NanotatoR: a tool for enhanced annotation of genomic structural variants - BMC Genomics

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Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics      (2021) 22:10

 SOFTWARE                                                                                                                                         Open Access

nanotatoR: a tool for enhanced annotation
of genomic structural variants
Surajit Bhattacharya1, Hayk Barseghyan1,2,3, Emmanuèle C. Délot1,2 and Eric Vilain1,2*

  Background: Whole genome sequencing is effective at identification of small variants, but because it is based on
  short reads, assessment of structural variants (SVs) is limited. The advent of Optical Genome Mapping (OGM), which
  utilizes long fluorescently labeled DNA molecules for de novo genome assembly and SV calling, has allowed for
  increased sensitivity and specificity in SV detection. However, compared to small variant annotation tools, OGM-
  based SV annotation software has seen little development, and currently available SV annotation tools do not
  provide sufficient information for determination of variant pathogenicity.
  Results: We developed an R-based package, nanotatoR, which provides comprehensive annotation as a tool for SV
  classification. nanotatoR uses both external (DGV; DECIPHER; Bionano Genomics BNDB) and internal (user-defined)
  databases to estimate SV frequency. Human genome reference GRCh37/38-based BED files are used to annotate SVs
  with overlapping, upstream, and downstream genes. Overlap percentages and distances for nearest genes are
  calculated and can be used for filtration. A primary gene list is extracted from public databases based on the patient’s
  phenotype and used to filter genes overlapping SVs, providing the analyst with an easy way to prioritize variants. If
  available, expression of overlapping or nearby genes of interest is extracted (e.g. from an RNA-Seq dataset, allowing the
  user to assess the effects of SVs on the transcriptome). Most quality-control filtration parameters are customizable by
  the user. The output is given in an Excel file format, subdivided into multiple sheets based on SV type and inheritance
  pattern (INDELs, inversions, translocations, de novo, etc.).
  nanotatoR passed all quality and run time criteria of Bioconductor, where it was accepted in the April 2019 release. We
  evaluated nanotatoR’s annotation capabilities using publicly available reference datasets: the singleton sample
  NA12878, mapped with two types of enzyme labeling, and the NA24143 trio. nanotatoR was also able to accurately
  filter the known pathogenic variants in a cohort of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for which we had
  previously demonstrated the diagnostic ability of OGM.
  Conclusions: The extensive annotation enables users to rapidly identify potential pathogenic SVs, a critical step toward
  use of OGM in the clinical setting.
  Keywords: Optical genome mapping, Annotation, Structural variants

* Correspondence:
 Center for Genetic Medicine Research, Children’s Research Institute,
Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC 20010, USA
 Department of Genomics and Precision Medicine, School of Medicine and
Health Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                      Page 2 of 16

Background                                                        complex genomic rearrangements and increase SV break
With the advent of the high-throughput short-read sequen-         point resolution [13, 14]. They have been critical to shed
cing (SRS) techniques, identification of molecular underpin-      light on the “dark” regions of the genome where short
nings of genetic disorders has become faster, more accurate       reads had been insufficient for accurate assembly [15].
and cost-effective [1]. SRS platforms used for whole exome        However, as LRS still isn’t in wide use, SV detection pipe-
(WES) or genome (WGS) DNA sequencing produce billion              lines have seen slower development than SRS-based algo-
of reads per run, typically limited in length to 100–150 base     rithms, and both quantity and quality of identified SVs
pairs (bp) [2]. When WES started being used in clinical           vary significantly between tools [16].
diagnostic practice, it was reported to be effective in identi-      In parallel, a method not based on sequencing, optical
fying pathogenic genetic variants in approximately 30% of         genome mapping (OGM, Bionano Genomics), provides
cases [3–5]. Even with technological evolution and more           much higher sensitivity and specificity for identification of
widespread practice, reports of diagnostic yields between 8       large SVs, including balanced events, compared to karyo-
and 70%, depending on the disease [6] suggest that a large        type, CMA, LRS and SRS [17–20]. For example, a compari-
fraction of cases remain undiagnosed. WGS was shown to            son of OGM, PacBio LRS and Illumina-based SRS on the
be more effective than WES in identifying single nucleotide       same genome showed that about a third of deletions and
variants (SNVs; a change or variation of a single bp in the       three quarters of insertions above 10 kb were detected only
genome) or small insertions and deletions (INDELs; inser-         by OGM [17]. For OGM, purified high-molecular-weight
tion or deletion of 1 to 50 bps) than WES [7, 8]. However,        DNA is fluorescently labeled at specific sequence motifs
both WES and WGS are ineffective in identification of             throughout the genome (reviewed in [21]). The labeled
structural variants (SVs, insertion, deletion, duplication, in-   DNA is imaged through nanochannel arrays for de novo
version, or translocation greater than 50 bps in size) or copy    genome assembly. Assembly and variant calling are per-
number variants (CNVs; duplication or deletion SVs that           formed using algorithms provided by Bionano Genomics
affect larger regions of the chromosome) because short            and/or tools developed by the community, such as OMblast
reads cannot span repetitive elements or provide contextual       [22] or OMtools [23]. OGM has been effective in identify-
information. Many algorithms have been designed for de-           ing pathogenic variants in patients with cancer [24–26],
tection of SVs in short-read-based sequences (69 of them          Duchenne muscular dystrophy [27], and facioscapulohum-
were compared in [9]). However, performance analyses              eral muscular dystrophy [28, 29]. Importantly OGM has
highlight their limitations such as low concordance, poor         allowed refinement of intractable, low-complexity regions
precision, and high rate of false positive calls [9, 10]. An-     of the genome and discovery of genomic content missing in
other benchmarking study comparing 10 different SV cal-           the reference genome assembly [19].
lers against robust truth sets showed that the total number          Although, OGM is effective in identifying clinically rele-
of calls made by the different algorithms varied by greater       vant SVs, the currently available SV annotation tools do
than two orders of magnitude [11]. Region of genome ana-          not provide sufficient variant information for determination
lyzed (repeats vs. high-complexity regions), noise of data        of variant pathogenicity. Here, we report the development
(platform-specific sequencing or assembly errors), complex-       of an annotation tool in R language, nanotatoR, that pro-
ity of the SV, and library properties (e.g. insert size) all      vides extensive annotation for SVs identified by OGM. It
affect specificity, sensitivity and/or processing speed of the    determines population variant frequency using publicly
various variant-calling algorithms [10].                          available databases, as well as user-created internal data-
   Chromosomal microarray (CMA) is the established                bases. It offers multiple filtration options based on quality
method for high-accuracy detection of CNVs, but it can            parameters thresholds. It also determines the percentage of
only identify gains or losses of genetic material and is virtu-   overlap of genes with the SV, as well as distance between
ally blind towards identification of balanced rearrangements      nearest genes and SV breakpoints, both upstream and
such as inversions or translocations. CMA clinical applica-       downstream. It offers an option for incorporating RNA-Seq
tion is typically limited to CNVs above 25–50 kb, although        read counts, which has been shown to enhance variant clas-
higher resolution CNV maps have been built and are being          sification [6], as well as user-specified disease-specific gene
used to design disease-specific paths to diagnostic detection     lists extracted from NCBI databases. The final output is
of smaller variants (e.g. [12]). Breakpoint resolution is lim-    provided in an Excel worksheet, with segregated SV types
ited by the density of probes on the array.                       and inheritance patterns, facilitating filtration and identifi-
   Novel approaches which analyze single, long DNA mol-           cation of pathogenic variants.
ecules hold the promise of detecting the previously in-
accessible SVs. Long-read sequencing (LRS) technologies           Methods
such as nanopore-based sequencing (Oxford Nanopore                Sample data sets
Technologies) or single-molecule real-time sequencing             Optically mapped genomes for 8 different reference hu-
(Pacific Biosciences) have the potential to both detect           man samples were used to construct the internal cohort
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                  Page 3 of 16

