National Action Plan for Germany 2011 - UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
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UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014 National Action Plan for Germany 2011 E D U C AT I O N | S C I E N C E | C U L T U R E | C O M M U N I C AT I O N
Co n t e n t Table of contents Welcoming notes..................................................................................... 4 Foreword................................................................................................. 6 The UN Decade of ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ 2005–2014.............................. 7 Objectives of the National Action Plan....................................................12 Documents.............................................................................................17 UN Resolution: ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (2002).................................................................................................................................. 17 ‘Hamburg Declaration’ by the DUK on ‘The Learning of Sustainability’ (2003).................................... 19 Bundestag resolution to initiate an ‘Action Plan for the UN World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (2004)................................................................................. 21 Recommendation by the KMK and DUK on ‘Education for Sustainable Development at School’ (2007)......................................................................................................................................... 26 Bundestag resolution to ‘Continue the active implementation of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (2009) ................................................................................ 32 ‘Bonn Declaration’ by the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (2009) ....................................................................................................... 34 Declaration by the HRK and DUK on ‘Universities for Sustainable Development’ (2010)................... 39 Discussion paper by the DUK on ‘Delivering Future Capacity in the Kindergarten’ (2010)................. 42 Policy paper on ‘Biological Diversity and Education for Sustainable Development’........................... 45 Statement for the Preparatory Process of the Earth Summit 2012 (Rio+20) by the National Committee for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2011)................................................................................................................................. 51 2
Content How is the Decade being implemented in Germany?.............................52 The institutional framework...................................................................................................................... 52 Contribution of the Federal states............................................................................................................ 55 World Decade Projects.............................................................................................................................. 57 Cities and Local Authorities of the World Decade.................................................................................. 64 Official Measures of the World Decade................................................................................................... 66 The ESD portal, Days of Action and annual themes............................................................................... 68 Decade Timeline....................................................................................................................................... 69 Next steps..............................................................................................70 Strategy for the Second Half of the Decade............................................................................................ 70 Outlook....................................................................................................................................................... 77 Appendix................................................................................................78 List of abbreviations.................................................................................................................................. 78 Bibliography............................................................................................................................................... 79 Members of the National Committee...................................................................................................... 80 Institutions at the Round Table................................................................................................................. 82 Contact information................................................................................................................................... 85 Publishing credits...................................................................................................................................... 88 3
We lc o m i n g n ot e s Welcoming note by the German President Creating a bright tomorrow involves ask Development plays an important role ing the right questions today. Convincing in sensitising people to these issues and solutions and patterns of behaviour need integrating them into the processes of to be developed and put into action. The lifelong learning. UN Decade of Education for Sustainable German President Christian Wulff, Patron of the UN Decade Education for Sustainable Development. Welcoming note by the Director of the UNESCO Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development UNESCO’s vision regarding Education novative pedagogies, and links education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is to other development priorities nationally clear: every human being should benefit and internationally. The conference set from an education that provides the val the stage for the second half of the UN ues, competences, knowledge and skills Decade and reaffirmed the commitment required to shape the future in line with of Member States, partners and UNESCO the demands of sustainable develop to the DESD, for which UNESCO is the ment. ESD creates active and responsible lead agency. citizens ready to address challenges like climate change and to act in an increas Building on the outcomes of the Bonn ingly complex world. It is the objective of Conference, UNESCO has increased its the UN Decade of Education for Sustain efforts to assist Member States and other able Development (DESD, 2005–2014) stakeholders to revise education poli to integrate this fundamental education cies, plans and curricula in the light of concept into all areas of education and ESD. The biggest challenge of our time, learning. climate change, now plays a central role in our ESD activities and will be an im The UNESCO World Conference on portant strategic focus of our programme ESD in 2009 in Bonn, which was kindly in the coming years, together with biodi hosted by the German Government, reaf versity and disaster risk reduction. These firmed that ESD is crucial for attaining three themes provide key entry points quality education. ESD increases the rel into the broader agenda of ESD. evance of learning content, provides in 4
