OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe

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OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
July 2019

   Part 3
            OTT live-

& OTT Series   2019
OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
Multiscreen & OTT 2019 > OTT live-streaming                                                                                       Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                           July 2019

      Kicking and
Live streaming, including of major sports events, is becoming increasingly popular,
but the technical challenges of delivering a high-quality service at scale remain
considerable. Anna Tobin reports.

OTT           providers have been streaming
              live content for years now, but
more often than not, the experience has been
                                                    quality, claims Steve Miller-Jones, VP product
                                                    strategy at Limelight Networks. “Certainly,
                                                    with VOD content and most modern large
                                                                                                     content libraries, and while picture quality can
                                                                                                     still be high, the overall quality of experience
                                                                                                     of the event, not just the video, is where the
– frankly – bad.                                    and small form-factor screens, OTT video         focus is today.
   With audiences increasingly expecting live       quality can be indistinguishable from               “Reducing and removing rebuffering
streaming quality to match the highest live         broadcast picture quality, and where linear      issues while watching the streams, while
broadcast quality, there is growing pressure        channels have not invested in or completed       maintaining high bitrates throughout the
on OTT providers to deliver. Live OTT content       digital transformation projects yet, will be     event, regardless of where the user is and what
is known for buffering, latency and system          exceeding it already,” he says.                  device they are watching on, are critical issues
crashes. Will it ever literally get up to speed?       It’s when OTT goes live, however, that        to solve in order to maintain user satisfaction
   From a picture quality perspective, it is        Miller-Jones admits that its quality can take    with OTT services.”
highly likely that the quality of OTT video is      a hit. “Live events pose different challenges       These glitches need to be ironed out,
already as good as, if not better than, broadcast   to the OTT delivery workflows than VOD           because OTT is increasingly finding its place

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OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
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July 2019

                                                         Working for Discovery, Europe’s second              The biggest challenge for broadcasters is
                                                      largest broadcaster, across all platforms and       extending the capability to provide content
                                                      overseeing Eurosport Player, the only Europe-       in an IP environment, alongside having to
                                                      wide sport streaming service, Gordon Castle,        create a means of offering the streaming
                                                      senior VP, technology and operations at             service to consumers, says Tim Pearson,
                                                      Eurosport, is uniquely placed to understand all     senior director, product marketing at Nagra.
                                                      the challenges faced by both broadcasters and       “For example, they may need to create an app
                                                      OTT operators. He says that multi-platform          through which to present the content, which
                                                      production and distribution brings additional       may have to be replicated onto many device
                                                      layers of complexity, given the significant         types,” he says. “Equally, piracy forms a key
                                                      variations between linear broadcast and OTT.        concern for streaming broadcasting alongside
                                                         “From the consumer viewpoint, some               requirements for device authentication and
                                                      audiences are transitioning to streaming            secure session management, to ensure that
                                                      with similar viewer expectations, but more          only those paying a subscription have access
                                                      widely streaming audiences expect a different       to the service.”
                                                      experience. This means simply sending out              Broadcasters have several options if they
                                                      the same content on both types of service is        want to address multiscreen, adds Nouvel.
                                                      not appropriate,” he says. “At Eurosport, we        “One approach is to set up a pure OTT
                                                      meet this challenge by having one unified           service relying on a CDN service provider,
                                                      team managing the content and delivery              dedicated to multiscreen. The drawbacks are
                                                      requirements for both linear and digital. We        that broadcasters have no control over the
                                                      are able to plan and tailor the experiences         quality of experience, incur expensive CDN
                                                      we offer by audience and the screen they’re         costs, with high volumes related to the usage
                                                      choosing to watch.”                                 of unicast even for live channels, and there
                                                                                                          are two different setups for main screen and
                                                                                                          mobile screen delivery,” she says. “Another
                                                      Moving into OTT                                     method that broadcasters can take is to rely
                                                                                                          on the partnerships with network operators,
                                                      Traditional broadcasters are keen to get a          and possibly implement multicast ABR
                                                      foothold in the OTT market so that they can         for live, with a local cache in the network.
                                                      offer the best of both worlds. However, doing       The benefits are improved QoE, along with
                                                      so requires substantial investment.                 controlled costs thanks to multicast ABR and
                                                         It’s all about scale, says Thierry Fautier,      local caching. Ideally, broadcasters should try
                                                      VP of video strategy at Harmonic. “First,           to mix local caches with a CDNaaS in order
                                                      broadcasters need to deploy technology that         to maximise availability. Finally, satellite
                                                      allows them to stream live content at scale,”       operators can directly implement multicast
                                                      he explains. “Next, they need to deploy their       ABR down to home STBs and have a single
on the main living room TV, not just second           app across multiple devices, including phones       solution to address all screens. VOD use cases
screens. Nivedita Nouvel, VP of marketing at          – HLS and Android – tablets, web browsers           can be handled by pushing some content in
Broadpeak highlights the challenge: “If the           – Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox – connected         the local STB.”
industry wants to mutualise investments and           TVs and game consoles. This is a lot of work,          The technical obstacles are not the only
have one solution that fits all screens, the first    and they also need to keep it profitable.”          problems that broadcasters need to overcome
step is defining ‘broadcast quality’,” she says.         With traditional DTH subscribers                 when creating an OTT channel, says Ian
“Broadcast quality encompasses providing a            now increasingly moving over to OTT,                Munford, director of product marketing and
fixed video quality, i.e. a single bitrate for all,   satellite operators are particularly keen to        enablement, media, EMEA at Akamai. “As
with a quality that depends on the channels,          infiltrate the space, says Antonio Corrado,         each country is uniquely different in terms
from SD to 4K with UHD and HDR;                       CEO of streaming technology specialist              of its internet infrastructure and regulatory
continuity of service, with no rebuffering; and       MainStreaming.                                      environment, these challenges can vary
low latency, below 5s.”                                  “The demand to move content from                 greatly from country to country,” he explains.
   Nouvel continues: “For live OTT services,          satellite to online is increasing rapidly as the    “Moreover, broadcasters in Europe operate
the adaptive bitrate and hence the video              cost drops and quality rises. This is what          across a variety of different rights holdings
quality depends on the state of the networks,         we’ve been helping Sky with in Italy, as they       and business models be that ad funded,
i.e. backbone and local. An OTT service can           push to stream video with the best quality          licence funded or pay TV, which also introduce
be considered as equivalent to broadcast if           of experience to their subscribers with their       challenges for their streaming services and, in
the higher profiles are available and can be          existing offering, as well as with new services,”   many cases, it is these commercial challenges
reached thanks to an optimised network.”              he says.                                            which present the biggest hurdles.”

