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Policy Study 424
                                November 2013


            BY STEVEN TITCH
Reason Foundation

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Reason Foundation

Lessons in Municipal Broadband from
Lafayette, Louisiana
         By Steven Titch
         Project Director: Julian Morris

         Executive Summary

         Government-funded broadband projects, exemplified by the one undertaken in 2005 by Lafayette
         Utilities Service (LUS), start with a fundamental error: governments believe they are entering a
         monopoly-based infrastructure business when in reality, they are entering an extremely competitive
         service business.

         Because they assume broadband is an infrastructure business, they believe the model will follow
         the classic utility: high upfront construction costs, followed by high yield revenues that pay back
         the investment, while the installed plant can be routinely maintained as it depreciates on a long
         schedule. As with a classic utility, customer acquisition costs are believed to be low and

         The shock comes when they learn, usually within two years of start-up, that technology cycles in
         broadband are short. Equipment can’t be “maintained” over a decade; it often has to be upgraded
         or replaced every two to three years. An even bigger shock comes when cities discover how much
         they must spend year-to-year to build and maintain viable market share. This is when
         municipalities realize that it’s not the speed of its Internet connections, but the quality, breadth and
         competitiveness of its cable TV service that drives revenues.

         This paper examines one of the largest and most publicized municipal broadband projects in the
         U.S.: the $160-million fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) project launched by Lafayette Utilities Service
         (LUS) in Lafayette, Louisiana.

         Six years into the operation, LUS Fiber is:
             §   30% short of its revenue projection as set out in its business plan
             §   More than $160 million in debt
§   As of last year was losing $45,000 a day, according to the Lafayette’s independent auditor
    §   Struggling to compete with cable, telephone, wireless and satellite service providers in
         terms of price, performance and service options.

Reason chose to profile LUS Fiber because it is often held up as a policy success. Groups such as
the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, which profiled the operation last year in a report titled
Broadband at the Speed of Light: How Three Communities Built Next-Generation Networks, say it
is a model to be followed. It has drawn national coverage from prominent journalists Bill Moyers
and Tom Friedman. Susan Crawford, former telecom advisor to President Obama, devotes several
pages of her new book, Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New
Gilded Age, to LUS Fiber’s story.

Both progressive analysis and mainstream news reports tend to play up the benefits of fiber optics
as well as the compelling story of a small town taking on the huge, impersonal telephone and cable
companies. These reports also further reinforce the erroneous notions that broadband is a
monopoly that can be effectively countered through government alternatives.

In reality the situation is much more complex. This paper will spell out those complexities, which
are either glossed over or dismissed outright by the municipal proponents and the media. They
represent risks and realities that should be understood by any municipality before it moves ahead
with a public broadband project.

For all the enthusiasm about municipal broadband, one fact remains: A great majority of systems
fail. Those that survive end up falling short of their promised goals of lower prices, better service
and ubiquity. One high-profile project after another—Ashland, Oregon; Provo, Utah; Tacoma,
Washington—have leveraged their taxpayer funding, only to fall short of goals and end up facing a
mountain of debt.

In some cases, the city recovers its investment through sale of assets, or by converting a partially
completed network into a system exclusively serving the local government agencies. Compared to
those past projects, LUS Fiber is in better shape, but it is far from secure. Whether LUS Fiber will
truly be a success remains to be seen. But as of early 2013, it is still short of its financial and
competitive goals. As this report was going to press, LUS Fiber’s management was predicting that
the operation would be self-supporting by 2016. But it is turning to its own municipal parent, LUS,
for more revenues. The 2013–14 budget for the Lafayette Consolidated Government calls for $1.3
million in LUS purchases from LUS Fiber for the next fiscal year, a 185% increase over the
$454,000 projected for the current fiscal year, which will end October 31.
Reason Foundation

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1	

The Push for Muni Broadband .................................................................................. 3	
1. Municipal broadband fits the tradition of municipal utilities. ............................................... 3	
2. Municipal broadband creates true competition. .................................................................. 3	
3. Municipal broadband addresses unmet needs..................................................................... 3	
4. Municipal broadband boosts local economic development. ................................................ 4	

LUS Fiber’s Financial Situation .................................................................................. 5	

Broadband Is Not a Utility ...................................................................................... 10	

Does LUS Fiber Serve Unmet Needs? ..................................................................... 14	

Community Economic Development ...................................................................... 17	

The Future of LUS Fiber .......................................................................................... 20	
A. LUS Fiber Becomes What It Has Beheld ........................................................................... 21	
B. LUS Fiber Shifts its Marketing Focus to Local Businesses ................................................... 22	
C. The City Government Props Up LUS Fiber, While Cutting Corners and Transparency ....... 23	
D. LUS Fiber Sells Assets ....................................................................................................... 24	
E. LUS Fiber Sustains Outright Failure ................................................................................... 24	

Conclusion: Implications for Municipal Fiber Projects ........................................... 25	

Appendix A: LUS Fiber Financial Performance Compared to
2004 Feasibility Study ............................................................................................. 28	

Appendix B: Comparison of LUS and Cox Services and Rates ................................ 35	
A. LUS Video Service Tiers & Options July 2013 ................................................................... 35	
B. LUS Internet Rates, Speed Levels & Details ....................................................................... 36	

About the Author ..................................................................................................... 39	

Endnotes .................................................................................................................. 40	

Part 1

         Municipal broadband is a high-risk proposition. Cities considering such projects, which can entail
         the borrowing of more than $100 million, must understand the complex market they would be

         A number of influential voices in policy and media, including President Obama’s former
         telecommunications policy advisor, Susan Crawford, say that municipalities should offer
         broadband service. They say that for some communities, a municipal broadband system may be the
         only way to ensure their residents and businesses enjoy the benefits of a high-speed link to the
         digital economy. They fear that because of their size or low per capita income, these communities
         will be passed over by commercial service providers for whom high revenues and profit are a

         At the same time, the national media tends to hype large-scale municipal projects in a handful of
         cities and towns, such as Chattanooga and Bristol, Tennessee and Lafayette, Louisiana, portraying
         these communities as determined Davids successfully overcoming the broadband intransigence of
         incumbent telephone and cable TV Goliaths.

