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GetSmartMSEC at SemEval-2022 Task 6: Sarcasm Detection using Contextual Word Embedding with Gaussian Model for Irony Type Identification Diksha Krishnan and C.Jerin Mahibha Durairaj Thenmozhi Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College, Chennai College of Engineering , Chennai Abstract analysis. Sarcasm detection also plays an important Sarcasm refers to the use of words that have role in analysing the voice of the customer based different literal and intended meanings. It rep- on which major decisions will be taken. resents the usage of words that are opposite of Sarcasm requires some shared knowledge be- what is literally said, especially in order to in- tween speaker and audience and it is considered sult, mock, criticise or irritate someone. These as a profoundly contextual phenomenon. Using types of statements may be funny or amusing sarcastic phrases in sentences is a common way to others but may hurt or annoy the person to- wards whom it is intended. Identification of of ironic or satirical speech for the common man. sarcastic phrases from social media posts finds That being said, social media platforms, such as its application in different domains like sen- Twitter, Facebook and YouTube contain millions of timent analysis, opinion mining, author pro- tweets and comments that include sarcastic phrases, filing and harassment detection. We have pro- thus making it a field of study under the domain of posed a model for the shared task iSarcasmEval NLP. For example, a user can change a supposedly - Intended Sarcasm Detection in English and negative comment using positive words as in the Arabic by SemEval-2022 considering the lan- sentence, “It is awesome to go to bed at 3 am #not”. guage English. The Subtask A and Subtask C were implemented using a Convolutional Neu- In such cases it becomes important to ensure that ral Network based classifier which makes use the right sentiment is drawn out of the sentence of ELMo embeddings. The Subtask B was through proper analysis (Vu et al., 2018). implemented using Gaussian Naive Bayes clas- The shared task iSarcasmEval was part of Se- sifier by extracting TF-IDF vectors. The pro- mEval 2022 (Abu Farha et al., 2022) and there were posed models resulted in macro-F1 scores of three subtasks associated with it. Two of the sub- 0.2012, 0.0387 and 0.2794 for sarcastic texts in tasks - Subtask A and Subtask B, were conducted Subtasks A, B and C respectively. for both English and Arabic languages, while Sub- 1 Introduction task C only pertains to English. We as a team par- In the Internet era, specifying user comments, ticipated in all the three subtasks associated with views and opinions through social media has be- the language English. come very common and these may not be speci- Subtask A: Sarcastic vs. Non-Sarcastic fied directly and can include indirect phrases with The first subtask was a straightforward Binary implicit meanings (Abu Farha and Magdy, 2020). Classification problem, in which the model had to The posts may also represent undesirable charac- predict whether a given phrase is sarcastic or not. teristics using positive words and they may not be For example, “I work 40 hours a week for me to formal in nature. It is common to use abbreviations, be this poor.” is sarcastic, whereas “Her husband uncommon, ambiguous and multilingual words in is serving a three-year sentence for fraud.” is non- social media posts and no predefined structures are sarcastic. explicitly defined for sarcastic messages (Sarsam Subtask B: Different types of irony et al., 2020). So the identification of sarcastic posts The second subtask was a Multi-Label Classifica- cannot be considered as a direct process. Exhaus- tion problem, where the aim was to identify which tive understanding of the contextual meaning of the type of irony a given sentence falls under from six posts is considered as an important factor in identi- specific labels: sarcasm, irony, satire, understate- fying sarcastic posts. Sarcasm detection is consid- ment, overstatement and rhetorical question. ered as a challenging task associated with sentiment Subtask C: Differentiation between sarcastic 827 Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022), pages 827 - 833 July 14-15, 2022 ©2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
