MOSO Bamboo product catalogue

Page created by Jessie Vega
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue

Sheryl Leysner
Peter Tijhuis

      Rob Turner Studios   Daniel Osso
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
MOSO® Bamboo Products
                   Bamboo                    Bamboo                       Bamboo
                   X-treme® Decking      7   X-treme® Cladding        8   X-treme® Fencing   10


 Bamboo            Bamboo                    Bamboo
 X-treme®          X-treme® Beams   11       N-finity Cladding       13
 accessories 9
 accessories 14

                   Bamboo                    Bamboo                       Bamboo
                   Elite 17                  Elite Premium      18        UltraDensity® 19


 Bamboo            Bamboo                    Bamboo                       Industriale
 Flooring          Supreme 23                Industriale   24             Premium 25
 accessories 29
 Floor heating /
 cooling 31
 glue 32
 warranty 33
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue

            Purebamboo       27   Topbamboo          28

            Bamboo                Bamboo
            Solid Panel 35        Solid Beam 37

Beam &

            Bamboo                Bamboo
            1-ply Panel 39        Veneer 40                    Flexbamboo 41

            Solutions 43
                                  Apart from the standard
MOSO®                             product range, MOSO®
                                  can produce and supply            2021© MOSO® International BV

Bamboo                            custom made products.              To the best of the knowledge of
                                                                         MOSO® International BV the
                                                                        information contained in this

                                                                document is in accordance with the
                                                                   facts and is provided on the basis
                                                               that MOSO® International BV and/or
                                                                          any of its affiliates, officers,
                                                                employees or advisers are not liable
                                                                 for any loss or damage whatsoever
                                                                        in respect of the accuracy or
                                                               completeness of such information or
                                                                   the result of having acted upon it.
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue

From bamboo plant to product

stem to strip
Moso bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on earth.
The bamboo stems grow from an underground root system
and after 4-5 years a stem can be harvested, while the others
continue to grow. This means the bamboo can be used without
destroying the forest. After harvesting, the Moso bamboo
stems are split and the outer and inner skins are removed.
The untreated strips have a light yellow colour (natural),
but can be steamed for a light brown colour (caramel).

strip to MOSO® product
After treating and drying, the strips are ready to be
connected in several ways to make the final product:

Plain Pressed            Side Pressed            Flexible                     High Density®
Strips are placed        Strips are placed       Strips are connected to      Strips are compressed and
horizontally and glued   vertically and glued    a flexible latex backing.    glued under high pressure,
together to create a     together to create a    The latex backing makes      creating an elegant random
wide line pattern with   narrow line pattern     it very comfortable to       line pattern. The result is
the characteristic       with the bamboo         walk on and offers           a material that is even
bamboo nodes             nodes visible in a      excellent sound              harder than the best
clearly visible.         subtle way.             absorption                   tropical hardwood species.

                                                                              extra hard
                                                                              In this catalogue High
                                                                              Density® is indicated
                                                                              by a hammer.
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue

Explanation of technical terms and icons

edges                              DoP
                                             declaration of performance
                                             According to standard EN 17009 requirements are
MOSO® floor boards are            EN 17009
                                             defined related to safety, health, quality and
                                             environmental impact of bamboo flooring.
available with various kinds of              MOSO® bamboo floors meet these requirements.
edges that each provide a                    fire classification
                                             According to EN 13501-1 the fire safety of flooring
different look: square edge                  products can be classified ranging from A1fl
for a closed, flat surface,                  (non combustible) to Ffl (highly combustible).
                                             All MOSO® floors were tested for fire safety,
macro bevel for a clearly                    providing a satisfactory result ranging from Bfl to Cfl .

visible V-groove and micro or                floor heating / cooling
                                             Under specific conditions several MOSO® floors are
nano bevel for a subtlety                    suitable for installation on floor heating / cooling
                                             systems. For details, please refer to the “floor heating /
visible V-groove.                            cooling” section in this catalogue.

                                             intergrated click system
Square Edge (SE)                             For quick and easy installation without the use of glue.

                                             carbon footprint
Nano Bevel (NB)                              MOSO® has conducted an LCA and carbon footprint
                                             study together with Delft University of Technology
                                             (TU Delft) and INBAR. The report, available at
                                   , concludes that all assessed
                                   EPD       MOSO® products (all solid bamboo flooring, decking,
Micro Bevel (MIB)                            beams, panels and veneer) are CO2 negative over the
                                  EN15804    full life cycle (“cradle till grave”).
                                             The environmental impact of MOSO® products,
                                             excluding carbon sequestration effect, was also
                                             published in an official Environmental Product
Macro Bevel (MAB)                            Declaration (EPD) following EN 15804
                                             (see also

                                             indoor emissions
                                             For a healthy indoor environment it is important that
                                             products used indoors have very low emissions and
                                             comply with the official European E1 norm (EN 717-1).
finishes                                     All MOSO® products meet this standard, while several
                                             MOSO® products even comply with E0, the strictest
                                             (unofficial) emission class available, commonly used to
To protect your MOSO®                        indicate that the product has a very low or no
                                             detectable emission (formaldehyde emissions
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
    Bamboo Outdoor
    X-treme® Collection

    With Bamboo X-treme®, MOSO® has developed a
    truly ecological and durable alternative for
    increasingly scarce tropical hardwood.
    MOSO® uses a unique process to enhance the
    hardness, dimensional stability, fire resistance
    and durability to a level superior to the best
    tropical hardwood species. MOSO® Bamboo
    X-treme® can be used for decking, cladding,
    fencing and outdoor furniture.

    Decking x-treme® decking
    bamboo x-treme® cladding
    bamboo x-treme® accessories

    Fencing x-treme® fencing
    Beams x-treme® beams
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
product datasheet                                                                                                                 

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor Decking

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Decking is a solid, Thermo-Density® board, made from
compressed bamboo strips. A special, unique heat-treatment process at 200°C provides
MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® with the highest durability class possible in the appropriate EU
norms (see technical characteristics below) and the compression increases the hardness and
stability. A unique feature of MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® is the end-match system: this can only
be done with very stable materials and enables the connection of an unlimited number of
boards lengthways. The special symmetrical shape of the sides allows the possibility to
choose either the grooved or the flat surface, and allows for quick installation with MOSO®
Fasteners. Like any tropical hardwood species, when exposed to outdoor conditions, MOSO®
Bamboo X-treme® will turn grey over time creating a very natural look.
                  Standard Groove / Flat                                 Curved                            V-Groove /
Standard Groove / Flat
                  (reversible)                        Curved                               V-Groove / RoughRough
(reversible)                                                                               (reversible)    (reversible)                   End-matched                    High Density®

*) Ends of the boards are protected with Sikkens Kodrin WV 457 sealer.

