MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership

Page created by Bob Stewart
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
MSc in Digital
& Leadership
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
Table of

ESCP Quick Facts                                                   4
Six Urban Campuses                                                 5
Rankings & Accreditations                                          6
ESCP: It All Starts Here                                           7
ESCP Research Institute of Management                              8
Corporate Partner                                                  9

MSc in Digital Transformation Management
& Leadership
The MSc in Digital Transformation Management
& Leadership at a Glance                                           11
A Diverse International Faculty                                    12
Student Testimonials                                               14
Study Locations                                                    16
Class Profile                                                      18
Curriculum Overview                                                20
Company Consultancy Project                                        33
Industry Research Report                                           34
Digital Placement                                                  35
Careers Service                                                    36
Career Opportunities                                               37
Student Life & Associations                                        39
Admissions & Practical Information                                 41
Fees & Scholarships                                                43
Alumni Association & ESCP Foundation                               45

                              MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   3
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
  Quick Facts

ESCP campuses in
                              Over     170
                              research-active professors
Berlin, London, Madrid,       representing more than
Paris, Turin and Warsaw       33 nationalities

The World’s

Business School (est. 1819)
                              A full

                              Bachelor, Masters,

                              MBAs, PhDs and
                              Executive Education
academic alliances

in Europe and the world
in 47 countries

                              active alumni in
                              over 150 countries
students in degree
programmes, representing

122                           5,000
                              high-level participants
                              in customised trainings

                              and executive education

EFMD EMBA and 5 European
higher education standards
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
6 Urban

The Berlin Campus is situated in the western
part of the city centre, near the Charlottenburg
Palace and its splendid gardens. Berlin is
a fast-growing city characterised by a rich
multifaceted economic structure and culture.

Located in West Hampstead in northwest
London, this Campus offers students state-
of-the-art facilities in a traditional Victorian

Located only a couple of metres away from the
Monte de El Pardo national park, the Madrid
Campus is an ideal place for students to focus
on their professional development.

République & Montparnasse
The Paris sites are conveniently located in the
centre of the city. They enjoy easy access to all
of the capital’s major business districts.

The Turin Campus is located in a beautiful
building with modern facilities. Turin is one
of the main business centres of the Italian
economy and home to many architectural

The Warsaw Campus is based at Kozminski
University, located in city’s northeast district
of Praga Północ with one of its most historic

              MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   5
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
   Rankings &

Worldwide Financial Times

Master in Finance (2021)

Master in Management (2021)

      Executive MBA (2021)

      Career Progression
      Executive MBA (2021)

European Business Schools

ESCP benefits from the best international accreditations.
Our European campuses enjoy national recognition.

                                                            5 European Higher Ed
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
   It all starts here
In a world shaped by the economy, reorienting
how this world evolves has become a duty of the               Prof. Aurelie Cnop
sphere of business.                                           Academic Director,
                                                              MSc in Digital Transformation
It’s by giving meaning to business that we will be            Management & Leadership
able to nurture society in a positive and sustainable
way. As a business school training leaders and
entrepreneurs for more than two hundred years,
our role is central in teaching how to better                 The ability to embrace digital
anticipate change and make decisions.                         transformation and put it to
                                                              work is becoming ever more
Because in life as in business, everything starts             important. In a fast-changing
with choices.                                                 marketplace characterised by the
                                                              drive towards the Industry 4.0,
It is by making such choices that ESCP Business               digital transformation demands a
School upholds its values, its unique management              new way of working and not just
style and its unique point of view on the world.              new technology. Just as essential
                                                              as technological know-how is
The era of responsible, augmented and
collaborative leadership has arrived: a leadership
aware of global issues, sustained by our values
rooted in European humanism and our unrivalled                Thriving in the digital era will likely
worldwide diversity and multiculturalism.                     require a new set of skills and
                                                              competences as well as updated
Joining the international ESCP community goes                 business intelligence. Getting it
beyond embracing academic excellence; it is about             right can make it easier to future
learning how to make enlightened choices to be                proof for success in businesses.
ready to meet the great challenges of our times
with optimism.                                                The MSc in Digital Transformation
Yes, with optimism: because, like ESCP’s founding
                                                              Management & Leadership is
                                                              specifically designed to help
fathers in 1819, we believe in progress.
                                                              participants prepare for key roles
We constantly explore new knowledge territories               in the management of business
from sciences to humanities, allowing our                     innovation, allowing them to
graduates to reach a new level of insight and to              meet the increasingly important
engage with intelligence and responsibility.                  yet complex business challenges
                                                              related to digital transformation and
For a successful career with a positive footprint,            frontier technologies.
choose ESCP Business School.

It all starts here.                                           Taking a non-traditional business
                                                              education approach while
                                                              maintaining academic rigour, this
                                                              degree is well positioned to help
                                                              you attain a deep understanding
                 Prof. Frank Bournois                         of the business impact of
                 Executive President &                        technologies, preparing you to hit
                 Dean of ESCP                                 the ground running in the digital
                                                              transformation and technology
                                                              setting when you graduate.

                 Prof. Léon Laulusa
                 EVP, Dean for Academic and
                 International Affairs
                                                        MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   7
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
ERIM                                                 & Professorships

                                                     ircular Economy & Sustainable
ESCP Research Institute of Management is a          Business Models
state-recognised research laboratory that allows
ESCP to not only deliver a Doctorate degree
independently, but to also apply for national
                                                    Creativity Marketing
research funding such as the ANR.
The ERIM also plays an important role in
                                                    Factory for the Future
promoting the research activities at ESCP
Business School.

