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20 Years of Trade Secrets Scholarship (2002-2022)
Sharon Sandeen
Mitchell Hamline School of Law,

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2022 Trade Secret Workshop

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20 Years of Trade Secrets Scholarship (2002-2022)

Trade secrets, Bibliography, Intellectual property

Intellectual Property Law

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20 Years of Trade Secrets Scholarship

  •   Howard C. Anawalt, Idea Rights: A Guide to Intellectual Property (Carolina Acad. Press 2011).
  •   Howard C. Anawalt & West Group, IP Strategy: Complete Intellectual Property Planning, Access
      and Protection (Thomson West updated annually, 2008-2021).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Breach of Confidence (Oxford Univ. Press 2011).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Intellectual Property Law (Oxford Univ. Press 3rd ed. 2016).
  •   Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Digital Technologies (Tanya Frances Aplin ed.,
      Edward Elgar Publ’g 2020).
  •   Tanya Aplin & Jennifer Davis, Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford Univ.
      Press 4th ed. 2021).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Lionel Bently, Phillip Johnson & Simon Malynicz, Gurry on Breach of Confidence:
      The Protection of Confidential Information (Oxford Univ. Press 2nd ed. 2012).
  •   Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Intellectual Property and the Common Law (Cambridge Univ. Press
  •   Doron S. Ben-Atar, Trade Secrets: Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial
      Power (Aspen Publishers 2004).
  •   Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-Based Works: Copyright and its Alternative (Robert F.
      Brauneis ed., Edward Elgar Publ’g 2009).
  •   Nuno Pires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Antitrust and Undisclosed Information (Kluwer L.
      Int’l 2008).
  •   Victora A. Cundiff, Advanced Trade Secrets 2021: New Risks, New Challenges, New Ideas
      (Practising L. Inst. 2021) (course handbook).
  •   Robert L. Dean, Gordon Hughes & Jean Hou, The Law of Trade Secrets & Privacy (Thomson
      Reuters 3rd ed. 2018).
  •   Eric M. Dobrusin & Ronald A. Krasnow, Intellectual Property Culture: Strategies to Foster
      Successful Patent and Trade Secret Practices in Everyday Business (Oxford Univ. Press 2nd ed.
  •   The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle
      Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., Edward Elgar Publ’g 2011).
  •   Catherine L. Fisk, Working Knowledge: Employee Innovation and the Rise of Corporate
      Intellectual Property, 1800-1930 (Univ. N.C. 2009).
  •   R. Mark Halligan & Richard F. Weyand, Trade Secret Asset Management A Guide to Information
      Asset Management, Including the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (Weyand Assocs. 2016).
•   R. Mark Halligan & Richard F. Weyand, Trade Secret Asset Management 2018: A Guide to
    Information Asset Management Including RICO and Blockchain (Weyand Assocs. 2018).
•   Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property (Gaëlle Krikorian and Amy Kapczynski,
    eds., Zone Press 2010).
•   William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner, The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law
    (Harv. Univ. Press 2003).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Software and Internet Law (Aspen Publishers 4th ed. 2011).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Robert P. Merges & Peter Seth Menell, Intellectual Property in the New
    Technological Age (Aspen Publishers, 3rd ed. 2003–2019 ed.).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Peter Seth Menell, Robert P. Merges & Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Intellectual
    Property in the New Technological Age (Aspen Publishers, 2020 ed.–2021 ed.).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Robert P. Merges & Peter Seth Menell, Intellectual Property in the New
    Technological Age: Case and Statutory Supplement (Aspen Publishers updated annually, 2002–
•   Mark A. Lemley, Peter Seth Menell, Robert P. Merges & Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Intellectual
    Property Statutes: 2020 (Clause 8 Publ’g, 2020 ed.–2021 ed.).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Peter Seth Menell, Robert P. Merges & Pamela Samuelson, Software and
    Internet Law (Aspen Publ’g 4th ed. 2014).
•   Brian M. Malsberger, Robert A. Blackstone & Arnold H. Pedowitz, Trade Secrets: A State-By-
    State Survey (Burau of Nat’l Affs., 2nd ed. 2003–7th ed. 2020).
•   Peter Seth Menell, David Almeling, Victoria A. Cundiff, James Pooley & Rebecca Wexler, Trade
    Secret Case Management Judicial Guide (forthcoming 2022).
