MOBILE COMBUSTION Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion - Task Force on National ...

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Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion



2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                            3.1
Volume 2: Energy

O ve rv i e w
Christina Davies Waldron (USA)
Jochen Harnisch (Germany), Oswaldo Lucon (Brazil), R. Scott Mckibbon (Canada), Sharon B. Saile (USA),
Fabian Wagner (Germany), and Michael P. Walsh (USA)

Off -road transporta tion
Christina Davies Waldron (USA)
Jochen Harnisch (Germany), Oswaldo Lucon (Brazil), R. Scott McKibbon (Canada), Sharon Saile (USA),
Fabian Wagner (Germany), and Michael Walsh (USA)

R a i l wa y s
Christina Davies Waldron (USA)
Jochen Harnisch (Germany), Oswaldo Lucon (Brazil), R. Scott McKibbon (Canada), Sharon B. Saile (USA),
Fabian Wagner (Germany), and Michael P. Walsh (USA)

Wa te r-bo rne na viga tion
Lourdes Q. Maurice (USA)
Leif Hockstad (USA), Niklas Höhne (Germany), Jane Hupe (ICAO), David S. Lee (UK), and Kristin Rypdal

Civil avia tion
Lourdes Q. Maurice (USA)
Leif Hockstad (USA), Niklas Höhne (Germany), Jane Hupe (ICAO), David S. Lee (UK), and Kristin Rypdal

Contributing Authors
Road transpo rta tio n, O ff- road transpo rta tio n and Railwa ys
Manmohan Kapshe (India)

Wa te r-bo rne na viga tion and Civil Avia tio n
Daniel M. Allyn (USA), Maryalice Locke (USA, Stephen Lukachko (USA), and Stylianos Pesmajoglou

3.2                                          2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion


3     Mobile Combustion
    3.1     Overview ...............................................................................................................................................3.8
    3.2     Road Transportation............................................................................................................................3.10
      3.2.1         Methodological issues .................................................................................................................3.10
       Choice of method...................................................................................................................3.10
       Choice of emission factors.....................................................................................................3.16
       Choice of activity data ...........................................................................................................3.25
       Developing a consistent time series .......................................................................................3.29
      3.2.2         Uncertainty assessment ...............................................................................................................3.29
      3.2.3         Inventory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).............................................................3.31
      3.2.4         Reporting and Documentation.....................................................................................................3.32
      3.2.5         Reporting tables and worksheets .................................................................................................3.32
    3.3     Off-road Transportation ......................................................................................................................3.32
      3.3.1         Methodological issues .................................................................................................................3.32
       Choice of method...................................................................................................................3.32
       Choice of emission factors.....................................................................................................3.35
       Choice of activity data ...........................................................................................................3.36
       Developing a consistent time series .......................................................................................3.37
      3.3.2         Uncertainty assessment ...............................................................................................................3.38
       Activity data uncertainty........................................................................................................3.38
      3.3.3         Inventory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).............................................................3.38
      3.3.4         Reporting and Documentation.....................................................................................................3.39
      3.3.5         Reporting tables and worksheets .................................................................................................3.39
    3.4     Railways..............................................................................................................................................3.39
      3.4.1         Methodological issues .................................................................................................................3.40
       Choice of method...................................................................................................................3.40
       Choice of emission factors.....................................................................................................3.42
       Choice of activity data ...........................................................................................................3.44
       Developing a consistent time series .......................................................................................3.45
       Uncertainty assessment..........................................................................................................3.45
      3.4.2         Inventory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).............................................................3.46
      3.4.3         Reporting and Documentation.....................................................................................................3.46
      3.4.4         Reporting tables and worksheets .................................................................................................3.47
    3.5     Water-borne Navigation ......................................................................................................................3.47

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                                                      3.3
Volume 2: Energy

      3.5.1       Methodological issues .................................................................................................................3.47        Choice of method...................................................................................................................3.47        Choice of emission factors.....................................................................................................3.50        Choice of activity data ...........................................................................................................3.51        Military ..................................................................................................................................3.53        Completeness.........................................................................................................................3.53        Developing a consistent time series .......................................................................................3.53        Uncertainty assessment..........................................................................................................3.54
      3.5.2       Inventory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).............................................................3.54
      3.5.3       Reporting and Documentation.....................................................................................................3.55
      3.5.4       Reporting tables and worksheets .................................................................................................3.55
      3.5.5       Definitions of specialist terms .....................................................................................................3.56
  3.6     Civil Aviation......................................................................................................................................3.56
      3.6.1       Methodological issues .................................................................................................................3.57        Choice of method...................................................................................................................3.57        Choice of emission factors.....................................................................................................3.64        Choice of activity data ...........................................................................................................3.65        Military aviation ....................................................................................................................3.66        Completeness.........................................................................................................................3.68        Developing a consistent time series .......................................................................................3.68        Uncertainty assessment..........................................................................................................3.69
      3.6.2       Inventory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).............................................................3.69
      3.6.3       Reporting and Documentation.....................................................................................................3.73
      3.6.4       Reporting tables and worksheets .................................................................................................3.73
      3.6.5       Definitions of specialist terms .....................................................................................................3.74
References        .....................................................................................................................................................3.74

3.4                                                                   2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion


   Equation 3.2.1 CO2 from road transport ...................................................................................................3.12

