Minutes for Representative Meeting December 5, 2020 held online on Zoom Present

Page created by Crystal Yang
Minutes for Representative Meeting December 5, 2020 held online on Zoom

Clerks: Marilyn Manzer, Presiding Clerk, Beverly Shepard, Mentoring Clerk, Katharine Carmichael,
Recording Clerk
Technical Support: Adrian Dolling
CYM Trustees: Barbara Horvath, Anne-Marie Zilliacus
CYM Staff: Cameron Fraser, CYM Secretary

Yearly Meeting Standing Committee Clerks or Representatives
Archives Committee: Elaine Bishop
Camp NeeKauNis Committee, Kris Wilson-Yang
Change and Sustainable Transformation Working Group: Celia Cheatley
Contributions Committee: Penni Burrell
Discipline Review Committee: Ruth Pincoe
Education and Outreach Committee: Catherine Harding
Finance Committee: Fran McQuail
Nominating Committee: Charlotte Burch
Personnel Committee: Holly Turner
Personnel Management Group: Virginia Dawson
Program Committee: Chris Hitchcock
Publications and Communications Committee: Rachel Urban Shipley

Quarterly and Half-Yearly Meeting Representatives
Atlantic Half-Yearly Meeting: Ellen Helmuth
Pelham Half-Yearly Meeting: Sheila Havard
Western Half-Yearly Meeting: Celia Cheatley
Yonge Street Half-Yearly Meeting: Gini Smith

Representatives of Monthly Meetings
Annapolis Valley MM: Penni Burrell
Argenta MM: Seán Hennessey
Calgary MM: Heidi Dick
Coldstream MM: Sheila Havard
Cowichan Valley MM: Donna Sassaman
Edmonton MM: Katharine Carmichael
Halifax MM: Dick Cotterill
Hamilton MM: Chris Hitchcock
Interior BC MM: Tam Fleming
Montreal MM: Brooke Nancekivell
New Brunswick MM: Ellen Helmuth
Ottawa MM: Anne-Marie Zilliacus
Pelham Executive MM: Lisa Smith
Peterborough MM: Anne Trudell
Saanich Peninsula MM: Ro Fife
Saskatoon MM: Mark Stanley
Thousand Islands MM: Bert Horwood
Toronto MM: Ruth Pincoe
Vancouver MM: Rachel Yordy
Vancouver Island MM: Catherine Alpha
Winnipeg MM: Gwen Anderson
Yarmouth MM: Martha Laing
Yonge Street MM: Norm Smith

Annapolis Valley MM: Carol Bradley, Gary Hillier
Calgary MM: Kitty Dunn
Halifax MM: Maida Follini, Mel Earley
Hamilton MM: Pete Cross
Montreal MM: Michael Pedruski, David Millar
Ottawa MM: Sylvia Powers, Colin Stuart
Toronto MM: Dan Cooperstock, Lynn Robinson, Sylvia Grady
Yonge Street MM: Eve Schmitz-Hertzberg, George Ivanoff

Laurel Beyer, Saskatoon MM
Sandy McKay, New Brunswick MM
Maggie Knight, Vancouver Island MM (Publications and Communications)

RM 2020.12.01 Opening Worship: The meeting began with 20 minutes of worship during which the
Clerk shared a reading of Advices and Queries # 8 and #14 as follows:

       Worship is our response to an awareness of God. We can worship alone, but when we join
       with others in expectant waiting we may discover a deeper sense of God's presence. We seek a
       gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God's love
       drawing us together and leading us.

       Are your meetings for church affairs held in a spirit of worship and in dependence on the
       guidance of God? Remember that we do not seek a majority decision nor even consensus. As
       we wait patiently for divine guidance our experience is that the right way will open and we
       shall be led into unity.

RM 2020.12.02 The Clerk reviewed for Friends our online meeting protocols.
Adrian Dolling, was introduced as the Friend offering technology help for this meeting.

RM 2020.12.03 Announcements. The Clerk made the following two announcements which
Representatives are asked to share with their meetings and committees.