    Oiled Woca*               Unfinished              Surface                              Edge groove           End-matched         Length edges           End edges       Dimensions (mm)
    BO-DTHT171G               BO-DTHT170G             Standard Groove/Flat                 Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x137x20
    BO-DTHT171                BO-DTHT162              Standard Groove/Flat                 No - endprofile       Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x137x20
    BO-DTHT181G                                       Standard Groove/Flat                 Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x137x18
    BO-DTHT371                BO-DTHT370              Standard Groove/Flat                 No                    Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x137x30
    BO-DTHT191G               BO-DTHT190G             Standard Groove/Flat                 Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x155x20
    BO-DTHT191G-C                                     Curved                               Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x155x20
    BO-DTHT191GV-R                                    V-Groove/Brushed                     Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x155x20
    BO-DTHT211G               BO-DTHT210G             Standard Groove/Flat                 Yes                   Yes                 R3                     2 mm x 45°      1850x178x20

installation summary                                                                                 technical characteristics and certifications
•    Install suitable, fixed, stable and durable sub frame joists.                                   •     Density: +/- 1150 kg/m3
     MOSO recommends the use of MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Sub frame joists.                              •     Dimensional stability: length: + 0.1 %; width + 0.9% (24 hours in water 20°C)
•    Determine which side of the board will be used: the grooved or flat surface.                    •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
•    Fix the boards on the sub frame using fasteners (to be inserted in the grooves of the board)    •     Reaction to fire: Class Bfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
     or alternatively with screws (through the surface).                                             •     Flame spread index: Class A (ASTM E84)
•    Use a 1-2% slope and ensure good ventilation.                                                   •     Slip resistance: PTV 37 (Dry), PTV 29 (Wet), PTV 53 (Rough sanded version, Dry), PTV 42
     The slope is not necessary for the curved boards.                                                     (Rough sanded version, Wet) (Pendulum friction test – CEN/TS 16165 Annex C –
•    After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done,                                CEN/TS 15676) / R 10, R 11 (Rough sanded version) (Shod ramp test - CEN/TS 16165 Annex B -
     according to the chosen finish.                                                                       DIN 51130) / Class C (Barefoot ramp test – CEN/TS 16165 Annex A – DIN 51097)
•    When not applying outdoor oil regularly, the deck will acquire a grey                           •     Thermal emittance: 0.81 (ASTM C1371) 1)
     colour tone and the typical bamboo wood grain structure will become                             •     Solar Reflectance (SR): 0.32 (ASTM C1549) 1)
     less visible.                                                                                   •     Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): Low 27, Medium 30, High 33 (ASTM E1980) 1)
•    Bamboo X-treme® is available pre-oiled or unfinished. In order to maintain the rich brown       •     Modulus of Elasticity: 13565 N/mm2 (mean value - EN 408)
     colour an exterior penetrating oil for hardwoods is recommended to be applied 3 to 4            •     Bending strength: 54.4 N/mm2 (characteristic value - EN 408)
     months after installation. We advise to apply the initial coat 3-4 months after installation.   •     Biological durability: Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-2), simulated graveyard test
•    For further info: please see the installation/maintenance instructions.                               / Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
•    Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight, and protected from weather             •     Effectiveness against Blue Stain: Class 0 (EN 152)
     influences, dirt and dust.                                                                      •     Use Class: Class 4 (EN 335)
•    Full version available at                                  •     CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                                     •     Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                                     •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                                     •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), EQ 2, SS 7
                                                                                                           v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®), IEQ 4.3, IEQ 4.4
                                                                                                     •     Contribution BREEAM: MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                          EPD                                        •     Guarantee: 25 years
                                                                                                          Tested on 3 years weathered MOSO® Bamboo X-treme®.
    Class A
     ASTM E84

                Class 1      Class 4

WARRANTY         EN350         EN335                                                                                                                                                              7
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
product datasheet                                                                                                            

            MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor Cladding

            MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Cladding is a solid, Thermo-Density® exterior board, made from
            compressed bamboo strips. A special, unique heat-treatment process at 200°C provides
            MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® with the highest durability class possible in the appropriate EU norms,
            increases the stability and density, and consequently the hardness. Furthermore, contrary to
            other wood products, this material achieves fire resistance Class B-s1-d0 (EN 13501-1) without
            impregnation with expensive and eco-damaging fire retardants. Bamboo X-treme® Cladding is
            available in 3 shapes: a rebated profile for installation with MOSO® Fasteners (18 mm) and
            screws, a closed profile for 'invisible' screw installation and a trapezium profile for installation
            with screws. Like any tropical hardwood species, when exposed to outdoor conditions, MOSO®
            Bamboo X-treme® will turn grey over time creating a very natural look.

            Rebated profile
                Rebated  profile                                   Trapezium
                                                                                  profile                                  Closed profile
                                                                                                                                   Closed profile
                                                                                                                                                                                   High Density®

            *) Effective width without gap between the boards, recommended gap 6 mm.

                Product Code             Shape                     Finish                Surface    Length              End-matched           End edges            Effective width        Dimensions
                                                                                                    edges                                                          (mm)*                  (mm)
                BO-DTHT500G              Rebated profile           Unfinished            Flat       R3                  Yes                   2 mm x 45°           128                    1850x137x18
                BO-DTHT510               Trapezium profile         Unfinished            Flat       R3                  Yes                   2 mm x 45°           132                    1850x137x18
                BO-DTHT530               Closed profile            Unfinished            Flat       R1                  Yes                   2 mm x 45°           124.5                  1850x137x18
                BO-DTHT505G              Rebated profile           Unfinished            Flat       R3                  Yes                   2 mm x 45°           63                     1850x75x18
                BO-DTHT515               Trapezium profile         Unfinished            Flat       R3                  Yes                   2 mm x 45°           70                     1850x75x18
                BO-DTHT525               Trapezium profile         Unfinished            Flat       R1                  No                    1.5 mm x 45°         70                     1850x75x12

            installation                                                                                  technical characteristics and certifications
            • MOSO guarantees the bamboo material and the mounting materials (fastener/screw) it          •     Density: +/- 1150 kg/m3
                 supplies but does not guarantee the connection with other materials (such as sub frame   •     Dimensional stability: length: + 0.1 %; width: + 0.9% (24 hours in water 20°C)
                 joist/battens). It is the responsibility of the installer to make sure the used screw    •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
                 matches such materials during the full lifetime of the product.                          •     Reaction to fire: Class B-s1-d0 (EN 13501-1) 1)
            •    Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight, and protected from weather      •     Flame spread index: Class A (ASTM E84)
                 influences, dirt and dust.                                                               •     Thermal emittance: 0.81 (ASTM C1371) 2)
            •    Full version available at:                         •     Solar Reflectance (SR): 0.32 (ASTM C1549) 2)
                                                                                                          •     Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): Low 27, Medium 30, High 33 (ASTM E1980) 2)
                                                                                                          •     Modulus of Elasticity: 13565 N/mm2 (mean value - EN 408)
                                                                                                          •     Bending strength: 54.4 N/mm2 (characteristic value - EN 408)
                                                                                                          •     Biological durability: Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-2), simulated graveyard test /
                                                                                                                Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
                                                                                                          •     Effectiveness against Blue Stain: Class 0 (EN 152)
                                                                                                          •     Use Class: Class 4 (EN 335)
                                                                                                          •     CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                                          •     Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                                          •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                                          •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), SS 7
                                                                                                                v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®)
                                                                                                          •     Contribution BREEAM: MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                                                                          •     Guarantee: 25 years
                                                                                                               Tested on 18 mm thickness, without gaps between boards, with ventilation space behind boards.
                                                                                                               Tested on 3 years weathered MOSO® Bamboo X-treme®.

