Robust Pandemic Control Synthesis with Formal Specifications: A Case Study on COVID-19 Pandemic

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Robust Pandemic Control Synthesis with Formal Specifications: A Case
                                                                 Study on COVID-19 Pandemic
                                                                                                    Zhe Xu, Xiaoming Duan

                                              Abstract— Pandemics can bring a range of devastating conse-             [1], robotics [2], power systems [3], etc. On the agent-
                                           quences to public health and the world economy. Identifying the            level, temporal logic formulas can express specifications
                                           most effective control strategies has been the imperative task             for people in both indoor and outdoor spaces to obey the
                                           all around the world. Various public health control strategies
                                                                                                                      pandemic requirements (e.g., social distancing requirements).
arXiv:2103.14262v1 [eess.SY] 26 Mar 2021

                                           have been proposed and tested against pandemic diseases (e.g.,
                                           COVID-19). We study two specific pandemic control models: the              For example, according to the United States Centers for
                                           susceptible, exposed, infectious, recovered (SEIR) model with              Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, a close
                                           vaccination control; and the SEIR model with shield immunity               contact is defined as “any individual who was within 6
                                           control. We express the pandemic control requirement in metric             feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting
                                           temporal logic (MTL) formulas. We then develop an iterative ap-
                                           proach for synthesizing the optimal control strategies with MTL            from 2 days before illness onset until the time the patient is
                                           specifications. We provide simulation results in two different             isolated”. This can be expressed by a temporal logic formula
                                           scenarios for robust control of the COVID-19 pandemic: one for             ♦[t1 −2d,t2 ] [0,15min] (kpcontact − pinf ected k ≤ 6f eet), where
                                           vaccination control, and another for shield immunity control,              t1 and t2 denote the time of illness onset of the infected
                                           with the model parameters estimated from data in Lombardy,                 person and the time the patient is isolated, respectively;
                                           Italy. The results show that the proposed synthesis approach
                                           can generate control inputs such that the time-varying numbers             pinf ected and pcontact denote the positions of the infected
                                           of individuals in each category (e.g., infectious, immune) satisfy         person and the individual to be identified as a close contact,
                                           the MTL specifications with robustness against initial state and           respectively.
                                           parameter uncertainties.                                                      In [4], we provided the first systematic control synthesis
                                                                                                                      approach for three control strategies against COVID-19 with
                                                                   I. I NTRODUCTION                                   MTL specifications expressing the requirements for the con-
                                              Pandemics can bring a range of devastating consequences                 trol outcomes. In this paper, we extend [4] in the following
                                           to public health and the world economy. Identifying the most               main aspects. (1) We investigate the robust pandemic control
                                           effective control strategies has been the imperative task all              synthesis problem that takes into account initial state and
                                           around the world. Various public health control strategies                 parameter uncertainties (which were not considered in [4]).
                                           have been proposed and tested against pandemic diseases                    (2) For the pandemic control models that we consider, we
                                           (e.g., COVID-19). However, the existing pandemic control                   derive the theoretical bounds for the robustness degree of
                                           synthesis approaches still suffer from several limitations: (a)            any trajectory within the initial state and parameter un-
                                           The current control synthesis approaches do not take into                  certainty ranges with respect to an MTL specification. (3)
                                           account the uncertainties in the states and parameters. (b)                Based on the derived theoretical bounds, we develop an
                                           There is a lack of specific and formal specifications for the              iterative optimization-based approach and in each iteration
                                           expected effects and outcomes of the control strategies.                   we solve a mixed-integer bi-linear programming problem (for
                                              A specification for a biological system describes its                   vaccination control) or mixed-integer fractional constrained
                                           desirable behaviors and formalizes its properties. On the                  programming problem (for shield immunity control [5]).
                                           population-level, specifications such as “the infected people                 We provide simulation results in two different scenarios
                                           should never exceed one thousand per day within the next                   for robust control of the COVID-19 pandemic: one for vacci-
