Napoleon's Shadow Facing Organizational Design Challenges in the U.S. Military

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Napoleon's Shadow Facing Organizational Design Challenges in the U.S. Military
Napoleon’s Shadow
               Facing Organizational Design
               Challenges in the U.S. Military
                                                      By J o h n F . P r i c e , J r .

       n the world of competitive triathlons,        that impede flexibility, adaptability, and         and creating more direct communications.
       there is a saying: “You might not win         creativity and undermine the execution             Our staff organization must be fixed.”3
       the race in the swim, but you can cer-        of its operations in an increasingly chal-                Despite this acknowledgment of the
       tainly lose it there.” The maxim empha-       lenging environment. In 2001, Major Eric           problems generated by outdated structure,
sizes how initial actions lay the foundation         Mellinger, USMC, wrote, “The modern                the military has continued to resist change in
for success or failure. For leaders, decisions       military staff embodies the industrial age         most sectors. This resistance is grounded in
on organizational structure are similar to           precepts of hierarchical, vertical flows of        the daunting size of DOD, the natural inertia
the triathlon swim; it may not be the key to         work and supervision.”2 This critique echoed       of the organization, and its accustomed use of
organizational success, but failure to recog-        the indictment leveled by General Anthony          the “vertical flow of control, facilitating dis-
nize the importance of structure selection           Zinni, USMC, the former commander of               semination of orders from top to bottom and
and maintenance—and the impact it has on             U.S. Central Command. He stated, “Napo-            ensuring compliance from bottom to top in
employee performance—could easily be the             leon could reappear today and recognize my         a rapid efficient manner.”4 Since this empha-
source of downfall.                                  Central Command staff organization: J-1,           sis is unlikely to change, the key to getting
      Next to choosing the organization’s            administrative stovepipe; J-2, intelligence        leaders to adopt a new structure depends on
strategy, the selection of organizational            stovepipe—you get the idea. The antiquated         showing the adverse impacts of the current
structure is arguably the next most impor-           organization is at odds with what everyone         structure on organizational performance
tant decision leaders make. In Designing             else in the world is doing; flattening organi-     and employee behavior and how both will
Organizations, Jay Galbraith points out,             zation structure, decentralizing operations,       improve through structural change. As a
“By choosing who decides and by designing
processes influencing how things are decided,

                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Navy (Spike Call)
the executive shapes every decision made in
the unit.”1 In today’s fast-paced, competitive
environment, organizations can ill afford
to neglect the advantages that come from
organizational design. Despite this reality,
large traditional organizations such as the
Department of Defense (DOD) continue to
maintain stifling, rigid bureaucracies that
hamstring talent and place the organization
at a disadvantage.

Defensive Structures
      While still the premier fighting
force in the world, the U.S. military stub-
bornly retains organizational structures

                                                                                           Army lieutenant colonel briefs commanding general Joint Task
Colonel John F. Price, Jr., USAF, is Vice Wing                                             Force–Haiti on internally displaced persons camps in Port-au-
Commander for 375th Air Mobility Wing and recently                                                              Prince during Operation Unified Response
completed a tour on the Joint Staff.

48    JFQ    / issue 68, 1 st quarter 2013                                                                                         ndupres s . ndu. edu
Napoleon's Shadow Facing Organizational Design Challenges in the U.S. Military

