Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy

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Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez,
                                                                     President on the Spanish Government

                                                        cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy

                                                                                        September 4th, 2022
Dear Mr. Sanchez,

The undersigned civil health, consumer, environmental and human rights organizations, at the national and
international level, wish to express our great concern about the decision of your Government, through the
Ministry of Finance, to increase the number of tobacco stores in 203, placing 30 of them in the border areas
with France.

We would like you to take into account that the smoking pandemic causes more than 8 million premature
deaths in the world each year and in Spain at least 69,000, in addition to a greater number of new chronically
ill patients, causing much suffering and great social and health expenditure. It is your obligation, as president
of the Spanish Government, to ensure the public health of our country. Defending the health of Spaniards is
not compatible with the increase in tobacco points of sale, but contrary to what the tobacco control
community has requested to your Government through the Declaration of the Endgame of Tobacco in Spain
2030. In that Declaration exposes the need to reduce points of sale as a strategy to end the tobacco
pandemic, as was already requested in the 2018 Madrid Declaration for Health and for the Advancement of
Tobacco Regulation in Spain, where it was demanded the need to increase taxes on tobacco products and
nicotine, as well as eliminate tobacco advertising at points of sale.

The various legislative measures applied in the most economically developed countries have played a
relevant role in reducing the consumption of tobacco products so far this century.

However, the increase in the number of tobacconists announced by the Ministry of Finance means that our
country will be unable to meet the cancer reduction targets for 2030 agreed by the European Union, at the
same time that it goes against the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and in particular against
Goal 3: "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages" which includes goal 3.a, which urges
countries to "Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate.”

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
Likewise, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights that Spain ratified in 1977
recognizes in its article 12 “the right of every person to enjoy the highest possible level of physical and mental
health”. As specified in General Comment No. 14, by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
the right to health is an inclusive right, encompassing not only timely and appropriate health care, but also
the underlying factors that determine health status, such as the sale of tobacco products. In addition, the
promotion of the sale of tobacco products also violates commitments by the Spanish Government to other
treaties that Spain has ratified, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the
elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Spain has an opportunity to act as a leader in the international arena if it protects the health of its citizens,
as well as the health of the European population. However, if the Spanish Government insists on promoting
the sale of a product that kills and makes most of its consumers sick, against international commitments, we
will be forced to officially denounce it through the monitoring mechanisms of all treaties of human rights
that Spain has ratified. It would be a great pity if Spain presents itself as the model of a country whose actions
go against the right of European citizens "to enjoy the highest possible level of physical and mental health"

On the other hand, the increase in the number of tobacco outlets near the French border represents a
proportion of 50 tobacconists per 10,000 inhabitants, when in the rest of the country the percentage is four
establishments per 10,000 inhabitants. Therefore, it seems that the main purpose of this measure is not to
supply the local inhabitants with a product that will take fifteen years off their lives. This increase in
tobacconists has a purely collection purpose and will boycott the smoking control efforts of our neighboring
country. France made the right decision to raise the price of a pack above 10 euros to fight this industrially
created pandemic. Spain is supplying cheap tobacco to a country that is striving to reduce the number of
smokers through a policy recommended by the WHO that works, the increase in the price of tobacco through
taxes. What the national government should do is take advantage of the French initiative and harmonize our
prices with those of France, avoiding the underground economy of buying and selling tobacco through cross-
border tobacconists and progressively reduce these points of sale, in the border areas and in the rest of the
national territory without exceptions, as reflected in the allegations presented by the National Committee
for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) to the Draft Law on the Market of Tobacco and other related products.

Likewise, we cannot understand that the Minister of Health, or your Government, keep frozen the
Comprehensive Smoking Plan, highly agreed upon with the entire Tobacco Control community in Spain. This
Plan and its legislative development, which were commitments by tour last two Health Ministers when they
took office, would once again place Spain at the forefront of health defense and tobacco control at European
and global level.