                Class A
                    ASTM E84
                                                                  EN15804     WARRANTY

                               Class 1   Class 4
                8               EN350     EN335
MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
product datasheet                                                                                           

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor Decking & Cladding
MOSO® Fasteners
With these fasteners MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Decking and Cladding can be easily installed. When installed correctly,
there will be 5-6 mm gaps between the boards. The fasteners are supplied with matching stainless steel screws
(square bit). For installation on aluminium sub frame joist (not provided by MOSO®), special screws are available.
Product Code        Item                                                  Material                          Colour     Dimensions        Dimensions
                                                                                                                       fastener (mm)     screw (mm)
CLIP-SCREW-BX08     Fastener Asymmetric with screw (20 mm)                Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x10.8      4.5x30
CLIP-BX08           Fastener Asymmetric without screw (20 mm)             Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x10.8
CLIP-SCREW-BX031    Fastener Symmetric with screw (20 mm)                 Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x10.8      4.5x30
CLIP-SCREW-BX301    Fastener Start/End Side/Top with screw (20 mm)        Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x17x31          4.5x30
CLIP-SCREW-BX801    Fastener Start/End Top with screw (20 mm)             Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      29x25x11.2        4.5x30
CLIP-SCREW-BX09     Fastener Asymmetric with screw (18 mm)                Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x9.8       4.5x30
CLIP-BX09           Fastener Asymmetric without screw (18 mm)             Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x9.8
CLIP-SCREW-BX041    Fastener Symmetric with screw (18 mm)                 Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown      27x22.5x9.8       4.5x30
SCREW-09            Screw for aluminium sub frame joist                   Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)      Brown                        4.2x20

                                     recommended number of fasteners/m2                                CLIP-SCREW-BX08 / BX09
                                                                                                       CLIP-BX08 / BX09
                                                                                                                                  CLIP-SCREW-BX031 / BX041

                                     decking*     cladding**
                                     137 mm 		    137 mm
                                     ~20 pcs/m²   ~14 pcs/m²

                                     155 mm               75 mm             *) Based on distance of
                                     ~17 pcs/m²           ~26 pcs/m²        462.5 mm between the
                                                                            sub frame joist centres.   CLIP-SCREW-BX301           CLIP-SCREW-BX801

                                     178 mm                                **) Based on distance of
                                                                              600 mm between the
                                     ~14 pcs/m²                             sub frame joist centres.

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Sub frame joist
The MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Sub frame joists are made of the same material as
the decking boards: Thermo-Density® heat-treated bamboo.
Product Code          Material                               Finish           Dimensions (mm)
BO-SB155              Thermo-Density® bamboo                 Unfinished       2440x60x40

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Fascia board
The MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Fascia board is intended for an elegant finish of the
sides of the decking. It is placed vertically against the sides of the deck to cover
the sub frame joists.
Product Code          Material                               Finish           Dimensions (mm)
BO-DTHT162            Thermo-Density® bamboo                 Unfinished       1850x137x20
BO-DTHT171            Thermo-Density® bamboo                 Woca             1850x137x20
BO-DTHT184            Thermo-Density® bamboo                 Woca             1850x137x18

maintenance & cleaning products
Product Code          Material
                                                                Under the influence of wind, rain, sun and snow the decking will
                                                                weather. MOSO® recommends impregnating and maintaining
SEALER-03             Sealer for ends of boards
                      Sikkens Kodrin WV 456 0.75L               the pre-oiled decking with Woca maintenance materials. It is
DISK-01               16” Silicon carbide disk                  recommended to finish the unfinished decking with Woca
BROOM-01              Silicon carbide broom
                                                                Exterior Wood Oil right after installation, but no later than after
                                                                the first winter. The silicon carbide broom and machine disk are
CLEANER-WOCA-01       Woca Exterior Wood Cleaner
                                                                perfectly suited to clean and smooth the decking surface of
OIL-WOCA-011          Woca Exterior Wood Oil Teak
                                                                Bamboo X-treme® and to remove splinters due to the capability
WOCA-APPLICATOR       Woca Applicator set for oil
                                                                to sand the surface in addition to cleaning it.

MOSO Bamboo product catalogue
product datasheet                                                                                              

            MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Fencing

            MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® fence boards are solid, Thermo-Density® exterior boards, made
            from compressed bamboo strips. A special, unique heat-treatment process at 200°C
            provides MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® with the highest durability class possible in the
            appropriate EU norms and increases the stability and density. The fence boards, equipped
            with a tongue/groove connection, are mounted between posts with U-profiles (not provided
            by MOSO®). Like any untreated tropical hardwood species, when exposed to outdoor
            conditions, MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® will turn grey over time creating a very natural look.

                                                                                                                                                                   High Density®

            Product Code           Edge groove     Finish      Surface      Lenght edges           End edges           End-matched           Effective width             Dimensions
                                                                                                                                             (mm)                        (mm)
            BO-DTHT301TG           Tongue/Groove   Woca        Flat         2 mm x 45°             1 mm x 45°          No                    131                         1800x137x20

                                                                                           technical characteristics and certifications
                                                                                           • Density: +/- 1150 kg/m3
                                                                                           •     Dimensional stability: length: + 0,1 %; width + 0,9% (24 hours in water 20°C)
                                                                                           •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
                                                                                           •     Reaction to fire: Class B-s1-d0 1) (EN 13501-1)
                                                                                           •     Flame spread index: Class A (ASTM E84)
                                                                                           •     Thermal emittance: 0.81 (ASTM C1371) 2)
                                                                                           •     Solar Reflectance (SR): 0.32 (ASTM C1549) 2)
                                                                                           •     Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): Low 27, Medium 30, High 33 (ASTM E1980) 2)
                                                                                           •     Modulus of Elasticity: 13565 N/mm2 (mean value - EN 408)
                                                                                           •     Bending strength: 54.4 N/mm2 (characteristic value - EN 408)
                                                                                           •     Biological durability: Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-2),
                                                                                                 simulated graveyard test Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
                                                                                           •     Effectiveness against Blue Stain: Class 0 (EN 152)
                                                                                           •     Use Class: Class 4 (EN 335)
                                                                                           •     CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                           •     Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                           •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                           •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), SS 7
                                                                                                 v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®)
                                                                                           •     Contribution BREEAM: MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                                                           •     Guarantee: 25 years
                                                                                                Tested on 18 mm thickness, without gaps between boards, with ventilation space behind boards.
                                                                                                Tested on 3 years weathered MOSO® Bamboo X-treme®.


