My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...

Page created by Jeanne Salinas
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
My travel diary
Three days in London
   March 2019
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
Group names :

About us …
Introduce yourselves (names, age, personality, likes and dislikes… ) and say
what you expect from this trip (your hopes, your fears…)

__________________________________________________________________________________ _______
Stick one of your favourite pictures together
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
London – 4th March until 8th
            Monday             Tuesday                  Wednesday                       Thursday
Breakfast               Packed breakfast your             Families                      Families

Morning                      London Eye               Mme Tussauds                The Tower of London

                         Visit of Westminster

Lunch                   Packed lunch from your   Packed lunch from the host   Packed lunch from the host
                                family                    families                     families

                              Hyde park                Regent’s Park

Afternoon               Natural History Museum         Camden Lock              Cruise on River Thames

                                                         Cream tea                   Picadilly Circus

Dinner                         Families                   Families            Dinner at the Fish and Chips’

Evening     11 p.m -           Families                   Families                       Route
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
First, locate London on the following map.

Then, use three colors: one for England, one for Great Britain and one for
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
Tips before our trip
                                  Name of teacher : phone number
                                  Name of teacher : phone number

 Pour appeler quelqu’un qui se trouve en France

 L'indicatif téléphonique à composer pour appeler l'Angleterre est le :   0033 OU +33

 Ex : 06 12 34 56 78 → 00336 12 34 56 78 ou +33612345678 (on enlève le zéro initial)

 Pour appeler quelqu’un qui se trouve en Angleterre

 L'indicatif téléphonique à composer pour appeler l'Angleterre est le :   0044 OU +44

 Ex : 06 12 34 56 78 → 00446 12 34 56 78 ou +44612345678 (on enlève le zéro initial)

Money, money, money… £1 < 1€
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
Day 1- The trip
1 . What means of transport did we use ? Tick.

 a helicopter      a sleigh            a train          a bus            a plane

2. What time did we leave Calais for Folkestone ? ____________________________

3. What’s the name of the sea between France and Britain? ____________________

4. What means of transport did we use? Tick.

 a submarine  a fishing boat          a speed boat      a ferry       the Shuttle

5. What was the weather like?

rainy              windy                      sunny                        cloudy

cold                         cool                       warm               hot

                                                    Stick one of your favourite pictures of the trip to England.
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
Day 2
     London Eye
     Complete the grid : guess the places and what the numbers refer to :

                      FACTS                             FIGURES / NUMBERS
      Price / ride
      Duration of a ride
      Number of capsules
      Number of people that each capsule can
      Number of people the wheel can carry
                                               26 seconds / minutes
                                               25 miles away
                                               7 years
                                               3.5 million

Big Ben
             Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
              Mentionne au moins 4 informations supplémentaires données par tes professeurs à
              propos de Big Ben ………………………………………………………………………………

Westminster Abbey

1. À quel siècle a-t-elle été construite ?
2. Quelle est sa fonction ?
3. Quel événement exceptionnel concernant ces deux personnes s’est déroulé en
l’Abbaye de Westminster ?……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
Buckingham Palace

Trouve les erreurs dans chacune de ces phrases et corrige-les.

1.   Buckingham Palace est la résidence officielle du Premier
Ministre depuis 1703.

2.   Lorsque le drapeau est en berne, cela signifie que la reine est
présente au palais.

3.   Pour marquer leur victoire lors de la Bataille de Waterloo en 1815 sur l’armée espagnole, les
gardes de la royauté britannique portent des chapeaux de soldats grenadiers.

     Hyde Park
My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
The Natural History Museum

FACTS: find information about the place
1) When was the museum built ? / Quand fut construit ce musée? ……………………………………………

2) Which animal welcomes you in the museum ? / Quel animal vous accueille dans le musée ?


3) How many zones are there in the museum ? / Combien de zones y a-t-il dans le musée ?.......

4) What can you find in these zones ? Cross out the odd one. / Que trouve-t-on dans chacune de ces zones? Barre

Blue zone : dinosaurs – birds – mammals - reptiles

Green zone : fossil marine reptiles – birds - the vault – kangaroos

Red zone : earth’s treasury - volcanoes – celebrities - earthquakes

5) Name one exhibition visitors can see at the moment in the Natural History Museum :
Name of the exhibition :………………………………………………………… Date : from………………………………to……………………………

5) Which dinosaurs do you prefer ? Write three of them / Quels dinosaures préfères-tu ?

Ecris le nom de trois d'entre eux : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6) What did the Triceratops eat ? / Que mangeait le Triceratops ? ………………………………………………

7) Why did he have horns ? / Pourquoi avait-il des cornes ? ……………………………………………………………

8) What did the Tyrannosaurus eat ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

9) How many teeth did he have ? / Combien de dents avait-il ? ………………………………………………………

10) Was its bite more powerful than that of a lion ? / La force de sa mâchoire était-elle plus puissante que celle du
lion ? …………………………………………………Why ? / pourquoi ?

11) Is the Australian Diprotodon still alive ? / Le Diprotodon est-il encore en vie ? …………………

12) Name five other animals you can see / Ecris cinq autres animaux que tu peux voir :

13) Which species inspired mermaid stories? / De quelle(s) espèce(s) sont inspirées les histoires de sirènes ?