                                           90 days, and the immune people should eventually exceed                    nation control, and another for shield immunity control, with
                                           6 million after 40 to 60 days”, which can be expressed                     the model parameters estimated from data in Lombardy, Italy.
                                           as a temporal logic formula [0, 90d] (Inf ectedP erDay ≤                  The results show that the proposed synthesis approach can
                                           1000) ∧ ♦[40d, 60d] (Immune ≥ 6, 000, 000), can be used for                generate control inputs such that the time-varying numbers
                                           the formal synthesis of pandemic control strategies such as                of individuals in each category (e.g., infectious, immune)
                                           vaccination, quarantine, and shield immunity. Such temporal                satisfy the MTL specifications with robustness against initial
                                           logic formulas have been used as high-level knowledge or                   state and parameter uncertainties.
                                           specifications in many applications in artificial intelligence                                  II. R ELATED W ORK
                                             Zhe Xu is with the School for Engineering of Matter, Trans-              Modeling and optimal control of pandemics: There have
                                           port, and Energy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. email:        been numerous research focusing on modeling the infection
                                           {}.                                                           of pandemic diseases. Among the various models, com-
                                             Xiaoming Duan is with the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering
                                           and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX 78712. Email:        partmental models such as the susceptible, infectious, and
                                           {}.                                              recovered (SIR) model [6] and its variations [7], [8], [9], [10],
[11], [12] have been commonly used. More detailed models            (k ∈ I). Then the Boolean semantics of MTL are defined
have also been proposed to incorporate the hospitalized pop-        recursively as follows [36]:
ulation [13] and differentiate symptomatic and asymptomatic
                                                                          hh>ii(ξ, k) :=>,
infected populations [12], [14], [15]. There exist work in                                         
optimal control based on compartmental models [16], [17].                  hhπii(ξ, k) := ξk ∈ O(π) ,
On the other hand, agent-based models have been increas-                 hh¬φii(ξ, k) :=¬hhφii(ξ, k),
ingly used by researchers to examine complex urban health           hhφ1 ∨ φ2 ii(ξ, k) :=hhφ1 ii(ξ, k) ∨ hhφ2 ii(ξ, k),
problems and has been recently applied to study pandemics                                   _                           ^
[18], [19], [20], [21], [22]. While these models consider the       hhφ1 UI φ2 ii(ξ, k) :=           hhφ2 ii(ξ, k 0 ) ∧            hhφ1 ii
                                                                                           k0 ∈(k+I)                   k≤k00 , k) := + ∞,
                I NTERVAL T RAJECTORIES                                        ρ(ξ, π, k) :=Distd (ξk , O(π)),
   In this section, we briefly review metric temporal logic                  ρ(ξ, ¬φ, k) := − ρ(ξ, φ, k),
(MTL) [35]. The state x (e.g., representing the susceptible,            ρ(ξ, φ1 ∨ φ2 , k) := max ρ(ξ, φ1 , k), ρ(ξ, φ2 , k) ,         (2)
exposed, infectious, recovered population of a certain region)
                                                                        ρ(ξ, φ1 UI φ2 , k) := 0 max     min ρ(ξ, φ2 , k 0 ),
belongs to the domain X ⊂ Rn≥0 . The time set is T = R≥0 .                                   k ∈(k+I)
The domain B = {True, False} is the Boolean domain, and                                                           00
                                                                                                min   ρ(ξ, φ1 , k    )    .
the time index set is I = {0, 1, . . . }. We use ξ : T 7→ X                                      00 0
                                                                                                k≤k  | π | ¬φ | φ1 ∧ φ2 | φ1 ∨ φ2 | φ1 UI φ2 ,             by [ξ, ξ], as a set of trajectories such that for any trajectory
                                                                    ξ ∈ [ξ, ξ] we have ξk ∈ [ξ k , ξ k ] holds for all k. For an
where > stands for the Boolean constant True, π ∈ AP
                                                                    interval trajectory [ξ, ξ], we define its nominal trajectory ξ ∗
is an atomic proposition, ¬ (negation), ∧ (conjunction),                              ξ +ξ k
∨ (disjunction) are standard Boolean connectives, U is a            such that ξk∗ =    k
                                                                                         2     for all k.
temporal operator representing “until”, I is a time index
interval of the form I = [i1 , i2 ] (i1 ≤ i2 , i1 , i2 ∈ I). In        We use ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, k) to denote the robustness degree of
the remaining of this paper, we will use day as the unit            an interval trajectory [ξ, ξ] with respect to the formula φ at
in I. We can also derive two useful temporal operators              time instant t[k] (k ∈ I), and ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, k) is defined as
from “until” (U), which are “eventually” ♦I φ = >UI φ and
“always” I φ = ¬♦I ¬φ.                                                            ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, k) := min ρ(ξ, φ, k).                 (3)
   We define the set of states that satisfy the atomic proposi-
tion π as O(π) ⊂ X . We denote hhφii(ξ, k) = > if the state         Intuitively, if ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, k) ≥ 0, then any trajectory ξ ∈ [ξ, ξ]
of the trajectory ξ satisfies the formula φ at time instant t[k]    satisfied the MTL formula φ at time instant t[k].
IV. PANDEMIC SEIR M ODEL WITH C ONTROL                                                         (a)              vaccination         V
                    S TRATEGIES
   In this section, we study the susceptible, exposed, infec-                                        (b)
tious, recovered (SEIR) model for pandemics [8], [5], [11]                                                              control

