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                                DAVID J. MELTZER
                                                  University of Kent, UK
                                             Stone Dagger Publications, USA
                                                University of Missouri, USA
                                           Southern Methodist University, USA

Lohse, Collins, and Bradley ignore or misrepresent the arguments we have made concerning “controlled” overshot
flaking and the purported Ice-Age Atlantic Crossing. Here, we summarize our previous work and explain again
how it directly tests the explicit claims of Stanford and Bradley (; Bradley and Stanford , ). We
also correct the inaccuracies and false accusations of Lohse, Collins, and Bradley, and refute their belief that argu-
ments should be rejected or accepted on the basis of majority consensus and authority rather than on empirical data
and logical arguments.
KEYWORDS: biface thinning, Clovis, efficiency, evolutionary convergence, overshot flakes, peopling of North
America, pre-Clovis, Solutrean

We thank Jon Lohse, Michael Collins, and Bruce                       of majority consensus and authority rather than
Bradley for their response (Lohse et al. ) to                    on empirical data and logical arguments.
our recent discussion of the purported Ice-Age
Atlantic crossing (Eren et al. ). We were                        THE ICE-AGE ATLANTIC CROSSING HYPOTHESIS:
hoping that our paper might elicit a thoughtful dis-
cussion of technology and the manner in which it
                                                                     WHAT WE ACTUALLY SAID
could be used to detect historical relatedness.                      The proposal that Pleistocene peoples arrived in
Unfortunately, that is not the case, as not only                     North America from Europe has been around for
do Lohse et al. ignore the large amount of archae-                   more than a century, but there is no evidence
ological evidence we present that is inconsistent                    from any scientific field, recently including gen-
with a Solutrean–Clovis trans-Atlantic connection                    etics, linguistics, skeletal and dental analysis, and
and the inference of “intentional” overshot flaking                   oceanography, to support it (Dulik et al. ;
(Eren et al. : –, Appendix A Sup-                        Eriksson et al. ; Goebel et al. ; Kashani
plementary Data), they also misrepresent our                         et al. ; Meltzer ; O’Rourke and Raff
work to such an extent that we felt it was necessary                 ; Raghavan et al. in press; Straus ;
to write this rejoinder. This misrepresentation is                   Turner ; Westley and Dix ). Archaeolo-
ironic in light of their call for “fair and honest                   gically, there are a few similarities between the
evaluation of appropriate data.” Our goal here is                    artifact assemblages of Solutrean Paleolithic fora-
threefold: () to summarize our previous work                        gers (,–, cal BP) and Clovis Paleoin-
and explain again how it directly tests the explicit                 dians (,–, cal BP), but there are a far
claims of Stanford and Bradley (; Bradley and                    larger number of differences (Straus et al. ).
Stanford , ); () to correct the inaccura-                   This suggests that any similarities (technological
cies and false accusations of Lohse, Collins, and                    or otherwise) might well be the result of conver-
Bradley; and () to refute their belief that argu-                   gence and not shared ancestry. Indeed, as noted
ments should be rejected or accepted on the basis                    in our original article and reiterated here,

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 
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DOI: ./Z.                                                      Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –
     EREN ET AL.