1. Access to Quaker.ca Business
Some Friends have recently experienced challenges with accessing the Business side of Quaker.ca.
One challenge was linked to Friends accessing the Business side of Quaker.ca through bookmarking
the pages, and subsequent changes to webpage addresses (i.e. domain and IP configurations).
To access the Business side of Quaker.ca, go to the Quaker.ca homepage, https://quaker.ca/, and click
on the Business button. Friends can then use their previous log-in practices to enter into the Business
side of Quaker.ca. We recommend Friends create a new bookmark the Quaker.ca page if the old one is
not working.
To register for access to the Business side of Quaker.ca, complete the online registration process at
https://quaker.ca/register/. To reset your password for the Business side, go to

2. Agenda items planned for upcoming CYM online meetings for worship for business:
January 23: Reporting and Clearness sessions for CYM Trustees and CYM Finance Committee
February 6: Reporting and Clearness session: CYM Archives Committee, and Recommendations from
CAST including approval of CYM priorities and services. In addition, CAST has revised a
recommendation submitted to Representative Meeting in June and is asking for approval of it in
February as follows:
       CAST recommends that CYM Meetings for Worship for Business be responsible for changes to
       our organization and our witness to the wider world, including:
              Maintenance of our book of Discipline (Faith & Practice, Organization & Procedure,
       Advices & Queries)
              Discernment of public statements of our faith and beliefs
              Recognition of new Monthly Meetings and Half-Yearly Meetings
       All other business would be the responsibility of Representative Meeting, which could decide
       to refer items to a CYM business meeting. Representative Meeting would need to meet more
       than once a year. More frequent and shorter Representative Meetings can be held by online
A document from the CYM Clerks in support of this recommendation is attached to these minutes as
Appendix A. Representatives are asked to share this with their meetings.

2020.12.04. Correction to and Acceptance of Representative Meeting minutes from November 21,
      One correction: Norm Smith was the rep for Yonge St. Monthly Meeting. Otherwise the
minutes were accepted as circulated.

RM 2020.12.05 The agenda was reviewed.

RM 2020.12.06 Request re a Refugee Sponsorship Opportunity ---
Monthly Meetings are invited to consider sponsoring refugees who are detained on Nauru Island and
Papua New Guinea off the coast of Australia. Australian Quakers are providing funding assistance and
a Canadian organization is providing guidance. See the document in Appendix B.

RM 2020.12.07 Protocols regarding use of fundraising platforms for CYM fundraising.
Friends or committees or Meetings who wish to encourage donations to CYM during special events
using a fundraising platform are asked to use CanadaHelps.org, as CYM is already linked and registered
with them. CanadaHelps.org collects full mailing addresses and issues charitable tax receipts and they
are a nationally recognized online donation platform. A document explaining this request is included
in these minutes as Appendix C.

RM 2020.12.08 Presentation of 2021 CYM budget for approval
Anne-Marie Zilliacus, CYM Trustee Treasurer presented the CYM budget for 2021, which was approved
with two adjustments. First, Toronto MM’s donation is likely to be higher than what is predicted.
Second, the income from interest on trustee funds is unknown and therefore unrecorded. For both
these reasons the actual deficit may be less than predicted.

As was minuted at the representative meeting on November 21 st, it might be beneficial to simplify our
financial reports. Most of our fund accounts are internally restricted and could be amalgamated. This
would make our financial reporting more transparent and allow us to see more easily the financial
health of our organization. We have an intention not to continue approving deficit budgets.

Finance Committee’s notes on the budget are attached as Appendix D and the approved budget is
attached as Appendix E.

RM 2020.12.09 Minute re Personnel System. This approved minute arose from the Personnel
Committee Reporting and Clearness session at Representative Meeting 21 November 2020.

To resolve long-standing personnel administration and management concerns CYM Personnel
Committee has engaged in an intensive five-year process toward developing a much-needed new CYM
personnel system which has involved restructuring the oversight and management of personnel
matters within the Yearly Meeting. At Representative Meeting on 21 November 2020, Personnel
Committee presented queries and associated information to develop clarity for CYM with regard to
our personnel practices. (See the Personnel Committee Reporting and Clearness Document appended
to the November 21, 2020 minutes). In its Report, Personnel Committee urged that CYM requires
professional, trained, informed staff to perform administration, coordination, and management
responsibilities to meet legal and regulatory requirements. Representative Meeting is generally
supportive of the suggestion that CYM should have a unified personnel system to ensure our
accountability to legal and regulatory frameworks. CYM Friends were advised that it is a legal
requirement of CYM, as an employer, to uphold privacy and confidentiality regarding staffing and
employment agreements. CYM asks all Friends, when undertaking work that involves CYM staff or
contractors, to consult with Personnel Committee or the Personnel Management Group to ensure that
CYM goals are met, and that those involved feel supported.