with vaccination control and shield immunity control, and
provide the problem formulation for robust pandemic control
                                                                                      S                      E                              I                  R
with formal specifications.                                              birth
                                                                                  susceptible              exposed                      infectious           immune
   As shown in Figure 1, the total population is divided into
five parts in an SEIR model:
   • The susceptible population S: everyone is susceptible to                     natural death
      the disease by birth since immunity is not hereditary;                                                                                    dead from
   • The exposed population E: the individuals who have
      been exposed to the disease, but are still not infectious;   Fig. 1. Block diagram of the pandemic SEIR model with (a) vaccination
   • The infectious population I: the individuals who are          control and (b) shield immunity control.
   • The immune (recovered) population R: the individuals
      who are vaccinated or recovered from the disease, i.e.,      where the states and parameters are the same as in (4), while
      the population who are immune to the disease;                χ is the shield strength [5] as control input to be synthesized
   • The dead population D: the deaths from the disease.           for the recovered population to substitute the contact for the
Vaccination control model: We consider the SEIR model              susceptible population.
[8], [37] with vaccination control as follows.                        We rewrite (4) and (5) in the following general form.

                I˙ = E − (γ + µ + α)I;                                                               ẋ = f (x, u, θ),                                               (6)
               Ė = βSI/N − (µ + )E;                              where the state x = [I, E, S, R, D] ∈          the control in-               R5≥0 ,
               Ṡ = λN − µS − βSI/N − V ;                   (4)    put u represents V for the vaccination control and represents
                                                                   χ for the shield immunity control, θ = [α, β, , γ, µ, λ], and
               Ṙ = γI − µR + V ;                                  f : R5≥0 × R≥0 × R6≥0 → R5≥0 is a smooth vector field
               Ḋ = −I˙ − Ė − Ṡ − Ṙ,                            according to (4) and (5).
                                                                      For computational efficiency, we discretize the dynamics
where the control input V is the number of vaccinated
                                                                   in (6) as follows.
individuals per day, N = S + E + I + R ≤ N0 is
the total population in the region (N0 is the initial total                                     x(k + 1) = f¯(x[k], u[k], θ),                                         (7)
population in the region), S, E, I, and R are the number
of susceptible, exposed, infectious and recovered population       where f¯(·, ·, ·) is discretized from f (·, ·, ·) in (6) using
in the region, respectively, and D is the number of deaths         Euler’s method.
from the pandemic disease in the region. For the parameters,          Now we provide the problem formulation of the robust
λ denotes the per-capita birth rate, µ is the per-capita natural   pandemic control synthesis problem as follows.
death rate (death rate from causes unrelated to the pandemic          Problem 1 (Robust pandemic control): Given the SEIR
disease), α is the pandemic virus-induced average fatality         control model in (7) and an MTL specification φ, compute
rate, β is the probability of disease transmission per contact     the control input signal u[·] that minimizes the control effort
(dimensionless) times the number of contacts per unit time,        ku[·]k (here k·k denotes the `2 norm), while guaranteeing
 is the rate of progression from exposed to infectious (the       ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) ≥ 0, where [ξ, ξ] is the interval trajectory
reciprocal is the incubation period), and γ is the recovery        starting with x[0] ∈ [x[0], x[0]] with the control input signal
rate of infectious individuals. We assume that the birth rate      u[·] and parameter θ ∈ [θ, θ].
and the natural death rate are the same for the population                               V. S OLUTION
we are investigating, i.e., λ = µ, and as a result, D =               The robust pandemic control synthesis problem can be
N0 − I − E − S − R = N0 − N holds.                                 formulated as a robust optimization problem as follows.
Shield immunity control model: We consider the SEIR
model with shield immunity control [5] as follows (see Fig.               min ku[·]k
1 (b) as an illustration).
                                                                             s.t. x[k + 1] = f¯(x[k], u[k], θ), ∀k = 0, . . . , T,
             I˙ = E − (γ + µ + α)I;                                                               ∀x[0] ∈ [x[0], x[0]], ∀θ ∈ [θ, θ],                                 (8)
             Ė = βSI/(N + χR) − (µ + )E;                                         0 ≤ u[k] ≤ umax , ∀k = 0, . . . , T,
             Ṡ = λN − µS − βSI/(N + χR);                   (5)                    ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) ≥ 0,
             Ṙ = γI − µR;
                                                                   where [ξ, ξ] is the interval trajectory starting with x[0] ∈
             Ḋ = −I˙ − Ė − Ṡ − Ṙ,                              [x[0], x[0]] with the control input signal u[·] and parameter
θ ∈ [θ, θ], and T ∈ I is the maximal time index we consider.          specification φ with robustness of at least δmax .
   Generally, the optimization problem in (8) is a robust                min ku[·]k
mixed-integer non-linear programming problem. We refer the                u[·]