         But while focusing on a few apparent successes, those news stories and reports overlook the
         hundreds of municipal systems that have struggled financially or failed outright. While proponents
         don’t attempt to play down the costs of municipal broadband, they often present it as something
         that cities can easily do.

         The principal rationale for municipal broadband is a contention that broadband service works like a
         utility, akin to electricity or water, which leans toward natural monopoly. Indeed, Crawford makes
         this assertion the basis of her 2013 book Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly
         Power in the New Gilded Age. Among other policies, the book endorses municipal broadband as a
         viable means for expanding Internet access.

         Municipal provision, Crawford claims, can be an effective and fiscally responsible way to deliver
         broadband. It can serve previously unmet consumer needs in a community and generate
         community economic development. Hers is just the latest in a series of calls from organizations
         such as FreePress and Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), as well as media figures such as
         Tom Friedman and Bill Moyers, that have been promoting municipal broadband policy for more
         than 10 years. This study aims to evaluate these claims by examining the largest municipal
2   |   Reason Foundation

             broadband system to date, LUS Fiber, the fiber optic network operated by Lafayette Utilities
             System in Lafayette, Louisiana.

             Crawford devotes several pages to Lafayette in her book, and ILSR featured it prominently in its
             own research paper published in 2012. According to these accounts, LUS Fiber is a success. But is
             it really?

             This brief will examine LUS Fiber’s history, performance and future, in the hope of painting a
             more balanced and accurate picture of municipal broadband’s risks and challenges than is provided
             by the media and consultants. This brief hopes to offer an additional resource to mayors, city
             councils and managers of municipal utilities who are assessing whether municipal broadband is the
             correct path for their communities.

Part 2

The Push for Muni Broadband
         Municipal supply of telecommunications is not new. In the early 20th century, many rural towns set up
         municipally owned companies or cooperatives to offer telephone service. In the 1960s and 70s, some
         towns tried the model with cable TV. These operations served their purpose, especially in more remote
         areas, but by the close of the century, most of these relatively tiny municipal operations had been
         acquired by commercial cable companies who were able to invest in system upgrades, such as HDTV
         and faster Internet speeds, as well as compete better against satellite TV services.

         As the Internet took off in the 1990s, some cities tried to apply the municipal supply model to
         Internet access. At first, these were in rural areas without broadband service. But as interest in
         municipal broadband continued to grow, larger cities with residents already served by phone and
         cable companies began to mull over the idea of building broadband systems of their own. Policy
         advocates suggested cities invest in new network platforms, particularly fiber-to-the-home (FTTH)
         or large-scale WiFi wireless. Advocates make four main arguments for municipal broadband:

         1. Municipal broadband fits the tradition of municipal utilities.

         Broadband is a capital-intensive, facilities-based service. In other words, it is a “utility.” As such it
         should be possible for a city government to deliver broadband in much the same way that cities
         have run gas, electric, water and telephone utilities.

         2. Municipal broadband creates true competition.

         Cable and telephone companies form a coercive duopoly that can dictate prices, technologies and
         service packages—and get away with poor customer service. Municipal broadband systems, by
         contrast, can offer lower prices and consumer-friendly choices, such as unbundled Internet and a la
         carte cable programming.

         3. Municipal broadband addresses unmet needs.

         Commercial service providers are not interested in serving entire communities—only middle- to
         upper-income households with enough disposable income to generate average monthly revenues of
4   |   Reason Foundation

             $100 to $200. Municipal broadband would offer high-speed Internet to low-income households,
             enabling them to access the educational, commercial and social benefits of the digital economy.
             For example, during a debate over Philadelphia’s proposed citywide municipal WiFi network,
             Dianah Neff, the city’s chief information officer, said she was convinced that local private
             providers were not deploying broadband services fast enough to poor or underserved areas of

             4. Municipal broadband boosts local economic development.

             Municipal broadband allows communities to take charge of their local broadband development. It
             allows them to control the timetables for commercial deployment. Investment in platforms that
             commercial providers have eschewed, such as FTTH, offer a way to attract businesses and
             employers to the area and for high-tech entrepreneurs to remain local. For example, here’s how the
             Institute for Local Self-Reliance described the municipal broadband system operated by
             Chattanooga’s Electric Power Board (EPB):

                 EPB caters to the whole community, not just a few big employers. This is a key point for
                 communities who aren’t likely to attract companies the size of Volkswagen. EPB Fiber
                 Optics allows small [local online] startups like Retickr to compete globally at affordable
                 rates, and allows individuals to pursue dreams of starting sole proprietorships from their

             Apparently persuaded by these arguments, the governments of a number of small- to medium-sized
             cities launched municipal network overbuilds that would compete head-to-head with local
             incumbent service providers. These included Tacoma, Washington (wireless); Ashland Oregon
             (FTTH); Lebanon, Ohio (coaxial cable); Kutztown, Pennsylvania (FTTH), and Provo, Utah

             The biggest of these projects was launched in 2007 in Lafayette, Louisiana. Three years earlier,
             Lafayette Utilities System (LUS), the municipal utility company in Lafayette, a Gulf Coast city of
             121,000 located about 50 miles west of Baton Rouge, proposed a $110 million plan to build a
             broadband FTTH network. The sheer scale of the project attracted and galvanized consumer
             activists and progressive organizations both in Lafayette and nationwide. LUS was buoyed by a
             feasibility report it had commissioned from CCG Consulting, a specialist in municipal broadband
             planning, which predicted that LUS Fiber would break even by its fifth year of operation and could
             ultimately win 50% of the cable and telephone market in Lafayette. Some city council members
             questioned the risk posed by the high cost of the plan, and asked whether Lafayette needed a
             municipal overbuild. Yet the popularity of the idea was undeniable. The plan even sparked the
             creation of a community organization, Lafayette Coming Together, which campaigned
             energetically for the measure. After considerable debate, LUS carried the day. In a special election,
             the municipal broadband bond issue won 62% of the vote.