convergence of cultural entities is a common            “demonstrate historical connections between
phenomenon (see also O’Brien and Lyman                  [the] technologies” (: ).
), and specific examples of convergence                 As we noted in our original article, much of this
have been empirically demonstrated in the case          argument is speculative and untestable: We cannot
of stone tools produced by humans (e.g., Lycett         determine how challenging or difficult overshot
; Shea ) as well as other primates (e.g.,       flaking would have been to Pleistocene hunter–gath-
Haslam et al. ). Further, there is virtually no     erers, who, unlike modern knappers, spent their
evidence for marine-mammal hunting in either            lives making and using stone tools (Eren et al.
Solutrean, purported pre-Clovis, or Clovis sites        : ). What may appear “difficult” or
(Cannon and Meltzer ; Straus et al. ),          “complex” (however defined) to twenty-first-
yet this was the presumptive subsistence strategy       century archaeologists may not have been all that
for the Pleistocene peoples who purportedly             difficult for prehistoric people to achieve.
crossed the North Atlantic. Finally, it has been        However, Stanford and Bradley’s claims of inten-
shown recently that several additional lines of         tionality and historical relatedness rest on their
archaeological evidence, including radiocarbon          assertions of overshot efficiency, frequency, and
dates, are also inconsistent with the predictions       similarity, and these latter empirical premises do
of the hypothesis (O’Brien et al. ).                have empirically testable predictions. Given the pro-
   As explicitly stated in our original work, we        minence Stanford and Bradley have given overshot
tested one line of archaeological evidence with         flaking with respect to the Ice-Age Atlantic Crossing
respect to the Ice-Age Atlantic Crossing Hypoth-        Hypothesis, not only in the scientific literature but
esis: the removal of overshot flakes (Eren et al.        also in the popular media, we felt it important to
: , ). Overshot flakes are ones that         explicitly test those premises. If the empirical foun-
during the manufacture of a biface are struck           dation on which Stanford and Bradley base their
from prepared edges of a piece and travel from          chain of inference for a Solutrean–Clovis link fails,
one edge across the face and remove only “a             then the inferences built on it—that this complex
small portion of the opposite edge” (Stanford           and difficult strategy must have been intentionally
and Bradley : ; see also Eren et al. :        applied and thus its presence in two groups widely
Figure ). Controlled, intentional overshot             separated in time and space indicates historical
flaking is a difficult knapping technique that few        relatedness—are left unsupported.
modern knappers have mastered, but Stanford                We used experimental archaeology to test the
and Bradley (: ) are “completely con-             overshot-efficiency prediction and quantitative
vinced” that the technique was intentionally used       analyses of the archaeological record to test the
by Solutrean and Clovis peoples because of its pre-     overshot-frequency and similarity predictions. To
sumed advantages, most prominent among which            summarize, our results showed that
is that overshot flaking is an “incredibly efficient”
or “highly effective” strategy for rapidly thinning     . Despite claims by Stanford and Bradley (;
stone bifaces (Bradley and Stanford : ,             Bradley and Stanford , ), overshot
: –; Stanford and Bradley : ).             flaking is not more efficient at thinning
Stanford and Bradley (: , ) make two              bifaces than non-overshot flaking (Eren et al.
other claims: first, that there is “clear archaeologi-      : –).
cal evidence of widespread use” of overshot flaking      . There is no regular, frequent occurrence of
by Solutrean and Clovis knappers; and second,              overshot evidence at Clovis sites (Eren et al.
that the “level of correspondence between [Solu-           : , Supplementary Materials
trean and Clovis] technologies is amazing,” such           Table S). There are no published data with
that “even the details of flaking are virtually iden-       respect to the frequency or regularity of over-
tical.” Based on these three claims, they then argue       shot flaking at Solutrean sites.
that because the intentional use of a complex,          . Data provided by Stanford and Bradley (:
difficult, even “counterintuitive” (Stanford and            Table .) show that the amount of overshot
Bradley : ) strategy is unlikely to occur by         flaking in Solutrean and Clovis assemblages is
chance, its presence in two separate groups                statistically different (Eren et al. : –
“suggests that it is unlikely to have been indepen-        , Supplementary Materials Table S).
dently invented.” Thus, the occurrence of suppo-
sedly intentional overshot flaking on both sides           We also noted that the incidence of overshot
of the Atlantic in Late Pleistocene times is said to    flaking in purported pre-Clovis assemblages

