Modern Slavery Statement - May 2021

Page created by Bradley Mitchell
Modern Slavery Statement - May 2021
May 2021
Modern Slavery Statement - May 2021

                        Ooni Limited and our                    human rights abuses, including            around the world to provide
                        subsidiaries, Ooni, Inc. and Ooni       slavery, servitude, forced and            greater protection to workers
                        GmbH (herein known as ‘Ooni’)           compulsory labour and human               against the threat of modern
                        are committed to ensuring the           trafficking.                              slavery. Ooni’s Modern Slavery
                        human rights of people working                                                    Statement has been published
                        within our operations and               We acknowledge that while                 in accordance with Section 54
                        supply chains around the world          modern slavery can exist in all           of the UK Modern Slavery Act
                        are respected and protected, in         industries, our supply chains             2015. It explains the progress
                        alignment with the UN Guiding           particularly have increased               we have made in taking
                        Principles on Business and              risks due to their geographical           steps towards identifying and
                        Human Rights.                           locations, the types of                   preventing modern slavery and
                                                                vulnerable people working                 human trafficking within our
                        Ooni does not tolerate any              within them and the kinds of              business and supply chains for
                        form of modern slavery                  raw materials being sourced for           the financial year ending 31
                        anywhere within our business            our products.                             December 2020 and describes
                        or supply chains. Modern                                                          our 2021 commitments for
                        slavery encompasses the worst           We support the ongoing                    tackling modern slavery.
                        forms of labour exploitation and        introduction of legislation

      Structure, business and supply chains

  Our business

                                  types of
                                                                                                                    outsourced customer
                                  products                                                  warehouses                service operation

Our workforce

                                                                                                                        83 direct employees

                                             8 outsourced workers (7 in The Philippines, 1 in Thailand)

                               2 summer interns

                        All graphic information is accurate as of the end of Ooni’s financial year, 31 December 2020.

                        Ooni Limited, founded in 2012,          including one colleague in                Ooni Limited is a privately
                        is a private limited company            China. We use four third-party            owned company, and its
                        registered in England and               operated warehouses located               shareholders are Kristian
                        Wales under the registration            in the UK, Netherlands and the            Tapaninaho, Darina Garland,
                        number 08316049. We are                 US. We also have an outsourced            Simon Fry and Kevin Quinn.
                        headquartered in Broxburn,              customer service operation                Ooni, Inc. (USA) and Ooni
                        Scotland with offices in Austin,        in the Philippines (employing             GmbH (Germany) are 100%
                        US and Bonn, Germany. We                seven workers) and Thailand               owned subsidiaries of
                        employ 83 people globally,              (employing one worker).                   Ooni Limited.

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                           P2
Structure, business and supply chains

                        Our products                       manufacturing the whole             via our Tier 1 suppliers. We
                                                           finished Ooni product or            are in the process of mapping
                        Ooni is a leading designer,        where the majority of the           these Tier 2 suppliers and
                        manufacturer and retailer          assembly and packing of             plan to complete this work by
                        of pizza ovens. We also sell       products bearing an Ooni label      September 2021.
                        accessories and groceries          occur. Our Tier 1 suppliers are
                        (dough balls and pizza             predominantly located in China,     We recognise that our greatest
                        ingredients). Our products         but also in Germany, Lithuania,     modern slavery risks are located
                        are designed and engineered        Slovenia, the UK, Ukraine and       within our production supply
                        by our team in Scotland and        the US. The map on P4 provides      chain, so this is where we are
                        manufactured via contract          further information on the          currently focusing our efforts.
                        manufacturing partners in          number of suppliers located in
                        factories predominantly located    each country and the products       Logistics and
                        in China. These are then           they supply.                        operational suppliers
                        shipped to warehouses in the
                        Netherlands, the UK and the US.    We have long standing               We also use logistics and
                        We serve individual customers      relationships with many of our      operational suppliers who
                        in the EU, UK and US through       Tier 1 suppliers and only our       provide the following different
                        our own e-commerce website         subscription food box suppliers     types of services: shipping,
              , and we sell via online   change seasonally.                  transport, warehousing,
                        marketplaces such as Amazon.                                           couriers, waste management,
                        We also have a network of          Tier 2 suppliers provide the        professional services and office
                        retail and distribution partners   raw materials, components           cleaning. We will map these
                        around the world, who retail       and services used in the            suppliers in 2021 and will look
                        our products.                      manufacture of our products,        to include them in our modern
                                                           such as stainless and carbon        slavery prevention programme
                        Production suppliers               steel, aluminium and gas            in 2022.
                                                           componentry. We do not have a
                        We have 29 Tier 1 production       direct relationship with any Tier
                        suppliers, defined as sites        2 suppliers; they are contracted

