Multidisciplinary interventions for reducing the avoidable displacement from home of frail older people: a systematic review

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Open access                                                                                                                    Original research

                                                                                                                                                                      BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                        Multidisciplinary interventions for
                                        reducing the avoidable displacement
                                        from home of frail older people: a
                                        systematic review
                                        Lucas Sempé ‍          ‍ ,1 Jenny Billings,2 Peter Lloyd-­Sherlock1

To cite: Sempé L,                       ABSTRACT
Billings J, Lloyd-­Sherlock P.          Objectives To synthesise existing literature on
                                                                                                         Strengths and limitations of this study
Multidisciplinary interventions         interventions addressing a new concept of avoidable
for reducing the avoidable                                                                               ►► This is a timely systematic review of interventions
                                        displacement from home for older people with
displacement from home                                                                                      involving integrated care for older people, situated
                                        multimorbidity or frailty. The review focused on home-­
of frail older people: a                                                                                    within a policy framework that focuses on a new
systematic review. BMJ Open             based interventions by any type of multidisciplinary team
                                                                                                            concept of avoidable displacement from home.
2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/            aimed at reducing avoidable displacement from home to
                                                                                                         ►► This review examines interventions addressing a
bmjopen-2019-030687                     hospital settings. A second objective was to characterise
                                                                                                            significant public health and social care challenge.
                                        these interventions to inform policy.
►► Prepublication history and                                                                            ►► Evidence in this area is predominately from quasi-­
                                        Design A systematic search of the main bibliographic
additional material for this                                                                                experiments and observational studies with a
                                        databases was conducted to identify studies relating to
paper are available online. To                                                                              number of studies presenting unclear results and
view these files, please visit          interventions addressing avoidable displacement from
                                                                                                            ambiguity regarding the effectiveness of the inter-
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​   home for older people. Studies focusing on one specific
                                                                                                            ventions on hospital and emergency department
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2019-​          condition or interventions without multidisciplinary
                                                                                                            admissions and readmissions.
030687).                                teams were excluded. A narrative synthesis of data was
                                        conducted, and themes were identified by using an
Received 27 March 2019                  adapted thematic framework analysis approach.
Revised 04 July 2019                    Results The search strategy was performed using the             Introduction
Accepted 03 September 2019
                                        following electronic databases: the American National           Rationale
                                        Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health       Between 2017 and 2050, the global popu-
                                        (PubMed), Scopus, Cochrane Library (Central and CDRS),          lation of people aged 60 years or over is
                                        CINAHL, Social Care Online, Web of Science as well as
                                                                                                        expected to more than double, reaching 2.1
                                        the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health
                                                                                                        billion people. In 2015, around two-­thirds of
                                        Sciences Literature. The database search was done in
                                        September 2018 and completed in October 2018. Overall           this population lived in low-­income or middle-­
                                        3927 articles were identified and 364 were retained             income countries, rising to 80% of older
                                        for full text screening. Fifteen studies were included in       people world population by 2050.1 Later life
                                        the narrative review. Four themes were identified and           is associated with an increased risk of frailty,
                                        discussed: (1) types of interventions, (2) composition          poor health and functional limitation.2 In
                                        of teams, (3) intervention effectiveness and (4) types of       this paper, frailty refers to a distinctive health
                                        outcomes. Within intervention types, three categories           state related to the ageing process in which
                                        of care types were identified; transitional care, case-­        multiple body systems gradually lose their
                                        management services and hospital at home. Each                  in-­built reserves.3 Population ageing creates
                                        individual article was assessed in terms of risk of bias
                                                                                                        challenges for both social services and health
                                        following Cochrane Collaboration guidelines.
© Author(s) (or their                                                                                   systems, including rising numbers of hospital-
                                        Conclusions The review identified some potential
employer(s)) 2019. Re-­use
                                        interventions and relevant topics to be addressed in order      isations, many of which are potentially avoid-
permitted under CC BY.                                                                                  able.4 5 Responses to these challenges include
Published by BMJ.                       to develop effective and sustainable interventions to
1                                       reduce the avoidable displacement from home of older            an increased emphasis on interventions to
 School of International
Development, University of East         people. However the review was not able to identify robust      integrate different forms of health and social
Anglia, Norwich, UK                     impact evidence, either in terms of quantity or quality from    care provision, working across different care
 Centre for Integrated Care             the studies presented. As such, the available evidence is       settings.6 There are several definitions of
Research, University of Kent,           not sufficiently robust to inform policy or interventions for   integrated care: this paper follows Kodner
Canterbury, UK                          reducing avoidable displacement from home. This finding         and Kyriacou’s7 who define it as a ‘… set
                                        reflects the complexity of these interventions and a lack of    of techniques and organisational models
 Correspondence to                      systematic data collection.
 Lucas Sempé;                                                                                           designed to create connectivity, alignment
                                        PROSPERO registration number CRD42018108116.
​l.​sempe@u​ ea.​ac.​uk                                                                                 and co-­  ordination within and between the

                                                 Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687                                         1
Open access