Part 3

LUS Fiber’s Financial Situation
         Terry Huval, director of Lafayette Utilities System, continues to state in public forums that LUS
         Fiber is on sound financial footing and will ultimately break even. In a city council budget meeting
         in August 2013—as this report was going to press—Huval said LUS Fiber would be fully self-
         supporting by 2016.3 Earlier in the year, in response to a series of email questions, Mr. Huval

             Beginning in February 2012 (only three years after serving its first customer) LUS Fiber
             achieved a “cash positive” position. Reaching a “cash positive” status means LUS Fiber
             is earning enough telecom revenues to pay all of its operations and maintenance costs, in
             addition to making its annual bond payments—a significant milestone in the growth of a
             new business. The system is showing consistent net growth in customers and its revenue
             growth increasingly outpaces its operating costs. So…the bottom line is the system is
             already successful and is becoming more and more successful every day.4

         But the published accounts paint a different picture. LUS Fiber had a net loss before contributions
         and transfers of $11.9 million for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2012. It had a net deficit of
         $40.7 million, largely driven by the accrual of interest payable on its $140.7 million in loan
         liabilities. Both come in spite of operating revenues of $24 million, which represented a 41%
         increase over the $17 million revenues for fiscal year 2011. Expenses, however, continue to grow.
         Operating and non-operating expenses in 2012 were a total of $35.9 million, up from $33.5 million
         in 2011 and $20.4 million in 2010. The 2012 results continue a trend at LUS Fiber that dates back
         to launch. Revenues do not seem to be able to keep up with tenacious growth in costs (see Table
         1). As the losses compound, so do the deficits (see Table 2). Selected data appears in the tables
         below. A complete statement of audited annual results compared to the original plan can be found
         in Appendix A.

         While losses can be expected in the first years of operation, the persistent losses experienced by
         LUS are becoming problematic. The FTTH Feasibility Study Report prepared for Lafayette by
         CCG Consulting Inc. in 2004 did a fairly accurate job at predicting costs. Net expenses for Year 4
         (2010) were forecast to be $24.9 million, a figure LUS Fiber actually beat. The plan’s projection
         for Year 6 (corresponding to 2012) was $34 million; LUS’s actual expenses for the year were
         close, at $36 million. The plan’s projection for Year 5 (2011) was $29.5 million. LUS Fiber actual
         number was only $4 million higher. Spending also was close to plan in 2010.
6   |   Reason Foundation

              Table 1: LUS Fiber Plan vs. Actual Performance 2007–2012 ($000s)
              Year                                                                                       Plan              Actual
                           Operating Revenues                                                           33,970             24,041
                           Net Expenses                                                                 33,968             35,953
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                               6,584              6,984
                           Net Income/Loss                                                                    2           -11,912
                           Operating Revenues                                                           29,124             17,011
                           Net Expenses                                                                 29,505             33,530
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                               5,861              2,256
                           Net Income (Loss)                                                              -381            -16,519
                           Operating Revenues                                                           20,011              9,415
                           Net Expenses                                                                 24,880             20,460
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                                  53               -462
                           Net Income/Loss                                                              -4,869            -11,045
                           Operating Revenues                                                           10,361              4,061
                           Net Expenses                                                                 15,295              9,427
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                               1,545             -3,018
                           Net Income/Loss                                                              -4,934             -5,366
                           Operating Revenues                                                            2,173              2,120
                           Net Expenses                                                                  9,262              4,632
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                              -3,138             -1,837
                           Net Income/Loss                                                              -7,809             -2,511
                           Operating Revenues                                                            1,048                  0
                           Net Expenses                                                                  2,406             -1,649
                           Surplus/Deficit from Operations                                                -893                -32
                           Net Income/Loss                                                              -1,358              1,649

               Sources: Lafayette Consolidated Government Audit Reports 2007–12 and CCG Consulting Feasibility Study for LUS Fiber

              Table 2: LUS Fiber Deficit Growth 2007–2012 ($000s)
                                               2007              2008             2009           2010             2011        2012
              Total Assets                   120,323           135,761          131,557         126,900       111,934       112,475
              Total Liabilities              118,674           136,624          132,837         139,225       140,779       153,189
              Net Surplus/Deficit             1,649              -863             -1,280        -12,325       -28,845        -40,714
               Sources: Lafayette Consolidated Government Audit Reports 2007–12

             Revenues were a different story. LUS Fiber’s revenues were 53% below its goal in 2010 (see Table
             2). In 2011, they were 41.6% below its goal. Its 2012 revenues of $24 million were 29% below the
             plan’s stated goal of $34 million. And although the gap between planned revenues and reality has
             been shrinking in percentage terms, in cash terms the variance is getting bigger: LUS Fiber fell
             $6.3 million short of its goal in 2008; by 2012 that variance had increased to $10 million.

The shortfall is reflected in the bottom line. This is where variance becomes truly troubling. The
CCG business plan projected a slight surplus of $2,000—virtually break-even—for Year 6 (2012).
The actual loss, as noted above, was $11.9 million. The plan has also called for net losses to peak
in Year 3, at $4.9 million, then level off and move into surplus. In reality, Year 3 was when LUS
Fiber’s losses were just getting started. LUS Fiber’s losses doubled in Year 4 (2010), and increased
50% in Year 5 (2011) before dropping back to 2010 levels.

