Mitigating the mental health consequences of mass shootings: An in-silico experiment

Page created by Derrick Peters

Mitigating the mental health consequences of mass
shootings: An in-silico experiment
Salma M. Abdalla,a* Gregory H. Cohen,a Shailesh Tamrakar,a Laura Sampson,b Angela Moreland,c
Dean G. Kilpatrick,c and Sandro Galea a
  Epidemiology Department, School of Public Health, Boston University, Boston, United States
  Epidemiology Department, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, United States
  Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina, United States

Background There is emerging evidence that mass shootings are associated with adverse mental health outcomes at               eClinicalMedicine
the community level. Data from other mass-traumatic events examined the effectiveness of usual care (UC),                     2022;51: 101555
(i.e., psychological first aid approaches without triage), and stepped care (SC) approaches, with triage, in reducing         Published online 22 July
the burden of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a community.
Methods We built an agent-based model of 118,000 people that was demographically comparable to the population
of Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida, US. We parametrized the model with data from other traumatic events.
Using simulations, we then estimated the community prevalence of PTSD one month following the Stoneman
Douglas High School (Florida, US) shooting and reported the potential reach, effectiveness, and cost effectiveness of
different what-if treatment scenarios (SC or UC) over a two-year period.

Findings One month following the mass shooting, PTSD prevalence in the community was 11.3% (95% CI: 11.1
−11.5%). The reach of SC was 3461 (95% CI: 3573−3736) per 10,000 and the reach of UC was 2457 (95% CI: 2401
−2510) per 10,000. SC was superior to UC in reducing PTSD prevalence, yielding, after two years, a risk difference
of 0.044 (95% CI, 0.046 to 0.042) and a risk ratio of 0.452 (95% CI, 0.437−0.468). SC was also superior to
UC in reducing the persistence of PTSD, yielding, after two years, a risk difference of 0.39 (95% CI, 0.401 to
  0.379) and a risk ratio of 0.452 (95% CI, 0.439−0.465). The incremental cost-effectiveness of SC compared to UC
was $2718.49 per DALYs saved, and $0.47 per PTSD-free day.

Interpretation This simulation demonstrated the potential benefits of different community-level approaches in mit-
igating the burden of PTSD following a mass shooting. These results warrant further research on community-based
interventions to mitigate the mental health consequences of mass shootings.

Funding None.

Copyright Ó 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Keywords: Mass shootings; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Mental health; Cost effectiveness; Stepped care;
Psychological first aid

Introduction                                                      evidence that the families and loved ones of those
Mass traumatic events are associated with an increased            directly affected and their communities all experience
burden of a wide range of mental disorders including              an elevated burden of mental illness after mass
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).1 These psycholog-           traumatic events.1,2 The literature on the psychological
ical consequences can be experienced beyond those who             consequences of mass shootings is more limited
were physically injured or were in direct physical danger         than for other mass traumatic events. However, there is
during the mass traumatic event. There is ample                   emerging evidence that mass shootings are associated
                                                                  with adverse mental health outcomes—particularly
                                                                  PTSD—among both survivors and their communities.3
*Corresponding author at: Epidemiology Department, School            Despite the potential increased burden of mental ill-
of Public Health, Boston University, 715 Albany Street - Talbot   ness, there is often substantial unmet need for mental
510E, Boston, MA 02118.                                           health services in the aftermath of mass traumatic
    E-mail address: (S.M. Abdalla).               events.4 For example, following the September 11, 2001 Vol 51 September, 2022                                                                                                           1