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OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
Multiscreen & OTT 2019 > OTT live-streaming                                                                                         Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                             July 2019

Eurosport player covers over 70 countries
and is accessible via apps and the web

   Added to all of these obstacles standing in
the way of perfect live OTT delivery, there are
also problems that the OTT provider cannot
control: the size of the pipe transporting the
content to the consumer and whether the
device is optimised to receive high quality

Surges in demand
It is sudden unexpected surges in demand
for live content, such as the recent surprise
success of the Women’s Football World Cup,
that puts undue strain on OTT services,             half time breaks and the final five minutes.       Fautier. “Multi-format is mostly a content
and means that operators have to scale up              “These peaks in demand require an               preparation and a player issue. To optimise
bandwidth rapidly.                                  operator’s platform to have the necessary          the delivery cost, you need to encode into a
   Internet bandwidth capacity, the penetration     network and peak-load capacity in key areas,       multi-bitrate TS format, which is fed to an
rates of global high-speed mobile devices           such as authentication, authorisation, licence     origin server that will make the live content
and delivery optimisation, all come into play       delivery and CDN playout.”                         available in multiple delivery formats (i.e.,
when having to scale up at speed, but these            Managed networks are the answer to              HLS and DASH). But you also need to
challenges are all being tackled by technology,     scaling live OTT, reiterates Fautier. “Today,      protect the content using a DRM technology,
says Castle. “While these are challenges the        the scaling is done either by increasing the       which starts to complicate matters, as each
industry has to overcome today, the growth          CDN capacity, therefore the cost, or putting       format can have a different DRM. Today
of internet connectivity and the evolution of       edge caches in the ISP network, to reduce cost     there are three major DRM technologies:
associated technology is continuing to enable       and increase QoE,” he says. “One other way         Apple FairPlay, Google Widevine and
the expansion of delivery via OTT services.         to scale live OTT is to carry the traffic across   Microsoft PlayReady, which can be used with
The roll out of 5G and future advancements          multicast lanes used today in IPTV. Think, for     each delivery format. With CMAF (Common
to come should only help overcome such              example, about the BBC renting a fast lane         Media Application Format), we now have a
obstacles in the future,” he says.                  to BT and delivering its iPlayer to the home       single file format that can be encrypted with
   Planning is key to dealing with any              though a gateway managed by BT, which will         the Common Encryption (CENC) and two
unexpected demand loads, says Munford.              convert it locally to unicast. This might have     encryption schemes CBC (for HLS) and CTR
“Our experience in delivering large sporting        seemed like a science-fiction model a few          (for DASH). However, as some players can
events shows that careful scenario planning         years back, but it’s getting more and more         only decrypt one encryption scheme, you still
and robust testing can ensure any event can be      attention. To be successful, this will require a   have to store two copies in the CDN when
delivered,” he says. “At this year’s IPL cricket    business relationship between OTT providers        content is encrypted. We think over time
final, we delivered more than 18 million            and ISPs. It might take time to establish, but     there will be convergence, on new players, to
concurrent streams to a highly demanding            it could be a simple and cost-effective way to     one single encryption format (CBCS), as the
audience and this was only achieved through         scale live OTT.”                                   three DRM families have announced CBCS
close collaboration and planning.                                                                      support for their new release.”
   “We always encourage our customers to
thoroughly test the entire technical workflow       Playing to multiple formats
with a service that will emulate exact audience                                                        Keeping watch
peaks, the audience or fan location and with        To further complicate things, to achieve
the ability to dynamically control testing          maximum success, OTT content needs to be           Being proactive and monitoring the OTT
parameters. This will help identify any issues      playable in multiple formats. To accommodate       user experience is crucial to being able to spot
across the technical workflow, including            this, OTT providers have had to become adept       and if possible fix problems before the user
delivery.”                                          at managing transitions between multiple bit-      becomes aware of them.
   Typically, in a major sports event there are a   rates and multiple formats.                           “Critical metrics include video re-buffer
number of key points during the match where            “Multi-rate is a well-mastered technology,      rate, rate of error and bitrate sustained during
demand surges. Being aware of this is vital for     both on the server and client side. What           playback,” says Miller-Jones. “In addition to
planning, points out Pearson. “Five minutes         is still a work in progress is the client          this, metrics from the player are able to help
before the start, if there is a goal or incident,   behaviour when the bitrate gets scarce,” says      broadcasters understand how successful their

