COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia

Page created by Derrick Cunningham
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
 Health & Safety Program

      Summer 2020
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
A safe journey of effortless care                                                                                                                                                COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                                                 Health & Safety Program

                                  ARRIVAL                                                              GUEST SUITES                                                      FOOD &
                                  Welcoming You                                                        & VILLAS                                                          BEVERAGE
                                                                                                       Your personal space                                               The dining experience
                                  Let go and leave everything
                                  up to us. From the moment of                                         Advanced safety & sanitization                                    Either you will choose al-fresco
                                  your check-in to the moment                                          measures are taken to assure a                                    dining, lunching by the pool,
                                  that you will be escorted into                                       safe, yet carefree stay.                                          candle-lit private dining in
                                  your suite, a safe journey is                                                                                                          your suite or just enjoying
                                  effortlessly crafted for our                                                                                                           your favorite cocktail gazing at
                                  guests.                                                                                                                                the sunset colors, our kitchen
                                                                                                                                                                         and serving protocols are
                                                                                                                                                                         further enhanced to ensure the
                                                                                                                                                                         maximum food safety.

 LEISURE &                                                         HEALTH                                                               DEPARTURE
 FACILITIES                                                        SERVICES                                                             The farewell
 Relaxing and rejuvenating                                         Your safety first
                                                                                                                                        We are saying farewell by
 From our outdoor pools, to our                                    Our guests’ health is a priority.                                    applying safety measures
 gym, spa and public spaces,                                       For this reason, all possible                                        during departure such as
 measures that will ensure the                                     services and partnerships have                                       preparing your bills digitally
 safety of our guests have been                                    already been arranged and are at                                     avoiding physical contact.
 thoroughly taken.                                                 their disposal.
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Where comfort and privacy meet the genuine care                                                                           COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                          Health & Safety Program

      Santo Maris was designed with tranquility and privacy in mind bringing an easygoing spirit to your
      summer days and nights. The safe environment of effortless care we have created for you and your
      beloved ones is perfectly matched with the ambience of the hotel’s airy spaces and design.

             Spread out in four sprawling suite neighborhoods at a land of 8 acres, Santo Maris is all about space and

             Built like a Cycladic Island Village itself, in its expansive communal areas, from the reception and lobby
             area to the alleys of the hotel, we guarantee that here you will find Your Own Island of calm

             Five outdoor swimming pools to choose from, with a minimum of 2 meters distance between each
             umbrella set

             Airy suites and private villas with commodious personal verandas, all featuring their own heated
             outdoor jacuzzi or private pool invite you to linger in comfort

             Al-fresco dining choices at our restaurant or at our all-day bar by the pool
             Romantic en-suite dining and 24-hours room service for extra moments of privacy

             One of the largest multi-awarded Spa Centers in the island fully complied to the new operation
             standards offering you tailored services and treatments

             Low occupancy operation ensuring proper physical distancing
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Welcoming You                                                                                 COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                               Health & Safety Program

                       All guests will be welcomed with the warm hospitality spirit of Santo Maris, while
                             following all the necessary steps to meet the health & safety protocols,
                                            our guests’ safety is our foremost priority.


                   Guests are strongly           The appropriate maximum guest          Amended check-in hours
                advised to undergo tests           occupancy per transportation         Check-in: from 15:00 pm
                 72 hours prior to arrival      from/to the airport, and the port is
                as per the Governmental           ensured to keep safe distances.

                The vehicles used for the         Guest luggage that needs to be         Reduced points of access
                  transportation of our          stored in our Luggage Room will          and limited designated
                  guests are thoroughly          be disinfected and handled with                entrances
                disinfected after each use     personal protective equipment (PPE)
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Welcoming You                                                                                               COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                            Health & Safety Program

    Doors are opening        Simple and fast check-in procedures     Special protection plexiglass in the
    automatically or by        keeping safe distances, while all               Reception Desk
          staff               the necessary personal protective
                            measures for our staff have been taken

     Prioritization of       Social distancing measures between         Disinfection of the hotel’s club
  payment by contactless             guests and employees              transfer cars after each transfer
        credit card

  Hands-free sanitization     Deep sanitization of door handles,      Disinfection and sterilization of
      stations use            surfaces, and buttons with Ecolab      magnetic room keys, tablets, pens,
                               certified specialist disinfectant     money & credit cards after each use
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Your personal space                                                                                                                                                                COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                                                    Health & Safety Program

                           Santo Maris Suites & Villas are expertly designed to create a carefree summer home vibe and eclectic luxury at once. Applying enhanced health and
                                                          safety measures, we assure you that this summer you will find your personal hideaway.