                                                    Fashion and Technology
   Research Centres                                 Future of Retail in Society 4.0
   & Institutes
                                                    Industrial Relations and Firms’
BIG DATA RESEARCH CENTRE                             Competitiveness
Centre for European / Latin American Research
Centre for Research in Sociology
                                                    Intercultural Management
Excellence Centre for Intercultural Management
CMC                                                 International Corporate Governance
Creativity Marketing Centre
European Centre for Digital Competitiveness
                                                    Internet of Things
Energy Management Centre
Happiness & Management Research Centre
                                                    Jean-Baptiste Say Institute
Health Management Innovation Research Centre
Institute of Real Estate Finance and Management     New Generation Management
Business & Society - Towards a Sustainable World
TIB                                                 Real Estate
Teams in International Business
TMI                                                 Reinventing Work
Talent Management Institute
Labex RéFi
Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
Corporate Partner

The MSc in Digital
Management & Leadership
has strong links to
companies who actively
support the specialisation.

 Partnering with the MSc in Digital
 Transformation Management
 & Leadership programme at
 ESCP has allowed us to see how
 essential such a course is while
 the economy is experiencing
 an “Industry Renaissance”. At
 Dassault Systèmes, we see
 in our daily interactions with
 customers and society at large
 that leaders need to have a deep
 understanding of how virtual
 and digital transformation
 will profoundly affect the way
 we design, manufacture, use
 and recycle products. This
 specialisation gives future leaders
 and captains of industry the
 opportunity to do just that.
 Séverine Trouillet
 Public Sector and Education
 Director – Northern Europe at
 Dassault Systèmes

                                       MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   9
MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership
MSc in
Management &

Become the
Digital Innovator
that Companies
The MSc in Digital                                                                    9-12
    Transformation                                                               months of studies
    Management &                                                                              9
    Leadership                                                               months in professional
    at a glance                                                                  development
                                                                              (internship & thesis)

The MSc in Digital Transformation                                                  Strong focus on
Management & Leadership                                                   human-machine
is an ideal platform for those                                                       collaborations
interested in working in digital
transformation and technology
projects and settings, in both                                                                2
corporate and startup scenarios.                                                   Study Locations
                                                                                    London & Paris
The specialisation is specifically designed to help

participants prepare for key roles in the management
of business innovation, allowing them to meet
the increasingly important yet complex business
challenges related to digital transformation and frontier                     Specialisation Tracks
                                                                               Financial Services or
You should consider joining this specialisation if you                        Industry & Automation
want to immerse yourself in a highly practical learning
environment. Taking a non-traditional business

education approach while maintaining academic rigour,
this MSc incorporates many hands-on, real-life projects
to ensure you are ready to hit the ground running in the
digital transformation and technology setting when you                             Company
graduate.                                                                      Consultancy Project
Through a combination of Company Consultancy

Projects, practical seminars and interactive lectures,
you will learn about the business of AI, Big Data, 3D
Printing, IoT, Social Media, Blockchain and Robotics, as
well as the processes linked to these technologies, such                             Professional
as automation, business analytics, project management,
financing and more.                                                                  Qualification
The specialisation will also enable you with the key skills
and competencies required to thrive in the future job

                                                                             4- to 6-month
market, such as creative thinking, leadership, emotional
intelligence, complex problem-solving, critical thinking,
interpersonal and communication skills, and personal
brand cultivation, ensuring you stand out from the                               Digital Placement
crowd in the increasingly competitive job market.
                         Machine                                                   Employment)
           Big Data

                                                                                        Starts in
                            IoT                                                      October
                                                                                       each year
  Artificial                                          Robotics

           3D Printing
                                                                 MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   11
A Diverse International Faculty

    Terence Tse, PhD                                  Aurelie Cnop, PhD
    Professor of Entrepreneurship                     Affiliate Professor in Change
    Terence obtained his doctoral degree              Management
    from Judge Business School, University of         Aurelie is a London-based academic and
    Cambridge, UK. He is the co-founder and           businesswoman with extensive experience
    Executive Director of Nexus FrontierTech,         across strategy consultancy, financial services,
    a London-based scale-up specialising in           fintech, and private investments in early-stage
    modernising data-intensive processes              companies. She graduated from both the
    through AI solutions. In addition, Terence        University of Louvain with an MSc in Business
    holds the role of Co-Chair for the Start-Up Lab   Engineering, and the London School of
    of the French Chamber of Great Britain. He        Economics with an MSc in Organisational
    is also a Research Associate at the University    Behaviour and a PhD in Management.
    College London Centre for Blockchain
    Technologies.                                     With 15+ years of experience in strategy
                                                      consulting for consultancy companies, and
    Terence is the co-author of The AI Republic:      later change and finance management at a
    Building the Nexus Between Humans and             FTSE100 multinational company, Aurelie has
    Intelligent Automation, an international best     been instrumental in helping companies and
    seller on Amazon. He also co-wrote the best       governmental organisations achieve strategic
    seller Understanding How the Future Unfolds:      change and world-class performance.
    Using DRIVE to Harness the Power of Today's       Currently, Aurelie acts as an adviser for
    Megatrends. His key areas of expertise            governmental institutions and early-stage UK-
    are Corporate Finance, Mega Trends and            based technology sector companies.
    Artificial Intelligence-Driven Solutions.

    Marie Taillard, PhD                               Sergio Vasquez Bronfman, PhD
    L’Oréal Professor of Creativity                   Associate Professor of Digital
    Marketing                                         Transformation
    Marie has an MBA from Columbia Business           Sergio is an Associate Professor of Digital
    School and a PhD from the University              Transformation at ESCP Business School.
    of London. Her extensive professional             An IT engineer, he holds a DEA in Science,
    background is in travel marketing for             Technology and Society (Conservatoire National
    American Express, Club Med, Accor Hotels          des Arts et Métiers - CNAM) and a PhD in
    and others. Prof. Taillard’s main area of         Management Sciences (University of Paris-
    expertise is in marketing management              Sorbonne). His research work focuses mainly on
    and consumer behaviour, in particular the         learning innovation and digital technologies,
    communications between consumers and              while his teaching focuses on the relationship
    firms and amongst consumers, and how the          between strategy and digital transformation,
    internet has transformed these relationships.     as well as the non-technological issues of its
    She also conducts research in change              implementation (resistance to change, power
    management.                                       games, agility, etc.).