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OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
Q&A: Mikael Dahlgren, Agama Technologies
Mikael Dahlgren, CEO of Agama Technologies, talks about recent key developments in streaming, the importance of targeted
advertising and what service providers need to put in place to ensure optimal service quality.

What are the key developments that you see taking place in the OTT            operators in cooperation with content owners.
streaming arena?                                                                 For ads to be correctly played to subscribers, ad insertion requires
OTT services are growing and, in many cases, now complementing                time critical signaling. Errors on the frame level can cause both visual
existing pay TV services. As the number of subscribers to these OTT           artefacts and lost ad impressions, causing loss of revenue and leading to
platforms grows, customer expectations for service quality and user           poor customer experience. The Agama ad insertion assurance offering
experience rise too.                                                          has the monitoring, validation and visibility needed to assure ad insert
   The OTT business is quickly evolving to take advantage of the new          services for both multicast and OTT, and to ensure an excellent customer
possibilities that the technology enables. Sports content on OTT              experience.
platforms, for example, is driving consumption of premium content
on the big screen. Technologies such as adaptive bitrate streaming are        What do service providers need to put in place in order to assure
being used in all forms of video delivery to enable service flexibility and   optimal service quality and meet or exceed customer expectations?
coverage. TV Everywhere extensions and virtual cable rollouts are two         Customer centricity has been a hot topic for years, and for good reason:
examples of this.                                                             understanding customer experience and customer behaviour forms the
   In this fast-moving environment, we believe agility will be a key          basis for building and evolving offerings that excel and exceed customer
differentiator. To evolve and enhance the customer experience, while          expectations.
remaining cost-effective, solutions must provide transparency and the            Creating successful video services requires compelling content, an
right insights to support the service provider in both day-to-day and         optimised user experience, efficient customer service and, of course, a
strategic decision making.                                                    competitive price. To succeed in all of these dimensions, solutions and
   In the OTT world, the customer experience is getting more unique –         processes need to work across silos and teams.
each unicast session is sent from the network edge and consumed on               With the solutions and processes in place to provide real-time insights
any of a multitude of different apps and devices. This makes it critical to   across the complete service-delivery chain, from head-end to subscriber,
use every single subscriber interaction to understand how the service is      service providers have the foundations to provide excellent services in a
used and how it performs.                                                     cost-effective way.
   This, of course, will generate huge volumes of raw data – on the scale        At Agama, we believe that to assure service quality and to really
of petabytes. To create relevant and actionable insights, the right metrics   understand how the customer is experiencing and using the service, the
and the right analytics must be used for each use case. Managing video        best approach is a unified end-to-end assurance solution that covers
latency, targeted advertising and optimising encoding, for instance, all      the entire service delivery in real-time with in-depth KPIs and metrics,
need different analytics approaches.                                          from encoding and packaging, through CDNs and the ISP, to STBs, apps
                                                                              and devices. This provides superior results compared to fragmented and
Targeted advertising is becoming more and more important. What                siloed analytics systems based on limited metrics.
can Agama do to assure that the ad insertion works correctly?
Agama has been active in the ad insertion domain for years. We see            Agama will be presenting its unified solution for monitoring, analytics and
that targeted advertising is increasingly seen as an important additional     visualisation at IBC2019, stand 5.B72. Visit the Agama team to see a demo
revenue stream, not only for broadcasters, but also for telcos and cable      and to discuss joint projects. For more information, visit
OTT Series 2019 - OTT live-streaming - July 2019 - Digital TV Europe
Multiscreen & OTT 2019 > OTT live-streaming                                                                                       Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                           July 2019

