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College courses
                          take architects
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   Many academic institutions across America have their
   own golf courses, where university teams practice and
   play matches, and alumni and the golfing public can
   enjoy a round. Richard Humphreys finds out what is
   required for success in collegiate golf course design.

12 | By Design
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Tripp Davis, ASGCA, renovated the Jimmie Austin course
                                                                  “to produce championship golf” for the University of Oklahoma

                                                                                                                              Photo: Branden Hart

       he ‘Golden Age’ of golf course     students, and as an attractive amenity     a William Flynn redesign in 1927.
       design in the early decades        for staff and alumni.                       College golf courses soon began to
       of the twentieth century saw         Springdale Golf Club in Princeton,       emerge across the country. In 1921,
the creation of many of America’s         New Jersey, may lay claim to being         Bob Rutherford and R.D. Pryde,
finest courses. It also saw the birth     America’s first university course.         professors at Penn State, laid out nine
of university golf courses, with          Formed in 1895 by a group of               holes on campus, with Willie Park, Jr.
leading institutions like Princeton,      alumni, faculty and undergraduates,        arriving the following year to extend
Yale and Stanford investing in their      nine holes opened in 1902 and              their work to a full eighteen. The
own facilities for their golf teams and   another nine followed in 1915, before      renowned nine-hole Culver Academies

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                                                                                                        Photo: Love Golf Design
Scot Sherman, ASGCA, is currently working on a renovation of the Birdwood course at
Boar’s Head Resort, home of the University of Virginia golf teams

layout in Indiana was created by            the University of Georgia, Colgate        difficult to understand and meet
William Langford and Theodore               University and Duke University, the       everyone’s needs.
Moreau in 1924. The Course at Yale in       latter renovated by his son, ASGCA         So, what makes a great college
New Haven, Connecticut, a celebrated        Past President Rees Jones, himself a      golf design? What do academic
C.B. Macdonald creation with many of        former NCAA golfer at Yale.               institutions want from their golf
his famed template holes, opened in
1926. Wayne Stiles’ Taconic Golf Club
in Williamstown, Massachusetts, was             We are trying hard to make golfers
originally built for Williams College
students in 1928.                           think. After all, isn’t that the point of the
  By the early 1930s—with George
Thomas and Billy Bell completing            college experience?
their design at Stanford University
in California and the opening of              Many more of America’s academic         courses and what are the primary
the University of Michigan’s course         institutions have chosen to build         challenges that golf course architects
in Ann Arbor, a collaboration               courses on their campus, helping to       face when designing a college course?
between Perry Maxwell and Alister           attract students and generate revenue.
Mackenzie—golf was firmly on the            The foundations for university            A stern test
college agenda.                             design work can often be very sound.      One of the most frequently cited
  Later, Robert Trent Jones, ASGCA,         “Universities have lots of open land      requirements for university golf
helped shape college golf, too. Jones       available to them, usually a fair         courses is for them to be a stern
will always be closely associated           amount of money to invest and see         test, to challenge and improve every
with Cornell, where as a student he         a golf course as an attractive amenity    aspect of a college golfer’s skills.
designed a study program for his            for alumni and students,” says ASGCA      Some of the most successful NCAA
chosen profession as a golf course          Past President Michael Hurdzan.           golf teams have notoriously difficult
designer. He returned in the 1940s            But the bureaucratic nature of such     home courses—the 2018 NCAA golf
and 50s to create Cornell’s golf            institutions and often large number       champions Oklahoma State play at
course, but also designed courses for       of decision-makers can make it            Karsten Creek in Stillwater, designed

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Photo: University Club of Kentucky
                                                                                                        CASE STUDY