     Our supply

                                        29                                 7                                  25%

                                         Tier 1                           Tier 1                               Tier 2
                                       suppliers                    sourcing countries                   suppliers mapped

Modern Slavery

                                   Map and risk                    Map and risk                          Implement a
                                   assess Tier 2                  assess logistics                    supplier database,
                                     suppliers                    and operational                       start to collect
                                                                     suppliers                         relevant supplier
                                                                                                      ethical information

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                               P3
Operations and supplier map

                                                                     UK             Lithuania

                                                                Germany       Ukraine


                                                                                                                            Thailand   Philippines


    UK              HQ office at Broxburn and UK warehouse
    Germany         Bonn office
    USA             Austin Texas office and US warehouses
    Netherlands     EU warehouse
    Philippines     Outsourced customer service
    Thailand        Outsourced customer service
    China           1 employee

    Tier 1 Suppliers

    China           17 suppliers    Ovens, accessories
    UK              5 suppliers     Dough balls, firestarters, dough trays, subscription boxes, wood pellets (via Russia)
    Germany         1 supplier      Dough trays
    Lithuania       1 supplier      Solid firewood
    Ukraine         1 supplier      Charcoal
    Slovenia        1 supplier      Cookbook
    USA             3 suppliers     Wood pellets, cookbooks

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                         P4

                        Governance                        Business policies                 We are accredited as a UK real
                                                                                            living wage employer by the
                        The Chief Operating Officer       We pride ourselves on creating    Living Wage Foundation. All
                        (COO) is responsible for          a positive work environment       Ooni employees are paid at
                        overseeing Ooni’s approach        for the people we employ.         least the real living wage. At the
                        to human rights, ethical          We do this by making our five     end of 2020, we implemented
                        trade and modern slavery          core values, one of which is      a minimum salary of £25,000
                        prevention. The COO meets         kindness, part of Ooni’s DNA      or equivalent for all employees
                        with the Ooni Limited Executive   and central to every decision     globally.
                        Team quarterly to discuss         we make.
                        sustainability related issues,                                      We are also in the process of
                        including human rights risks      We have several human rights      producing a Diversity, Equity
                        and to review any significant     related policies and procedures   and Inclusion Policy and an
                        supplier non-compliances, or      in place to protect our           Impact Policy which references
                        more frequently as required.      employees:                        the ten UN Global Compact
                                                                                            Principles, and includes a
                                                          • People handbook
                        On a day-to-day basis, our                                          section on Social and Ethical
                        Impact and Manufacturing          • Whistleblowing policy           Impact, encompassing modern
                        teams are responsible for the     • Grievance procedure             slavery, ethical trade and human
                        management of our human           • Discrimination and              and labour rights.
                        rights and ethical trade            harassment policy
                        programme, and for developing       (“Valuing Diversity”)           All new employees are required
                        and implementing our modern                                         to read and sign these policies.
                                                          • Disciplinary procedure
                        slavery related policies and                                        They are also available for
                        procedures. In 2021, they will    • Anti-bribery and                review on our HR portal.
                        meet with the COO quarterly         corruption policy
                        to review business and supplier   • Health and safety policy
                        performance against these         • Living wage policy
                        policies and discuss any
                        emerging human rights issues.