                                                                                                                                              BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
cure and care sectors at the funding, administrative and/        Methods
or provider levels… for patients with complex problems’.         Information sources and searches
While different degrees of integration are possible, all by      This is a systematic review of articles indexed in the
definition require the cooperation of multidisciplinary          following electronic databases: the American National
professional teams working together to deliver appro-            Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health
priate care. Multidisciplinary interventions to promote          (PubMed), Scopus, Cochrane Library (Central and
and support integrated care are now widely advocated at          CDRS), CINAHL, Social Care Online, Web of Science as
many policy levels. It is claimed, however, that the effec-      well as the database of the Latin American and Caribbean
tiveness of these approaches is inconsistent across care         Health Sciences Literature. We also examined the refer-
settings and different interventions.8                           ence lists of the selected studies.
                                                                   The search was conducted without any language
A new framework: avoidable displacement from home                restriction and focused on articles published after the
The concept of avoidable displacement from home                  year 2000. The review only included articles published in
(ADH) and an associated policy framework are currently           Portuguese, English and Spanish, because of our famil-
being developed and validated by the authors as part of          iarity with these languages. The protocol for the related
an Medical Research Council Newton funded project                search terms was completed in July 2018 while the full
‘Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Health            database search was performed in September 2018, and
and social care services for vulnerable Older Brazilians’        the articles were moved into Mendeley V.1.18. The dupli-
(IHOB) (2018–2021).9 This review represents one aspect           cates have been deleted.
of the validation process.
   Given the wide diversity of integrated care interven-         Search strategy
tions and their complex interactions with other parts of         An initial scoping of the literature was conducted at
health and social care systems, it is important to estab-        inception of the study and those findings were used to
lish clear parameters about where they are situated in
                                                                 define the search strategy. In order to take an inclusive
relation to different care settings and to clarify outcomes
                                                                 approach we included a variety of key search terms,
of interest. To this end, ‘avoidable displacement from
                                                                 utilising the scope of Medical Subject Headings for
home’ may provide a helpful framework, by encom-
                                                                 each of them. The terms linked three different topics,
passing a number of effects: hospital (re)admissions
                                                                 namely: ‘home-­based care’ interventions, and terms to
that are amenable to prevention or which are suited to
                                                                 identify ‘older adults’ in conjunction with terms used as
outpatient care, excessive hospital stays and unnecessary
                                                                 proxies of preventive outcomes (‘Involuntary hospital-
admissions into residential care homes. More broadly, an
                                                                 isation’, ‘Avoidable hospitalisation’, ‘Patient admission’
avoidable displacement from home can be understood as
                                                                 or ‘Voluntary Admission’) and readmissions (‘Patient
the consequence of challenges to deliver proper care that
permits older people to remain in their homes for as long        Readmission’, ‘30 Day Readmission’, ‘Thirty Day Read-
as possible when this is in their best interest. It represents   mission’, ‘Hospital Readmissions’ or ‘Readmissions,
a comprehensive approach to address health and social            Hospital’). The term ‘multidisciplinary teams’ or related
care as part of a single, integrated system.                     terms were not used in the search to prevent restricting
   Interventions to reduce avoidable displacement from           the results. The search syntax and data extraction form
home should aim to incorporate three core values: person-­       are provided in online supplementary appendices 1 and
centredness,10 place-­based care11 and sustainability.12 In      2.
this way, the concept may encourage policy-­makers to go
beyond an exclusive focus on health system efficiency            Eligibility criteria
(such as reducing unnecessary hospitalisations) towards          Following the review objectives, any type of quantita-
a wider approach that seeks to reconcile health and social       tive study (randomised control trials (RCTs), quasi-­
service provision with the needs and wishes of both older        experiments and observational data) that fitted our
people and their carers.                                         criteria was included in the review process. The eligibility
                                                                 criteria guiding the search enabled the selection of publi-
Objective                                                        cations specifically focusing on older people (defined
Our specific objective was to conduct a systematic review        as aged over 60 years) who received any kind of home-­
to identify interventions addressing displacement from           based intervention by a multidisciplinary team. A multi-
home of older people with multimorbidity or frailty.             disciplinary team was defined as a formal team of two or
The review focused on studies with the following char-           more people from different professions working together
acteristics: home-­ based interventions by any type of           to deliver their service. In order to assess any effect on
multidisciplinary team that aimed at reducing avoidable          avoidable displacement from home, the studies needed
displacement from home in older people with multimor-            to record at least one of the following outcomes: hospital
bidity or frailty. A second objective was to characterise        length of stay, hospital or emergency department admis-
those interventions in order to inform policy.                   sions or readmissions.

2                                                                  Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687
Open access

                                                                                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                           Due to the heterogeneity of reported outcomes and risk
                                                                           of bias assessed in individual studies, a meta-­analysis was
                                                                           not feasible.
                                                                              Four themes were identified: (1) types of interventions,
                                                                           (2) composition of teams, (3) intervention effectiveness
                                                                           and (4) types of outcomes. Within intervention types,
                                                                           three categories of care types were identified: transitional
                                                                           care, case-­management services and hospital at home.
                                                                           It is important to notice that these categories were not
                                                                           mutually exclusive and that some degree of overlap of
                                                                           the interventions’ characteristics existed among the cate-
                                                                           gories. These connections are highlighted in the results

                                                                           Patient and public involvement
                                                                           Patients and the public were not involved in the design or
                                                                           analysis of this review.

