Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016
Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

       Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
       Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19
October 2016
List of Decisions
   1. The IGU Executive Committee (EXC) adopted the agenda for the EXC meeting.
   2. The Minutes of the EXC meeting held in Durban, South Africa on 6 April 2016 were approved.
   3. The EXC approved the new Vice Chair of the Sustainability Committee Ms Lizuryaty Azrina
   4. The EXC endorsed the confirmation of the Secretariat transfer to Barcelona and Mr Luis Bertran
      Rafecas as Secretary General from 1st November 2016 to 31st October 2022.
   5. The EXC endorsed the applications from the PwC, The Netherlands and Natural Gas Society, India
      for approval by the Council.
   6. The EXC endorsed the budget for 2017.
   7. The EXC elected Iran as host for IGRC 2020.
   8. The EXC deferred the recommendation to increase the Premium Associate members from 10 to 20.
   9. The EXC discussed and supported the Working Group to assess, prepare and recommend potential
      changes to the governance and structure of the IGU inclusive of the possible establishment of a
      permanent Secretariat.

Note. Figures in parentheses in the minutes, e.g. (1), refer to the decisions mentioned in the above list.

Procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité exécutif à Amsterdam, Les Pays-Bas, le 19
octobre 2016
Liste des décisions
   1. Le Comité exécutif de l’UIG (CEX) a adopté l’ordre du jour de la réunion du CEX.
   2. Le procès-verbal de la réunion du CEX à Durban, Afrique du Sud, le 6 Avril 2016, a été approuvé.
   3. Le Comité exécutif a approuvé le nouveau vice-président du Comité Sustainability, Mme.
      Lizuryaty Azrina Abdullah.
   4. Le CEX a cuationné le movement du Secretariat à Barcelona et M. Luis Bertrán Rafecas comme
      Secretaire General de l’UIG depuis 1er Novembre 2016 jusquà 31 October 2022
   5. Le CEX a cautionné les candidatures de PwC, Les Pays-Bas et Natural Gas Society, Inde pour
      approbation par le Conseil.
   6. Le CEX a cautionné le budget pour 2017.
   7. Le Comité exécutif a approuvé l'Iran comme pays hôte de l’IGRC 2020.
   8. Le CEX a reporté la recommandation d'augmenter le nombre de Membre Associé Premium de 10 à
   9. Le CEX a discuté et soutenu le groupe de travail pour évaluer, préparer et recommander des
      changements potentiels à la gouvernance et à la structure de l'UIG, y compris la création éventuelle
      d'un Secrétariat permanent.

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Note : les chiffres entre parenthèses dans le procès-verbal, par ex. (1), indiquent les décisions
mentionnées dans la liste ci-dessus.

List of Participants

IGU Officers
President                                     Mr David Carroll
Vice President                                Mr Jae Ho Song
Immediate Past President                      Mr Jérôme Ferrier
Secretary General                             Mr Pål Rasmussen
Deputy Secretary General                      Mr Luis Bertrán Rafecas
Chair of Coordination Committee (CC)          Mr Mel Ydreos
Vice Chair of CC                              Mr Munseok Baek

Members of the Secretariat
Director                                      Mr Mats Fredriksson
Director                                      Mr Rafael Huarte Lázaro
Senior Advisor to the Secretary General       Mr Taeksang Kwon
Senior Advisor to the Secretary General       Ms Antonia Fernández Corrales
Information Consultant/CC Secretary           Ms Anette Sørum Nordal
Administration Consultant                     Ms Kristin Sande
Executive Assistant                           Ms Luisa Peris Meléndez

Members of the Executive Committee

Based on Charter membership:

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Australia                                  Australian Gas Industry Trust
                                           Mr Graeme Bethune
Brazil                                     ABEGAS - Associação Brasileira das Empresas
                                           Distribuidoras de Gás Canalizado
                                           Ms Ieda Gomes
China, P.R.                                China Gas Society
                                           Mr Cao Yujun
Czech Republic                             Czech Gas Association
                                           Mr Andreas Rau
Germany                                    Deutscher Verein des Gas und Wasserfaches (DVGW)
                                           Mr Gerald Linke
Iran                                       National Iranian Gas Company
                                           Mr Hedayat Omidvar
Japan                                      The Japan Gas Association
                                           Mr Shinichi Tada
Malaysia                                   Malaysian Gas Association
                                           Mr Hazli Sham Kassim
Norway                                     Statoil ASA
                                           Mr Runar Tjersland
Qatar                                      Qatargas Operating Company Ltd.
                                           Mr Scott Ickes
Russian Federation                         Gazprom JSC
                                           Mr Andrey Sapozhnikov
Spain                                      Spanish Gas Association (SEDIGAS)
                                           Mr Antoni Peris Mingot
Netherlands, The                           KVGN
                                           Mr Han Fennema