                                                                                                        Indiana University

                                                                                                                                                                        Photo: Steve Smyers Golf Course Architects
The brief for Drew Rogers, ASGCA, at The University Club of
Kentucky was to provide “stronger strategic presence and length”                                        Construction of Indiana University’s new golf course,
                                                                                                        designed by ASGCA Past President Steve Smyers, is
by Tom Fazio, ASGCA, and the 2012 champions University                                                  complete and growing in ahead of a spring 2020
of Texas, whose team included Jordan Spieth, play on a                                                  opening.
7,400-yard hill country course in Austin designed by Roy                                                  Smyers’ brief was to design a course that could host
Bechtol and Randy Russell, ASGCA.                                                                       high-caliber championships, require golfers to execute
  “When it comes to building a golf course played by                                                    a variety of shots, would preserve and enhance the
today’s college team members, their athletic and mental                                                 environment, and would be economically sustainable.
abilities cannot be ignored,” says Scot Sherman, ASGCA,                                                   “From a golf architect’s perspective, I was very
project architect for Love Golf Design. “Both men and                                                   fortunate,” says Smyers. “I was given almost total
women at college level are more capable than ever in all                                                freedom to create whatever I thought best for the
areas of the game.”                                                                                     property and project.
  Sherman is overseeing a comprehensive renovation                                                        “The course was routed to take advantage of the
of the Birdwood course at the Boar’s Head Resort near                                                   topography and diverse landscape settings. The
Charlottesville, which is home to the University of Virginia’s                                          strategy and shotmaking of the course emanate from
golf teams and is expected to reopen in spring 2020.                                                    the movement of the land and the journey around the
  “On the new golf course, we have certainly considered all                                             property from landscape room to landscape room
players, but have paid closer attention to how the course                                               provides variety in the settings of the golf holes.
might be set up for high level play when needed. We are                                                   “The bunkering throughout the course has varying
trying hard to make golfers think. After all, isn’t that the                                            depths and shapes, while slopes within the bunkers
point of the college experience?”                                                                       vary. All of this requires different skills and creativity in
  ASGCA Past President Steve Smyers is working on a new                                                 shotmaking.
course at Indiana University (see box), which has already                                                 “There is tremendous variety built into the length of
been given a USGA course rating of 80. “It is, very much                                                the course demanding use of all 14 clubs even for the
so, a strong test of golf,” says Smyers, who studied data of                                            longest of hitters. The course is planned with multiple
how elite golfers plot their way around a course to inform                                              landing areas on each hole so that the golf holes can
his design. “To further test the golfer’s ability to create and                                         be set up with greatly varying length from one day to
identify the ideal shot for the occasion, several different                                             the next. This will require not only high-level execution
situations were created around putting surfaces,” he says.                                              but proper planning before each hole is played.”
  Tripp Davis, ASGCA, approached work on the at the

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                                                                                                                  Photo: Mike Gogel
                  Mike Gogel, ASGCA, recently completed The Jayhawk Club (above), where University of Kansas
                           golf teams are based. The course at Ole Miss Golf Club (right), which is home to the
                                 University of Mississippi golf teams, was renovated by Nathan Crace, ASGCA

Jimmie Austin Golf Club at the              course, short course and practice             golf course (see box). The course
University of Oklahoma with a               areas. “A university the size of UVA          will reopen soon with extensive
tournament mindset. “Our approach           attracts many people throughout               new practice facilities. “For the golf
was like when we are asked to               the year who vacation, study,                 teams and its supporters, we have
produce championship golf, rather           explore, collaborate and compete,”            created a 12-hole par-three course
than being focused on playability for       says Sherman. “Therefore, those               that is designed so that it can be
the average to higher handicap player.      involved in the golf planning process         played in a multiple of ways,” says
Ultimately, the objective became, and       recognized it was valuable to provide         Chris Cochran, ASGCA, of Nicklaus
still is, to do whatever is necessary       golf venues for all.”                         Design. “Not only is it fun to play,
to make OU the best university golf           A year after he renovated their             but it has so much variety that it will
facility in the country.”                   Jimmie Austin Golf Club, Davis                be fantastic short game practice for
  Drew Rogers, ASGCA, oversaw a             returned to the University of                 everyone, including golf summer
renovation of the Big Blue course           Oklahoma to create the four-hole              camp for juniors.”
at the University Club of Kentucky,