                                                                        Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –

ought to be significant if, as recently argued by          these misrepresentations and false accusations
Stanford and Bradley (), there was a pre-             below, but we do not expect readers to simply
Clovis “missing link” between Solutrean and               take our word for it. Rather, we encourage them
Clovis in eastern North America (Eren et al.              to compare our original discussion and results
: ). Although we did not accept the             (Eren et al. ), and our refutations below, to
pre-Clovis sites they list as valid, either because       the statements of Lohse, Collins, and Bradley, as
they are not securely dated or are not well               well as those made by Stanford and Bradley
described (Eren et al. : ; see also               (; Bradley and Stanford , ).
O’Brien et al. ), we noted that Stanford and             () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley “question the
Bradley reported only one overshot flake from              validity of the experiment: If the experiment was
these  assemblages. Further, bifacial points at         intended to determine the rates of accidental over-
proposed pre-Clovis sites fail to exhibit overshot        shots, why did they set out to intentionally make
scars, and in fact rarely are scars present that          them?” (emphasis in original)
travel past the biface medial axis. The absence of           Reply: In no way did our experiment intend to
evidence of overshot flaking in pre-Clovis sites           determine rates of accidental overshots. We find
indicates that there remains a -year gap in           this accusation bizarre, as the experiment was con-
the appearance of this purported technique on             structed to examine only the efficiency of overshot
either side of the Atlantic Ocean.                        flaking in terms of bifacial thinning. We are unsure
   Stanford and Bradley (: ) contend that          how we could have been more explicit about this
“the more basic a technology, the more likely its         and are unclear as to how they could have misin-
independent invention.” We agree. Since our               terpreted the purpose of our experiment.
experimental and archaeological analyses unequi-             () Lohse, Collins and Bradley state that we
vocally point to the conclusion that there is no          “inappropriately reduce the complexity of techno-
basis for inferring either Clovis, pre-Clovis, or         logical correlations between Clovis and Solutrean
Solutrean knappers intentionally practiced the            to one shared trait: controlled overshot flaking.”
“complex,” “difficult,” “counterintuitive” (Stan-             Reply: We explicitly stated that we were investi-
ford and Bradley : ), and now inefficient            gating one aspect of the Ice-Age Atlantic Crossing
(Eren et al. ) technique of controlled overshot       Hypothesis, though a very important one (Eren
flaking, it follows that their link between Solutrean      et al. : , ), given the importance
and Clovis via an intentionally applied controlled        Stanford and Bradley (; Bradley and Stanford
overshot technique is invalid. Instead, when con-         , ) place on it. We are not sure why
sidered in toto, our experimental and archaeologi-        Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state otherwise.
cal results are consistent only with the proposition      Indeed, in Stanford and Bradley’s (: )
that Clovis and Solutrean knappers independently          initial publication on the subject in the scientific lit-
invented a basic, straightforward, efficient tech-         erature, overshot flaking was the first topic they
nique for thinning bifaces that occasionally hap-         discussed in making their Solutrean–Clovis link.
pened to produce the analogous detritus of                   We acknowledge that Stanford and Bradley
overshot flakes. In other words, based on the              () looked at  other subjectively determined,
very logic of Stanford and Bradley (: )            non-quantitative lithic reduction steps and tech-
quoted above, the most robust and parsimonious            niques in their Dynamic Systems Analysis, and
explanation for the presence of overshot flakes in         used cluster analysis of unweighted variables and
Clovis and Solutrean assemblages is convergence,          attributes to compare Solutrean and North Amer-
not historical relatedness.                               ican Pleistocene assemblages. However, their
                                                          Dynamic Systems Analysis (Stanford and Bradley
CORRECTING THE INACCURACIES AND FALSE                     : Figure .) did not include a comparison
ACCUSATIONS OF LOHSE, COLLINS, AND                        of Solutrean and pre-Clovis (see also point 
                                                          below), and their cluster analysis (Stanford and
                                                          Bradley : Figure .) provided no infor-
Lohse, Collins, and Bradley accuse us of “flawed           mation on the clustering algorithm, a scale to indi-
logic,” “distortions,” using an “unprofessional           cate cluster interstitial distances, or a measure of
tone,” and “contributing little to the topic it pur-      significance, rendering their dendrogram statisti-
ports to address, or even to studies of Clovis,           cally meaningless and irreproducible. Moreover,
Early    Paleoamericans,      Pleistocene    North        such analyses inform only on overall assemblage
America, or nearly any other issue.” We address           similarity, not on how historically related

                                                                           Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –
     EREN ET AL.