•   Roger Milgram & Eric E. Bensen, Milgram on Trade Secrets (Matthew Bender & Co., Inc.
    updated annually, 1967–2021).
•   James Pooley, Secrets: Managing Information Assets in the Age of Cyberespionage (Verus Press
•   James Pooley, Trade Secrets (L.J. Press 2021).
•   David W. Quinto & Stuart H. Singer, Trade Secrets: Law and Practice (Oxford Univ. Press, 1st ed.
    2009–2nd ed. 2012).
•   David W. Quinto, Stuart H. Singer, Thomas E. Wallerstein & William Lynch Schaller, Trade
    Secrets: Law and Practice (Matthew Bender 2022 ed.).
•   Elizabeth A. Rowe & Sharon K. Sandeen, Trade Secret Law: Cases and Materials (West Acad.
    Publ’g, 1st ed. 2012–3rd ed. 2021).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, Intellectual Property Deskbook for the Business Lawyer: A Transactions-
    Based Guide to Intellectual Property Law (A.B.A. Publ’g, 1st ed. 2007–2nd ed. 2009).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen & Marilyn C. Maloney, Intellectual Property Deskbook for the Business
    Lawyer: A Transactions-Based Guide to Intellectual Property Law (A.B.A. Publ’g, 3rd ed. 2013–
    4th ed. 2019).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen & David Levine, Information Law, Governance, and Cybersecurity (West
      Acad. Publ’g 2019).
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen, Christoph Rademacher & Ansgar Ohly, Research Handbook on Information
      Law and Governance (Edward Elgar Publ’g 2021).
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth A. Rowe, Trade Secret Law in a Nutshell (West Acad. Publ’g
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth A. Rowe, Trade Secrets and Undisclosed Information (Edward
      Elgar Publ’g 2014).
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth A. Rowe, Trade Secrecy and International Transactions: Law and
      Practice (Edward Elgar Publ’g 2015).
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth A. Rowe, Trade Secret Law: Including the Defend Trade Secrets
      Act of 2016 in a Nutshell (West Acad. Publ’g 2nd ed. 2018).
  •   Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth A. Rowe, Selected Intellectual Property, Internet, and
      Information Law Statutes, Regulations, and Treaties (West Acad. Publ’g 2021 ed.) (forthcoming
      2022 ed.).
  •   The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU Directive
      (Jens Schovsbo, Timo Minssen and Thomas Riis eds., Edward Elgar Publ’g 2020).
  •   Nicola Searle & Martin Brassell, Economic Approaches to Intellectual Property (Oxford Univ.
      Press 2016).
  •   Nicola Searle, Barbara Townley & Philip Roscoe, Creating Economy: Enterprise, Intellectual
      Property, and the Valuation of Goods (Oxford Univ. Press 2019).
  •   A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement (Antony Taubman, Hannu Wager, Jayashree Watal
      eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1st ed. 2012–2nd ed. 2021).
  •   Antony Taubman & Jayashree Watal, Trade in Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Trade and
      Development in a Transformed Global Economy (Cambridge Univ. Press 2022).
  •   Peter K. Yu, Intellectual Property and Information Wealth: Issues and Practices in the Digital
      Age (Praeger Publishers 2007).

Book Chapters
  •   Tanya Aplin, A Right of Privacy for Corporations?, in Intellectual Property and Human Rights
      475-505 (Paul L.C. Torremans ed., 2nd ed. 2008).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Commercialising Privacy and Privatising the Commercial: The Difficulties Arising
      From the Protection of Privacy Via Breach of Confidence, in Intellectual Property, Unfair
      Competition and Publicity: Convergences and Development (Nari Lee, Guido Westkamp,
      Annette Kur & Ansgar Ohly eds., 2014).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Right to Property and Trade Secrets, in Research Handbook on Human Rights and
      Intellectual Property 421-437 (Christophe Geiger ed., 2015).
•   Tanya Aplin, Privacy in European, Civil and Common Law, in Tugendhat and Christie: The Law of
    Privacy and the Media (3rd ed. 2016).
•   Tanya Aplin, Filling the IP Gap: Privacy and Tabloidism, in Research Handbook on Intellectual
    Property in Media and Entertainment 400-424 (Megan Richardson & Sam Ricketson eds., 2017).
•   Tanya Aplin, Trading Data in the Digital Economy: Trade Secrets Perspective, in Trading Data in
    the Digital Economy: Legal Concepts and Tools 59-72 (Sebastian Lohsse, Reiner Schulze & Dirk
    Staudenmayer eds., 2017).