                                                The everday golfer had to be able
home to both the men’s and women’s
golf teams. And while he says that his
approach was not all that different
from any other renovation endeavors,         to maneuver around the course and have an
part of the brief was to “enhance the
design to have a stronger strategic          enjoyable time doing so
presence and length to challenge
collegiate players.”                        ‘Ransom’ course. Davis says that one            Mike Gogel, ASGCA, has just
                                            of the objectives for his work was to         completed a renovation which has
Best practice                               create the most well-rounded practice         become The Jayhawk Club, used
In addition to a challenging golf           facilities for the golf teams. “The golf      by the University of Kansas golf
course, universities are increasingly       teams have their own indoor building,         teams. “A new team building was
recognising that outstanding practice       range tee hitting north, short game           constructed, which houses both
facilities are a way to give their teams    area and four-hole practice course.”          teams’ locker rooms, both coach’s
a competitive advantage.                      Another institution that has made           offices, lounge rooms, indoor putting
  At the University of Virginia,            a considerable effort to improve its          and chipping green, indoor trackman
Sherman and the Love Golf Design            practice offerings is Florida State           simulator, club repair and seven
team have made use of some unused           University, where Nicklaus Design             bays,” says Gogel. There is also a
land adjacent to the old layout             has comprehensively redesigned and            short game practice area with three
for the creation of a new putting           renovated the Don Veller Seminole             greens and fairways, greenside and

16 | By Design
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Photo: Nathan Crace
fairway bunkers, and a 10,000 square
                                        CASE STUDY
foot putting green.
  The University of Kentucky returned
to Rogers to work with golf coaches     Florida State University
and players to redesign practice

                                                                                                                            Photo: Courtesy of Florida State University
facilities. “That encounter led us to
look for ways to enhance and further
develop the practice area utilized
specifically by the golf teams,”
says Rogers. The plans include the
creation of more recovery options
around the pitching greens, more
diverse grass choices from which the
teams can prepare for, and the visual
enhancement of fairway targets.

Public play                             Florida State University’s Don Veller Seminole course will reopen in late
Most college golf courses must also     2019 following an $8 million renovation overseen by Nicklaus Design. The
be appealing to the general public.     course is essentially brand new, with the former layout rerouted to generate
While his work at Indiana University    land for the university, with only the eighteenth left from the original routing.
has focused on testing the high-          “Our brief was to create a world-class golf facility that would attract
level collegiate player, Smyers also    the best junior players in the world to attend FSU and a course capable
designed the course with playability    of hosting any major tournament,” says Nicklaus Design’s senior design
for all golfers in mind. “The major     associate Chris Cochran, ASGCA (pictured above right with the Nicklaus
contributors to the project comprised   and FSU team). “The course is aimed at being fun to play for the alumni
many of the university’s alumni,”       and students, and it has been designed to be easily maintainable while
says Smyers. “It was emphasized that    reducing the overall footprint of the golf course by 40 acres in order to
they and their guests—the everyday      create space for a future highway expansion and commercial development.
golfer—had to be able to maneuver         “The golf course has over 50 feet of elevation change on it – which is a
around the course and have an           lot in Florida. The property is lined with 100-year-old live oaks and giant,
enjoyable time doing so.”               stately pine trees. We were able to keep over 99 percent of these.
  Similarly, at the University of         “The course is turning out great. There is over 3,000 yards difference
Oklahoma, Davis has made the            between forward and back tees.”
course at Jimmie Austin Golf Club