assemblages might be (O’Brien et al. ). This is        () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state that we
odd, as Stanford and Bradley (: ) note           make a logical fallacy, namely that “because over-
that “it is one thing to look at a group of artifacts   shot flaking is not the most efficient method of
and say they are alike, another to conclude that the    thinning bifaces, it is most parsimoniously
likeness indicates that they are related.” We could     explained as an error and it therefore cannot
not have said it better.                                have been shared in common by Clovis and Solu-
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state that “con-     trean knappers.”
trolled overshot flaking potentially provides               Reply: In fact, it was Stanford and Bradley
many benefits: it produces flakes that are usable         (: , ; Bradley and Stanford : ,
for multiple purposes, when used with other             , : –; Bradley et al. : –)
flaking strategies it allows knappers to control         —not us—who proclaimed overshot flaking’s
biface width and thickness proportions, and it pro-     ability to “efficiently,” “effectively,” or “massively”
vides a way for knappers to resolve problems            thin bifaces, and it was they who then linked this
(stacks, square edges, etc.) on both margins            characteristic to the purported technique’s inten-
through a single removal,” and it can “result in        tional application and supposed historical con-
bifaces with flat longitudinal cross-sections.”          nectedness. But, recalling Clarke () from
   Reply: First, Lohse, Collins, and Bradley are        above, without a comparative standard, a term
assuming both the intentionality and potential          such as “efficiency” is meaningless. So, we are
benefits of overshot flaking without empirically          left to conclude either that proponents of a Solu-
or quantitatively demonstrating any of them,            trean–Clovis link were making meaningless state-
much as Stanford and Bradley () do.                 ments or that they were indeed asserting the
Second, as we noted in our original article, any        comparative thinning efficiency of overshot
demonstrated potential benefits are only consistent      flakes, which is what we tested. Given that
with prehistoric intentionality; they do not prove it   Bradley et al. (: ) attempt to conduct such
because any assertion of prehistoric intentionality     a comparative test between overshot and non-
is always an inference (Eren et al. : ).        overshot flakes using archaeological specimens,
Third, as recently noted by Lycett and Eren             we assumed the latter. That said, we are pleased
(), over four decades ago Clarke (: )         that Lohse, Collins, and Bradley accept that our
emphasized that in the absence of appropriate           comparative experiment “does in fact demonstrate
comparative standards, where necessary par-             that overshot flakes do not thin bifaces as well as
ameters are required to give an otherwise relative      other strategies,” given the importance Stanford
entity (e.g., “rare,” “few,” “thick,” “thin”) its       and Bradley place on efficiency for inferring the
required specificity, such “nonspecific generaliz-        intentionality of overshot flakes.
ations” are essentially meaningless. Lohse,                However, despite what Lohse, Collins, and
Collins, and Bradley continually rely on non-           Bradley depict, we did not base our conclusion
specific generalizations (e.g., “flat”), as do Stanford   that overshots are accidents solely on our exper-
and Bradley (), especially with respect to the      imental analysis. We also undertook a compara-
use of the term “efficiency,” which we discuss           tive analysis between our experimental
below in our reply to point .                          overshots, which were already shown to be ineffi-
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state that we        cient, and actual Clovis overshots from the Gault
“mistakenly view the goal of Clovis biface manu-        site (Eren et al. : ). That our experimen-
facture to be ‘maximally thinned.’”                     tal overshots were better in terms of thinning
   Reply: Nowhere in our original article do we         efficiency than the Clovis overshots is consistent
state or imply that the goal of Clovis biface manu-     with the notion that the Clovis overshots were
facture is maximal thinning.                            accidents. Finally, as summarized above, we also
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state that we        based our conclusions on the archaeological
“fail to understand what is meant by ‘proportional      records of Clovis, supposedly pre-Clovis, and
flaking.’”                                               Solutrean, as well as on statistical comparisons
   Reply: Our quote (“Bifacial thinning is a pro-       of these complexes using data published by Stan-
portional reduction process…”), which Lohse,            ford and Bradley ().
Collins, and Bradley misinterpret, does not refer          () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state “the fact
to “proportional flaking” but instead to how             that [production of overshot flakes] did occur as
biface thinning—both in absolute and relative           either intentional or accidental outcomes in Solu-
terms—takes place.                                      trean and Clovis assemblages negates Eren