                                                                           Systematic review reporting items
                                                                           This systematic review follows Preferred Reporting Items
Figure 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
                                                                           for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­    Analyses’s checklist,
and Meta-­Analyses flow diagram of literature review.                      detailed in online supplementary appendix 3.

Study selection and data extraction process                                Results
The data extraction process had two stages. Two authors                    Study selection
(LS, JB) independently screened all titles and abstracts                   A total of 3927 articles were identified. After screening
identified from searches to determine which met the                        titles and abstracts, 364 full-­texts were reviewed, of which
inclusion criteria. They also independently screened full-­                15 articles met the inclusion criteria (figure 1).
text articles for inclusion or exclusion, with discrepancies
resolved by discussion and by consulting a third author                    Study characteristics
(PLS). All potentially relevant papers excluded from the                   Regarding types of interventions, the systematic review
review at this stage were listed as excluded studies with                  identified 15 interventions which were catalogued into
reasons. A data extraction form was developed to extract                   three different care types: transitional care (n=8), case-­
and appraise each study according to the aims of the                       management services (n=4) and interventions focusing
study.                                                                     on hospital-­at-­home (n=3).
                                                                              Five studies were RCTs, eight were quasi-­experiments
Assessment of risk of bias of individual studies                           (four prospective controlled pre–post design and one
Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collabora-                    retrospective controlled pre–post design) and three
tion tool13 and was rated as low, unclear or high. Ratings                 were retrospective non-­controlled observational studies.
of low risk of bias indicate high confidence in study find-                Four interventions took place in the USA,14–17 while two
ings. Ratings of unclear risk of bias indicate the presence                interventions were set in the UK,18 19 New Zealand20 21
of probable bias or flaws that raise reservations about                    and Singapore.22 23 Additionally, there was one interven-
study findings. High risk of bias are indicators of poor                   tion each in France,24 Australia,25 Denmark,26 Mexico27
study quality, and results are considered with caution.                    and Hong Kong.28 See table 1 for a summary of study
One author (LS) assessed the risk of bias of the included                  characteristics.
studies which was reviewed by both additional authors
(JB, PLS). Any disagreements were resolved by discussion                   Risk of bias
to reach consensus.                                                        Two RCT studies were considered as presenting low
                                                                           risk of bias,20 26 while the others presented an unclear
Synthesis of results                                                       risk of bias due selective reporting that was discordant
Thematic analysis was conducted within and across cate-                    with the protocol,25 due to implementation problems
gories to identify key themes. All authors deliberated and                 and power analysis18 and due to the randomisation
agreed on these themes, as well as their validity and impli-               process.15 Two quasi-­experimental studies presented low
cations. Since one objective of this review is to inform                   risk of bias,17 21 while the others were assessed as showing
policy, descriptive information about all interventions is                 unclear risks due to a lack of randomisation15 24 27 and
presented and discussed in the results section. However,                   programme implementation issues.21 The remaining
only those presenting low or unclear risk of bias are                      studies presented a high risk of bias due to elements
summarised and discussed in terms of their effectiveness.                  of the methodological design or analysis16 19 22 23 28 and

Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687                                                              3
                                                                                Table 1          Summary of studies
                                                                                                                             Number of                     Classification of                                                                                                               Quality and bias
                                                                                Study               Year   Methods           participants   Demographics   intervention        Intervention                                 Team                       Outcomes                            assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Open access