RM 2020.12.10 Meeting closed with worship

List of Appendices

A. To Canadian Yearly Meeting Friends from CYM Clerks, November 30, 2020
Supporting documentation for the CAST recommendation re CYM decision-making authority

B. Refugee Sponsorship Opportunity

C. Protocols regarding use of fundraising platforms for CYM fundraising
D. Budget Presentation to Representative Meeting December 5, 2020

E. Approved Canadian Yearly Meeting Budget for 2021. (See a separately attached document.)

Appendix A. To Canadian Yearly Meeting Friends from CYM Clerks, November 30, 2020
Supporting documentation for the CAST recommendation re CYM decision -making authority

CAST (Change and Sustainable Transformation Working Group) is bringing a revised recommendation
to the CYM online session 6 February 2021, as follows:

       CAST recommends that CYM Meetings for Worship for Business be responsible for changes to
       our organization and our witness to the wider world, including:
       Maintenance of our book of Discipline (Faith & Practice, Organization & Procedure, Advices &
       Discernment of public statements of our faith and beliefs
       Recognition of new Monthly Meetings and Half-Yearly Meetings
       All other business would be the responsibility of Representative Meeting, which could decide
       to refer items to a CYM business meeting. Representative Meeting would need to meet more
       than once a year. More frequent and shorter Representative Meetings can be held by online

The CYM Clerks have reviewed a history of decisions approved by CYM and Representative Meeting
since 1997 regarding authority for decision-making within the organization. This history was compiled
by the CYM Secretary while independently working on his master’s thesis. We have some thoughts to

It is a tradition among Friends that all members have the right to participate in decisions regarding the
organization in a ‘committee of the whole’ format. Thus Friends might object to more authority being
withdrawn from the collective body. However, Canadian Yearly Meeting is not a tight-knit cohesive
body whose members are in close communication. We are a disparate and geographically widespread
group who as a whole do not know one another well. This makes it difficult and possibly inadvisable to
make most decisions as a committee of the whole. In reviewing minutes since 1997 we can see many
instances where authority for some types of decisions has been delegated by CYM Meetings for
Worship for Business to Representative Meeting. The most comprehensive minutes were from CYM
1997, minutes 44 and 49:

       With regard to concern about the need to carry out business necessary to the life of Canadian
       Yearly Meeting ..., submissions [from Canadian Friends to a CYM-appointed ad hoc committee]
       were in unity that the work not dealt with at Canadian Yearly Meeting sessions should be
       handed over to Representative Meeting as a body standing fully enabled by the form of its
       process and composition to make decisions and take actions. .........

       Business necessary to the life of Canadian Yearly Meeting:

       The following wording for Section VI of Organization and Procedure about Representative
Meeting was approved, and is referred to Discipline Review Committee for editing before
       returning it for a first reading at the 1998 Yearly Meeting sessions. We ask Discipline Review
       Committee to reconsider the wording of the whole section on Representative Meeting in light
       of these changes.

       Representative Meeting may act on behalf of the Yearly Meeting in:
       i. financial matters
       ii. personnel matters
       iii. situations in which urgent action is required
       iv. matters which fall clearly within existing testimonies or existing policies
       v. other matters which may be delegated by Yearly Meeting.

       Representative Meeting may not carry out the following business:
       i. changes to the discipline
       ii. extending our statement of faith.

       Representative Meeting may decide that some issues would be more appropriately dealt with
       at a Yearly Meeting level.

       Representative Meeting consists of Representatives of each of our Monthly Meetings as well
       as committee clerks. We go forward with this clarified description with a sense of trust in our
       Representative Meeting.

Other transfers of decision-making authority since 1997 included:

2007 – CYM Clerks assumed responsibility for clerking Representative Meeting.

2011 – Approval of audited CYM financial statements was transferred to Representative Meeting, and
later to CYM Trustees in 2014.

2013 – Approval of CYM budget was moved from CYM-in-session to fall Representative Meeting.

2013 – Representative Meeting Nominating Committee was laid down and its functions transferred to
CYM Nominating Committee.

2014 -- Changes to section 6.2 of Organization and Procedure were approved for ‘second reading,’ as
        Yearly Meeting authorizes the Yearly Meeting Clerks together with the Yearly Meeting
        Treasurer and Clerk of Yearly Meeting Trustees to make decisions that need timely
        implementation between sessions of Yearly Meeting or Representative Meeting and are clearly
        in line with Quaker values and with our previous work. It is expected that this Committee of
        Clerks will consult with the Clerks of Monthly Meetings, other Yearly Meeting Committees, and
        the Clerk of Continuing Meeting of Ministry and Counsel, as appropriate. Any decisions taken
        in this manner will be reported to thefollowing meeting of either Yearly Meeting or
        Representative Meeting.
2015 -- Minute #2015-08-35. Discipline Review Committee: Changes to our Practice Regarding First
Reading of Changes to the Discipline: ..... We approve the following change to our discipline:
Representative Meeting may now approve changes to the discipline. However, whenever possible, the
first reading should be presented during CYM in session.

2016 minute 16-08-42 Regarding Section 6.13 of Organization and Procedure:Discipline Review
      This section is approved for first reading but we ask DRC to make the following changes:
      1. That one of the approvals of changes to Organization and Procedure be done at Yearly
      Meeting in session:
      2. That first and second reading must be done at separate times i.e. not in the context of one
      Yearly Meeting or one Representative Meeting.