                                                                                  Importantly, many do not receive any form of assistance
                  Research in context                                             to begin with, not even psychological first aid.
                                                                                      Given these challenges, stepped care (SC) interven-
                  Evidence before this study                                      tions have emerged as a potential alternative to tackle
                  We searched PubMed for studies published until May 20,          the mental health consequences of traumatic events
                  2022, using the terms ((Treatment) OR (“Community Men-          and improve the reach of mental health services.10,11 SC
                  tal Health Services”[Mesh] OR “School Mental Health Serv-       interventions include screening and triage of services to
                  ices”[Mesh] OR “Mental Health Services”[Mesh])) AND             the appropriate level of mental health care, followed by
                  (“Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic”[Mesh])) AND ((mass          ongoing systematic re-evaluation. The SC approach has
                  shooting) OR (“Gun Violence”[Mesh])). We found 11               clear utility and has been recommended in the context
                  articles. The literature highlighted the importance of psy-
                                                                                  of disasters.12 To our knowledge, however, there have
                  chosocial interventions following mass shooting events.
                                                                                  been no trials examining the reach and effectiveness of
                  Overall, studies focused on services at the individual level,
                  supporting survivors through therapy and psychiatric            SC interventions following mass shootings.
                  assessments with the goal of increasing self and commu-             We developed an in-silico experiment to
                  nity efficacy and encouraging hope and belief that recov-        investigate the potential reach, cost effectiveness, and
                  ery from traumatic events is possible. However, the             reduction of burden of PTSD in a community following a
                  literature on community interventions for mental health         mass shooting under various what-if treatment scenarios
                  support remains limited.                                        using different mental health services approaches—SC
                                                                                  and usual care (UC). In this simulation study, UC refers
                  Added value of this study                                       to a psychological first aid intervention without triage. Our
                  In this simulation, we suggested the potential benefits          goal was to assess: (1) The reach of either SC or UC in a
                  of two community-level approaches— psychological                two-year period; (2) The predicted reduction in the preva-
                  first aid and stepped care—in mitigating the burden of           lence of PTSD in the full population for either approach;
                  posttraumatic stress disorder following a mass shooting.        (3) The predicted proportion of PTSD cases that persist
                                                                                  over time for either approach; and (4) The incremental
                  Implications of all the available evidence                      cost-effectiveness of SC compared to UC.
                  This study highlights the need for further research—
                  particularly research that focuses on improving the
                  reach of interventions—and real-world application of
                  community-based interventions to address the mental
                  health consequences of mass shootings.                          We used agent-based models (ABMs) to simulate the
                                                                                  burden of PTSD in the community following the
                                                                                  Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland) shooting.13
                                                                                  ABMs allow for the development of counterfactual
                                                                                  estimates of treatment effects, when given appropriate
               terrorist attacks only 26.7% of persons with severe psy-
                                                                                  inputs.14 The outcomes measures we selected were
               chological symptoms received treatment.5 Such unmet
                                                                                  guided by the population impact framework to accu-
               need frequently persists despite efforts to provide serv-
                                                                                  rately capture the predictive values of the proposed
               ices for the affected populations.6,7
                                                                                  treatment scenarios. This framework defines impact
                   Psychological first aid interventions are often the
                                                                                  by measuring the proportion of participants who
               first line of mental health services implemented in the
                                                                                  received an intervention—i.e. reach—and by the
               aftermath of mass traumatic events.8 Psychological first
                                                                                  reduction in the incidence or prevalence among those
               aid interventions include providing physical and emo-
                                                                                  who received the intervention.15
               tional support as well as practical assistance to address
               immediate needs following a mass traumatic event.
               Such interventions aim to reduce distress and improve              Model structure
               adaptive functioning—often without triage. People who              We built an agent population that was demographically
               continue to have psychological symptoms after receiv-              comparable to the population of Parkland and Coral
               ing psychological first aid, especially if they persist for        Springs, Florida. We added Coral Spring to the model
               over 2 months, may benefit from approaches of higher               to be able to have a sufficiently large population to run
               intensity such as evidence-based trauma-focused cogni-             our model and estimate results. Coral Spring was partic-
               tive behavioral therapy (CBT) or pharmacotherapeutic               ularly relevant as this was the area the shooter was
               therapy. However, evidence suggests that without tri-              apprehended. Using this agent-based population, we
               age, persons who require high-intensity services may be            simulated treatment scenarios beginning four weeks
               underserved under psychological first aid interven-                after the Parkland shooting and ending two years later.
               tions.9 Moreover, psychological first aid services are             We chose four weeks to distinguish between symptoms
               often offered to direct survivors—and sometimes their              of acute distress disorder—which arise and resolve by
               families—not to community members in general.8                     four weeks after a traumatic event—and PTSD.