RAND study pointed out, “The challenge for        navigational choices are addressed only by            Napoleon’s shadow and improve organi-
the U.S. military is to develop new organiza-     the most entrenched in the organization.              zational design. However, in most cases,
tional structures that achieve the efficiencies   Furthermore, the functional stovepipes that           the structural adjustments were temporary
and creativity businesses have gained in the      comprise the central columns of the orga-             fixtures stood up to address a specific con-
virtual and reengineered environments,            nizational structure only serve to fracture           tingency operation, acquisition program,
while at the same time retaining the elements     teamwork, collaboration, and knowledge                or other “hot topic.” Interestingly, in many
of the traditional, hierarchical, command         distribution. It is no surprise that then-            cases, these ad hoc organizations are cross-
and control system (for example, discipline,      Brigadier General Zinni and others argued,            functional or matrixed structures specifically
morale, tradition) essential for operations in    “In a crisis, the dusty wire diagram sitting          designed to cut through the day-to-day
the combat arena.”5                               atop most of our desks does not spring into           bureaucracy. Somehow, we have realized
                                                  action as one amorphous mass.”8                       these reliable structures are preferred for
Beyond the Org Chart                                    The current structure undermines the            crisis scenarios when speed, accuracy, and
      To appreciate the impact of structural      amazing talents of officer and enlisted Ser-          creative thinking are at a premium, but when
decisions, we must comprehend the multiple        vicemembers by burying them under excess              the crisis ends, we return to the sluggish,
components of the structural dimension.           layers of supervision and constructing                stovepiped hierarchy.
According to recent research by Joseph            barriers to information exchange. Instead                    One aspect that makes this more dif-
Krasman, a comprehensive look at structure        of creating opportunities, the oppressive             ficult is the challenge of transitioning the
requires consideration of routinization, stan-    structure stifles initiative and slowly drains        entire military structure. Instead of reform-
dardization, span of control, formalization,      talent from the organization. As Arno                 ing one or even a set of organizational
and centralization.6 Taken together, these        Penzia, Bell Laboratory’s chief scientist,            charts, adaptation for DOD would require
components provide a significantly expanded       states, “The problem with hierarchies is that         the near simultaneous transition of thou-
concept of organizational structure, and it       people at every level have the power to say           sands of organizational charts. The reality
becomes easier to see how structure deci-
sions have so much influence on employee
behavior.                                             despite the problems generated by outdated structure, the
      Leaders must also contend with the                military has continued to resist change in most sectors
fact that organizational design is a continual
process. As Galbraith points out, “Leaders
must learn to think of organize as a verb,        no.”9 The unfortunate reality in the military         of this obstacle was seen in the recent efforts
an active verb. Organizing is a continuous        is that most of those people telling you “no”         of U.S. Southern Command to reform its
management task, like budgeting, scheduling       do not have the authority to tell you “yes,”          organizational structure. In a progressive
or communicating.”7 Unfortunately, some           but are still able to clog the arteries of the        attempt to depart from the Napoleonic
organizations, especially large ones, continue    organization.                                         stovepipes, Admiral James Stavridis created
to view organizational structure as a one-              In a terrible irony, the effort by senior       a matrixed organization focused on its
time, foundational decision that they are         military leaders to smooth decisionmaking             primary mission areas. However, as soon as
reluctant to revisit because of the extensive     and improve control only results in slowing           the Haitian earthquake crisis hit and exten-
repercussions of organizational structure         down the organization and stifling its ability        sive coordination was required with external
changes. However, the dangers of failing to       to react to opportunities and threats. Instead        agencies, the command reverted to the
adapt are much more significant than the          of helping the organization, the structure            traditional J-structure mid-crisis primar-
inconveniences of structural change, even in      fosters dependence and a greater need for             ily because of the structural misalignment
a large hierarchical bureaucracy.                 direction from senior leadership. As Martin           with other DOD organizations. While some
                                                  van Creveld states, “An organization with             would use this example to derail future
Impact of Inaction                                a high decision threshold—that is, one in             restructuring efforts, the real lesson lies in
       While effective in the dissemination       which only senior officials are authorized            the need for a coordinated overhaul of the
of top-down direction, the current military       to make decisions of any importance—will              entire system, and that overhaul needs to
structure has numerous adverse impacts on         require a larger and more continuous infor-           start now.
the military members currently serving. At        mation flow than one in which the threshold                  Radical steps are required by defense
the individual level, the military’s hierarchi-   is low.”10 It is time for senior defense leaders to   leaders. In Leading the Revolution, Gary
cal bureaucratic structure undermines cre-        recognize the impediment that the organiza-           Hamel points out that “Nonlinear innova-
ativity, hinders empowerment and sense of         tional structure has become and consider the          tion requires a company to escape the shack-
ownership, and fosters cynicism. The same         consequences of failing to change in the face         les of precedent and imagine entirely novel
organization that rapidly responds around         of difficult economic pressures and myriad            solutions.”11 For DOD, the novel solution is
the globe to the directions of senior officers    military threats.                                     an adaptive organizational structure that
provides almost no voice to the hundreds of                                                             flattens the hierarchy, empowers the mem-
thousands in the lower ranks. As a result,        Leaving Napoleon Behind                               bership, and fosters flexibility and creativity.
the organization’s adaptability and flex-             Over the last decade, the military has            This organizational design should consist
ibility are significantly impaired because        made a few feeble attempts to step out of             of the following characteristics identified by

  n d u p res s                                                                                         issue 68, 1 st quarter 2013 / JFQ    49
Special Feature | Napoleon’s Shadow

