N the line - Manly Park Seniors Tennis Club

Page created by Timothy Frank
N the line - Manly Park Seniors Tennis Club
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                                                                          National Administrator
                            2022/3                                        Dawn Morrison
                                                                          P O Box 31 714, Milford, Auckland 0741
                                                                          E-mail: tnzseniors@xtra.co.nz
                                                                          Website: www.tennisseniors.kiwi

                                         Welcome to the June Newsletter

                            2022 ITF World Teams & Individual Championships
Special points of
                                            The ITF Seniors World Teams and Individual Championships, were
· ITF Worlds
                                            played at Palm Beach County, Florida, USA in May 2022.
· Rotorua Seniors                           After a drought of a couple of years with no teams travelling to the
· Canterbury Seniors        Worlds, it was good to finally have a team entered. John Lawrence, Rhett Mason,
                            Mark Millar and Philip Seeman participated in the Men’s 60+ Teams Event and
· Whakatane Seniors
                            Individual Championships.
· Otago Seniors
                            The Von Cramm Cup (M60) had 22 teams participating - they were split into
· TNZS National Dates
                            seven sections. The New Zealand team had a very challenging first match against
· Arount the World
                            Great Britain losing 0/3 however went on to play Denmark in their next match, this
· Nelson Veterans           time winning 3/0. The team continued their good form defeating Croatia 3/0 and
· Mid Canterbury Seniors    Chile 2/1.
· Correction to May News    This put them into playoffs for 12th to 14th. Portugal was their first match in this
· Lower Northland Seniors   knockout which they won 2/1 but their next match against Sweden was a little
· Taranaki Seniors
                            tougher, losing 1/2 - the placings ended with New Zealand in 13th place. In the
                            Individuals, Philip & John reached the Semi Finals in the 60+ men’s doubles and
· Upcoming Events
                            John performed extremely well being runner up in the M60 Singles Consolation.
                            In the Super Seniors Individual Championships Sue Jamieson played some fantastic
                            tennis to reach the final of the 70+ Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. Sue
                            had a tough match in the first round of the singles however went on to win the 70+
                            Women’s Consolation. Two Silver Medals & Winner of the Singles Consolation—
                            well done Sue. Check out all scores on the TNZS website under ITF Seniors.
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                              From around the Clubs in 2022

    Rotorua Seniors Tennis Club
    112 Players participated in a Seniors
    Tournament at the Rotorua Tennis
    Club thoroughly enjoying some
    first class competition over the
    weekend of the 19th & 20th March
    earlier this year.
    As you can see from the results
    below, there was plenty of talent

    Results of the winners & Runner Up
                                                              Event    Name                            Result
    Event    Name                               Result
                                                              WD3      Tina Michie/Jenny Patterson     Winner
    MD1      Andrew Mellor/ Syler Stevens       Winner
                                                              WD3      Pauline Lambess/Vivienne RicjardR/U
    MD1      Sean Perry/Martin Van Zyl          R/U
    MD2      Dave Brake/Sandeep Gosal           Winner        XD1      Casey Tarau/Dave Shefferd      Winner
    MD2      Dave Baker/Hugh Patrickson         R/U           XD1      Jane Wyllie/Andrew Mellor      R/U
    MD3      Richard Ahn/John Ryoo              Winner        XD2      Weiwei Verran/Graeme Verran    Winner
    MD3      Leon Daily/Herby Ngawhika          R/U           XD2      Trish Baird/Alby Tipiwai       R/U
                                                              XD3      Donna Abbott/Elisha Paul       Winner
    WD1      Casey Tarau/Weiwei Verran          Winner
                                                              XD3      Lee Ahn/Yoen-Ki Kim            R/U
    WD1      Norma Ching/Jane Wyllie            R/U
                                                              XD4      Kere Mitai/Paul Brazier        Winner
    WD2      Judy Larson/Rose Stevens           Winner
                                                              XD4      Joanne Garden/Leon Dailey      R/U
    WD2      Turu Daniel/Deanna Pohatu          R/U