   Equation 3.2.2 CO2 from urea-based catalytic converters ...........................................................................3.12
   Equation 3.2.3 Tier 1 emissions of CH4 and N2O........................................................................................3.13
   Equation 3.2.4 Tier 2 emissions of CH4 and N2O........................................................................................3.13
   Equation 3.2.5 Tier 3 emissions of CH4 and N2O........................................................................................3.15
   Equation 3.2.6 Validating fuel consumption ...............................................................................................3.26
   Equation 3.3.1 Tier 1 emissions estimate ....................................................................................................3.33
   Equation 3.3.2 Tier 2 emissions estimate ....................................................................................................3.33
   Equation 3.3.3 Tier 3 emissions estimate ....................................................................................................3.34
   Equation 3.3.4 Emissions from urea-based catalytic converters..................................................................3.35
   Equation 3.4.1 General method for emissions from locomotives ................................................................3.41
   Equation 3.4.2 Tier 2 method for CH4 and N2O from locomotives .............................................................3.42
   Equation 3.4.3 Tier 3 example of a method for CH4 and N2O from locomotives........................................3.42
   Equation 3.4.4 Weighting of CH4 and N2O emission factors for specific technologies ..............................3.43
   Equation 3.4.5 Estimating yard locomotive fuel consumption ....................................................................3.45
   Equation 3.5.1 Water-borne navigation equation ........................................................................................3.47
   Equation 3.6.1 (Aviation equation 1)...........................................................................................................3.59
   Equation 3.6.2 (Aviation equation 2)...........................................................................................................3.59
   Equation 3.6.3 (Aviation equation 3)...........................................................................................................3.59
   Equation 3.6.4 (Aviation equation 4)...........................................................................................................3.59
   Equation 3.6.5 (Aviation equation 5)...........................................................................................................3.59


   Figure 3.2.1         Steps in estimating emissions from road transport ..............................................................3.11
   Figure 3.2.2         Decision tree for CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in road vehicles ............................3.11
   Figure 3.2.3         Decision tree for CH4 and N2O emissions from road vehicles ............................................3.14
   Figure 3.3.1         Decision tree for estimating emissions from off-road vehicles ...........................................3.34
   Figure 3.4.1         Decision tree for estimating CO2 emissions from railways .................................................3.40
   Figure 3.4.2         Decision tree for estimating CH4 and N2O emissions from railways ..................................3.41
   Figure 3.5.1         Decision tree for emissions from water-borne navigation ...................................................3.49
   Figure 3.6.1         Decision tree for estimating aircraft emissions (applied to each greenhouse gas)...............3.60
   Figure 3.6.2         Estimating aircraft emissions with Tier 2 method ...............................................................3.62

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                                     3.5
Volume 2: Energy


      Table 3.1.1    Detailed sector split for the transport sector ..........................................................................3.8
      Table 3.2.1    Road transport default CO2 emission factors and uncertainty ranges..................................3.16
      Table 3.2.2    Road transport N2O and CH4 default emission factors and uncertainty ranges ...................3.21
      Table 3.2.3    N2O and CH4 emission factors for USA gasoline and diesel vehicles.................................3.22
      Table 3.2.4    Emission factors for alternative fuel vehicles......................................................................3.23
      Table 3.2.5    Emission factors for European gasoline and diesel vehicles, COPERT IV model ..............3.24
      Table 3.3.1    Default emission factors for off-road mobile sources and machinery .................................3.36
      Table 3.4.1    Default emission factors for the most common fuels used for rail transport .......................3.43
      Table 3.4.2    Pollutant weghting factors as functions of engine design parameters for
                     uncontrolled engines(dimensionless)...................................................................................3.43
      Table 3.5.1    Source category structure ....................................................................................................3.48
      Table 3.5.2    CO2 emission factors ...........................................................................................................3.50
      Table 3.5.3    Default water-borne navigation CH4 and N2O emission factors..........................................3.50
      Table 3.5.4    Criteria for defining international or domestic water-borne navigation
                     (applies to each segment of a voyage calling at more than two ports) ................................3.51
      Table 3.5.5    Average fuel consumption per engine type (ships >500 GRT) ...........................................3.52
      Table 3.5.6    Fuel consumption factors, full power ..................................................................................3.52
      Table 3.6.1    Source categories.................................................................................................................3.58
      Table 3.6.2    Data requirements for different tiers....................................................................................3.58
      Table 3.6.3    Correspondence between representative aircraft and other aircraft types............................3.63
      Table 3.6.4    CO2 emission factors ...........................................................................................................3.64
      Table 3.6.5    Non-CO2 emission factors ...................................................................................................3.64
      Table 3.6.6    Criteria for defining international or domestic aviation (applies to individual
                     legs of journeys with more than one take-off and landing) ................................................3.65
      Table 3.6.7    Fuel consumption factors for military aircraft.....................................................................3.67
      Table 3.6.8    Fuel consumption per flight hour for military aircraft.........................................................3.67
      Table 3.6.9    LTO emission factors for typical aircraft ............................................................................3.70
      Table 3.6.10   NOx emission factors for various aircraft at cruise levels....................................................3.72

3.6                                                           2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion


   Box 3.2.1      Examples of biofuel use in road transportation ...................................................................3.18
   Box 3.2.2      Refining emission factors for mobile sources in developing countries ...............................3.20
   Box 3.2.3      Vehicle deterioration (scrappage) curves ............................................................................3.28
   Box 3.2.4      Lubricants in mobile combustion ........................................................................................3.29
   Box 3.3.1      Nonroad emission model (USEPA).....................................................................................3.37
   Box 3.3.2      Canadian experience with nonroad model...........................................................................3.38
   Box 3.4.1      Example of Tier 3 approach ................................................................................................3.44

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                                3.7
Volume 2: Energy