                                                      Mark Esposito, PhD
    Yannick Meiller, PhD                              Business, Economic Strategy
    Assistant Professor of Information                and Competitiveness Expert
                                                      Mark is a socio-economic strategist, researching
    & Operations Management                           mega trends, business model innovations
    Yannick Meiller holds a PhD in Computer           and competitiveness. He is a member of
    Science (Artificial Intelligence – Industrial     the Teaching Faculty at the Harvard University
    systems), obtained in 2003 from ISAE-Supaéro,     Division of Continuing Education, and holds a
    Toulouse, France. Prof. Meiller has a diverse     role of a Professor of Business and Economics at
    experience of innovation, intermediation          Hult International Business School. Furthermore,
    between research and industry, and                Mark is a Research Fellow in the Circular
    exchanges between technologies and                Economy Centre, at the University of Cambridge
    management sciences. His research interests       Judge Business School. He is the co-founder of
    are Digital Transformation, Internet of Things    the concepts of Fast Expanding Markets and
    and Technology Management.                        DRIVE. Mark has advised and consulted cities,
                                                      governments and UN agencies at the interface
                                                      between business, technology and government.
The ESCP Faculty endeavours to inspire students and help
          them take their first step towards an ambitious and exciting
          international career in today’s diverse, multicultural business

Aurélie Jean, PhD                                   Davide Sola, PhD
Computational Scientist and                         Professor of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur                                        Davide has a degree and doctorate in
Aurélie has more than ten years of experience       Enterprise Economics from the University
in computational sciences in the United             of Turin, with his doctoral thesis focused on
States and France. Aurélie uses applied             Organisational Transformation. Following
mathematics and computer programming                graduation, Davide became involved in
in various disciplines such as engineering,         several technology start-ups, first in Oxford
medicine, education, economy, finance,              through the Oxford Centre for Innovation, then
art and journalism, and has worked in               in London under the umbrella of a number
organisations such as the Massachusetts             of venture capital and private equity firms.
Institute of Technology and Bloomberg.              Subsequently he moved to join the Hartley
Aurélie envisions computer science and              Investment Trust, a London-based private
coding as a means to empower women; as a            equity firm specialised in corporate structuring
role model, she inspires and supports women         and investment in fast growing organisations
to follow her vision. In addition, Aurélie wants    where he worked as Head of New Ventures.
everyone to become power-users of the               Davide's research interests are in Corporate
new technologies by better understanding            Transformation, Strategic Renewal, and
and capturing the underlying technology             Entrepreneurship with a focus on the
mechanisms. She believes in education               exponential phase of growth, the so-called
and continuous learning in technology and           “Scale Up”. He is the London lead for the Jean-
sciences to significantly decrease biases in        Baptiste Say Institute for Entrepreneurship
algorithms by involving everyone within this        as well as the Co-Director (with Prof. Olivier
ecosystem.                                          Saulpic) of the HMI - Health Management
                                                    Innovation research centre.

                                                    Emmanuelle Leon, PhD
Giovanni Scarso-Borioli, PhD                        Associate Professor of
Associate Professor of Information                  Management
and Operations Management                           Emmanuelle holds a PhD in Management
Giovanni teaches Operations Management,             Science (in virtual management) from
Supply Chain Management, PSDM (Problem              ESSEC. After her doctorate, Emmanuelle
Solving and Decision Making), Business              worked as a management consultant at
Transformation, and Innovation and                  Accenture. Based at ESCP Paris Campus,
Entrepreneurship at ESCP London Campus.             she is a Human Resource Management
After graduating an MSc in Engineering              professor and, since December 2019, also
at the Politecnico di Torino, Giovanni spent        the Scientific Director of the Reinventing
several years working as Project Manager.           Work Chair in partnership with Bivwak! and
He gained his doctorate at University College       BNP Paribas. A specialist in management
of London in the field of Management of             in the digital age, Emmanuelle conducts
Strategic Change Programmes. Giovanni is            research projects focusing on teleworking,
also an active management consultant and            remote management and (new) workspaces.
works with international companies in fields        She is more broadly interested in the
such as Telecommunications, Healthcare,             transformations induced by digital technology
Automotive and Services. His research               and artificial intelligence in management, a
interests concern the implementation of             subject on which she published a book with
large-scale strategic change programmes,            C. Dejoux (Editions Pearson, 2018), nominated
and particularly the implementation of lean         for four awards in 2019, including that of the
management and sales force transformation.          French Ministry of Labor.
He is also working in the field of agile strategy
development and lean innovation.

                                                    MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   13

               The MSc in Digital Transformation Management &
               Leadership (MDT) helped me to steer my career in
               the direction I was aiming. When I applied, I felt that
               I was slowly but surely specialising in narrow-minded
               accounting topics, which I was trying to get away
               from. The MDT was a blessing because it helped me
               stay true to what I knew – Corporate Finance – while
               increasing my competencies in digital technologies.
               In particular, the Financial Services specialisation
               track provided new insights into financial and
               regulatory technologies as well as access to valuable
               market data.

               The MDT helped me in more pragmatic ways, too.
               For instance, the Industry Research Report gave
               me the chance to explore a topic of my choice while
               providing freedom in picking the general layout.
               After consultations with senior managers at KPMG,
               I set out to produce a complete framework for
               companies to expand digital competencies. During
               my research, I led in-depth interviews with leaders
               from some of the largest companies in France and
               Germany, and had discussions with top consultants
               in Strategy, Digital Technologies, Value Chain
               Transformation, and Learning and Development.

               When I look back, I also have a particularly
               fond memory of our Company Consultancy
               Project. We made a real impact by advising a
               global telecommunications company on digital
               technologies, mainly on potential applications for 5G
               at home, stadiums and concerts.