readers to [29] for a detailed description of how the constraint          s.t. x∗ [k + 1] = f¯(x∗ [k], u[k], θ∗ ), ∀k = 0, . . . , T,   (9)
ρ(ξ, φ, 0) ≥ 0 is encoded to satisfy an MTL specification φ.                     0 ≤ u[k] ≤ umax , ∀k = 0, . . . , T,
The integer variables are introduced when a big-M formula-
                                                                                 ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, 0) ≥ δmax .
tion [38] is needed to satisfy MTL specifications that contain
♦I or ∨.                                                                 In (9), we approximate the total population N with the
  To efficiently solve the robust optimization problem in (8),        initial population N0 as the change of N is relatively small
we first provide the following theorem.                               compared to the multiplication of the susceptible population
                                                                      and the infectious population. With such an approximation,
  Theorem 1: Given an interval trajectory [ξ, ξ] and its              the optimization problem becomes a mixed-integer bi-linear
nominal trajectory ξ ∗ , then for any ξ ∈ [ξ, ξ] and any              programming problem (for vaccination control) or mixed-
k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , K}, we have                                        integer fractional constrained programming problem (for
      ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, k) − δmax ≤ ρ(ξ, φ, k) ≤ ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, k) + δmax ,      shield immunity control), which can be efficiently solved
                                                                      through solvers such as GEKKO [39].
where φ is any MTL formula, δmax , max δk , and δk =                     If the constrained optimization problem in (9) is infeasible
     ξi −ξi     i                                                   (e.g., due to the conservativeness of the bound δmax ), we will
max k 2 k , and ξ k is the i-th dimension value of ξ k .              re-solve (9) by replacing δmax with ζ − ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) (where
  From Theorem 1, it can be seen that if we can design the            ζ is initially set as 0). After we obtain the optimal control
control input signal such as ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, k) ≥ δmax , then we have      input signal u∗ [·] from solving (9), we compute interval
ρ(ξ, φ, k) ≥ 0 holds for any ξ ∈ [ξ, ξ], i.e., ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, k) ≥ 0.   trajectory [ξ, ξ] with u∗ for x[0] ∈ [x[0], x[0]], θ ∈ [θ, θ].
                           ξi −ξi                                   Then we compute ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) based on (2) and (3). If
However, as δk = max k 2 k depends on u, δmax also
                       i                                              ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) ≥ 0, then the algorithm terminates with the
depends on u. Therefore, we need to design an iterative
                                                                      solution u∗ ; otherwise, we update ζ as ζ − ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) and
approach to compute u such that ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, k) ≥ δmax . Such
                                                                      repeat the above procedures until either ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) ≥ 0
an iterative approach is shown in Algorithm 1.
                                                                      holds or a maximal number of iterations (denoted as Itermax )
                                                                      is reached.
Algorithm 1 Robust pandemic control synthesis with MTL
specifications.                                                                           VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS
 1: Inputs: [x[0], x[0]], [θ, θ], f¯                                    In this section, we implement the proposed robust control
 2: Initialize ζ ← 0, u                                               synthesis methods in the COVID-19 models estimated from
 3: Compute interval trajectory [ξ, ξ] with control input             data in Lombardy, Italy.
    signal u[·] for x[0] ∈ [x[0], x[0]], θ ∈ [θ, θ]
                                                                      A. Robust Vaccination Control for COVID-19
 4: Compute ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) and δmax
 5: Iter ← 1                                                             The parameters of the COVID-19 SEIR model with un-
