Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School

Page created by Leroy Diaz
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Year 2   Monday 13th September – Friday 17th September
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
•   This week we celebrate Māori Language Week, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.
         Te Reo Māori                       This is a week dedicated to promoting the use of Te Reo Māori. We hope
                                            you enjoy learning, practising and sharing this beautiful language
                                            throughout the week.

•   Monday Rāhina - Introductions and Greetings:                                 •   Tuesday Rātu - Days of the Week:                                                    Activity: Draw something you enjoyed each day and label it with
    au/Reomations/Taku-whanau-My-family                                          the day of the week.

    Activity: Introduce yourself to your whanau.                                 Rāhina (Monday) Rātu (Tuesday) Rāapa (Wednesday) Rāpare

              Ko ____ taku ingoa.                                                (Thursday) Rāmere (Friday)

•   Wednesday Rāapa - Counting and How Many?
                                                                                 •   Thursday Rāpare - Feelings and Emotions
                                                                                 Activity: Draw a picture of how you are feeling today.

Activity: Draw pictures and ask how many?
                                                                                 •   Friday Rāmere - The Happy Birthday Song
       E hia ngeru?
                                                                                 Can you learn the birthday song in Te Reo and Sign Language?
       How many cats?
                                                                                 Take a video of yourself and send it to your teacher.
       E wha ngeru.
       Four cats.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
•   Read the books chosen for you by your teacher on Sunshine Classics.
        Reading                                    Try completing the online activities that your
                                                            teacher has set up for you.

Stories of myths and legends play an important role in Māori Culture in New Zealand. These myths and legends form an
oral history of our people and have been passed down through many generations. Many of the legends form the basis of
Māori beliefs, revealing how Māori saw the world.

Listen to the story of Maui and the Sun (

    •   Task 1                                                        •   Task 2
    Retell the story using:                                           Design a front cover for the
    * toys                                                            story of Maui and the Sun.
    * playdoh                                                         Take a photo of your book cover
    * stick puppets                                                   and send it to your teacher.
    * Lego characters
    * dance
    Make a video of your retell and send it to your

         Please continue to learn and practise 3 to 5 words a day from your Essential Spelling Lists
         at the back of your Home Learning Book. Be creative!
         Write your words outside with chalk, write them on your foggy window in the morning,
         see how many of them you can use in one sentence, etc.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Why is the taniwha significant to the Maori people?

Taniwha are supernatural creatures in Māori tradition, similar to serpents and dragons in other
cultures. They were said to hide in the ocean, rivers, lakes or caves. In their role as guardians, the
taniwha made sure that people respected tapu (sacred forces). They made certain that any violations
of tapu were punished. Taniwha were especially dangerous to people from other tribes. There are
many legends of battles with taniwha, both on land and at sea.

                                       YouTube links
    Hoha Te Taniwha
    One Day a Taniwha Song

  Writing Tasks

  Create your own Taniwha and write a description of the Taniwha.
  Create a Trading Card for a Taniwha.
  Create a Wanted Poster for a Taniwha.
  Make up your own story where the main character is a Taniwha.
  Taniwhas are usually made up of parts from other animals. Research some
  of these animals and complete an Animal Research Report .

  Gecko           Whale        Shark          Octopus               Tuatara

  Use Roll a Myth to write your own Maori myth about a Taniwha.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Study Ladder
Maths    • Complete the tasks chosen for you by your teacher on Study
         •   Task 1
         This week the challenge for you is to try to learn the Maori names for 2D shapes (Nga Wha)
         Watch the YouTube video with the name of 2D shapes in Te Reo Maori and then try to fill in the
         table below.

 SHAPE            MAORI NAME                                          ENGLISH NAME
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
•   Task 2                                                     Task 3: Challenge
Colour in the shapes:                                          Can you work out the Maori name for:
Circle – Kakariki                                              Pentagon _____________________
Square – Whero                                                 Hexagon ______________________
Oval – Kowhai                                                      Clues:
Rectangle – Karaka                                                   The name for triangle is tapa + number of sides
Triangle – Kikorangi                                                 The name for square is tapa + number of sides

•   Koru Art

    The koru is the Māori name given to the fern that has the koru shape.
    It represents new life, growth, strength and peace. You can see koru
    patterns in Māori carvings and illustrations of stories.