               Our final recommendation prominently featured
               a suggestion to cooperate closely with a French
               start-up developing great AR/VR solutions for various
               sports events. Nowadays, I regularly see posts about
               their very productive collaboration on LinkedIn and
               other platforms. I'm hoping to test their application
               in a stadium soon.

               Finally, I gained much knowledge from practitioners
               and experts who taught as professors or external
               speakers, particularly Mark Esposito (a brilliant public
               speaker, co-author of The AI Republic), Danielle
               Khayat Saikaly (an expert on blockchain) and Gabriel
               Scali (an expert on AI)."

               Aloïs Thieffenat
               Digital Transformation Consultant at
               KPMG Germany
               Class of 2021
I have always been quite interested in innovation
and new technologies. However, as a business school
graduate with very little experience in Science and
Engineering, I often felt like I was missing knowledge in
these fields. I chose the MSc in Digital Transformation
Management & Leadership (MDT) to bridge that gap
and feel more legitimate when applying for roles in the
tech industry.

What I mostly liked about the MSc is how it seeks to
put business-oriented people and engineers together,
which is still quite rare for Master degree programmes
today. The specialisation combines business topics with
deep dives into the engineering side of technology. This
combination has been very helpful for me when passing
interviews as firms seek professionals who understand
both business and technical imperatives to conduct
digital transformation projects.

The MDT combines business classes with more technical
topics. This combination gave me a deep knowledge
of how new technologies such as AI, IoT and the Cloud,
and how they are approached by companies from a
business strategy point of view. Thanks to a handful of
workshops and lectures from professionals, the MDT
gave me hands-on experience of how technology
projects are implemented in companies.

We had the opportunity to do plenty of different
activities, from visiting an Amazon warehouse to
participating in a three-day workshop on robotics with
Comau. However, one memorable experience was the
Ted Talk we had to prepare on the topic of leadership.
Beyond the everlasting challenge of presenting in
English to an audience as a non-native English speaker,
what I really enjoyed was the opportunity to put
together the topics of leadership, technology and sports.

The MDT also gave me a better visibility on the tech
industry, its actors, how to approach it, and how to
sell myself in interviews. Whether you'd like to go to
consulting firms, start-ups or other companies, the
kind of knowledge and experience I gained during
the specialisation is very valuable in the job market

Lirone Oziel
Digital and Emerging Technologies
Consultant at Wavestone
Class of 2021

  MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   15

A truly multicultural
experience in the heart
of a vibrant city
Where history meets
innovation for an
unforgettable experience

MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   17


average age
(ranging 21-31)

2.5 years
average work



in class
Academic Background

                                          Business &                       Engineering
                                          Management                       & Sciences
                                          Marketing &                      Political Science
   58%              8%                    Communication                    & Economics


       8%                                  66%
     THE AMERICAS                           EUROPE

                                        11%                ASIA AND
                                       AFRICA AND
                                       MIDDLE EAST

Austria                Brazil                China                       Algeria
Belgium                Canada                Hong Kong                   Ivory Coast
France                 Mexico                India                       Lebanon
Germany                Peru                  Kazakhstan                  Namibia
Italy                  United States         Malaysia                    Tunisia
Malta                                        Taiwan
United Kingdom

                                   MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   19

The skills, knowledge and mindset
acquired during the specialisation
will prepare participants to enter fast-
changing business environments with
the essential competencies in managing
and leading digital transformation.
The MSc in Digital Transformation Management &
Leadership curriculum is designed to fulfil four main

              Core Management
              Improve your knowledge and skills in
              essential business areas to strengthen your
              management foundation.

              Cognitive Skills & Leadership
              Develop the key skills and competencies
              required for the future of work in the digital
              era, where certain human qualities play an
              increasingly important role.

              Digital Technologies
              Get a thorough understanding of digital
              technologies and what impact frontier
              technologies have on different business

              Transformation Management
              Obtain a critical business survival kit by
              examining the various management tools
              and techniques in running transformation

              Professional Development
              Get practical experience in managing real-life
              digital transformation projects.
This Master is designed for
anyone who wants to:

                    Develop a deep
                    understanding of how major
                    frontier technologies work,
                    as well as their business,
                    economic and social

                   Obtain the right skills to
                   become a future leader and
                   executive able to manage
                   both people and machines,
                   as well as business and
                   technology staff.

                   Gain a competitive edge
                   in the digitalisation or
                   digital transformation

                   Manage digital business
                   processes and acquire
                   the knowledge and skills
                   needed to support digital
                   transformation initiatives.

                   Be able to hold different roles
                   and career opportunities at
                   the intersection of business
                   and frontier technologies.

                   Get the right mix of business
                   intelligence and digital skill

                   Develop new thinking and
                   insights into how to lead and
                   thrive in the digital era.

 MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   21
The future
      of work

                                                                     Automation and a post-
                              of organisations                       pandemic recovery mean
                identified digital transformation as
                                                                     a ‘‘double-disruption’’
                their main priority
                                                                     scenario for workers.

By 2025,

                                The time spent on
                                                                                       60%           of all
                                                                                       roles will be directly
                                current tasks at work by                               related to digital
                                humans and machines                                    technologies
                                will be equal

Digital                                                                        ..and   top 5
Transformation                                                                 in countries like:
Specialist                                                                     Argentina, Brazil, China,
                                                                               Germany, Italy, Malaysia,

is one of the        Top 10                                                    Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
                                                                               Singapore, Spain, Switzerland,
                                                                               United Arab Emirates, United
in-demand roles globally                                                       Kingdom and United States.
across all industries.


       55%                                          They believe that   40%          of their current
                                                    workers will require reskilling lasting six months
       employers believe
                                                    or less, obtaining new skills related to: analytical
       that skills gaps in
                                                    thinking and innovation, active learning, complex
       the local job market
                                                    problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity,
       act as barriers for
                                                    leadership and social influence, technology use,
       technology adoption
                                                    design, monitoring and control, resilience and
       in their organisations
                                                    flexibility, and emotional intelligence, among others.