William Fulmer in his Shaping the Adaptive          organizations and promote a DOD-wide                              the combatant commands occupy the execu-
Organization:                                       shift driven by the natural tendency of mili-                     tion role as they employ today’s force, while
                                                    tary organizations to seek alignment.                             the Services are charged with the preparation
     ■■ decentralization                                   If we know it is time to restructure—                      role of generating tomorrow’s force while
     ■■ high spans of control                       and it appears the logical starting point is                      sustaining today’s. However, when we look
     ■■ extensiveuse of temporary structures        the Joint Staff—the question remains: what                        at each organization’s staff arrangement, we
     ■■ powerful information systems                should the new structure look like? By fol-                       typically see execution centered on the J3
     ■■ constantly evolving structure.12            lowing Louis Sullivan’s maxim “form ever                          but also distributed across the staff, while
                                                    follows function,” we find our structural                         preparation roles are scattered across the
      Decentralization removes the barriers         answer by looking at the core purpose of                          functional stovepipes.
to creativity and freedom of action, while          our military enterprise.14 If we filter through                         The temporal dividing line must be the
wide spans of control reduce the layers of          all of the creative language in the national                      driving force in the staff reorganization effort
bureaucracy and keep senior officials more in       strategy documents and observe how the                            instead of attempting to organize around
touch with operations.13 Increasing the use of      organization is resourced, it is apparent that                    the competing demands of geography and
temporary structures enables adaptation and         DOD is focused on two desired outcomes:                           functional capabilities. The current system
flexibility and indirectly provides a forum         win the current fight (in whatever form that                      disperses parts of execution and preparation
for structural experimentation within the           may be), and prevent/ prepare to win the next                     throughout the organization and desynchro-
organization. Information systems enable            conflict—in order to secure America’s global                      nizes the efforts. Even worse, because the
networking and collaboration in virtual             position. This description of the military’s                      system has aspects of execution laced across
structures and allow members to escape              core purpose can be condensed down to two                         the organization, it results in every functional
geographical or functional barriers. Finally,       foundational concepts that form the basis                         area gravitating to current operations, which
the establishment of structure as a variable        for a new military structure: execution and                       causes the entire organization to dive to the
instead of a fixed entity fosters a learning        preparation.                                                      tactical level. To avoid this reality, temporal
organization culture, which is vital in today’s            These two pillars are the major                            separation, instead of functional “cylinders of
environment.                                        operating lanes on every staff and in every                       excellence,” must be the basis for staff design.
                                                    functional area. They represent the tempo-                        This simple bifurcation would significantly
Act Now                                             ral separation we see between operational                         compress the staff structure to reflect priority
        While some would have us wait for           planning and execution, between procur-                           of effort—again, execution and preparation.
the elusive “time of peace” to implement            ing capabilities and employing them, and                          It would also reduce the problems of duplica-
change, now is the perfect time to execute          between recruiting and training personnel                         tion of effort and information fratricide by
needed structural change in DOD. Budgetary          and deploying and employing personnel. If                         eliminating the artificial barriers formed by
contractions and impending personnel draw-          we look at DOD on a grand scale, it becomes                       the functional arrangement.
downs demand increased efficiency and place         clear that this preparation/execution divide is                         The implementation of this construct
a great deal of stress on the existing structure.   the primary separation between the Services                       would result in the elimination of functional
Congressional pressure to reduce the bloat of       and combatant commands. For the most part,                        hierarchies on the military staffs. Instead
the general/flag officer corps creates oppor-
tunities to eliminate excess structural layers.
                                                      Decentralized, Cross-functional Staff Concept
It is time to stop renting extra office space
in Northern Virginia because the Pentagon
                                                                                                 Director of Staff Synchronization manages work flow and
staffs long ago outgrew one of the world’s                                                                     spans current-future transition
largest office buildings and start organizing
for 21st-century operations.                                                                            Director of Staff Synchronization ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
        While a comprehensive reform effort
will involve all of DOD, the proper starting
point for the process must be with the Joint                                                                         Operational Processes
                                                                                                         (Plans, Programs, Budgets, Posture, Risk/Readiness)
                                                                                                                                                                         ✯ ✯ ✯ P R E PA R AT I O N

Staff. As an extension of the Chairman, this
                                                                                 ✯✯✯ EXECUTION

staff serves as the interface with both the         Directors of Execution
                                                                                                                      Operational Enablers
Service staffs collocated in Washington and            and Preparation                                 (Intelligence, Logistics, C4ISR, Personnel, Legal, Medical)
the combatant command staffs distributed                 integrate all
                                                          aspects of
around the world. The Joint Staff helps to                                                                              Operational Areas
                                                      current and future                                    (Africa, Europe, Asia, Americas, Pacific, Space)
facilitate the interchange between the Ser-               operations
vices’ organize, train, and equip missions;
the combatant command’s regional engage-                                                                     Operational Domains / Capabilities
                                                                                                             (Land, Naval, Air, Space, Cyber, Nuclear, SOF)
ment operations; and the Office of the
Secretary of Defense’s guidance and policy.
Organizational change efforts at this critical                                                                     Cross-functional Teams
juncture will cascade into the partnering                                                        (Crisis Action, Operational Planning, Working Groups, etc.)