Welcom i n g n ot e s UNESCO is concentrating some of its education initiative. The German imple concrete efforts in ESD on those de mentation of the Decade, which is coor veloping and least developed countries dinated by the National Commission for most in need of assistance. At the same UNESCO with funding from the German time, we will continue to raise the profile Government, has successfully combined of ESD at the global level, including in political advocacy with the promotion of connection with the UN Conference on concrete practical education projects. On Sustainable Development to be held in that basis, ESD in Germany has enjoyed June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, where the a remarkably high level of stakeholder essential contribution of education and involvement across society and an extra learning to achieving green societies ordinary degree of visibility. must be recognized. UNESCO is also working towards ensuring that the imple I am therefore honoured to welcome this mentation of ESD will continue beyond revised National Plan of Action for the the end of the Decade in 2014. Given the UN Decade and wish all stakeholders massive global challenges we are facing, involved every success in the coming equipping individuals and societies for years. UNESCO continues to count on building a viable future is something that Germany’s vital contribution towards certainly will remain on the global educa maintaining and increasing the momen tion agenda. tum of the Decade. We look forward to working with Germany as a close partner From the beginning of the Decade in in the effort, through ESD, to ensure the 2005, Germany has been one of the most relevance of education today. active countries implementing this major Mark Richmond Director, Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development UNESCO 5
Fo r ewo r d Foreword Dear Readers, Climate change, famine, the extinction of The first National Action Plan was pub species – in view of the many challenges lished back in 2005. It identified four we face in Germany and worldwide it strategic goals for Germany: 1. Further has long become clear that we must ex develop and pool activities in the field of plore new approaches in our behaviour, Education for Sustainable Development, lifestyle and economic system. We don’t and broaden and deepen good practice; have much time to do this and change 2. Create a network of Education for will not happen by itself. The goal of sus Sustainable Development protagonists; tainable development cannot be achieved 3. Improve public awareness of Educa without a change of mentality and the tion for Sustainable Development; and commitment of all citizens. 4. Strengthen international co-operation. An updated version of this Action Plan For this reason, in 2002 the United was published in 2008. Nations designated the years 2005 to 2014 the World Decade of Education The current National Action Plan for for Sustainable Development. Its vision: 2011 to 2014 further refines these four every person should acquire the values, sub-goals against the background of cur knowledge and skills that he or she needs rent developments. In addition, the ‘Strat in order to make their own life and life egy for the Second Half of the Decade’, on Earth sustainable. All Member States jointly developed in 2010, sets specific are called on to implement this education priorities. All protagonists nationwide campaign in their own country. are encouraged to actively contribute to its implementation so that the ten years of In Germany, the German Commission for the Decade in Germany leave their mark UNESCO (DUK) coordinates the proc and send a signal that there should and ess, based on a unanimous Bundestag will be no dropping behind the standards resolution. We have created a National set by this educational concept. Committee for this purpose and estab lished a coordination centre funded by Therefore the second focus of this pub the Federal Ministry of Education and lication are the political resolutions, Research. With its support, we lobby declarations and recommendations that decision-makers in German politics and form the basis for the Decade both in civil society regarding the potential of ternationally and nationally, or that have Education for Sustainable Development, been developed as part of the Decade. As and its ability to make education future- key reference documents they give all proof. We create a common platform for protagonists and stakeholders an over all protagonists, providing impetus in view and the information necessary to the form of content and ideas, and mak continue championing the objectives of ing their activities visible to the public. the Decade in their respective contexts. Not least, over 1300 recognised Decade Projects send a clear message. In the interests of us all, I wish us good luck with this going forward. And for now, I wish you an enjoyable and inform ative read! Former minister Walter Hirche, President of the German Commission for UNESCO 6
The UN Decade o f Educ ation for Su stainable Developmen t 2 0 0 5 – 2 0 1 4 The UN Decade of ‘Education for Sustainable Development ’ 2005–2014 The United Nations (UN) proclaimed the years 2005 to 2014 as the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO was tasked with the international coordination of the Decade. By proclaiming this Decade, the United Nations and UNESCO are sending out the signal that sustainable development concerns us all. We face crucial challenges that can only be tackled together. We have the responsibility and the opportunity to shape our lives so that everyone can live well – future generations as well as people in other parts of the world. A major global education initiative is needed to establish the necessary thinking and action, and to strengthen, promote and permanently embed it worldwide. The aim of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is to open up educational opportuni ties for everyone that enable them to acquire knowledge and values as well as to learn the behaviours and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation (UNESCO 2005). All UNESCO Member States are called on to make a concerted effort to implement this goal at national level. What is sustainable development? solution: sustainable development is an ongo ing and comprehensive social process of change An unchanged perpetuation of the current life and transformation. At the same time, the urgent styles and economic activity of our industrialised challenge of responsibly dealing with our planet’s society would lead to dramatic increase in eco resources and ecological capacity is connected logical risks, economic crises and social injustice with the need to help improve living conditions in on our planet. The concept of sustainable devel poorer countries and take local responsibility for opment developed by the ‘Brundtland Commis global developments. sion’, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), back in 1987 was The debate about the necessity and opportunities based on this insight: “Sustainable development of sustainable development is being conducted is the kind of development that meets the needs with great intensity worldwide, with different of the present without compromising the ability countries focusing on different aspects. of future generations to meet their own needs.” What is important for this is a vision oriented to For example, in less developed countries the both the present and the future, one that is marked focus is primarily on meeting basic needs as set by a common awareness of environmental, social out in the United Nation’s Millennium Develop and economic factors while also remaining open ment Goals (UN 2000). In other words, in many to change. Because there is no ‘once and for all’ places the approaches focus on securing the basic 7