database for evaluating nanotatoR’s performance. All sample         tumor vs. normal) variants’ presence is evaluated in
datasets, including “Utah woman” (Genome in a Bottle Con-           self-molecules as well as the control sample mole-
sortium sample NA12878), “Ashkenazi family” (NA24143 [or            cules. For proband-only analysis variants’ presence
GM24143]: Mother, NA24149 [or GM24149]: Father, and                 is evaluated in self-molecules only.
NA24385 [or GM24385]: Son), GM11428 (6-year-old female
with duplicated chromosome), GM09888 (8-year-old female        nanotatoR functions
with trichorhinophalangeal syndrome), GM08331 (4-year-old      The annotations provided by nanotatoR are currently
with chromosome deletion) and GM06226 (6-year-old male         subdivided into 5 categories described below: 1) calcula-
with chromosome 1–16 translocation and associated 16p          tion of SV frequency in external and internal databases;
CNV), were obtained from the Bionano Genomics public           2) determination of gene overlaps; 3) integration of gene
datasets ( OG   expression data; 4) extraction of relevant phenotypic in-
M-based genome assembly and variant calling and annota-        formation from public databases for 5) variant filtration.
tion were performed using Solve version 3.5 (Bionano Gen-      Finally, all of the sub-functions are compiled into a Main
omics). Subsequently, samples were annotated with              function.
nanotatoR to examine the performance.
   Additionally, we tested nanotatoR’s ability to accur-       Function 1: Structural variant frequency
ately annotate the known disease variants in a previously      Variant frequency is one of the most important filtration
published cohort of 11 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy             characteristics for the identification of rare, possibly
samples [27]. For this, internal cohort frequency calcula-     pathogenic, variants. Because OGM is not sequence
tions are based on these 11 samples. For gene expression       based the average SV breakpoint uncertainty is 3.3 kbp
integration, NA12878 fastq files (RNA-Seq) were ob-            [20]. As a result, compared with SNV frequency calcula-
tained from Sequence Read archive (SRA) (Sample                tions, frequency estimates for SVs pose greater difficulty,
GSM754335) and aligned to reference hg19, using STAR           due to the breakpoint variability between “same” struc-
[30]. Read counts were estimated using RSEM [31], re-          tural variants identified by different techniques.
ported in Transcripts per Million (TPM).
                                                               Function 1.1 - External databases nanotatoR uses 3
nanotatoR input file formats                                   external databases: Database of Genomic Variants (DGV)
nanotatoR was written in R language. The nanotatoR             [32], Database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype
pipeline takes as input Bionano-annotated SV files, in         in Humans Using Ensembl Resources (DECIPHER) [33]
the format of either unmodified SMAP (BNG’s SVcaller           and Bionano Genomics control database (BNDB). The re-
output) or text (TXT) files that retain information from       spective functions are named: DGVfrequency, DECIPHER
the SMAPs, but also append additional fields. The two          frequency and BNDBfrequency. The 3 datasets are access-
main differences between the input files are:                  ible through the nanotatoR GitHub repository (https://
  a) Enzyme: If a combination of restriction endonucleases       BNDB is provided by Bionano Genomics in a subdivided
     (Nt.BspQI and Nb.BssSI) are used for DNA labeling,        set of 4 files based on the type of SVs (indels, duplications,
     genome assembly and variant calling, the resultant SV     inversions, and translocations) for two different human
     call sets from each enzyme are merged into a single       reference genomes (GRCh37/hg19 and GRCh38/hg38).
     TXT file in an SMAP format (SVmerge function,             nanotatoR aggregates the variant files of the user-selected
     Bionano Genomics). If a single direct labeling enzyme     reference genome (hg19 or hg38), into a single format
     such as DLE1 is used for DNA labeling, the resultant      (e.g. TXT) used for frequency calculation. This action is
     SV call set is kept in a single SMAP file format. Both    performed as part of the function BNDBfrequency with
     file types (SVmerge TXT and SMAP) can serve as            the following input parameters: buildBNInternalDB =
     input files for nanotatoR.                                TRUE, InternalDBpattern = “hg19” or InternalDBpattern =
  b) Family: Depending on the availability of family            “hg38”. The following steps are used to calculate the fre-
     members, the SV-containing input files (TXT/              quency of a query SV in external databases:
     SMAP) contain additional information derived from
     the Variant Annotation Pipeline (BN_VAP, Bionano            1.1a Variant-to-variant similarity: Estimating the
     Genomics). For trio analysis (proband, mother,                  frequency of a query SV first requires determining
     father), BN_VAP performs molecule checks for SVs                whether the variant is the same as the ones found
     identified in the proband (self-molecules) and                  in a database of interest. In order for the SVs to be
     checks whether the SV is present in the parents’                considered “same”, nanotatoR, by default, checks
     molecules. For duo analysis (proband vs. control                whether two independent variants of the same type
     -any family member or unrelated individual- or                  (e.g. deletion) are on the same chromosome, have
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                                        Page 4 of 16

