MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Page created by Max Torres
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
June - July 2021 | Vol. XXXVIII No. 1

 Veterans Cemetery                      MN Chippewa
                                                                                                                                                         Newspaper of the
                                                                                                                                                         Leech Lake
                                                                                                                                                         Band of Ojibwe

  Leech Lake Vets Cemetery became
  first Native American Cemetery to
  receive Blue Star memorial marker.
                                        Tribe Begins
  Page 2                                Lengthy Process
                                        to Change Blood
 LLBO Quarterly
  Council and Division Directors        Quantum
  recently hosted the bands Quarterly
  Meeting at Cedar Lakes.               By Kayla Duoos
  Page 4
                                        On June 22, 2021, the Minnesota Chippewa
                                        Tribe Tribal Executive Committee (MCT
                                        TEC) held a special meeting on the Bois
 Leech Lake Days                        Forte Reservation to discuss enrollment
                                        issues, specifically, blood quantum require-   on whether the Constitution should be           “It is important to be clear with our vot-
  The 3rd Annual Leech Lake Days        ments for enrollment as defined in the cur-    changed to allow each of the six Bands          ers that participating in a referendum vote
  Celebration took place June 24        rent constitution.                             to adopt their own enrollment eligibility       does not change the constitution. However,
  through the 27.                                                                      criteria, instead of being required to follow   a referendum is the first step that will
  Page 10                               A motion was passed officially begin-          the 25% blood quantum. The motion was           guide the TEC’s decision about whether to
                                        ning the process of amending the MCT           made and passed.                                request a Secretarial Election about chang-
                                        Constitution to allow each MCT band                                                            ing the constitution (by an amendment). A
                                        to adopt their own enrollment eligibility      Essentially, the proposed referendum will       Secretarial Election is the only way to make
                                        criteria.                                      determine whether MCT members are               this change under our current constitution.
                                                                                       interested in changing the enrollment cri-      The results of a Secretarial Election can

                                        At the special TEC meeting, called for by      teria for membership. Should the referen-       change the constitution if enough MCT

                                        MCT President Cathy Chavers (Bois Forte),      dum pass, MCT members would then vote           members vote to pass an Amendment.

                                        tribal representatives heard perspectives      again in a future Secretarial Election on the   Referendums and Secretarial Elections
                                        from the constitutional delegates present      actual language of the amendment to the         are distinct and defined in Article XIV:
                                        and hosted discussion centered around          MCT Constitution.                               Referendum and Article XII: Amendment,
                                        changing enrollment criteria within the                                                        of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
                                        Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Constitution.         Under the proposal supported by Leech           Constitution. This will likely be a lengthy
                                                                                       Lake, the enrollment criteria defined in        process and members should expect to
                                        Currently, the MCT Constitution requires       Article II of the current MCT Constitution      receive more information about this topic
                                        that a person’s combined blood quantum         would be changed to allow the six sover-        in the future from their TEC members
                                        from their parents must be at least 25% in     eign Bands to individually determine tribal     and the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe as we
                                        order to be eligible for enrollment in an      membership of their respective Band.            progress toward addressing membership
                                        MCT Tribe. During the TEC meeting, a                                                           and enrollment criteria together.”
                                        motion was made to begin a process that        Following the meeting, the MCT released a
                                        would allow MCT members to weigh in            memo on their website stating:                        Blood Quantum Continued on Page 11

                                                                                              The Online Application for
                                             LEECH LAKE                                       a new Economic Assistance                     Online application link /
                                                                                                 Payment is now open.                      mailable form application
                                           BAND OF OJIBWE
                                                                                             This $1,375.00 payment is                     provided along with more
                                          AMERICAN RESCUE                                   being distributed beginning in                       information on
                                          PLAN ACT PAYMENT                                 August 2021 and a similar payment
                                                                                                   in August of 2022.                        PAGE 8 and PAGE 9
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
2                                                                           Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                  July 2021 | Debahjimon

    Vol XXXVIII No 1                                                                                                                             Photography and Article by Kayla Duoos

  The Debahjimon is a free,
monthly publication of the Leech
    Lake Band of Ojibwe.

     Leech Lake Tribal
    » Faron Jackson Sr.,

    » Arthur “Archie” LaRose,

    » Robbie Howe, District I

    » Steve White, District II

    » LeRoy Staples Fairbanks III,
      District III Representative

    Michael Chosa, Editor
    Kayla Duoos, Journalist
Anthony Belgarde, Graphic Design

  The submission of pictures,
    articles, announcements                   Secretary-Treasurer Archie LaRose, District III Rep. LeRoy Fairbanks and Chairman Faron Jackson take time for photos following the ceremony.
   and letters is encouraged.
  All submissions are subject
     to editing for spelling,                        Leech Lake Veterans Cemetery Awarded
                                                           Blue Star Memorial Marker
 grammar, length and libelous
   content. Submission does
  not guarantee publication.
     The Editor reserves the
  right to reject any material                The Award Ceremony was apart of                                                                  The Cemetery is now one of
   submitted for publication.
                                           the Annual Leech Lake Days Celebration                                                        only two National Cemeteries in MN to
          Debahjimon                             and was open to the public.                                                                    have received the marker.
      190 Sailstar Dr. NW
                                          CASS LAKE – The Leech Lake            approved by the                                        Federation           and emphasize how big of a deal it
      Cass Lake, MN 56633
                                          Veterans Cemetery became the          NGC Blue/Gold                                          Garden Clubs         is for the Tribe to receive such an
                                          first Native American Veterans        Star Chair. The                                        C a r o l            honor.                 cemetery to receive a “Blue Star”     only other Blue                                        O eltj enbr uns ,
                                          memorial marker, Friday June 25.      Star memorial                                          Cemeter y           “The star we’re getting today is his-
       Ph: (218) 335-8200                                                       marker in the                                          Admin. Erik B.      toric, we’re very proud. It’s hap-
       Fax: (218) 335-8309                The Blue Star marker program          state resides in                                       Sogge, LLBO          pening during the time of our cel-
                                          honors all men and women that         the Duluth vet-                                        Dept. of Public      ebration of Leech Lake Days and
           Deadlines                      have served in the United States      erans cemetery.                                        Works Director      we can feel the spiritual power
                                          Armed Services. This program                                                                 Alden Fairbanks,     here today. It’s uplifting and it’s
Aug. Issue...................7/30/2021
                                          began in 1944 and was originally      Leech      Lakes                                       and District III     good that it stems from recogniz-
Sep. Issue....................8/27/2021   adopted in World War II after         honoring cere-                                         representative       ing our veterans who’ve served our
Oct. Issue...................9/24/2021    community members began to            mony took place                                        Leroy Staples-       country,” said Jackson.
                                          place the star on flags and banners   on site and was                                        Fairbanks,
                                          for relatives away at war.            opened with an                                         LLBO Secretary      Community members can visit the
                                                                                invocation by                                          Treasurer Archie    Veterans Cemetery to see the Blue
                                          Blue Star Memorial Markers are        Mike Smith Sr. and Mike Smith Jr.     LaRose and LLBO Chairman             Star memorial marker at 16477 69th
                                          only permitted on the grounds of      Followed by speeches from the         Faron Jackson. Jackson used his      Ave. NW Cass Lake, MN 56633,
                                          National Cemeteries, and must be      Chair of the MN Blue Star Marker      speech to pay tribute to Veterans    near the Powwow grounds.
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                    Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                      3