Sources: World Economic Forum, 2020; Consultancy UK, 2021; McKinsey & Company, 2021.
The MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership is
specifically designed to answer these future of work needs.

Holistic Technology Coverage
You will get a deep understanding of the business side of all major frontier technologies
and the processes linked to them, including automation, business analytics, project
management and more.

                        Big Data                                          Social


         Artificial                                                                       Robotics

                       3D Printing

Skills and competencies for the future of work
During this MSc you will gain the key skills and competencies required to thrive in the
future job market:

   Complex                      Persuasion/                   Creativity &                       Perservance
problem-solving                 negotiation                   originality                          & focus

    Personal                     System &                   Contextualised                        Emotional
brand cultivation            critical thinking               intelligence                        intelligence

 Interpersonal                     Digital                     Fluency of                          Social
     skills                       literacy                        ideas                        perceptiveness

                                                        MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   23
Your curriculum

                                                   Study track for candidates with 240 ECTS or more

   Study track for candidates with less than 240 ECTS

 July­–Sept                                       Oct–Dec                                  Jan–Mar
 Term 1*                                          Term 2                                   Term 3 (London)

ONLINE                                            LONDON                                   LONDON

    Core Management                                Cognitive Skills & Leadership            Core Management
    • Economics                                    • Megatrends: Understanding              • Ethics - Environment, Social &
    • Quantitative Methods                           How the Future Unfolds                   Corporate Governance
    • Accounting & Finance                         • Leadership and Cultural &
    • Marketing                                      Emotional Intelligence                 Cognitive Skills & Leadership
    • Leadership                                                                            • Creative Thinking
    • Strategy                                     Digital Technologies
                                                   • Business of Frontier                   Digital Technologies
                                                     Technologies I                         • Big Data & Business Analytics
                                                   • Industry 4.0 & Smart Integrated
                                                     Technologies                           Professional Development
                                                                                            • Company Consultancy Project
                                                   Transformation Management                  (12 weeks)
                                                   • Digital Transformation &
                                                     Business Strategy                      + ONE SPECIALISATION TRACK
                                                   • Change Management                      OPTION

*Term 1 is a requirement for students with less
than 240 ECTS (exemptions apply)                        Professional Development (Non-ECTS)

                                                   • Seminar in Marketing                    •   Coding Online Course
                                                   • Seminar in Financial                    •   Workshops**
                                                     Management                              •   Company visits and conferences
                                                   • Essential Skills in the Technology-     •   Optional French language classes
                                                     Driven World: Workshops**                   (Beginner / Intermediate)
                                                   • Company visits & conferences
                                                   • Optional French language                COMPANY VISIT EXAMPLES:
                                                     classes (Beginner / Intermediate)       • Amazon Fulfillment Warehouse
                                                                                             • Salesforce
                                                                                             • Dassault Systèmes Campus
Apr–Jun                                       July–Dec
                                      Term 3 (Paris)                                Term 4

                                      PARIS                                         WORLDWIDE

                                                                                        Professional Experience

                                                                                                 Research Seminar
TERM 3 SPECIALISATION                  Cognitive Skills & Leadership
TRACKS                                 • Social, Political & Ethical                            (Online, November)
                                         Dimensions in Digital
TRACK 1: Financial Services              Transformation
• Financial Markets, Institutions &                                                                Master Thesis
  Regulations                          Digital Technologies
                                                                                             (Industry Research Report,
• Fintech                              • Business of Frontier Technologies II
TRACK 2: Industry &                    Transformation Management
Automation                             • Management in the Era of Digital
• Operations Strategy &                  Transformation
  Management in the Age of the         • Management of the Digital
  Fourth Industrial Revolution           Transformation Process                           Internship / Direct Employment
• Automation, Robotics & Flexible      • Project Management                                  of minimum four months
  Manufacturing Technologies                                                                        (July–March)

      Professional Development (Non-ECTS)                                                         Graduation: April

WORKSHOP EXAMPLES                       •   Workshops
• Personal Transformation               •   Company Visits
• CEO Mindset                           •   Career Development Sessions
• Consulting Skills                     •   L'Oréal 'Big Picture' Project
• Social Media Technology                   (upon selection, limited spaces)
• Growth & Strategy
• Becoming Data-driven
• Internet of Things
• Agile Management

**Workshops are subject to annual

                                                                               MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   25

                Cognitive Skills & Leadership
Develop the key skills and competencies required for the future of work in the
digital era, where certain human qualities play an increasingly important role.

Megatrends: Understanding                                    Leadership and Cultural &
How the Future Unfolds                                       Emotional Intelligence
Contrary to traditional business education seminars,         Managing and leading digital transformation are about
this course does not focus on any particular business        taking people into unchartered territory. The key
school discipline. Instead, it seeks to interact with the    objectives of this course are to analyse the key factors
participants to widen their views and thinking through       of disruption in leadership practices in an environment
looking at various megatrends in understanding and           of digital transformation; explore the dimensions and
interpreting our current reality through the lens of         competencies associated with inclusive leadership;
DRIVE. The framework offers the students a view of           to effectively manage the impact of culture on team
what are some of the main issues that face us in general     mindsets, behaviours and performance; and to discover
today based on a simple yet robust framework that            key emotional and social intelligence skills associated
encompasses a plethora of subjects. The true benefit of      with empowering virtual/remote teams and creating
DRIVE is that it helps us see how these issues are linked    virtual communities.
together, thus offering a holistic understanding of a
complex and evolving reality.

Creative Thinking
This course builds your capability to imagine new
and original ideas as well as introduce the practice
of a creative approach to marketing and managing
customer-centric organisations. It will include
sessions on developing a creative mindset and
creative techniques, and cover the topic of group
creativity. It will introduce how creativity is integrated
with analytical thinking for optimal performance in
marketing and, more broadly, managing customer-
centric organisations. The course takes the form of
digital organisations.