      50% or greater size similarity, and if the SV                  (BNDB) SVs for which the zygosity is unknown by
      breakpoint start and end positions are within 10               counting the number of alleles as 2. If the query SV
      kilobase pairs (kbp) for insertions/deletions/                 matches with multiple variants in the BNDB from
      duplications and within 50 kbp for inversions/                 the same BNDB sample, nanotatoR counts these as
      translocations. For example, if there is a deletion on         a single variant/sample, with allele count of 2 for
      chromosome 1 with a breakpoint start at position               homozygous/unknown and 1 for heterozygous
      chr1:350,000 and end at chr1:550,000 on the                    matches.
      reference, all deletion variants in chr1:340,000–           1.1dFrequency calculations: for DECIPHER and
      560,000 with a size similarity of 50% would be                 DGV, SV frequency is calculated by dividing the
      extracted from the database. Similarly, if the variant         number of query matched database variants (step
      was an inversion, nanotatoR would search for                   1.1a) by the total number of alleles in the database,
      variants of the same type and on the same                      i.e. 2x the number of samples, which are diploid,
      chromosome, with a breakpoint start between                    and multiplying with 100 to get percentage
      chr1:300,000 and chr1:400,000 and breakpoint end               frequency (Formula 1).
      between chr1:500,000 and chr1:600,000. Currently
      the 50% size similarity cutoff is not implemented by
      default for inversions and translocations, as sizes
      have only started to be provided in the SVcaller          Formula 1: External public (DGV and DECIPHER) database SV
      output recently; however, users have an option to         frequency calculation. Numerator: number of variants that pass the
                                                                similarity criteria (step 1.1.a). Denominator is twice the number of
      run the size similarity, and future releases of           samples, i.e. the number of alleles. This ratio is multiplied by 100 to
      nanotatoR will perform the size similarity                express the frequency as a percentage.
      calculations by default.
      The percentage similarity parameters (DECIPHER                                             Number of matching variants ðstep 1:1aÞ
      and BNDB functions: input parameter perc_                 External DB SV frequency ¼                                               X 100
                                                                                                     2 X total number of samples
      similarity; DGV function: input parameter perc_
      similarity_DGV) and breakpoint start and end error          For BNDB two types of frequency calculations are
      (DECIPHER and BNG functions insertion, deletion           performed: filtered and unfiltered. For filtered frequency
      and duplication: input parameter win_indel; DGV           calculations the following criteria must be met: 1.1a;
      function insertion, deletion and duplication: win_        1.1b; 1.1c. For unfiltered variants frequency calculation
      indel_DGV; DECIPHER and BNG functions                     only 1.1a and 1.1c criteria are enforced. The resultant
      inversion and translocation: win_inv_trans; DGV           number of identified counts is divided by the number of
      function inversion and translocation: win_inv_            alleles in BNDB (currently 468 for 234 diploid samples).
      trans_DGV) are modifiable by the user.                    The result is multiplied by 100 to get a percentage
  1.1bVariant size and confidence score: Two                    (Formula 2).
      additional criteria are implemented to select for
      high-quality variants in BNDB. Bionano’s SVcaller
      calculates a confidence score for insertions, dele-       Formula 2: BNDB database filtered SV frequency calculation. The
      tions, inversions, and translocations. To calculate al-   variants that pass the similarity criterion (step 1.1.a) are filtered with size
                                                                threshold and quality score (step 1.1.b). The number of variants is
      lele frequency, nanotatoR takes into account the          estimated as mentioned in step 1.1.c. Denominator is the number of
      BNDB variants above a threshold quality score of          alleles. This ratio is multiplied by 100 to get the frequency in percentage.
      0.5 for insertions and deletions (indelconf), 0.01 for
      inversions (invconf) and 0.1 for translocations                                     Number of matching filtered variants ðsteps 1:1a; b; cÞ
                                                                Filtered SV frequency ¼                                                           X 100
      (transconf). These thresholds can be modified by                                             2 X Number of BNDB samples
      the user. In addition, nanotatoR filters out SVs
      below 1 kbp in size to decrease the likelihood of           Output: The output is appended to the original input file
      false positive calls [20].                                in individual columns. For DECIPHER, this consists of a
  1.1c Zygosity: Variants in BNDB are reported as               single column termed “DECIPHER_Freq_Perc”. As DGV
      homozygous, heterozygous or “unknown” (DGV                provides information on number of samples in addition to
      and DECIPHER do not report zygosity). This is             frequency, nanotatoR prints two columns: “DGV_Count”
      used to refine frequency calculation for BNDB SVs:        (with the total number of unique DGV samples containing
      nanotatoR attributes an allele count of 2 for             variants matching the query SV) and “DGV_Freq_Perc”
      homozygous SVs and 1 heterozygous SVs.                    (for the percentage calculated using Formula 1). For the
      Currently, nanotatoR overestimates the frequency          BNDB, in addition to “BNG_Freq_Perc_Filtered”, “BNG_
      for variants that overlap with reference database         Freq_Perc_UnFiltered”, a third column reports “BNG_
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                    Page 5 of 16