     Warm hospitality in luxurious                  Masks, gloves and                    All extraneous items (extra          Various decorative elements and              Fresh-air ventilation of the
      spacious suites & villas with             disinfectant gel are at our            pillows, blankets) are removed          items (vases, carpets, lanterns)            suites after every check-out
   commodious verandas all to yourself        guests’ disposal upon request             from the room and supplied            are removed to lessen the contact
                                                                                                 upon request                     in commonly used objects
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Enhanced Cleanliness Measures                                                                              COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                            Health & Safety Program

                                  The daily maid service and       Social distancing between         Each suite is thoroughly
                                  the turn down service will        cleaning staff and guests        cleaned and disinfected
                                 only be offered upon guests’                                      with a hospital-grade aerial
                                  request and once they are                                       surface disinfection machine
                                   absent to lessen physical                                      upon every departure, as well
                                         interactions                                               as with ECOLAB-certified
                                                                                                       cleaning equipment

                                Disinfection of all fabric areas    The water in the jacuzzis     Water and air quality testing
                                of the suite with disinfectants       of our suites is getting     is carried out in all suites,
                                 and steam cleaners reaching       refreshed right before each   while the air ducts, the filters
                                   temperature of 70°C and                   check-in            and grills are disinfected upon
                                             above.                                                    every room change

                                 Stringent water testing, A/C           Use of non-toxic,          Collaboration with certified
                                  cleaning and disinfection         allergy-free cleaning and      partner against Covid-19 for
                                   upon every suite change           disinfectant materials      the outsourcing of our Laundry
                                                                                                        Cleaning Service
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
The dining experience                                                                                           COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                 Health & Safety Program

                                    Either you wish to savor Greek creative delights or sip your favorite cocktail enjoying the
                                    magnificent view to the sunset, we have taken care of the health and safety measures that
                                                         will make you feel instantly safe and reassured.

                         Wonderful gastronomical                    Our breakfast will be                  Reservations are required
                          delights available on à la                available on a la carte                 to facilitate safe spacing,
                          carte dining basis at our                         menu                           while each table is used by
                        spacious al fresco restaurant                                                      one guest suite at a time.
                             or all-day pool bar


                          Private en-suite dining                  24-hour in-room service                 You can relax at the pool
                         is available upon request                  applying the necessary                  of your choice enjoying
                         ensuring the health and                     distancing and safety                 all-day snacks, cocktails,
                              safety standards                      measures between the                          and drinks
                                                                      staff and the guests
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Enhanced Cleanliness Measures                                                                            COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                         Health & Safety Program

    High standard food safety          Appropriate identified                   Hand sanitizer
   and quality accredited with        cleaning of all materials                dispensers at all
   ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP              and ingredients as                  restaurants and bars
          certifications              well kitchen utensils is
                                     performed in our kitchen

     Strict personal hygiene       In our restaurant and bar, the      The seating capacity is reduced
     policies followed by our       necessary distances between         while the arrangement of the
                staff             tables are provisioned to ensure      tables is modified to allow a
                                     ample space among guests           maximum of six persons per
                                                                                 dining table

         Our menus are provided in digital format                 Disinfection of tables and
          scanning the available QR Codes. Also,                   chairs before and after
       printed menus made of an easily disinfecting                     each service
                 material are available.
COMMITED TO CARING Health & Safety Program Summer 2020 - Santo Maris Oia
Relaxing and rejuvenating                                                                                                                                                     COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                                              Health & Safety Program

                                                        Our guests will feel complete relaxation enjoying their holidays as a series of measures
                                                                  ensuring their safety are applied throughout our hotel’s facilities.