2                                                                                             Vol 51 September, 2022

Agent population                                                 Our model assumed that, among those who did not
We initialized a population of 118,000 agents to serve as    receive care,14% underwent remission without treat-
an approximation of the population of Parkland and           ment. This proportion corresponds to the mean from a
Coral Springs, Florida. The demographic (sex, age, and       meta-analytic estimate for remission among survivors
race/ethnicity) parameters for this synthetic population     of a wide range of traumatic events receiving psycho-
were applied using data derived from the 2011-2015           therapy in trial waitlist control conditions.23 We chose
American Community Survey 5-year population esti-            the mean because assaultive violence-related events are
mates for Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida.16             among the more potent types of traumatic events.24
                                                                 Among those who recovered, our model assumed that
                                                             15% experienced recurrence of PTSD after symptom reso-
Levels of exposure                                           lution. We chose 15% to split the difference between recur-
We designated within our model three levels of expo-         rence and relapse rates of up to 34% from samples of
sure to the shooting: primary, secondary, and tertiary.      mixed traumatic exposure,25 and studies that report lack of
Primary exposure included persons who were injured           relapse when examining the trajectories of PTSD symp-
or present and in danger of being shot at the site of        toms following events of mass violence.26 We also con-
mass shooting. This level included 900 students and 30       ducted a sensitivity analysis that used the highest reported
adults based on the average number of persons present        rate (34%) for recurrence and relapse. Details of the esti-
each day at Stoneman Douglas High School.17 Second-          mates are provided in Supplement. Further, among agents
ary exposure included direct family or friends of those      who underwent relapse in our model, PTSD symptoms
primary affected by the shooting. We built an internal       returned to 80% of the initial symptom levels.
social network to connect agents directly affected with
agents assigned as family or close friends. Ultimately,
secondary exposure included 4725 agents. Tertiary expo-      Intervention components
sure included persons who were not directly affected by      As shown in Figure 1, we assessed the reach, treatment
the shooting and did not have family or friends affected     effectiveness, and cost effectiveness based on
by the shooting, but were living in the affected commu-      approaches: SC and UC.
nity at large, which included 112,189 agents.
                                                             Usual care. In the model, UC included the provision of
                                                             Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) indiscriminately
PTSD prevalence and symptoms score estimates
                                                             within the affected community. SPR is an intermediate-
We parameterized PTSD prevalence in the past month
                                                             level intervention (which follows the design of psychologi-
for different age groups (14-17, 18-34, 35-64, or ≥65
                                                             cal first aid) that aims to reduce distress and improve cop-
years) from prior studies that used the diagnostic and
                                                             ing and functioning.7 The intervention may also lower the
statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) crite-
                                                             need for formal mental health treatment. In our model,
ria18 to estimate the initial distribution of PTSD preva-
                                                             five sessions of SPR reduced an agent’s symptoms by
lence for each exposure level in the aftermath of a mass
                                                             20%. We also conducted sensitivity analyses using a
shootings or other mass traumatic events.19−21 We
                                                             reduction in agent’s symptoms by 15% and 25%.
selected 14 years as the lower age limit because that is
the average age of students admitted to the Stoneman
Douglas High School. We then used the sex ratio of           Stepped care. In the model, SC included a triage screen-
PTSD prevalence from a study20 reporting on primary          ing step during initial entry to services. Through SC,
exposure data to estimate PTSD prevalence by sex for         agents were assessed for PTSD case status; identified cases
adults within the secondary and tertiary levels. To test     were offered CBT and non-cases were offered SPR. Per the
the dependence of our results on variation in commu-         International Society for Traumatic Stress studies guide-
nity PTSD prevalence, we conducted a sensitivity analy-      lines, CBT took place for eight sessions in the model.27 A
sis with a different tertiary PTSD prevalence from a         course of CBT reduced an agent’s symptoms by 36%. This
survey that examined the community burden of PTSD            percentage is based on the reduction in PTSD symptoms
following another mass traumatic event.22 Details of the     experienced in a three-month period by participants in the
estimates are provided in Supplement.                        CBT arm of a randomized clinical trial.28 In this model,
    Guided by the DSM-IV PTSD checklist as the gold          we allowed for up to eight extra sessions for agents who
standard, we used data from a prior study to estimate        did not recover after the initial eight sessions.
the number of symptoms (range, 0-17) corresponding
to the demographic parameters of agents in our simula-
tion.22 Accordingly, we set the cutoff point to identify a   Treatment seeking behavior. We used prior data that
true case of PTSD (probable PTSD diagnosis) in our           aimed to examine determinants of PTSD following the
simulation at six symptoms. We used sensitivity and          September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks to estimate proba-
specificity of 0.80 in our model.                            bilities of enrollment in, and use of, SPR and CBT Vol 51 September, 2022                                                                                               3