Revenue shortfalls have induced more borrowing. Before groundbreaking, LUS Fiber realized it
would need the full $125 million authorized in the bond issue, not the $110 million it had
originally aimed for. In 2008, LUS Fiber needed a $55 million loan from its parent, LUS, to
complete construction. Most of that loan has been repaid, according to Huval. Nonetheless, LUS
Fiber felt its financial situation was tenuous enough that in 2009 it applied for two grants under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, commonly known as the Stimulus, but neither was

This pattern of costs accelerating relative to revenues seems to be endemic to municipal
broadband. Every municipal broadband system, whether using traditional coaxial cable, wireless or
fiber as base infrastructure, has run into this problem.

By way of comparison, we can graph LUS Fiber’s performance against two earlier attempts to
implement municipal broadband, iProvo in Provo, Utah and Alameda Power and Telecom (APT)
in Alameda, California. iProvo’s revenues leveled off in its fourth year of operation (2004) at $945
million, and actually dropped in Year 5. Expenses, however, continued to rise, reaching $2.36
million in 2004 and $2.5 million in 2005 (See Fig. 1).6 APT’s operating revenues also were
leveling off by its fifth year, while costs continued to escalate (see Fig. 2).7 Lafayette, readers
might note, is performing better in terms of revenues (see Fig. 3), which have been strong enough
to provide a positive cash flow, as Huval has touted. Yet cash flow alone misinterprets the true
financial situation. Because it omits the cost of non-operating expenses, particularly interest,
depreciation and amortization, it is more correctly read as a short-term snapshot, and less as an
indicator of long-term financial performance.

In testimony in May 2011 to the Lafayette City Council, auditor Burton Kolder summed up the
precarious state of LUS Fiber’s finances.
    The bottom line, operations of this fund was at $11,045,000 loss last year and it’s now
    $16,519,000 for the current year. So, looking at it from a cash flow standpoint, obviously
    the depreciation and amortization would be added back, but you could see that you would
    still have a deficiency even by adding that back, of approximately $6 million. Just to put it
    in perspective, on a daily basis, that $16 million loss equates to a loss of $45,000 a day.
    Last year, the loss was $30,261 per day. That’s including all costs and also depreciation.8
8   |   Reason Foundation

                           Figure 1: iProvo Operating Revenues vs. Operating Expenses Years
                                                        1 to 5
                      $3,000                Operating Revenues
                                            Operating Expenses





                                        1                2                 3                   4                5
                                     Source: City of Provo, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, 2001-2005

                               Figure 2: Alameda Power and Telecom Operating Revenues vs.
                                              Operating Expenses Years 1 to 6
                                            Operating Revenues
                                            Operating Expenses

                                    1                2              3               4                5              6
                                                Source: Alameda Power & Telecom 2006 Annual Report

                    Figure 3: LUS Fiber: Operating Revenues vs. Operating Expenses
                                             Years 1 to 6
                              Operating Revenues
                              Operating Expenses

                          1              2              3             4             5             6
                                 Source: Lafayette Consolidated Government Annual Report

                                         Figure 4: Pay TV Market Share

        60%                                                                                           Telco
        50%                                                                                           DBS
        40%                                                                                           Cable
                    1Q04 4Q04 4Q05 4Q06 4Q07 4Q08 4Q09 4Q10 4Q11 4Q12
10   |   Reason Foundation

Part 4

Broadband Is Not a Utility
             Most of LUS Fiber’s financial difficulties are rooted in the fact that it is trying to gain traction in a
             market far more competitive than its business plan acknowledged. When LUS wired the city for
             electricity a century ago, it was the first and only electric company in the area. Every sign-up was a
             first-time customer. It was a classic utility: supplying essentially one good to a captive audience.

             Utilities typically served only one purpose—as was the case with early forms of
             telecommunications, e.g., telegraph, telephone. But that has not been the case even for copper
             wires for several decades (at least since the introduction of the telex) and certainly is not true for
             broadband. Unlike water and electricity, which continue to have a relatively small number of uses
             and demand for which seems to grow at relatively slow and predictable rates, the uses to which
             broadband may be put are many and rapidly increasing. At base, broadband demand stems from
             individuals and companies seeking to share information—and demand for such information-
             sharing seems to rise in proportion to the available means of sharing it. In the early 1990s, 19.2
             kb/s was useful for exchanging text documents. By the late 1990s, bandwidth was good enough to
             handle color photos and graphics. Today, domestic consumers demand connections that can stream
             three-hour movies in high-definition.

             Service providers have responded by developing increasingly effective and increasingly high
             bandwidth services for both fixed line and wireless connections. Technology cycles are reflected in
             the capital expenditures the private sector is making. Between 2004 and 2011, Verizon invested
             $130 billion—an average of $16 billion a year—in broadband infrastructure (predominately FTTH
             and wireless). For AT&T those numbers were $117 billion and $14.6 billion. For Comcast, the
             numbers were $39 billion and $4.8 billion.9

             Almost every market in the U.S. is served by at least one cable TV company and one phone
             company. Satellite service, by its nature, is available everywhere. Wireless service, while not as
             high-bandwidth, can support reasonably fast Internet connections, and its robustness and speed are
             improving as 4th Generation (4G) networks are deployed.

             The rapid increases in demand for services and consequent significant ongoing investment in
             infrastructure upgrades, not to mention the existence of competition, suggest that broadband is far
             from being a “utility.” This not only contradicts one of the key premises of the proponents of
             municipal broadband, it specifically undermines LUS Fiber’s business plan, which was predicated
             on the utility model. Although CCG Consulting’s feasibility study identified two extant

competitors—Cox and BellSouth (now AT&T)—in LUS Fiber’s proposed service area, it did not
mention the wireless providers serving Lafayette (at least four at the time), nor the two satellite TV
companies providing multichannel TV service. Yet the CCG feasibility plan forecast that LUS
Fiber could attain 50% market penetration in telephone and cable TV.10

Moreover, at the time the report was prepared, investment analysts were warning that satellite
service posed the biggest threat to cable company market share. One March 2003 study found
satellite TV penetration in U.S. households was 20.9%, up from 19.2% a year earlier.11 At the same
time, research was predicting that households with DBS service would increase from
approximately 20.7 million at the end of 2003 to 27.1 million by 2007.12

These numbers have been borne out. As Fig. 4 shows, satellite’s share in the pay TV market had
grown to 31.3% by the fourth quarter of 2012 from 28.1% at the end of 2004. Telephone
companies have further eroded cable TV market share. Overall, cable’s share of the pay TV market
was 58.8% fourth quarter 2012.