content is, with metrics like viewing time,
drop-off rate and drop-off time being critical
                                                                 “If the industry wants to mutualise
to understanding ROI on content and rights
investments.”                                              investments and have one solution that
                                                            fits all screens, the first step is defining
Authenticating sign in                                                           ‘broadcast quality’.”
                                                                                                  Nivedita Nouvel, Broadpeak
For live OTT providers keeping track of who
is using their services is vital to maximising    key to ensuring a smooth customer journey         mature rapidly, which is something we’re
advertising and subscription revenues and         and experience,” she says. “In Europe,            monitoring closely.”
stopping piracy.                                  additional considerations have been added             Adapted bitrate technologies are great tools
   “Increasingly the role of single-sign-         by EU-portability and GDPR rules, but             for simplifying personalised ad insertion for
on is addressing service authentication           bring significant advantages with additional      OTT, adds Nouvel. “There’s no longer a need
challenges,” explains Pearson. “Other such        viewing opportunities and protections for         to perform complex splicing at the video
challenges exist with late registration for       users.”                                           level; content insertion and replacement can
PPV content, an example being where a live                                                          be handled through manifest manipulation.
PPV sports event is due to start shortly and                                                        The benefit of a server-side solution over a
new subscribers register to watch within the      Slipping in the ads                               player-side system is that the ad insertion is
final few minutes before the game. Business                                                         seamless,” she says.
rules have to be set to ensure the need to        OTT is particularly well suited to                    “Ad blockers cannot identify the
validate and collect payment is matched           personalised ads and so this is one area that     specificity of the ad and hence cannot block
with the viewer’s immediate requirement to        most OTT providers are intent on tapping,         it, since it is served in the same session as
watch the content.”                               particularly where they are offering content      the original content. For live channels, the
   To effectively authenticate viewers in a       for free.                                         usage of SCTE-35 and VAST technologies
sport environment, you must be able to              “Our starting point is always the               enable triggers to be added in the stream
manage concurrency peaks during the live          consumer,” says Goulding. “Advertising has        and used in a timely manner.”
event, says Liz Goulding, VP of product at        to be personally relevant and meaningful,             Server-side ad insertion (SSAI) is the
Eurosport Digital.                                delivered at the right time and supportive to     winning architecture for serving ads to OTT
   “Building scale is essential, she says. “The   the customer experience. We are seeing the        content, agrees Fautier.
ability to scale during these time periods is     technology around dynamic ad insertion                “With SSAI solutions, all ads are ingested
                                                                                                    and transcoded to typically match the bitrates
                                                                                                    and resolutions of the content. Content
                                                                                                    and ads are stitched together, in a frame-
                                                                                                    accurate way that guarantees the best QoE
                                                                                                    for end users,” he says. “No rebuffering,
                                                                                                    black screens waiting for the ad response,
                                                                                                    or player swaps during ad breaks to support
                                                                                                    exotic ad video codecs exist. These are all
                                                                                                    problems that can still be seen today with
                                                                                                    legacy methods of inserting ads at the client.
                                                                                                    Scalability can still be an issue, especially for
                                                                                                    popular live events. ADS can be overflowed
                                                                                                    by ad requests, which could cause the ADS to
                                                                                                    respond too late. Of course, prefetching ads
                                                                                                    is an option, but over time, we expect native
                                                                                                    cloud technologies to help ADS scale at will.”
                                                                                                        With revenue streams into OTT
                                                                                                    increasing and the technology behind it and
                                                                                                    receiving it improving rapidly, the future of
                                                                                                    live OTT streaming is looking bright.
                                                                                                        If the conditions are ideal, in some
                                                                                                    instances, live OTT content will surpass
                                                                                                    broadcast quality. Getting those conditions
                                                                                                    right, however, is not easy and often out of
                                                                                                    the OTT operator’s control. l

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