My travel diary Three days in London March 2019 - Collège Paul ...
•   Choose two creatures ( dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, mammals...) and write down information about
Day 3
                                    Madame Tussauds
Note le nom d’une célébrité que tu as rencontré dans chacune des catégories suivantes :

- a sportsman or sportswoman : ………………………………………………………..
  –a singer : ……………………………………………………….. - an actor: ………………………………………………….……..
 - a superhero : …………………………………………………………………….
- a member of the Royal Family : ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………
- un personnage politique international : ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………

                                                            Colle une photo de toi avec ta personnalité préférée.

                                            Camden Town
Cream tea in Camden
Make a list of the pastries you tasted (=
goûté) during the traditional British tea






Did you have a tea?             Yes          /      No

Feelings / impressions about the tea time :

What was your favorite pastry? Why?


                            Classic scones with jam & clotted cream

Here is a traditional scone recipe you can try at home ☺ Enjoy !
Day 4
The Tower of London – word search

1. You can see - - - - - Bridge from
the Tower of London
6. Guardians of the tower
8. They haunt the tower at night
9. Another name for the tower
10 .The Tower of London is now a …

2. Black birds
3. The first name of Henry VIII ‘s 6 th
4. Synonym for jail
5. Diamonds….
7. Colour of the famous tower in the centre

   L   O   N   D   O   N   S   K   R   I      BEEFEATERS   MEDIEVAL
   M   W   M   B   S   N   E   V   A   R      RAVENS
   B   E   E   F   E   A   T   E   R   S      LONDON
   M   Z   D   O   P   A   L   A   C   E      GHOSTS
   U   S   I   R   G   T   G   J   P   E      CASTLE
   E   E   E   T   H   Z   Y   E   U   L      JEWELS
   S   M   V   R   O   I   Z   W   P   T      MUSEUM
   U   A   A   E   S   U   S   E   Y   S      PALACE
   M   H   L   S   T   D   Q   L   O   A      FORTRESS
   C   T   X   S   S   U   T   S   D   C      THAMES

Stick one of your favorite photos of the visit
Cruise on River Thames

         Lis les descriptions suivantes et dis de quel monument il s'agit.

a) It is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe. You can have a great view of London from there.

b) It is an old castle near the River Thames. King Henry VIII lived there in the sixteenth century. It was also a prison.
People say that it is haunted.

c) Ministers speak about politics there and you can see the most famous clock in the world: Big Ben.

d) It is a modern vision of William Shakespeare's theatre. It is called the Globe because of its circular shape.

e) It is 244 metres long and it opened in 1894. Boats can pass under it.

f) Saint Paul’s Cathedral : It’s the place where Prince Charles and Lady Diana got married. It was built in 1710 after
four reconstructions

g) The Tate Modern: It’s a contemporary-art gallery which opened in 2000. The 200m-long building, made of 4.2
million bricks, is an imposing sight.

h) The Shard : It’s a 95-story (floors) skyscraper and the highest building in the United Kingdom. It was inaugurated
in 2012.
Covent Garden – Soho - Piccadilly:
Did you get to see any street show? As-tu vu des spectacles de rue ?

Did you buy souvenirs?
What was your favorite store (shop) ? ________________________________________________________
What did you think of all the ads (=publicités) in Piccadilly?

          Dinner at the fish and chips’
                                               Describe your meal :___________________________________
                                               Drinks :__________________________________________________

                                               Main course :_____________________________________________

                                               Desert :__________________________________________________

                                               What did you think of the pub ?
                                               (Decoration, atmosphere…

         Enjoy your meal !
My host family:

                                    Settling in and speaking English
À quelle heure part-on demain ?                         What time do you leave tomorrow ?
Pourriez-vous nous réveiller à … ?                      Could you wake us up at … ?
Pourriez-vous me prêter un sèche-cheveux ?              Could you lend me a hair dryer?
Cela vous dérange-t-il si je … ?                        Would you mind if I … ?
Puis-je avoir une autre couverture/un autre oreiller… ? Can I have another blanket/another pillow … ?
Où dois-je mettre mes chaussures/mon manteau … ?        Where should I put my shoes/my coat ?
La chasse d’eau ne fonctionne pas.                      The flush isn’t working.
Pourriez-vous m’aider à faire ce travail ?              Could you help me with this ?
Bon appétit !                                           Enjoy your meal !
Il n’y a pas de papier toilette.                        There’s no more paper roll.
  A quelle heure est le petit déjeuner?       What time do we have breakfast?

  Est-ce que je peux mettre la table ?             Can I help lay the table?

Où sont les couteaux, les fourchettes, les   Where are the knives, the forks, the
              assiettes,… ?                               plates…?

           Je suis végétarien                          I’m a vegetarian
          Je suis allergique à …                       I’m allergic to …
 Puis-je vous aider à faire la vaisselle ?       Can I help wash the dishes ?

              Bon appétit !                           Enjoy your meal !
Ask politely if you can interview one of the members of the family and fill in the grid with the information.
                   Write complete sentences and get a bonus if you record the interview !

             Who did you interview ? …………………………………………………………………………….
Chilren :
     Names :
     Ages :
     Hobiies / likes and dislikes ?

     Others :

Questions to a member of the family : …………………………. (name)
                QUESTIONS                    ANSWERS

      Football team you support ?

      Favourite French celebrity ?

        Last film at the cinema ?

          Food/dish you love ?

                Hobbies ?

 One of your good resolutions for 2019 ?


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