Social, Political & Ethical
Dimensions in Digital
The course will explore the relationship between and
understand the complexity of technological change
and employment; the social problems created by
globalisation and technological change; the jobs we’ll
lose to machines and the ones we won’t; data and
political influence; and which tasks can be entrusted to
machines and which should not. You will design action
plans to deal with the potential unemployment created
by a digital transformation project, see the relationship
between big data and fake news, and understand the
limits that should be imposed in tasks delegated to
Online Modules
    Term 1

Economics                                                  Marketing
In this online module, you’ll analyse economic forces      This online marketing module will expose you to the
relevant to managerial and financial decision making.      fundamental concepts and terminologies related to
The module is divided into two parts: microeconomics       marketing. It will provide you with an understanding
and macroeconomics. Microeconomics will introduce          of how different marketing concepts are applied in
you to firms and market structures: costs, demand          practice, and provide you with the marketing toolkit
and supply, elasticities, pricing and more; while          needed for a Master degree.
in macroeconomics you will cover topics like GDP
and growth, monetary and fiscal policies, and
                                                           In this online module you will attempt to analyse
                                                           the components of human action and behaviour in

Quantitative Methods
                                                           organisational settings. You will be introduced to
                                                           psychological and social dynamics and be encouraged
This online module provides an overview of basic           to conduct some independent, informed, critical and
statistical methods used in business management. You       mature thinking regarding management and people.
will be exposed to an overview of the key concepts
related to statistics, get involved in basic application
exercises and see how statistics aid problem solving in
the real world.
                                                           During this course you will focus on expanding your
                                                           business strategy knowledge. Upon completion you
                                                           will have a good understanding of how to develop and

Accounting & Finance
                                                           implement strategic processes and use them to address
                                                           the various strategic challenges that contemporary
This online module will teach you how to understand        companies face.
information provided in and determine the impact of
decisions on different financial statements.

                                                                                Please be aware that
                                                                                only candidates entering
                                                                                the specialisation with a
                                                                                three-year bachelor degree
                                                                                (less than 240 ECTS) will
                                                                                be required to complete
                                                                                these Semester 1 modules.
                                                                                This is necessary to attain
                                                                                an additional 30 ECTS prior
                                                                                to starting their degree
                                                                                (unless they hold a valid
                                                                                exemption certificate).
                                                                                If you have more than
                                                                                three years of professional
                                                                                experience, you may be
                                                                                exempt from these online
                                                                                courses. Please check with
                                                                                your Admissions contact
                                                                                for details.

                                                            MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   27

               Digital Technologies
Get a thorough understanding of digital technologies and what impact frontier
technologies have on different business operations and the economy at large.

Business of Frontier                                           Business of Frontier
Technologies I:                                                Technologies II: Machine
Artificial Intelligence,                                       Learning, 3D Printing,
Cryptocurrencies &                                             Robotics & Internet of Things
Blockchain                                                     This course continues the examination of the business
                                                               aspects of frontier technologies, deep diving into major
The world is increasingly driven an ever-widening              technologies including AI, Machine Learning, 3D Printing,
range of technologies. This course is the first of             Robotics, Internet of Things and Blockchain, to name a few.
two examining the business implications of various             Its aim is to introduce the technological culture, and provide
new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence,           you with tools in order to analyse new technologies, and to
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. It will provide you           see the links between the presented technologies and the
with an first understanding of the different social,           evolution of decision-making, management and society. The
economic and ethical ramifications of emerging                 global perspective of this course is not merely a presentation
technologies, thereby opening up the possibilities             of technologies, but the representation of a basis for critical
for leveraging them for value creation and new                 thinking about new technologies - what they can do and
opportunities.                                                 what they cannot.

Industry 4.0 & Smart                                           Big Data & Business
Integrated Technologies                                        Analytics
This course is designed for students intending to work
                                                               The objectives of this course are to provide you with an
as innovation managers or operation managers within
                                                               understanding of unstructured data and its importance,
industry, as consultants in a technology consulting firm
                                                               the tools to explore and evaluate data for business, best
or who expect to practise their industrial innovation
                                                               practices to perform data diagnostics, applications of data
skills within a startup. It introduces Industry 4.0, framing
                                                               analysis for different levels of the organisation (i.e. strategy,
it as the application of Smart Integrated Technologies
                                                               marketing, product development, etc.), and data privacy
(SITs) in the industrial manufacturing and processing
                                                               and ethics. You will learn to evaluate large amounts of data,
sector. Smart Integrated Technologies are determining
                                                               use data science tools to perform business intelligence
an ongoing revolution in all sectors, from Manufacturing
                                                               diagnostics, apply appropriate techniques for specific needs
to Logistics, Finance, Healthcare, Government, Energy
                                                               of the organisation, write analytical reports and have best
and more. Driven by technological advances and the
                                                               codes of conduct with regards to data usage and storage.
ever-increasing necessity for businesses to operate
efficiently and sustainably, Smart Technologies provide
the ability to collect real-time data from equipment,
users or markets, and reason and react to it to optimise
business decisions. The course provides students with          Nearly all sectors of activity are enabled, regulated, or
an understanding of the technologies and the models            optimised using software, network infrastructures, and
encompassed by Industry 4.0 and SITs, as well as how           cloud services. In this context, anyone who aspires to play
they are applied, how to leverage them effectively and         a leading role in tomorrow’s industry is expected to have
the practices and business models they enable.                 an understanding of how digital technologies operate and,
                                                               in particular, what software programming is. This course
                                                               starts from fundamental concepts of programming and
                                                               then explores some higher-level constructs and patterns.
                                                               No previous coding knowledge is assumed as a prerequisite.
                                                               The course is structured as a series of hands-on coding
                                                               sessions using Python, a programming language renowned
                                                               for its simplicity, good documentation and rich ecosystem
                                                               of libraries. The second half of the course introduces simple
                                                               programming examples drawn from the area of Data
                                                               Science. This course does not hold any ECTS credits.
Transformation Management
Develop a critical business survival kit by examining the various management
tools and techniques in running transformation programmes and maintaining a
competitive edge in the digital era.