Th e UN D e ca d e of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014 foundationsof life such as food and medical care, Given this background and the goals mentioned and on realising universal primary education (Ed earlier, wherever processes of sustainable devel ucation for All). In Germany, however, issues such opment are being striven for, there must be posi as resource-conserving consumption, the reduc tive answers to two questions: do the political, tion of climate change, safeguarding biodiversity, economic, and/or social actions promote an indi and improving educational opportunities in the vidual and general welfare that is freely accessible knowledge society are high on the agenda. Other to all? And: do these actions reduce the ecological priorities include the issue of the responsibility footprint? borne by industry, trade and the financial sector, and possible alternatives to the current universal goal of ‘growth’. Being aware of these different What does ‘Education for interpretations of sustainable development de Sustainable Development’ mean? pending on cultural and socio-economic context is a crucial element in understanding the concept of sustainability. There has long since been worldwide agreement on the fact that thinking and acting in the spirit However, the quest for justice and fairness is a of sustainable development has become an urgent common denominator in the various perspectives necessity. As long ago as 1992, at the United Na on sustainability: fairness between generations tions Conference on Environment and Develop and fairness between the world’s various regions, ment in Rio de Janeiro, 180 countries agreed to nations and cultures. For this reason, beyond make significant changes to their economic, social the three ‘classic’ dimensions of sustainability and environmental policies. In Agenda 21, they – ecology, economy and social matters – the basic agreed specific projects and measures to do this. principles of the ‘sustainability’ concept also “The commitment and genuine involvement of all include global responsibility, cultural diversity institutions and social groups,“ and hence „new and political participation. Achieving sustainable forms of participation“ were also cited as prereq development in the interests of future genera uisites for sustainable development here (UNCED tions and global justice requires taking a balanced 1992). This applies for individual citizens as environmental, economic and social approach to well as for social institutions and democratically managing our dynamically changing world, and legitimised organs of the state. But sustainable involving all people(s) in the political decision- development cannot be achieved with a top-down, making processes. centrally controlled strategy. It must be ‘brought to life’ locally and implemented in an ongoing so cietal process of change. Nor do skilled involve Voice of the next Generation: the Young ESD Voices at the World Conference 2009 8
The UN Decade o f Educ ation for Su stainable Developmen t 2 0 0 5 – 2 0 1 4 ment and effective participation arise on their Education for Sustainable Development is an in own. This transformation process cannot work tegrative concept: it integrates the ecological, eco without a corresponding change in mentality. It is nomic and socio-cultural dimensions of a problem not merely about knowing the facts and contexts, and takes into account the interlacing of global, but also about how people put the knowledge to regional and local structures and processes. It use: the step from knowledge to action. It is about is based on a long-term view and considers the their motivation, the skills needed, and the ability present from the perspective of the future. The to keep reorienting oneself in complex situations. concept is ethically founded, as it incorporates intra- and intergenerational fairness as well as The path to sustainability involves, not least, gender equality. It not only considers humans, but education. It is the task of education to put people all forms of life and habitats. in a position to shape their personal, social and global development in a sustainable way. This Education for Sustainable Development also insight caused the World Summit for Sustainable involves innovations in the educational institu Development in Johannesburg, ten years after Rio tions themselves: educational institutions, too, de Janeiro, to highlight the role of education in must meet the requirements of sustainable de the global change of course toward sustainability. velopment. This applies for the participation of As a consequence, in December 2002 the General teachers and learners in decision-making proc Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 2005 esses, as well as for their culture of teaching and to 2014 the World Decade of Education for Sus learning and for staff qualifications. And not least tainable Development (UN 2002b – see page 17). it also includes designing and managing the build ings, and procuring the materials for them, in a The name reflects a concept of education that is spirit of sustainability. challenging and yet very down-to-earth: Educa tion for Sustainable Development (ESD) aims to Education for Sustainable Development therefore Education for enable all people to acquire the values, knowledge affects all areas of the formal education system Sustainable and skills required to shape their life and society as well as non-formal education and informal Development – in a sustainable way. First and foremost, Educa learning: in children’s day-care centres, schools, An integrative tion for Sustainable Development helps people universities, vocational education and continuing concept acquire the skill to shape their own future. On the education and cultural institutions or research in one hand, people need to know how processes of stitutes. Education for Sustainable Development sustainable development are advanced, and how is relevant for municipalities, associations, clubs, to recognise processes of development that are not companies and families, cultural institutions and sustainable. And on the other hand, it means they the media. acquire the values and skills that motivate them and empower them to promote and substantially In Germany there are a multitude of extra-cur advance sustainable development individually and ricular establishments, such as adult education in cooperation with others. centres and centres of learning, and a very wide spectrum of informal learning situations – such as Young ESD Voices At the 2009 UNESCO World Conference in Bonn, 25 young adults from around the world were invited to attend a workshop before the opening. Its findings would be used in the conference. One of the questions the ‘Young ESD Voices from around the World’ What is ESD for me? had to answer in their applications was: What is ESD for me? The quotations in this publication give an insight into the range of their responses. 9