        All Suites at Santo Maris feature their own          Five expansive outdoor swimming pools          Water recirculation in all pools every 4      Social distancing specifications in
         personal outdoor jacuzzi while a selection         with increased water quality controls and      hours | 1 bather for every 5 sq. m. of water      recreational areas and pools
        of suites features their own private pool for       a minimum of 2 meters distance between
                  swims in your own space                                 each umbrella
Relaxing and rejuvenating                                                                                                                                          COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                                   Health & Safety Program

                                                                                   SPA & FITNESS

          Excellent hygiene practices at   The indoor pool and the spa facilities (hammam,      Reservation on the Fitness Center will    Avoidance of group activities and
                 our ANASSA SPA              jacuzzi, cryotherapy) of our ANASSA SPA will       be needed, while regular disinfection    maintenance of social distancing of at
                                            be not operating this year following the official          procedures are assured                     least 1,5 meters
                                                      health & safety instructions
Additonal Health & Safety Measures In the Hotel Facilities                                                                                    COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                               Health & Safety Program

               Cleaning and sanitization              Airy spaces, with fresh air         Common area A/C will be         Daily natural ventilation of all
                  of all surfaces, door            circulating in all indoor spaces   operating making use of increased               areas
               handles, sports materials                                                fresh-air ventilation systems
                     after each use

                 Health stations with             Maximum capacity established           Elevators to be used by one        Thorough disinfection of
                disinfectant dispensers           and rearrangement of furniture         person, families, or guests        our Late Departure Room
                 throughout the hotel               to guarantee safety distance            of one suite at a time                after each use
                                                          between people
Your safety first                                                                                                                                                  COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                                   Health & Safety Program

                                         Our guests’ health is a priority. For this reason, all possible services have already
                                                       been arranged and will be available at your disposal.

                      Doctors on call 24/7                           Ongoing staff training, health                                  Temperature tests are
                    to provide special care                            awareness campaign and                                      performed daily recording
                           to guests                                special signing across the hotel                             the health condition of all our
The farewell                                                                     COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                 Health & Safety Program

 Amended check out hours        Safety and distancing      Designated checkout
 Check out: up to 11:00 am        measures during             desk capacity

          Clearly displayed safety                  Βills are also prepared
             signage for social                       digitally to lessen
                distancing                           the physical contact
SAFETY FOR OUR STAFF, GUESTS, AND PARTNERS                                                                                                          COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                    Health & Safety Program

   STAFF                                                                             GUESTS
   Our staff members, genuinely caring for their profession, they are expertly       As our prime priority is to protect our guests’ health and safety, we urge you to
   trained in the avoidance of the transmission of the virus while they all follow   follow the proposed measures to protect yourselves and the people around you.
   measures that ensure their personal as well as our guests’ health and safety.
                                                                                     SIMPLE SAFETY & HYGIENE STEPS
   •   All staff is expertly trained and certified on hygiene and Covid-19           • Maintain social distancing at all times
       spread-out prevention measures                                                • Wash and disinfect your hands frequently
                                                                                     • Maintain a good personal hygiene
   •   Temperature and health condition check of all staff is performed and          • Change daily into clean clothes
       recorded at the beginning of each shift                                       • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
                                                                                     • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
   •   Staff equipped with PPE and trained in its correct use to guarantee           • Keep your hands disinfected when in public areas
       everyone’s safety                                                             • In case you do not feel well, stay in your suite and inform the reception by
                                                                                        phone, available 24/7.
   •   Social distancing measures are followed
SAFETY FOR OUR STAFF, GUESTS, AND PARTNERS                                                                                                                 COMMITED TO CARING
                                                                                                                                                            Health & Safety Program

                                  We ask all our partners to follow our health and safety measures once they visit our hotel.

                                                       OUR COLLABORATIONS
                             Collaborating with trusted partners, we assure the stringent application of the hygiene measures.

              TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is a certification and inspection body,                             Be Safer is a company providing specialized consulting and
              100% subsidiary of the TÜV AUSTRIA. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is the                          laboratory services. Be safer is a strategic partner of Agrolab
              substantial implementation of Quality.                                                 accredited laboratory for all lab methodologies applied in the
                                                                                                     laboratory analyses.
              University of Crete is the provider of all staff trainings on
              COVID-19. The Medical School of the UoC is a modern teaching                           BioClean is one of the leading companies
              and research centre committed to excellence in education and                           in disinfecting services.
                                                                                                     Vodachem, cooperating with the most well-known labels,
              HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from                          provides the best solutions in water treatment. Following
              biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes                     their consultancy, in combination with the best products and
              that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and design                           equipment we ensure safety of our swimming pools and water
              measurements to reduce these risks to a safe level.                                    around the resort.

              Ecolab is the global leader in water, hygiene and energy
              technologies and services that protect people and vital resources.
              All disinfection & cleaning services to be completed with cleaning
              products and protocols that meet ECOLAB guidelines.
                       Health & Safety Program

        Committed to caring, we invite you to cherish life in your own privacy
This summer, our priority will be to welcome you safely, to be there for you, in all kindness.
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