                   Canterbury Tennis Seniors Championships

                                 Results: Winners                     Runner Up

                                 MDA   Steven Baird/                  Matt Carragher/
                                       Brett Williams                 Scott Carragher
                                 MDB   Alan Harding/                  Chioma Rouse-Amadi/
                                       Nick Symonds                   Grant Summers
                                 MD60+ Neil Pattinson/                Dave Meredith/
                                       Gregory Statter                Max Morrison
                                 WDA   Jolene Feneon/                 Kathy Dwyer/
                                       Belinda Hirst                  Lesley Smith
                                 WDB   Judy Lamont/                   Philippa Daly/
    Canterbury Tennis Seniors
                                            Elaine Rodley             Kerry Sinclair
    Annual Championships,
                              XDA           Matt Carragher/           Nick Symons/
    held at Wilding Park had
                                            Allie McConnell           Katie Potter
    plenty of action on court
                              XDB           Shane Breckon/            Rob Mason/
    with some excellent
                                            Marcela Breckon           Alison Coats
    competition over the
                              XD120+        John Dunbier/             Bruce MacDowell/
    week en d. ……………….
                                            Vangi Weil                Ann Clarkson
    Results following.
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    Page 3

                                     Eastern Bay of Plenty

      Whakatane Seniors Tournament                 Men’s & Ladies Doubles
                                                   Event     Players                               Result
                    Whakatane Tennis Club          MD1       Dave Hawkes/Sean Martin               Winner
                    held their Seniors Tourn-      MD1       John Petch/James Wilce                R/U
                    ament on 5-6 March 2022.       MD1 SF Quentin Maisey/Larry Seales              Winner
                                                   MD1 SF Selwyn Dale/Ric Samuels                  R/U
    The Tournament attracts the best Men's and
                                                   MD2       Joseph Hayes/Les Wardlaw              Winner
    Ladies Seniors players from around the
                                                   MD2       Andrew McFetridge/Justin Oosterveen   R/U
    North Island as well as their own Club
                                                   MD2 SF Manabu Koga/Daniel Van Heerden           Winner
    Seniors players. Men's and Ladies doubles
                                                   MD2 SF Welton Browne/John Van Hellemond         R/U
    are played on the Saturday and the Mixed
                                                   MD3 RR Chanel Prasad/Simon Tyler                Winner
    doubles on the Sunday and as you can see
                                                   MD3 RR Kris Prasertsri/Gabriel Rossouw          R/U
    by the list of winners, definitely plenty of
                                                   MD3 B     Brian Percival/Whare Wharepapa        Winner
    talent on court.
                                                   MD3 B     Leon Dailey/Norman Kairis             R/U
    Mixed Doubles                                  WD1       Casey Tarau/Jane Wyllie               Winner
    Event     Players                   Result     WD1       Debra Dowland/Lara Wild               R/U
    XD1       Philip Meyer/             Winner     WD1 SF Christine Beattie/Violet Anne Skipper    Winner
              Casey Tarau                          WD1 SF Cathy Clarkson/Carol Thorpe              R/U
    XD1       Richard Samuels/          R/U        WD2       Karina Craig/Evelyn Goile             Winner
              Jane Wyllie
                                                   WD2       Tiina Sirkku/Lorraine Steele          R/U
    XD1 SF    James Wilce/              Winner
                                                   WD2 SF De3anna Pohatu/Chantal Thomas            Winner
              Deborah Garea
    XD1 SF    Sean Martin/              R/U        WD2 SF Sally Jane Davis/Maxine Samson           R/U
              Bridget Tapsell                      WD3       Sharon Birchall/Antoinette Heijdra    Winner
    XD2       Joseph Hayes/             Winner     WD3       Tina Michie/Jenny Patterson           W/U
              Vicky Murray
    XD2       Daryl Wakefield/          R/U
              Sue Nunn
    XD2 SF    Brian Baty/               Winner
              Carolyn Baty
    XD2 SF    John Borren/              R/U
              Wendy Burke
    XD3       Quentin Maisey/           Winner
              Jenni Hampshire
    XD3       Michael McClutchie        R/U
              Lynnaire Pohatu
    XD4 A     Kris Prasertsre/          Winner
              Joy Shearer
    XD4 A     Gabriel Rossauw/          R/U
              Maxime Samson
    XD4 B     Paul Brazier/             Winner
              Kiri Martin
    XD4 B     Derek Hauwaho/            R/U
              Sally Davis
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                                    Otago Seniors Tennis Club