Homozygotes” (number of homozygous variants that pass                  Pipeline, which examines individual molecules for sup-
the filtration criteria).                                              port of the identified SV [34] (Found_in_self_BSPQI_-
                                                                       molecules = “yes” or
Function 1.2 - Internal databases The internal cohort                  Found_in_self_BSSSI_molecule = “yes”) for SVmerge
analysis is designed to calculate variant frequency based              datasets, or (Found_in_self_molecules = “yes”) for a
on aggregation of SVs for samples ran within an                        single-enzyme dataset.
institution or laboratory and provides parental zygosity
information for inherited variants in familial cases. The           For family analyses (duos and trios), the
function consists of two distinct parts:                          internalFrequencyTrio_Duo function is used to identify
                                                                  parental/control sample zygosity based on the nanoID
  1.2a Building the internal cohort database:                     coding using criteria described in sections 1.1.a/c (note
      Individual (solo) SMAP files for each of the samples        that, here, the default size similarity percentage used is
      are concatenated to build an internal database              ≥90% as inherited variants are expected to be virtually
      (buildSVInternalDB = TRUE), which is stored in the          identical). Zygosity information for the identified
      form of a text file. This step creates a unique             variants is extracted and appended into two separate
      sample identifier (nanoID) based on a key provided          columns (fatherZygosity and motherZygosity). This
      that ensures unique sample ID and encodes family            functionality is available for both SVmerge (merged
      relatedness. The nanoID is written as NR < Family           outputs from 2 enzymes) and single enzyme labeling.
      # > . < Relationship #>. For example, the proband in        SVs with the same family ID as the query are not
      a family of three (trio) would be denoted as NR23.1,        included in the overall internal frequency calculation as
      with NR23 denoting the family ID and 1 denoting             described in the previous paragraph. Five columns:
      the proband. For the parents of this proband, the           “MotherZygosity”, “FatherZygosity”, “Internal_Freq_
      nanoID would be NR23.2 for the mother and                   Perc_Filtered”, “Internal_Freq_Perc_Unfiltered”, and
      NR23.3 for the father. Currently, only trio analyses        “Internal_Homozygotes” are appended to each of the
      are supported, future updates will include larger           annotated input files (nonrelevant fields contain dashes).
      family analyses. If multiple projects exist within the
      same institution and are coded with project-specific        Function 2: Gene overlap
      identifiers nanotatoR will append the project-              The gene overlap function (overlapnearestgeneSearch)
      specific identifier in front of the nanoID (e.g. Pro-       identifies known gene and non-coding RNA genomic lo-
      ject1_NR23.1 and Project2_NR42.1).                          cations that overlap with or are immediately upstream or
  1.2bCalculating internal frequency and determining              downstream from the identified SVs. This function takes
      parental zygosity: For singleton analyses, the function     as input an SV-containing file (TXT or SMAP) and a
      internalFrequency_Solo (for both DLE labeling and           modified Browser Extensible Data (BED) file where hu-
      SVmerge) calculates internal database frequency of          man X and Y chromosomes are numbered as 23 and 24
      queried SVs based on the same principles explained in       respectively. The user has an option of either providing a
      section 1.1d (Formula 2) for BNDB frequency                 Bionano-provided modified BED file (inputfmtBed =
      calculations. However, additional filtration criteria are   “BNBED”) or a BED file from UCSC Genome Browser or
      implemented to increase the accuracy of frequency           GENCODE (inputfmtBed = “BED”). For the latter, nanota-
      estimation. SVs overlapping gaps in hg19/hg38 are           toR supports conversion of a BED file into BNBED stand-
      annotated in the output SMAPs as “nbase” calls (e.g.        ard with buildrunBNBedFiles function. The BED file is
      “deletion_nbase”) and are likely to be false. nanotatoR     used to extract location/orientation of genes and overlap
      filters out “nbase”-containing SVs when estimating          this information with SVs (overlapGenes function, called
      internal frequency. For duplications, inversions, and       from overlapnearestgeneSearch). The function calculates
      translocations nanotatoR evaluates whether chimeric         the percentage overlap, by calculating its distance from
      scores “pass” the thresholds set by the Bionano             the breakpoint start (if the gene is partially upstream of
      SVcaller during de-novo genome assembly [34]                the SV) or breakpoint end (if the gene is partially down-
      ensuring that SVs that “fail” this criterion are            stream of the SV), and dividing it by the length of the gene
      eliminated from internal frequency calculations             (calculated by nanotatoR from genomic coordinates infor-
      (Fail_BSPQI_assembly_chimeric_score = “pass” or             mation in the BED file). By default, nanotatoR applies a 3
      Fail_BSSSI_assembly_chimeric_score = “pass”) for            kbp gene overlap window (breakpoint start – 3 kbp;
      SVmerge datasets, or                                        breakpoint end + 3 kbp) to account for the typical OGM
      (Fail_assembly_chimeric_score = “pass”) for a single-       breakpoint error [20] when searching for genes overlap-
      enzyme dataset. Lastly, nanotatoR checks whether the        ping insertions, deletions and duplications. For inversions
      SVs were confirmed with Bionano Variant Annotation          and translocations overlapping genes are limited to +/− 10
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                Page 6 of 16

kbp from the breakpoint start/end (both parameters are       Function 4: Entrez extract
user-selectable). For the nonOverlapGenes function (also     The gene_list_generation function assembles a list of genes
called from overlapnearestgeneSearch), genes located near,   based on the patient’s phenotype and overlaps it with gene
but not overlapping with, SVs are reported along with the    names that span SVs. User-provided, phenotype-based key-
corresponding distances from the SV. Genes are sorted        words are used to generate a gene list from the following
based on their distance from the SV breakpoints. The         databases: ClinVar [35], OMIM (, GTR
default number of reported nonoverlap genes is 3 (also       [36], and the NCBI’s Gene database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
user-selectable). The output produces 3 additional col-      gov/gene). The input to the function is a term, which can
umns: “OverlapGenes_strand_perc”, “Upstream_nonOver-         be provided as a single term input (method = “Single”), a
lapGenes_dist_kb” and “Downstream_nonOverlapGenes_           vector of terms (method = “Multiple”), or a text file
dist_kb”.                                                    (method = “Text”). The output can be a dataframe or text.
                                                             The rentrez [37] and VarfromPDB [38] R-language pack-
                                                             ages are used to extract data related to each of the user-
Function 3: Expression data integration                      provided phenotypic terms, from the individual databases.
The      SVexpression_solo/_duo/_trio    functions    for    For the Gene database rentrez provides the entrez IDs asso-
singletons, dyads and trios respectively provide the user    ciated with each gene, which are converted in nanotatoR to
with tools to integrate tissue-specific gene expression      gene symbols using [37], a Bioconductor pack-
values with SVs. The function takes as input a matrix of     age. For OMIM, rentrez provides the OMIM record IDs,
gene names (first column) and corresponding expression       which are used to extract the corresponding disease-
values for each sample, with the sample names as col-        associated genes from the OMIM ID-to-gene ID conver-
umn headers (individual files can be merged by the           sion dataset (mim2gene.txt). For GTR, rentrez extracts the
RNAseqcombine function for dyads/trios or RNAseqcom-         GTR record IDs, which are then used to extract corre-
bine_solo function for singletons). The SVexpression_        sponding gene symbols from the downloaded GTR data-
solo/_duo/_trio function can take as an input read esti-     base. For ClinVar, VarfromPDB is used to extract genes
mation from any transcript quantification tool, provided     corresponding to the input term. All genes to which the
the input format mentioned above is followed.                query keyword is attached, irrespective of their clinical sig-
  To differentiate between sample types (probands and        nificance, are extracted; genes of clinical significance (i.e.
affected/unaffected parents), we recommend the user          those for which Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic variants are
add a code (or pattern) to the file name. For example,       reported) are further reported in a separate column. The
for the proband of family 23, the expression file name       user also has the option to download the ClinVar and GTR
would be Sample23_P_expression.txt, where P denotes          databases by choosing downloadClinvar = TRUE and
proband. Currently, by default nanotatoR recognizes “P”      downloadGTR = TRUE, which may improve run times.
as proband, “UM/AM” for unaffected/affected mother           The user has an option to save the datasets (removeClin-
and “UF/AF” for unaffected/affected father. A function       var = FALSE and removeGTR = FALSE) or delete the data-
to encode more complex intra-family relatedness and          base after the analysis is completed (removeClinvar =
identify individual samples, termed nanoID, is in devel-     TRUE and removeGTR = TRUE).
opment and will be available by default in the next re-        The output is provided in CSV format with 3 columns:
lease of nanotatoR.                                          “Genes”, “Terms”, and “ClinicalSignificance”. The “Terms”
  Expression values for overlapping and non-overlapping      column contains the list of terms associated to each gene
SV genes are extracted from the genome-wide expres-          and corresponding database from where the association
sion matrix and appended into separate columns in the        was derived. The “ClinicalSignificance” column contains
overall SV input file. For example, an overlap of gene X     genes that have clinical significance (Pathogenic/Likely
with a SV in the proband, with an expression value of        Pathogenic variants) for the associated term, derived from
10, would be represented as gene X (10), and printed in      the ClinVar database. The output of entrez extract serves
the “OverlapProbandEXP” column. The appended num-            as input for the subsequent variant filtration step.
ber of columns in the output is dependent on which
functions were run. For a trio analysis, 9 columns are       Function 5: Variant filtration
added: “OverlapProbandEXP”, “OverlapFatherEXP”, and          The filtration function has two major functionalities:
“OverlapMotherEXP” for overlapping genes, and a simi-        categorization of variants into groups (such as de novo,
lar set for up- and down-stream non-overlapping genes        inherited from mother/father; potential compound
(e.g. “NonOverlapUPprobandEXP”, “NonOverlapDNpro-            heterozygous; inversions or translocations) and integration
bandEXP”). In case of dyads the number of columns            of the primary gene list (either provided by the user or
would be 6 (with the parent column being either mother       generated by nanotatoR as described in section 4) into the
or father) and 3 for singletons.                             input SV-containing file. In this function, genes overlapping
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                                   Page 7 of 16