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                              P5

                        Supply chain policies                   help us progress our modern          of China. Through mapping
                                                                slavery prevention approach.         our Tier 1 Chinese supply base,
                        We recognise we need to                 Our next step is to develop a        we can confirm we do not
                        develop a more robust ethical           Supplier Code of Conduct and         source from factories in XUAR.
                        trade programme. During this            roll this out to all manufacturing   Over the coming year, we will
                        reporting period, we have               Tier 1 and 2 suppliers and           conduct further due diligence
                        been building human rights              warehouses.                          to verify there are no Uyghurs
                        expertise and understanding                                                  working under forced labour
                        of our supply base within the           Uyghur and other Turkic              conditions in our Chinese
                        business to help us to do this.         and Muslim-majority people           factories.
                        We have focused our efforts on
                        mapping our supply chain and            We are aware of reports of
                        risk assessing Tier 1 suppliers         forced labour and trafficking
                        through collating and reviewing         of Uyghur and other Turkic
                        existing third-party audits.            and Muslim-majority people,
                        Over the coming year, we will           particularly in Xinjiang Uyghur
                        work with external experts to           Autonomous Region (XUAR)

Modern Slavery
   Prevention                                         Create a Supplier Code of Conduct, translate into relevant
 Commitments                                          languages and roll out to all suppliers and warehouses

                                                      Update the Supplier Contractual Agreement to include a
                                                      clause on compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct and
                                                      specific clauses on zero tolerance towards modern slavery

                                                      Develop a formalised child labour and remediation policy and
                                                      roll out to all suppliers and warehouses

                                                      Conduct due diligence on our Chinese suppliers to ensure
                                                      Uyghurs are not working under forced labour conditions

                                                      Establish a review process for human rights risks and supplier
                                                      performance across all relevant teams

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                    P6
Due diligence

                        We want to build relationships          In 2021, we will develop a more     Grievance mechanisms
                        with suppliers that reflect our         thorough and formal supplier
                        values and show a genuine               onboarding process which            We have a Whistleblowing
                        commitment to providing safe,           will include a requirement          Policy in place for our
                        fair and respectful working             to comply with our Code of          employees. It provides a safe
                        conditions for all workers.             Conduct as part of the supplier     channel of communication
                                                                contractual agreement. We will      for employees to identify and
                        Our supply base is                      also require new suppliers to       report any potential concerns
                        predominantly located in                provide us with an audit carried    to appropriate managers or one
                        China where we have 17 Tier             out in the last two years.          of our Whistleblowing Officers.
                        1 suppliers, so this is where                                               We encourage anyone within
                        we focused our initial due              Existing suppliers                  the business to raise human
                        diligence efforts.                                                          rights concerns through these
                                                                We are now in the process           channels.
                        New suppliers                           of developing a more
                                                                comprehensive ethical trade         We investigate all reports
                        During the early stages of              programme that will initially       fairly and confidentially,
                        building our ethical trade              encompass all our Tier 1            where possible and providing
                        programme, we have                      production suppliers and            remediation in the best
                        been selecting Chinese                  selective Tier 2 suppliers based    interests of those affected
                        manufacturing partners based            on risk. These suppliers will be    when required. Whistleblowers
                        on their capabilities, previous         required to supply Ooni with a      will not be subjected to any
                        products manufactured and               SMETA audit undertaken in the       reprisals, threats or any other
                        past audit history. Prior to            last two years. Any Tier 1 and      detrimental treatment as a
                        COVID-19, our Chief Executive           2 suppliers whom we identify        result of raising a genuine
                        Officer, Product Team, Senior           as high risk, following a review    concern.
                        Operations Manager and Chief            of the audit findings, will also
                        Operating Officer would visit           be required to undergo an
                        suppliers up to two times a             additional audit annually against
                        year and discuss social audit           Ooni’s own Code of Conduct.
                        history and labour conditions.