 6: while (ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) < 0) ∧ (Iter < Itermax ) do                certainties are shown in Table I. They were estimated in
 7:     Solve (9) to obtain the optimal control input signal          [8] from the data in the early days (from February 23
         u∗ [·] with robustness δmax                                  to March 16, 2020) in Lombardy, Italy with no isolation
 8:     if (9) is infeasible then                                     measures. The start time for the simulations in this subsection
 9:          ζ ← ζ − ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0)                                  is February 23, 2020. We consider three MTL specifications
10:          Solve (9) to obtain the optimal control inputs u∗        as shown in Table II. For example, φ1V = [0,100] (I ≤
           with robustness ζ (i.e., replace δmax with ζ in (9))       0.3) ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.05) ∧ ♦[40,60] (R ≥ 8), which means
11:     end if                                                        “the infected population should never exceed 0.3 million and
12:     u[·] ← u∗ [·]                                                 the deceased population should never exceed 0.05 million
13:     Compute interval trajectory [ξ, ξ] with u for x[0] ∈          within the next 100 days, and the immune population should
         [x[0], x[0]], θ ∈ [θ, θ]                                     eventually exceed 8 million after 40 to 60 days”. We choose
14:     Compute ρ([ξ, ξ], φ, 0) and δmax                              the initial values of the states with uncertainties as I[0] =
15:     Iter ← Iter + 1                                               1000 ± 1000 (people), E[0] = 0.02 ± 0.001 million, S[0] =
16: end while                                                         9.979 ± 0.001 million, R[0] = 0 and D[0] = 0.
17: Return u                                                             We used the the CORA toolbox [40] to compute [ξ, ξ] with
                                                                      the initial state and parameter uncertainties. We use the solver
                                                                      GEKKO [39] to solve the optimization problems formulated
  In each iteration in the while loop, we solve the following         in Section V. We set Itermax = 100, while in reality the
optimization problem for synthesizing the control input sig-          algorithm terminates in all cases within three iterations with
nal u[·] such that the nominal trajectory satisfies the MTL           feasible and optimal solutions. Fig. 2 and Table II show
                                                                 B. Robust Shield Immunity Control for COVID-19
 FROM L OMBARDY, I TALY FROM F EBRUARY 23 TO M ARCH 16 (2020)       We use the same initial state and parameter values of
     WITH NO ISOLATION MEASURES   [8] WITH UNCERTAINTIES .       the COVID-19 SEIR model with uncertainties as shown in
                                                                 Table I. The start time for the simulations in this subsection
  parameter    value                parameter     value          is February 23, 2020. We set the three MTL specifications
              0.2±0.001/day           λ          1/30295        ϕ1S , ϕ2S and ϕ3S (as shown in Table III) to be less stringent
     γ         0.2±0.001/day           µ          1/30295        than the MTL specifications with the vaccination control, as
     α         0.006±0.001/day         N0         10 million     shield immunity is generally less effective than vaccination.
     β         0.75±0.001/day          Ts         1 day          We investigate the hypothetical scenario where the isolation
                                                                 measures are replaced by shield immunity control.
                                                                    Fig. 3 and Table III show the simulation results for shield
                          TABLE II                               immunity control of the COVID-19 SEIR model with MTL
 MTL SPECIFICATIONS AND SIMULATION RESULTS FOR VACCINATION       specifications ϕ1S , ϕ2S and ϕ3S , respectively. The results show
                         CONTROL .                               that, despite the initial state and parameter uncertainties, the
                                                                 MTL specifications ϕ1S , ϕ2S and ϕ3S are satisfied respectively.
                                  control   computation time     We observe that with the three MTL specifications, the syn-