Both the issue of the increase in tobacco sales outlets and the suspension of the Comprehensive Smoking
Plan, added to the fact that the international index of interference by the tobacco industry gives us only
distant 54th place in the ranking of 96 countries, They make us suspect that these decisions are the result of
the pressure that their government receives from the tobacco industry, either directly, or through the
governments of autonomous communities, such as Extremadura and the Canary Islands, where the industry
is very powerful, either because of the cultivation of tobacco or its manufacture.

For all of the above, the undersigned organizations request that its government:

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
1. Cancel the call for public auction of new tobacco outlets and in turn agree with the smoking prevention
sector a gradual reduction in tobacco sales points that could begin with the non-renewal of tobacconist
licenses, which expire at age 25, especially those establishments close to schools and playgrounds.

2. Increase taxes on all tobacco and nicotine products by harmonizing prices with France as a way to end the
tobacco pandemic and also to raise more money for the State without the need to increase the number of
tobacco outlets tobacco in Spain.

3. Launch the Comprehensive Smoking Plan 2021-2025 as soon as possible, as well as the legislative
modification of Law 28/2005 on the Prevention of Smoking.

In the confidence that your Government will put the health of the Spaniards before the interests of the
tobacco industry, serving in turn not to boycott the fight against smoking in our neighboring country, France,
we convey our full support and look forward to hearing from you to learn what measures you will take in this

Receive a cordial greeting from the promoters of this petition,

 Dr. Andrés Zamorano. President of Comité                  Raquel Fernandez Megina. President of
 Nacional para la prevención del Tabaquismo      

                                                           Pr Yves Martinet, President of the Comité
 Dr. Esteve Fernández. Director of Centro                  National Contre le Tabagisme, CNCT, France
 Colaborador de la OMS para el Control del
 Tabaco / Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO)

                                                           Prof. Florin Mihaltan, President of the European
 Laurent Huber, Executive Director Action on
                                                           Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention
 Smoking & Health (ASH)

                                                           Birgit Beger, President of Smoke-Free
                                                           Parthnership (SFP)

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
1.  Afectados por Tabaquismo en Extremadura (ATAEX)
2.  Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya
3.  APEPOC, Asociación de Pacientes con EPOC
4.  Asociación de Economía de la Salud (AES)
6.  Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón (AEACaP)
8.  Asociación Madrileña de Salud Pública (AMaSaP)
11. Centro Colaborador de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco / Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO)
12. Colegio Médico de Las Palmas
13. Colegio oficial de farmacéuticos Gipuzkoa
14. Comité Nacional para la prevención del Tabaquismo
15. Consejo General De Colegios De Dentistas De España
16. FACUA - Consumidores En Accion
17. Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Comunitaria y Atención Primeria - FAECAP
18. Fundación canaria dental
19. Fundación Española del Corazón
20. Fundación MÁS QUE IDEAS
21. Grupo de Abordaje al Tabaquismo de SemfycEx
22. Grupo de educación sanitaria y promoción de la salud
24. Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)
26. No más colillas en el suelo Barcelona
28. Programa Anteció Primària Sense Fum de Cataluña - PAPSF
29. Programa de Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la salud PAPPS de semFYC
32. Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina Familia y Comunitaria (SAMFyC)
33. Sociedad Española de Arterioesclerosis (SEA)
34. Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal
35. Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE)
36. Sociedad Española de Especialistas en Tabaquismo (SEDET)
37. Sociedad Española de Farmacia clínica, familiar y comunitaria (SEFAC)
38. Sociedad española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC)
39. Sociedad Española de Medicina Oral
40. Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales y de Familia (SEMG)
41. Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello
42. Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración
43. Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SESPAS)
44. Sociedad Vasco Navarra de Prevención del Tabaquismo - SVNPTab
45. Societat de Salut Pública de Catalunya i Balears
46. Unidad de Especialidad de Salud Ambiental Pediátrica - Fundació Hospital d'Olot i Comarcal de la
47. Universitat de Barcelona
48. XQNS, Iniciativa Ciudadana para la mejora de los Espacios Sin Humo y la Ley de Tabaco en España