50    JFQ   / issue 68, 1 st quarter 2013                                                                                                              ndupres s . ndu. edu

                                                                                                                             or collectively in crisis. While this structure
U.S. Navy (Spike Call)

                                                                                                                             may seem foreign on initial review, there are
                                                                                                                             numerous examples of it already residing in
                                                                                                                             our staffs. The Pakistan-Afghanistan Coor-
                                                                                                                             dination Cell is a perfect example of a highly
                                                                                                                             effective cross-functional team that existed
                                                                                                                             independently on the staff before recently
                                                                                                                             being absorbed by the J5. Another example
                                                                                                                             common to many staffs is the commander’s
                                                                                                                             action group. These multifunctional minia-
                                                                                                                             ture think tanks, designed to tackle issues for
                                                                                                                             senior commanders, are perfect examples of
                                                                                                                             how a standing, matrixed team concept could
                                                                                                                             be employed. Senior functional area experts
                                                                                                                             would still be resident in the staff to assist
                                                                                                                             with developmental and assignment issues,
                                                                                                                             but the elimination of the functional direc-
                                                                                                                             torates would remove barriers to collabora-
                                                                                                                             tion and improve staff integration.
                                                                                                                                    Transitioning the Joint Staff and com-
                                                                                                                             batant command staffs to this model would
                                                                                                                             not be easy because it would remove numer-
                                                                                                                             ous layers of the hierarchy and deal a serious
                                                                                                                             blow to the functional stovepipes. However,
                                                                                                                             the improvements in agility, collaboration,
                                                                                                                             and end-to-end process management would
                                                                                                                             be significant. Shifting our major staffs to
                                                                                                                             focus on operational execution and prepara-
                                                                                                                             tion helps ensure unity of effort and continu-
                                                                                                                             ity in plans, programs, and budgets.
                                                                                                                                    While significant detail would need to
                                                                                                                             be added to make this concept a reality, it is
                                                                                                                             clear that this approach could provide several
                                                                                                                             key benefits. First, it ensures the entire staff
                                                                                                                             is focused on the core DOD mission and not
                                                                                                                             divided by functional allegiances. Secondly,
                                                                                                                             it ensures the return of a strategically focused
                                                                                                                             staff by devoting a large portion of the staff
                           Army colonel briefs commander of United                                                           to focus on future strategic development.
                           Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
                                                                                                                             The intentional temporal separation would
                                                                                                                             be complemented by the consolidation of
                         of having directorates focused on person-         tions would be the present out to 6 months,       the staff, which would ensure sufficient
                         nel, intelligence, logistics, and so forth, the   where future operations would take the lead.      connections to current operations to enable
                         revised staff would matrix each of these          The word operations in this construct has         continuity of thought in concepts, planning,
                         functions into the core areas of execution        a greatly expanded meaning to include all         and lessons learned. Third, the consolidation
                         and preparation depending on its role. While      aspects of military operations from budget-       of the staff into a single current and future
                         functional leadership would still exist, the      ary planning and platform procurement to          operations group would enable the elimina-
                         overall coordination of effort across the staff   kinetic operations in a combat zone.              tion of numerous general/flag officer posi-
                         would be greatly simplified. The combatant              This staff is not intended to operate       tions that were previously required to lead
                         commander or Chairman would be able to            in functional areas. Instead, it is designed      the numerous directorates. Instead of serving
                         focus attention on two primary channels:          to operate like a joint task force or a cross-    as stovepipe chieftains, the remaining senior
                         current operations and future operations.         functional team that pulls together the           officers would be true generalists charged
                         The dividing line between current and future      desired expertise to address specific issues as   with facilitating the efforts of the cross-
                         operations in this construct would differ         they arise. Instead of continuing the current     functional teams. Fourth, the removal of
                         significantly from present models. While          process of creating ad hoc groups every time      bureaucratic layers and duplication of effort
                         some fluctuation would be needed to balance       an issue arises, team members are aligned         combined with improved coordination would
                         workloads, the baseline for current opera-        in cells capable of working independently         provide increased staff efficiency in the face