            Class A
              ASTM E84
                                                     EN15804     WARRANTY

                         Class 1   Class 4
            10            EN350     EN335
product datasheet                                                                                                                     

MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor Beams

A unique heat-treatment process at 200°C and compression of the bamboo strips to increase
the density make the MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® material extremely durable and stable.
This durability and stability, and the pre-profiled rounded edges, make MOSO® Bamboo
X-treme® Beams ideal for use in outdoor furniture products. The elaborate manufacturing
process provides MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor Beams with the highest durability class
possible in the applicable EU norms. As with tropical hardwoods, the colour of the material
changes under the influence of wind, rain, frost and sunshine (UV-light). This results in a typical
weathered natural grey-tone. Regular cleaning and maintenance with a finish/sealer protects
the material against this weather related discolouration.
     Solid Beam outdoor

                                                                                                                                                                              High Density®

BO-DTHT2171-2-01                   BO-DTHT2173-2-01
2000 x 80 x 40 mm                  2000 x 40 x 40 mm

Other dimensions, bevel and finish can be produced custom made.

    Product Code                                    Finish                                          Edges (also on ends)                                  Dimensions (mm)
    BO-DTHT2170-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x115x40
    BO-DTHT2171-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x80x40
    BO-DTHT2172-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x60x40
    BO-DTHT2173-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x40x40
    BO-DTHT2174-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x55x40
    BO-DTHT2175-2-01                                Sikkens Cetol                                   R4                                                    2000x90x40

installation summary                                                                                technical characteristics and certifications
•    To allow natural shrink- and swell behaviour, install beams with a minimum of 4 mm distance.   • Density: +/- 1150 kg/m3
•    MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® Beams must be mechanically fixed, using screws/bolts. The fixing         •     Dimensional stability: length: + 0,1 %; width + 0,9% (24 hours in water 20°C)
     method depends on the application.                                                             •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
•    Use stainless steel A2 screws/bolts.                                                           •     Reaction to fire: Class B-s1-d0 1) (EN 13501-1)
•    For all our standard size beams, except 40x40 mm, we advise a minimum of 2 screws per          •     Flame spread index: Class A (ASTM E84)
     fixing point. 40x40 mm beams can be fixed with 1 screw per fixing point.                       •     Thermal emittance: 0.81 (ASTM C1371) 2)
•    Horizontal installation:                                                                       •     Solar Reflectance (SR): 0.32 (ASTM C1549) 2)
     • The number of fixing points is depends on the application and applicable load.               •     Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): Low 27, Medium 30, High 33 (ASTM E1980) 2)
     • In general, a 2 meter beam should at least have 3 fixing points (2 on the sides and 1        •     Modulus of Elasticity: 13565 N/mm2 (mean value - EN 408)
        connection in the middle).                                                                  •     Bending strength: 54.4 N/mm2 (characteristic value - EN 408)
•    Vertical installation:                                                                         •     Biological durability: Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-2),
     • End of the beam should be angled (min. 15°) to improve water drainage.                             simulated graveyard test
     • Beams longer than 1 meter have to be fixed in at least 3 points.                                   Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
•    To avoid cracks caused by excessive water uptake, end of the beam must be treated with         •     Effectiveness against Blue Stain: Class 0 (EN 152)
     Sikkens Kodrin WV 457 sealer.                                                                  •     Use Class: Class 4 (EN 335)
•    Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight, and protected from weather            •     CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
     influences, dirt and dust.                                                                     •     Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
•    Full version available at                                   •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                                    •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), SS 7
                                                                                                          v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®)
                                                                                                    •     Contribution BREEAM: MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                                                                    •     Guarantee: 10 years
                                                                                                         Tested on 18 mm thickness, without gaps between boards, with ventilation space behind boards.
                                                                                                         Tested on 3 years weathered MOSO® Bamboo X-treme®.
    Class A
     ASTM E84

                Class 1      Class 4

                 EN350         EN335                                                                                                                                                                     11
     Bamboo Outdoor
     N-finity Collection

     With the N-finity Collection, MOSO® has
     developed a truly ecological and durable
     alternative to increasingly scarce tropical
     hardwood. By using a special impregnation
     process, the material is made suitable for many
     exterior applications, such as cladding, shutters
     shutters, furniture
     and structural      and structural beams.

     Bamboo N-finity            Cladding
                   n-finity cladding
     Bamboo        N-finity Accessories
     bamboo n-finity accessories

product datasheet                                                                                                                           

MOSO® Bamboo N-finity Outdoor Cladding

MOSO® Bamboo N-finity Cladding is a solid, laminated bamboo board that is impregnated for
outdoor use. The special impregnation process provides the product the highest durability
class possible following EU norm EN 350 (see technical characteristics below).
MOSO® Bamboo N-finity Cladding is available in two standard lengths, and on request even in
lengths up to 5800 mm. The extraordinary length is achieved by connecting the strips with a
special patented hook connection. MOSO® Bamboo N-finity Cladding is available in 2 shapes: a
rebated profile and a trapezium shape. The former is installed with fasteners and screws and
the latter with screws. Like any untreated tropical hardwood species, when exposed to outdoor
conditions, MOSO® Bamboo N-finity will turn light grey over time creating a very natural look.

Rebated profile                                           Trapezium shape

                                                                                                                                                                       Side Pressed

 Product Code           Type             Grooved         Surface         Length edges        End edges                    Head-side                 Effective width          Dimensions
                                                                                                                          Tongue/Groove             (mm)                     (mm)
 BO-IL500G-540          Rebated          Yes             Flat            R3                  Square Edge                  No                        128*                     5400x140x18
 BO-IL500G-240          Rebated          Yes             Flat            R3                  Square Edge                  No                        128*                     2400x140x18
 BO-IL510-540           Trapezium        No              Flat            R3                  Square Edge                  No                        137*                     5400x140x18
 BO-IL510-240           Trapezium        No              Flat            R3                  Square Edge                  No                        137*                     2400x140x18
* Effective width without distance between the boards, recommanded distance 6 mm.                                                 Other profiles and dimensions can be produced custom made.

installation summary
                                                                                             technical characteristics and certifications
• Apply a waterproof membrane against the wall and fix the battens
  (at least 20 mm thick, 60 mm wide) against the membrane with screws.
  This creates a rigid/flat surface for installation of the cladding boards.
                                                                                             •     Density: +/- 700 kg/m3
• Fix the cladding boards, starting with the lowest row of boards.
                                                                                             •     Shrink/Swell: 0.14% per 1% change in Moisture Content
• Trapezium version: Use a countersink drill to predrill the screw holes; always use
                                                                                             •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 4 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
  2 screws on each batten. Install the board and make sure it is placed fully level.
                                                                                             •     Reaction to fire: Class D-s2-d0 1) (EN 13501-1)
  Make sure the screws used are suitable for the material used as battens.
                                                                                             •     REACH: Does not contain SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) as listed in
  Install the second row of boards, using a minimum 6 mm spacing. Continue with
                                                                                                   REACH Annex XVII/candidate list
  the rest of the rows.
                                                                                             •     Biocide Product Regulation: Used impregnation preservatives are listed in
• Rebated version: Use the MOSO® Fastener (CLIP-SCREW-BX09) to fix the boards
                                                                                                   approved list of BPR
  onto the battens; always use 2 fasteners on each batten. The boards must be
                                                                                             •     Modulus of Elasticity: 9721 N/mm2 (SP), 8866 N/mm2 (PP) (EN 408)
  placed fully level. Make sure the screws used are suitable for the material used as
                                                                                             •     Bending strength: 56.7 N/mm2 (SP), 50.8 N/mm2 (PP) (EN 408)
  battens. Continue with the rest of the rows.
                                                                                             •     Biological durability: Class 1 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
• Cutting, planing and sanding should be avoided as it removes the anti-fungal protection.
                                                                                             •     Effectiveness against surface fungi: Class 0, Strong fungi static (EN ISO 846),
• Bamboo N-finity does not require a finish, unless you want to slow down its natural
                                                                                                   impregnation only superficial (2-3 mm)
  weathering behavior. The material will turn light grey if you do not apply any finish.
                                                                                             •     Use Class: Class 3 (EN 335)
• To finish the material we advise the use of Sikkens Cetol Savannah.
                                                                                             •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request
• Only stainless steel grade A2 or A4 should be used in combination with
                                                                                             •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®)
  Bamboo N-finity.
                                                                                                   v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®)
• Full version available at 
                                                                                             •     Contribution BREEAM: MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®)