More recently, Internet Protocol television (IPTV) services have begun to cut into cable revenues
further. IPTV, in which television programming is delivered directly to viewers over the Internet
via services like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and AppleTV, is becoming increasingly popular. While
they do require a broadband Internet connection, their services, which often come at a fee, siphon
revenues from the cable TV’s pay-per-view and video-on-demand offerings. One study predicts
IPTV will account for 7.3% of TV households by 2016.13

Lastly, even though LUS Fiber banked on the shift to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
platforms that 10 years ago were gutting phone companies’ traditional landline revenue, it failed to
foresee that the VoIP market would be dominated by third parties such as Skype. Nor did it foresee
the outright “cord-cutting” resulting from wireless services. So, unsurprisingly, LUS Fiber’s own
VoIP telephone services have not generated anywhere near the revenue expected in the feasibility
study, which projected LUS Fiber would win 30% of the telephone market.

Moreover, the fact is that when LUS Fiber launched in 2007, it was actually entering a mature
market. Multichannel TV—one of the three service sectors LUS Fiber had chosen to enter—had
reached between 80 and 85% penetration nationwide. Likewise, telephone service—a second
sector—was being overtaken by wireless alternatives, which by 2007 had also reached about 85%
penetration. While total broadband household penetration had reached about 50% nationwide by
2007, a more significant number is that, among households that had PCs, broadband penetration
had reached 65% and was expect to reach 70% by 2008.

Lafayette’s population and per capita income profile is above national averages, so it is reasonable
to assume that cable and wireless penetration were also at or above the national average. This
means that LUS Fiber’s least costly sales—to households purchasing broadband for the first
time—represented a far smaller portion of the total market than was the case when LUS was first
12   |   Reason Foundation

             installing electricity. Switching other customers from incumbents would turn out to be far more

             Fierce and established competition was not the only problem. When LUS was being proposed, the
             speed of fiber connections was touted as a winning advantage. Even today, proponents of
             municipal broadband center their arguments on fiber’s bandwidth capabilities. True, fiber has the
             capability to deliver higher speeds than coaxial cable and wireless, and LUS Fiber did have an
             advantage in speeds, with a top offering of 100 Mb/s, largely aimed at businesses. But Cox
             surpassed this bandwidth on download in February this year. For most consumers, as long as fiber-
             like download speeds can be delivered, the delivery mechanism likely does not matter. (Few
             domestic consumers require upload speeds to be as high as download speeds.)15

             Having assumed in its business plan that it was going to have to beat back demand, LUS Fiber
             found that it cost up to $200 to acquire a new customer.16 (These costs come in promotion,
             advertising, discounts, installation, set-top box leases and other ancillary costs.) That makes
             customer retention almost as important as acquisition. For a service provider, it’s a net loss if a
             subscriber drops service before the cost of acquisition is recouped. That’s why a high “churn” rate
             can be devastating financially. Unsurprisingly, service providers are likely to make aggressive
             counter-offers to customers who call to drop service. The cost of the extra discount trumps the
             costs of replacing the customer outright. Once LUS Fiber launched, Cox responded aggressively
             by cutting prices and offering new triple-play packages. According to the ILSR report on
             Lafayette’s municipal broadband, if a Cox subscriber threatened to switch, Cox would counter-
             offer with a more attractive offer, such as extending a discount or adding a service tier.17

             For competitive reasons, LUS Fiber, like all broadband providers, will not disclose its churn rate.
             There is no doubt it understands its significance; the terms of the triple-play packages LUS offered
             until late last year required customers to pay early termination fees (ETF) of $150 to $300 if they
             drop service before the contract period elapses. This is ironic given that private service provider
             ETFs have long been attacked as unfair by supporters of public broadband. LUS Fiber made no
             promises at the outset, but many municipal broadband supporters claim that public broadband—
             because it is not beholden to shareowners and profits—will not need to rely on ETFs. The realities
             of the high-cost customer acquisition prove otherwise.

             The only real similarity between broadband and classic utilities is that the underlying infrastructure
             is expensive to build. Even here, however, superficial similarities mask a crucial difference.
             Utilities require high investment up front, low investment thereafter combined with lengthy
             amortization of infrastructure. As LUS’s experience demonstrates, broadband requires not only
             high investment up front but ongoing significant investment thereafter (see Table 1).

             Unlike water and power, broadband technology cycles are rapid and require wholesale network
             upgrades and changeouts. To be sure, water and power systems are repaired and upgraded
             regularly, but they are not replaced by entirely new technology platforms every decade. This makes
             for a more capital-intensive industry. Each time, old network technology had to be replaced.

Copper gave way to coax; coax is giving way to fiber. Between 1984 and 2012, wireless networks
went from analog radio to its fourth generation of digital technology. That averages to a major
network changeout every seven years.

The telecommunications industry, through its constant investment and development in new
technology, has reached the point where it can support a range of broadband delivery mechanisms
that possess a number of qualitative differences. Unlike water and electricity, which the utility
controls at the front end, broadband providers are part of a supply chain. They facilitate the
transmission and interaction of differentiated content and applications that have various degrees of

What’s more, different platforms are constantly leapfrogging each other. Cellular service is
superior to yesterday’s wireline, copper-based dial tone. WiFi data is superior to cellular data, at
least today. Tomorrow that might not be true. Then, new technologies like WiMax might mean
more improvement. Competition, combined with rapid technology cycles, presents problems to any
subsidy scheme, because at any moment, that subsidized platform, and all its associated sunk costs,
can be circumvented.