                                                                                                                     Minnesota COVID-19 update: July
                                                                                                                  By Kayla Duoos

                                                                                                                  MINNEAPOLIS – As the state               munities and save lives;
                                                                                                                  enters July, the rise in COVID-19      • $250 million in direct finan-
                                                                                                                  cases seems to be on a decline.          cial support to Minnesota's
                                                                                                                                                           essential workers on the
                                                                                                                  New and active cases and hospital        frontlines of the COVID-19
                                                                                                                   admissions remain at or near their      pandemic.
                                                                                                                   mid-April 2020 lows with no signs     • one-time Minnesota Family
                                                                                                                   of a breakout. Officials had been       Investment Program (MFIP)
(L to R) Executive Director Robert Budreau Jr., Helen Johnson and Deputy Director Gordon Fineday.                 watching to see if the end of capac-     payment of up to $435 to
                                                                                                                   ity restrictions on bars and restau-    support about 32,000 fami-
                                                                                                                   rants in late May would generate        lies, including 64,000 chil-
    June 14 Marks Anniversary of                                                                                   more viral spread and so far no
                                                                                                                   data has shown this. The State has

      Bryan v. Itasca Decision                                                                                     also hit its’ goal of having 70% of A look at the numbers as of July 1:
                                                                                                                   all Minnesotans 18 and over vac- The Minnesota Department of
                                                                                                                   cinated by July 1st, hitting its tar- Health says the state’s total num-
By Michael Chosa                                                                                                   get the proposed day.                 ber of confirmed coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                         cases is now at 605,448. Of them,
CASS LAKE – June 14 marks the                                                At the time of the decision, the     With caseloads and hospitaliza- nearly 597,069 no longer require
anniversary of the landmark U.S.         “If Congress in enacting            most significant impact was the      tions continuing to fall toward isolation.
Supreme Court decision in the                                                taxation of Native Americans.         zero, Governor Walz peacetime
case of Bryan v. Itasca County.               Pub. L. 280 had                As history has shown, the impact      emergency powers have come to The state’s death toll is now at
                                                                             was much greater. Just 11 years       an end. Walz and his administra- 7,599 with 4,481 of those deaths
The historic, unanimous decision         intended to confer upon             later another tribal case            tion are now looking to provide involving cases in long-term care
was delivered by Justice William J.          the States general              appeared before the U.S.              support for MN citizens who were (LTC) facilities.
Brennan Jr. on June 14, 1976. The                                            Supreme Court for a decision.         financially impacted during the
Supreme Court ruled that Public          civil regulatory powers,            This case is known as California      shutdown by signing into law the Health officials say approximately
Law 280 did NOT grant states                                                 v. Cabazon Band of Mission            recently approved “Recovery 10,323,090 Minnesotans have
civil regulatory jurisdiction over       including taxation, over            Indians and overturned the           Budget”.                               been tested for the virus so far
Native Americans living on reser-                                            existing laws restricting the                                               including 6,919 on the reserva-
vations. This was a huge step for-
                                            reservation indians,             gaming industry on Native            “Minnesotans got through this tion.
ward in advancing tribal sover-          it would have expressly             American Reservations in the         pandemic the way we get through
eignty throughout Indian Country.                                            U.S. Their main argument was          all hardships in life—with grit and If you are experiencing symptoms
Leech Lake Band member Helen                      said so.”                  that the laws restricting gam-        resilience. We banded together or have been exposed, please call
Johnson and her husband Russell                                              bling in California were civil        and looked out for one another. the Cass Lake IHS COVID hotline
Bryan, lived near S. Lake in the        -Justice William J. Brennan Jr.      regulatory laws.                     Together, we made it through this at 335-3426 or 335-3427 Monday
northern part of the Leech Lake                  United States                                                    pandemic, we got the vaccine, and through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30
Reservation.                                   Supreme Court                 Using the decision rendered in        now, with Minnesota's COVID-19 pm. If you are experiencing short-
                                                                             Bryan v. Itasca, they successfully   Recovery Budget, we are on our ness of breath, please contact the
To this day, Helen still resides on   Reservation Legal Services             argued their position and the        way back, stronger than ever,” said Emergency Department at 335-
the property over which the initial   Project, now known as                  Supreme Court ruled in their         Walz. "Thank you, Minnesota.           3327 or dial 911.
dispute arose. In 1972 they           Anishinaabe Legal Services, for        favor. The Cabazon decision,
received a series of tax bills from   help. Over the next four years,        which drew its substance from        Highlights of the recovery bud- IHS eligible community members
Itasca County for their mobile        their case made its way through        the Bryan decision, led to a rapid   get includes:                     18 years and older are now eligible
home. The County was seeking a        the legal system, beginning in the     growth in the Indian Gaming            • $70 million in COVID-19       to receive the COVID vaccine. If
total of $147.95 from the couple,     District Court of Itasca County,       industry. The following year              relief for small businesses  you are interested please call the
who could not afford to pay at the    all the way to the highest court of    (1988) Congress passed the                across the state that have   COVID-19 Vaccine hotline and
time. they turned to the newly        the land, where it was decided         Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.             borne the brunt of this pan- reserve your spot now at 218-368-
established       Leech        Lake   once and for all.                      the rest is history.                      demic to protect their com-  4763.
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
4                                                                            Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                 July 2021 | Debahjimon

Quarterly Meeting Held at Cedar Lakes Casino on July 9, 2021
By Kayla Duoos
CASS LAKE – The Leech Lake
Band of Ojibwe held their Quarterly
Meeting Friday, July 9.

Tribal Chairman Faron Jackson Sr.
gave the opening remarks followed
by a financial report from Secretary-
Treasurer, Arthur LaRose. The
report featured financial data from
both government and gaming