•   Tanya Aplin, The Impact of the Information Society Directive on UK Copyright Law, in Copyright
    in the Information Society: A Guide to National Implementation of the EU Directive (Brigitte
    Lindner & Ted Shapiro eds., 2nd ed. 2018).
•   Tanya Aplin, The Limits of EU Trade Secret Protection, in Research Handbook on Information
    Law and Governance 174-194 (Sharon K. Sandeen, Christoph Rademacher & Ansgar Ohly eds.,
•   Tanya Aplin & Richard Arnold, UK Implementation of the Trade Secrets Directive, in The
    Harmonisation and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU Directive 65-
    85 (Jens Schovosbo, Timo Minssen, & Thomas Riis eds., 2020).
•   David L. Baumer & J. Carl Poindexter, Intellectual Property I: Basic Patent and Trade Secret Law,
    in Cyberlaw and E-Commerce (2002).
•   Robert G. Bone, Trade Secrecy, Innovation and the Requirement of Reasonable Secrecy
    Precautions, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
    (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Carlos M. Correa, Test Data Protection: Rights Conferred Under the TRIPS Agreement and Some
    Effects of TRIPS-Plus Standards, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of
    Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Robert Denicola, The Restatements, The Uniform Act and the Status of American Trade Secret
    Law, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
    (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Mireille van Eechoud, Choice of Law in EU Trade Secrecy Cases, in
    The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU Directive
    (Jens Schovosbo, Timo Minssen, & Thomas Riis eds., 2020).
•   Rebecca S. Einsenberg, Data Secrecy in the Age of Regulatory Exclusivity, in The Law and Theory
    of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss &
    Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Harry First, Trade Secrets and Antitrust Law, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A
    Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg
    eds., 2011).
•   Jeanne C. Fromer, Trade Secrecy in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, in The Law and Theory of
    Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine
    J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Jeanne Fromer, A Legal Tangle of Secrets and Disclosures in Trade, in Intellectual Property at
    the Edge: The Contested Contours of IP (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Jane C. Ginsburg eds., 2014).
•   Gustavo Ghidini & Valeria Falce, Trade Secrets as Intellectual Property Rights: A Disgraceful
    Upgrading - Notes on an Italian 'Reform’, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook
    of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Charles Tait Graves, Trade Secrecy and Common Law Confidentiality: The Problem of Multiple
    Regimes, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy a Handbook of Contemporary Research
    (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Eric von Hippel & Georg von Krogh, Open Innovation and the Private-Collective Model for
    Innovation Incentives, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary
    Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner, The Economics of Trade Secrecy Law, in The Economic
    Structure of Intellectual Property Law (2003).
•   Nari Lee, Protection for Artificial Intelligence in Personalised Medicine: The Patent/Trade Secret
    Tradeoff, in The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An appraisal of the
    EU Directive 267-294 (Jens Schovsbo, Timo Minssen & Thomas Riis eds., 2020).
•   Nari Lee, Open Yet Secret - Trading of Tangible Goods and Trade Secrets, in Transition and
    Coherence in Intellectual Property Law: Essays in Honour of Annette Kur 242-253 (Niklas
    Bruun, Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Marianne Levin & Ansgar Ohly eds., 2021).
•   Nari Lee, Hedging (into) Property?: Invisible Trade Secrets and International Trade in Goods, in
    Global Intellectual Property Protection and New Constitutionalism 106-128 (Jonathan Griffiths
    & Tuomas Mylly eds., 2022).
•   Mark A. Lemley, The Surprising Virtues of Treating Trade Secrets as IP Rights, in The Law and
    Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss &
    Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Mark A. Lemley, Herbert Hovenkamp, and Mark D. Janis, Unilateral Refusals to License in the US,
    in Antitrust, Patents and Copyright: EU and US Perspectives (François Lévêque & Howard
    Shelanski eds., 2005).
•   David S. Levine, The Impact of Trade Secrecy on Public Transparency, in The Law and Theory of
    Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J.
    Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Doris Estelle Long, Trade Secrets and Traditional Knowledge: Strengthening International
    Protection of Indigenous Innovation, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of
    Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Mary L. Lyndon, Trade Secrets and Information Access in Environmental Law, in The Law and
    Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss &
    Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Michael J. Madison, Open Secrets, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of
    Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Peter S. Menell, The Mixed Heritage of Federal Intellectual Property Law and Ramifications for
    Statutory Interpretation, in Intellectual Property and the Common Law (Shyam Balganesh ed.,
•   Ulla-Maija Mylly, Freedom of the Media and Trade Secrets in Europe, in Research Handbook on
    Information Law and Governance (Sharon K. Sandeen, Christoph Rademacher & Ansgar Ohly
    eds., 2021).
•   Frank Pasquale, The Troubling Consequences of Trade Secret Protection of Search Engine
    Rankings, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
    (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Jerome H. Reichman, How Trade Secrecy Law Generates a Natural Semicommons of Innovative
    Know-How, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
    (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Michael Risch, Trade Secret Law and Information Development Incentives, in The Law and
    Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss &
    Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Michael Risch, An Empirical Look at Trade Secret Law’s Shift from Common to Statutory Law, in
    Intellectual Property and the Common Law (Shyam Balganesh ed., 2013).
•   Elizabeth A. Rowe, The Challenge of Protecting Trade Secret Information in a Digital World, in
    Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-Based Works: Copyright and its Alternatives (R.
    Brauneis ed., 2009).
•   Pamela Samuelson, First Amendment Defenses in Trade Secrecy Cases, in The Law and Theory of
    Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J.
    Strandburg eds., 2011).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, Trade Secret Law: The Cinderella of Intellectual Property Law, in Intellectual
    Property and Information Wealth: Issues and Practices in the Digital Age (Peter K. Yu ed.,
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, The Third Party Problem: Assessing the Protection of Information Through
    Tort Law, in Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-Based Works: Copyright and Its
    Alternatives (Robert F. Brauneis ed., 2009).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, The Limits of Trade Secret Law: Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement and the
    Uniform Trade Secrets Act on Which It Is Based, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A
    Handbook of Contemporary Research (Rochelle C. Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds.,
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, Trade Secret Harmonization and the Search for Balance, in The Internet and
    the Emerging Importance of New Forms of Intellectual Property (Susy Frankel & Daniel Gervais
    eds., 2016).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, Trade Secret Basics, in Bankruptcy and Intellectual Property Deskbook: A
    Guide to IP, the Internet, and Bankruptcy Law (Warren E. Agin ed., 2016).
•   Sandeen, Sharon K., Through the Looking Glass: Trade Secret Harmonization as a Reflection of
    U.S. Law, in The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the
    EU Directive (Jens Schovsbo, Timo Minssen & Thomas Riis eds., 2020).
•   Sharon K. Sandeen, Out of Thin Air: Trade Secrets, Cybersecurity and the Wrongful Acquisition
    Tort, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Digital Technologies (Tanya Aplin ed.,
•   Sharon K. Sandeen & David S. Levine, Trade Secrets and Climate Change: Uncovering Secret
      Solutions to the Problem of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, in Research Handbook on Intellectual
      Property and Climate Change (Joshua D. Sarnoff ed., 2016).
  •   Jens Schovsbo, Timo Minssen & Thomas Riis, An Appraisal of the EU Directive on Trade Secrets,
      in The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU
      Directive (2020).
  •   Nicola Searle, The Hard Sell: Economics and IP Policy, in Research Handbook on Intellectual
      Property and Creative Industries (Charlotte Waelde & Abbe E.L. Brown eds., 2019).
  •   Geeritrui Van Overwalle, Uncorking Trade Secrets: Sparking the Interaction Between Trade
      Secrecy and Open Biotechnology, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of
      Contemporary Research (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).
  •   Diane Leenheer Zimmerman, Trade Secrets and the 'Philosophy' of Copyright: A Case of Culture
      Crash, in The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
      (Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss & Katherine J. Strandburg eds., 2011).

Law Review Articles
  •   Bruce Abramson, Promoting Innovation in the Software Industry: A First Principles Approach to
      Intellectual Property Reform, 8 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 75 (2002).
  •   David S. Almeling, Four Reasons to Enact a Federal Trade Secrets Act, 19 Fordham Intell. Prop.
      Media & Ent. L.J. 769 (2009).
  •   David S. Almeling, Darin W. Snyder, Michael Sapoznikow, Whitney E. McCollum & Jill Weader, A
      Statistical Analysis of Trade Secret Litigation in Federal Courts, 45 Gonz. L. Rev. 291 (2009).