phrase and its rephrase tures of sarcastic text had been captured using a The final subtask is another Binary Classification multi-level memory network to take care of sen- problem, wherein, given a sarcastic phrase and its timent semantics and the contrast between it and rephrase, the model needs to identify which of the the situation in each sentence (Ren et al., 2020). two is sarcastic. For example, the phrase “Taxes Different transformer-based language models were are just the best and I cannot wait to pay more” is used for sarcasm detection in Arabic language text sarcastic, whereas its rephrase - “I dislike paying and had found that MARBERT and AraELECTRA taxes.” is non-sarcastic (Goutte et al., 2014). performed well and AraGPT2 had shown poor per- Considering all the three subtasks the training formance (Abu Farha and Magdy, 2021). of the proposed model was done using the training Pre-trained transformer models when ensembled data set provided for the corresponding task and with Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network to language. This model was then tested with a test- form hybrid neural architecture to detect sarcas- ing data set provided by the shared task, based on tic messages had resulted in better performance which the task was evaluated. when compared to other relevant state-of-the-art methodologies (Potamias et al., 2020). A hybrid 2 Related Works model implemented using bidirectional long short- term memory with a softmax attention layer and Sarcasm detection can be posed as a text classi- convolution neural network when used for sarcasm fication task in which the given text needs to be detection had resulted in better performance (Jain identified as sarcastic or not. In simple systems it et al., 2020). Sarcasm detection had been imple- could be considered as a binary classification task mented by taking into account the contextual infor- where the presence of sarcasm is only detected. But mation using a dual channel Convolutional Neural if the irony associated with the sarcastic message Network and the user’s expression habit had been needs to be identified then it is considered as a identified using attention mechanisms (Du et al., multi label classification task. Different machine 2022). learning and deep learning models could be used for identifying sarcasm in text and it is not evident In addition to the above approaches, various that a particular algorithm provides the best result novel approaches like statistical approaches, graph for any data. The features of the data set like the based approaches, fuzzy logic based approaches number of instances in the data set, distribution of and pseudo labelling approaches had been used for data in the training data set are important factors identifying sarcastic messages. A complex-valued on which the performance of the algorithm relies. fuzzy network had been used to identify the text So it becomes necessary to analyse the data set, to with sarcasm by leveraging the mathematical for- choose the model for implementing the classifica- malisms of quantum theory and fuzzy logic (Zhang tion task. et al., 2021). Sarcasm detection had been imple- It had been shown that Support Vector Machine mented by taking the contextual information of a provided the best performance for sarcasm detec- sentence into account in a sequential manner us- tion considering posts from twitter (Sarsam et al., ing the concept of pseudo-labeling (Kumar Jena 2020). A combination of Convolutional Neural et al., 2020), (Kalaivani and Thenmozhi, 2020). Network (CNN) and SVM had also offered high Long-range literal sentiment inconsistencies had prediction accuracy. Even though feature rich SVM been taken into account in sarcasm detection by model perform well, Avinash Kumar and et al. (Ku- constructing an affective graph and a dependency mar et al., 2020) had shown better performance by graph for each sentence and had then used an Af- combining multi-head attention mechanism with fective Dependency Graph Convolutional Network bidirectional long-short memory (BiLSTM) to de- (ADGCN) framework for the classification process tect sarcastic messages. (Lou et al., 2021). Statistical approach had been Use of deep learning models with BiLSTM to proposed for sarcasm detection by combining TF- detect sarcasm from Arabic texts had been illus- IDF features with the important features related trated by (Abu Farha and Magdy, 2020). A sar- to sentiments and punctuations that are identified casm detector had been implemented by fine tuning using chi-square test (Gupta et al., 2020). BERT and considering both affective and contex- Social media posts may have both text and im- tual features (Babanejad et al., 2020). The fea- ages associated with it and identifying sarcasm in 828