A number of resolutions concern-
ing enrollment were passed at the
meeting. These resolutions includ-
ed new enrollments, ineligible
enrollments, and transfers to and
from the band. New employees                                                                                                          District I Representative Robbie Howe.
hired in the past quarter were also
introduced and welcomed at the                                                                                          • Project CAR is underway to         • Summer readiness programs
meeting.                                                                                                                  provide $75,000 to the Leech         have been successful through-
                                                                                                                          Lake garage to fix emission          out months of June/July
Last on the agenda were presenta-                                                                                         exhaust issues to improve air      • School MOU’s are currently
tions from Division Directors in                                                                                          quality on the reservation.          being worked on for Cass
attendance on their activities over                                                                                     • DRM staff have been involved         Lake-Bena and Bug-O-Nay-
the past three months. Due to the            Chaiman Faron Jackson, begins the meeting with employees,                    with the deer farm located           Ge-Shig. Currently active are
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the                  community members and Directors all in attendance.                        west of Leech Lake where a           school MOU’s for: Walker
event was held online through                                                                                             number of deer were infected         Hackensack-Akley, Bemidji.
video calls. For those who were              will provide technical assis-        • The DRM director and the              with chronic wasting disease.        Finalization process has begun
unable to watch, a livestream of the         tance to help address housing          Supervisor of the Chippewa            Plans are in place for a survey      for MOU’s with Northland
event is available on the official           needs and secure funding for           National forest signed the            this upcoming deer season            Remer and King Elementary.
Leech Lake Vimeo page.                       projects. Further business             final plan of the survey that         that will include testing of       • Family,Friend and Neighbor
                                             partnerships related to the            was sent to the Washington            deer on the reservation.             (FFN) kits were purchased
Quarterly Meetings are held every            Housing development project            office, that lays out the final     • DRM staff has been actively          and delivered to all 11 tribes
three months on a rotating sched-            are being sought.                      process for returning the sec-        involved with the State              within the state.
ule between each district on the         •   A US Department of                     retarial land transfer.               regarding their Grey Wolf          • Healthy Family project is
reservation. The next Quarterly              Commerce Economic                    • The DRM director has been             Management plan which                expected to serve 200 pre-
Meeting will be held in October              Development Assistance                 working with the MNDNR                includes a hunting season.           school participants, 140 ele-
2021.                                        (EDA) grant was awarded to             commissioners office on gov-          The band is against this season      mentary participants, 90
                                             Housing for $199,400 to con-           ernment to government con-            taking place within reserva-         young adults/parents and 25
Quarterly Report Summaries                   duct a feasibility study for cre-      sultation. Topics of discussion       tion boundaries and are seek-        elederly participants.
                                             ating vertically integrated            included: The Leech Lake              ing a management team to be        • Gardening and Community
Tribal Court                                 construction job programs in           hunting/fishing agreement,            placed within the reservation        food sovereignty project is
  • There were 89 new cases filed            partnership with the LL Tribal         the previously active bound-          to oversee the season.               expected to serve 130 pre-
    between April 1st,2021 and               College.                               ary water agreement the band                                               school participants, 120 ele-
    June 1, 2021.                        •   Food sovereignty work contin-          once had regarding wild rice,     Human Services                           mentary participants, 90
  • The court conducted 238                  ues, Potatoes and eggs were            a separate fishing/hunting         • The “Traditional Healing              young adults/parents and 25
    hearings the past quarter and            delivered to Ball Club, Inger,         management zone for the res-         Grant” proposal for building          elederly participants.
    one in camera interview.                 Onigum and Mission. Helped             ervation, invasive species/cli-      use was approved by Tribal
  • JDAI (juvenile detention alter-          relocate food from old palace          mate change impacts on the           Council and secures a build-       Housing
    native initiative) continues to          storage into new units.                reservation.                         ing dedicated to Indigenous         • Inspectors conducted 57 Unit
    be on hold during the pan-               Further food items are looking       • The DRM Director alongside           wisdom and healing.                   Inspections during this
    demic.                                   to be added to rotation.               RTC staff have been working        • During Mental Health                  reporting period
Tribal Development                       •   S.Lake park design has been            on acquiring the Cut Foot            Awareness month LLBH held           • Project VIII has 13 houses set
  • The Tribal Housing                       sent out for final approval on         Sioux Ranger station from the        its first inaugural Cass Lake         on foundations and 3 founda-
    Development Initiative is cur-           design/budget.                         Chippewa National Forest.            Mental Health awareness               tions ready for houses. To date
    rently being drafted to address      •   Preliminary designs were             • EPA issued administrative            walk.                                 this project will have 18 com-
    the band's needs for the next            drawn up for for a wild rice           ordered of their selected plan                                             pleted homes
    20 years.Work with the                   processing plant.                      to be implemented on the St.      Education                              • Modernization Department
    Minnesota Housing                                                               Regis Superfund site residen-      • Staff is getting ready for fall       renovated 10 homes during
    Partnership continues, they         Resource Management                         tial zone areas (OU7)                opening of Head Start                 this reporting period.
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                        Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                            5

    Tribal Council Quarterly
                           y Rep
Secretary / Treasurer Arthur “Archie” LaRose                                      Council also passed emergency            Leech Lake Gaming Summary of Operations
                                                                                  spending allocations for ARPA rev-       Quarter Ending June 2021
                                           This past year we paid out close       enues to fund the stimulus pay-
                                           to $400 thousand in payments to        ments that will be distributed by
                                           enrolled band members reaching         August 2nd, 2021, and August 2nd,
                                           the age of 18. We allocated $500 to    2022. We are planning on holding
                                           each minor’s account last year and     public hearings for the FY 22 bud-
                                           our plan is do the same for the next   get in the near future. These meet-
                                           two years. These allocations come      ings will be held via zoom in order
                                           out of the Band’s General Fund as      to allow for more participation and
                                           this is not an allowable expenditure   will be announced well in advance
                                           for CARES Act or ARPA funds.           to ensure we have as much public
                                                                                  input and comments as possible.
                                           The Fy22 budget is currently being
                                           developed and the Council need-        Please see the list below on the
                                           ed to pass a continuing spending       projects, services and activities that
                                           resolution in order to comply with     have been funded so far by the
  Governmental Activities                  the Band’s Budget Ordinance. The       CARES Act revenue.
   Secretary/Treasurer’s                                                                                                   Revenue
         Summary                             CARES Act Spending                                                            Total revenue through May 2021 totaled $89 .9 million compared to prior
                                             Gaming                                                       7,595,892        year which totaled $77.9 million. Revenue increased by approximately
  Remarks delivered at the                                                                                                 $12 million compared to the previous fiscal year, which was due to the
                                             Economic Stimulus Pmts. (All LLBO Enrollees)                 9,004,500
 Quarterly Meeting on Friday                 Housing Assistance (LLHA rent April - July)                    620,584        closure of the casinos last spring. Fiscal year 2021 we have seen revenue
        July 9, 2021                         Network/Computers                                            1,744,138        rebound to be slightly higher than fiscal years 2018 and 2019 revenue
                                             Personal Leave Payout                                                         numbers.
June 30 marks the end of our fiscal          (Any employees over 240 hours)                                634,616
year. Our year-end financial projec-         General Fund - Essential Services programs                 13,590,453         Expenses
tion is that we will end with a 15 to        Masks, hand sanitizer, PPE, etc.                            1,578,001         Total expenses through May 2021 were approximately $72.5 million,
$20 million surplus in the General           Food for Communities                                          188,546         which is approximately a decrease of $3. 7 million compared to 2020.
Fund. After our books are closed             Garbage Truck                                                 174,801         Through May 2021, Cost of Sales equaled $14. 7 million, Payroll totaled
for year-end and audit adjustments,          IMT Wages (reimbursing Grant programs)                        266,286         $31.4 million and Operating expenses were $26.4 million. We see a sig-
we will have a definite number to            Veteran's Housing                                             262,647         nificant decrease in expenses due to reduced staff, and limiting venues,
report. The General Fund revenues            Tribal Police – Equipment                                     740,061         such as buffet and bingo.
were down due to the Casino’s par-           Refrigerated Trucks/Egg & Produce Contracts                    99,963
tial re-opening and recovery from            Post-Secondary Scholarships                                    44,189
the initial shut-down due to the             Boys & Girls Club                                              96,000
Covid-19 pandemic. The General               Quarantine Housing                                            724,855
Fund revenues were affected due to           Transportation Vans                                           135,000
very little profits transferred from         ENP Vans                                                      129,725
the Casinos. In order to cover this          Cass Lake Area Food Shelf                                     145,500
shortage, CARES Act revenues                 Total Spent                                                37,775,756
were used to fund essential opera-
tions for a majority of the fiscal year.     Other CARES Act Expenditures
                                             Emergency Rental Assistance                                    710,924
CARES Act revenues were uti-                 CARES Act – Child care                                         261,885
lized for the stimulus payments              CARES Act – Health Resources Adm.                              511,575
that were distributed in August and          CARES Act – Food donations                                     416,846
December of last year. We will be            Other misc. CARES Act programs                               1,353,834
back on track this year to provide           Total Spent                                                  3,255,064
the tax rebate that is normally dis-         American Rescue Plan Act of 2021                                              Net Profit
tributed in December. We are also            ARPA – US Treasury                                         47,000,213         Net profit for period ending May 2021 equaled $17.4 million compared
looking forward to providing addi-           Other ARPA programs                                         8,468,395         to the prior year at $1.4 million. That is an increase of approximately
tional economic stimulus payments                                                                                          $15. 7 million. The large difference in net profit is due to the Covid-19
with ARPA (American Rescue Plan              (ARPA – U.S. Treasury and other ARPA Revenues are unspent as of               pandemic that caused the closure of our casinos.
Act) revenues. We will continue              this date. The Band’s administration is currently working on a bud-
to provide full reports on both              get for these revenues.)                                                      Forecast
CARES Act and ARPA revenues as               Total ARPA – Revenues                                      55,468,608         Fiscal year 2020 was a difficult year with the closure of the casinos, but
we continue to receive and spend                                                                                           fiscal year 2021 Leech Lake Gaming has seen a slight increase in revenues
down these funds.                                                                                                          over previous years, and net profit has been at its’ highest point looking
                                           The Band’s annual Single Audit continues with the RSM auditors, how-            at the last 5 years. Increase in revenue, and decreased expense due to
The Minor’s Trust activity contin-         ever, due to the pandemic, the deadline for completion has been extend-         reduced staffing and cost of goods, has caused a substantial increase to
ues to make the “18” payments.             ed from March 31, 2021 to September 30 2021.                                    bottom line. This is a good strut to recovery after a dismal year in 2020.
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
6                                                                         Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                               July 2021 | Debahjimon