                                                                                Caplan et al25      2004   RCT                739           >75            Case-­              Comprehensive geriatric assessment           Meetings attended          All hospital admissions within 30   Unclear risk of
                                                                                                                                                           management          and multidisciplinary intervention           by a geriatrician          days                                bias
                                                                                                                                                                               on older patients sent home from             or a geriatric             Elective and emergency
                                                                                                                                                                               the emergency department (ED). A             registrar, nurses,         admissions (days to first
                                                                                                                                                                               nurse formulates a care plan, initiates      physiotherapists and       emergency admission)
                                                                                                                                                                               urgent interventions and referrals, and      occupational therapists.   Nursing home admissions
                                                                                                                                                                               presents the patient’s history at a weekly                              Mortality
                                                                                                                                                                               interdisciplinary team meeting at which                                 Physical function (Barthel Index)
                                                                                                                                                                               further interventions or referrals can be                               Instrumental activities of daily
                                                                                                                                                                               ordered.                                                                living
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cognitive function
                                                                                Courtney et al15 2009      RCT and            128           >65            Transition care     Comprehensive nursing and                    Nurse and                  Hospital readmissions and           Unclear quality
                                                                                                           economic                                                            physiotherapy assessment and                 physiotherapist.           emergency General Practicioner      and risk of bias
                                                                                                           study (in                                                           individualised programme of exercise                                    visits
                                                                                                           additional                                                          strategies. Home visit by a nurse.
                                                                                                           paper)                                                              Telephone follow-­up commencing in the
                                                                                                                                                                               hospital and continuing for 24 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                               after discharge.
                                                                                de Stampa el        2014   Prospective        428           >64            Case-­              Coordination of Professional Carefor         Case managers              Unplanned hospitalisation (via ED) Unclear risk of
                                                                                al24                       controlled pre–                                 management          the Elderly (COPA). Multidisciplinary        (geriatric nurses),        Any hospitalisation                   bias
                                                                                                           post design                                                         comprehensive geriatric needs                primary care physician     (1 year)
                                                                                                                                                                               assessment. This includes an                 and a psychologist.        Instrumental activity of daily living
                                                                                                                                                                               individual care plan, care management                                   Activity of daily living Hierarchical
                                                                                                                                                                               programmes, evidence-­based protocols                                   cognitive performance
                                                                                                                                                                               and regular reassessments of patient                                    Depression rating
                                                                                                                                                                               needs.                                                                  Aggressive behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pain scale
                                                                                Espinel-­           2011   prospective          70          >60            Hospital at home    Programme of domiciliary attention for       Two teams. The first is    Hospital readmissions over 1 year High risk of bias
                                                                                Bermudez et                controlled pre–                                                     chronically ill patients. Two educational    based in the hospital      (type, number of times, days to
                                                                                al27                       post design                                                         sessions with patient carers. Home           and second makes           readmission and length of stay)
                                                                                                                                                                               visits, provision of medical equipment       home visits (doctor,       Quality of life (sickness impact
                                                                                                                                                                               and medication. Telephone line available     nurse, psychologist and    profile)
                                                                                                                                                                               for careers.                                 a medical resident).
                                                                                Harris et al20      2005   RCT                285           >55            Hospital at home    Seven days per week/10 hours per day         Nursing-­led.              Readmissions to hospital (first     Low risk of bias
                                                                                                                                                                               nursing availability. 24 hours on-­call      Occupational therapist,    readmission in days 1–10,11-30
                                                                                                                                                                               geriatrician. Patient-­centred planning.     physiotherapist and        and 31–90)
                                                                                                                                                                               Daily nursing review and adjustment          social workers.            Physical and mental function
                                                                                                                                                                               of individual care plan. Intensive home                                 (functional independence)
                                                                                                                                                                               support with up to 24 hours support                                     Instrumental activities of daily
                                                                                                                                                                               from a live-­in home care professional.                                 living
                                                                                                                                                                               Multidisciplinary team support.                                         Mental status
                                                                                                                                                                               Rehabilitation in the patient’s home. A                                 Self-­reported recovery
                                                                                                                                                                               discharge handover to ongoing support                                   Health status (SF-36)
                                                                                                                                                                               services.                                                               Falls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Satisfaction with intervention


Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687
                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1          Continued
                                                                                                                               Number of                       Classification of                                                                                                              Quality and bias
                                                                                Study               Year     Methods           participants   Demographics     intervention        Intervention                               Team                       Outcomes                             assessment

                                                                                Hendrix et al16     2013     Prospective          47          >60              Transition care     Hospital visit before the patient’s       Nurse practitioner,         ED visits and rehospitalisation      Low quality and
                                                                                                             controlled pre–                                                       discharge to initiate a relationship with social worker,              at 30 and 60 days after hospital     high risk of bias
                                                                                                             post design                                                           the patient and begin planning for home occupational therapist.       discharge
                                                                                                                                                                                   care. Home visits by team. Educational
                                                                                                                                                                                   materials for caregivers and information
                                                                                                                                                                                   on community-­based resources.
                                                                                Leung et al28       2015     Matched-­            78          Treatment arm:   Hospital at home    The virtual ward physician might           Nurses and physicians. Unplanned emergency hospital             Low quality and
                                                                                                             control quasi-­                  80.2±7.7                             conduct a physician home visit within                             readmissions, quality of life,           unclear risk of
                                                                                                             experimental                     Control arm:                         the first week after the patient was                              emergency attendances                    bias
                                                                                                             study                            80.5±8.5                             discharged. Based on the health
                                                                                                                                                                                   assessment results, the virtual ward
                                                                                                                                                                                   nurses planned the schedule of home
                                                                                                                                                                                   visits which could range from daily to
                                                                                                                                                                                   once every 2 weeks.
                                                                                Low et al23         2015     Prospective        259           >65              Transition care     An individualised patient-­centred care    Multidisciplinary          ED attendances (after 3 and 6        Low quality and
                                                                                                             controlled pre–                                                       plan drawn up for each patient after       team comprising of         months)                              high risk of bias
                                                                                                             post design                                                           an initial home visit assessment. The      a family physician, a      Admissions to all hospitals (after 3
                                                                                                                                                                                   frequency and timing of future home        nurse case manager,        and 6 months)
                                                                                                                                                                                   visits and the need to involve other       a physiotherapist, an      Length of stay (after 3 and 6
                                                                                                                                                                                   members of the multidisciplinary team is   occupational therapist,    months)
                                                                                                                                                                                   identified during the initial assessment   a speech therapist and     Specialist outpatient clinic visits

Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687
                                                                                                                                                                                   and communicated to all team               a medical social worker.   (after 3 and 6 months)
                                                                                                                                                                                   members. Nurses make telephone call        Nurses function as
                                                                                                                                                                                   reviews based on patients’ care needs      case managers.
                                                                                                                                                                                   and are accessible to patients by phone
                                                                                                                                                                                   during office hours.
                                                                                Meret-­Hanke14      2011     Prospective     6992             >65              Case-­              Program of All-­Inclusive Care for the   Comprehensive                Hospital use (as average days per High risk of bias
                                                                                                             controlled pre–                                   management,         Elderly (PACE): case-­management         range of healthcare          month in hospital) (each 6 months
                                                                                                             post design                                                           services. Services provided in Day       professionals.               for up to 2 years)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Health Centre (ie, recreational therapy
                                                                                                                                                                                   nursing; social services, including
                                                                                                                                                                                   caregiver training, support groups,
                                                                                                                                                                                   respite care services and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Dentistry). Attendance to centres varies
                                                                                                                                                                                   from rarely to 7 days a week, depending
                                                                                                                                                                                   on their care plans.
                                                                                Ong et al22         2017     Retrospective      107           >51.9            Case-­              Home-­based medication reviews             Pharmacist and care        Hospital admissions                  High risk of bias
                                                                                                             non-­controlled                                   management                                                     coordinator.               ED visits
                                                                                                             observational                                                                                                                               Length of stay (days)
                                                                                Robinson et al21 2015        Retrospective 5239               >65              Transition care     Transition intervention: postdischarge   A geriatrician, a       28-­day readmission rates                 Low risk of bias
                                                                                                             controlled pre–                                                       component (telephone assessment,         pharmacist and cultural ED visits
                                                                                                             post design                                                           education, support by team) to           support workers.
                                                                                                                                                                                   identify problems not dealt with during
                                                                                                                                                                                   discharge, assist with self‐management,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and ensure appropriate health and social
                                                                                Rytter el al26      2010     RCT                331           >78              Transition care     Home visit by a GP and a district nurse    GP and nurse.              Readmission rate within 26 weeks Low risk of bias
                                                                                                                                                                                   1 week after discharge, followed by two                               after discharge
                                                                                                                                                                                   contacts after three and 8 weeks.                                     Control of medication, evaluated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         12 weeks after discharge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Open access


                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Open access

                                                                                Table 1     Continued
                                                                                                                        Number of                     Classification of                                                                                                            Quality and bias
                                                                                Study            Year   Methods         participants   Demographics   intervention        Intervention                                 Team                      Outcomes                          assessment

                                                                                Sahota et al18   2017   RCT and          250           >70            Transition care     Community In-­Reach rehabilitation           A senior occupational     Hospital length of stay           Unclear risk of
                                                                                                        economic                                                          and Care Transition. A comprehensive         therapist (transition     Readmission (28 and 91 days       bias
                                                                                                        study                                                             assessment of the patient’s ability to       coach), a senior          postdischarge)
                                                                                                                                                                          perform different tasks and creation of      physiotherapist           Total time in bed days
                                                                                                                                                                          a rehabilitation plan. Form links with       and an assistant          Functional ability
                                                                                                                                                                          the appropriate community services           practitioner, linked      Comorbidity and health-­related
                                                                                                                                                                          to ensure a smooth and effective             directly to a social      quality of life
                                                                                                                                                                          discharge. Following discharge, team         services practitioner,    Costs
                                                                                                                                                                          home visits to assess the level of           working across
                                                                                                                                                                          rehabilitation required. Further follow-­    multiple boundaries
                                                                                                                                                                          up visits as deemed necessary and            with patients and their
                                                                                                                                                                          appropriate referral to additional           carers.
                                                                                                                                                                          community services.
                                                                                Stranges et al17 2015   Retrospective   1144           >60            Transition care     Phone call 2 to 4 days after discharge.      Geriatric physicians,      30-­day readmission rates       Low risk of bias
                                                                                                        cohort study                                                      The patient seen in clinic, ideally within   nurse practitioners,
                                                                                                                                                                          1 week of discharge, by a social worker      clinical pharmacists
                                                                                                                                                                          and a health professional. Home visit        and social workers
                                                                                                                                                                          by health professional, who conducts
                                                                                                                                                                          a modified geriatric assessment with
                                                                                                                                                                          a focus on the reason for hospital
                                                                                Young et al19    2005   Prospective     1648           >63            Transition care     An intermediate care (IC) service.           Nurses (5),               Nottingham Extended Activities of Unclear risk of
                                                                                                        controlled pre–                                                   Joint care management team (multi-­          occupational therapists   Daily Living score                bias
                                                                                                        post design                                                       disciplinary, multi-­agency) assesses        (2), care assistants      Barthel Index
                                                                                                                                                                          need and purchases services for              (15), a dietitian (half   Hospital Anxiety and Depression
                                                                                                                                                                          individuals delivered through a primary      time) and access to       score
                                                                                                                                                                          care trust. Patients accepted for IC are     psychiatric nurses.       Mortality (3, 6 and 12 months)
                                                                                                                                                                          then assessed by each discipline in                                    Readmission to hospital (3, 6 and
                                                                                                                                                                          the team and a care plan is developed                                  12 months)
                                                                                                                                                                          to be delivered by the care assistants.                                Readmission to hospital number
                                                                                                                                                                          Patients receive input for up to 6 weeks,                              of days (3, 6 and 12 months)
                                                                                                                                                                          according to need.                                                     New institutional care placements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (3, 6 and 12 months)

Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687
                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Open access

                                                                                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
baseline differences.14 27 The assessment of risk of bias                  or additional community services.18 19 Elements of tran-
of individual studies is detailed in online supplementary                  sitional care are also apparent in some of the following
appendix 4.                                                                intervention types.

Types of interventions                                                     Case-management services
Transitional care                                                          Case management is a targeted, community-­based, proac-
Transitional care is defined as a set of actions to ensure                 tive approach to care that involves case-­finding, assess-
the coordination and continuity of healthcare as patients                  ment, care planning and care co-­      ordination.30 Three
transfer between different locations; from hospital to                     studies had case-­  management services as their focus.
nursing homes or between different levels of care within                   Caplan et al25 provide information on a comprehensive
the same location.29 Eight studies looked at transitional                  geriatric assessment performed in an emergency depart-
care interventions as a primary focus. Low et al23 present                 ment, in addition to follow-­up visits by a hospital-­based
a hospital-­based intervention where patients received a                   multidisciplinary outreach team over 4 weeks. Meret-­
comprehensive needs assessment in the home, followed                       Hanke14 describes comprehensive medical and social
by an individualised care plan that included medical and                   services to targeted community-­dwelling older individuals.
nursing care, patient education and coordination of care                   The programme organised their services in a Day Health
with other clinical specialists and community services.                    Centre which members attended with varying frequency
Nursing care included visits and follow-­up phone calls.                   (from occasionally to daily), depending on their care
Robinson et al21 describe an intervention that included                    plans. De Stampa et al24 examine a programme consisting
an improved discharge process with two components: the                     of a physician and a case manager who conducted a home-­
identification of high risk patients and a postdischarge                   based comprehensive geriatric assessment and produced
component that consisted of a nurse telephone assess-                      individualised care plans using evidence-­based interdis-
ment, along with education, and support by community                       ciplinary protocols. Finally, Ong et al present a home-­
nurses on the first and third days postdischarge. Sahota et                based medication review programme led by a pharmacist,
al18 present a programme with a predischarge function-                     accompanied by a care coordinator, in liaison with other
ality assessment tool and a prospective rehabilitation plan.               medical specialists. The programme provided pharmaco-
After discharge, the service team performed home visits                    logical counselling, and the identification of drug-­related
to assess progress and to provide appropriate referral to                  problems.22
additional community services. Young et al19 report on                        All case-­management interventions shared some char-
a city-­wide intermediate care service where a joint care                  acteristics: they included geriatric assessments, the elab-
management team assessed patient needs and purchased                       oration of individualised care plans and coordination
support and rehabilitation from specialised teams.                         between care managers and/or multidisciplinary meet-
   Courtney et al15 present an intervention portraying a                   ings where further interventions or referrals could be
comprehensive patient assessment and individualised                        made.24 25 While transitional care was not a focal point
care plan developed in consultation with the patient,                      of this intervention type, the function of case manage-
health professionals, family and caregivers. The inter-                    ment (as defined) was clearly concerned with ensuring
vention also had a weekly follow-­up telephone call after                  a smooth transition between different services using
discharge. Hendrix et al16 present an intervention led by a                various tools.
nurse practitioner providing postdischarge medical care
to patients for a time-­limited period, with the addition                  Hospital at home interventions
of an occupational therapist and a social worker, who                      Hospital at home encompasses the active treatment
conducted separate home visits. Rytter et al26 describe                    at home by care professionals of people who would
a joint home visit involving a GP and district nurse                       otherwise be admitted to hospital, and early supported
conducted 1 week after discharge and two contacts with                     discharge from hospital.24 Three studies present infor-
the GP in the third and eighth weeks after discharge.                      mation regarding hospital at home interventions. Espi-
Finally, Stranges et al17 describe a multidisciplinary team                nel-Bermúdez et al27 describe a programme with visits by
of geriatric physicians, nurse practitioners, clinical phar-               a multidisciplinary team, the provision of educational
macists and a social worker who assisted patients transi-                  sessions and a telephone line available to carers, in addi-
tioning to the community. The intervention began with                      tion to the provision of medical equipment and medica-
a pharmacist’s phone call 2 to 4 days after discharge,                     tion to the patients. Harris et al20 describe an intervention
followed by a clinic appointment with a social worker and                  that supported 10 hours per day of nursing, 24 hours
geriatrician or nurse within a week of discharge.                          on-­
                                                                              call geriatricians, daily patient-­ centred planning by
   In summary, transitional care focused on the postdis-                   nurses and, if needed, the upgrading of individual care
charge component and covered a range of different actions                  plans to offer intensive home support with up to 24 hours
such as the elaboration of individualised patient-­centred                 of a live-­in home care professional. Finally, Leung et al28
care plans,15 23 telephone assessment and education21 and                  present a virtual ward service, whereby a nurse and a GP
home visits for short periods of time.17–19 23 These could                 separately visit the home in the first week after discharge.
lead to referrals to other services such as rehabilitation                 The nurse visited the home every 2 weeks, providing