and near SVs that are present in the primary gene list are            respectively (e.g.
printed in separate columns. For genes that overlap with a            Found_in_parents_molecules = “mother” or “father”).
SV, the output is printed in columns termed “Overlap_PG”              ◊ indel_dup_cmpdHET if present in the
(primary genes that are common with the genes that over-              heterozygous state in parents. This output is a
lap SVs) and “Overlap_PG_Terms” (terms and database the               combination of Indel_dup_mother and
genes are being extracted from). Genes that are up/down-              Indel_dup_father datasets. The user can manually
stream of, but not overlapping with, the SV are divided into          inspect this list to find potential compound
“Non_Overlap_UP_PG”,“Non_Overlap_UP_Terms”, “Non_                     heterozygote variants, i.e. 2 variants with genomic
Overlap_DN_PG”, and “Non_Overlap_DN_Terms”.                           coordinates overlapping with the same gene, one
  The final annotated SV calls are divided into multiple              present in the mother, the other in the father.
                                                                 Finally, inversion and translocations are reported as
   All: contains all identified variant types and             follows, for singletons, dyads, or trios:
   all_PG_OV: Variants overlapping with the primary              Variant Type = “inversion” or “inversion_paired” or
    gene list.                                                      “inversion_partial” or “inversion_repeat”.
   Mismatch: Variant Type = “MisMatch” in SVmerge                Variant Type = “translocation_intrachr” or
    output (available for dual enzyme labeling output               “translocation_interchr” if within a single chromosome
    only) contains SV calls discordant between the two              or between two chromosomes respectively.
    enzymes datasets (e.g. one called a deletion and the
    second an insertion).                                         There is a total of 6 variant filtration functions, based on
                                                               enzyme type (SVmerge for dual-enzyme labeling or single
  By default, for the rest of the sheets, nanotatoR            enzyme) and sample type (singleton, dyad, or trio). For ex-
performs self-molecule checks for all SV types (described      ample, for a single-enzyme singleton dataset the function
in section 1.2b, Found_in_self_ molecules = yes) and           is run_bionano_filter_SE_solo. Others are run_bionano_fil-
chimeric score quality checks for duplications, inversions     ter_SE_duo, run_bionano_filter_SE_trio, run_bionano_fil-
and translocations (also described in section 1.2b, Fail_      ter_SVmerge_solo, run_bionano_filter_SVmerge_duo, and
BSPQI_assembly_chimeric_score = “pass”) and reports on         run_bionano_filter_SVmerge_trio. Variant filtration output
zygosity. (These two criteria are henceforth called “default   is an Excel file with each of the different output groups
nanotatoR filtration”). For indel_dup, this comprises:         represented as separate tabs. The output is written in
                                                               Excel file format using the openxlsx [39] package, with the
   For singleton studies (solo): Variant                      following default naming convention “Sample1_solo.xlsx”.
    type = “insertion”, “deletion”, “duplication”,
    “duplication_split” or “duplication_inverted”.             Main function
   For dyads: indel_dup_notShared or                          The main function sequentially runs the available
    indel_dup_Shared respectively: Insertions, deletions       nanotatoR sub-functions by merging the outputs from
    and duplications not present in a control sample,          each step. There are in total 6 main functions depending
    mother or father                                           on the type of input: nanotatoR_main_Solo_SE; nanota-
    (Found_in_control_molecules = “no”) or present in a        toR_main_Duo_SE; nanotatoR_main_Trio_SE; nanota-
    control sample, mother or father                           toR_main_Solo_SVmerge; nanotatoR_Duo_SVmerge and
    (Found_in_control_molecules = “yes”).                      nanotatoR_SVmerge_Trio. The Main function takes the
   For trios, insertions, deletions or duplications are       SMAP file, DGV file, BED file, internal database file and
    reported in:                                               phenotype term list as inputs and provides a single out-
      ◊ indel_dup_denovo if not present in the parents         put file in a form of an Excel spreadsheet. The output lo-
      (Found_in_parents_BSPQI_molecules/                       cation and file name are user-specified.
      Found_in_parents_BSSSI_molecules = “none” or
      “-” for SVmerge or                                       Results
      Found_in_parents_molecules = “none” for single           The nanotatoR pipeline, written in R, integrates five
      enzyme).                                                 individual sub-functions based on the enzyme and the sam-
      ◊ indel_dup_both if present in the proband, as           ple type. A visual representation of the steps is shown in
      well as both parents (e.g.                               Fig. 1. nanotatoR passed all runtime and space criteria for
      Found_in_parents_molecules = “both”).                    the Bioconductor repository (https://www.bioconductor.
      ◊ indel_dup_mother and indel_dup_father if               org/developers/package-guidelines/), where it was accepted
      inherited from only the mother or father,                in the April, 2019 cycle. The Bioconductor link for
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics           (2021) 22:10                                                                                             Page 8 of 16

 Fig. 1 Workflow of the nanotatoR pipeline: The nanotatoR pipeline is divided into 3 layers. Input Layer: Takes as input the OGM text or Smap file.
 Annotation Layer: The annotation layer comprises of five methods. The method that extracts the overlapping genes and the genes near (downstream and
 upstream) takes as input a BED file, and calculates the overlap percentage and the distance between nearest genes and SV using chromosomal locations.
 Next, the frequency calculation function calculates external and internal frequency taking DGV, DECIPHER and BNDB database as input for external
 frequency calculation, while input solo files, merged to form the internal frequency database, are taken as input to calculate the internal frequency. If RNA-
 Seq data is available, the expression count matrix is taken as input. Finally, output from all these methods as well as a primary gene list created from terms,
 is integrated, filtered based on quality criteria and written into an Excel file. Output Layer: The output is an Excel workbook, with each tab representing
 different SV types. The output files and number of tabs depend on the sample type and enzyme type: Singleton samples have 5 tabs for DLE and 6 tabs
 for SVmerge; 6 tabs for DLE and 7 tabs for SVmerge are created for dyad analyses; Trio analyses have 9 tabs for DLE and 10 tabs for SVmerge