                                                                        Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –

et al.’s main conclusion, raising considerable ques-      intentionality of overshot flaking in Clovis and
tions about the manuscript’s main point.”                 Solutrean assemblages) by examining another,
   Reply: Never have proponents of the Solutrean          different set of data (e.g., Egyptian, Early Danish
hypothesis (in its latest iteration) ever stated that     Neolithic, Caddoan, or Archaic assemblages).
the mere occurrence or presence of overshot               This would be like attempting to study the peo-
flakes, i.e., as accidents, was enough to make a           pling of North America with data on the peopling
link between Solutrean and Clovis. The link               of Australia. We agree that raw material probably
between the two complexes has always been the             plays no role in the differential occurrence of over-
complex, difficult, counterintuitive, intentionally        shots between the Clovis and Archaic levels at
applied strategy of overshot flaking—one that              Gault. But there are several other potential
was most unlikely to occur by chance and thus             reasons we list (Eren et al. : ), ignored
“suggests that it is unlikely to have been indepen-       by Lohse, Collins, and Bradley, that could easily
dently invented” (Stanford and Bradley :              explain the occasional occurrence of overshot mis-
). If one is to accept that overshots were acciden-     takes in Clovis but not in Archaic assemblages. At
tal, that means one must also accept that they are        the population level, Clovis knappers may have
accidents of a more basic, straightforward, and           used a strong support grip, whereas Archaic knap-
efficient strategy such as overface flaking. And            pers did not (Patten ). Or, perhaps Archaic
given that Stanford and Bradley (: )               knappers were not looking to produce full-faced
contend that the “more basic a technology, the            flakes as often as Clovis knappers were. We will
more likely its independent invention,” accepting         never know the exact reason(s) for sure, and this
overshots as accidents resulting from a basic tech-       is why the lack of overshots in other cultures
nique also necessarily means supporting Solu-             cannot support the notion that overshot flakes
trean–Clovis       convergence,     not     historical    were intentionally removed by either Clovis or
relatedness.                                              Solutrean knappers.
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley accuse us of             () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state, “Another
“using new terminology in an apparent attempt             of Eren et al.’s misunderstandings is that Bradley
to self-ascribe credit” for “ideas and concepts,          and Stanford (; see also Stanford and
specifically full-faced flaking.”                           Bradley ) suggested that overshot flaking of
   Reply: This accusation is absurd. Our definition        Clovis bifaces would be the dominant method of
of an “overface flake,” i.e., those flakes that termi-      thinning, in terms of relative numbers.”
nate beyond the biface midline but prior to reach-          Reply: Nowhere do we state that if overshot
ing the far edge (Jennings , ; Smallwood          flaking was intentionally applied, then it should
, ), is not only different and broader            be the dominant method of thinning, in terms of
than all the other definitions they cite, i.e., flakes      relative numbers of flakes produced. However,
that “almost reach the opposite edge” or that “tra-       Stanford and Bradley (: , ; see also
veled most of the way across the biface without           Bradley et al. ; Collins ) do claim there
removing the opposite edge,” but also quantitative,       is “clear archaeological evidence of widespread
rather than intuitive, in nature.                         use” of overshot flaking by Clovis and Solutrean
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state that if over-    knappers. Our survey of the literature (Eren
shot flakes are mistakes, then “overshot flaking            et al. : –) shows this statement to
should be present in many other biface thinning           be at best inaccurate and misleading, in terms
assemblages such as Predynastic Egyptian, Early           both of where overshot flakes occur regionally
Danish Neolithic and Caddoan to name but a                and of their intra-assemblage density.
few.” They also note that “Stanford and Bradley             () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state, “End
(:  note ) present data from the                 thinning and fluting also make up small pro-
Archaic levels at the Gault Site (also Bradley            portions of Clovis biface thinning flakes, but to
et al. : ), including deposits that are associ-     our knowledge nobody has argued that they
ated with extreme thinning technologies like              were unintentional or mistakes.”
Andice and Castroville, and show that overshot              Reply: We are perplexed by this comment. The
flaking was not present at a significant level.             reason no one has made this argument is because
Clearly the trait does not simply occur wherever          there is no independent mechanism for acciden-
bifaces are aggressively thinned.”                        tally producing end thinning flakes or flutes. A
   Reply: This is specious reasoning. One cannot          knapper either chooses to strike the end or not.
test an inference for one set of data (e.g., the          However, there are independent, non-overshot

                                                                          Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –
      EREN ET AL.