Task Category Instances 3. Label specifying the category of ironic speech Subtask A Sarcastic 867 which includes sarcasm, irony, satire, under- Non Sarcastic 2601 statement, overstatement and rhetorical ques- Subtask B Sarcasm 713 tion Irony 155 There were 3468 instances in the training data set Satire 25 of which 867 instances were under the sarcastic Under Statement 10 category and remaining 2601 instances were under Over Statement 40 the non sarcastic category. This shows the unbal- Rhetorical question 101 anced nature of the data set. The test data had Subtask C Rephrase 867 1400 instances for which the predictions had to be Table 1: Data Distribution done using the proposed model. The distribution of the data in the training dataset is shown in Table 1. As separate data set was not provided for the such case had been implemented using a multi- evaluation purpose, under both category 80% of modal framework using Coupled-Attention Net- the training data instances were used for training works (CANs) which captures and integrates infor- purpose and 20% of the instances from the training mation from both text and image for the classifi- data set was used for the evaluation purpose. cation task (Zhao et al., 2021). As the imbalanced nature of the data set affects the performance of 4 System Description the model oversampling had been done to convert The proposed methodology uses ELMo embedding the data set into a balanced one and had shown based Convolutional Neural Network model for that SMOTE and BorderlineSMOTE–1 techniques implementing the Subtasks A and C with an em- when used for oversampling had resulted in the im- bedding layer followed by two dense layers. The provement of performance (Banerjee et al., 2020). Subtask B has been implemented using TF-IDF It could be summarized from the related works that based Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier. identifying sarcasm from social media posts is an emerging research area that requires more insights. 4.1 ELMo Model Different techniques like traditional machine learn- ing models such as SVM and Random Forest, Con- volutional Neural Network based models, Trans- former models and Ensemble models could be used for this purpose. It could be found that the perfor- mance of the approach depends on the dataset on which the model is being trained (Abdulraheem et al., 2015). It is hard to identify a particular ap- proach that can detect sarcastic messages under any circumstances which provides the best perfor- mance. Figure 1: Architecture of ELMo Model 3 Data set It stands for Embeddings from Language Mod- The data set that we used to implement sarcasm de- els and is a novel way to represent words in vectors tection was the training and the test dataset that was or embeddings (Peters et al., 2018). In ELMo the provided by the organisers of the shared task. Each syntax and semantics of the word and the linguistic instance of the training dataset had the following context associated with it are modelled as a deep informations attached to it: contextualised word representation. Huge text cor- pus had been used to pretrain the model and is 1. Label specifying the sarcastic nature of the constructed using deep bidirectional models1 . It text is implemented with 4096 units and the input em- 2. Rephrase text that convey the same message bedding transform using 2048 convolutional filters. of the text non-sarcastically 1 829
Figure 2: Proposed Architecture The context of the word usage forms the base for probability by the Gaussian function. the word representation. ELMo word representa- The task of determining whether the given text is tions take the entire input sentence into equation for sarcastic or non-sarcastic represents a binary classi- calculating the word embeddings. The architecture fication problem, which is Subtask A. The task of of ELMo model2 is shown in Figure 1. determining the sarcastic one from two texts that ELMo is a bidirectional language model. The convey the same meaning also represents a text clas- forward LM is a deep LSTM that goes over the sification problem which is the problem statement sequence from start to end to predict the token and associated with Subtask C. The proposed model the backward LM is a deep LSTM that goes over uses an ELMo model to implement the above two the sequence from end to start to predict the token. tasks. Subtask B is a binary multi-label classifica- tion task in which the correct ironic speech category has to be identified from the given set of labels. Fig- ure 2 shows the architecture of the proposed model. The first step associated with all the subtasks is to prepare the data set, which involves prepro- cessing of the text within. This is carried out by Figure 3: Likelihood of Gaussian Naive Bayes removing any escape sequences and stop words associated with the text, generating the associated 4.2 Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier tokens and lemmatizing the same. The idea behind preprocessing is to remove the parts from the text It follows Gaussian Normal Distribution and is a which do not contribute to the actual intent of the variant of Naive Bayes which are a group of super- text. vised machine learning classification algorithms For implementing Subtask A and C which were based