MTG User Preparation and EUMETSAT User Days 2022 - Stephan Bojinski MTGUP Project Manager
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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below MTG User Preparation and EUMETSAT User Days 2022 Stephan Bojinski MTGUP Project Manager 18 March 2022 EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 1
MTGUP Activities – 5 core themes MTG and EPS-SG User Days Training testbeds Product guidance Test data Observation mission videos Data access and display Open User Preparation Webinars User guidance FCI L1c NRT user support MTG Website & future User Portal EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 2
Lightning events (at Level 1b STC) purple = location of input pulses cyan = DTs through Level 0 proc. green = DTs through Level 1b proc. orange = DTs in the Level 2 product EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 3
Lightning events (at Level 2) purple = location of input pulses cyan = DTs through Level 0 proc. green = DTs through Level 1b proc. orange = DTs in the Level 2 product EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 4
Training Testbeds on Severe Convective Storm Forecasting • Partnership of EUMETSAT with European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) • 3-year contract, kicked off 1 June 2021 • To introduce next-generation satellite products to 10-15% of NMHS operational met workforce (200-300 forecasters) • Testbed is a physical or virtual simulation of an operational meteorological forecasting environment, intended to enhance the skill of forecasters in using EUMETSAT satellite data and products. EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1278323, v1 Draft, 24 January 2022 5
MTG Observation Mission Videos • FCI: • LI: • UVN: • IRS: EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 6
User Preparation Webinar on the MTG Lightning imager mission (MTG-LI) • 217 participants from 49 countries (26 MS) • 50 px from outside MS; from all WMO RAs • 14 from Africa, 19 from Europe outside MS • 6 manufacturers • 64 Q&A • 95% overall rating very good-excellent • Webinar Material Recommendations from participants: • More application case studies, examples, strengths and weaknesses of products • Cross-walk of GLM and LI products • Step-by-step data processing and visualisation session in python; github repository EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 8
MTG Lightning Imaging mission (LI): User Preparation Webinar 16 February 2021, 14.00-16.00 CET (13.00-15.00 UTC) Instrument overview, measurements, data format and distribution 14:00-14:05 Welcome and introduction (Stephan Bojinski, EUMETSAT) 14:05-14:30 Instrument overview, Data acquisition principles, Data filtering (Level-0 on-board, Level-1) (Bartolomeo Viticchiè, EUMETSAT) 14:30-14:45 Q&A 14:45-15:10 Filtering and disseminated product processing, Expected performance (Level-2) (Bartolomeo Viticchiè, EUMETSAT) 15:10-15:25 Q&A 15:25-15:40 Format specification and dissemination baseline [MTGDIS], Test datasets (Katja Hungershöfer, EUMETSAT) 15:40-15:55 Q&A 15:55-16:00 Final remarks 16:00 Closure Ask your questions on event code #MTG-LI
MTG Lightning Imaging mission (LI): User Preparation Webinar 17 February 2021, 14.00-16.00 CET (13.00-15.00 UTC) Application examples; Comparison with surface-based lightning detection data 14:00-14:05 Welcome and introduction (Stephan Bojinski, EUMETSAT) 14:05-14:15 Lightning Imager system commissioning (Bartolomeo Viticchiè, EUMETSAT) 14:15-14:35 EUMETSAT centralised validation and monitoring facility LISTAR (Sven-Erik Enno, EUMETSAT) 14:35-14:45 Q&A 14:45-15:10 Lightning data applications at KNMI (Jos de Laat, KNMI) 15:10-15:20 Q&A 15:20-15:45 Lightning data valorisation for forecasters, nowcasting and NWP (Jean-Marc Moisselin & Sylvain Le Moal, Météo-France) 15:45-15:55 Q&A 15:55-16:00 Final remarks 16:00 Closure Ask your questions on event code #MTG-LI
2022 User Days Objectives: • ascertain user readiness for next-generation satellite data available as of 2023 - with key stakeholders from European operational services • to identify research opportunities related to next-generation satellite data from MTG and EPS-SG programmes - with weather, climate and Earth system R&D representatives across Europe, with the objective EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 11
Registration status (25 Mar 2022) – 185 registrations Audiences # Users 47 (from 28 MS) (MTGUP UG, NWP Core User Group, SAFs) R&D/academia (Nominated through MTGUP User Group, SAFs, EUM Science/Mission 86 Advisory Groups, other) Research funding bodies 4 Partner agencies 3 Copernicus services (CAMS) 1 SW/HW Manufacturers 13 EUMETSAT HQ 31 TOTAL 185 EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 12
EUMETSAT User Days 2022: High-level Agenda 31 May 2022 : Day 1 Morning Plenary • Welcome Addresses • Research potential of EUMETSAT next-generation missions • MTG and EPS-SG Programme status • Presentation by partner agencies (ESA, DLR, CNES) • User preparation status Afternoon Plenary • R&D funding agencie roundtable • Opening of Technical Exhibition Ice Breaker 01 June 2022 : Day 2 Morning • Roundtables discussions (parallel sessions) Afternoon • Roundtable discussions (parallel sessions) Social Event and Dinner 02 June 2022 : Day 3 Morning User Preparation User Group meetings Plenary · High-level Use Case Morning Plenary: · Reports from Roundtables Afternoon Plenary: · Reports from Round tables contd. · Conclusions and Wrap up EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 13