lateral flaking strategies (e.g., full-face flaking) that   in Meltzer’s Texas Clovis Fluted Point Survey
can result in overshot mistakes, especially given         (TCFPS). To be sure, the TCFPS data are not
the plethora of factors that may potentially              without bias, as explicitly noted by Straus et al.
influence their frequency (Eren et al. : ).        :  (see also Bever and Meltzer ;
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley ask, “granting        Meltzer ; Meltzer and Bever ), but then
for a moment that Eren et al. are correct that over-      those data are not without value either, for they
shot flaking was accidental, why would not a               provide—as Lohse, Collins and Bradley admit—
certain percentage of inadvertent overshots be            a measure from one region of the frequency of
seen as acceptable, normative behavior within a           points displaying overshot flakes (as opposed to
given social group?”                                      the number of overshot flakes per specimen).
   Reply: On this point, we agree almost entirely.        And if the incidence of overshot flaking is as diag-
The question of whether overshot flakes were               nostic and pervasive as Lohse, Collins and Bradley
intentionally produced, and thus necessarily              suggest, its signature should not be entirely erased
passed between Solutrean and Clovis (despite              from Clovis assemblages. Lohse, Collins and
being absent in purportedly pre-Clovis sites), is a       Bradley also object that data on overshot flakes
different question than whether overshot flakes            were not provided in Meltzer and Bever (),
are potentially diagnostic of Clovis and Solutrean        but it was also noted in that paper that matters
relative to their respective and immediately adja-        of technology are best seen in sites that yield
cent geographical and chronological “cultural             earlier stage preforms and reduction debris
neighbors.” For example, if we stumbled onto a            (Meltzer and Bever : ; Lohse, Collins and
site in Colorado that happened to possess some            Bradley also identify that  article as the “last
overshot flakes but no fluted points (and we had            published update of the survey.” For the record,
no radiometric dates), we would hypothesize that          a more recent article on the TCFPS was published
it could indeed be Clovis (e.g., Cooper and               in  in the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological
Meltzer ) rather than Archaic, Woodland,              Society, where it immediately preceded an article
or Late Prehistoric. However, we could never be           for which Collins and Lohse were principal
certain because, as Lohse, Collins, and Bradley           authors [see Bever and Meltzer ; Collins
correctly note, there are no robust studies docu-         et al. ]).
menting the frequency of overshot flakes in non-              () Finally, the elephant in the room: pre-
Clovis, non-Solutrean, or non-Pre-Clovis cultures.        Clovis. Lohse, Collins and Bradley make mention
Although we agree with Lohse, Collins, and                of the similarities of Clovis and Solutrean through-
Bradley, once again we are confused with their            out their rejoinder. Yet, pre-Clovis is mentioned
accusation, because nowhere in our original               but twice. If the historical link between Pleistocene
article (Eren et al. ) did we state that overshot     Europe and North America was that profound,
flakes themselves were not potentially diagnostic          then surely it would be expressed far more
of Clovis or Solutrean, albeit diagnostic mistakes.       visibly in assemblages more proximate in time.
   () Lohse, Collins, and Bradley state, “because       Why is it then, as Collins and Lohse observe at pre-
finished points are most commonly found                    Clovis sites such as Meadowcroft and Cactus Hill,
retouched, resharpened, and reworked, which               that “neither the points nor the blades are techno-
leaves most overshot scars unidentifiable, a volun-        logically very similar to those of Clovis” (Collins
teer survey of largely surface-collected points is        and Lohse : )? If Solutrean peoples came
perhaps the least appropriate source of infor-            onto these shores, why does their technology
mation to use for recognizing systematic, con-            vanish, only to re-appear  years later? The
trolled overshot flaking.”                                 answer to that not-entirely rhetorical question is
   Reply: We also agree with this statement, which        that Solutreans did not come onto these shores.
is why in our original article (Eren et al. ), we
followed the suggestion of Stanford and Bradley’s
() and used only Clovis sites on or near raw-         THE BOTTOM LINE: THE RUMOR OF
material sources, where the earlier stages of biface
                                                          “INTENTIONAL OVERSHOT FLAKING”
manufacture occurred, as well as caches. Lohse,
Collins and Bradley dismiss as biased and irrele-         Lohse, Collins, and Bradley ask, “in light of the
vant the observation in Straus et al. () that         near-consensus agreement that Clovis and
there is a relatively low incidence (˜%) of over-       perhaps Solutrean biface thinning were both
shot flaking in the data on finished points recorded        characterized by intentional overshot flaking, we