                                                                                                  Tested on 18 and 36 mm thickness, without gaps between boards, with ventilation space behind boards.

             Class 1      Class 3

               EN350       EN335                                                                                                                                                                 13
product datasheet                                                                                  

            MOSO® Bamboo N-finity
            MOSO® fasteners and screws
            With these fasteners MOSO® Bamboo N-finity Cladding can be easily installed.
            When installed correctly there will be 5-6 mm gaps between the boards.
            The fasteners are supplied with matching stainless steel screws (square bit).

            Product Code        Item                                        Material                       Colour   Dimensions    Dimensions
                                                                                                                    (mm)          screw (mm)
            CLIP-SCREW-BX09     Fastener Asymmetric with screw (18 mm)      Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)   Brown    27x22.5x9.8   4.5x30
            CLIP-BX09           Fastener Asymmetric without screw (18 mm)   Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)   Brown    27x22.5x9.8
            SCREW-09            Screw for aluminium sub frame joist         Stainless steel A2 (AISI304)   Brown                  4.2x20

            recommended number of fasteners/
            m2 cladding:

            137 mm board width: 14 pcs/m²

            Based on distance of 600 mm
            between the sub frame joist axes.

            maintenance products
            Under the influence of wind, rain, sun and snow the cladding will weather.
            MOSO® recommends to maintain Bamboo N-finity with SIKKENS CetolSavannah.
            After cross-cutting we recommend to apply Sikkens Kodrin WV 456 sealer.

            Product Code               Material
            SATURATOR-SIK04            Sikkens Cetol WF 771
            SEALER-03                  Sealer for ends of boards Sikkens
                                       Kodrin WV 456 0.75L

     Bamboo Flooring
     Grand Collection

     The Grand Collection was specially
     developed for customers who appreciate the
     aesthetics of large boards for a spacious
     and exclusive look. Thanks to the generous
     dimensions of the boards, the installation can
     be done relatively fast. The wide choice of
     colours and finishes in the Grand Collection
     offers a suitable bamboo flooring for
     any interior.

     Bamboo Elite
     Bamboo Elitepremium
     bamboo ultradensity®
     Bamboo UltraDensity®

product datasheet                                                                                                                    

MOSO® Bamboo Elite (solid wide board)

MOSO® Bamboo Elite is a floor board that is relatively long and wide (compared to other
MOSO® floors) and is made of three layers of solid bamboo, equipped with a tongue/
         Bamboo Elite
groove connection.                                        Purebamboo                                                                                                                                                     B

                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Side Pressed                          High Density®
                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Natural/Caramel
                                                                                                                                      Side Pressed                          Natural/Caramel
                                                                                                                                                                            High Density®
                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Side Pressed                          High Density®

L: Lacquered Bona 85 g/m2, LN: Lacquered Bona Naturale (extra matt) 125 g/m2, O: Pre-oiled Woca Air Dried (has to be re-oiled after installation).
*) Middle layer cross pressed.

 Natural                 Caramel                 Style                     Finish        Edges                   Dimensions (mm)            Box Content (pcs.)              Box Content (m²)
                         BF-LA350                Plain Pressed*            -             Square Edge             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
                         BF-LA370                Side Pressed*             -             Square Edge             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
 BF-LA301                BF-LA351                Plain Pressed*            L             Micro Bevel             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
                         BF-LA353                Plain Pressed*            O             Micro Bevel             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
 BF-LA321                BF-LA371                Side Pressed*             L             Micro Bevel             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
                         BF-LA373                Side Pressed*             O             Micro Bevel             1960x159x15                8                               2.493
 BF-DT301                BF-DT351                High Density®*            LN            Micro Bevel             1830x142x13                6                               1.559
 BF-DT303                BF-DT353                High Density®*            O             Micro Bevel             1830x142x13                6                               1.559

installation summary                                                                             technical characteristics and certifications
• Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                       •     Density (Toplayer): +/- 700 kg/m3 (SP/PP), +/- 1050 kg/m3 (HD)
• Check subfloor: this should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum             •     Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 5 mm (SP/PP), approx. 3 mm (HD)
  allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                   •     Shrink/Swell bamboo: 0.14% per 1% change in Moisture Content (SP/PP)
• The floor should be fully glued (for glue details see full version of installation             •     Equilibrium MC: 10% at 20°C and 65% rel. Air Humidity (SP/PP)
  instruction) and can also be installed floating (max width 6 m, max length 12 m, using               8% at 20°C and 50% rel. Air Humidity (SP/PP)
  expansion gaps).                                                                               •     Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 4 kg/mm2 (SP/PP),
• For floating installation use a PVAC wood adhesive to join the tongue and groove                     ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (HD) (EN 1534)
  together.                                                                                      •     Reaction to fire: Class Cfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
• Elastic adhesive systems like 1-component Polyurethane or silan type of adhesives              •     Formaldehyde emission: Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 1) Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1)
  only can be used, when:                                                                        •     Slip resistance 2): USRV 22 (SP/PP), USRV 26 (HD) (CEN/TS 15676) / R 10 (DIN 51130)
  • Shear strength Ts > 1.4 N/mm2                                                                •     Thermal conductivity: 0.17 W/mK (SP/PP), 0.19 W/mK (HD) (EN 12667)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                      •     Thermal resistance: 0.0882 m2K/W (SP/PP), 0.0784 m2K/W (HD) (EN 12667)
  • Shear elongation y >=0.5                                                                     •     Use Class: Class 1 (EN 335)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                      •     CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
  Please ask your glue supplier for more information.                                            •     Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
• This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.      •     FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                       •     Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), EQ2
• After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, fitting to the                v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®), IEQ 4.3
  chosen finish. For oiled finish: the floor has to be re-oiled after installation. Polish the   •     Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
  oil with a red pad or patina disc (possibly afterwards with white pad).                        •     Guarantee: 30 years
• Full version available at 
                                                                                                  E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the

                                                                                                 product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
                                                                                                 Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.
                                                                                                      Only for lacquered versions.