3.1            OVERVIEW
Mobile sources produce direct greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous
oxide (N2O) from the combustion of various fuel types, as well as several other pollutants such as carbon
monoxide (CO), Non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs), sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate
matter (PM) and oxides of nitrate (NOx), which cause or contribute to local or regional air pollution. This
chapter covers good practice in the development of estimates for the direct greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, and N2O.
For indirect greenhouse gases and precursor substances CO, NMVOCs, SO2, PM, and NOx, please refer to
Volume 1 Chapter 7. This chapter does not address non-energy emissions from mobile air conditioning, which is
covered by the IPPU Volume (Volume 3, Chapter 7).
Greenhouse gas emissions from mobile combustion are most easily estimated by major transport activity, i.e.,
road, off-road, air, railways, and water-borne navigation. The source description (Table 3.1.1) shows the
diversity of mobile sources and the range of characteristics that affect emission factors. Recent work has updated
and strengthened the data. Despite these advances more work is needed to fill in many gaps in knowledge of
emissions from certain vehicle types and on the effects of ageing on catalytic control of road vehicle emissions.
Equally, the information on the appropriate emission factors for road transport in developing countries may need
further strengthening, where age of fleet, maintenance, fuel sulphur content, and patterns of use are different
from those in industrialised countries.

                                                       TABLE 3.1.1
                                     DETAILED SECTOR SPLIT FOR THE TRANSPORT SECTOR
       Code and Name                                   Explanation
      1A3      TRANSPORT                              Emissions from the combustion and evaporation of fuel for all transport
                                                      activity (excluding military transport), regardless of the sector, specified
                                                      by sub-categories below.
                                                      Emissions from fuel sold to any air or marine vessel engaged in
                                                      international transport (1 A 3 a i and 1 A 3 d i) should as far as possible be
                                                      excluded from the totals and subtotals in this category and should be
                                                      reported separately.
      1A3      a    Civil Aviation                    Emissions from international and domestic civil aviation, including take-
                                                      offs and landings. Comprises civil commercial use of airplanes, including:
                                                      scheduled and charter traffic for passengers and freight, air taxiing, and
                                                      general aviation. The international/domestic split should be determined on
                                                      the basis of departure and landing locations for each flight stage and not
                                                      by the nationality of the airline. Exclude use of fuel at airports for ground
                                                      transport which is reported under 1 A 3 e Other Transportation. Also
                                                      exclude fuel for stationary combustion at airports; report this information
                                                      under the appropriate stationary combustion category.
      1A3      a    i        International Aviation Emissions from flights that depart in one country and arrive in a different
                             (International Bunkers) country. Include take-offs and landings for these flight stages. Emissions
                                                     from international military aviation can be included as a separate sub-
                                                     category of international aviation provided that the same definitional
                                                     distinction is applied and data are available to support the definition.
      1A3      a    ii       Domestic Aviation        Emissions from civil domestic passenger and freight traffic that departs
                                                      and arrives in the same country (commercial, private, agriculture, etc.),
                                                      including take-offs and landings for these flight stages. Note that this may
                                                      include journeys of considerable length between two airports in a country
                                                      (e.g. San Francisco to Honolulu). Exclude military, which should be
                                                      reported under 1 A 5 b.
      1A3      b    Road Transportation               All combustion and evaporative emissions arising from fuel use in road
                                                      vehicles, including the use of agricultural vehicles on paved roads.
      1A3      b    i        Cars                     Emissions from automobiles so designated in the vehicle registering
                                                      country primarily for transport of persons and normally having a capacity
                                                      of 12 persons or fewer.
      1A3      b    i    1   Passenger cars with 3-   Emissions from passenger car vehicles with 3-way catalysts.
                             way catalysts
      1A3      b    i    2   Passenger cars without   Emissions from passenger car vehicles without 3-way catalysts.
                             3-way catalysts

3.8                                                    2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion

                                              TABLE 3.1.1(CONTINUED)
                                  DETAILED SECTOR SPLIT FOR THE TRANSPORT SECTOR
      Code and Name                                    Explanation
     1A3      b   ii         Light duty trucks         Emissions from vehicles so designated in the vehicle registering country
                                                       primarily for transportation of light-weight cargo or which are equipped
                                                       with special features such as four-wheel drive for off-road operation. The
                                                       gross vehicle weight normally ranges up to 3500-3900 kg or less.
     1A3      b   ii     1   Light duty trucks with    Emissions from light duty trucks with 3-way catalysts.
                             3-way catalysts
     1A3      b   ii     2   Light duty trucks         Emissions from light duty trucks without 3-way catalysts.
                             without 3-way catalysts
     1A3      b   iii        Heavy duty trucks and     Emissions from any vehicles so designated in the vehicle registering
                             buses                     country. Normally the gross vehicle weight ranges from 3500-3900 kg or
                                                       more for heavy duty trucks and the buses are rated to carry more than 12
     1A3      b   iv         Motorcycles               Emissions from any motor vehicle designed to travel with not more than
                                                       three wheels in contact with the ground and weighing less than 680 kg.
     1A3      b   v          Evaporative emissions     Evaporative emissions from vehicles (e.g. hot soak, running losses) are
                             from vehicles             included here. Emissions from loading fuel into vehicles are excluded.
     1A3      b   vi         Urea-based catalysts      CO2 emissions from use of urea-based additives in catalytic converters
                                                       (non-combustive emissions)
     1A3      c   Railways                             Emissions from railway transport for both freight and passenger traffic
     1A3      d   Water-borne Navigation               Emissions from fuels used to propel water-borne vessels, including
                                                       hovercraft and hydrofoils, but excluding fishing vessels. The
                                                       international/domestic split should be determined on the basis of port of
                                                       departure and port of arrival, and not by the flag or nationality of the ship.
     1A3      d   i          International water-    Emissions from fuels used by vessels of all flags that are engaged in
                             borne navigation        international water-borne navigation. The international navigation may
                             (International bunkers) take place at sea, on inland lakes and waterways and in coastal waters.
                                                     Includes emissions from journeys that depart in one country and arrive in
                                                     a different country. Exclude consumption by fishing vessels (see Other
                                                     Sector - Fishing). Emissions from international military water-borne
                                                     navigation can be included as a separate sub-category of international
                                                     water-borne navigation provided that the same definitional distinction is
                                                     applied and data are available to support the definition.
     1A3      d   ii         Domestic water-borne Emissions from fuels used by vessels of all flags that depart and arrive in
                             Navigation           the same country (exclude fishing, which should be reported under 1 A 4
                                                  c iii, and military, which should be reported under 1 A 5 b). Note that this
                                                  may include journeys of considerable length between two ports in a
                                                  country (e.g. San Francisco to Honolulu).
     1A3      e   Other Transportation                 Combustion emissions from all remaining transport activities including
                                                       pipeline transportation, ground activities in airports and harbours, and off-
                                                       road activities not otherwise reported under 1 A 4 c Agriculture or 1 A 2.
                                                       Manufacturing Industries and Construction. Military transport should be
                                                       reported under 1 A 5 (see 1 A 5 Non-specified).
     1A3      e   i          Pipeline Transport        Combustion related emissions from the operation of pump stations and
                                                       maintenance of pipelines. Transport via pipelines includes transport of
                                                       gases, liquids, slurry and other commodities via pipelines. Distribution of
                                                       natural or manufactured gas, water or steam from the distributor to final
                                                       users is excluded and should be reported in 1 A 1 c ii or 1 A 4 a.
     1A3      e   ii         Off-road                  Combustion emissions from Other Transportation excluding Pipeline
     1A4      c    iii       Fishing (mobile           Emissions from fuels combusted for inland, coastal and deep-sea fishing.
                             combustion)               Fishing should cover vessels of all flags that have refuelled in the country
                                                       (include international fishing).