       Otago Seniors Tennis Club held a
       very successful tournament over the
                                                  Event      Name                                 Result
       weekend of 2nd & 3rd April 2022
                                                  XDA        Jeff Elliotte/Angela Mockford        Winner
       at the Edgar Centre.
                                                  XDA        Saul Moore/Debbie Stevens            R/U
       52 players participated and enjoyed        XDB        Bruce Eggleton/Jenny Eggleton        Winner
       some great competition. See some           XDB        Alex Abadie/Judith Wallace           R/U
       of the results.      Check the Tennis      XD130      John Alexander/Denise Colston        Winner
       New Zealand Seniors website for a          XD130      Roy Baker/Daphne Ledgerwood          R/U
       full list of results……………………..

    Event      Name                                  Result
    MA         Kobus Faber/Saul Moore                Winner
    MA         Alex Abadie/Fraser Richardson         R/U
    M60B       Russell Hancox/Peter Dick             Winner
    WA         Angela Fitzgerald/Belinda Hirst       Winner
    WA         Willa Faber/Debbie Stevens            R/U
    WB         Andrea King/Sarah Stevenson           Winner
    WB         Ilona Kokay/Meredith Molloy           R/U
    W60+       Daphne Ledgerwood/Barbara Proven      Winner
    W60+       Stephanie Black/Judith Wallacie       R/U

                        Tennis NZ Seniors National 2023 Dates

       2023 National Individual Champs                                2023 National Teams Event

                  Canterbury Tennis Seniors                              Waikato Seniors Tennis Club
                        will host the                                            will host the
         2023 Pascoes Tennis Seniors National                        2023 Pascoes Tennis Seniors National
              Individual Championships                                          Teams Event
                           Dates                                                    Dates
                    25 - 29 January 2023                                       7 - 9 April 2023
                           Venues                                                   Venues
                       To be advised                                            To be advised
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       2022/3                                                                                            Page 5

                          Players in ITF Tournaments Overseas

                With the travel restrictions slowly being lifted we may see a few more players participating in a
       number of ITF Seniors Tournaments around the world. Below is an update of some results that we know
       of. Please let the National Administrator know If you are aware of any players not listed but have been
       playing away from home.
       9-15 May 22     Sue Jamieson MiMa Marepineta Masters, Milano, Italy WS70 RU, WD70 W, XD70 SF
       8-12 Sept 21    Craig Arbuckle Cardiff-EY Wilkey, Welsh Open        50+ MS W………………………
       26-28 Jun 21    Sue Jamieson Tweed Heads, Sth Coast Classic         WS60 RU, WD50, XD50………
       26-28 Jun 21    Quentin Maisey Tweed Heads, Sth Coast Classic       MS70 RU, MD60, XD60

                                  Nelson Veterans Tennis Club
       Nelson Veterans Tennis held their
       annual Seniors tournament on the
       5th & 6th March 2022.
       88 Players participated in what
       was a very enjoyable weekend of
       outstanding tennis.
       On another occasion Leona Ellis
       celebrated her 80th birthday with
       a BBQ and a days tennis at the
       club which was well attended.

       As a complete surprise to Leona, the club presented her with the
       Ellis Trophy for all the years of service she has given.
       Congratulations Leona, a very well deserved award.