  •   David S. Almeling, Darin W. Snyder, Michael Sapoznikow, Whitney E. McCollum & Jill Weader, A
      Statistical Analysis of Trade Secret Litigation in State Courts, 46 Gonz. L. Rev. 57 (2010).
  •   Rebecca Ananian-Welsh, Sarah Kendall & Richard Murray, Risk and Uncertainty in Public Interest
      Journalism: The Impact of Espionage Law on Press Freedom, 44 Melb. U. L. Rev. 764 (2021).
  •   J. Jonas Anderson, Secret Inventions, 26 Berkley Tech. L.J. 917 (2011).
  •   Stephen Anderson, The Growing Concern Regarding Us Corporate Trade Secrets, 2016 B.C. Intell.
      Prop. & Tech. F. 11 (2016).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Breach of Confidence and Privacy: The Impact of the Human Rights Act, 50 Intell.
      Prop. Forum 26 (2002).
  •   Tanya Aplin, Commercial confidences after the Human Rights Act, 29 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 411
  •   Tanya Aplin, The Development of the Action for Breach of Confidence in a Post-HRA Era, 2007
      Intell. Prop. Q., no. 1, at 19.
  •   Tanya Aplin, The Future of Breach of Confidence and the Protection of Privacy, 7 Oxford U.
      Commw. L.J. 137 (2007).
•   Tanya Aplin, The Relationship Between Breach of Confidence and the 'Tort of Misuse of Private
    information’, 18 King's College L.J. 329 (2007).
•   Tanya Aplin, Recent Developments in Commercial Confidentiality. 15 Media and Arts L. Rev., no.
    2, 2010, at 1.
•   Tanya Aplin, Confidential Information as Property?, 24 King's L.J., no. 2, 2013, at 172.
•   Tanya Aplin, Reverse Engineering and Commercial Secrets, 66 Current Legal Problems 341
•   Tanya Aplin, A Critical Evaluation of the Proposed EU Trade Secrets Directive, King's Coll. London
    L. Sch. Research Paper No. 2014-25 (2014) (revised 2017).
•   Tanya Aplin, Leslie Turano & Rachael Walsh, The Public/Private Interface of Property:
    Introduction, 24 King’s L.J. iii (2013).
•   Maria Alejandra Echavarria Arcila, Julio C. Correa & Ana Maria Perez-Gomez, A New Market for
    Unprotected Ideas: Analysing the Economic Efficiency of Trading Ownerless Ideas, 51 Int’l Rev.
    Intell. Prop. Competition L. 906 (2020).
•   Richard Arnold, Accessory Liability for Breach of Confidence, 36 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 554 (2014).
•   Christopher Arup, What/Whose Knowledge? Restraints of Trade and Concepts of Knowledge, 36
    Melb. U. L. Rev. 369 (2012).
•   Jordana Balsam, Booming Business and the Resulting Trade Secrets: How the Increase in United
    States and European Union Trade Led to Resulting Trade Secrets Directives and the Domination
    of the Intellectual Property Field, 2 Cardozo Int'l Comp., Policy & Ethics L. Rev. 503 (2019).
•   Andrew G. Barna, Stealing Signs: Could Baseball’s Common Practice Lead to Liability for
    Corporate Espionage?, 8 Berkeley J. Ent. & Sports L. 1 (2019).
•   Andrew Beale, Sue Ratcliffe & Andrew Tettenborn, The Protection of Data in our Digital Age, 6 J.
    Bus. L. 461 (2017).
•   Andrew Beckerman-Rodau, Trade Secrets - The New Risks to Trade Secrets Posed by
    Computerization, 28 Rutgers Comput. & Tech. L.J. 227 (2002).
•   Robert Bejesky, Investing in the Dragon: Managing the Patent versus Trade Secret Protection
    Decision for the Multinational Corporation in China, 11 Tulsa J. Comp. & Int'l l. 437 (2004).
•   Richard Binns, The Trade Secret Recipe: A “Reasonable” Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting your
    Confidential Information, 41 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 359 (2019).
•   Christopher G. Blood, Holding Foreign Nations Civilly Accountable for Their Economic Espionage
    Practices, 42 IDEA 227 (2002).
•   David Bohrer, Threatened Misappropriation of Trade Secrets: Making a Federal (DTSA) Case out
    of It, 33 Santa Clara High Tech. L.J. 506 (2017).