Digital Transformation &                                    Management in the Era of
Business Strategy                                           Digital Transformation
The business strategy course examines how                   This course will define the new playground for
organisations achieve, sustain, and renew competitive       managers in the era of digital transformation. It looks
advantage, and explores what managers have to do in         at flex-office and teleworking, and their impact. It also
order to increase the likelihood of success. In essence,    examines virtual leadership – learning how to manage
strategy involves the allocation of critical resources in   in a distributed environment and virtual teams, and
a competitive environment over relatively long periods      learning how to transfer knowledge. In addition, it gives
of time in the pursuit of specific goals and objectives.    consideration to how artificial intelligence will create
Today’s strategies are influenced by multiple factors       the next management challenge and how to embrace
such as the resources available to management, the          it. It will provide the skills and knowledge needed to
industry and the competitive conditions, and of course      address managerial situations in a new context of digital
the firm’s internal structure, systems, and culture. The    transformation.
purpose of this course is to prepare the participants for
the strategic problems they will face once they become

                                                            Management of the Digital
managers, consultants or executives. With a teaching
method based on the use of specific cases, tools and

                                                            Transformation Process
concepts, participants will acquire the necessary skills
to make a strategic evaluation of a company, based
on the industry competitive dynamics as well as the         From a business perspective, in digital transformation
resources and capabilities of the firm.                     the key word is “transformation”. In other words: change
                                                            management and implementation. This course will
Change Management                                           address issues such as participative methods of design
                                                            and implementation, power and political games around
The course will provide students with the knowledge,        the digital transformation process, and agile project
understanding, skills and competences to identify           management approaches. You will learn to take into
the challenges related to leading transformational          account the end-user when designing and implementing
change within and beyond organisations and design           digital transformation projects, deal with power games
appropriate and impactful solutions. It will focus on the   and political issues in digital transformation projects, and
importance of studying and continuously scanning the        use agile development and implementation approaches
environment and of appreciating its impact on business,     in digital transformation projects.
as well as the ability to anticipate, adapt to and shape
this complex and fast-changing environment. You
will also develop your own critical, collaborative and
systems thinking approaches to defining and designing       Project Management
change management strategies. The structure of the
                                                            The aim of this course is to prepare you for careers in
course is intended to promote a continuous dialogue
                                                            digital transformation business development and digital
and interaction between theory and practice.
                                                            project management, as well as develop your skills and
                                                            attitudes for working in multicultural environments and
Ethics - Environment, Social                                multidisciplinary teams. The course is designed to prepare
                                                            you to be a future leader in the global digital-project based
& Corporate Governance                                      environment. By developing knowledge and skills in both
                                                            digital business strategy and project management, you will
This is a common module across all DEAMIE                   be exposed to strategic project thinking, innovation, and
specialisations that provides students with knowledge       best practices applied in this field. Through the use of a
and skills related to ethics, responsibility and            case study, role play and group dynamics, you will work in
sustainability topics. It will enable you with a mindset    multidisciplinary project teams delivering and presenting
framework for a more sustainable approach in all            a real solution for the Strategic Project Management Plan
aspects of business.                                        requested. This case study will be based on the digital
                                                            transformation strategy of a company.

                                                              MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   29
Essential Skills in the
             Technology-driven World
In the last couple of years businesses
worldwide saw an increase in
the adoption of new frontier                               Past seminar and
technologies, particularly in the wake                     workshop topics include:
of a pandemic which resulted in a
shift of skills required for landing                       • Marketing

jobs in the tech-driven world. With                        • Personal Transformation
this in mind, a significant part of
                                                           • Financial Management
the MSc in Digital Transformation
Management & Leadership is focused                         • CEO Mindset
on developing the increasingly                             • Consulting Skills
important skills and competencies
                                                           • Social Media Technology
required for the future of work.
                                                           • PYTHON Coding
We strongly believe that the best way for individuals to
acquire the competencies needed for our immediate          • Growth & Strategy
future is through experience. This is why each year
we invite industry practitioners and experts to share
                                                           • Becoming data-driven - the DOs
their expertise by offering a series of workshops and
practical seminars covering the most relevant and up-        and DON’Ts
to-date skills sought by employers in the contemporary
job market. This is done to complement our modules         • Agile Management
and allow yet another opportunity for our students to
learn by doing.
                                                           Through these themed sessions,
                                                           participants develop some key
                                                           management skills as well as soft skills
                                                           in the areas of system thinking and co-
                                                           ordination, complex problem-solving,
                                                           interpersonal communications, personal
                                                           branding, creativity, emotional intelligence,
                                                           entrepreneurship, and more.

                                                            You will also be eligible to obtain
                                                            the Project Management Institute
                                                            Project Manager Professional certification
                                                            (PMP ®) or Certificate Associate in Project
                                                            Management (CAPM ®)

Specialisation 1
Financial Services
The Financial Services specialisation                         Fintech
track aims to help you better appreciate                      The world is increasingly driven by emerging
the current financial markets and                             technologies. Paired with massive changes in
environments. It also seeks to develop an                     regulations and the evolution of customer behaviour
                                                              and preferences, new technologies have driven an
in-depth understanding of how financial                       unprecedented transformation of finance around
technology companies work, as well as the                     the world. Fintech, which is a shorthand for “financial
latest business landscape faced by these                      technology”, is the drive to bring transformative and
                                                              disruptive innovation to financial services by applying
businesses.                                                   new technologies and satisfying consumer needs
                                                              through automation. The aim of the course is to provide
Financial Markets,                                            students with a good understanding of basic disruptive
                                                              technologies and how they have filled the gaps left
Institutions & Regulations                                    by existing financial institutions to serve customers’
                                                              changing needs. It also examines changes in the
Financial institutions formulate their financing and          financial services landscape and the traditional financial
investment strategies in the capital market based             system and industry setups. Furthermore the course
on their understanding of the overall economic                seeks to deepen students’ knowledge in the business
environment. Efficient and effective financial                of AI and Blockchain and the use cases in the Finance
decision-making requires the analysis and utilisation         industry. The overall intention is to trigger a disruptive
of economic data in addition to information from the          and innovative thinking process and to enforce the
financial market, companies in different sectors and          notion that recent changes across the financial industry
industries, and the current regulations. This course          provide a spectrum of valuable internal and external
helps to examine the interactions between the different       opportunities.
parameters (markets, institutions and regulations) that
shape the financial and economic conditions in the
financial market. You will get the skills necessary to
operate at practitioner level in several areas of financial
markets - origination, research, buy or sell-side - and
thus enhance investment, financing or strategic
performance in the financial market, as well as your
bases for risk management skills.