                                                                          Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –

ask: Do Eren and his co-authors truly perceive it to             noted, as Lohse, Collins, and Bradley do, that we fully
be accidental?”                                                  accept “responsibility” for this present article, as well as our
   We answer unequivocally yes because empirical,                original work (Eren et al. ).
quantitative experimental and archaeological data
robustly and parsimoniously lead us to that con-                 REFERENCES
clusion, not because we assume it a priori or                    Bever, M., and D. J. Meltzer  Investigating Variation in
possess some sort of “agenda,” as Lohse, Collins,                    Clovis Paleoindian Lifeways: The Third Revised Edition
and Bradley presume. However, in the end,                            of the Texas Clovis Fluted Point Survey. Bulletin of the
Lohse, Collins, and Bradley’s question is the                        Texas Archeological Society : –.
wrong one to ask. The correct question is, do our                Bradley, B., and D. Stanford  The North Atlantic
                                                                     Ice-Edge Corridor: A Possible Paleolithic Route to the
experimental and archaeological data support the
                                                                     New World. World Archaeology : –.
intuitive assertions about the presence of “con-                 Bradley, B., and D. Stanford  The Solutrean–Clovis
trolled” or “intentional overshot flaking” that                       Connection: Reply to Straus, Meltzer, and Goebel.
have been made recently and over the past                          World Archaeology : –.
years, as well as the subsequent use of those asser-             Bradley, B. A., M. B. Collins, and A. Hemmings  Clovis
tions as a cornerstone for a Solutrean–Clovis trans-                 Technology. International Monographs in Prehistory,
Atlantic connection? Based on our empirical results                  Ann Arbor, MI.
                                                                 Cannon, M. D., and D. J. Meltzer  Early Paleoindian
(Eren et al. ), the answer to this question is
                                                                     Foraging: Examining the Faunal Evidence for Large
unequivocally no, especially when those results                      Mammal Specialization and Regional Variability in Prey
are evaluated in conjunction with other multidisci-                  Choice. Quaternary Science Review : –.
plinary evidence and our arguments above.                        Clarke, D. L.  Analytical Archaeology. Methuen,
   As noted by Lohse, Collins, and Bradley, our con-                 London.
clusions about overshot flakes “seemingly run                     Collins, M.  Clovis Blade Technology. University of
counter to a generation of focused analyses on                       Texas Press, Austin.
Clovis and Solutrean lithic technology.” Perhaps                 Collins, M., and J. Lohse  The Nature of Clovis Blades
                                                                     and Blade Cores. In Entering America: Northeast Asia
this is because many of these studies were not true,                 and Beringia Before the Last Glacial Maximum, edited
formal analyses (Lycett and Chauhan ;                            by D. Madsen, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City,
O’Brien ; Surovell ) but rather mere                         pp. –.
descriptions based on intuition, cherry-picking, and             Collins, M., J. Lohse, and M. Shoberg  The
the “flintknapper’s fundamental conceit” (Thomas                      deGraffenreid Collection: A Clovis Bifaces Cache from
: ). In this sense, we see the Ice-Age Atlantic               the Gault Site, Central Texas. Bulletin of the Texas
Crossing Hypothesis as merely the most extreme case                  Archeological Society : –.
                                                                 Cooper, J. R., and D. J. Meltzer  Investigations at
to date of a chronic inclination in studies of lithic
                                                                     GN, a Lithic Workshop in the Upper Gunnison
technology to depend more on assumption, auth-                       Basin, Colorado. Colorado Archaeology : –.
ority, and experience than on hypothesis testing,                Dulik, M. C., S. I. Zhadanov, L. P. Osipova, A. Askapull,
quantification, and analysis. Maybe this is why                       L. Gau, O. Gokcumen, S. Rubinstein, and T. G. Schurr
Lohse, Collins, and Bradley find it so odd that we                     Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosome
can readily change our minds about our previous                      Variation Provides Evidence for a Recent Common
conclusions about overshot flaking. A true commit-                    Ancestry between Native Americans and Indigenous
                                                                     Altaians. American Journal of Human Genetetics :
ment to evidence gives a person the capacity, when
needed, to readily change direction in the pursuit of            Eren, M. I., R. Patten, M. J. O’Brien, and D. J. Meltzer 
scientific reality rather than drown in the rumors,                   Refuting the Technological Cornerstone of the Ice-Age
assertions, and egos of one’s peers or advisors.                     Atlantic Crossing hypothesis. Journal of Archaeological
                                                                     Science : –.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                  Eriksson, A., L. Betti, A. D. Friend, S. J. Lycett, J.
                                                                     S. Singarayer, N. von Cramon-Taubadel, P. J. Valdes,
M.I.E. is supported by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.         F. Balloux, and A. Manica  Late Pleistocene
We are grateful to Grant McCall for the opportunity to write         Climate Change and the Global Expansion of
this closing reply, and we wish to reiterate our thanks to           Anatomically Modern Humans. Proceedings of the
editor Richard G. Klein and three anonymous peer-reviewers           National Academy of Sciences : –.
of our original article published in the Journal of Archaeolo-   Goebel, T., M. R. Waters, and D. H. O’Rourke  The
gical Science. We are also grateful to Briggs Buchanan,              Late Pleistocene Dispersal of Modern Humans in the
Thomas Jennings, and Stephen Lycett for reading over an              Americas. Science : –.
early draft of this manuscript, and to Ashley Smallwood for      Haslam, M., A. Hernandez-Aguilar, V. Ling, S. Carvalho, I. de la
valuable, enlightening discussions. However, it should be            Torre, A. DeStefano, A. Du, B. Hardy, J. Harris,

                                                                                    Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –
       EREN ET AL.