Th e UN D e ca d e of Education for Sustainable Development 2005 –2014 when opportunitiesfor learning are created in the Foundations of the UN Decade in context of leisure/recreational activities. This edu Germany cational landscape is always in flux. The ongoing educational reforms in Germany are causing new curricula to be developed, new learning methods UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scien to be established and networks with local partners tific and Cultural Organization, is lead-managing to be promoted. Education facilities are opening the Decade of Education for Sustainable Devel up to new collaborations between the various opment. In Germany, the German Commission sites of learning. Informal and lifelong learning for UNESCO (DUK) submitted an important are gaining importance in the same measure as reference document: the ‘Hamburg Declaration’ traditional places of learning and formal educa of summer 2003, which formulated central aims tion sectors are having to be redefined due to rapid for the upcoming Decade under the catchphrase processes of change. The task at hand is to take ‘The Learning of Sustainability’ (DUK 2009 – advantage of these circumstances and opportuni see page 19). In May 2004, the DUK convened a ties in order to reach everyone with Education for National Committee to implement the UN Decade Sustainable Development. The United Nations in Germany. On 1 July 2004 the Bundestag unani Decade provides a shared framework for this. mously voted to initiate an Action Plan for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development as part of the Federal Government’s sustainability strategy (Bundestag 2004 – see page 21). In 2005 the UN Decade was inaugurated in Germany with the objective of making Education for Sustainable Development a priority in all areas of education. In doing so, the implementation of the Decade in Germany can build on a number of international and national developments. At international level, the governments that Education for Sustainable Development signed Agenda 21 at the 1992 World Summit on ·· concerns every one of us Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro ·· facilitates the ongoing process of sustainable underlined the role of education in Chapter 36. development The Federal Republic of Germany’s own poli ·· creates future opportunities for individuals and society cies to date have explicitly pursued the ideal of ·· promotes local and global responsibility sustainable development as set forth in Agenda ·· contributes to acceptance of processes of change in 21. Germany is one of 53 members of the Com society mission for Sustainable Development (CSD). ·· is a cross-sectoral task with an integrative function This body, founded in 1992 as a sub-organ of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is tasked with facilitating the effec tive implementation of Agenda 21 worldwide and also, since 2002, of the Johannesburg Action Plan, which is based upon it and first set out quantifiable goals. In addition, the Commission is to develop proposals for the further promotion of sustainable development. On a national level and with reference to German education policy, the decade is also able to link to many activities and agenda-setting decisions. For instance, as early as 1997 the Standing Confer ence of Ministers of Education and Cultural Af fairs issued a resolution on sustainable develop ment (KMK 1997). Based on this it has adopted two further milestones for ESD since the beginning of the UN Decade: in June 2007, the KMK and DUK jointly published 10
The UN Decade o f Educ ation for Su stainable Developmen t 2 0 0 5 – 2 0 1 4 the recommendation on ‘Education for Sustain principles of sustainable development, and pro able Development at School’ they developed as vides guidelines for further anchoring Education part of the UN Decade (KMK/DUK 2007 – see for Sustainable Development in education sys page 26). At the same time the ‘Cross-Curricula tems worldwide. The UNESCO General Confer Framework for Global Development Education ence unanimously endorsed the Bonn Declaration in the context of Education for Sustainable (UNESCO 2009 – see page 34). For UNESCO, Development’ prepared in cooperation with the the Member States, and other players around the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and world the Bonn Declaration serves as the basis for Development (BMZ) was presented, suggesting their strategies for the second half of the Decade. ways that Germany’s Federal states could – in The conference marked the mid-term evaluation the context of ESD – especially integrate global of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable issues and themes of sustainable development Development (2005–2014). The Bonn Confer into the curriculum (KMK/BMZ 2007). In ac ence also dealt with drafting the half-time report cordance with a KMK resolution of 12 May 2011, presented at the United Nations in autumn 2010. the Cross-Curricula Framework is being updated The report highlights ESD activities in all regions as a joint KMK/BMZ project in 2011 and 2012 of the world, but also points to the large regional and expanded to include other Secondary School disparities in its implementation and the existing Level I subjects and departments. need for action up to the end of the decade. The policy of the Federal Government contains The goals set by the German protagonists of the The World Conference numerous points that the UN Decade can pick UN Decade and this Action Plan build especially in Bonn 2009 was up on. For instance, as early as 1998 the former upon the aforementioned Bundestag resolution of an important milestone Bund-Laender Commission for Educational 2004 and the Hamburg Declaration of 2003. In in the international Planning and Research Promotion (BLK) pub the international context, German activities for implementation of lished its ‘General framework on Education for the UN Decade take their cue primarily from the the Decade Sustainable Development’ (BLK 1998). Two ‘International Implementation Scheme’ presented years later the Bundestag adopted a resolution by UNESCO (UNESCO 2005) and the ‘UNECE on ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ Strategy for Education for Sustainable Develop (Bundestag 2000). In 2001 the Federal Govern ment’ (UNECE 2005), as well as the Bonn Decla ment established a Committee of State Secretaries ration. The concept of sustainability formulated for Sustainable Development, and appointed the therein and the ESD objectives set out therein ‘Council for Sustainable Development’, which serve as key reference values for the National published its recommendations for a sustainable ActionPlan. It is the common reference document education policy in 2010 (RNE 2010). In 2002, for protagonists in Germany involved in imple the Federal Ministry for Education and Research menting the Decade. (BMBF), acting on the Bundestag’s ‘Educa tion for Sustainable Development’ resolution of The first National Action Plan was published 2000, presented the first ‘Federal Government in 2005 and was updated in 2008. The present Report on Education for Sustainable Develop revisionaddresses the current state of the Decade ment’, which described the progress made in Ger activities and provides an outlook for the period many’s various educational sectors in the years until 2014. 