               Figure 1. Overview of the agent-based model structure and flow. Figure 1 presents a visual representation of the agent-based
               model structure and flow.

               treatments.22 These probabilities were estimated for           effectiveness ratios (ICER) among initial cases for
               cases and non-cases separately, accounting for age, sex,       simulated comparison. DALYs provide a standard-
               and race/ethnicity.                                            ized measure for estimating years of healthy living
                                                                              lost due to disability. We derived disability weights
               Outcome measurement                                            from the global burden of disease study,22 specified
                                                                              as mild (0.03), moderate (0.149), and severe (0.523)
               Reach. As an overall measure, we reported the reach of         disease states.
               each treatment scenario. We defined reach as the num-              PTSD-free days are the number of days spent by an
               ber of agents who accessed treatment per 10,000 in the         agent in non-case status throughout the simulation.
               affected population.                                           Our model takes a healthcare cost perspective and
                                                                              within it, we applied the ICER calculations for a horizon
               Treatment Effectiveness. We reported treatment effec-          of a ten-year time—accounting for a discounting rate of
               tiveness using both risk differences and risk ratios.          3% on effectiveness and future cost. Details of ICER cal-
               These measures were calculated for increments of               culations are described in Supplement.
               three-month periods for the duration of the simulation.

                                                                              Statistical analysis
               Treatment Cost. Based on prior assessment of in-per-           Each of the interventions was run for 100-time steps,
               son delivery costs, we set the cost of CBT at $60 per ses-     starting four weeks after the shooting and representing
               sion.6 Because we did not have real-world data on              the passage of two years after the mass shooting in total.
               average costs for SPR, we made an assumption—based             These ABMs were developed using C++ and imple-
               on earlier simulations—that costs per person, per group        mented using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (Microsoft
               session, would be $15.6 To examine how cost fluctuation        Corp). We ran each model scenario 50 times to account
               is linked to cost effectiveness, we conducted a sensitivity    for the stochasticity in the modeling process, with mean
               analysis raising the costs of CBT to $120 per session          statistical measures reported. We then computed the
               and SPR to $30 per person per session.                         2.5th and 97.5th percentiles across those 50 simulations.
                                                                              Supplement provides an overview of the design concept
               Incremental cost-effectiveness. Using   disability-            and detailed protocol for this study including sub-mod-
               adjusted life years (DALYs) and PTSD-free days as              els, pseudocodes, and a more in-depth focus on the
               measurements, we computed the incremental cost-                design concepts.

4                                                                                           Vol 51 September, 2022

   Boston University Institutional Review Board waived              higher than that of UC in the subsequent sensitivity
approval for this study as the parameters used were                 analyses, as shown in Supplement.
based on publicly available literature or derived from
anonymized publicly available data.
                                                                    Treatment effectiveness
                                                                    Figure 2 demonstrates the treatment effectiveness of
Role of the funding source                                          both SC and UC in reducing the population prevalence
There was no funding source for this study.                         of PTSD. SC began yielding a lower PTSD prevalence
                                                                    than UC starting at three months (RD, -0.004; 95%
                                                                    CI,-0.007 to -0.002), with the absolute benefit (risk dif-
Results                                                             ference) continuing to gradually improve through the
                                                                    end of the two years (RD, -0.044; 95% CI, -0.046 to
As shown in Table 1, our simulated synthetic population
                                                                    -0.042). Relative benefit (risk ratio) of SC was clear at
closely resembled the population distribution in terms
                                                                    three months (RR, 0.963; 95% CI, 0.941 to 0.986),
of age, sex, race/ethnicity, and education of the 2011-
                                                                    with continued gains through the end of the two years
2015 American Community Survey 5-year population
                                                                    (RR, 0.452; 95% CI, 0.437 to 0.468). As shown in Sup-
estimates for Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida.16
                                                                    plement, the sensitivity analysis assuming a different
Our model estimated that the overall PTSD prevalence
                                                                    tertiary PTSD prevalence yielded comparable results.
in the community following the Parkland shooting was
                                                                        Figure 3 demonstrates the treatment effectiveness of
11.3% (95% CI: 11.1−11.5%). In the sensitivity analysis
                                                                    both SC and UC in reducing persistence of PTSD. SC
using different a tertiary prevalence, the community
                                                                    was superior to UC in reducing persistence of PTSD:
prevalence remained high at 8.7% (95% CI: 8.5−8.6%).
                                                                    absolute benefit was clear after three months (RD,
                                                                    -0.042; 95% CI, -0.047 to -0.036) and increasing
Reach                                                               through the end of the two years (RD, -0.390; 95% CI,
The reach of SC was 3461 (95% CI: 3573−3736) per                    -0.401 to -0.379). Relative benefit of SC was clear at 6
10,000 and the reach of UC was 2457 (95% CI: 2401                   months (RR, 0.786; 95% CI, 0.743 to 0.832), with con-
−2510) per 10,000. The reach of SC was similarly                    tinued gains through the end of the two years (RR,