Based on Associate membership:

ENGIE                                      Mr Jean-Michel Figoli

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

IBP                                        Ms Cynthia S. Silveira
KOGAS                                      Mr Seunghoon Lee
Pertamina                                  Mr Tanudji Darmasakti
Shell International Exploration &          Mr Chris Gunner
Production BV

As Regional Coordinators:

North America                              Mr Timothy Egan
Asia and Asia Pacific                      Ms LI Yalan
Russia, Black Sea and Caspian area         Mr Marcel Kramer
The Middle East & Africa                   Mr Khaled Abubakr

Guests of the President:

EXC member and RC Europe 2015-2018         Mr Gertjan Lankhorst
Executive Director of WGC 2018             Mr Jay Copan
NOC of WGC 2018                            Mr Dave McCurdy
Senior Advisor to the IGU President        Mr Terence Thorn
Oman LNG, Host of the EXC meeting          Mr Mahmood Al Balushi
LNG18 Executive Director                   Ms Barbara Jinks

1. Opening by the President of the IGU
The President welcomed the members of the Executive Committee (EXC). He thanked to the Dutch Gas
Association (KVGN), for hosting the event and giving us such a warm welcome in the beautiful city of
Amsterdam. He thanked to Mr Gertjan Lankhorst, Mr Han Fennema, Mr Hansch van der Velden and Mr
Robert Doets together with their coordinating team for hosting this EXC meeting and following meetings
this week.
The President proudly announced that IGU is celebrating 85 years in 2016. All EXC members were
presented the updated IGU history book and a summary of the Norwegian term called ‘IGU in Norway’.
The President explained that the agenda for today’s meeting has four parts. The first part is standard
administrative items requiring EXC Approval and Endorsement. The second part is Election of IGRC

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

2020 Host Organisation. The third part is this Triennium’s Strategic Initiatives. And the last part is items
for EXC discussion on Policy Position.

The President reminded that the meetings of the Executive Committee are strictly reserved to members of
the committee or their substitutes.

There are four changes in the membership of the EXC since the last Council meeting that must be
confirmed by the Council, pursuant to AoA 9.1 and 9.2:
      The Netherlands: EXC member Mr Gertjan Lankhorst, has been replaced by Mr Han Fennema,
       CEO of Gasunie. Mr Lankhorst will not continue in his position as Regional Coordinator for
       Europe, and IGU management team will start the process to identify the new candidate.
      Malaysia: EXC member Mr Pramod Kumar Karunakaran has been replaced by Mr Hazli Sham
       Kassim, the new Malaysian Gas Association President.
      Japan: EXC member Mr Kyoji Tomita, has been replaced by Mr Shinichi Tada representing the
       Japan Gas Association
      Qatar: EXC member Mr Abdulla Al-Hussaini, has transitioned to a new role within Qatargas and
       has been replaced by Mr Scott Ickes.

The following substitutes attended the meeting:
          Mr Graeme Bethune is substituting for Ms Cheryl Cartwright (Marketing & Communication)
          Ms Ieda Gomes is substituting for Mr Augusto Salomon (Charter, Brazil)
          Mr Cao Yujun is substituting for Ms Che Lixin (Charter, China, People’s Republic of)
          Mr Tanudji Darmasakti is substituting for Ms Yenni Andayani (Associate, Pertamina)

The following apologies were received:
       Mr Javier Gremes Cordero
       Ms Cheryl Cartwright
       Ms Che Lixin
       Mr Eduardo Pizano
       Mr Andrea Stegher
       Ms Yenni Andayani

The President had invited:
          Executive Director of WGC 2018 , Mr Jay Copan
          NOC of WGC 2018, Mr Dave McCurdy
          Senior Advisor to the IGU President, Mr Terence Thorn
          Mr Ho Sook Wah, Honorary Member

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

         Oman LNG, Host of the EXC meeting, Mr Mahmood Al Balushi
         LNG18 Executive Director, Ms Barbara Jinks

The agenda was posted on the IGU website together with all the documentation for this meeting.
         The IGU Executive Committee (EXC) adopted the agenda for the EXC meeting (1)

2. Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting in Durban, South Africa, 6 April
The minutes were distributed directly to the EXC members in June 2016 and later published on the IGU
website. Some corrections were received and adopted. In addition, following the Durban EXC meeting,
the summary of recommendation from the identified group of EXC members has been enclosed in the
minutes for information purpose.
         The minutes of the EXC meeting held in Durban, South Africa, 6 April 2016 were approved (2)

3. Appointment of new Vice Chair of IGU Committee
The Vice Chair of the Sustainability Committee, Ms Nor Hazleen Madros from Petronas, Malaysia, has
been transferred to another department in her company and was not able to continue as IGU Committee
Vice Chair. The new nomination for the position is Ms Lizuryaty Azrina Abdullah, Head, Social
Performance, Petronas. She fulfils the criteria for this important position as stated in the Articles of
         The EXC approved the new Vice Chair of the Sustainability Committee Ms Lizuryaty Azrina
          Abdullah. (3)

4. Transfer of the Secretariat to Barcelona and new Secretary General
The Deputy Secretary General presented the project to transfer the Secretariat and the Headquarter of
IGU to Barcelona, the work done, and the new team which will be working from Barcelona.
Mr Rafael Huarte will take the position of IGU Director replacing Mr Mats Fredriksson and will take over
almost of his responsibilities. Ms Antonia Fernandez Corrales, who was Adviser in IGU Oslo office
under the Norwegian Secretariat, will take up the position of Chief Advisor in the new Secretariat. Ms
Luisa Peris Melendez will take up the position of Executive Assistant.
Also, two persons who have been working in Oslo will move to Barcelona and will continue offering
their services to IGU Secretariat. Mr Taeksang Kwon, will take up the position of Senior Advisor of IGU
and Ms Anette Nordal will continue her function as Coordination Committee Secretary and Information
Mr Luis Bertrán Rafecas, currently Deputy Secretary General until 31st October 2016, will take up the
position of Secretary General of IGU from 1st November to 31st October 2022.

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

          The EXC endorsed the confirmation of the Secretariat transfer to Barcelona and Mr Luis
           Bertran Rafecas as Secretary General from 1st November 2016 to 31st October 2022. (4)

5. Membership and Marketing Plan
Associate member applications
Mr Taeksang Kwon presented the membership applications received for Associate membership:
          PwC, The Netherlands
          Natural Gas Society, India
The applications were processed by the Secretariat and they fulfil the criteria as stated in the Articles of

          Following a brief discussion on the criteria for membership which were recommended as part
           of BFTF I the EXC endorsed the applications from the PwC, The Netherlands and Natural Gas
           Society, India for approval by the Council. (5).

6. IGU Budget
Deputy Secretary General, Mr Luis Bertrán Rafecas, presented the main items of the budget for 2017.
The budget figure for 2017 is based on an income of 1.5 million Euro. This is an increase from last year
of about 400,000 Euro. The increase is due to the revised membership fee and supplement that was
approved by the Council in the Paris meeting 1 June 2015. Please note that for this budget the full effect
of the approved supplement is now in effect.
This increased income will be directed towards the activities described under the BFTF project, and
400,000 Euro has been set aside for this. The proposed budget shows a gain of 4,000 Euros.
IGU has currently €384.000 outstanding fees in total; among those, € 264.000 outstanding membership
from 2016 and €139.000 from 2015 and before.
A team led by the Deputy Secretary General has implemented a set of actions to approach these members
and good progress has been done since they started spring 2016, but we estimate that we will have an
important amount of outstanding by the end of the year.
Post-Meeting note; as of 1 November, membership fee of 42,000 Euros has been recovered for 2016
compared to above figures.
The forecast for 2016 is Euro 110.000 better than the 2016 budget.
But there will be made an evaluation to identify the need to cover for outstanding fees at year end.
The same rule will be applied at the end of 2017. Nevertheless, the outstanding fees from the current year
is challenging the IGU cash flow in 2017 because we are running a higher budget than the past and we
don’t have built the reserves accordingly yet.

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

So, we will continue with the action plan to approach the members with outstanding and welcoming any
contribution from the EXC.
Said that, the expenses in 2017 could be reviewed during the year and we will prepare a contingency plan
in case that the outstanding was creating a cash flow concern.
The contingency plan is currently estimated at € 216.000 (14.4% of the budged).
A concern was raised with respect to the increase in travel budget and the explanation provided is that the
increase is due the addition of staff and increased outreach.
The budget item “Staff/Consultant Services” has been increased as a result of the decisions made in the
Building for the Future project which includes additional consultant personnel to the IGU Secretariat.
         The EXC endorsed the budget for 2017. (6).