      MTL specification                                          thesized shield immunity control input signals all increase to
                                   effort    (each iteration)
    φ1V = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.3)                                     a peak after approximately 20 to 40 days and then gradually
        ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.05)     1.28         1.365 s           decrease. These observations indicate that shield immunity
         ∧ ♦[40,60] (R ≥ 8)                                      at early days of COVID-19 is more efficient than shield
   φ2V = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.15)                                     immunity at later days. The results also show that more
       ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.02)      2.397        1.134 s           control efforts are needed for more stringent specifications.
        ∧ ♦[40,60] (R ≥ 9)
   φ3V = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.1)                                                               VII. C ONCLUSION
       ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.01)      6.934        3.289 s
       ∧♦[40,60] (R ≥ 9)                                        In this paper, we proposed a systematic control synthesis
                                                             approach for mitigating a pandemic based on two control
                                                             models with vaccination and shield immunity, respectively.
                          TABLE III                          The proposed approach can synthesize control inputs that
   MTL SPECIFICATIONS AND SIMULATION RESULTS FOR SHIELD      lead to satisfaction of metric temporal logic specifications
                      IMMUNITY CONTROL .                     despite the state and parameter uncertainties.
                                                                We list two future directions as follows. First, we will
                               control    computation time   extend  this work to online control synthesis so that the states
    MTL specification                                        and  parameters    can be updated periodically with the latest
                                effort      (each iteration)
  ϕS = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.6)                                    disease  infection  data. Second, we will study the benefits and
       ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.1) 33349.80          3.498 s        costs of  joint control of different control strategies so that the
       ∧ ♦[40,60] (R ≥ 1)                                    specifications   can be  satisfied with coordinated efforts.
  ϕS = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.5)
      ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.07) 84272.22          3.312 s                                    A PPENDIX
       ∧ ♦[40,60] (R ≥ 1)
  ϕ3S = [0,100] (I ≤ 0.3)                                      Proof of Theorem 1:
      ∧ [0,100] (D ≤ 0.06) 122476.59         2.385 s        To  prove Theorem 1, we first prove that Theorem 1 holds
      ∧♦[40,60] (R ≥ 1)                                      for any atomic proposition π.
                                                                As the metric d satisfies the triangle inequality, for any k,
                                                             we have that for any ξk ∈ [ξ k , ξ k ] and any y ∈ X ,
                                                                   d(ξk∗ , y) − d(ξk∗ , ξk ) ≤ d(ξk , y) ≤ d(ξk∗ , y) + d(ξk∗ , ξk ).
the simulation results for vaccination control of COVID-                                                                           (10)
19 SEIR model with MTL specifications φ1V , φ2V and φ3V ,
                                                                                              ξi −ξi 
respectively. The results show that, despite the initial state     As d(ξk∗ , ξk ) ≤ max k 2 k = δk , we have
and parameter uncertainties, the MTL specifications φ1V , φ2V                             i
and φ3V are satisfied with the synthesized vaccination control             d(ξk∗ , y)   − δk ≤ d(ξk , y) ≤ d(ξk∗ , y) + δk .      (11)
input signals respectively. It can be seen that vaccination
within the first 40 days after the outbreak can mitigate the        1) ξk∗ ∈ O(π), and [ξ k , ξ k ] ⊂ O(π), as shown in Fig. 4
spread of COVID-19 in the most efficient manner. The results     (a). In this case, for any ξk ∈ [ξ k , ξ k ],
also show that more control efforts are needed for more
stringent specifications.                                                  ρ(ξ, π, k) = inf{d(ξk , y)|y ∈ X \O(π)}.