  Demographic group                                        Broward Country, FL population        Model Population %
                                                           (2011−2015 ACS Estimates) %           (N = 1,728,265)
                                                           (N = 1,843,152)

  Female                                                   51.452                                51.142
  Male                                                     48.548                                48.858
  Under 20 years                                           24.01                                 24.38
  20 to 44 years                                           33.15                                 33.38
  45 to 64 years                                           27.83                                 27.74
  65 and over                                              15.01                                 14.50
  White (Non-Hispanic)                                     40.397                                40.074
  Hispanic                                                 26.976                                26.779
  Black (Non-Hispanic)                                     26.904                                27.199
  Asian (Non-Hispanic)                                     3.430                                 3.446
  American Indian and Alaskan Native (Non-Hispanic)        0.169                                 0.237
  Some other race (non-Hispanic)                           0.454                                 0.521
  Two or more race (non-Hispanic)                          1.670                                 1.743
  Up to 12th grade                                         12.362                                12.644
  High School                                              27.832                                28.085
  Some College                                             21.766                                21.537
  Associate degree                                         9.620                                 9.641
  Bachelor's degree                                        18.480                                18.442
  Graduate degree                                          9.940                                 9.651

 Table 1: Comparison of Broward Country ACS estimates with Model synthetic population. Vol 51 September, 2022                                                                                                    5

               Figure 2. Treatment effectiveness of stepped care and usual care in reducing PTSD prevalence among the full population.
               Figure two shows the effectiveness of stepped care (blue color) and usual care (green color) in reducing population PTSD prevalence
               over two years (base case model). Sensitivity = 0.80 and specificity = 0.80.

               Figure 3. Treatment effectiveness of stepped care and usual care in reducing PTSD prevalence among cases. Figure three
               shows the effectiveness of stepped care (blue color) and usual care (green color) in reducing PTSD persistence among cases over
               two years (base case model). Sensitivity = 0.80 and specificity = 0.80.

               0.452; 95% CI, 0.439 to 0.465). As shown in Supple-                both SC and UC reported total costs for SC of
               ment, the sensitivity analysis assuming a different ter-           $9,510,610 and a total cost of UC of $1,885,500. ICER
               tiary PTSD prevalence yielded comparable results.                  for SC compared to UC was $5429.32 per DALYs
                                                                                  averted and $0.95 per PTSD-free days. As shown in
                                                                                  Supplement, other sensitivity analyses showed compa-
               Cost effectiveness                                                 rable results.
               As shown in Table 2, the total cost of the SC interven-
               tion was $4,758,260 and the total cost of UC was
               $943,207. The ICER for SC compared to UC was                       Discussion
               $2718.49 per DALYs averted and $0.47 per PTSD-free                 In this paper, using ABMs assessing the efficacy of SC
               days. The sensitivity analysis assuming higher costs for           or UC approaches in the aftermath of the Parkland

6                                                                                              Vol 51 September, 2022

  Parameters          Mean cost        Total Cost ($)      DALYS avoided         PTSD-Free Days        ICER                   ICER
                      /Person ($)                                                                      ($ per DALY averted)   ($ per PTSD-Free Day)