    L. Marchant, T. Matsuzawa, W. McGrew, J. Mercader,           Patten, B.  Peoples of the Flute: A Study in Anthropolithic
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    R. Warren  Primate Archeology. Nature : –.      Raghavan, M., P. Skoglund, K. Graf, M. Metspalu,
Jennings, T.  Clovis, Folsom, and Midland Components             A. Albrechtsen, I. Moltke, S. Rasmussen, T. Stafford,
    at the Debra L. Friedkin Site, Texas: Context,                   L. Orlando, E. Metspalu, M. Karmin, K. Tambets,
    Chronology,        and    Assemblages.      Journal     of       S. Rootsi, R. Mägi, P. Campos, E. Balanovska,
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Jennings, T.  The Hogeye Clovis Cache, Texas:                    L. Osipova, S. Fedorova, M. Voevoda, M. DeGiorgio,
    Quantifying Lithic Reduction Signatures. Journal of              T. Sicheritz-Ponten, S. Brunak, S. Demeshchenko,
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Kashani, B. H., U. A. Perego, A. Olivieri, N. Angerhofer,            E. Willerslev (in press) Genome Sequence of an Upper
    F. Gandini, V. Carossa, H. Lancioni, O. Semino, S.               Palaeolithic Siberian Reveals Shared Origins for Native
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    Mitochondrial Haplogroup Cc: A Rare Lineage                 Shea, J. J.  The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant:
    Entering America through the Ice-Free Corridor?                  Recursion and Convergence. In Transitions before the
    American Journal of Physical Anthropology : –.            Transition: Evolution and Stability in the Middle
Lohse, J., M. Collins, and B. Bradley  Controlled over-          Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, edited by E. Hovers,
    shot flaking: a response to Eren, Patten, O’Brien, and            and S. Kuhn, pp. –. New York: Kluwer
    Meltzer. Lithic Technology: In Press.                            Academic/Plenum.
Lycett, S. J.  Are Victoria West Cores ‘Proto-Levallois’?    Smallwood, A. M.  Clovis Biface Technology at the
    A Phylogenetic Assessment. Journal of Human Evolution            Topper Site, South Carolina: Evidence for Variation and
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    to Palaeolithic Technologies: An Introduction. In New        Smallwood, A. M.  Clovis Technology and Settlement in
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    R. Chauhan, pp. –. Springer, New York.                        –.
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    Examination of ‘Waste’ Production in Experimentally              Paths? Thoughts about Clovis Origins. In The First
    Produced Levallois Reduction Sequences. Journal of               Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New
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    Academic/Plenum.                                                 Bioarchaeological Evidence for the Colonization of the
O’Brien, M. J., M. Boulanger, M. Collard, B. Buchanan,               New World. In The First Americans: The Pleistocene
    L. Tarle, L. G. Straus, and M. I. Eren  On Thin Ice:         Colonization of the New World, edited by N.
    Problems with Stanford and Bradley’s Proposed Solutrean          G. Jablonski, pp. –. Memoirs of the California
    Colonization of North America. Antiquity (in press).             Academy of Sciences, No . San Francisco.
O’Rourke, D. H., and J. A. Raff  The Human Genetic           Westley, K., and J. Dix  The Solutrean Atlantic
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    Biology : R–R.                                           North Atlantic : –.

Metin I. Eren is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K., and a Research Associate at the
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

                                                                                    Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –

Robert J. Patten studied civil engineering, and did topographic mapping for the U.S. Geological Survey before he retired. Winner
of the  Society for American Archaeology Crabtree Award, he has knapped stone tool replicas for over fifty years.

Michael J. O’Brien is Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Anthropology, and Director of the Museum of
Anthropology at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.

David. J. Meltzer is Henderson-Morrison Professor of Prehistory at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Correspondence to: Metin I. Eren, Department of Anthropology, University of Kent, Marlowe Building, Canterbury CT NR,
UK and Department of Archaeology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio , USA.

                                                                                     Lithic Technology , Vol.  No. , –
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