The takeaway for cities considering municipal broadband is that they will not just be competing
against a cable company and a weaker phone company DSL entrant. Municipal broadband
operations will enter an unpredictable market that is under attack on several fronts—including
wireless and satellite services. Meanwhile, many of the ancillary services offered by landline
providers, such as telephony and television, are also subject to competition. Thus, while broadband
revenues are increasing year to year, landline operators, of which municipalities will count
themselves, will be fighting over decreasing market share. For competitive reasons, LUS Fiber
does not disclose market share (neither do Cox or AT&T), but even if it reached its goal of 50% of
the cable TV market share in Lafayette, because its original plan never accounted for competition
from anything other than wireline broadband, its revenues would still be less than expected
because a sizable percentage of the overall market will have been captured by satellite and IPTV.

To sum up, it is clear that despite what pundits such as Susan Crawford say, most local broadband
markets are hugely competitive. Broadband is not a utility. In remote rural areas with lower
penetration rates, municipal systems would likely have lower marketing costs, though the costs of
cabling would be higher (but some communities may be willing to pay these higher costs). In
medium and large cities, penetration rates are higher and municipalities will find themselves
competing with incumbents who have already sunk significant resources into developing their
customer base and who are willing to continue to make investments to improve their services and
cut costs. Ultimately, competition from other landline operators as well as services using
alternative delivery platforms (cellular, satellite) will make it a challenge for municipal broadband
operations like LUS Fiber to achieve the revenue levels needed to meet infrastructure expenses.
14   |   Reason Foundation

Part 5

Does LUS Fiber Serve Unmet Needs?
             Independent of the claim that broadband is a utility, proponents argue that municipal broadband is
             necessary to provide affordable high-speed Internet access to underserved communities, especially
             low-income households. Indeed, this is muni broadband’s primary raison d’etre. But is it achieving

             In the case of Lafayette, it could plausibly be argued that LUS Fiber’s entrance into the market
             helped drive down prices—at least in the short term. Shortly after LUS entered the broadband
             market, Cox cut its rates and has kept them competitive with LUS ever since. (Paradoxically,
             Cox’s aggressive response made it difficult for LUS Fiber to hold to its goal of keeping rates 20%
             lower. But that should not be held against LUS Fiber: if its presence drove Cox to lower its rates,
             then it can hardly be accused of failing to lower rates.)

             But Cox has now introduced 150 Mb/s download service in regions of the country, including
             Lafayette, at prices substantially less than LUS Fiber’s.18 This suggests that any effect LUS Fiber
             had on prices was short term: in the medium to longer term, the much larger and more innovative
             private company was always going to improve its offering and drive down prices in order to
             remain competitive with other providers.

             And what about those lower end customers? In its first years of operation, LUS Fiber attempted a
             $19.95 Internet only plan, but found that it could not afford the cost of running fiber to a residence
             that was going to generate revenue that low. It then offered a 3Mb/s connection at $19.95 for an
             introductory period, but that required purchase of a larger triple-play package. LUS ultimately
             ended the introductory offer in August 2012. The cheapest Internet-only rate LUS Fiber offered
             was $34.95 for a 15 Mb/s.

             For whatever reason—most likely, the commercial realities discussed above—LUS Fiber has
             decided not to offer a low-cost high-speed Internet service to poor households. At the end of 2012,
             it stopped offering triple-play packages combining TV, phone and Internet. Instead, it has chosen
             to offer a range of services that are broadly comparable to those already offered by private
             providers, competing with them for market share.

             LUS Fiber’s rates are not significantly cheaper than Cox. While LUS offers a $19.95 per month
             Internet rate for 3 Mb/s up- and download, customers must purchase a cable TV or phone package

to be eligible for the deal. LUS Fiber’s lowest cable rate is $20.49 for a paltry 20 TV channels. Its
lowest phone rate is $15.95 a line with long distance at 5 cents per minute.19

With no triple play, the cheapest assembly of services a would-be customer can put together, based
on LUS Fiber’s rates as of July 2013, would cost $56.39 a month.

Cox’s a la carte rates are higher, but available without restrictions and offer better value. While its
lowest priced cable package is $34.99 a month, it includes 180 basic cable TV channels. Its lowest
Internet rate is $43.99, which offers 5 Mb/s downstream. Its most economical phone package is
$15.95. This adds up to $90.97.

As of July 2013, however, Cox’s lowest price triple-play package was being promoted at $99.99
for first 24 months, with a $142.97 rate thereafter. This package includes 230+ TV channels with
HD, digital music, an on-demand service, 25 Mb/s Internet, and local phone service with features
including call waiting, caller ID and busy line redial.20

By contrast, a comparable package from LUS Fiber, which would have to be assembled a la carte
as it no longer offers triple-play packages, would cost $151.89 a month. This breaks out to:
    §   $80.99 for 280 digital cable channels, including HD channels, digital music channels and
         access to Video On Demand and Pay-Per-View;
    §   $34.95 for 15 Mb/s Internet (download & upload)
    §   $35.95 for local and long distance phone service plus a selection of calling features

More pricing data can be found in Appendix B. While there are differences in Internet speeds and
cable channel packages, it is difficult to find much difference in pricing. LUS Fiber is falling short
of delivering phone, cable and Internet at substantially less than established market prices.
16   |   Reason Foundation