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more playable for golfers. “We did          who studied at the University of
add a good bit of width to enhance          Kentucky. “I’m proud to give back            Design graduates
the strategic options and all but           and to remain involved at a school
three greens allow for a running            which has also given so much to              Other ASGCA members to
approach,” says Davis.                      me. My returns to Lexington always           successfully complete design
  At Ole Miss Golf Club, the home           feel welcoming and familiar and              projects for universities include:
course for the University of Mississippi    hopefully always will. It is also
teams, Nathan Crace, ASGCA, took            especially pleasing to see the golf          ASGCA Past President
a similar approach: “The task was           teams do well, knowing that we’ve            Jeffrey Blume redesigned the
to modernize the course to current          had this interaction and that they           Campus course at Texas A&M
standards and make the course more          utilize facilities that we’ve very           University, as well as designed
playable for a wider range of clientele,”   purposely developed together.”               the Goodman Family Aggie Golf
he says. “The course serves students,         “Designing a course that carries the       Complex practice facility.
but also an increasingly larger number      Jayhawk name was very exciting for

                                                                                                                              Photo: Jeffrey D. Blume Ltd
of non-students including a growing         me personally,” says Gogel. “We grew
number of retirees in the area.”            up Jayhawks, even living in Lawrence
                                            as young kids. Most of my immediate
Collaboration challenge                     and extended family graduated from
While every golf course project             KU so to design a course and practice
requires architects to work in tandem       facilities that will be used to help
with their clients, university projects     build a college program and develop
can involve more stakeholders,              potential future professional golfers        Thomas E. Clark, ASGCA,
each bringing their own agenda and          and top tier amateurs and know               returned to his alma mater Penn
opinion to the table.                       I have a very small part in that... I        State University in 1992 for a
 “What can be different versus a            am not certain I’ll ever have a more         project that saw 14 holes added
course with a single owner or a             personal attachment to a project.”           for their 36-hole golf complex.
member renovation committee is                “I have loved working at my alma           He later improved practice
meetings where a dozen decision-            mater, and I am actually enjoying            facilities for the golf teams.
makers are sitting around a conference      it more and more,” says Davis,
                                                                                         As part of his work with Fazio
  I’m not certain I’ll ever have a more                                                  Design, ASGCA Past President
                                                                                         Tom Marzolf has helped to
personal attachment to a project                                                         create golf facilities at the
                                                                                         Georgia Institute of Technology,
                                                                                         Oklahoma State University and
table and making sure everyone              a graduate of the University of              The University of North Carolina.
is on the same page and is being            Oklahoma, member of the 1989
heard,” says Crace. “That can be time-      National Championship golf team              Kevin Ramsey, ASGCA, of
consuming, but it’s worth the effort        and NCAA-All American selection.             Golfplan designed the John
when you see the finished product.”         “I was a little hesitant at first to be as   and Diane Watson Short Game
  “As it comes to the budget on this        strong-willed as I might be normally,        Training Center at El Macero
project we have worked closely with         when necessary. While we are still           Country Club, which is used by
many representatives of the university,     doing things to make it better, I am at      the golf teams at UC Davis.
the general contractor we technically       a point I can enjoy it now.”
                                                                                                                              Photo: Golfplan

work for, and the golf course                 And for some architects, the tables
contractor, which is more people than       have been turned. “I did take a lot
what we typically work with,” says          of ribbing from friends because I
Cochran, of his experiences at FSU.         graduated from Mississippi State,”
“But the relationship with everyone         says Crace, of his work at in-state
on this project has been great.”            rival Ole Miss (he has done work at
                                            MSU’s course too). “My friends from
Alma mater honor                            Mississippi State would kid me about         Andy Staples, ASGCA, has
For some ASGCA members, one of the          working for ‘the other school’ and           recently finished working with
most gratifying aspects of university       my friends who were Ole Miss fans            Marquette University and The
golf design has been the opportunity        would kid me about ‘finally seeing           University Club of Milwaukee on
to return to their alma mater.              the light’ and helping them recruit          an innovative short game range
 “It is an honor to have one’s alma         for the golf teams with a new course.        and four-hole short course.
mater reach out,” says Rogers,              It’s all good-natured fun!” •
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