  DoP                                                  EPD

 EN 17009                                             EN15804                                                                                                                                          16
product datasheet                                                                                                                    

            MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium (solid wide board)

            MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium is a floor board that is even longer and wider compared to
            Bamboo Elite. The board is made of three layers of solid bamboo, the middle layer is pressed
            in cross direction to maximise the stability. The boards are equipped with a click system for
            easy installation.

                        Bamboo Elite Premium click

                                                                              Side Pressed                    Side Pressed Natural                 High Density®                         High Density®
                                                                              Caramel                         White                                Side Pressed
                                                                                                                                                   Caramel                               High Density®
                                                                                                                                                                                         Natural White

            L: Lacquered (extra matt) 80 g/m2, SL: Stained-lacquered (extra matt) 80 g/m2, O: Pre-oiled Woca Air Dried (has to be re-oiled after installation),
            *) Middle layer cross pressed, **) “Nano” bevel, approx. 0,1 mm (barely visible).

             Natural              Caramel             Style                  Finish          Colour          Edges                       Dimensions                 Box Content                Box Content
                                                                                                                                         (mm)                       (pcs.)                     (m²)
                                  BL-EL371            Side Pressed*          L               Transparent     Nano Bevel**                1960x190x15                8                          2,979
             BF-EL321-02                              Side Pressed*          SL              White           Nano Bevel**                1960x190x15                8                          2,979
                                  BF-EL373            Side Pressed*          O               Transparent     Nano Bevel**                1960x190x15                8                          2,979
                                  BF-EL250            High Density®*         L               Transparent     Nano Bevel**                1850x190x15                6                          2,109
             BF-EL200-02                              High Density®*         SL              White           Nano Bevel**                1850x190x15                6                          2,109

            installation summary                                                                              technical characteristics and certifications
            • Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                        •    Density (Toplayer): +/- 700 kg/m3 (SP), +/- 1050 kg/m3 (HD)
            • Check subfloor: this should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum              •    Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 4 mm
              allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                    •    Shrink/Swell bamboo: 0.14% per 1% change in Moisture Content (SP)
            • The floor should be installed floating (max width 7 m, max length 12 m, using                   •    Equilibrium MC: 10% at 20°C and 65% rel. Air Humidity (SP)
              expansion gaps) but can also be fully glued to the subfloor.                                         8% at 20°C and 50% rel. Air Humidity (SP)
            • This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.       •    Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 4 kg/mm2 (SP),
                                                                         ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (HD) (EN 1534)
            • After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, fitting to the           •    Reaction to fire: Class Cfl-s1 (SP), Class Bfl-s1 (HD) (EN 13501-1)
              chosen finish. For oiled finish: the floor has to be re-oiled after installation. Polish the    •    Formaldehyde emission: Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 1) Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1)
              oil with a red pad or patina disc (possibly afterwards with white pad).                         •    Thermal conductivity: 0.17 W/mK (SP), 0.19 W/mK (HD) (EN 12667)
            • Full version available at                                     •    Thermal resistance: 0.0882 m2K/W (SP), 0.0725 m2K/W (HD) (EN 12667)
                                                                                                              •    Use Class: Class 1 (EN 335)
                                                                                                              •    CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                                              •    Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                                              •    FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                                              •    Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), EQ2
                                                                                                                   v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®), IEQ 4.3
                                                                                                              •    Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                                                                              •    Guarantee: 30 years

                                                                                                               E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the

                                                                                                              product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
                                                                                                              Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.

              DoP                                                  EPD

             EN 17009                                             EN15804

product datasheet                                                                                                                    

MOSO® Bamboo UltraDensity® Flooring
(for semi-outdoor high traffic areas)

MOSO® Bamboo UltraDensity® is a solid bamboo flooring board made from compressed bamboo
strips with an Ultra-High Density®. Thanks to its unique production method the material is
extremely stable, hard and durable and therefore suitable for the toughest conditions: in very high
traffic areas and even in semi-outdoor areas (protected from direct rain or sunshine). The boards
are available unfinished, and have to be finished on site. The boards come with tongue and
groove and a bevel on all 4 sides. This flooring type has to be fully glued down or installed
screwed down on MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® sub joists or alternative joists.


 Caramel                        Style                           Finish                        Surface                             Edges                                Dimensions (mm)
 BF-DS1060                      UltraDensity®                   -                             Rough sanded                        Macro Bevel                          1900x160x32
 BF-DS2060                      UltraDensity®                   -                             Rough sanded                        Macro Bevel                          1900x160x20
 BF-DS2061                      UltraDensity®                   -                             Smooth                              Micro Bevel                          1900x160x18

installation summary                                                                          technical characteristics and certifications
Screw down installation:                                                                      • Density (product): +/- 1150 kg/m3
• Install a PE (Polyethylene) film as moisture barrier.                                       • Composition: 93% bamboo strips (lignin/cellulose) and 7% glue
• Install a suitable, fixed, stable and durable sub frame, preferably using Bamboo 		           (outdoor resistance).
  X-treme® sub beams. Distance between the beams: see table ‘field of use’,                   • Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 7 mm for the 20 mm boards /
  available in booklet.                                                                         11 mm for the 32 mm boards
• Always make sure the end of the board is supported by a joist.                              • Dimensional stability: Results conform to French standard
• Maximum length/width of the floor 100 m / 15 m.                                               NF B 54008 (ISO 24339).
• Fix the boards on the sub frame screwing into the tongue of the board at a 45° angle.       • Resistance to Indentation – Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm² (EN 1534)
  Always predrill before screwing.                                                            • Reaction to fire 1): Class Bfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
                                                                                              • Slip resistance 1): USRV 118 (EN 13036-4), R 10 (CEN/TS 16165 Annex B - DIN 51130)
Glue down installation:                                                                       • Formaldehyde emission: Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1), Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 2)
• Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                    • Emission of VOC: A+ (ISO 16000-9)
• Check subfloor: it should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum            • Modulus of Elasticity: 12610 N/mm² (EN 408)
  allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                • Bending strength: 95.5 N/mm² (EN 310)
• The floor should be fully glued.                                                            • Biological durability: Class 2 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
• MOSO® Bamboo UltraDensity® itself can be installed glued down without expansion             • Use class: Class 3.1 (EN 335 / EN 460)
  gap/joint, but with minimum 10 mm distance from the wall. When the building, where          • UPEC classification according to French standard: Class U4P4E2C2 1)
  the floor will be installed, requires expansion gaps (for example in concrete subfloors),   • CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
  these expansion gaps needs to be taken over and also be made in the MOSO® Bamboo            • Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
  UltraDensity® floor.                                                                        • Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, EQ2 v2009: MR 6, IEQ 4.4
• Elastic adhesive systems like 1-component Polyurethane or silan type of adhesives 		        • Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 5
  only can be used, when:                                                                     • Guarantee: 30 years
  • Shear strength Ts > 1.4 N/mm2
    (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                   Only when finished with Woca Diamond Oil Active (WocaNo1) oil.

                                                                                               E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the
  • Shear elongation y >=0.5
                                                                                              product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
    (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)
                                                                                              Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.
• Please ask your glue supplier for more information.
• This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.