Invitation letters for IGRC 2020 were sent to all members on 2 March this year. At the deadline for
applications there were four applicant; Germany, Indonesia, Iran and Oman. It is the responsibility of the
EXC to elect the host country for IGRC 2020.
The Applicants were asked to present the applications to host IGRC 2020. That was followed by the vote.
         The EXC elected Iran as host for IGRC 2020. (7).

8. Revision of Articles of Association (Premium Associate Members)
The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General presented the proposal on Revision of Articles of
At the Council meeting in Paris on 1 June 2015, the IGU Articles of Association were revised. One of the
changes was the introduction of Premium Associate Members. The revision resulted in a limit of ten
Premium Associate Members. All ten Premium Associate Member slots were already approved by the
Council at the Council meeting in Cartagena on 21 October and this led to a discussion about the
maximum number of ten Premium Associate Members. Based on the discussion at the Executive
Committee meeting in Cartagena and subsequent discussion, the Management Team recommends
increase the maximum number of Premium Associate Members to twenty. Allocation of more Premium
Associate membership will be based on an evaluation made by the Management Team on a case by case
The President asked EXC members any remarks or questions to the changes presented.
         The EXC deferred the recommendation to increase the Premium Associate members from 10 to
          20. (8)

9. Building for the Future Phase (BFTF)

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General gave update on the Building For The Future
It was divided in three parts. Phase 1 and Phase 2 has been discussed and approved and are implemented,
and Phase 3 was initiated in Durban and we will now share the progress of this Phase with you..
The main purpose of the Phase 1 was to strengthen the financial position at IGU by restructuring the
membership structure, to ensure re-sources to IGU’s advocacy efforts. This phase is now being
implemented. The complete increase percentage will be charged from 2017. Since the members are in
different tiers and categories with different fees compared to previous years, the IGU Secretariat has
established a more detailed follow up for this process. The strategic partnership also is part of the
advocacy and a new strategy on that has been updated and presented in this meeting (later in the EXC and
before in the Council). And as presented before, Mel Ydreos is acting as Public Affairs director since 1st
The Phase 2 of the project was and strategic review of the IGU events and how IGU could optimize its
events in terms of Strategic policies, branding and positioning, conference programme, commercial model
and organizational model. The new model was approved at the EXC meeting in Cartagena, where we
postponed the revision of commercial model to be presented here in Amsterdam. On that, the WG
analysed the possibility of IGU becoming event organizer, but considering the risk on that and the value
to the members organizing events, we concluded on keeping the current commercial model based on
royalty fee from the events. However, IGU could review this position in the future. IGU also hired a part-
time Event Director since 1st August who is responsible for leading the implementation and reports to the
Secretary General. Rodney Cox was presented before too.
There have been continuous changes throughout the gas industry and the overall energy environment and
IGU has responded with a number of new strategic initiatives. For a successful completion of these new
initiatives IGU needs to continue evolve and is very likely that new realigned resources will be required.
Last April in Durban, the Management Team was invited to accelerate the studies on IGU Governance as
Phase 3 of the BFTF.
The Working Group for the BFTF Phase 3 is:
       - Mr Luis Bertran (assisted by Antonia Fernandez)
       - Mr Pål Rasmussen
       - Mr Tim Egan
       - Mr Marcel Kramer
       - Mr Chris Gunner
       - Mr Runar Tjersland
       - Mr Munseok Baek
       - Mr Jay Copan
The WG identified two key potential changes to consider: the establishment of permanent Secretariat and
to separate the Presidency and the hosting of the WGC. WG has prioritized the establishment of
permanent Secretariat for presentation for EXC and Council.
Main objectives of IGU Staff are Services to the members, Advocacy and IGU Events. The reasons for
permanent Secretariat are to increase the Competency, Continuity, Credibility and Certainty of the Union.