EUMETSAT User Days 2022: Roundtables • Co-moderators • Rapporteurs Nowcasting Marine & and VSRF “R&D Brief” Sea Ice Atmospheric - 2 pager / Chemistry NWP 5 slides max - to introduce discussion Aerosols & Clouds Land Surface Atmospheric Winds Leading questions ? Understanding of processes ? Synergy – instruments, products ? Auxiliary information (spectroscopy, cloud masks, RT models) Climate ? Validation, QC (reference data) Precipitation & ? Modelling techniques Hydrology ? ML/AI Reporting template EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 14
EUMETSAT User Days 2022: Final Output: Report / Publication Based on: • Pre-event survey results • Roundtable reports • Plenary discussions Including: • Synthesis of R&D opportunities and challenges related to next-gen MTG and EPS-SG data • Priority items to support user readiness for MTG-I1 and other next-gen missions EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 15 Clarification from LI MAG for User Days / MTGUP EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 16
Clarification from LI MAG for User Days / MTGUP 1. Confirm, to the extent possible: a) Detection efficiency b) Timeliness c) Availability d) Comparison/mapping of LI products to products from GLM, with explanation e) Expected duration of the LI commissioning, commissioning approach and expected challenges • [We need a statement from the GEO Programme or ESA, taking into account recent schedule changes] f) Priority list of LI products to be consolidated • [I understand this to be Groups, Flashes, then Accumulated products, order to be confirmed] EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 17
Clarification from LI MAG for User Days / MTGUP 2. Are the following 4 slides still valid? Ref: LI User Preparation Webinar, Day 1 EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 18
LI performance metric Quantifying the performances of a lightning imager it’s a matter of balance 1. Flash False Alarm Rate (FFAR): number of false flashes at Level 2 (expressed as a rate) 2. Flash Detection Efficiency (FDE): percentage of real flashes that passes the Level 0 + Level 1b + Level 2 filtering (IMPORTANT! A lightning flash is detected if at least one of its pulses reaches Level 2) Extra: the detection threshold is defined by the pulse radiance at which the ratio between the number of detected pulses and inputs pulses (within a certain radiance “bin”) is 50% MTG Lightning Imager Mission (LI) – User Preparation Webinar
Level 2 expected performances – summary Session Level 2 FDE Level 2 FFAR Level 2 det. thld. Day 0.56 ± 0.18 6 ± 4 1/(sec OC) ≈ 15 µJ / (sr m2) Night 0.88 ± 0.10 0 ± 0 1/(sec OC) ≈ 4 µJ / (sr m2) Terminator 0.69 ± 0.19 4 ± 3 1/(sec OC) ≈ 6.5 µJ / (sr m2) a. The simulated lightning detection performances of LI are characterized by a strong variability b. The FDE varies from about 0.3 to 0.98, for a FFAR that can be as high as 24 flashes per second (there is margin for improvement) c. The detection threshold varies in [4, 15] µJ / (sr m2) GLM performances against FEGS over the US and for 6am – 6pm local times (link to the reference): • Strong storm-by-storm variability • When selecting similar illumination conditions, the LI FDE over the whole LI FOV (59% average) is comparable with the GLM FDE over the US (61% average) • The GLM detection threshold is 10 µJ / (sr m2) (Dr Mason Quick private communication) IT IS WORTH STRESSING THAT IN-FLIGHT LI PERFORMANCES WILL NOT BE ASSESSED WITH AN INSTRUMENT LIKE FEGS. EUMETSAT WILL EMPLOY A LARGE SET OF EXTERNAL REFERENCE DATA INCLUDING GROUND/SPACE-BASED LIGHTNING LOCAYTION SYSTEMS (see the presentation of Dr Sven-Erik Enno) MTG Lightning Imager Mission (LI) – User Preparation Webinar
Level 2 expected performances – on-going work PRELIMINARY RESULTS MTG Lightning Imager Mission (LI) – User Preparation Webinar
Useful material Simulated Flash DE MTG Lightning Imager Mission (LI) – User Preparation Webinar • BACKUP EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 23
The MTG User Preparation Project (MTGUP) To support Member States in 1. Achieving a smooth transition to MTG for all services based on MSG 2. Exploiting the innovation potential in MTG data for improved or new applications 2017-2026 Science User info & Test data & User training Data access support communication formats support - Guidance on - Biennial Public release - User preparation - Upgrades of new or enhanced User Days of datasets for webinars infrastructure products - Observation format - Next generation at MS-NMHS - Product User mission videos familiarisation, programmes user - Onboarding Guides - MTG website scientific use training new data - MS visits - Forecaster services (pull training testbeds and push) Atmospheric composition satellite data user preparation track EUM/MTGUP/VWG/22/1295050, v1 Draft, 30 March 2022 24
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