• After cleaning and drying, apply an appropriate finish (Woca Diamond Oil Active
  (Woca No1) is advised for heavy traffic areas).
• After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, according to
  the chosen finish.
• Full version available at 


  DoP        Class 2                                                            EPD

 EN 17009      EN350                                                           EN15804                                                                                                                18
product datasheet                                                                                                   

            MOSO® Bamboo UltraDensity® Stair Panels

            The MOSO® Bamboo UltraDensity® Stair Panel is a solid bamboo board, made from
            compressed bamboo strips. Its unique production method makes the panels very dense,
            hard and stable. The product has been certified and the mechanical properties allow for
            structural applications such as stairs. Bamboo UltraDensity® Stair Panel is suitable for semi-
            outdoor covered areas and indoor applications (Use Class 3 / EN 335).
                          Stair Panel Density                                                                                                                   Tatamat


            Caramel                      Style                       Finish                      Edge                         Thickness (mm)          Dimensions (mm)
            BP-DS1080                    UltraDensity®               -                           Square Edge                  38                      2440x320

            - The look may be different compared to High Density® flooring, please check before ordering if the products can be combined.
            - Because of the High Density® of the UltraDensity® products the surface is very closed.

                                                                                                    technical characteristics and certifications
                                                                                                    • Density: +/- 1150 kg/m3
                                                                                                    • Dimensional stability: Results conform to French standard
                                                                                                      NF B 54008 (ISO 24339)
                                                                                                    • Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
                                                                                                    • Reaction to fire: Class Bfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
                                                                                                    • Formaldehyde emission: < 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1)
                                                                                                    • VOC emission: A+ (ISO 16000-9)
                                                                                                    • Modulus of Elasticity: 12610 N/mm2 (EN 408)
                                                                                                    • Bending strength: 95.5 N/mm2 (EN 310)
                                                                                                    • Biological durability: Class 2 (EN 350 / CEN/TS 15083-1)
                                                                                                    • Use Class: Class 3.1 (EN 335 / EN 460)
                                                                                                    • CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                                    • Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                                    • Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, EQ2 v2009: MR 6, IEQ 4.4
                                                                                                    • Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 5
                                                                                                    • Guarantee: 30 years

                     Class 2                                                    EPD
             19       EN350                      EN350                         EN15804
 the solution for
 heavy duty
 natural flooring

    D.S. Blay
    Shai Gil

Bordeaux Saint Jean train station France

                                                    SNCF – Railway Station Paris – Gare du Nord
                                                                                    Paris, France
     Weinstein-Vaadia Architects
     Doron Neva

                                           David Ducastel (Philéas Fotos)
High School Shevach Mofet
Tel Aviv, Israel
     Bamboo Flooring
     Eternal Collection

     The Eternal Collection offers the strongest and
     most robust floors in the MOSO® assortment.
     Especially for those looking for flooring that will
     last a lifetime, flooring from the Eternal
     Collection will be the best choice. These floors
     are so strong that they can be installed in the
     most demanding projects, such as public
     buildings, offices and restaurants, but are also
     suitable for residential applications.

     Bamboo Supreme
     Bamboo Industriale
     Bamboo Industriale Premium

product datasheet                                                                                                            

MOSO® Bamboo Supreme (2-ply flooring)

MOSO® Bamboo Supreme is made from two layers of bamboo, with a 4 mm toplayer and a
cross pressed bamboo backing. The total thickness is 10 mm which is relatively thin compared
to other wood floors. However, as with any wood species the basic rule is: the thicker, the less
stable the wood (shrink/swell). The 10 mm thickness and 4 mm toplayer is an ideal
compromise between durability and stability and therefore offers a perfect solution for heavy
   Bamboo Supreme                          Bamboo Plex                                    Finebamboo
duty conditions, like installation on floor heating and/or installation in heavy traffic areas.

                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Side Pressed                          High Density®
                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Natural/Caramel
                                                                                                                                      Side Pressed                          Natural/Caramel
                                                                                                                                                                            High Density®

                                                                                                 Plain Pressed                        Side Pressed                         High Density®

L: Lacquered Bona 125 g/m2, LN: Lacquered Bona Naturale (extra matt) 125 g/m2, O: Pre-oiled Woca Air Dried (to be re-oiled after installation).
*) "Nano” bevel, approx. 0,1 mm (barely visible).

 Natural               Caramel               Style                 Finish                Edges                 Dimensions (mm)                Box Content (pcs.)             Box Content (m²)
                       BF-LA451              Plain Pressed         -                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
                       BF-LA471              Side Pressed          -                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
 BF-LA403              BF-LA453              Plain Pressed         O                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
 BF-LA423              BF-LA473              Side Pressed          O                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
 BF-DT403              BF-DT453              High Density®         O                     Nano Bevel*           920x96x10                      24                             2.120
 BF-LA409              BF-LA459              Plain Pressed         L                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
 BF-LA429              BF-LA479              Side Pressed          L                     Square Edge           970x95x10                      36                             3.317
 BF-DT409              BF-DT459              High Density®         LN                     Nano Bevel*          920x96x10                      24                             2.120

installation summary                                                                             technical characteristics and certifications
• Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                       •   Density (Toplayer): +/- 700 kg/m3 (SP/PP), +/- 1050 kg/m3 (HD)
• Check subfloor: this should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum             •   Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 4 mm
  allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                   •   Shrink/Swell bamboo: 0.14% per 1% change in Moisture Content (SP/PP)
• The floor should be fully glued.                                                               •   Equilibrium MC: 10% at 20°C and 65% rel. Air Humidity (SP/PP)
• Elastic adhesive systems like 1-component Polyurethane or silan type of adhesives                  8% at 20°C and 50% rel. Air Humidity (SP/PP)
  only can be used, when:                                                                        •   Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 4 kg/mm2 (SP/PP),
  • Shear strength Ts > 1.4 N/mm2                                                                    ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (HD) (EN 1534)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                      •   Wear resistance 2): ≥ 5000 Revolutions (WR2) (SP/PP),
  • Shear elongation y >=0.5                                                                         ≥ 7000 Revolutions (WR3) (HD) (EN 13696)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                      •   Reaction to fire: Class Cfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
  Please ask your glue supplier for more information.                                            •   Formaldehyde emission: Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1),
• This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.          Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 1) (HD)
                                                       •   Slip resistance 2): USRV 22 (SP/PP), USRV 26 (HD) (CEN/TS 15676) / R 10 (DIN 51130)
• After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, fitting to the          •   Thermal conductivity: 0.17 W/mK (SP/PP), 0,21 W/mK (HD) (EN 12667)
  chosen finish. For oiled finish: the floor has to be re-oiled after installation. Polish the   •   Thermal resistance: 0.0588 m2K/W (SP/PP), 0.0471 m2K/W (HD) (EN 12667)
  oil with a red pad or patina disc (possibly afterwards with white pad).                        •   Use Class: Class 1 (EN 335)
• Full version available at                                  •   Critical radiant flux: Class 1 (SP/PP), Class 1 (HD) (ASTM E 648)
                                                                                                 •   CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                                                 •   Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
                                                                                                 •   FSC®: Products available with FSC® certification on request.
                                                                                                 •   Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, MR 3 (FSC®), EQ2
                                                                                                     v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®), IEQ 4.3
                                                                                                 •   Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
                                                                                                 •   Guarantee: 30 years

                                                                                                    E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the
                                                                                                 product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
                                                                                                 Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.
                                                                                                    Only for lacquered versions.