    Can you draw the koru pattern? Go over the outline in black and
    colour the inside in bold bright colours. You might like to draw a koru
    for each member of your family on the same piece of paper. Remember
    to take a photo and send it to your teacher.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Investigation 1
          Science                    Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon
                                     (Requires parental permission and supervision – Do it in a sink in case of fizzing)
                                     This experiment creates a really fun chemical reaction.

                  •    Materials:                   •   Directions:                                               •   Why?
                       • Empty plastic bottle           1.   Scoop the baking soda into the balloon using             When baking soda and vinegar are
                       with a small neck                     the funnel.                                              mixed together, there is a chemical
                       • Balloon                        2. Put the vinegar into the bottle using the small            reaction between the materials.
                       • Baking Soda- 1/3 of a               measuring cup.                                           This makes a gas called carbon dioxide.
                       cup                              3. Attach the balloon to the top of the bottle.               The gas begins to expand in the bottle
                       • Vinegar- 1 cup                      Make sure not to pour the baking soda into               and starts to blow up the balloon. The
                       • Small funnel                        the vinegar!                                             more gas that is made, the larger the
                       • Teaspoon                       4. Then hold up the balloon so the baking soda                balloon will get.
                       • Small measuring cup                 falls into the vinegar, creating a chemical
                                                             reaction and blowing up the balloon.
Investigation 2
Fireworks in a Glass
(Requires parental permission and supervision - Do in a sink/tray in case of fizzing)
Warning: Do not drink the water. Dispose of the oil safely and responsibly

•   Materials:            •   Method:
                                                                                  •   Why?
•   Warm water            1. Fill the glass with the water
                                                                                      Oil and water don’t mix. Oil is not as thick
•   Oil
                          2. Pour a small amount of oil into another                  as water so it floats on top of the water.
•   Tall glass
                          container and add a few drops of food colouring             The food colouring is water based so it sinks
•   Food colouring
                                                                                      below the oil into the water (as it does not mix with oil). The colouring
                          3. Stir well- if it doesn’t mix, add a bit of water
                                                                                      makes the food colouring heavier than the water, so it sinks to the
                          4. Pour the food colouring and mixture into the             bottom leaving some trails of colour as it spreads a little into the
                          warm water and watch the fireworks                          water (which is why you see the fireworks effect).
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School

    Monday              Tuesday               Wednesday                  Thursday                 Friday
                   Hop Marathon:           I Spy: Create your                                Target throw
Do each of these                                                     Satellites:
                                           own ‘I spy’ game to                               Noughts and Crosses:
exercises:         Make a flat circuit                               Get a balloon, get at
                                           do on a walk with
                   around your house.                                least two other
                                           your bubble. Did                                  Draw a grid with
5 star jumps       Proceed to hop on 1
                                           you manage to spot        people from your        chalk, use
                   leg only the entire     them all? Ideas for       bubble and try to
5 Burpees                                                                                    wood/branches or
                   distance. Once, twice   objects to spot…          keep the balloon        cushions. Play
5 Squats           or three times          Yellow car, stop          from hitting the        someone in your
                   around it.              sign, spider web,         ground, but you all     bubble by throwing
5 Lunges                                   rainbow, red              must be holding         rolled up socks at
                                           letterbox, someone
                                                                     hands in a circle.      the grid. Make a line
5 High knees                               gardening, traffic
                                                                     Keep the balloon        1st and you win but
                                           lights, skateboarder,
                                                                     within your circle      don't miss a box
                                           helicopter, fruit tree,
                                                                     and off the ground.     with your throw!
                                           the number 19.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
                 Waka Challenge

                 “The Great Fleet” of Polynesian settlers set out from Hawaiiki around 1350 in their waka. They relied on the stars for navigation. Legend
                 states that there were eight great waka travelling to Aotearoa. Our school house groups are named after four of these waka.

                 Using spare resources from around the house, make a waka (Maori canoe) which floats successfully in a tank of water or a bathtub
                 and can carry cargo of at least 3 coins. Decorate your waka in the theme of the house you are in at school (Takitimu = Kikorangi, Aotea
                 = Kakariki, Tainui = Whero, Tokomaru = Kowhai)

                 Challenge: How many coins can you carry on the waka before it sinks?

                                                            Digital Activities

 Here is a list of websites that could help your child’s learning:
Literacy                                                      Maths
                                                                                                                         5. Tipu Te Reo Māori                                    
                                                                                         6. Aki            
                                                                                                                         7. Kōrerorero
                                                                                                                         8. Kupu
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
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