     vaccinated (M) per day






                                             0         20        40             60        80     100
                                                                      t (day)


       vaccinated (M) per day






                                             0         20        40             60        80     100
                                                                      t (day)
                                     0.6                                                                                         0.4                                                                     0.06
                                                                                                       infected population (M)

                                                                                                                                                                               deceased population (M)
            vaccinated (M) per day

                                     0.4                                                                                         0.3

                                     0.2                                                                                         0.2                                                                     0.03

                                          0                                                                                      0.1

                                     -0.2                                                                                         0                                                                        0
                                              0        20        40             60        80     100                                   0   20   40             60   80   100                                    0   20   40         60   80   100
                                                                      t (day)                                                                        t (day)                                                              t (day)

Fig. 2. Optimal vaccination control input signals and interval trajectories (plotted with shading) for COVID-19 SEIR model with robust vaccination
control and MTL specifications ϕ1V (first row), ϕ2V (second row) and ϕ3V (third row). The red and blue lines indicate the thresholds that should never be
exceeded and should eventually be exceeded in the atomic propositions of the MTL specifications, respectively.


shield strength




                                     0            20        40             60        80        100
                                                                 t (day)


      shield strength





                                         0        20        40              60       80        100
                                                                  t (day)



              shield strength





                                          0        20        40              60       80        100
                                                                   t (day)