nanotatoR is                         previously described truth sets: a control trio mapped with
html/nanotatoR.html, and the latest version update is avail-                       the single-enzyme technique, a control singleton sample
able at                                    mapped with both DLE and two-enzyme techniques, and a
  The output is in the form of an Excel workbook                                   cohort of patients, for which we have previously established
subdivided into variant types and inheritance modes in                             the efficacy of OGM to identify the SV causing Duchenne
familial cases. The user has an option to either filter the                        Muscular Dystrophy [27].
data based on input parameters or perform the filtrations
steps in the final Excel sheets. Theoretical examples of the                       Example I: Annotation of a control trio single labeling
nanotatoR annotation process and output are illustrated                            dataset
in Fig. 2 for various types of SVs.                                                We used the so-called “Ashkenazi trio” reference data-
  To demonstrate the various functionalities of nanotatoR,                         sets, mapped using the DLE labeling methodology, to
we present below the annotation results obtained from                              test the trio analysis function of nanotatoR (expression
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics       (2021) 22:10                                                                                 Page 9 of 16

 Fig. 2 nanotatoR annotates genes overlapping or near a SV: a The cartoon shows three hypothetical scenarios: one deletion in the region
 upstream of Gene X (yellow) which may contain regulatory regions, indicated as solid purple in the reference genome (top) and lilac in the
 patient’s genome (bottom); one insertion (green) into Gene Y (blue), and a complete deletion of Gene Z (coral in patient genome). RNA-Seq
 reads are depicted as blue lines below the genes. b nanotatoR annotation snapshot: nanotatoR annotates the three variants with the overlapping
 genes and percentage overlap, nearest genes upstream and downstream, distance to the breakpoints in kilobases, BNDB frequency, internal
 frequency, overlap gene expression value (in transcripts per million or TPM), nearest genes expression in TPM and overlapping genes term from
 NCBI databases

data was not available for these samples). Bionano                        Confidence and frequency filtration
SVcaller identified a total of 9387 SVs in the proband                    To demonstrate the importance of frequency filtration
(NA24385), shown in the last tab of the 9-tab report,                     in identifying rare variants, a manual filtration was
termed “all”. The complete, unfiltered nanotatoR output                   performed using a 1% threshold for external databases
file for NA24385 (GM24385) is available in Supplemen-                     (DGV, DECIPHER and BNDB) and the internal cohort
tary Table S1.                                                            database. A confidence threshold (0.5 for insertions and
                                                                          deletions, 0.01 for inversions) was also applied. This
                                                                          eliminated 89% of the variants, leaving a total of 1005
nanotatoR filtration and variant type annotation                          SVs, including 53 inv. variants and 952 indel_dup
After nanotatoR filtration (method described in                           (shown in top right pie chart, Fig. 3).
Function 5 Variant Filtration of Materials and Methods
section), 8804 variants (93.8%) remained of the original
9387. The variants were annotated based on criteria                       Inheritance annotation (Fig. 3, bottom right pie chart)
described in Methods section 5. SVs were distributed as                   All inversion variants were inherited. Out of the 952
shown in Fig. 3 (left pie chart). The vast majority                       insertions, deletions and duplications, only 8 were de novo
(8680) were in the “indel_dup” tabs; 114 (out of 279                      (“indel_dup_denovo” tab), 794 found in both parents
unfiltered) inversions were reported in the “inv” tab,                    (“indel_dup_both”), 68 in the mother only (“indel_dup_
and 0 (out of 84) translocations in the “trans” tab. All                  mother”), and 82 in the father only (“indel_dup_father”).
the translocations called by the Bionano SVcaller in                      These numbers can be used to evaluate pathogenicity of
this sample were in the categories “trans_interchr_                       the SVs. 150 SVs would be reported in the “indel_dup_
common” and “trans_intrachr_common”, which are                            cmdHet” column (found in either the mother or father,
classified as likely false by the Bionano annotation                      but not both), which can be manually inspected to identify
pipeline [34, 40].                                                        potential compound heterozygous SVs.
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics          (2021) 22:10                                                                                       Page 10 of 16

 Fig. 3 Filtration and annotation of SV distribution in the NA24385 trio dataset: Out of the total 9387 variants found by SVcaller, 8804 passed the
 nanotatoR filtration of “Present in self molecules” and “Pass chimeric score” conditions. Of these, 2787 were deletions (dark blue), 5837 were insertions
 (light blue), 66 were duplications (grey), 114 were inversions (orange) and 0 were translocations (not shown), left pie chart. Note, nanotatoR outputs
 deletions, insertions and duplications in a single excel sheet “indel_dup”. The number of variants was dramatically reduced after filtering for rare
 variants and imposing a confidence threshold (top right pie chart). With a threshold of less than 1% internal frequency, DGV frequency, BNDB
 frequency, and DECIPHER frequency and confidence thresholds of > 0.5 for INDELs, > 0.01 for inversions and > 0.1 for translocations, 1005 rare variants
 remain. These were further categorized with nanotatoR by inheritance (bottom right pie chart). All 53 inversions were inherited. Of the 952 indel_dup
 variants, only 8 were de novo, 794 are were identified as indel_dup_both (found in both mother and father), 68 are indel_dup_mother (found in only
 the mother), and 82 are indel_dup_father. This annotation can be used to evaluate relevance of the variants to the condition studied

SVs overlapping with the primary gene list                                      the list of genes with pathogenic variants, as no such
As these samples are those of healthy individuals, we                           variant is currently reported in ClinVar.
could not use a disease term to generate a gene list.                             169 SVs were found to be overlapping with the primary
However, analysis of the genomes with OGM had                                   gene list, and were shown in the “all_PG_OV” Tab.
revealed a deletion variant affecting the UGT2B17 gene                            A deletion in UGT2B17 gene is observed in both the
in the son and the mother [41]. A 150 kb deletion on                            “indel_dup_mother” tab and the “all_PG_OV” tab, as
chromosome 4q13.2 spanning the whole UGT2B17 gene                               expected [41]. The SV overlaps with the UGT2B17 gene
has been associated with osteoporosis [42]. To check                            and 4 pseudogenes UGT2B29P, AC147055.2, AC147055.3,
whether our tool can efficiently annotate the variant, we                       and AC147055.4 as illustrated in Figure S1.
used the term ‘osteoporosis’ to generate a primary gene
list. This yielded a list of over 307 genes of which only 4                     Internal cohort frequency and zygosity calculations for the
had pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in ClinVar,                        UGT2B17 variant
highlighting the importance of this nanotatoR function                          To investigate the frequency of the variant in the 8-
(Supplementary Table S2). The complete extracted gene                           sample internal cohort database, we first selected all var-
list can be used for gene discovery, while the pathogenic                       iants with within − 10 kb of start breakpoint and + 10 kb
list is most efficient to identify variants in genes known                      of the end breakpoint (i.e. between hg19 genomic coor-
to be associated with the proband’s phenotype. Note                             dinates chr4:69,362,091 and chr4:69,500,860). A total of
that while UGT2B17 was accurately extracted into the                            6 variants passed the filtration criteria (“GM24385_del_
primary gene list by nanotatoR, as its association with                         totalData” tab in Table S3). Of these, 3 are from the
osteoporosis is reported in OMIM, it does not appear in                         query family: one is the proband’s variant (all annotation
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics   (2021) 22:10                                                               Page 11 of 16