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psychosocial support to both patients and their carers.              and there was a costs analysis in three studies15 18 20; one of
Additionally, a hotline consultation service was put in              them in a separate study.31 Finally, patient satisfaction was
place. There are clear links to transitional care within this        assessed in one study.20
category.                                                              Results were assessed over a wide range of time periods.
                                                                     One study started measuring results 10 days after the
Composition of teams                                                 intervention started,20 while the most common follow-­up
A wide variety of multidisciplinary teams, in terms of               period ranged from 1 to 6 months.14–21 23 25 26 28 Two
composition and size, was observed across the studies. Two           studies extended the follow-­up period to 1 year19 27 and
interventions were pharmacist-­led, accompanied by other             one measured the effects after 2 years.14
staff such as care coordinators22 or cultural workers in a
context of diversity.21 All other studies described nurses
playing leading roles, such as case managers.20 23 24 Geri-          Discussion
atricians were present in only one study25 while family or           Hypothesis traps limit relevant results
primary care doctors were part of the intervention in three          Different concurrent explanations may explain the
studies.23 24 27 Other health workers such as physiothera-           limited number of studies that produce significant statis-
pists, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech ther-          tical differences. One plausible explanation, known as
apists and dietitians were found in all studies.14 18 19 23–25 27    the ‘omitted variable bias’, notes that outcome measures
Only three interventions included social workers.14 18 20            such as hospital readmissions and length of stay are
Intervention effectiveness                                           moderated by other confounding variables that are
Effects on hospital admissions and readmissions                      usually not captured in large-­sample studies. Conversely,
Only the results of three studies assessed as presenting             the same outcomes cannot be easily observed in smaller-­
low risk of bias are presented. Only one intervention                sample in-­depth studies, due to the impact of sample size
categorised as transitional care17 found a significant               in hypothesis testing.
reduction in 30-­day readmission rates among matched                    Another explanation is the ‘outcome selection trap’,
compliers (n=217, 11.7% vs 17.3%, treatment and                      which refers to the practice of identifying relevant and
control respectively; p0.05) nor Robinson             calls should not be assessed in terms of reduction of
et al21 (n=2486, regression discontinuity parameter esti-            hospitalisation, but in terms of other subjective measures
mation=−1.60 (SD 3.10); p>0.05) found statistically signif-          such as quality of life or process-­related outputs such as
icant differences in terms of readmissions.                          correct use of medication.
                                                                        A third explanation is the ‘causality gap’, which refers
Healthcare expenditure                                               to the inability of many of those interventions to estab-
Harris et al report the costs of the hospital at home                lish a clear theoretical causal connection between, on one
(NZ$6524) intervention were almost double standard                   hand, activities and resources and, on the other, outputs
hospital care (NZ$3525),20 while Sahota et al found a net            and outcomes. This includes an inability to estimate the
monetary benefit of £1932 (95% CI £2134 to £5863),                   proportion of resources, time and activities needed to
although this has to be interpreted with caution given the           achieve specific measurable changes, such improvements
wide confidence intervals.18 Additionally, Courtey et al’s           in health status.
intervention estimated an average cost saving of $333 for               A fourth explanation is the ‘timeframe gap’, whereby
24 weeks’ period per patient, and a net-­monetary-­benefit           studies do not analyse effects over a sufficiently long
per individual of $7907.31                                           period to observe changes that accrue over lengthier time
Type of outcomes                                                        A fifth explanation is the ‘instrument gap’ which
Ten studies reported on different lengths of time of                 refers to the limitations of chiefly using outcomes such
hospital readmissions,16–21 26–28 while six reported hospital        as hospital admissions, readmissions or length of stay to
admissions.14 18 22–25 Only one study presented both                 measure interventions and not developing adequate tools
outcomes.18 Six studies reported emergency depart-                   to identify and measure frailty or including the older
ment admissions15 21–25 and five measured different                  person’s perspective.
lengths of hospital stay.14 18 22 23 27 Additionally, three
studies measured emergency GP visits15 16 28 and one also            The diversity and limitations of interventions
measured control of medication.26                                    The review included different interventions focusing
   Other outcomes, such as functional status and quality of          on reducing the avoidable displacement from home of
life or depression, were measured in several prospective             older people, varying from a range of complex designs
studies.18–20 24 27 28 Mortality was assessed in two studies,19 25   such as hospital at home programmes to simpler ones