                                                                                                                          Encouraged but not required:
                                                                                                                               LLBO Tribal Council
                                                                                                                           lifts mandatory portion of
                                                                                                                                  mask mandate
                                                                                                                      By Michael Chosa                 Band members, employees and
                                                                                                                                                       community members are
                                                                                                                     CASS LAKE – At their regular      strongly encouraged to contin-
                                                                                                                     meeting on June 3, 2021 the       ue taking safety precautions
                                                                                                                     Leech Lake Tribal Council         and practicing social distanc-
                                                                                                                     voted to end the mandatory        ing when possible, especially if
                                                                                                                     portion of the tribal mask man-   unvaccinated or displaying
                                                                                                                     date. Effective immediately, the  COVID-19 symptoms.
                                                                                                                     required use of masks at Leech
                                                                                                                     Lake Band of Ojibwe business- “We are thankful to our com-
                                                                                                                     es, offices and other properties munity for masking up and fol-
                                                                                                                     will become optional with the lowing the COVID safety
                                                                                                                     exception of healthcare, con- guidelines over the past 16
                                                                                                                     gregate living and educational months” said Faron Jackson, Sr.,
                                                                                                                     facilities including early child- Chairman of the Leech Lake
                                                                                                                     hood and the Bug-O-Nay-Ge- Band of Ojibwe. “This has put
Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan and the MN MMIW Task Force, hold a conference before the Task Forces final meeting.      Shig school.                      us in a position where we can
Credit: @LtGovFlanagan                                                                                                                     begin taking steps towards
                                                                                                                     Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe returning to pre pandemic
Permanent MMIW, MMIR Office to be created in MN                                                                      Government offices will con- norms. While we move towards
                                                                                                                     tinue to operate at a limited this goal, I urge everyone to
                                                                                                                     capacity for the next four weeks remain vigilant and strongly
         By Kayla Duoos             The MMIW task force was first the Legislature to form a MMIR                     with a full reopening date set encourage everyone to get the
                                    established by the Minnesota office here in Minnesota – to con-                  for July 1, 2021.                 vaccine as soon as possible.”
                                    Legislature in 2019, and has for tinue the commitment of address-
MINNEAPOLIS – Minnesota over a year collected data and ing the historical violence and
will now have a permanent stories from across the state to systemic negligence of Native                             District III Elder Birthdays       From the District III
Missing, Murdered, Indigenous study the impact of violence women and communities across
Relatives (MMIR) office.            against Indigenous people. The this state, urban and rural. Today
                                    task force’s work culminated in a that is a reality – Minnesota has
                                                                                                                     August                           Office LeRoy, Toni & Kari

                                                                                                                                                James Harris
The official announcement came report released early this year, taken the next critical step to sup-                  Harlan Anderson        Nancy Hawkins            Donna Morgan
Thursday July 1 by Lieutenant which confirmed that national port the national MMU’s (Missing                         Yvonne Armstrong       Donald Headbird            Harry Morris
 Governor Peggy Flanagan, fol- trends of violence against and Murdered Unit) work and                                     Alice Averill       Joseph Howard          Timothy O’Brien
 lowing the signing of Minnesota's Indigenous         people     plague being a force multiplier to prevent            Lenore Barsness       Michael Howard           Diane Osceola
 Covid Recovery budget by Minnesota, as well, for both and bring an end to this pandemic                                Guy Beaulieu         Stephen Howard         Valentino Pacheco
 Governor Walz which underwent Native people living on of violence.”                                                      Heidi Bilyeu        Deborah Isham          Nancy Patterson
 a contentious partisan battle Minnesota’s 11 tribal reservations                                                      Delphine Bixby        Ramona Jackson         Dallas Pemberton
before being approved.              and in urban areas.                   “The work we did on the MMIW                   Janice Bongo          Beverly Jacobs      Simone Pemberton
                                                                          Task Force was a critical first step         Patricia Broker         George Jacobs           Cynthia Reed
“We honor our Missing, Murdered Members of the MMIW task in understanding the issue of vio-                            Bernard Brown         Cherlene Jenkins         Kelly Robinson
Indigenous Relatives and the work force held their final meeting June lence against women in Minnesota.                Franklin Brown         George Jenkins         Robert Robinson
 of the (MMIW) task force by 28 and worked together address- The creation of the new Missing                           Harold Budreau       Barbara Johnston        Valerie Robinson
 establishing a permanent Missing, ing officials to include the office in and Murdered African American                 Kim Burnette          Duwayne Jones             David Roy
Murdered, Indigenous Relative the Judiciary and Public Safety Women Task Force will investigate                         Edward Burns             Julie Jones          Loretta Sayers
 office within the department of budget bill citing that there was the causes of violence against                       Linda Butcher     Crystal Jones-Desjarlais Kenneth Schwartz
public safety. This work continues more work to be done to fight African American women and                             Myron Cloud            Carol Kloehn            Scott Seelye
 and we know it is long overdue for these statistics.                      girls, then provide recommenda-           Shannon Cronquist       Bonnie Knutson            Mark Stangel
Minnesota to tell the truth about                                         tions to ensure safe, healthy com-           Barbara Dubois       Elizabeth LeDoux       Cheryl Staples Susan
how our Indigenous women have Following the vote which munities throughout our state.                                  Donna Fineday         Cheryl Littlewolf           Swanson
been treated,” said Flanagan.       approved the office, Senator Mary Our Black communities, now                           Mary Finn           Leonard Losh          Brenda Thomas
                                    Kunesh (DFL-New Brighton) and more than ever, need the support                      Leila Goggleye         Ronald Lowry        Nancy Washington
The official MMIR office will be MMIW task force member in working towards justice.”                                   Linda Goggleye            Peter Maas             Gary White
 derived from the state's MMIW released the following statement:                                                      Benjamin Gotchie        Estelle Marotta        Randolph White
task force and will focus on                                               Community members who want                Laura Gould-Smith      William McCarter          Daniel Wilson
reviewing cold cases, collecting “Based on the findings and recom- to read more about the MMIR                           Gene Hanks          Pamela Mitchell            Eva Wilson
 data, and working to prevent mendations of the Missing and office and MMIW task force can
future       violence      against Murdered Indigenous Women visit the MN Department of                                ALL ELDERS ARE ENTITLED TO $10 SLOT PLAY & $10 MEAL COUPON
Indigenous peoples.                 (MMIW) Task Force, we pressed Public Safety website.                                     THAT MUST BE USED WITHIN THE BIRTHDAY MONTH.
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                       7