shown in the “GM24385_Variant_UGT2B17” tab in                   on number of variants as well as network speed (for
Table S3) and the other two are found in his mother. Of         gene_list_generation function).
the maternal variants, one has exactly same start and              To generate the primary gene list for the trio sample,
end breakpoints as the proband’s. Bionano SVcaller also         we downloaded the ClinVar and GTR databases, using
called another variant in the mother with the same end          the downloadClinvar = TRUE and downloadGTR =
breakpoint, and a similar, but not identical, start break-      TRUE parameters in the gene_list_generation function.
point. Both were retained as they have a size similarity >      The gene_list_generation function took ~ 2 min to run
90% with the proband’s variant. As described in                 for the sample. The time for this function is dependent
Methods section 1.2b, nanotatoR selects the variants that       on the number of input terms, as well as the
pass size similarity and breakpoint criteria, and reports       computational/internet bandwidth available to the user.
the zygosity for each in the parents (“GM24385_del_ex-          To make this process faster, the input parameters
ample_Zygosity” tab in Table S3).                               removeGTR and removeClinvar can be switched to
   In addition to the family, the variant was found in two      FALSE; nanotatoR will then use the pre-downloaded
other samples of the internal cohort. The first was             database files for subsequent runs. It is recommended to
heterozygous, the second homozygous, so the total number        download these databases periodically as they get up-
of alleles carrying the SV was counted as 3. As the internal    dated frequently.
control cohort was composed of 8 samples, of which 3               All the other databases (OMIM, DGV, DECIPHER,
were part of the Ashkenazi family, the total number of          BNDB) must be downloaded manually from the database
alleles in the internal cohort was calculated as 10 = 2 x (8–   websites or from the nanotatoR database GitHub page
3), where 2 is for diploid genomes, 8 is the total number of    ( For
samples in the cohort and 3 is the number of related            this example, the internal frequency database was built
individuals. The final internal frequency thus is (3/10)        based on a cohort of 8 samples (time ~ 10 min). The time
*100 = 30% (for both filtered and unfiltered, as all variants   taken for database creation depends on the user’s cohort
passed the quality filters). Note that the nanotatoR            size.
annotation process has detected the erroneous duplicate
call made by SVcaller in sample NA12878, where two              Example II: Annotation of a control singleton dataset
variants with identical characteristics were called under two   labeled with several enzymes
different SVIndex numbers (rows 6&7, totalData tab, Table       We also investigated the OGM datasets available for the
S3). Only one is taken into account for internal frequency      sample NA12878 to test the annotation effectiveness of
calculation, as shown in Table S3, where tabs “GM24385_         nanotatoR on multi-enzyme labeling and integration of
del_example_filter” and “GM24385_del_example_unfilt”            RNA-Seq data. OGM data is available for three labeling
show the samples used for the calculations.                     enzymes Nt.BspQI, Nb.BssSI and DLE1. The Nt.BspQI
   Next, we calculated the filtered and unfiltered frequency    and Nb.BssSI SMAP outputs were merged using
(Formula 2, Function 1.1d) of the deletion overlapping          SVmerge. 10,087 and 6814 SVs were reported by SVcal-
UGT2B17 in the Bionano reference database. We identified        ler for single enzyme (DLE1) and SVmerge output re-
a total of 58 variants in BNDB (“GM24385_data_all” tab in       spectively (Fig. 4).
Supplementary Table S4). Of these 33 (“GM24385_data_              SV annotation for a single enzyme took approximately
filtered” and “GM24385_data_unfiltered” tabs of                 28 min and 24 min for SVmerge data output. The time
Supplementary Table S4) passed the nanotatoR default            taken for each of the functions is reported in
filtration criteria and were used for frequency calculation.    Supplementary Table S5. Currently, the expression data
Twelve were homozygotes and 21 heterozygotes for a total        aggregation function takes the longest time as it extracts
number of variant alleles of 43. The total number of            each of the genes overlapping the SVs and finds the
samples in BNDB is 234, hence the variant frequency is          corresponding expression values from the RNA-Seq
calculated as (43/468) *100 = 9.18%. (Note that, here too,      datasets. The run time for this function largely depends
the number of variants was the same before and after            on the number of called SVs and the number of genes
filtration, yielding the same frequency value).                 that overlap with them. The complete nanotatoR-anno-
                                                                tated output Excel files can be found in Supplementary
                                                                Tables S6 and S7 for DLE1 labeling and SVmerge
Run times                                                       (Nt.BspQI/Nb.BssSI) respectively.
The SMAPs were annotated on an Intel core i7–6700                 For DLE1 labeling, out of the 10,087 variants called by
CPU with 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 system. It took ~                the SVcaller, 9584 (~ 5%) remained after default
15 min to annotate the trio sample (Supplementary               nanotatoR filtration (“Present in self molecules” and
Table S5 has run time for each of the functions                 “Pass chimeric score”, see Methods function 5) (Fig. 4a).
individually). The runtime for nanotatoR is dependent           As for the trio genomes, the vast majority of called SVs
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics        (2021) 22:10                                                                                    Page 12 of 16

 Fig. 4 Variant distribution for the singleton NA12878 sample. a Unfiltered and filtered variants distribution in DLE and SVmerge datasets: The total
 number of unfiltered variants for NA12878 DLE are 10,087, out of which 9584 variants are filtered using nanotatoR criteria (found in self
 molecules, passed chimeric score threshold). For NA12878 SVmerge, out of 6814 variants, 6201 pass the filtration. Mismatches were not
 considered in this analysis but are shown in Table S7. b SV distribution in the NA12878 DLE and SVmerge filtered datasets: Deletions (dark blue),
 insertions (light blue), duplications (grey) and inversions (orange) numbers are as shown in the pie charts. Bottom table shows distribution of SVs
 by type in percentages. For DLE, the majority of the identified SVs were insertions (64.9%), followed by deletions (33.5%), inversions (1.1%) and
 finally duplications (0.5%). While the total number of variants called is different between DLE and SVmerge, a similar pattern is seen in the
 SVmerge dataset. Many more duplications and inversions were called in the dual labeling than single DLE labeling method