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                            3.9
Volume 2: Energy

                                                  TABLE 3.1.1(CONTINUED)
                                      DETAILED SECTOR SPLIT FOR THE TRANSPORT SECTOR
          Code and Name                                    Explanation
         1A5       a             Non specified            Emissions from fuel combustion in stationary sources that are not
                                 stationary               specified elsewhere.

         1A5       b             Non specified mobile     Mobile Emissions from vehicles and other machinery, marine and
                                                          aviation (not included in 1 A 4 c ii or elsewhere). Includes emissions
                                                          from fuel delivered for aviation and water-borne navigation to the
                                                          country's military as well as fuel delivered within that country but used by
                                                          the militaries of other countries that are not engaged in.
                                 Multilateral Operations Multilateral operations. Emissions from fuels used for aviation and water-
                                 (Memo item)             borne navigation in multilateral operations pursuant to the Charter of the
                                                         United Nations. Include emissions from fuel delivered to the military in
                                                         the country and delivered to the military of other countries.

3.2                ROAD TRANSPORTATION
The mobile source category Road Transportation includes all types of light-duty vehicles such as automobiles
and light trucks, and heavy-duty vehicles such as tractor trailers and buses, and on-road motorcycles (including
mopeds, scooters, and three-wheelers). These vehicles operate on many types of gaseous and liquid fuels. In
addition to emissions from fuel combustion, emissions associated with catalytic converter use in road vehicles
(e.g., CO2 emissions from catalytic converters using urea) 1 are also addressed in this section.

3.2.1              Methodological Issues
The fundamental methodologies for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from road vehicles, which are
presented in Section, have not changed since the publication of the 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the
GPG2000, except that, as discussed in Section, the emission factors now assume full oxidation of the fuel.
This is for consistency with the Stationary Combustion Chapter in this Volume. The method for estimating CO2
emissions from catalytic converters using urea, a source of emissions, was not addressed previously.
Estimated emissions from road transport can be based on two independent sets of data: fuel sold (see section and vehicle kilometres. If these are both available it is important to check that they are comparable,
otherwise estimates of different gases may be inconsistent. This validation step (Figure 3.2.1) is described in
sections and 3.2.3. It is good practice to perform this validation step if vehicle kilometre data are
available.                C HOICE        OF     M ETHOD
Emissions can be estimated from either the fuel consumed (represented by fuel sold) or the distance travelled by
the vehicles. In general, the first approach (fuel sold) is appropriate for CO2 and the second (distance travelled by
vehicle type and road type) is appropriate for CH4 and N2O.
Emissions of CO2 are best calculated on the basis of the amount and type of fuel combusted (taken to be equal to
the fuel sold, see section and its carbon content. Figure 3.2.2 shows the decision tree for CO2 that guides
the choice of either the Tier 1 or Tier 2 method. Each tier is defined below.

    Urea consumption for catalytic converters in vehicles is directly related to the vehicle fuel consumption and technology.

3.10                                                       2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion

Figure 3.2.1             Steps in estimating emissions from road transport


                                                     Validate fuel statistics and
                                                     vehicle kilometre data and
                                                        correct if necessary.

                                                           Estimate CO2.
                                                         (see decision tree)

                                                       Estimate CH4 and N2O.
                                                         (see decision tree)

Figure 3.2.2             Decision tree for CO 2 emissions from fuel combustion in road vehicles


                            country-specific                                                 Use country-specific
                          fuel carbon contents                          Yes                   carbon contents.
                                                                                            Box 1: Tier 2


                              Is this a key                                                    Collect country-
                               category?                                                       specific carbon.


                              Use default
                            carbon contents.

                          Box 2: Tier 1
Note: See Volume 1 Chapter 4, “Methodological Choice and Key Categories” (noting section 4.1.2 on limited resources) for discussion of
key categories and use of decision trees.

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                    3.11
Volume 2: Energy

The Tier 1 approach calculates CO2 emissions by multiplying estimated fuel sold with a default CO2 emission
factor. The approach is represented in Equation 3.2.1.