                                                                                                                  HERBST vs MCT
                                                                                                              By: Kayla Duoos Editing and Writing Contributions by: Ben Benoit

                                                                                                              CASS LAKE – Before the Tribes        issue of Minnesota forcing Indians
                                                                                                              conservation code was established,   to comply with Minnesota game
                                                                                                              hunting, and fishing was done in     and fish laws. he courts ruled on
                                                                                                              the dark. Canoes and gear were       June 18, 1973 that “Plaintiff Indians
                                                                                                              stowed away, kept from the eyes of   have the right to hunt and fish and
                                                                                                              state officials who guarded the      gather wild rice on public lands
                                                                                                              reservations of natural resources    and public waters of the Leech
                                                                                                              from the tribe.                      Lake Reservation free of Minnesota
                                                                                                                                                   game and fish laws. Defendants
                                                                                                                That time period is now nearly 50  are enjoined from enforcing such
                                                                                                                years in the past, this year June 18
                                                                                                                marks the 47th anniversary of the
                                                                                                                Richard Herbst vs Leech Lake In addition to getting a positive
                                                                                                                Band federal district court Case. ruling, these rights were identified
Images above show a dirty engine on the left, the newly aquired parts washer and a cleaned engine on the right. The historic case recognized the as property rights and required
                                                                                                                bands hunting, fishing and gather- Minnesota to pay Leech Lake Band
Degreasing Project: LLBO DRM and                                                                                ing rights in the state of MN and for non-Indian’s privilege of hunt-
                                                                                                                reaffirmed Leech Lake’s jurisdic- ing, fishing or trapping within the
                                                                                                                tional borders. he case which had boundaries of the Reservation.
MnTAP Collaborative Endeavor                                                                                    been thrown around the 8th circuit The gathering of wild rice and bait
                                                                                                                since 1971, began as a result of fish on Leech Lake Reservation is
                                                                                                                both the Nelson Act and an wholly regulated by the Leech
By Kayla Duoos                       such as these are often left in the sions by 56 pounds and 22 increase in conservation officers Lake Band of Ojibwe. he Herbst
                                     dark on their harmful nature. pounds respectively.                         harassing tribal members over Case was the right to have our
CASS LAKE – The Leech Lake “The chemistry in brake cleaners                                                     rights that were not yet recognized. Treaty Rights recognized and set
Environmental Department of varies greatly from can to can. It's The Leech Lake Air program This case went beyond hunting and the stage for us to determine our
the Division of Resource fairly impossible for the average engaged with and provided rec- fishing, with the State challenging own future. Leech Lake Band’s
Management          (DRM)       and person to make a good decision ommendations to 21 different the ability of the Leech Lake Band jurisdictional border is important
Minnesota Technical Assistance about what's a safer product,” auto repair shops on or neigh- to function as a government and for all the civic functions and roles
Program (MnTAP) worked said Gage.                                           boring     the    Leech      Lake regulate our Citizens activities. our government has. The jurisdic-
together to reduce pollution and                                            Reservation. 13 of the 21 sites The passage of the Nelson Act in tion of the Band is important for
improve Leech Lake’s air quality One local auto repair shop that implemented the recommenda- 1897 allowed the State of policing, environmental regula-
with the “Degreasing Project.”       benefited from this project was tions, which resulted in 1,200 Minnesota to illegally claim that tion, wildlife management, educa-
                                     Leech Lake’s Community Service pounds of VOCs, 522 pounds of Congress abolished the Leech tion, construction, housing and a
This project assessed grease Garage in Cass Lake, who HAPs, 51 pounds of solid waste Lake Reservation through land variety of interests. Thanks to this
cleaning products used at auto received safer, alternative brake eliminated per year. Anthony sales, specifically the jurisdictional ruling Leech Lake Band members
shops in the area and encouraged cleaners and a new parts washer. Mazzini, a Minnesota Green authority of the Leech Lake Band can obtain hunting and fishing
shops to switch to safer alterna-                                           Corps member who was involved to regulate hunting and fishing licenses from the Tribe’s own
tives that would improve the “The parts washer works won- with the outreach efforts, stated, within the Leech Lake Reservation. Department                            of    Resource
overall air quality health of Leech ders. I barely use the [brake “I was happy to see how many                                                       Management following our own
Lake by lowering the level of pol- cleaner] spray cans and I like the auto repair shops were open to It took almost 80 years to correct season dates and limits. For more
lutants in the air.                  parts washer better,” said Rupert trying alternative, safer products this action. In 1971, the Leech information on the Hersbt vs
                                     Olsen, a mechanic at the that were equally as effective as Lake Band challenged the Leech Lake Band court case or
Many degreasing products that Community Service Garage. the more polluting options. Many Minnesota Commissioner of licenses, please call the Department
are used in auto shops, such as “[Spray can] fumes are nasty. I of the garage owners and Natural Resources, Robert L. of Resource Management at (218)
brake cleaners and parts washers, take parts off, clean them up in mechanics I followed up with Herbst in federal court on the 335-7400.
contain harmful chemicals the parts washer, and a little said that they felt a lot better not
known as Volatile Organic water cleans them right up.”
Compounds          (VOCs)       and
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). Results from the project show
                                                                            having to inhale such toxic
                                                                            chemicals.”                                   Missed an issue?
                                                                                                                        Read past and current issues of Debahjimon online!
Spraying these chemicals to clean that the safer brake cleaner and Both MNTAP and the Leech
car parts contributes to smog, the new parts washer used by Lake Environmental Department
which makes the air harder to Leech Lake Community Garage believe there is more work to be
breathe, triggers asthma, bron- showed notable annual reduc- done; however, this project was a
chitis attacks and increases the tions in air pollution. For com- step in the right direction.
likelihood of heart attacks, can- parison, the removal of a single
cer, and other serious illnesses.    pound of VOCs is like getting rid For more information on Leech
                                     of a can of spray paint full of air Lake’s air quality projects, con-
MnTAP partner Michelle Gage pollutant gas. The Community tact Brandy Toft at brandy.toft@
stated that many consumers and Service Garage reduced their or Anthony Mazzini
auto shops who use products annual VOCs and HAPs emis- at                                Visit WWW.LLOJIBWE.ORG/NEWS/NEWS.HTML
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
8                                                                     Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                 July 2021 | Debahjimon