  Scenario 1: Base Case
   (CBT cost $60/Session, SPR Cost = $15/Session)
  Usual Care          70.93            943,207             3368.07               28,612,300            -                      -
  Stepped Care        360.58           4,758,260           4771.44               36,665,300            2718.49                0.47
  Scenario 2: Sensitivity Analysis with higher costs
   (CBT cost $120/Session, SPR Cost = $30/Session)
  Usual Care          141.85           1,885,500           3370.38               28,594,900            -                      -
  Stepped Care        720.98           9,510,610           4774.82               36,633,500            5429.32                0.95

 Table 2: Cost-effectiveness with a discounting rate of 3%.
 The simulation begins 4 weeks following the mass shooting. ICER: incremental cost effectiveness ratios.

mass shooting, we demonstrated the potential benefits                            modeling beyond Parkland, the area surrounding the
of different community-level approaches in mitigating                            Stoneman Douglas High School, to include Coral Springs
the burden of PTSD following a mass shooting. SC was                             to build the model population. Moreover, these assump-
associated with greater reach and higher effectiveness                           tions were based on the results of several epidemiological
in reducing the prevalence of PTSD in the population.                            studies; each of the studies have its own limitations. How-
Overall, SC was costlier than UC. The ICER for SC per                            ever, the parameters we used to initialize our model have
DALYs saved ($2718.49), and per PTSD-free day                                    many strengths and afford confidence in the estimates pro-
($0.47) were, nonetheless, well below the acceptable                             vided by our simulation. Further, we see this simulation as
cost-benefit value for interventions in the United States                        an essential, formative work, paving the way for real-world

               following mass shootings. These results warrant further                   4  Lowe SR, Sampson L, Gruebner O, Galea S. Mental health service
               research—particularly research that focuses on improv-                       need and use in the aftermath of hurricane sandy: findings in a
                                                                                            population-based sample of New York City residents. Community
               ing the reach—and real-world application of commu-                           Ment Health J. 2016;52(1):25–31. [cited 2019 Mar 26]. Available
               nity-based interventions to mitigate the mental health                       from:
                                                                                         5  Delisi LEA, Maurizio BSM, Yost BA, et al. A survey of New Yorkers
               consequences of mass shootings.                                              after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Am J Psychiatry.
                                                                                            2003;160:780–783. [cited 2019 May 10]. Available from: http://ajp.
                                                                                         6 Cohen GH, Tamrakar S, Lowe S, et al. Comparison of simulated
               Contributors                                                                 treatment and cost-effectiveness of a stepped care case-finding
               S.M.A., G.H.C., and S.G. contributed to the conception                       intervention vs usual care for posttraumatic stress disorder after a
               and design of the study. S.M.A. and G.H.C. conducted                         natural disaster. JAMA Psychiatry. 2017;74(12):1251. [cited 2019
                                                                                            Mar 26]. Available from:
               the literature review for the model parameters. S.T. con-                    aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.3037.
               ducted the data analysis and modeling and S.M.A. and                      7  Berkowitz S, Bryant R, Brymer M, et al. Skills for Psychological
                                                                                            Recovery: Field Operations Guide. 2010. [cited 2019 Mar 20]. Avail-
               G.H.C. led the data interpretation. S.M.A. wrote the first                   able from:
               draft of the manuscript with input from G.H.C. and                           SPR_Manual.pdf.
               S.G. All authors contributed to critical revision of the                  8  Psychologicalfirst Aid: Field Operations Guide. 2006. [cited 2019 Mar
                                                                                            26]. Available from:
               manuscript. S.M.A., G.H.C., and S.T. have accessed and                       resources//pfa_field_operations_guide.pdf.
               verified the data. All authors approved the manuscript                    9 Pfefferbaum B, North CS, Flynn BW, Norris FH, DeMartino R.
               and were responsible for the decision to submit the                          Disaster mental health services following the 1995 Oklahoma City
                                                                                            bombing: modifying approaches to address terrorism. CNS Spectr.
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               All authors received funding as part of a grant from the                     disasters. JAMA. 2013;310(5):507. [cited 2019 Mar 26]. Available
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