                           n d u p res s                                                                                     issue 68, 1 st quarter 2013 / JFQ    51
Special Feature | Napoleon’s Shadow

                                                  of impending personnel cuts. Finally, and                   4
                                                                                                                 Arthur Huber et al., The Virtual Combat

                                                  most importantly, the “practice like you play”        Air Staff: The Promise of Information Technologies
                                                  maxim would finally be realized in the head-          (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1996), 2.

             from NDU Press                                                                                      Ibid., xiii.
                                                  quarters staffs as the agility, creativity, and             6
                                                                                                                 Joseph Krasman, “Taking Feedback-Seeking
                                                  expertise of the cross-functional teams seen
for the                                                                                                 to the Next ‘Level’: Organizational Structure and
                                                  during crisis response become the normal              Feedback-Seeking Behavior,” Journal of Manage-
Center for Technology and National                mode of operations.                                   rial Issues 23, no. 1 (April 2001), 10.
Security Policy                                                                                               7
                                                                                                                 Galbraith, 154.
Institute for National Strategic Studies          Closing Thoughts                                            8
                                                                                                                 Anthony C. Zinni, Jack W. Ellertson, and
                                                         As this article is being written, the most     Robert Allardice, “Scrapping the Napoleonic Staff
                                                  substantial cuts in military spending in the          Model,” Military Review 72, no. 7 (1992), 84.
                                                  last several decades are being considered,                  9
                                                                                                                 William Fulmer, Shaping the Adaptive Orga-
                                                  and the recent Quadrennial Defense Review             nization (New York: AMACOM, 2000), 184.
                                                  stated that one of its two goals was “to further
                                                                                                                 Martin van Creveld, Command in War
                                                                                                        (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985), 236.
                                                  reform the Department’s institutions and                    11
                                                                                                                 Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution
                                                  processes to better support the urgent needs
                                                                                                        (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000), 14.
                                                  of the warfighter.”15 The need for structural               12
                                                                                                                 Fulmer, 179.
                                                  reform combined with the fiscal demand                      13
                                                                                                                 Mellinger, 25.
                                                  for efficiencies, taken together, should                    14
                                                                                                                 Steven Bradley, “Does Form Follow Func-
                                                  provide sufficient motivation for leadership          tion?” Smashing Magazine, March 23, 2010, avail-
                                                  to consider resuming their responsibilities           able at .
                                                  revolutionize the antiquated structures in                  15
                                                                                                                 Quadrennial Defense Review Report (Wash-
                                                  the Services. If we are truly serious about           ington, DC: Department of Defense, February
Defense Horizons 73                               improving efficiency, saving taxpayer dollars,        2010), iii, available at .
Toward the Printed World: Additive                and taking care of our people, what could be
Manufacturing and Implications for                better than doing all three by improving the
National Security                                 organizational structure?
                                                         Think about the increased accessibility
By Connor M. McNulty, Neyla Arnas,                to leadership, the increased span of control,
and Thomas A. Campbell                            and the decentralization that would occur
                                                  from this action. While the concept presented
Additive manufacturing—commonly
                                                  is only one of many options that could be
referred to as “three-dimensional
                                                  pursued, it should be clear that there is great
printing”—is a fast-growing, prospective
game-changer not only for national                value in pursuing design ideas that break the
security but also for the economy as a            mold of the past in order to make the orga-
whole. This form of manufacturing—                nization more competitive and sustainable
whereby products are fabricated through           in the future. Do we have the courage to put
the layer-by-layer addition of material           structure back in the leadership discussion, or
guided by a precise geometrical computer          are we doomed to follow Napoleon through
model—is becoming more cost-effective             another century? JFQ
and widely available. This paper introduces
nontechnical readers to the technology,
its legal, economic, and healthcare issues,                            Notes
and its significant military applications
in areas such as regenerative medicine                1
                                                         Jay Galbraith, Designing Organizations: An
and manufacturing of spare parts and              Executive Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process
specialized components.                           (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002), 6.
                                                         Eric Mellinger, “Cutting the Stovepipes: An
                                                  Improved Staff Model for the Modern Unified
                                                  Commander,” unpublished manuscript, April
                                                  2001, 31, available at .
                                                         Anthony C. Zinni, “A Commander Reflects,”
                                                  U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 126, no. 7 (2000),
      Visit the NDU Press Web site                36.
  for more information on publications

     52    JFQ   / issue 68, 1 st quarter 2013                                                                                     ndupres s . ndu. edu
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