on the Bayes theorem. The concept of con- binary classification problem, the labels were nor- ditional probability is used while using this for malized by using a one hot encoding scheme, the classification problem3 . The likelihood of the which transformed the labels into a categorical features in Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier is rep- value for which embedding is done and the en- resented by Figure 3. Predictions using this clas- coded labels are returned4 . The encoded data is sifier is done by providing new input values for used to train the model which is a Convolutional the parameters which will result in an estimated Neural Network with an embedding layer followed 2 by two dense layers. The embedding layer gener- classification-with-the-help-from-elmo-e90809ba29da 3 4 830
Metric Score Metric Score F1-Sarcastic 0.2012 Macro F 0.0387 F-Score 0.5101 F1-Sarcasm 0.2321 Precision 0.5137 F1-Irony 0.0000 Recall 0.5196 F1-Satire 0.0000 Accuracy 0.705 F1-Understatement 0.0000 F1-Overstatement 0.0000 Table 2: Subtask A Scores F1-Rhetorical Question 0.0000 Table 3: Subtask B Scores ates the ELMo embeddings which is implemented with the help of tensorflow hub. The first dense Metric Score layer has 256 units and makes use of relu activation Accuracy 0.3400 function. The output is generated from the second F-Score 0.2794 dense layer with two units as it performs Binary Classification. The activation function used by the Table 4: Subtask C Scores last layer is softmax. As Subtask B involved multi label classification, TF-IDF vectors were generated for the input text and the classification was car- score of the model and the proposed model had ried out using a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier5 , resulted in a macro-F1 score of 0.0387. We ranked which uses the concept of Bayes theorem. 19 on the leaderboard under this category. Table 3 The training data set provided as a part of the shows the F1 scores that were obtained for different shared task was used for training the model. As a type of sarcastic texts like Irony, Satire, Understate- separate data set was not provided for validation, ment, Overstatement and Rhetorical Question. 20% of the training instances were selected and Accuracy was the metric that was used for the used for the evaluation process. Finally the testing evaluation of Subtask C, and our model achieved an phase was implemented using the testing data set accuracy of 0.34 with rank 15 on the leaderboard. provided for the shared task. The F1 score that we obtained for this subtask was 0.2794 and these are tabulated in Table 4. 5 Results 6 Conclusions The metrics that were considered for the evaluation of all the three subtasks were precision, recall, ac- Sarcasm detection has become an important area of curacy and macro-F1 score. Precision represents research as it is interlinked with different areas of the ratio of the number of correct positive results application that includes sentiment analysis, opin- to the number of positive results predicted by the ion mining, offensive and hate speech detection. classifier. The recall measures the model’s ability Having this in mind SemEval-2022 had come up to detect positive samples. The higher the recall, with the task of Sarcasm detection which was repre- the more positive samples are detected. Classifi- sented by three subtasks namely sarcasm detection, cation accuracy is the ratio of number of correct identifying the type of irony associated with the predictions to the total number of input samples. sarcastic text and identifying whether the text or F1 score is an overall measure of a model’s accu- its rephrase is sarcastic. We have applied ELMo racy that combines precision and recall. A high embedding based Convolutional Neural Network F1 score means that the classification has resulted model for implementing the binary Subtasks A and with low number of false positives and low false C. Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier based on TF- negatives. The proposed model resulted in an F1 IDF vectors was used to implement Subtask B. All score for sarcastic texts as 0.2012 based on which the three subtasks were implemented considering Subtask A was evaluated and we were ranked 36 the language English. The performance of the mod- on the leaderboard. Table 2 shows the values that els used, were not up to the mark and it is found were obtained for various metrics like precision, from the task overview that the transformer models accuracy and recall considering Subtask A. when applied over this tasks provides better results. Subtask B was evaluated based on the macro-F1 Dataset for sarcasm detection could be created 5 ayes.html with contextual information which can help in ef- 831
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