1997–2001 (BMBF, 2002). Follow-up reports were published in 2005 and 2009 (BMBF 2005, BMBF 2009). A major milestone in the international implemen tation of the UN Decade in recent years was the first UNESCO World Conference on ESD, which took place in Bonn in the spring of 2009. The conference was organised by UNESCO and the BMBF in cooperation with the DUK. It brought together 900 delegates and experts from some 150 countries, including around 50 ministers and dep uty ministers. The ‘Bonn Declaration’ adopted as a consensus from this gathering issued an urgent appeal, given the global challenges, to UNESCO and its Member States to align education to the 11
Ob j ec t i v e s of t h e N ational Action Plan f or Germany The 1000th Decade Project is honoured at the didacta 2010 fair in Cologne Objectives of the National Action Plan The primary goal of the strategies formulated in the Action Plan is to permanently embed the concept of sustainable development throughout all education sectors in Germany, so that Germany can make substantial progress toward sustainable development – initially until 2014, but in principle also beyond this date. As a country with special international responsibility, Germany is pursuing this approach at both the national and international levels. To achieve this primary goal, Germany has set four strategic objectives. 1. Further develop and pool ·· Ensure that decision-makers in the Federal activities,and ensure the transfer Government, Federal states, companies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), of good practice to a broad base associations and communities recognise the opportunities ESD offers; embrace the cause It is crucial to take In Germany there is a broad spectrum of ESD of ESD; and actively work for its integration the step from project initiatives and good practice. A lot of innovative into all educational sectors. towards structural and successful activities are in place all over the anchoring country and in all sectors of education, but not ·· Further develop ESD concepts for the early- always at the same level of intensity and – still – childhood development sector in such a way not with the necessary degree of proliferation that they can be put into practice in a grow and anchoring. The task for the next few years is ing number of children’s day-care centres. therefore to ensure that these activities are further Anchor ESD in the new education plans for developed, interrelated more amongst each other, the elementary level, and expand staff quali and made available to the entire educational land fication accordingly. Based on the discussion scape. It is crucial to take the step from temporary contribution developed by the German Com project towards a permanent anchoring in the mission for UNESCO (DUK) as part of the structure. The idea is to reach all educational insti Decade, ‘Delivering Future Capacity in the tutions from children’s day-care centres, schools, Kindergarten: Giving Children a Stronger universities and vocational education facilities to Role, Advancing Sustainable Development’ continuing education centres, as well as the broad (2010), cultivate an intensive exchange about spectrum of informal learning places, and estab implementing the recommendations between lish sustainability as an object of lifelong learning. decision-makers and experts. All protagonists are called on to focus especially ·· Systematically establish ESD in schools for on working towards the following sub-goals in the general education, based on the KMK/BMZ next few years: ‘Cross-Curricula Framework for Global 12
Objectives o f the National Action P lan f o r G e r m a n y Development Education in the context of ·· ESD is characterised by numerous cross- Education for Sustainable Development’ and sectoral issues. For example, no educational the KMK/DUK ‘Education for Sustainable area can be singled out to assess the sustain Development at School’ recommendation of ability of products and services and of one’s June 2007. This refers both to the refinement own lifestyle all on its own. In addition to of guidelines and curricula and to promoting the formal educational sectors informal the development and profiling of schools in the education is of great importance for ESD. spirit of ESD. Another part of this is to strive Intensify the consideration of aspects of for comprehensive education and training sustainability in the mass media, in work of teachers in this area of learning. Intensify place communications, and in leisure acti cooperation with partners outside the school vities. The goal is to increase the public’s sector, and utilise instruments to improve knowledge of sustainability and to expand and assure quality. Recognise schools that their awareness of the existing necessities are particularly active in the field of ESD. and opportunities to take their own actions. ·· Make available examples of good practice, As part of the ‘Strategy for the Second especially from model projects and research Half of the Decade in Germany’ (see results in the area of corporate and educa page 70), possible approaches for realis- tional vocational training, for broad-scale ing this objective were further assessed use in vocational education. One important according to importance and feasibil- focus in this process is the integration of ity. The points mentioned there under ESD aspects in the regulations on vocational Priority1 ‘Underlining the fundamental education/training. It is important to advance contribution of ESD to educational not only the content aspect of sustainability- qualityand anchoring ESD in all sectors related professions, but also to pursue the of the formal Education’ contribute to didactic principles that support Education for the realisation of this sub-objective. Sustainable Development. ·· Based on the Declaration of the University Rector’s Conference and the DUK ‘Univer 2. Create a network sities for Sustainable Development’ (2010), of ESD protagonists intensify and structurally integrate ESD at Universities for Sustainable Development. As an integrative educational concept, ESD is Give student initiatives devoted to this area a promoted by a wide range of protagonists and platform and support them in their demands. players in public administration, business, NGOs, educational institutions and various areas of ·· Increasingly integrate sustainable-develop politics, such as education, development, the ment topics in extracurricular learning and environment, consumer affairs and economics. continuing education. Expand forms of public Networking between these protagonists, as well participation in shaping the public sphere and as their communications to the outside, needs to future policies as important areas of life-long be further improved in order to win new demo learning. Systematically open up initiatives graphics for ESD. Because of Germany’s feder from independent educational institutions and alist educational system, the Federal states are of in the context of projects, evaluate them using great importance and have great potential. Since quality criteria, and further develop them. the launch of the UN Decade in Germany, numer ous State Plans of Action have been developed by the Federal states (see page 55). At the regional and local government level, there is also the special opportunity of getting existing local pro tagonists involved, not least because education that takes place ‘on location’ always takes place ‘for the location’, too (see page 64). 13