                                                     EQUATION 3.2.1
                                             CO2 FROM ROAD TRANSPORT
                                                 Emission = ∑ [Fuela • E Fa ]

         Emission = Emissions of CO2 (kg)
         Fuela       = fuel sold (TJ)
         EFa         = emission factor (kg/TJ). This is equal to the carbon content of the fuel multiplied by 44/12.
         a           = type of fuel (e.g. petrol, diesel, natural gas, LPG etc)
The CO2 emission factor takes account of all the carbon in the fuel including that emitted as CO2, CH4, CO,
NMVOC and particulate matter 2 . Any carbon in the fuel derived from biomass should be reported as an
information item and not included in the sectoral or national totals to avoid double counting as the net emissions
from biomass are already accounted for in the AFOLU sector (see section Completeness).
The Tier 2 approach is the same as Tier 1 except that country-specific carbon contents of the fuel sold in road
transport are used. Equation 3.2.1 still applies but the emission factor is based on the actual carbon content of
fuels consumed (as represented by fuel sold) in the country during the inventory year. At Tier 2, the CO2
emission factors may be adjusted to take account of un-oxidised carbon or carbon emitted as a non-CO2 gas.
There is no Tier 3 as it is not possible to produce significantly better results for CO2 than by using the existing
Tier 2. In order to reduce the uncertainties, efforts should concentrate on the carbon content and on improving
the data on fuel sold. Another major uncertainty component is the use of transport fuel for non-road purposes.
For estimating CO2 emissions from use of urea-based additives in catalytic converters (non-combustive
emissions), it is good practice to use Equation 3.2.2:

                                                  EQUATION 3.2.2
                                  CO2 FROM UREA-BASED CATALYTIC CONVERTERS
                                                             12          44
                                        Emission = Activity • • Purity •
                                                             60          12
         Emissions             = CO2 Emissions from urea-based additive in catalytic converters (Gg CO2)
         Activity              = amount of urea-based additive consumed for use in catalytic converters (Gg)
         Purity                = the mass fraction (= percentage divided by 100) of urea in the urea-based additive
The factor (12/60) captures the stochiometric conversion from urea (CO(NH2)2) to carbon, while factor (44/12)
converts carbon to CO2. On the average, the activity level is 1 to 3 percent of diesel consumption by the vehicle.
Thirty two and half percent can be taken as default purity in case country-specific values are not available
(Peckham, 2003). As this is based on the properties of the materials used, there are no tiers for this source.
Emissions of CH4 and N2O are more difficult to estimate accurately than those for CO2 because emission factors
depend on vehicle technology, fuel and operating characteristics. Both distance-based activity data (e.g. vehicle-
kilometres travelled) and disaggregated fuel consumption may be considerably less certain than overall fuel sold.
CH4 and N2O emissions are significantly affected by the distribution of emission controls in the fleet. Thus
higher tiers use an approach taking into account populations of different vehicle types and their different
pollution control technologies.

    Research on carbon mass balances for U.S. light-duty gasoline cars and trucks indicates that “the fraction of solid
    (unoxidized) carbon is negligible” USEPA (2004a). This did not address two-stroke engines or fuel types other than
    gasoline. Additional discussion of the 100 percent oxidation assumption is included in Section of the Energy
    Volume Introduction chapter.

3.12                                                  2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion

 Although CO2 emissions from biogenic carbon are not included in national totals, the combustion of biofuels in
 mobile sources generates anthropogenic CH4 and N2O that should be calculated and reported in emissions
 The decision tree in Figure 3.2.3 outlines choice of method for calculating emissions of CH4 and N2O. The
 inventory compiler should choose the method on the basis of the existence and quality of data. The tiers are
 defined in the corresponding equations 3.2.3 to 3.2.5, below.
 Three alternative approaches can be used to estimate CH4 and N2O emissions from road vehicles: one is based
 on vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) and two are based on fuel sold. The Tier 3 approach requires detailed,
 country-specific data to generate activity-based emission factors for vehicle subcategories and may involve
 national models. Tier 3 calculates emissions by multiplying emission factors by vehicle activity levels (e.g.,
 VKT) for each vehicle subcategory and possible road type. Vehicle subcategories are based on vehicle type, age,
 and emissions control technology. The Tier 2 approach uses fuel-based emission factors specific to vehicle
 subcategories. Tier 1, which uses fuel-based emission factors, may be used if it is not possible to estimate fuel
 consumption by vehicle type.
 The equation for the Tier 1 method for estimating CH4 and N2O from road vehicles may be expressed as:

                                                   EQUATION 3.2.3
                                           TIER 1 EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O
                                              Emission = ∑ [ Fuela • EFa ]

         Emissions = emission in kg
         EFa         = emission factor (kg/TJ)
         Fuela       = fuel consumed, (TJ) (as represented by fuel sold)
         a           = fuel type a (e.g., diesel, gasoline, natural gas, LPG)
 Equation 3.2.3 for the Tier 1 method implies the following steps:
 •   Step 1: Determine the amount of fuel consumed by fuel type for road transportation using national data or,
     as an alternative, IEA or UN international data sources (all values should be reported in terajoules).
 •   Step 2: For each fuel type, multiply the amount of fuel consumed by the appropriate CH4 and N2O default
     emission factors. Default emission factors may be found in the next Section (Emission Factors).
 •   Step 3: Emissions of each pollutant are summed across all fuel types.
 The emission equation for Tier 2 is:

                                                   EQUATION 3.2.4
                                           TIER 2 EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O
                                            Emission = ∑ [ Fuela ,b,c • EFa ,b,c ]
                                                        a ,b ,c

         Emission = emission in kg.
         EFa,b,c     = emission factor (kg/TJ)
         Fuela,b,c   = fuel consumed (TJ) (as represented by fuel sold) for a given mobile source activity
         a           = fuel type (e.g., diesel, gasoline, natural gas, LPG)
         b           = vehicle type
         c           = emission control technology (such as uncontrolled, catalytic converter, etc)

 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                3.13
Volume 2: Energy

Figure 3.2.3              Decision tree for CH 4 and N 2 O emissions from road vehicles


                                                                                                             Use vehicle activity
                VKT by                                         Country-specific
                                                                                                               based model and
          fuel and technology               Yes           technology based emission              Yes           country-specific
            type available?                                   factors available?
                                                                                                            factors e.g. COPERT.