Fig. 3. Optimal shield immunity control input signals and interval trajectories (plotted with shading) for COVID-19 SEIR model with robust shield
immunity control and MTL specifications ϕ1S (first row), ϕ2S (second row) and ϕ3S (third row). The red and blue lines indicate the thresholds that should
never be exceeded and should eventually be exceeded in the atomic propositions of the MTL specifications, respectively.
⇠k⇤                  4 (d). In this case,
             [⇠ k , ⇠ k ]             ⇠k⇤                                                    ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) = −inf{d(ξk∗ , y)|y ∈ cl(O(π))}.
                                                                                   For any ξk ∈ [ξ k , ξ k ] and ξk ∈
                                                                                                                    / O(π),
                                                                ⇠k⇤                           ρ(ξ, π, k) = −inf{d(ξk , y)|y ∈ cl(O(π))}
                                                                                               ≥ −inf{d(ξk∗ , y) + δk |y ∈ cl(O(π))}
                                                                                               = ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) − δk .
                                                                                   Therefore, ρ(ξ, π, k) ≥ min{X1 , X2 } = X1 ≥ ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) −
Fig. 4. Four different cases in the proof: (a) ξk∗ ∈ O(π), [ξ k , ξ k ] ⊂ O(π);    δk .
(b) ξk∗ ∈
        / O(π), [ξ k , ξ k ] ⊂ X \O(π); (c) ξk∗ ∈ O(π), [ξ k , ξ k ] 6⊂ O(π);
                                                                                      In sum, we have proven that ρ(ξ, π, k) ≥ ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) − δk .
(d) ξk∗ ∈
        / O(π), [ξ k , ξ k ] 6⊂ X \O(π).
                                                                                   Similarly, we can prove that ρ(ξ, π, k) ≤ ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) + δk .
                                                                                      Therefore, Theorem 1 holds for any atomic proposition π.
                                                                                   Next, we use induction to prove that Theorem 1 holds for
Thus from (11), we have                                                            any MTL formula φ.
             ρ(ξ, π, k) ≥ inf{d(ξk∗ , y) − δk |y ∈ X \O(π)}                           (ii) We assume that Theorem 1 holds for φ and prove
                                                                                   Theorem 1 holds for ¬φ.
             = inf{d(ξk∗ , y)|y ∈ X \O(π)} − δk
                                                                                      If Theorem 1 holds for φ, then as ρ(ξ ∗ , ¬φ, k) =
             = ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) − δk .                                                −ρ(ξ ∗ , φ, k), we have −ρ(ξ ∗ , ¬φ, k) − δmax                 ≤
                                                                                   −ρ(ξ, ¬φ, k)        ≤        −ρ(ξ ∗ , ¬φ, k) + δmax , thus
  2) ξk∗ ∈
         / O(π), and [ξ k , ξ k ] ⊂ X \O(π), as shown in Fig.                      ρ(ξ ∗ , ¬φ, k) − δmax ≤ ρ(ξ, ¬φ, k) ≤ ρ(ξ ∗ , ¬φ, k) + δmax .
4 (b). In this case, for any ξk ∈ [ξ k , ξ k ],                                       (iii) We assume that Theorem 1 holds for φ1 , φ2 and prove
              ρ(ξ, π, k) = −inf{d(ξk , y)|y ∈ cl(O(π))}.                           Theorem 1 holds for φ1 ∧ φ2 .
                                                                                      If Theorem 1 holds for φ1 and φ2 , then ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 , k) −
Thus from (11), we have                                                            δmax ≤ ρ(ξ, φ1 , k) ≤ ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 , k) + δmax , ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k) −
        ρ(ξ, π, k) ≥ −inf{d(ξk∗ , y) + δk |y ∈ cl(O(π))}                           δmax ≤ ρ(ξ, φ2 , k) ≤ ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k) + δmax . As ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 ∧
                                                                                   φ2 , k) = min(ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 , k), ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k)), we have
         = ρ(ξ ∗ , π, k) − δk .
                                                                                              min(ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 , k), ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k)) − δmax
   3)  ξk∗∈ O(π), but [ξ k , ξ k ] 6⊂ O(π), as shown in Fig. 4                                 ≤ ρ(ξ, φ1 ∧ φ2 , k)
(c). In this case, we have
                                                                                               ≤ min(ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 , k), ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k)) + δmax ,
       ρ(ξ, π, k) ≥                   min            ρ(ξ, π, k) = min{X1 , X2 },
                                 ξk ∈[ξ ,ξ k ]
                                                                                   therefore ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 ∧ φ2 , k) − δmax ≤ ρ(ξ, φ1 ∧ φ2 , k) ≤
       where                                                                       ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 ∧ φ2 , k) + δmax .
                                                                                      (iv) We assume that Theorem 1 holds for φ and prove
       X1 = −                  max                inf{d(ξk , y)|y ∈ cl(O(π))},
                            ξk ∈[ξ ,ξ k ],                                         Theorem 1 holds for φ1 UI φ2 .
                             ξk ∈O(π)
                                /                                                     As
       X2 =                 min             inf{d(ξk , y)|y ∈ X \O(π)}.
                     ξk ∈[ξ ,ξ k ],
                                                                                           ρ(ξ ∗ , φ1 UI φ2 , k) = 0 max      min ρ(ξ ∗ , φ2 , k 0 ),
                           k                                                                                      k ∈(t+I)
                      ξk ∈O(π)                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                       ∗ 00
                                                                                                                      00 0
                                                                                                                           [[φ 1 ]] (ξ  , k )    ,
   As d(ξk , y) ≥ 0, so X1 ≤ 0, X2 ≥ 0, min{X1 , X2 } =                                                           t≤k
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