   First Portion                              In addition to the economic assistance         • 35% of remaining $19 billion allocat-       istrators will continue to work to secure
                                              program, the Council also approved a              ed to tribes based on tribal employ-       program specific funding from federal and
   Of American                                twofold increase in the emergency fund-           ment level as of 2019                      state agencies that are also receiving ARPA
                                              ing available to elders, disabled and veter-                                                 funds. There are a number of Tribal spe-
 Rescue Plan Act                              ans 54 and younger through the Tribal According to the Department of Treasury,               cific provisions in the Act that will provide
                                              Assistance program for the next two fiscal this funding is meant to provide a sub-           nearly $11 billion in additional funding to
Funding Received,                             years. This means an increase from $300 stantial infusion of resources to help turn          Indian Country, beyond the $20 billion
                                              to $600 for most applicants to these pro- the tide on the pandemic, address its eco-         allocated directly to Tribal Governments.
  New Economic                                grams. The application period will remain nomic fallout, and lay the foundation for a        These program specific areas include
Assistance Program                            the same with eligible applicants able to strong and equitable recovery. These
                                              apply beginning on July 1 of each fiscal funds will:
                                                                                                                                           Housing, Child Development, Health &
                                                                                                                                           Wellness, Education and more.
    Established                               year through the Tribal Assistance office.
                                                                                             • Support urgent COVID-19 response            Initial planning and strategy regarding the
By Michael Chosa                              First Installment of ARPA Funding                 efforts to continue to decrease spread     use of these funds has been under way for
                                              Received                                          of COVID-19 and bring the pandem-          several weeks and several priority areas
CASS LAKE – At a special meeting on Recently, the Band received notice that the                 ic under control                           have been identified, including: direct and
June 29, 2021 the Leech Lake Band of first installment of funding from the                   • Replace lost revenue for Tribal gov-        immediate assistance to tribal members,
Ojibwe Tribal Council established a new American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in the                  ernments to strengthen support for         infrastructure projects and addressing
economic assistance program for enrolled, amount of $47,000,212.79 had been pro-                vital public services and help retain      public health needs.
adult tribal members. The new program cessed by the U.S. Department of Treasury                 jobs
will deliver much needed assistance to and sent to the tribe.                                • Support immediate stabilization for         The Leech Lake Tribal Council and admin-
households in two planned distributions                                                         households and businesses in Indian        istration would like to thank all LLBO
of $1375.00 each. The payments will be This first round of funding represents                   Country                                    tribal citizens for their patience as we
distributed in August 2021 and August Leech Lake’s share from the 65% of $20                 • Address systemic public health and          work to build a strategic plan to use these
2022.                                         billion allocated to Indian Country in the        economic challenges that have con-         funds in accordance with federal require-
                                              ARPA, based on the total number of                tributed to the unequal impact of the      ments and guidelines. This historic invest-
The application process for this program enrolled members. The remaining 35%                    pandemic on Tribal communities.            ment in our community represents a once
will be identical to the process used for the will be allocated based on the total num-      • Allow development of new and                in a lifetime opportunity and deserves an
previous payments in 2020. Full informa- ber of employees employed by the tribe                 improvement of existing water,             appropriate amount of time and consider-
tion on the application process will be and its component units as of 2019. The                 wastewater, and broadband infra-           ation to ensure we are meeting the needs
released on July 12, 2021 with paper and second installment is expected to be sent              structure.                                 of our populations as well as creating long
online applications opening on July 14, later this summer.                                                                                 lasting impacts for future generations.
2021. The first round of checks will be                                                    The interim Final Rule allows ARPA funds
distributed beginning August 2, 2021. Breakdown of the $20 billion allocat- to be used for costs incurred from March                       For more information on the American
Enrolled minor tribal members will receive ed to Indian Country                            21, 2021 through December 31, 2024. This        Rescue Plan Act funding for tribes visit:
$500 in their trust fund accounts with          • $1 billion evenly split amongst all      will allow the tribe to develop strategies to
each payment. Also, the December Tax               Federally Recognized Tribes             meet both short term and long term needs.       coronavirus/assistance-for-state-local-
Rebate payment will be processed as             • 65% of remaining $19 billion allocat-                                                    and-tribal-governments/state-and-local-
normal this year.                                  ed to tribes based on enrollment        In addition to this funding, Tribal admin-      fiscal-recovery-fund/tribal-governments

                                                                                                                                                   THE OFFICIAL
                                                                                                                                                  RADIO STATION
                                                                                                                                                   OF THE LEECH
                                                                                                                                                  LAKE BAND OF
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                  Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                        9
                                                                                                                   Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe American
                                    Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe                                                      Rescue Plan Act Stimulus Payment
                               American Rescue Plan Economic Relief                                                Program Frequently Asked Questions
                                   Payment to Tribal Members                                                       Who is eligible for the program?
                                                                                                                   All enrolled members of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe who are
                                     Verification of Need Form                                                     enrolled with Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe as of July 12, 2021.
                                                                                                                   Qualified applicants must also have experienced an economic
 Program Eligibility Requirements:                                                                                 impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and check at least
                                                                                                                   one box in the “Economic Impact” section of the application.
   1. Must be an enrolled LLBO Tribal member.                                                                      Enrolled members younger than 18 years of age will have funds
   2. Must be 18 years of age and enrolled with Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe as of 7/12/21.                           deposited to Minor's Trust, no application is necessary for these
   3. Must demonstrate a need for assistance by checking at least one box on the Economic Impact Directly          individuals.
      Related to COVID-19 Pandemic below.*
   4. Individual must sign and return this Form to Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Emergency Relief Assistance,         How do I apply?
      190 Sailstar Dr NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633                                                                      Online Applications will be available at: https://hipaa.jotform.
                                                                                                                   com/211924240364146 Online applications will open on July 14,
          Eligible Tribal members 18 and over may receive a one-time payment of $1,375.00.                         2021. Paper Applications can be downloaded from: https://www.
                                                                                                          Paper Applications will open
 First Name:                              Middle:             Last :                            DOB:               on July 14, 2021.

                                                                                                                   How do I submit my application?
 Tribal ID #:                             Last 4 SSN:          Phone:                  Email:                      All band members are encouraged to use the on-line application
                                                                                                                   whenever possible. Paper applications and the drop off box for
 Physical Address:                                                                                                 these forms are located outside the Tribal Assistance Office at the
                                                                                                                   Dairy Queen building. Applications can also be mailed to Leech
 City:                                   State:                              Zip:                                  Lake Band of Ojibwe, Emergency Relief Assistance, 190 Sailstar Dr
                                                                                                                   NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633. Paper submissions will only be accept-
 Mailing Address:         Same as Physical Address      (must be able to receive mail at address provided)         ed via the drop box or the U.S. Postal Services.

 Address:                                                                                                          When will I receive my payment?
                                                                                                                   Payments will begin to be mailed on August 2, 2021 for all applica-
                                                                                                                   tions submitted with no errors and received by 11:59 pm Sunday,
 City:                                   State:                              Zip:                                  July 25, 2021. Please allow at least two weeks from the date of sub-
                                                                                                                   mission after August 2, 2021 before inquiring on the status of your
          Economic Impact Directly Related to COVID-19 Pandemic (check all that apply)                             application. Paper applications may take longer.
         Furloughed or Terminated from Employment               Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment and      How will I receive my payment?
         Unemployed at start of pandemic                        Cleaning Supplies                                  All checks will be processed and mailed directly to band members
                                                                Member Owned Business closed or run at             using the information provided on the application, it is important
         Increased Health Care Expenses                                                                            the applicant is able to receive mail at the mailing address pro-
                                                                diminished capacity
         Increased Child Care Expenses                                                                             vided, please ensure information is updated with the U.S.
                                                                Quarantine Costs                                   Postal Service. There will be no in person pickup allowed.
         Increased Grocery and/or Food Delivery
         Expenses                                               Other: Explain, Use back of page if necessary.
                                                                                                                   How much will I receive?
         Expenses related to Home-Schooling                                                                        Each approved applicant will receive a one-time payment of $1,375.00
         Expenses related to working remotely
                                                                                                                   What if I do not know my enrollment number?
                                                                                                                   Your correct enrollment number is required in order to process
 Disclaimer: In submitting this application, I declare and certify that the information and                        your application. If an incorrect number is used, your application
 documentation is true and correct regarding the impact of the COVID-19 public health                              will be rejected and a staff member will call or email you at num-
 emergency. I further agree to assist the LLBO in seeking any further necessary verification of the                ber/email address provided on the application. In order to obtain
 submitted information upon reasonable request. Contact information submitted on this
                                                                                                                   your enrollment number, your social security number and other
                                                                                                                   information will be required. Please contact one of the following
 form will be updated in the Tribal Enrollment and Accounting database.                                            numbers:
 Signature of Applicant:                                                       Date:                               >218-335-3643