                                                                                                            Box 1: Tier 3


             you allocate                                                                                     Use default factors
          fuel data to vehicle                                         Yes                                    and disaggregation
              technology                                                                                        by technology.
                                                                                                       Box 2: Tier 2


                                                                 Collect data to
              Is this a key
                                              Yes                allocate fuel to
                                                               technology types.


            Use fuel-based
           emission factors.

          Box 3: Tier 1
1. See Volume 1 Chapter 4, “Methodological Choice and Key Categories” (noting section 4.1.2 on limited resources) for discussion of key
   categories and use of decision trees.

2.The decision tree and key category determination should be applied to methane and nitrous oxide emissions separately.

3.14                                                        2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion

Vehicle type should follow the reporting classification 1.A.3.b (i to iv) (i.e., passenger, light-duty or heavy-duty
for road vehicles, motorcycles) and preferably be further split by vehicle age (e.g., up to 3 years old, 3-8 years,
older than 8 years) to enable categorization of vehicles by control technology (e.g., by inferring technology
adoption as a function of policy implementation year). Where possible, fuel type should be split by sulphur
content to allow for delineation of vehicle categories according to emission control system, because the emission
control system operation is dependent upon the use of low sulphur fuel during the whole system lifespan3.
Without considering this aspect, CH4 may be underestimated. This applies to Tiers 2 and 3.
The emission equation for Tier 3 is:

                                                     EQUATION 3.2.5
                                             TIER 3 EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O
                               Emission = ∑ [ Distancea ,b,c ,d • EFa ,b,c,d ] + ∑ C
                                            a ,b ,c ,d                          a ,b ,c ,d   a ,b ,c ,d

         Emission        = emission or CH4 or N2O (kg)
         EFa,b,c,d       = emission factor (kg/km)
         Distancea,b,c,d = distance travelled (VKT) during thermally stabilized engine operation phase for a given
                         mobile source activity (km)
         Ca,b,c,d        = emissions during warm-up phase (cold start) (kg)
         a               = fuel type (e.g., diesel, gasoline, natural gas, LPG)
         b               = vehicle type
         c               = emission control technology (such as uncontrolled, catalytic converter, etc.)
         d               = operating conditions (e.g., urban or rural road type, climate, or other environmental
It may not be possible to split by road type in which case this can be ignored. Often emission models such as the
USEPA MOVES or MOBILE models, or the EEA’s COPERT model will be used (USEPA 2005a, USEPA
2005b, EEA 2005, respectively). These include detailed fleet models that enable a range of vehicle types and
control technologies to be considered as well as fleet models to estimate VKT driven by these vehicle types.
Emission models can help to ensure consistency and transparency because the calculation procedures may be
fixed in software packages that may be used. It is good practice to clearly document any modifications to
standardised models.
Additional emissions occur when the engines are cold, and this can be a significant contribution to total
emissions from road vehicles. These should be included in Tier 3 models. Total emissions are calculated by
summing emissions from the different phases, namely the thermally stabilized engine operation (hot) and the
warming-up phase (cold start) – Eq 3.2.5 above. Cold starts are engine starts that occur when the engine
temperature is below that at which the catalyst starts to operate (light-off threshold, roughly 300oC) or before the
engine reaches its normal operation temperature for non-catalyst equipped vehicles. These have higher CH4 (and
CO and HC) emissions. Research has shown that 180-240 seconds is the approximate average cold start mode
duration. The cold start emission factors should therefore be applied only for this initial fraction of a vehicle’s
journey (up to around 3 km) and then the running emission factors should be applied. Please refer to USEPA
(2004b) and EEA (2005a) for further details. The cold start emissions can be quantified in different ways. Table
3.2.3 (USEPA 2004b) gives additional emissions per start. This is added to the running emission and so requires
knowledge of the number of starts per vehicle per year4. This can be derived through knowledge of the average
trip length. The European model COPERT has more complex temperature dependant corrections for the cold
start (EEA 2000) for methane.

    This especially applies to countries where fuels with different sulphur contents are sold (e.g. “metropolitan” diesel). Some
    control systems (for example, diesel exhaust catalyst converters) require ultra low sulphur fuels (e.g. diesel with 50 ppm S
    or less) to be operational. Higher sulphur levels deteriorate such systems, increasing emissions of CH4 as well as nitrogen
    oxides, particulates and hydrocarbons. Deteriorated catalysts do not effectively convert nitrogen oxides to N2, which could
    result in changes in emission rates of N2O. This could also result from irregular misfuelling with high sulphur fuel.
    This simple method of adding to the running emission the cold start (= number of starts • cold start factor) assumes
    individual trips are longer than 4 km.