Ob j ec t i v e s of t h e N ational Action Plan f or Germany All protagonists are called on to focus especially research, international activities and news on on working towards the following sub-goals in the the web portal. next few years: As part of the ‘Strategy for the Second ·· Deepen the involvement of protagonists in Half of the Decade in Germany’ (see the various educational fields that make sig page 70), possible approaches for realis- nificant contributions to ESD (such as global ing this objective were further assessed learning, environmental education, intercul according to importance and feasibility. tural education, consumer education, civic The points mentioned there under Priori- education, health education), in line with ties 4 and 5 ‘Intensify cooperation ESD’s claim to being an integrative approach. with the private sector / local authorities’ contribute to the realisation of this sub- ·· Support protagonists through central spe objective. cialised service agencies and trained ‘multi pliers’, including in the areas of vocational education and training, universities, extra curricular education and informal learning. 3. Improve public awareness Establish mentor- and sponsorship schemes of Education for Sustainable that let experienced players and projects make their expertise available to ‘beginners’ Development interested in ESD. Nearly everyone endorses the basic ideas of ·· In the school sector, expand existing national sustainable development. Education plays a sig networks (e. g. UNESCO ASPnet School, nificant role in this and, by imparting relevant ‘International Agenda 21 Schools’) and other knowledge and values, it creates the conditions initiatives, especially state-specific ones, and necessary for these principles being put into use them intensively for broadening the dis practice in everyday life, in the workplace and semination of ESD. Also, intensify the vari in society as a whole. A deeper understanding of ous forms of cooperation with extracurricular the contexts of sustainable development also con partners such as the private sector, munici tributes to a greater public acceptance of measures palities and NGOs. Student enterprises are a initiated on a political level to promote sustainable particularly promising tool for reaching less development. The UN Decade of Education for scholastically inclined teens. Here, the task Sustainable Development seeks, through projects, is to continue developing existing student persons and organisations throughout Germany, enterprises for the purposes of ESD and to to enhance public awareness of the fact that each establish new, sustainable student enterprises. and every person can support and help shape sus tainable development. Its goal is to demonstrate ·· Expand local networks by involving local the chances that lie in this educational concept, authorities, businesses, non-school youth and stimulate interest in them. and adult education facilities, clubs, founda tions, and social and cultural institutions. The All protagonists are called on to focus especially ‘Lernende Regionen’ (Learning Regions), on working towards the following sub-goals in the local educational landscapes, and community next few years: education networks provide good models for this. ·· Ensure that, as citizens become more aware of the importance of sustainable develop ·· Establish a network between Decade Projects ment, they begin to recognise the personal to enable knowledge transfer and mutual options available to them for promoting sus motivation. tainability and start demanding more ESD offers proactively. ·· Expand the academic research on ESD and link it more closely with the practical imple ·· Familiarise professionals in all educational mentation of ESD. sectors with the essential elements of ESD. Make sure they see ESD not as one educa ·· Publicise examples of good practice, inno tional approach among many, but as a com vative ideas and plans, ESD protagonists prehensive new approach to teaching and and their activities, findings from relevant learning and interacting with the world. 14
Objectives o f the National Action P lan f o r G e r m a n y ESD makes it easier for people to rethink the true meaning of development and put it into action. Shankar Musafir, India What is ESD for me? ·· Increase media coverage of how people can tunity of making a difference internationally and acquire awareness for acting in the spirit of contributing to achieving a global perspective and sustainable development. Have them refer global cooperation. One of the priorities in imple directly to the UN Decade in their reporting, menting the UN Decade in Germany is therefore to illustrate the worldwide common frame of to contribute Germany’s experience and model reference, the importance of the issue, and the solutions into the global discussion on ESD while quality of the presented activities. The media also learning from the experience and positions of should motivate people to take action. other countries and cultures. ·· Make the ESD achievements of high-quality All protagonists are called on to focus especially projects and communities visible by recog on working towards the following sub-goals in the nising them as official UN Decade of ESD next few years: projects/communities. This recognition illus trates to the public the diversity of possible ·· Intensify international cooperation and part approaches to ESD, encourages the parties nership, so as to contribute to the international involved to continue their commitment, and success of the UN Decade. In 2009, halfway motivates other people to actively and practi through the Decade, Germany organised the cally deal with this issue themselves. ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ World Conference. Steadily expand the con tacts for which this joint UNESCO/BMBF As part of the ‘Strategy for the Second event in cooperation with the DUK laid the Half of the Decade in Germany’ (see basis. page 70), possible approaches for realis- ing this objective were further assessed ·· Give Germany’s contributions to the UN according to importance and feasibility. Decade international visibility, among other The points mentioned there under things through the worldwide network of Priority2‘Increase the public visibility UNESCO National Commissions and the of ESD’ contribute to the realisation UNESCO Secretariat in Paris. of this sub-objective. ·· Introduce examples of good practice from other countries into the German education 4. Strengthen international sector. Strengthen the global perspective and international exchange to significantly enrich cooperation the German education sector. Shaping the future of life on our planet in a sus ·· Increase the integration of ‘Sustainable De tainable way is an objective that depends more on velopment’ as a focus topic in educational successful international cooperation for its attain projects and programmes at European level, ment than virtually any other political goal. As a and have the EU Commission define relevant global initiative, the UN Decade offers the oppor thematic emphases. 15
