MIPT-NSU-UTMN at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Ensembling Learning with Pre-trained Language Models for Toxic Spans Detection - ACL Anthology
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MIPT-NSU-UTMN at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Ensembling Learning with Pre-trained Language Models for Toxic Spans Detection Mikhail Kotyushev Anna Glazkova Dmitry Morozov Moscow Institute of University of Novosibirsk State Physics and Technology Tyumen University Moscow, Russia Tyumen, Russia Novosibirsk, Russia mkotyushev@gmail.com a.v.glazkova@utmn.ru morozowdm@gmail.com Abstract proposed methods and experimental settings have been elaborated in Section 4. Section 5 contains This paper describes our system for SemEval- the results and error analysis respectively. Section 2021 Task 5 on Toxic Spans Detection. We de- 6 is a conclusion. veloped ensemble models using BERT-based neural architectures and post-processing to combine tokens into spans. We evaluated sev- 2 Related Work eral pre-trained language models using various ensemble techniques for toxic span identifica- Computational approaches to tackle text toxicity tion and achieved sizable improvements over have recently gained a lot of interest due to the our baseline fine-tuned BERT models. Finally, widespread use of social media. Since moderation our system obtained a F1-score of 67.55% on is crucial to promoting healthy online discussions, test data. research on toxicity detection has been attracting much attention. Our work is also related to hate 1 Introduction speech and abusive language detection (Fortuna Toxic speech has become a rising issue for social et al., 2020). media communities. Abusive content is very di- The toxic speech detection task is usually framed verse and therefore offensive language and toxic as a supervised learning problem. Moreover, fairly speech detection is not a trivial issue. Besides, so- generic features, such as bag of words (Harris, cial media moderation of lengthy comments and 1954) or word embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013), posts is often a time-consuming process. In this systematically yield reasonable classification per- regard, the task of detecting toxic spans in social formance (Fortuna and Nunes, 2018; Schmidt and media texts deserves close attention. Wiegand, 2017). To better understand the mech- This work is based on the participation of our anisms of toxic speech detection, some scholars team, named MIPT-NSU-UTMN, in SemEval 2021 (Waseem et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2018; Karan Task 5, “Toxic Spans Detection” (Pavlopoulos and Šnajder, 2018; Swamy et al., 2019) compared et al., 2021). Organizers of the shared task pro- different techniques for abusive language analy- vided participants with the trial, train, and test sets sis. Neural architectures and deep learning meth- of English social media comments annotated at the ods achieved high results in this domain. Thus, span level indicating the presence or absence of text Pavlopoulos et al. (2017a,b) explored the possibil- toxicity. We formulated the task as a token clas- ities of deep learning and deep attention mecha- sification problem and investigated several BERT- nisms for abusive comment moderation. Park and based models using two-step knowledge transfer. Fung (2017) proposed an approach to performing We found that preliminary fine-tuning of the model classification on abusive language based on convo- on data that is close to the target domain im- lutional neural networks (CNN). Chakrabarty et al. proves the quality of the token classification. The (2019) used Bidirectional Long-Short Term Mem- source code of our models is available at https: ory network. Castelle (2018) experimented with //github.com/morozowdmitry/semeval21. CNN and Gated Recurrent Units. Some recent stud- The paper is organized as follows. A brief review ies (Mozafari et al., 2019; Risch et al., 2019; Liu of related work is given in Section 2. The definition et al., 2019a; Nikolov and Radivchev, 2019) uti- of the task has been summarized in Section 3. The lized pre-trained language models such as Bidirec- 913 Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021), pages 913–918 Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
t ∩S t SA tional Encoder Representations from Transformers Rt (Ai , G) = i t G . SG (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2018) to detect offensive or abusive language. The final F1-score is an average Ft1 (Ai , G) over In recent years, the task of detecting and an- all the posts t of an evaluation dataset T to obtain alyzing abusive, toxic, or offensive language a single score for system Ai . has attracted the attention of more and more re- 4 Methodology searchers. The shared tasks based on carefully curated resources, such as those organized at the The stated problem was modified from char-level SemEval (Zampieri et al., 2019; Basile et al., to token-level binary-classification. The proposed 2019), GermEval (Wiegand et al., 2018), EVALITA solution utilizes a pre-trained language model with (Bosco et al., 2018), and OSACT (Mubarak et al., a classification head to classify tokens. Different 2020) events, have significantly contributed to the configurations of BERT pre-trained as masked lan- progress of the field and to the enrichment of lin- guage models were considered as a backbone. guistic resources. In addition to the corpora col- Due to the lack of available token-level labeled lected for these shared tasks, Rosenthal et al. (2020) public datasets for toxic comment and the rela- released a large-scale dataset for offensive language tively small size and sparsity of dataset provided identification. Ibrohim and Budi (2018); Leite et al. by the competition, the following training pipeline (2020); Pitenis et al. (2020); Komalova et al. (2021) was proposed to enhance knowledge transfer. First, presented various datasets for abusive speech de- fine-tune pre-trained BERT on a larger-scale task tection in non-English languages. Most of these of toxic comment classification, using the Jigsaw datasets classify whole texts or documents, and do dataset1 from which the competition data were con- not identify the spans that make a text toxic. structed. Second, fine-tune obtained model to solve the actual toxic tokens classification problem. The 3 Shared Task exact training parameters are to be found below. The task focuses on the evaluation of systems that For the first step: detect the spans that make a text toxic, when detect- • remove texts occurred in spans dataset from ing such spans is possible. The goal of the task is to classification dataset to prevent data leakage define a sequence of words (character offsets) that (so as spans dataset is sampled from classifi- attribute to the toxicity of the text, for example: cation dataset); • Input. “This is a stupid example, so thank • 4 epochs, 200 tokens max length, 64 you for nothing a!