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                                 3.15
Volume 2: Energy

Both Equation 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 for Tier 2 and 3 methods involves the following steps:
•   Step 1: Obtain or estimate the amount of fuel consumed by fuel type for road transportation using national
    data (all values should be reported in terajoules; please also refer to Section
•   Step 2: Ensure that fuel data or VKT is split into the vehicle and fuel categories required. It should be taken
    into consideration that, typically, emissions and distance travelled each year vary according to the age of the
    vehicle; the older vehicles tend to travel less but may emit more CH4 per unit of activity. Some vehicles may
    have been converted to operate on a different type of fuel than their original design.
•   Step 3: Multiply the amount of fuel consumed (Tier 2), or the distance travelled (Tier 3) by each type of
    vehicle or vehicle/control technology, by the appropriate emission factor for that type. The emission factors
    presented in the EFDB or Tables 3.2.3 to 3.2.5 may be used as a starting point. However, the inventory
    compiler is encouraged to consult other data sources referenced in this chapter or locally available data
    before determining appropriate national emission factors for a particular subcategory. Established inspection
    and maintenance programmes may be a good local data source.
•      Step 4: For Tier 3 approaches estimate cold start emissions.
•   Step 5: Sum the emissions across all fuel and vehicle types, including for all levels of emission control, to
    determine total emissions from road transportation.             C HOICE         OF EMISSION FACTORS

Inventory compilers should choose default (Tier 1) or country-specific (Tier 2 and Tier 3) emission factors based
on the application of the decision trees which consider the type and level of disaggregation of activity data
available for their country.
CO2 emission factors are based on the carbon content of the fuel and should represent 100 percent oxidation of
the fuel carbon. It is good practice to follow this approach using country-specific net-calorific values (NCV) and
CO2 emission factor data if possible. Default NCV of fuels and CO2 emission factors (in Table 3.2.1 below) are
presented in Tables 1.2 and 1.4, respectively, of the Introduction Chapter of this Volume and may be used when
country-specific data are unavailable. Inventory compilers are encouraged to consult the IPCC Emission Factor
Database (EFDB, see Volume 1) for applicable emission factors. It is good practice to ensure that default
emission factors, if selected, are appropriate to local fuel quality and composition.

                                                    TABLE 3.2.1
                                   ROAD TRANSPORT DEFAULT CO2 EMISSION FACTORS AND
                                                     UNCERTAINTY RANGES

                         Fuel Type                                   Default         Lower          Upper
                         Motor Gasoline                              69 300         67 500          73 000
                         Gas/ Diesel Oil                             74 100         72 600          74 800
                         Liquefied Petroleum Gases                   63 100         61 600          65 600
                         Kerosene                                    71 900         70 800          73 700
                         Lubricants                                  73 300         71 900          75 200
                         Compressed Natural Gas                      56 100         54 300          58 300
                         Liquefied Natural Gas                       56 100         54 300          58 300
                         Source: Table 1.4 in the Introduction chapter of the Energy Volume.
                           Values represent 100 percent oxidation of fuel carbon content.
                           See Box 3.2.4 Lubricants in Mobile Combustion for guidance for uses of

At Tier 1, the emission factors should assume that 100 percent of the carbon present in fuel is oxidized during or
immediately following the combustion process (for all fuel types in all vehicles) irrespective of whether the CO2

3.16                                                     2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 3: Mobile Combustion

has been emitted as CO2, CH4, CO or NMVOC or as particulate matter. At higher tiers the CO2 emission factors
may be adjusted to take account of un-oxidised carbon or carbon emitted as a non-CO2 gas.
The use of liquid and gaseous biofuels has been observed in mobile combustion applications (see Box 3.2.1). To
properly address the related emissions from biofuel combusted in road transportation, biofuel-specific emission
factors should be used, when activity data on biofuel use are available. CO2 emissions from the combustion of
the biogenic carbon of these fuels are treated in the AFOLU sector and should be reported separately as an
information item. To avoid double counting, the inventory compiler should determine the proportions of fossil
versus biogenic carbon in any fuel-mix which is deemed commercially relevant and therefore to be included in
the inventory.
There are a number of different options for the use of liquid and gaseous biofuels in mobile combustion (see
Table 1.1 of the Introduction chapter of this Volume for biofuel definitions). Some biofuels have found
widespread commercial use in some countries driven by specific policies. Biofuels can either be used as pure
fuel or as additives to regular commercial fossil fuels. The latter approach usually avoids the need for engine
modifications or re-certification of existing engines for new fuels.
To avoid double counting, over or under-reporting of CO2 emissions, it is important to assess the biofuel origin
so as to identify and separate fossil from biogenic feedstocks5. This is because CO2 emissions from biofuels will
be reported separately as an information item to avoid double counting, since it is already treated in the AFOLU
Volume. The share of biogenic carbon in the fuel can be acknowledged by either refining activity data (e.g.
subtracting the amount of non-fossil inputs to the combusted biofuel or biofuel blend) or emission factors (e.g.
multiplying the fossil emission factor by its fraction in the combusted biofuel or biofuel blend, to obtain a new
emission factor), but not both simultaneously. If national consumption of these fuels is commercially significant,
the biogenic and fossil carbon streams need to be accurately accounted for thus avoiding double counting with
refinery and petrochemical processes or the waste sector (recognising the possibility of double counting or
omission of, for example, landfill gas or waste cooking oil as biofuel). Double counting or omission of landfill
gas or waste cooking oil as biofuel should be avoided.
CH 4 AND N 2 O
CH4 and N2O emission rates depend largely upon the combustion and emission control technology present in the
vehicles; therefore default fuel-based emission factors that do not specify vehicle technology are highly
uncertain. Even if national data are unavailable on vehicle distances travelled by vehicle type, inventory
compilers are encouraged to use higher tiered emission factors and calculate vehicle distance travelled data based
on national road transportation fuel use data and an assumed fuel economy value (see Choice of Activity
Data) for related guidance.
If CH4 and N2O emissions from mobile sources are not a key category, default CH4 and N2O emission factors
presented in Table 3.2.2 may be used when national data are unavailable. When using these default values,
inventory compilers should note the assumed fuel economy values that were used for unit conversions and the
representative vehicle categories that were used as the basis of the default factors (see table notes for specific
It is good practice to ensure that default emission factors, if selected, best represent local fuel
quality/composition and combustion or emission control technology. If biofuels are included in national road
transportation fuel use estimates, biofuel-specific emission factors should be used and associated CH4 and N2O
emissions should be included in national totals.
Because CH4 and N2O emission rates are largely dependent upon the combustion and emission control
technology present, technology-specific emission factors should be used, if CH4 and N2O emissions from mobile
sources are a key category. Tables 3.2.3 and 3.2.5 give potentially applicable Tier 2 and Tier 3 emission factors
from US and European data respectively. In addition, the U.S. has developed emission factors for some
alternative fuel vehicles (Table 3.2.4). The IPCC EFDB and scientific literature may also provide emission
factors (or standard emission estimation models) which inventory compilers may use, if appropriate to national