Ob j ec t i v e s of t h e N ational Action Plan f or Germany ·· Further expand the focus on ‘education’, protagonists and interested parties. New experi ‘the environment’, and ‘sustainable use of ences, insights and current events will influence resources’ in Germany’s bilateral and multi the UN Decade’s progress and therefore both our lateral development cooperation with partner general and strategic aims, too. In addition to countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, these objectives, the numerous policy statements and with ‘threshold countries’, especially and recommendations that have been drawn up in with regard to the Millennium Development recent years in the run-up to the Decade and as Goals. part of its activities also serve as benchmarks and signposts. They are meant to support protagonists The strategic objectives of the National Action in their work and lend urgency to the shared cause. Plan were drawn up in cooperation with respon sible parties at Federal, state and local level, from business and academia, as well as other As part of the ‘Strategy for the Second civil-society groups. They serve as guidelines Half of the Decade in Germany’ (see for strengthening ESD in Germany. It is the re page 70), possible approaches for realis- sponsibility of the National Committee of the ing this objective were further assessed UN Decade appointed by the German Commis according to importance and feasibility. sion for UNESCO to continuously observe and The points mentioned here under assess how we are progressing on this path. The Priority3 ‘Strengthen ESD internationally’ UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Devel contribute to the realisation of this sub- opment is an ongoing process that welcomes all objective. For me ESD is the only way to establish equity on our planet. Leonardo Enrique Velasquez Garcia, Honduras What is ESD for me? 16
D ocu m e n t s Documents UN Resolution ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (2002) UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTION 57/254 Adopted at the 78th plenary meeting on 20 December 2002 without a vote, on the recommendation of the Committee (A/57/532/Add.1, Clause 10). 57/254. United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development The General Assembly, of education for sustainable development starting Recalling chapter 36 of Agenda 21, on promot in 20052, ing education, public awareness and training, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Emphasizing that education is an indispensable Environment and Development, held in Rio de element for achieving sustainable development, Janeiro, Brazil, in 19921, 1. Decides to proclaim the ten-year period be Reaffirming the internationally agreed de ginning on 1 January 2005 the United Nations velopment goal of achieving universal primary Decade of Education for Sustainable Develop education, in particular that, by 2015, children ment; everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling, 2. Designates the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as the lead Appreciating the contribution made by the agency for the promotion of the Decade, and Commission on Sustainable Development to the requests it to develop a draft international im issue of education for sustainable development plementation scheme, clarifying its relationship since the United Nations Conference on Environ with the existing educational processes, in par ment and Development, ticular the Dakar Framework for Action adopted at the World Education Forum3 and the United Welcoming the fact that the Plan of Implemen Nations Literacy Decade4, in consultation with the tation of the World Summit on Sustainable De United Nations and other relevant international velopment (‘Johannesburg Plan of Implementa organizations, Governments, non-governmental tion’) confirmed the importance of education for organizations and other stakeholders, with a view sustainable development and recommended that to providing recommendations for Governments the General Assembly consider adopting a decade on how to promote and improve the integration 17
Do cu m e n t s of education for sustainable development in their 1 See Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and respective educational strategies and action plans Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3–14 June 1992 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigenda), vol. I: Resolutions at the appropriate level; adopted by the Conference, resolution 1, annex II. 2 See Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 3. Invites Governments to consider the inclu Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August–4 September 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.03.II.A.1 and corrigendum), sion of measures to implement the Decade in their chap. I, resolution 2, annex. respective educational strategies and action plans 3 See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza- tion, Final Report of the World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal, by 2005, taking into account the international 26–28 April 2000 (Paris, 2000). implementation scheme to be prepared by the 4 See resolution 56/116. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul tural Organization; 4. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-eighth session an item entitled ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’. The value of ESD lies in respect - respect for other people, living now or in the future, respect for their diversity, for the environment and for the resources of our living planet. Berate Sotima Constant, Benin What is ESD for me? 18