•   Enrico Bonadio, Luke McDonagh & Christopher Arvidsson, Intellectual Property Aspects of
    Robotics, 9 Eur. J. Risk Reg. 655 (2018).
•   Dr. Enrico Bonadio, Dr. Luke McDonagh & Tiffany M. Sillanpää, Intellectual Property Aspects of
    the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, 26 Int’l Trade L. Regul. 87 (2020).
•   Robert G. Bone, Secondary Liability for Trade Secret Misappropriation: A Comment, 22 Santa
    Clara Comput. & High Tech. L.J. 529 (2006).
•   Robert G. Bone, The (Still) Shaky Foundations of Trade Secret Law, 92 Tex. L. Rev. 1803 (2014).
•   Benjamin J. Bradford & Remi Jaffré, The Uncertain Protection of "Derivative" Trade Secrets, 18 J.
    Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 241 (2019).
•   Simon Bradshaw, Christopher Millard & Ian Walden, Contracts for Clouds: Comparison and
    Analysis of the Terms and Conditions of Cloud Computing Services, 19 Int’l J.L. & Info. Tech. 187
•   Robert Brauneis & Ellen P. Goodman, Algorithmic Transparency for the Smart City, 20 Yale J.L. &
    Tech. 103 (2018).
•   Kyle W. Brenton, Trade Secret Law and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Two Problems and
    Two Solutions, 2009 U. III. J.L Tech. & Pol'y 429 (2009).
•   Maja Brkan & Grégory Bonnet, Legal and Technical Feasibility of the GDPR's Quest for
    Explanation of Algorithmic Decisions: Of Black Boxes, White Boxes and Fata Morganas, 11 Eur. J.
    Risk Reg. 18 (2020).
•   Marco Bronckers & Natalie McNelis, Is the EU Obliged to Improve Protection of Trade Secrets?
    An Inquiry into TRIPS, the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of
    Fundamental Rights, 34 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 673 (2012).
•   Dan L. Burk, Legal Constraint of Genetic Use Restrictions Technologies, 6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech.
    335 (2004).
•   Dan L. Burk & Brett McDonnell, The Goldilocks Hypothesis: Balancing Intellectual Property Rights
    at the Boundary of the Firm, 2007 U. III. L. Rev. 575 (2007).
•   Stephen D. Burns, Confidential Information and Governments: Balancing the Public's Right to
    Access Government Records and an Oil and Gas Company's Right to Protect its Confidential
    Information, 37 Dalhousie L.J. 119 (2014).
•   Martin Campbell-Kelly, Not All Bad: An Historical Perspective on Software Patents, 11 Mich.
    Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 191 (2005).
•   Alyssa M. Carlson, The Need for Transparency in the Age of Predictive Sentencing Algorithms,
    103 Iowa L. Rev. 303 (2017).
•   Hazel Carty, An Analysis of the Modern Action for Breach of Commercial Confidence: When is
    Protection Merited?, 4 Intell. Prop. Q. 416 (2008).
•   Virender Chandel, Confidential Information (Know-How) Licensing, 41 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 714
•   Yang Chen, Development of China’s Trade Secrets Law in the US’ Shadow: Negative
    Consequences for China and Suggestions, 17 U. Pa. Asian L. Rev. 138 (2022).
•   Daniel C.K. Chow, Navigating the Minefield of Trade Secrets Protection in China, 47 Vand. J.
    Transnat’l L. 1007 (2014).
•   Daniel C.K. Chow, Why the 2020 U.S.-China Trade Agreement Needs Anticorruption Provisions
    for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 11 Notre Dame J. Int'l & Comp. L. 181 (2021).
•   Anna Louise Christie, Should the Law of Theft Extend to Information?, 69 J. Crim. L. 349 (2005).
•   Danielle Keats Citron & Frank Pasquale, The Scored Society: Due Process for Automated
    Predictions, 89 Wash. L. Rev. 1, 8 (2014).
•   Eric R. Claeys, The Use Requirement at Common Law and Under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act,
    33 Hamline L. Rev. 583 (2010).
•   Eric R. Claeys, Private Law Theory and Corrective Justice in Trade Secrecy, 4 J. Tort L., no. 2, 2011,
    at ii.
•   Cary Coglianese & David Lehr, Transparency and Algorithmic Governance, 71 Admin. L. Rev. 1
•   Carlos Correa, Unfair Competition under the TRIPS Agreement: Protection of Data Submitted for
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