    Results from Nelson’s March Tournament                  Results continued
    Event   Name                         Results            Event   Name                               Results
    MD1     Michael Lams/Todd McAuleu    Winner             WD3     Sue Dennis/Dylis Hancox            Winner
    MD1     Julian Main/Roger Main       Runner Up          WD3     Helen Gartery/Marion Machon        Runner Up
    MD1     Jules Day/Claus Reichardt    3rd                WD3     Carolyn Brown/Jean McConachie      3rd
    MD1     Glen Cummins/Jamie Nicol     4th                WD3     Heather Bull/Mary Cameron          4th
    MD2     Mark Hamilton/Jasper Rahal   Winner             XD1     Julian Main/Erica Swarc            Winner
    MD2     Paul Ashley/Nick Dicks       Runner Up          XD1     Mike Spencer/Suzanne Spencer       Runner Up
    MD2     Aaron Salmon/Ben Salman      3rd                XD1     Claus Reichardt                    3rd
    MD2     Jim Chapman/Paul Townend     4th                XD2     Geoff Nalder/Eveline Van Der Linden Winner
    WD1     Mandy Beynon/Suzanne Spencer Winner             XD2     Russell Thomas/Kathryn Hazlewood RunnerUp
    WD1     Alice Anderson/Susan Rooney Runner Up           XD2     David Wutzler/Vicky Wutzler        3rd
    WD1     Eleni Hogg/Robyn Sheves      3rd                XD3     Jasper Rahal/Leanne Devon          Winner
    WD1     Maree Home/Vicky Wutzier     4th                XD3     Paul Townend/Maree Horne           Runner Up
    WD2     Irene Hickford/Rae Rhodes    Winner             XD3     Gary Saunders/Tracy Saunders       3rd
    WD2     Rhonwyn Knecht/Tina Rouhoff Runner Up           XD4     Blake Knox/Irene Hickford          Winner
    WD2     Lu Gollop/Judith Rodgers     3rd                XD4     Jon Littleford/Tina Rouhoff        Runner Up
    WD2     Janet Jones/Terry Rosser     4th                XD4     Tony Horne/Dylis Hancox            3rd
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                           From the 1st August 2022 ITF Seniors will be known as
        Page 6
          Tarbotton Land & Civil Mid Canterbury Seniors Champs
                       Mid Canterbury Seniors held their Championships on 2-3 April 2022 at the Braided
                       Rivers Community Trust Ashburton Tennis Centre.
                       72 Players enjoyed plenty of tennis over the weekend as you can see by the results

        Event    Name                                 Result
        MDA      Rhys Cromie/Peter Leonard            Winner
        MDA      Jason Feutz/Julian Main              R/U
        MDB      Anthonie De Heer/Craig Tinkler       Winner
        MDB      James Callaghan/Steve Edwards        R/U
        MD120    Robert Bennett/Howard Wilson         Winner
        MD120    Rod MacKenzie/Brian Needham          R/U
        WDA      Karen Tait/Debbie Wallace            Winner
        WDA      Jane Brosnahan/Dianna Leonard        R/U
        WDB      Anne-Marie Halliday/Elaine MiddlewoodWinner
        WDB      Ching Evans/Lynne MacKenzie          R/U
        XDA      Julian Main/Jane Brosnahan           Winner
        XDA      John Honeywell/Jo Edwards            R/U
        XDB      Karl Mitchell/Amy Truscott           Winner
        XDB      Robert Bennett/Dianna Leonard        R/U

                             Correction to the TNZS May News

                     Tennis NZ Seniors Annual Awards:………………………………………………………………..
                     The article on the “Club of the Year” which was won by Lower Northland Seniors Tennis
                     Club made mention of David Theyers having won two bronze medals at the 2022 Pascoes
                     Tennis Seniors National Championships. David actually won two “gold medals”.

                     An attachment was also sent at the same
                     time as the May News. This was for the
                     Final Points standings for the 2022
                     Pascoes Tennis Seniors National Teams
        A correction to the results for the Men’s 60-65
        standings. Reverse the column that is headed 60 &
        65 to show 65 & 60 (see opposite)

                                                ITF Seniors

                                            From the 1st August 2022 ITF Seniors will be known as

                                                 ITF World Tennis Masters Tour

         “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
                     matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
N the line - Manly Park Seniors Tennis Club

    Page 7

                       Lower Northland Seniors Tournament

                  76 Players enjoyed some competitive tennis at the annual Lower Northland’s Seniors
                  tournament on the 14th May at the Warkworth Tennis Club. Like many of you may be
                  experiencing when organizing your draws, withdrawals due to the occasional player going
                  down with Covid certainly creates a challenge for the organisers.
                   However all went well for the competitors and Lower Northland were pleased to have
    had the one fine day over the weekend. Below are a list of winners - for more results check the website.