                 Programming Acquisition Costs Are Significant

                 Another commercial reality faced by LUS Fiber is the cost of television programming
                 acquisition—the money cable companies pay to broadcast and cable networks for the rights
                 to carry their television shows. This remains the most volatile cost in the cable industry today
                 and the biggest factor in rate increases.
                     At the time the LUS Fiber feasibility study was prepared, Cox Cable, Lafayette’s incumbent,
                 was reporting that its programming acquisition costs were increasing 11% annually. Charter
                 Communications reported 8%. Comcast, the nation’s largest company, and presumably with the
                 size to negotiate the best terms, was reporting annual increases of 6.1%.21
                     Despite these real-world numbers, LUS Fiber put its faith in a plan that predicted just 4%
                 annual growth in programming costs. Hence, when LUS Fiber began attributing rate increases
                 to “unexpected” increases in programming costs, it should not have been so shocked.
                     Part of the cost problem was that LUS Fiber had banked on joining the National Cable
                 Television Cooperative (NCTC), a coalition of small cable television companies that have
                 banded together to use their collective buying power to negotiate lower prices with cable
                 networks. LUS Fiber, however, was denied entry. The NCTC gave no reason, but supporters of
                 municipal broadband suggest their membership was blocked by Cox and Charter
                 Communications, who are also NCTC members. As a result, LUS Fiber had to negotiate
                 individually with cable and broadcast networks, which likely led to higher costs than if they
                 had been part of NCTC.22
                     But this excuse only goes so far. Anticipated programming costs in LUS Fiber’s business
                 plan were nonetheless set too low. If, as members of NCTC, Cox and Charter were seeing
                 annual increases of 11 and 8%, what made LUS Fiber believe it could expect 4%? It would have
                 faced higher-than-expected costs one way or another.
                     The takeaway is that municipal broadband consultants and enthusiasts routinely play
                 down the cost of programming acquisition. These costs are the most difficult for cable and
                 satellite companies to control. Programming acquisition costs are behind the occasional
                 brinksmanship that occurs in the industry, such as when Dish Network pulled AMC Networks
                 from its channel line-up, and when NFL Networks protested over the decision by a number of
                 cable companies to place the channel in a higher-priced tier.
                     Municipalities ignore this inflation at their peril. Ashland Fiber Networks, the municipal
                 broadband network in Ashland, Oregon, also underestimated its programming costs. To make
                 up these costs, it had to place popular channels ESPN, FX and TNT into a higher-priced tier,
                 competitively hurting itself against its cable, satellite and DSL competitors, which kept them in
                 their expanded basic plans.23

Part 6

Community Economic Development
         So, if broadband is not a utility and municipal broadband is not offering a special service to
         disadvantaged communities, how can its status as a non-commercial enterprise run by local
         government be justified? Does muni broadband deliver additional economic benefits to the
         community that justify its taxpayer support?

         To date, LUS has not offered any objective yardstick against which any community economic
         benefits could be evaluated. So, we are left to ponder what those benefits might be.

         One possibility is that LUS Fiber is intended to attract business to Lafayette. It may well have
         served that purpose. Indeed, two companies have directly linked their decision to locate in
         Lafayette to LUS Fiber. Pixel Magic, a special effects company, set up an operation in Lafayette to
         support film and TV productions going on in the southeast U.S, bringing 100 to 200 jobs. And
         Tapes Again, a 20-year old Boulder, Colorado company that does CD and DVD duplication,
         announced a move to Lafayette in February 2013 (the number of potential jobs the business
         represents was not disclosed).24

         Proponents have made attempts to associate other examples of local business development to LUS
         Fiber. For example, in its discussion about the economic benefits of fiber to the community, the
         ILSR report mentions a decision by NuComm International to relocate to Lafayette, bringing 1,000
         new jobs. However, further examination shows NuComm made the decision in 2006, before
         ground had broken on LUS Fiber and while there were still legal questions as to whether it would
         launch at all. Gov. Kathleen Blanco also committed $1 million from the state’s Rapid Response
         fund to lure the company to Louisiana, which may have been a more significant factor in
         NuComm’s location decision. Indeed, the NuComm statement released at the time makes no
         mention of the FTTH network being a factor in the decision.25

         Moreover, while LUS Fiber and its supporters like to take credit for the city’s recent uptick in
         population, jobs and employers, there are other factors at work, including the current oil and gas
         boom and the general economic growth occurring in the South, particularly along the Gulf Coast.
         Urban development expert Joel Kotkin found that the population of the coastal states from Texas to
         Florida grew by 14% over the past decade, more than twice the national average. Although the
         major cities in the corridor, Houston, Tampa and post-Katrina New Orleans (135 miles east of
18   |   Reason Foundation

             Lafayette) saw the most growth, Kotkin identifies Lafayette as among the smaller cities in the
             region that, as part of this economic boom, are growing much faster than the national average.26

             Drilling down, we find that Lafayette’s 2009 population of 121,000 had grown 9.7% since 2000.
             Median household income in 2009 was $44,977, compared to the state average of $42,492, and a
             25% increase since 2000. Over the same nine-year period, median home values grew to $166,800
             from $99,800.27 This is despite the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.

             These figures match those for similar-sized cities in the region. For example, Beaumont, Texas, a
             city of similar size 120 miles west of Lafayette, is seeing nearly identical economic growth without
             the “benefit” of investment of municipal FTTH.