@#!@”. batch size, 10 gradient accumulation, mixed- precision FP16; • Output. [10,11,12,13,14,15,51,52,53,54,55, 56]. • default AdamW (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017) with lr = 4e-5, Layer-wise Decreas- The sources of data were various posts (com- ing Layer Rate (Sun et al., 2019) with decay ments) from publicly available datasets. The pro- η = 0.95 and cosine learning rate (LR) sched- vided dataset contains 10,629 posts split into train- ule with T = 4 epochs and constant LR after ing (7939), trial (690), and test (2000) subsets. epoch 3; Inspired by Da San Martino et al. (2019), the organizers proposed to employ the F1-score for • selected bert-base-uncased as best perfor- evaluating the responses of a system participating mance / speed ratio; in the shared task. Let system Ai return a set SA t i • the best model on validation selection each of character offsets, for parts of the post found to be 0.1 epoch by AUC. toxic. Let Gt be the character offsets of the ground truth annotations of t. The F1-score of system Ai For the second step: is calculated with respect to the ground truth G for • hold-out ≈ 14% of data to train ensemble of post t as follows, where | · | denotes set cardinality. models later; 2·P t (Ai ,G)·Rt (Ai ,G) Ft1 (Ai , G) = P t (Ai ,G)+Rt (Ai ,G) , 1 https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw% SAt ∩S t t G 2Dtoxic%2Dcomment%2Dclassification% P (Ai , G) = i t SA , 2Dchallenge i 914
• out-of-5-fold training on the residual ≈ 86% • train + trial, 8621 comments; of data; • average F1-score over 5 folds is 0.6714. • 4 epochs, 512 tokens max length, 16 batch size, 10 gradient accumulation, mixed preci- The experiments were conducted with Hugging- sion FP16; face transformers library (Wolf et al., 2019). Many patterns in our results are expected, but • default AdamW with lr = 4e-5, Layer-wise some stand out. In general, our model is good Decreasing Layer Rate with decay η = 0.95 at detecting obscene language and utterances that and cosine LR schedule with T = 4 epochs; demean honor and dignity or denote low moral • the best model on validation selection each character. We noticed that our model is not very 0.1 epoch by F1-score. good at identifying the posts that have no toxic span annotations. According to the corpus description, The final solution contains N ×K models, where in some toxic posts, the core message is conveyed N is the number of different backbone BERT archi- may be inherently toxic. Thus, a sarcastic post can tectures, K is the number of folds (5 in the current indirectly claim that people of a particular origin experiments). Obtained models are further to be en- are inferior. Hence, it was difficult to attribute the sembled using different strategies with validation toxicity of those posts to particular spans. In such on the single hold-out dataset: cases, the corresponding posts were labeled as not • hard voting: final spans are selected as at least containing toxic spans. Among our results, there one model (spans union), as all the models are many examples where the model detected spans (spans intersection) or as some intermediate in not annotated posts, for example: methods with at least m models; • “uhhh Hillary Clinton is a serial killer and • soft voting: final probability is calculated as a thief”: [] (true annotation), [26, 27, 28, 29, weighted sum of models probabilities; 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48] (our annotation, “uhhh Hillary Clinton is • train meta classifier. a serial killer and thief”); 5 Experiments and Results • “This goes way beyond just being an asshole Three pre-trained backbone BERT architectures skipper, dude must have some serious mental were considered: bert-base-uncased, bert-large- issues”: [] (true annotation), [35, 36, 37, 38, uncased (Devlin et al., 2018), and bert-base pre- 39, 40, 41] (our annotation, “This goes way trained for Hate Speech Detection (dehate-bert) beyond just being an asshole skipper, dude (Aluru et al., 2020). First step setup and results: must have some serious mental issues”). • select subset of Jigsaw toxic classification In addition, some texts in the dataset raise ques- data: all the targets with toxicity score ≥ 0.5 tions of the annotation credibility, for example: (L = 135168 objects) as class 1 and randomly sampled 3 ∗ L objects with toxicity score < • “How the hell is this news? Am I sup- 0.5 as class 0; posed to be shocked that the Crown Prince of Bahrain or one of the world’s biggest • stratified 80% train, 20% validation; celebrity superstars get’s better access to the • 0.968 AUC bert-base, 0.968 AUC bert-large, State Department then I do? During which ad- 0.942 AUC dehate-bert. ministration has this ever not been true? The media’s desperation to keep this election close So as models except bert-base-uncased did not is far past ridiculous” (training set, the toxic show compatible performance for token classifi- span annotation is underlined); cation (and later for tests on the fold 0 did not show good F1-score for the actual task as well), • “Yup. NVN used the Press. The Press was later experiments were continued only for bert- USED. Used like their sister on prom night! base-uncased pre-trained model fine-tuned on to- Idiots. All faux-erudite, not realizing they ken classification. were being played” (training set, the original For step two results are following: annotation is underlined); 915
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