                                                                MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   31
Specialisation 2
Industry & Automation
The Industry & Automation specialisation
track is designed to advance your
understanding of how the latest
technologies are applied and operated in
physical and product settings.

Operations Strategy &                                       Automation, Robotics &
Management in the Fourth                                    Flexible Manufacturing
Industrial Revolution                                       Technologies
The course illustrates the main principles and concepts     This course will analyse the development of Industry
of Operations Management and Operations Strategy            4.0, Digital Culture and Human-Machine interaction
in industrial companies, linking strategic decisions on     by considering the main pillars: advanced robotics, the
Product Design and Value Proposition to choices of          industrial Internet of Things, additive manufacturing,
technology assets and transformation processes. The         digital twin and artificial intelligence and Big Data
course will explain how evolutionary and revolutionary      analytics. Students will discover new technologies with
changes have been applied to the predominant                lectures and practical activities with e.DO robots. The
manufacturing paradigms enabled by technology               aim of the course is to provide the students with a good
innovation, and present the future scenarios enabled        understanding of the impact of Digital Transformation
by the digital innovations of Industry 4.0. The course      in the current industrial scenario by getting in touch
aims at presenting a strategic view on Operations           with an innovative technological company. During the
Management and the role of new technologies to              course new interfaces for interacting with technology
enable differentiation, cost leadership or hybrid           will be used to enhance human-machine collaboration,
strategies for industrial companies. The ultimate aim       and you will also get a memorable experience in
is to unlock critical thinking and deep understanding       robotics by using and programming real industrial
of how industrial companies should approach                 robots.
the opportunities (and threats) offered by digital
technologies for manufacturing. You will gain a broad
understanding of the logic and dynamics of Operations
Management and Operations Strategy, understand the
difference between transformation and continuous
improvement in Operations, understand the core pillars
of digital technologies for manufacturing (Industry 4.0),
critically assess market opportunities for transformation
and continuous improvement in operations, and learn
how to set a strategy for transformation by leveraging
Industry 4.0 technologies.
Company Consultancy Project

The Company Consultancy                                           Previous projects include:
Project is one of the key elements
of the specialisation. It will enable                             • Market analysis of the microbiome market
you to work hands-on, addressing                                     and business plan for a client in the Biotech
digital-related business problems
for a real company.                                               • Marketing and digital marketing strategy
                                                                     for a startup in the financial services Tech
These 12-week projects provide you with collaborative
and intercultural work experience on a case provided              • Target mapping analysis for the EU and US
by a company. In groups of four to five, teams are                   and implications of a seed fund launch for a
expected to perform an in-depth analysis and make                    client in the gaming industry
recommendations for actions that can realistically be
implemented by the company.                                       • Growth and expansion strategy for an
                                                                     overseas client to enter and expand in the
You will learn how to approach an issue with a critical              European market
mindset, manage the expectations of the client and
your team members, and how to react swiftly in
                                                                  • 5G expansion plan for a
                                                                     telecommunications giant in Europe
unexpected situations with a creative and open-minded
attitude. Throughout the project, your team will be
                                                                  • Market automation and process
guided by a tutor to ensure quality and the timely
                                                                     digitalisation to serve the legal market in
delivery of results.
                                                                     the UK

ESCP works with a wide range of industries for Company
Consultancy Projects

                             20%                                        10%
                       Technology                                       Telecommunications


                      15%                                                                10%
                    Charity                                                              Healthcare

                                         20%                                  FMCG
                        (including electric vehicles market)

                                                               MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   33
     Research Report

A practical consulting, think-tank                  This piece of work will enable
format industry report focusing                     you to:
on a specific area of digital
transformation.                                     • Develop skills in problem identification and

                                                    • Select appropriate research methods
Students on the MSc in Digital Transformation
                                                    • Plan a complex piece of work
Management & Leadership specialisation
are required to complete an industry                • Collect and interpret relevant data
research report which, in some cases, may
be completed in partnership with a sponsor          • Carry out a critical analysis and formulate
organisation.                                         recommendations

This is an individual piece of work that is
required for the successful completion of this
MSc specialisation degree. It should resemble
a consulting report on a specific area of digital
transformation, ranging from changes to the
nature of workplaces to the development
and implications of a specific technology in a
specific industry or company. You are free to
choose your topic.

The report is presented to and assessed by an
academic jury, including a member of faculty.
Each report is supervised and guided by a
member of faculty or an expert in the relevant
                                                                     Companies where
                                                                     our students
A professional internship or direct                                  complete their
employment that can be done
anywhere in the world.                                               professional
From July to April students must complete their Digital
Placements – an in-company internship or a direct
employment of minimum four months.

The Digital Placement is an opportunity for students
to apply their leadership and management skills in
practice, as well as deepen their understanding of
digital technologies, transformation management and
business strategy by doing.

Satisfactory fulfilment of the internship requirement
is also dependent on the completion of an internship
report reviewed by the School and the internship

The MSc in Digital Transformation Management &
Leadership degree is awarded upon the passing
of all modules and the thesis, and completing the
professional experience requirement.

                                                          MSc in Digital Transformation Management & Leadership   35
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