D ocu m e n t s ‘Hamburg Declaration’ by the DUK on ‘The Learning of Sustainability’ (2003) 63rd General Assembly of the German Commission for UNESCO (DUK) Hamburg, 10–11 July 2003 The Learning of Sustainability: Hamburg Declaration by the German Commission for UNESCO on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) As recommended by the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, on 20 December 2002 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the years 2005 to 2014 the ‘World Decade of Education for Sustainable Developmentʼ. UNESCO was tasked with its coordination. In autumn 2003 its General Conference will adopt corresponding resolutions. In this connection, the German Commis- sion for UNESCO adopted the following ‘Hamburg Declaration’ at its General Assembly on 11 July in Hamburg: The German Commission for UNESCO welcomes the decision of the UN General Assembly to declare Attitudes, a World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. It serves to highlight the importance of ways of thinking education and lifelong learning for a comprehensive sustainability policy. The orientation of cultural and behaviour and educational institutions and educational curricula towards the ideal of sustainable development is need to be changed a joint international, worldwide task; a task for which experience and ideas must be gathered from all countries. It not only concerns schools, universities, institutions of continuing education, and research institutes: kindergartens, clubs, businesses and families are also places of learning. It requires a change in the entire population’s attitudes, ways of thinking and behaviour. Industrialised societies in particular are called upon to develop sustainable economies and new patterns of consumption, taking into account the interrelationships between ecological, economic, social and cultural processes. The aim is a genera tional contract in which the people alive today pledge, in meeting their own needs, to preserve equal options for future generations. The German Commission for UNESCO calls upon all responsible stakeholders from Federal govern ment, Federal states and local authorities as well as interested business, research and education institu tions and civil-society groups to form an ‘alliance for the learning of sustainability’ in order to develop a common Action Plan for the UN Decade, and create programmes and coordination mechanisms for its implementation. I. respect as the teaching of sustainable habits of consumption. Education for Sustainable Develop The German Commission for UNESCO recom ment requires interdisciplinary, action-oriented mends that the following measures be included in teaching, innovative concepts and integrated a National Action Plan: cross-curricular lesson materials (such as Agen da 21 kits). In particular, kindergartens and pri 1. Existing networks such as the UNESCO As mary schools require expert support and suitable sociated Schools, European Eco-Schools or BLK materials. 21 schools should be used intensively for the transfer of innovation, and should receive appro 3. Education for Sustainable Development re priate support. Projects tested to date should be quires teachers, educators, trainers and a variety expanded and integrated into classroom teaching of multipliers. Any training deficits should be at the various school levels. identified and eliminated. 2. Textbooks, curricula and examination criteria 4. Following the example of the ‘Learning Re should be revised with the Agenda 21 goals in gions’, extracurricular youth and adult learning mind. Scientific knowledge, intercultural compe and continuing education should be developed tence and the development of comprehensive in cooperation with local Agenda 21 initiatives participation skills are just as important in this and non-governmental organisations, associa 19
Do cu m e n t s tions, foundations and community groups, as well 10. Research on the topic of Education for Sus as museums and cultural institutions, artists, the tainable Development should be intensified. media, and educational services. Networks such as environmental centres, development policy The German Commission for UNESCO will organisations, UNESCO biosphere reserves and actively participate in this joint task and commu World Heritage Sites are ideally suited for ad nicate the experience gained to an international vancing the learning of sustainability through audience through UNESCO. innovative projects. II. 5. Cooperation with business is an essential prerequisite for successful Education for Sustain By setting annual themes, UNESCO shall provide able Development. Examples include partnerships incentives for state and civil society participation between schools and companies; the organisa in all Member States and promote the worldwide tion of student enterprises; and the signing of reorientation of education to the goal of ‘learning in-house Agenda 21 agreements at companies. sustainability’. The German Commission for The revision of vocational education programmes UNESCO therefore proposes the following ten in accordance with Agenda 21 principles should subjects as possible annual themes for the be discussed in an international context via the Decade: UNESCO International Centre for Technical and ·· Consumer behaviour and sustainable econo Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC) mies in Bonn. UNEVOC can build on the results and ·· Cultural diversity resolutions of the 1999 International Congress on ·· Health and quality of life Technical and Vocational Education in Seoul. ·· Water and energy supply ·· Biosphere reserves as places of learning 6. The ‘UNI 21 – Higher Education for Sustain ·· World Heritage Sites as places of learning able Development’ study commissioned by the ·· The learning of sustainability in our knowl Federal government should be used to encourage edge society German universities to commit to the Agenda 21 ·· Citizen participation and good governance concept. This includes integrating the dimensions ·· Poverty reduction through sustainable devel of sustainability into research and teaching. opment projects ·· Fairness between generations: human rights 7. Educational institutions should be encouraged and ethical orientation to organise the management of their own institu tions in accordance with sustainability criteria. In reference to the ‘The Results of the World Initiatives, groups, associations and NGOs should Summit in Johannesburg’ resolution by the 62nd be encouraged to create exemplary ‘beacons of General Assembly of the German Commission sustainability’. of UNESCO in Nuremberg of 8 November 2002, the German Commission of UNESCO suggests 8. Structures and working methods should be that the German Federal government work, created for a national ‘alliance for the learning of within the intergovernmental bodies of UNESCO, sustainability’. These include: towards UNESCO incorporating sustainability ·· A national committee with a secretariat that perspectives in all programmes in order to imple coordinates Decade projects; brings together ment the results of Earth Summit 2002 in Johan various stakeholders at a ‘round table’; and nesburg. Innovative interdisciplinary projects in adopts the Action Plan; education, science, culture and communica ·· A reporting process to enable regular moni tion should be developed for this. The German toring of the Decade; UNESCO Commission asks the Federal govern ·· The establishment of an informal group of ment to prepare its own German contributions to public figures who support the objectives of the planned UN World Decade of Education for the Decade and advocate them in public; Sustainability (2005–2014). UNESCO should ·· A network-based platform for sharing infor be tasked with working out an international re mation and experience during the Decade. commendation on ‘The Learning of Sustainable Development’. 9. Government research funding should effec tively support the goals of sustainability. Coordi nation and networking between Federal and state technology programmes should be improved. 20
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