                                                      Require SMETA audits from all Tier 1 and key Tier 2 suppliers,
Modern Slavery
                                                      commission additional audits for all suppliers deemed to be
                                                      high risk and set improvement targets

                                                      Develop ethical trade programme processes and procedures

                                                      Develop a more formal new supplier on boarding process

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                   P7
Risk assessment

                        We are currently in the                 While we believe the risk of      Over the coming year, we
                        process of formalising our              modern slavery is low within      will also expand our supply
                        risk assessment approach.               our direct business operations    chain risk assessments to
                        Our initial investigations have         as all of Ooni’s employees are    cover specific modern slavery
                        determined that our highest risk        employed directly by us and are   indicators, raw materials,
                        modern slavery risks lie within         on permanent contracts, our       product and service type,
                        our production supply chain.            outsourced customer service       worker type, including
                        We have mapped our Tier 1               team and the agency workers at    vulnerable worker groups and
                        suppliers and risk assess them,         our third party warehouses, may   the likelihood of involvement of
                        primarily based on location. Our        be at greater risk of modern      recruitment or labour agencies.
                        Head of China Manufacturing             slavery due to the nature of
                        is in regular direct contact with       their employment. We will
                        suppliers and implements our            focus our efforts on better
                        programme on the ground.                understanding the employment
                                                                circumstances of these workers
                                                                in 2022.

  Slavery Risks
                                       HIGH                                 MEDIUM                                 LOW

                             Product supply chain,                   Logistics and operational                Ooni employees
                            including raw materials,                    suppliers, workers                   recruited directly
                              outsourced customer                   recruited through agencies
                                service workers                         at our warehouses

Modern Slavery                                        Formalise supply chain modern slavery risk assessment
   Prevention                                         process and map where vulnerable workers may be at risk

      Training and capacity building
                        We plan to develop and roll out specific modern slavery training to key employees, the Senior
                        Leadership Team and the Board in 2021.

Modern Slavery                                        Develop modern slavery training with external experts and train
   Prevention                                         key employees, the Senior Leadership Team and the Board

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                  P8
Effectiveness of our approach

                        Through our risk assessment         received any grievances related    approach and will continue to
                        process and following reviews       to modern slavery and labour       build knowledge internally, with
                        of supplier audits, we have not     rights through our grievance       input from external experts, to
                        found any incidents of potential    mechanisms. However, we            give us the best possible chance
                        modern slavery indicators           recognise that we are in the       of identifying and preventing
                        within our business and supply      early stages of developing our     modern slavery within our
                        chains. We have also not            modern slavery prevention          sphere of influence.

         2021              Supply chain mapping       • Map and risk assess Tier 2 and logistics and operational suppliers
Modern Slavery
   Prevention                      Database
                                                      • Implement a supplier database to capture relevant supplier ethical
 Commitments                                            information
                                                      • Create a Supplier Code of Conduct, translate into relevant languages,
                                                        roll out to all suppliers and warehouses
                                                      • Develop a Child Labour and Remediation Policy and roll out to all suppliers
                                                        and warehouses

                                                      • Update the Supplier Contractual Agreement to include a clause on
                                  Contracts             compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct and specific clauses on
                                                        zero tolerance towards modern slavery

                                                      • Establish a review processes for human rights risks and supplier
                                                        performance across all relevant teams

                                                      • Develop ethical trade programme processes and procedures
                                                      • Develop a more formal new supplier onboarding process
                                                      • Formalise supply chain modern slavery risk assessment process and map
                                                        where vulnerable workers may be at risk
                             Due Diligence and
                              Risk Assessment         • Require SMETA audits from all Tier 1 and key Tier 2 suppliers, commission
                                                        additional audits for all suppliers deemed to be high risk and set
                                                        improvement targets
                                                      • Conduct due diligence on our Chinese suppliers to ensure Uyghurs are not
                                                        working under forced labour conditions

                                   Training           • Develop modern slavery training and train key employees

                        This statement was approved by Ooni Limited Board of Directors on 12 May 2021.


                        Darina Garland
                        Co Chief Executive Officer
                        12 May 2021

Ooni Modern Slavery Statement | May 2021 |                                                                                 P9
This document forms part of our commitment to social responsibility and transparency.

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