    Event     Players                                Result
    MDA       Andrew Craven/Michael Cosier          Winner
    MDA       Peter Stokes/Grant Waller             RunnerUp
    MDA       Craig McFall/Jeff Crichton            Champ Cons
    MDB       Alex Schwab/Oliver Jordan             Winner
    MDB       Greg Rees/Shaun Kingi                 Runner Up
    MDC       John Hyun Ryoo/David Jong             Winner
    MDC       Jason Magerkorth/Eric Thompson        Runner Up
    MDC       Jacques Oliver/Jonny St George        Plate Winner
    WDA       Hana Ruzickova/Jane Ioaba             Winner
    WDA       Keiko Pogoni/Kat Kayll                Runner Up
    WDA       Raewyn Heywood/Maryanne Rogers        Champ Cons
    WDB       Ahn Lee/Hyun Ki-Kim                   Winner
    WDB       Jodie Hanna/Siobhan Jordan            Runner Up
    WDB       Mel Fergusson/Coral Hammer            Champ Cons

      Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving
                                              Albert Einstein
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Page 8

                                       Taranaki Tennis Seniors

     Results from Taranaki Seniors Tournament held at the Rotokare Tennis
     Centre in May 2022 where 67 players participated

                                    Event   Players                 Results
                                    MD1     Jason Cargo/            Winner
                                            Peter Lehrke
                                    MD1     Wayne Delport/          Runner Up
                                            Gavin Hughes
                                    MD2     Len Adamson/            Winner
                                            David Innes
                                    MD2     Kerry Dwyer/            Runner Up
                                            Mel Slinger
                                    WD1     Janine Perkinson/       Winner
                                            Jane Wyllie
                                    WD1     Jacques Fromont/        Runner Up
                                            Ollie Smith
                                    WD2     Gill Hurley/            Winner
                                            Maree Jones
                                    WD2     Tania Atkinson/         Runner Up
                                            Sharon Bruce
                                    WD3     Shuna Giles/            Winner
                                            Jeanette Harding
                                    WD3     Helen Couper/           Runner Up
                                            Kate Matthews

                                     Upcoming Tournaments

    Date        Tournament                           Contact      Email
    4-5         Otumoetai Queens Bthdy Tourn         Warwick      tournamentsecretary@otumoetaitennis.co.nz
    10-11       Shirley Tennis Club Seniors Tourn    Maree        mareefitchett@gmail.com
    24-26       Waimairi Seniors TC Indoor Tourn     Graeme       admin@wtc.co.nz
    16-17       North Harbour Indoor Tournament      Theresa      tennisseniorsnorthharbour@gmail.com

    6-7         Kapi Mana Indoor Seniors Tourn       Murray       pattersonmurray66@gmail.com
    7           CTS Beauty & Beast Tournament        Lyndsay      canty10seniors@gmail.com
    20-21       Kiwifruit Coast Tournament           Mike         mikecallard@xtra.co.nz
    27-28       Hutt Valley Seniors                  Audrey       audrey.trevor@xtra.co.nz
    27-28       Northland Seniors Tournament         Debbie       debbiedu@gmail.com
    10-11       Manawatu Seniors Tournament          Mayette      Mayettemc@gmail.com
    10-11       Burwood Park Tennis Club Seniors     Brian        burwoodparktennisclub@gmail.com
    10-11       Te Puke Tennis Seniors Tournament    Lindy        rosslindy@xtra.co.nz
    17-18       Marlborough 56th Annual Tourn        Rhonda       marlboroughstc@gmail.com
    24          Burnside Park TC Seniors             Mary         mary.dollin@gmail.com
    24-25       Taupo Senior & Super Vets            Margaret     Margaret.green57@outlook.com

                If you do not wish to continue receiving mail from TNZS - email tnzseniors@xtra.co.nz
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