8                                                                      Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687
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                                                                                                                                          BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687 on 2 November 2019. Downloaded from on October 27, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
such as medication reviews. These interventions occurred                   care.7 In terms of intervention sustainability, many studies
over different lengths of time, including short-­term tran-                focused on short-­term interventions and outcomes (1 to
sitional care services and longer ones such as hospital at                 6 months) which was not necessarily compatible with
home assistance and case-­     management interventions.                   meeting the chronic, complex needs associated with
The number of caregivers, the permanent, periodical or                     older age. In terms of economic sustainability, only three
sporadic nature of their work, and their specialisations                   studies provided any element of economic analysis,18 20 31
varied significantly.                                                      reflecting the numerous challenges of quantifying cost
   All 15 studied interventions were based almost entirely                 benefits for integrated care interventions.33
within the health system and were provided by a wide
range of health specialists. With the exception of three                   Comparison with previous literature reviews
studies,16–18 there was no integration between mainstream                  Four previous systematic reviews34–37 examined the effec-
health services and other agencies, such as housing                        tiveness of different types of interventions to prevent
services or social care.                                                   hospitalisations based on home care and demonstrated
   At the same time, there was an absence of preventive                    the limitations of current impact evidence, in terms of
interventions. All the quasi-­experiments and RCT review                   consistent positive outcomes. Huntley et al38 reviewed
interventions viewed the hospital setting as the ‘initial                  evidence about alternatives to acute care, such as para-
status’ of the intervention. Only one study emphasised                     medic/emergency department-­based interventions and
preventive care through regular clinical monitoring.25                     community hospitals. They reported that impact evidence
This is especially relevant for interventions that focus on                was limited by a lack of systematic data on outcomes and
a wide range of older people with different health statuses                costs for patients, health professionals or carers. In a
and different degrees of functional dependency.                            review of integrated care interventions for older people,
   With respect to the intervention types (transitional                    Baxter et al found inconsistent effects on admissions,
care, case management and hospital at home), the over-                     length of stay and costs.39
laps were unsurprising, given their definitions and the
complex arrangement of services and actions needed                         Limitations of this review
to care for frail older people within an integrated care                   This review looks at interventions to reduce avoidable
context. Some parallels with other broad-­based initiatives                displacement from home that are conducted in home
such as intermediate care can be seen. In the UK where                     settings. It does not consider other settings, including
intermediate care concepts have been operationalised,                      those that may be applied in hospitals and nursing homes,
they include four types of intervention: crisis response,                  which should be the focus of future reviews.
home-­based care, bed-­based care and reablement.32 The                      All the articles but one in this review studied health-
category of home-­based care in this review corresponds                    care systems in high-­income countries, even though low
with the hospital at home category.                                        or middle-­income countries contain a larger number of
                                                                           older people with health and care needs. This may reflect
Assessing interventions with the ‘avoidable displacement                   the limited number of languages included in the study,
from home’ framework                                                       although that is unlikely to have excluded a large number
The avoidable displacement from home framework                             of studies.
appears to be a useful lens through which to assess inte-                    Empirical evidence in this area is predominately from
grated care interventions. That said, the three key values of              quasi-­experiments and observational studies, while studies
avoidable displacement from home (person-­centredness,                     assessed as having a low risk of bias were an exception.
place-­based care and sustainability) did not emerge                         Although the search strategy focused on hospital avoid-
prominently in this review. None of the interventions                      ance, all included interventions were related to admis-
reviewed referred to all of these elements. Two manage-                    sions and readmissions. Other search strategies could
ment service interventions24 25 might be characterised by a                inform on interventions promoting hospital admission
person-­centred approach with a focus on individual reha-                  avoidance.
bilitation and care plans. However, neither study specifi-                   This review is limited to quantitative findings due to the
cally assessed these interventions from a person-­centred                  heterogeneity of the qualitative studies in terms of frame
perspective. This was an important omission which might                    of reference and focus of enquiry. Future reviews should
have been averted through more robust application of the                   seek to address this challenge in order to maximise the
avoidable displacement from home framework. Likewise,                      available evidence.
including place-­based care as an analytical theme would
have revealed degrees of service integration and fragmen-
tation, especially for interventions that seek to integrate                Conclusions and implications
external care with services at home.32 It was not possible                 One purpose of this review was to establish the potential
to determine the degree of service integration for most                    validity of the concept of avoidable displacement from
interventions, but the available evidence for the medi-                    home. The review was not able to identify robust impact
cation review intervention indicated that it did not fully                 evidence either in terms of quantity or quality from the
satisfy Kodner and Kyriacou’s definition of integrated                     studies presented. Therefore, the evidence cannot be

Sempé L, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030687. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030687                                                             9
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Open editor.                                                                                program. J Am Geriatr Soc 2009;57:395–402.
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Contributors All authors made a relevant contribution during the process.LS: lead           hospital-­to-­home support for older adults and their caregivers. J Am
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the initial draft of protocol and draft of paper. JB: second reviewer; contributing to   17 Stranges PM, Marshall VD, Walker PC, et al. A multidisciplinary
discussion as the review progressed; commenting and editing on the drafts of the            intervention for reducing readmissions among older adults in a
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