    For example, biodiesel made from coal methanol with animal feedstocks has a non-zero fossil fuel fraction and is therefore
    not fully carbon neutral. Ethanol from the fermentation of agricultural products will generally be purely biogenic (carbon
    neutral), except in some cases, such as fossil-fuel derived methanol. Products which have undergone further chemical
    transformation may contain substantial amounts of fossil carbon ranging from about 5-10 percent in the fossil methanol
    used for biodiesel production upwards to 46 percent in ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE) from fossil isobutene
    (ADEME/DIREM, 2002). Some processes may generate biogenic by-products such as glycol or glycerine, which may then
    be used elsewhere.

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories                                                             3.17
Volume 2: Energy

                                                     BOX 3.2.1
                                   EXAMPLES OF BIOFUEL USE IN ROAD TRANSPORTATION
         Examples of biofuel use in road transportation include:
         • Ethanol is typically produced through the fermentation of sugar cane, sugar beets, grain, corn or
         potatoes. It may be used neat (100 percent, Brazil) or blended with gasoline in varying volumes (5-
         12 percent in Europe and North America, 10 percent in India, while 25 percent is common in
         Brazil). The biogenic portion of pure ethanol is 100 percent.
         • Biodiesel is a fuel made from the trans-esterification of vegetable oils (e.g., rape, soy, mustard,
         sun-flower), animal fats or recycled cooking oils. It is non-toxic, biodegradable and essentially
         sulphur-free and can be used in any diesel engine either in its pure form (B100 or neat Biodiesel)
         or in a blend with petroleum diesel (B2 and B20, which contain 2 and 20 per cent biodiesel by
         volume). B100 may contain 10 percent fossil carbon from the methanol (made from natural gas)
         used in the esterification process.
         • Ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE) is used as a high octane blending component in gasoline (e.g.,
         in France and Spain in blends of up to 15 percent content). The most common source is the
         etherification of ethanol from the fermentation of sugar beets, grain and potatoes with fossil
         • Gaseous Biomass (landfill gas, sludge gas, and other biogas) produced by the anaerobic
         digestion of organic matter is occasionally used in some European countries (e.g. Sweden and
         Switzerland). Landfill and sewage gas are common sources of gaseous biomass currently.
         Other potential future commercial biofuels for use in mobile combustion include those derived
         from lignocellulosic biomass. Lignocellulosic feedstock materials include cereal straw, woody
         biomass, corn stover (dried leaves and stems), or similar energy crops. A range of varying
         extraction and transformation processes permit the production of additional biogenic fuels (e.g.,
         methanol,dimethyl-ether (DME), and methyl-tetrahydrofuran (MTHF)).

It is good practice to select or develop an emission factor based on all the following criteria:
•     Fuel type (gasoline, diesel, natural gas) considering, if possible, fuel composition (studies have shown that
      decreasing fuel sulphur level may lead to significant reductions in N2O emissions6)
•      Vehicle type (i.e. passenger cars, light trucks, heavy trucks, motorcycles)
•     Emission control technology considering the presence and performance (e.g., as function of age) of catalytic
      converters (e.g., typical catalysts convert nitrogen oxides to N2, and CH4 into CO2). Díaz et al (2001) reports
      catalyst conversion efficiency for total hydrocarbons (THCs), of which CH4 is a component, of 92 (+/- 6)
      percent in a 1993-1995 fleet. Considerable deterioration of catalysts with relatively high mileage
      accumulation; specifically, THC levels remained steady until approximately 60 000 kilometers, then
      increased by 33 percent to between 60 000 to 100 000 kilometres.
•     The impact of operating conditions (e.g., speed, road conditions, and driving patterns, which all affect fuel
      economy and vehicle systems’ performance)7.
•     Consideration that any alternative fuel emission factor estimates tend to have a high degree of uncertainty,
      given the wide range of engine technologies and the small sample sizes associated with existing studies8.
The following section provides a method for developing CH4 emission factors from THC values. Well conducted
and documented inspection and maintenance (I/M) programmes may provide a source of national data for
emission factors by fuel, model, and year as well as annual mileage accumulation rates. Although some I/M
programmes may only have available emission factors for new vehicles and local air pollutants, (sometimes
called regulated pollutants, e.g. NOx, PM, NMVOCs, THCs), it may be possible to derive CH4 or N2O emission
factors from these data. A CH4 emission factor may be calculated as the difference between emission factors for
THCs and NMVOCs. In many countries, CH4 emissions from vehicles are not directly measured. They are a

    UNFCCC (2004)
    Lipman and Delucchi (2002) provide data and explanation of the impact of operating conditions on CH4 and N2O
    Some useful references on bio fuels are available in Beer et al (2000), CONCAWE (2002).

3.18                                                 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
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