were indels, with a similar number of inversions (110)                       single enzyme and SVmerge datasets. SV breakpoints
and zero translocations. Further breakdown of the indel_                     reported in the original publication and in the nanotatoR-
dup tab reveals 3207 deletions, 6218 insertions, and 49                      annotated data sets are shown in Supplementary Table S8;
duplications (Fig. 4b; left panel). For dual-enzyme label-                   SV type and gene names are highlighted in the all_PG_
ing, fewer variants were called in the SVmerge dataset                       OV tab in Tables S6 (DLE) and S7 (SVmerge).
(6814), of which ~ 9% were filtered out by nanotatoR de-
fault filtration. Of the remaining 6201, 5982 are “indel_                    Example III: Duchenne muscular dystrophy cohort
dup”, 219 “inv”, 0 “trans” and 11 mismatches. Breakdown of                   We have previously published validation of the OGM
the indel SVs between deletions, insertions and duplications                 technology to identify variants in the DMD gene in a
is shown in Fig. 4b, right panel). Proportions of insertions                 cohort of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
and deletions are similar in the two data sets, while the dual               [27]. We used the same cohort to test the nanotatoR
enzyme labeling called more duplications and inversions                      annotation pipeline. The gene_list_generation function,
than single-enzyme labeling in this example.                                 using “Duchenne muscular dystrophy” as input for the
   To validate the efficiency of nanotatoR in identifying                    rentrez tool, used at high stringency, i.e. selecting only
genes overlapping with SVs for NA12878, we looked for                        genes with pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in
four previously published variants [43]. The 4 deletion                      ClinVar, yielded only one gene as expected for this
variants identified in the study overlapped GSTM1,                           monogenic disorder. Table 1 shows that all of the
LCE3B, LCE3C, CR1 and SIGLEC14 genes. nanotatoR’s                            previously identified variants in DMD cases were
automated pipeline was able to identify the same type of                     correctly annotated. Each of these types of variants was
variant (deletions) involving the same genes in both the                     placed in the correct final Excel output tab with
Bhattacharya et al. BMC Genomics           (2021) 22:10                                                                                        Page 13 of 16

Table 1 Summary of nanotatoR annotation results of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient cohort
Sample ID          Overlap Gene        Variant Type           Clinical Significance     Zygosity           Internal Frequency        DGV/BNDB Frequency
CDMD1003_P         DMD                 Deletion               Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
CDMD1155_P         DMD                 Deletion               Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
CDMD1156_P         DMD                 Deletion               Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
CDMD1159_P         DMD                 Deletion Deletion      Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
                   DMD                                        Unknown                   Hemizygous         0                         0/0
CDMD1131_P         DMD                 Deletion               Pathogenic                Hemizygous         22%                       0/0
CDMD1132_M                                                    Carrier                   Heterozygous
CDMD1157_P         DMD                 Deletion               Pathogenic                Hemizygous         11%                       0/0
CDMD1158_M                                                    Non-Carrier               n/a
CDMD1163_P         DMD                 Insertion              Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
CDMD1164_M                                                    Carrier                   Heterozygous
CDMD1187_P         DMD                 Inversion              Pathogenic                Hemizygous         0                         0/0
Using nanotatoR we annotated variants that overlapped the DMD gene, evaluated the zygosity and calculated the internal (cohort size 11 samples) and external
(DGV/BNDB) frequencies. The details of the variants can be found in Barseghyan 2017 [27]

corresponding frequencies, gene overlap and maternal                             currently suboptimal, with limited user-defined parame-
carrier status. (Annotation for all samples is shown in                          ters for frequency calculations in external databases, inter-
Supplementary Table S9; columns used to create Table                             section with gene expression datasets, or filtration
1 are highlighted).                                                              through primary gene lists. These functions are critical for
   Note that, as most callers, Bionano SVcaller currently                        clinical applications to evaluate SV pathogenicity. nanota-
identifies zygosity for X and Y chromosome variants in                           toR, currently takes as input the SMAP/TXT variant file,
an XY individual as homozygous rather than                                       databases (internal and/or external), terms list, gene loca-
hemizygous, which we corrected in Table 1. As a result                           tion bed files, and expression values, to provide the user
of the erroneous input, internal frequency is currently                          with comprehensive SV annotations.
overestimated for variants on the X chromosome.                                     The field of genome-wide structural variation identifi-
Frequency calculations for SVs on the Y chromosome                               cation is rapidly advancing with LRS and OGM con-
are not affected.                                                                stantly evolving. However, currently both LRS and OGM
   Using nanotatoR, we were able to automate steps that                          technologies have limitations in identification of SNVs,
previously had to be taken manually to identify the                              large SVs > 5 kb (LRS) and small SVs < 1 kb (OGM) [17].
pathogenic SVs in the DMD gene in the data sets:                                 A combination of these various methods on the same
navigation to X chromosome location of the DMD gene,                             genome will likely be necessary for optimal resolution
selection of the type of the SV (deletion/insertion, etc..),                     and accuracy of SV detection [17, 47], which will require
filtration by frequency, and curation of gene pathogenicity.                     the design of integrated platforms able to detect and
In addition to the previously reported SVs, with the help                        classify variants using multiple types of data sets. Simi-
of nanotatoR, we identified an additional deletion of                            larly, accurate determination of the pathogenicity of SVs
unknown significance in sample CDMD_1159 that had                                requires integration of multiple data sets (e.g. OGM and
previously been missed.                                                          gene expression) as well as tools capable of annotating
                                                                                 these various types of data sets. nanotatoR has this func-
Conclusions                                                                      tionality and was able to considerably reduce analysis
Structural variants play a major role in various genetic                         time compared to manual filtration of many steps. Fu-
diseases (reviewed in [44]). Due to the technical                                ture development of nanotatoR will be focused around
limitations of short-read-based genome sequencing and                            adoption of variant annotation file (VCF) format as input
microarray techniques, identification of SVs is challenging.                     files, support for SV calls produced by LRS/SRS tech-
Introduction of optical genome mapping and long-read-                            nologies, additional population frequency databases such
based technologies promises to advance the field of SV                           as gnomAD [48], integration of gene regulatory informa-
identification. Although there are tools available for anno-                     tion in the form of CHIP-seq and microRNA sequencing
tation of SVs (AnnotSV [45], Annovar [46]), they do not                          data, and implementation of automated SV classification
take into account OGM criteria (such as self molecules or                        based on ACMG guidelines [49]. We will also imple-
chimeric score) for filtration. This has prompted the de-                        ment functions for annotation of somatic SVs for better
velopment of nanotatoR to help researchers analyze OGM                           variant prioritization during analysis. In addition, we
SV datasets, with high efficiency and precision. The anno-                       plan to design a graphical interface for easy access and
tation pipelines available for the OGM and LRS data are                          wider adoption.
You can also read