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

Things to consider are that the Spanish secretariat will continue until 2022 and a future permanent office
will require funding by the already agreed royalty fees from IGU events (in transition until 2022) and
increase Membership and/or fees (Improving membership value and benefits).
Key considerations for the discussion on Permanent office are (with timeline):
      October 2016 Amsterdam: Support the proposal of WG to present a plan for the establishment of a
       permanent office after Spanish Secretariat in the Tokyo council meeting.
      October 2017 Tokyo: BFTF Phase III presentation for approval.
      October 2020: Permanent office selection.
The President asked EXC to support the WG on: preparation of an implementation plan to establish a
permanent IGU office (running ending 2022 when the Spanish secretariat finishes) and this plan shall be
presented to next council meeting in Tokyo 2017.
The EXC discussed the recommendation and did not at this time want to eliminate the possibility of
continuing with the current “host” model and as such, support the WG to assess, prepare and recommend
potential changes to the governance and structure of the IGU inclusive of the possible establishment of a
permanent Secretariat.
          The EXC discussed and supported the Working Group to assess, prepare and recommend
           potential changes to the governance and structure of the IGU inclusive of the possible
           establishment of a permanent Secretariat. (9)

IGU Election Timeline for Presidency / WGC2024 and Process /timeline for election of Committee
Chairs and Vice Chairs 2018-2021
The Deputy Secretary General explained the timeline.
Regarding IGU Election Timeline for 2021-2024 Presidency / WGC2024, IGU secretariat will send out
the invitation letter after the Council meeting in Amsterdam. The candidates for the new presidency 2021-
2024 and WGC 2024 are required to apply before 28 February 2017. EXC will make an assessment of the
candidates (Muscat, March 2017). The election will be held in Tokyo (October 2017). A specific request
was made to include the requirement of bidders to describe how they plan on advancing the IGU through
their Presidency.
For the Election of Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs (2018-2021), these functions are among the most
important in IGU and are essential for a successful Coordination Committee working programme. We
have already elected the Charter members and identified the candidates for the Chair positions for the
2018-2021 Triennium. We will ask the Charter members to confirm their commitment for this task in
time for the next EXC. There may be changes in companies that make it difficult to undertake this task. In
such cases we have to look for alternative candidates.
Regarding the Vice Chair positions for 2018-2021 IGU will invite all Charter members and Premium
Associate Members to express interest and nominate candidates for the Vice Chair positions of the 11
standing Committees of IGU in December 2016 with the deadline for responses set to March 2017. This
will enable us to report the status of interest to the EXC spring meeting. Formally it is the Charter

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

members that hold this responsibility, but normally supported by companies in their country. We must
also take into account that there may be changes in the IGU committee structure during the Korean
Procedure of Election new Vice Chairs will start in December with an invitation letter. And the Vice
Chairs will be approved by the Council next year. We would like to underline this important 6 year

10. Strategic Partnerships
The President referred the read only material.
Five prioritized global issues have been identified: Climate Change, Air Emissions, Energy Access,
Economic Development and Energy Security. And Tier 1 Global Strategic Partners have been identified
in relation with ‘Political/External Influence’ and ‘Alignment with IGU/Possibility to work together’.
New Relationship Managers for IGU prioritized partner organisations have been appointed.
•      Mr Rafael Huarte, SE4ALL, WB, UNEP and WHO
•      Mr Pål Rasmussen, G20
•      Mr Marcel Kramer, IEA and IRENA

11. Methane Emissions
Executive Director, Public Affairs updated on the latest developments and presented the draft report of
Methane Emissions. Discussion in the EXC and Council in Amsterdam will be reflected in the final
A member recommended that if there is best practice then it could be more persuasive.

12. Policy / Communication Positions
Executive Director, Public Affairs, updated on the latest developments showing how infographics are
used to present the individual IGU policy.

13. Miscellaneous
The President acknowledged IGU is very grateful to members of the EXC for their continuous support
during this triennium: a diploma will be awarded to all previous members.

Minutes of the EXC Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands 19 October 2016

IGU is indeed very fortunate to be able to rely on such high level and competent Executive Committee
members. IGU would like to express its appreciation for the excellent work done in the Executive
Committee during this triennium, and will therefore honour each EXC member of the 2015-2018 EXC
with a diploma. He thanked so much for their contribution to IGU.
The President indicated that a new Regional Coordinator for Europe will be identified in the coming

             IGU presented Diploma to Mr Gertjan Lankhorst in recognition of the services rendered to
             the Union.

             IGU presented Diploma to Mr Pramod Kumar Karunakaran in recognition of the services
             rendered to the Union.

             IGU presented Diploma to Mr Kyoji Tomita in recognition of the services rendered to the

             IGU presented Diploma to Mr Abdulla Al-Hussainiin recognition of the services rendered
             to the Union.

Next meeting
The next EXC Meeting will take place in Muscat, Oman 29 March 2017.

14. Closing
In closing this session, the President thanked the EXC for their contributions to the meeting.

(TK/PR 1.11.2016)

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