             Beaumont’s and surrounding Jefferson County’s 2009 population was 118,000, up 4% from 2000.
             Median age is 34 compared with Lafayette’s 33. Over that time, median household income grew
             24% to $40,435 from $32,559, and home values grew by more than 50%, to $98,000 from

             To the east of Lafayette, Tallahassee, Florida, another mid-sized city in the Third Coast corridor,
             and surrounding Leon County saw population grow by 20% to 181,000 between 2000 and 2011.
             Median household income grew 12% over the same period to $34,400 (reflecting the lower age
             median of 26) and home prices nearly doubled to 186,000 from $98,000.29

             Far from a rural backwater reborn because of its broadband foresight, Lafayette’s growth is tied to
             a regional economic engine powered by the growth of basic industries: manufacturing, agriculture
             and, most significantly, energy.
                 The American economy, long dominated by the East and West Coasts, is undergoing a
                 dramatic geographic shift toward this area. The country’s next great megacity, Houston, is
                 here; so is a resurgent New Orleans, as well as other growing port cities that serve as
                 gateways to Latin America and beyond. While the other two coasts struggle with economic
                 stagnation and dysfunctional politics, the Third Coast — the urbanized, broadly coastal
                 region spanning the gulf from Brownsville to greater Tampa — is emerging as a center of
                 industry, innovation and economic growth.30

             Cited by Kotkin, the magazine Site Selection ranked Louisiana seventh among the 50 states in
             terms of attractiveness to investors and third in terms of where new plants were being built.31

             In other words, there are plenty of factors that are responsible for economic growth in Lafayette.

             In addition, it is arguably a reach to use the site selection decision of two small companies as
             justification for a $125 million fiber optic system. LUS Fiber never disclosed the terms of the Pixel
             Magic contract, but Pixel Magic agreed to link its name with LUS Fiber and endorse the municipal
             service. In the business world, such promotional arrangements usually involve some level of
             consideration, such as a discount or rebate, as they give a marketing boost to the service provider.

So, while LUS Fiber lays claim to bringing two employers to Lafayette, it is far from clear that
those benefits exceeded the costs that have been and will be paid by local taxpayers. Moreover,
there are adverse distributional effects. While a few people will get jobs and some parts of the local
economy will experience an uptick in activity, most local taxpayers will not benefit at all from
Pixel Magic, Tapes Again or NuComm. In other words, a few people will benefit at the expense of
the many. That seems antithetical to the community development objective.
20   |   Reason Foundation

Part 6

The Future of LUS Fiber
             Nine years later, the idea that competitive broadband services fits easily into a municipality’s scope
             of operations, if anything, has become more difficult to defend. After five years of operation, while
             LUS Fiber has completed construction and is currently cash flow positive, it still faces a mountain
             of debt on which payments become due in 2014. This reckoning will only compound the financial
             and service issues that already have surfaced.
                 §   Lafayette’s city financial report for 2012, released May 2013, showed that LUS Fiber was
                      significantly behind its five-year business plan in terms of revenues and assets.
                 §   For fiscal year 2012, its sixth year of operation, LUS Fiber’s operating expenses exceeded
                      operating revenues by $5.3 million. Its net loss was $11.9 million. Its net deficit (assets
                      against liabilities) was $40.7 million. LUS Fiber’s original plan called for it to break even
                      in its sixth year and have a net surplus from operations of $6.6 million.
                 §   LUS Fiber’s cable TV service is not as competitive with private sector offerings; it offers
                      fewer high-definition channels, does not offer portable viewing options such as HBO Go,
                      and has no applications that integrate smartphone and other wireless devices with cable
                      set-top boxes.
                 §   LUS Fiber programming acquisition costs are tracking with the industry average of
                      between 6% and 11% a year, not 4% as predicted in its business plan.
                 §   While LUS Fiber for several years offered faster Internet speeds than Cox Cable, Cox
                      recently began offering faster download speeds and lower prices than LUS.
                 §   LUS Fiber has not been immune from the quality of service issues that affect commercial
                      cable providers.

             LUS Fiber, like its commercial competitors, faces an uncertain future as satellite providers and
             “over-the-top” (OTT) Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) eat into incremental revenues. Despite a series
             of surprises and setbacks, LUS Fiber still has a few things going in its favor. It has completed its
             network, it is cash flow positive and its revenues are still climbing. Its future depends on whether it
             can continue to increase revenues while getting expenses under control. As we have seen, this will
             not be easy.

             Applications and content providers such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Netflix, not to
             mention scores of smaller companies, have truly begun to monetize their services. When LUS

Fiber was launching, there were still legitimate questions about how these content companies
would actually use the Internet to make money. For the most part, they’ve cracked that nut.

For LUS Fiber, this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can rightfully brag that its FTTH
system is better suited for multistream IP video. On the other hand, IPTV directly competes with
cable TV on streaming and video-on-demand offerings, yet LUS Fiber gets no compensation when
OTT services use its resources.

What private sector broadband service providers find troubling is that the business models of these
companies seem to be predicated on their riding the broadband infrastructure for free, or at best, at
minimal cost to themselves, hoping that political and market pressure forces service providers to
transfer that cost elsewhere.

To some extent, this is working. The network neutrality policy favored by former FCC Chairman
Julius Genachowski prohibits telephone and cable companies from charging heavy content
providers extra for network management or other quality of service enhancements. Consumers, on
the other hand, react unfavorably when service providers try to institute bandwidth caps or phase
out price packages that allow unlimited bandwidth.

So do many supporters of municipal broadband, which puts municipal operations like LUS Fiber in
a difficult position. Groups like Lafayette Coming Together tout municipal broadband as socially
progressive. Because they are not profit-driven corporations, government broadband, they say, will
happily endorse network neutrality and other “free and open access” policies that they regard as
pro-consumer but that the private sector resists.

Already LUS Fiber has introduced early termination fees (ETFs). While its management never
officially endorsed network neutrality, it’s clear its most vocal community supporters expect it to
honor the concept. As will be discussed in the next section, that may not be possible.

What are some likely outcomes for the future of LUS Fiber?

A. LUS Fiber Becomes What It Has Beheld

Municipal broadband projects like those in Lafayette are launched with the moral fervor of a
revivalist meeting. In addition to promising low rates and ubiquitous service, the progressive
groups say that municipal operations stand for consumer “rights” against the corporate greed of the
cable and telephone companies.

But to be sustainable, LUS Fiber, like its commercial counterparts, will have to come to terms with
the way services such as YouTube and Netflix have monetized their content delivery by passing
the cost of their bandwidth management onto service providers.
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