  DoP                                                   EPD

 EN 17009                                              EN15804                                                                                                                                         22
product datasheet                                                                                                         

            MOSO® Bamboo Industriale (industrial look)

            MOSO® Bamboo Industriale consists of small floor ‘boards’ made from short solid bamboo
            strips, creating the specific industrial look. The ‘boards’ are in fact blocks of strips bundled
            together with tape. The floor installer glues them on the subfloor, sands off the tape, fills the
            gaps and finishes the surface. Being made of such small strips, the floor is very stable – making
            it the perfect solution for application on floor heating. This floor has the thickest wear layer of
            all MOSO®   floors:
                     Bamboo     up to 15 mm!

                                                                              Side Pressed                    Side Pressed                         High Density®                         High Density®
                                                                              Natural                         Caramel                              Natural
                                                                                                                                                   Side Pressed                          High Density®

             Natural              Caramel          Style                Finish         Edges                  Dimensions (mm)                    Box Content (pcs.)                  Box Content (m²)
             BF-PR300             BF-PR350         Side Pressed         -              Square Edge            280x140x10                         96                                  3.763
                                  BF-PR150         Side Pressed         -              Square Edge            280x140x15                         60                                  2.352
             BF-PR1000            BF-PR1050        High Density®        -              Square Edge            300x200x10                         32                                  1.920

            installation summary                                                                              technical characteristics and certifications
            • Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                        •    Density (Product): +/- 700 kg/m3 (SP), +/- 1050 kg/m3 (HD)
            • Check subfloor: this should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum              •    Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 10 mm
              allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                    •    Shrink/Swell bamboo: 0.14% per 1% change in Moisture Content (SP)
            • The floor should be fully glued.                                                                •    Equilibrium MC: 10% at 20°C and 65% rel. Air Humidity (SP)
            • Elastic adhesive systems like 1-component Polyurethane or silan type of adhesives                    8% at 20°C and 50% rel. Air Humidity (SP)
              only can be used, when:                                                                         •    Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 4 kg/mm2 (SP),
              • Shear strength Ts > 1.4 N/mm2                                                                      ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (HD) (EN 1534)
            		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                       •    Reaction to fire: Class Cfl-s1 (SP), Class Bfl-s1 (HD) (EN 13501-1)
              • Shear elongation y >=0.5                                                                      •    Formaldehyde emission: Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 1) Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1)
            		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                       •    Thermal conductivity: 0.17 W/mK (SP), 0.26 W/mK (HD) (EN 12667)
              Please ask your glue supplier for more information.                                             •    Thermal resistance: 0.0588 m2K/W (SP), 0.0392 m2K/W (HD) (EN 12667)
            • After the glue has hardened, the floor can be sanded, filled (with a mixture of                 •    Use Class: Class 1 (EN 335)
              sanding dust and floor filler) and finished (with floor lacquer or oil).                        •    Critical radiant flux: Class 1 (SP), Class 1 (HD) (ASTM E 648)
            • This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.       •    CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
                                                                    •    Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804) (
            • After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, fitting to the           •    Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, EQ2
              chosen finish. For oiled finish: the floor has to be oiled after installation. Polish the oil        v2009: MR 6, IEQ 4.3
              with a red pad or patina disc (possibly afterwards with white pad).                             •    Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 5 (HD)
            • Attention: the width of the individual bamboo strips can vary between approx.                   •    Guarantee: 30 years
              4 and 8mm (High Density® 13-14mm). MOSO® guarantees that within 1 delivery the
              variation in strip width is limited.                                                             E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the

                                                                                                              product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
            • Full version available at 
                                                                                                              Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.

                         DoP                                                  EPD
             23        EN 17009                                              EN15804
product datasheet                                                                                                     

MOSO® Bamboo Industriale Premium (industrial look)

MOSO® Bamboo Industriale floor boards consist of short, solid High Density® bamboo strips,
creating the specific 'Industriale' look. The strips are connected with a wooden strip at the
back of the board. Additionally, the boards are profiled with a tongue and groove for
               IndustrialeBeing made of such small strips of High Density®
                           Premium                                   Bamboo bamboo,   the floor is
very stable and hard – making it the perfect solution for installation on floor heating and ideal
for commercial applications.

                                                                                                                                                                         High Density®
                                                                                                                                   High Density®                         High Density®
                                                                                                                                   Natural                               Caramel

 Natural               Caramel                  Style                Finish           Edges               Dimensions (mm)                 Box Content (pcs.)              Box Content (m²)
 BF-PR2000-TG          BF-PR2050-TG             High Density®        -                Square Edge         485x245x10                      20                              2.377

installation summary                                                                          technical characteristics and certifications
• Check room climate conditions (room temp. 18-21°C, air humidity 40-65%).                    • Density (Product): +/- 1050 kg/m3
• Check subfloor: this should be flat/clean/stable and should not exceed the maximum          • Top layer thickness / Wear layer: approx. 4 mm
  allowed moisture content (for example 1.8% for sand cement).                                • Resistance to Indentation - Brinell Hardness: ≥ 9.5 kg/mm2 (EN 1534)
• The floor should be fully glued.                                                            • Reaction to fire: Class Bfl-s1 (EN 13501-1)
• Elastic adhesive systems like 1-component Polyurethane or silan type of adhesives           • Formaldehyde emission: Class E0 (< 0.025 mg/m3) 1) Class E1 (< 0.124 mg/m3, EN 717-1)
  only can be used, when:                                                                     • Thermal conductivity: 0.26 W/mK (EN 12667)
  • Shear strength Ts > 1.4 N/mm2                                                             • Thermal resistance: 0.0392 m2K/W (EN 12667)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                   • Use Class: Class 1 (EN 335)
  • Shear elongation y >=0.5                                                                  • Critical radiant flux: Class 1 (ASTM E 648)
		 (3 days balanced at 23 degrees Celsius/50% Air Humidity)                                   • CO2 neutral: LCA report TU Delft (ISO 14040/44) (
  Please ask your glue supplier for more information.                                         • Environmental Product Declaration - EPD (EN 15804)
• After the glue has hardened, the floor can be slightly sanded and finished                    (
  (with floor lacquer or oil).                                                                • Contribution LEED BD+C - v4: MR 1, MR 2, EQ2
• This floor type can be installed – under certain conditions – on floor heating / cooling.     v2009: MR 6, IEQ 4.3
                                                    • Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 5 (HD)
• After installation: make sure proper cleaning and maintenance is done, fitting to the       • Guarantee: 30 years
  chosen finish.
• Full version available at                            E0 Class is an unofficial formaldehyde emission class, but it is commonly used to indicate that the

                                                                                              product has a very low emission, not detectable (n.d.) emission or is produced with No Added
                                                                                              Formaldehyde (NAF) glues. E0 products automatically qualify for the official E1 Class according EN 717-1.

  DoP                                                EPD

 EN 17009                                           EN15804                                                                                                                                        24
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