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
49.   Department of Healthcare, Faculty of Health, University of Vlora; Albania
50.   Unfairtobacco / BLUE 21; Alemania
51.   Aktionsbündnis Nichtrauchen (ABNR); Alemania
52.   German Medical Action Group Smoking or Health e.V:; Alemania
53.   Health Care Plus UG (HCP); Alemania
54.   Nichtraucherbund Berlin Brandenburg; Alemania
55.   Union Antitabáquica Argentina "UATA"; Argentina
56.   The Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame; Australia
57.   Austrian Council on Smoking and Health; Austria
58.   Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL); Bélgica
59.   Alliance pour une Société sans Tabac; Bélgica
60.   Belgian Foundation Against Cancer; Bélgica
61.   Observatoire de la santé; Bélgica
62.   ASH Canada; Canada
63.   Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada; Canada
64.   AlianzaENTChile; Chile
65.   Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC); Chipre
66.   CLUCOD; Costa de Marfil
67.   Danish Cancer Society; Dinamarca
68.   Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control; Eslovenia
69.   Youth network No Excuse Slovenia; Eslovenia
70.   Action on Smoking & Health (ASH); Estados Unidos
71.   CLAS Coalition for Americas’ Health; Estados Unidos
72.   The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids; Estados Unidos
73.   Tobacco Free Portfolios; Estados Unidos
74.   COPD Foundation; Estados Unidos
75.   European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP); Europe
76.   Smoke-Free Parthnership (SFP); Europe
77.   ASH PHILIPPINES INC; Filipinas
78.   ASH Finland; Finlandia
79.   ACT - Alliance contre le tabac; Francia
80.   Addictions France; Francia
81.   Association des Acteurs Lorrains en Tabacologie (AALT); Francia
82.   Association APPRI-maternité sans tabac; Francia
83.   Association Nationale des Sages-femmes Tabacologues Françaises; Francia
85.   Comité National Contre le Tabagisme, CNCT; Francia
86.   Grand Est Sans Tabac (GEST); Francia
87.   Hauts de France Addictions; Francia
88.   Institut Rhone Alpes Auvergne de Tabacologie; Francia
89.   Tobacco Control Alliance in Georgia; Georgia
90.   Media Alliance in Tobacco Control and Health (MATCOH); Ghana
91.   STOP; Global
92.   International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease; Global
93.   Hellenic Cancer Society; Grecia
94.   Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands; Holanda
95.   ASH Ireland council of the Irish Heart Foundation; Irlanda
96.   Irish Heart Foundation; Irlanda
97.   TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland; Irlanda

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
98.   Smoke Free Israel; Israel
 99.   Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS; Italia
100.     SITAB (Italian Society of Tobaccology); Italia
101.     Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control; Jamaica
102.     Japan Society for tobacco Control; Japón
103.     Smokefree Kazakstan Coalition; Kazakistán
104.     KETCA (Kenya Tobacco Conrol Aliance); Kenia
105.     KADC; Kosovo
106.     Lithuanian Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition; Lituania
107.     Fondation Cancer; Luxemburgo
108.     Macedonian respiratory Society; Macedonia
109.     Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia; Macedonia
110.     NY SAHY; Madagascar
111.     Malta Association of Public Health Medicine; Malta
112.     Norwegian Cancer Society; Noruega
113.     Health Promotion Fundation; Polonia
114.     Foundation 'Smart Health - Health in 3D'; Polonia
115.     The Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw; Polonia
116.     Comisión Nacional Permanente de Lucha Antitabáquica (COLAT); Perú
117.     Fresh (Making Smoking History); Reino Unido
118.     ASH Scotland - Action on Smoking and Health – Scotland; Reino Unido
119.     Institute for Social Marketing & Health, University of Stirling; Reino Unido
120.     Asociatia Aer Pur Romania; Rumania
121.     Fundatia Romtens; Rumania
122.     Swiss Association for Tobacco Control; Suiza
123.     Global Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services (GNTH); Suiza
124.     OxySuisse; Suiza
125.     Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA); Tailandia
126.     Tanzania Tobacco Control Forum; Tanzania
127.     NGO Advocacy Center "Life"; Ucrania

Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
Mr. D. Pedro Sánchez, President on the Spanish Government cc. Mrs. Mª Jesús Montero, Minister of Economy
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