                                                                                                                   The online application is not working for me, what do I do?
                                                                                                                   If the online application is giving you an error or won’t allow you to
                                                                                                                   submit, please call 218-335-4429.
   File by July 25, 2021 to receive payment by August 2, 2021.
                                                                                                                   Information for the LLBO Economic Assistance Program funded by
                                                                                                                   the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has been posted at: https://
MN Chippewa Tribe Begins Lengthy Process to Change Blood Quantum - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
10                                                                      Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                     July 2021 | Debahjimon

           Photos of various Leech Lake Days 2021 activities inlcuding: Frybread Eating Contest, Bed Races, Dunk-Tank, Hand Drum Contest, Bouncy Houses and Hoop Dance Exhibition.

Leech Lake Days Celebration marks return of Land and in-person Events for LLBO.
      By Kayla Duoos

CASS LAKE – The Leech          to receive later this year.     tests, all the way to cook-      Paul Day. Day used his time     stewards to the land it will    land transfer and had meet-
Lake days celebration                                          offs, and bed races.             to share how Land rights        protect us. However when        ings with the Chippewa for-
returned to the reservation,   This year's event housed 12                                      affect the band and what it     non-natives look at land        est staff. Benoit spoke about
Friday June 25.                booths from the bands var- In the late afternoon, three          means for a Tribe to hold       they see timber to sell, iron   the power Tribes hold now
                               ious programs, a food tent, speakers took to the main            this land once more.            ore to sell, freshwater to      by being able to use our
The celebration which          mobile kitchen, mobile vac- stage to speak on the pro-                                           sell,” said Day.                voice in a room and have a
 began in 2018 is a three      cine clinic and childrens cess that occurred to have “In Native communities, we                                                  seat at the table, which was
 day community wide event      bouncy houses. The cele- land returned to the Tribe, have a different perspective                Second to speak was             something that did not
 followed by a Powwow.         bration also had over 15 and to stress on the impor- on land. We look at land                    Environmental Program           happen when treaties were
This year's event theme was    activities running through- tance a step like this means and think this will sustain a           Director Ben Benoit. Benoit     first signed.
“Land Back” in honor of        out the first two days. The to not only Leech Lake but lot of folks with it’s medi-              is one the many DRM and
the 11,000 acres of returned   Leech Lake days activities Tribes across the US. First cines, fruits, nuts and food              LLBO staff who have close-
 land the Tribe is expected    ranged from games, con- to speak was LLBO Judge from the land. If we’re good                     ly overseen the secretarial
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                  Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                    11
  Blood Quantum Continued

Leech Lake Tribal Chairman      Chippewa Tribe be amend-
Faron Jackson Sr. said this     ed through a Secretarial
vote was a huge step for-       Election to remove the cur-
ward for the TEC and looks      rent membership require-
forward to what it could        ments, including the one
mean for the Leech Lake         quarter blood degree
Band.                           requirement, and replace
                                such membership require-
“...If this vote passes we’re   ments with authorization
 going to be able to distin-    to the individual Bands
 guish our own membership       to establish Band specific
 on Leech Lake. The way         membership requirements
 our community wants it,        through Resolution or
 the way our families, and      Ordinance.”
 relatives want it and we
 won’t be leaving any grand-    Following a brief discussion
 children behind any longer,”   on the language of the reso-
 said Jackson.                  lution, the TEC decided to
                                send the resolution to the
The MCT TEC held their          MCT Constitution Reform
regular Quarterly Meeting       Committee for further revi-
 on July 12th, 2021 at the      sions before being recon-
Mille Lacs Grand Casino.        sidered for passage by the
Among the agenda items          Tribal Executive Committee.
was a resolution drafted by
MCT legal counsel pertain- All of this comes after pre-
ing to the ballot question for vious efforts to reform Population predictions for the MN Chippewa Tribe and its member bands under current enrollment require-
the referendum, which was enrollment eligibility in the ments (1/4 blood quantum), show a drastic decline in population within the next century. The study was commis-
presented as such to those MCT have failed to take sioned by the MCT and performed by Wilder Research in 2014. The full study is available on the MCT Website at
in attendance:                 shape. Most recently in under "MCT Population Projections".
                               July 2017, the TEC voted to
“Therefore be it resolved, rescind a resolution which ment issues through the reservations. The MCT was The Tribal Executive terms. The remaining offi-
that MCT TEC does hereby would have set the date for implementation of a new created in 1934 and formally Committee (TEC) is com- cials act as board members.
 authorize a referendum to a Secretarial Election on constitution.                      recognized by the Secretary posed of the Chairman and The TEC holds four quar-
 be conducted on the follow- blood quantum reform. At                                   of the Interior in 1936. It Secretary-Treasurer from terly meetings each year.
ing question:                  that time, the TEC voted The Minnesota Chippewa serves as a centralized gov- each of the six member
                               instead to initiate the cur- Tribe (MCT) consists of the erning body for the six tribes, bands. The TEC selects from For more information on the
Should Article II of the rent Constitutional Reform Bois Forte, Fond Du Lac, representing an estimated within the group a President, MCT and previous meet-
Revised Constitution and process which was expect- Grand Portage, Leech Lake, total population of 41,000 Vice President, Secretary ings, please visit mnchippe-
Bylaws of the Minnesota ed to address the enroll- Mille Lacs, and White Earth Ojibwe citizens.                          and Treasurer for two-year

Dept. of Interior head, Deb Haaland,                                                                                                                          The work will proceed in
                                                                                                                                                              several phases and include
announces Initiative investigating                                                                                                                            the identification and col-
                                                                                                                                                              lection of records and
Federal Indian Boarding Schools                                                                                                                               information related to the
                                                                                                                                                              Department of Interior’s
       By Kayla Duoos                                                                                                                                         own oversight and imple-
WASHINGTON – In her ing to the federal boarding                the goal of shedding light on                                                                  mentation of the Indian
latest move as head of the school program in prepara-          these past traumas and to                                                                      boarding school program;
Department of Interior, Deb tion for future site work.         identify boarding school                                                                       formal consultations with
Haaland has launched an This work will occur under             facilities and sites; the loca-                                                                Tribal Nations, Alaska
initiative to look at the trou- the supervision of the         tion of known and possible                                                                     Native corporations, and
bled legacy of federal board- Assistant Secretary for          student burial sites located                                                                   Native Hawaiian organiza-
ing school policies.            Indian Affairs.                at or near school facilities;                                                                  tions to clarify the pro-
                                                               and the identities and Tribal                                                                  cesses and procedures for
The initiative announced The recent discovery of 215           affiliations of children          Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland. Photo: Dept. of Interior protecting  identified buri-
June 22 in secretarial memo unmarked          graves      by   interred at such locations.                                                                    al sites and associated
details her call for the Canada’s Tk’emlúps te                                                   mas of the past, no matter It won’t undo the heart- information.
department to complete a Secwepemc First Nation at “The Interior Department                      how hard it will be,” said break and loss we feel. But
report reviewing available the Kamloops Indian will address the intergenera-                     Secretary Haaland. “I know only by acknowledging the The submission of a final
historical records, with an Residential School prompt- tional impact of Indian                   that this process will be long past can we work toward a written report on the inves-
emphasis on cemeteries or ed the Department to under- boarding schools to shed                   and difficult. I know that future that we’re all proud tigation to the Secretary by
potential burial sites, relat- take this new initiative with light on the unspoken trau-         this process will be painful. to embrace.”                   April 1, 2022.
12                                                                    Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                     July 2021 | Debahjimon

