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 Existing champions such as Siemens, Thyssen- to national security, including the area of criti- Krupp, automotive manufacturers or Deutsche cal infrastructures. Bank have existed for 100 years and longer in some cases and have since become established Where takeover attempts concern technology global players. Airbus is a large more recent and innovation leadership rather than primar success story but even its beginnings go back ily following the state interest in security, it is 50 years. above all a matter for the private German sec- tor and its stakeholders to prevent such take- The long-term success and the survival of such overs by suitable bids. In these cases, the state enterprises is in the national political and eco- can provide encouragement and support. nomic interest because they make a substantial contribution to value added and in many cases Only in very important cases should the state are also jointly responsible for the excellent be able to act as buyer of shares for a restricted image enjoyed by the German economy and period of time. All in all, the stake held by the industry throughout the world. state may not increase in the long term, how ever, which is why the creation of a national • Many companies try to improve their position on certain markets by taking over enterprises participation facility comes into consideration with the requirement of reporting to parlia- in other countries. Germany was and is an ment on a regular basis about the extent of any open country in which takeovers of this kind participation. Taking-over of new stakes must will be possible and desirable also in future as in principle be balanced by the privatisation of this is commensurate with our understanding others. of market economy. • Whether and the extent to which the state The state prohibition of company takeovers by makes use of the options available to it in prin- foreign competitors must be based on strict ciple must be assessed and decided on in requirements in future too and may only hap- accordance with a new economic principle of pen if this is necessary to defend against risks proportionality:
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 13 1. The smaller the economic significance of a the case of Airbus at the time – to achieve process, the less the state may intervene in the objective would appear necessary and the economic process. justified (AI-Airbus). 2. The larger the economic significance of a process, the greater the room for manoeuvre Principles of regulatory policy: for the state must be for active and activating involvement. Where challenges arise that • The framework conditions for industrial pro- are of existential importance to an economy, duction in Germany must be the subject of this can extend to the time-limited taking- constant political review and improvement. over of shares and the granting of subsidies. In recent decades, these framework conditions 3. In principle, every intervention is to be have altered considerably in part through state restricted to the extent that appears neces intervention such as for reasons of environ- sary and suitable to achieve the economic mental protection, climate protection, energy objective. transition, and social policy. This has worsened the costs and therefore the competitive position 4. In terms of the question of battery cell pro- compared with countries in which this is not duction of great importance to the value the case. added chain, state assistance through to support in the formation of syndicates, for Where the state compensates for interventions example, would appear to be useful and necessary for higher ranking political reasons sufficient. in terms of their damaging effects on competi- tion, this is not subsidising but restoring com- 5. By contrast, with respect to the eminently parability in competition. This must be possible important issues of platform economy, in line with EU law. Artificial Intelligence and autonomous driving, a direct state involvement – as in
14 N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2030 Areas where there is a need for action are, for • We wish to strengthen and extend multilat example: eralism because it is the best guarantee against –– Electricity and energy prices protectionism of any kind and also makes a –– Level of corporate taxation substantial contribution to creating economic –– Social security contribution ratio (must be and political stability. guaranteed at below 40 per cent on a per- manent basis) • Free and open markets require comparable framework conditions for all market players • The state may never encroach upon business and competitors (level playing field). They are decisions of individual companies. Every com- not created automatically especially as some pany must be able to decide for itself which states do not play according to existing rules. strategy to follow and which investments to In the interests of its economy, Germany must make. This is borne of a compelling unity of therefore work intensively on eliminating ex decision-making and responsibility. It is isting inequalities and disadvantages. therefore a matter for every individual com- pany to decide whether to invest in new tech- • If it is not possible to create a level playing nologies or not. Success and failure as the out- field for the global social market economy in come of entrepreneurial activity must be the foreseeable future, Germany and Europe equally possible if market economy is really to must take action against distorted competition succeed. from other countries more actively than it has done in the past. Otherwise, there is a danger • The state should also not intervene arbitrarily that efficient companies will be disadvantaged in the competition between individual com- and ousted out by the interventions of other panies, neither in national nor in international countries. This means: competition. Only in this way can the process of optimal resource allocation succeed, the 1. Reviewing and possibly reforming existing better supplier win and the greatest value law on subsidies and competition. added be achieved for all. 2. Facilitating time-limited subsidies in areas • The principles of the market and of the com- of innovation with highly innovative parative advantage (Ricardo) continue to apply ground-breaking impact in which the unaltered. It is in the interests of all stakehold achievement of competitiveness is in the ers to observe and assert them. They mean interest of the economy as a whole. that the success of an individual economy is not to be to the detriment of another econ 3. Taking a more effective stance against omy. Rather, all can grow and become stron- dumping and abuse of market-dominant ger together if these principles are recognised positions. and applied. 4. Facilitating company mergers in areas in • Germany is therefore committed to the prin- which size is an absolute necessity for entre- ciple of free and open international markets, preneurial success. also in those cases in which this principle may disadvantage its own companies. We wish to reduce and abolish global customs duties and taxes, particularly for industrial products in all areas.
N AT I O N A L I N D U S T R I A L S T R AT E G Y 2 0 3 0 15 The European dimension: Further procedure: In view of the great achievement of the Euro- A convincing and successful development and pean single market, German industrial policy implementation of an industrial strategy requires must always also be European industrial policy. the interaction of all main stakeholders. They The following basically applies: those states must jointly agree areas of focus and measures. belonging to the single market have common This does not affect the overall responsibility of economic interests because higher value added the state for the prosperity of its citizens. in one of these states also benefits the econ omies of all other member states of the single This draft is therefore a first step. It does not market. claim to be complete or to enjoy undivided endorsement. In the coming weeks it will be the This is why the European Union also needs an subject matter of intensive discussion with the industrial strategy which must build on the stra- relevant stakeholders from industry, the eco tegies of the most important EU industrial coun- nomic sector, trade unions and the academic tries. Our aim must be to strengthen the indus- world, and similarly with the political parties of trial competitiveness of Europe as a whole. The the German Bundestag and the Laender. process of de-industrialisation in many EU coun- tries must be gradually stopped and reversed. The revised strategy is then to be agreed within This will only be successful if the EU member the federal government and decided on by the states commit jointly to this goal. federal cabinet. So far there has been much discussion and deci- Similarly, a road map with specific implementa- sion-making in the European Union and in the tion steps where statutory amendments and other Eurozone about fiscal issues but far too little on measures are necessary (e. g. competition law, par fundamental issues of economic policy. There ticipation facility). are several different council formations in which individual aspects of economic policy are discus- On the basis of the national strategy, the federal sed (Competitiveness Council, Trade Council, government will then commit to the rapid pre- Telecommunication Council, Energy Council), paration and adoption of a corresponding EU but no centralised European instance that brings industrial strategy and advocate an intensive dia- together, discusses and decides on all different logue on subjects of industrial policy in the aspects. remaining member states. The European format of “Friends of Industry” If the strategy is to be successful, it is important was a first step in the right direction. In addition for a focused assessment of the actual develop- to this non-binding exchange, the European ment of industrial policy and appropriateness of Union needs a “Council of Industrial Ministers” the policy of the federal government to take in future by which the number of existing indi- place at regular intervals without involving a vidual councils are not to be increased, however, new, complicated and elaborate monitoring pro- but reduced. cess. I propose the beginning of 2021 as a suitable starting date for this.
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