Bug−O−Nay−Ge−Shig School NEWS                                                                                                                                 Bug O Nay Ge Shig School
                                                                                                                                                              is hosting their end of the
                                                                                                                                                              year Family Fun picnic this
                                                                                                                                                              week at the school. Due to
                                                                                                                                                              COVID, the student body is
                                                                                                                                                              divided into four cohorts
                                                                                                                                                              which attend on four differ-
                                                                                                                                                              ent days. So the picnic and
                                                                                                                                                              activities are happening on
                                                                                                                                                              four afternoons this week.
                                                                                                                                                              Among the many activities,
                                                                                                                                                              the water balloon throw
                                                                                                                                                              was the most popular.
                                                                                                                                                              Physical Education teacher,
                                                                                                                                                              George Jones, is serving as
                                                                                                                                                              the target in the accompany-
                                                                                                                                                              ing photo!

Bug O Nay Ge Shig High School awarded 11th grader Joshua
with Student of the Week. Josh made an extra effort this
month to get all of his classes finished with good grades.
And he did it all well before the deadline.

Bug O Nay Ge Shig School 5th grade students, Aariana and     Bug O Nay Ge Shig students had the opportunity to participate in Culture Camp at the school last week. Events included
Aaron, were chosen as students of the week for excellent     archery, birch bark projects, drumming, knife safety, cultural arts, and seasonal activities. Some of the students are pictured
attendance, grades and class participation.                  here in Ojibwe Language class with their instructor.
July 2021 | Debahjimon                                                                     Aabitaa-Niibino giizis • Mid-Summer Moon                                                                                                 13

              Voting is important. It helps determine how opioid claims are treated. Vote by September 3, 2021. Specific details about voting are set forth below in this notice and at
                                                                                                 Visit for more information

      WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?                                                       will forever prohibit any opioid claimants from asserting any Opioid Claim
                                                                                                                                                         Object to the Plan:
 Mallinckrodt is a manufacturer of opioid pain medication that filed for         or seeking any money on account of any Opioid Claim against the Debtors, If you disagree with the Plan, you can object to it in writing so it is received
 chapter 11 bankruptcy in October 2020. On June 17, 2021, Mallinckrodt          their officers and directors, or certain other parties specified in the Plan as
                                                                                                                                                         on or before September 3, 2021, at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Objections
 plc and its affiliates (the “Debtors”) filed their Plan of Reorganization (the   the “Protected Parties.”                                                 not filed and served properly may not be considered by the Bankruptcy
 “Plan”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware        WHERE CAN YOU GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PLAN?                    Court. Detailed instructions on how to file an objection are available at
 and their related Disclosure Statement. You may have the right to vote on    Copies of the Plan and related documents, including the Disclosure or by calling 877.467.1570 (Toll-Free) or 347.817.4093
 the Plan of Reorganization.                                                  Statement and a letter from the Official Committee of Opioid Related (International).
                                                                              Claimants (a representative of Opioid Claimants in the Debtors’ bankruptcy If the Plan is confirmed, everyone with a Claim against or Interest in
       WHAT DOES THE PLAN PROVIDE?                                            cases appointed by the Office of the United States Trustee) setting forth
 Mallinckrodt’s Plan channels claims based on harm or injury related to the its position regarding the Plan can be obtained free of charge Mallinckrodt plc and its affiliates will be bound by the terms of the Plan
 Debtors’ manufacturing of opioids and related activities to one or more at                                                                 regardless of whether or not they vote on the Plan or file a claim against the
                                                                                                                                                         opioid trust.
 opioid trusts. These opioid trusts will be established for the purpose of
 distributing money to individuals and corporate entities holding Opioid           WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS?                                                      WHEN IS THE HEARING?
 Claims and for abatement of the opioid crisis. If the Plan is approved by Vote on the Plan:                                                             The Bankruptcy Court has scheduled the hearing to consider confirmation
 the Bankruptcy Court and you have an Opioid Claim, you will be entitled If you are eligible to submit a vote, your vote must be submitted so it is of the Plan to be held on September 21, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time
 to assert your claim directly against the applicable opioid trust at a later received on or before September 3, 2021, at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. (the “Confirmation Hearing”). The Confirmation Hearing will take place
 time. There is nothing you need to do right now to assert your Opioid Detailed instructions on how to vote are available at or by before the Honorable John T. Dorsey, United States Bankruptcy Judge, in
 Claim. Information regarding how to assert your Opioid Claim against an calling 877.467.1570 (Toll-Free) or 347.817.4093 (International). If you do the Bankruptcy Court, located at 824 Market Street, 5th Floor, Courtroom 5,
 opioid trust will be made available at a later date. The Plan, if approved, not follow the detailed instructions, your vote may be disqualified.         Wilmington, Delaware 19801.


     Call:     877.467.1570 (Toll-Free) or 347.817.4093 (International)    Visit:                                                  PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT PRIME CLERK, THE DEBTOR’S NOTICE AND CLAIMS AGENT,
     Write:    Mallinckrodt Ballot Processing, c/o Prime Clerk LLC,        Email:                     IS AUTHORIZED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT, AND PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COPIES
               One Grand Central, Place, 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 1440          - or -                         OF THE PLAN AND OTHER SOLICITATION MATERIALS, BUT MAY NOT ADVISE YOU AS TO
               New York, NY 10165                                                                                                                         WHETHER YOU SHOULD VOTE TO ACCEPT OR REJECT THE PLAN.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Public Notice
                                                                                                                                                                                      The Leech Lake Tribal Court
               Thank You to our Generous Sponsors:                                                                                                                                      will return to in-person
                                                                                                                                                                                          hearings beginning
                                                                                                                                                                                              July 19, 2021.

                                                                                                                                                                                     The Court may allow a party
                                                                                                                                                                                        to appear by Zoom in
                                                                                                                                                                                     an emergency situation, but
                                                                                                                                                                                     the practice is discouraged.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Exercising the utmost caution,
                                                                                                                                                                                   the Court will continue taking
                                                                                                                                                                                    precautions such as masking
                                                                                                                                                                                   and social distancing while in
                                                                                                                                                                                       the courtroom. We look
                                                           BANKERS                                                                                                                  forward to going back to in-
                                                                                                                                                                                     person hearings and thank
                                                                                                         Nei Bottling                                                                 you for your cooperation.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Please call 219-335-3682 if you
                                                                                                                                                                                         have any questions.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Respectfully, Paul W. Day,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Chief Judge
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