In recent years it has also been recognized that the CYM Trustees have fiduciary and legal
responsibility for the organization and by law are responsible for risks incurred in our operations. In
order to comply with Employment Standards Acts, CYM must transfer decision-making regarding
staffing and employment arrangements to the CYM Trustees.

There are other Friends’ Yearly Meetings that refer decisions to an executive body within their
organization, a practice that is more advisable in modern times when the operation of a large
organization is complex and requires more specialized knowledge than most Friends have. As the CYM
Personnel Committee said in their Reporting and Clearness session on 21 November 2020, “CYM
requires professional, trained, informed staff to perform administration, coordination, and
management responsibilities to meet legal and regulatory requirements.” For many organizational
decisions, Representative Meeting and Clerk’s Committee could rely on advice from such staff in
making decisions.

The CYM Clerks therefore support this recommendation from CAST and ask Monthly Meetings to give
serious consideration in preparation for discussing it on February 6, 2021.

Appendix B. Refugee Sponsorship Opportunity

Has your Meeting ever considered sponsoring an overseas refugee to Canada, but not known how to
go about it, or how to raise the required funds? An exciting new opportunity is available to guide you
through the sponsorship process, with funds already donated by Australian Friends among others.

Australia has a very harsh refugee policy. Asylum seekers arriving by boat are detained, often for years,
on Nauru Island or Papua New Guinea. Australian Friends are naturally appalled and eager to help
these individuals. They have been donating funds for "Operation Not Forgotten" to the Refugee
Council of Australia which then gives the funds to a Canadian organization, MOSAIC. MOSAIC is a
Sponsorship Agreement Holder, which means they have an agreement with the Canadian government
to sponsor refugees.

MOSAIC has the funds in place and has already started submitting sponsorship applications. What
MOSAIC needs now are sponsorship groups all over Canada to help settle these individuals. In
addition to being a Sponsorship Agreement Holder, MOSAIC is also a settlement agency, and has the
know-how and resources to walk you through the settlement process and to train your sponsorship
group. Australian Friends are hoping that Canadian Friends will take up this exciting opportunity.

Several Canadian Meetings have been involved with refugee sponsorship and have found it to be a
deeply enriching experience, building trusting relationships with Quaker group members and refugees
alike. For more information, please contact Eleanor Andrew (of Toronto Monthly Meeting) at
elroseandrew@gmail.com or (416) 206-4663.

Appendix C. Protocols regarding use of fundraising platforms for CYM fundraising

This document is prepared by CYM office staff and CYM presiding clerk and has been approved by
Clerks' Committee and the Clerk of Contributions Committee for distribution.

A Friend's daughter organized a "GoFundMe" page for her friends to donate to CYM in honour of her
birthday. This was announced to Friends at Representative Meeting as a desirable fundraiser. Although
the intent is much appreciated, CYM staff have found that accepting the funds raised has required
many hours of work on their part, much of which adversely impacted the CYM accountant at a time
when she was already overbusy with CYM's 2021 budget preparation and preparing the data on trust
accounts for the year-end. It seems that donors were told that their donations would be eligible for a
charitable income tax receipt. The amount of work required from our staff to receive these funds and
issue receipts makes us question whether the income received is actually greater than the costs
associated with receiving it.

Our Accountant found that funds received via GoFundMe required CYM to set up an entirely new
bank account associated with PayPal Giving Fund which is linked to GoFundMe. CYM is registered with
PayPal, but the PayPal Giving Fund is not the same. CYM staff attempted to set up the PayPal Giving
Fund within its already existing PayPal account but it proved to be problematic. The new setup
required a significant amount of staff time, including proof of business registration, proof of charitable
registration, names/contact information of Officers and Trustees, proof of Officer & Trustee addresses,
etc. These pieces of information could not be collected and submitted at once; rather it was a step-by-
step process in response to GoFundMe's procedure. CYM would have needed to provide this same
information if it had been able to set up the Paypal Giving Fund with the already existing PayPal bank
account. Hours of staff time was required to administer the setup process and more hours will be
required to collect donor information through donor email addresses. GoFundMe does not collect
civic addresses nor do they provide official tax receipts. The Paypal Giving Fund charges a 3.55%
administration fee on each donation dollar. Canada Helps charges 3.6% on each dollar and they
provide a Canadian charitable receipt for each donation.

Friends or committees or Meetings who wish to encourage donations to CYM during special events
using a fundraising platform are asked to use CanadaHelps.org, as CYM is already linked and
registered with them. CanadaHelps.org collects full mailing addresses and issues charitable tax
receipts and they are a nationally-recognized online donation platform.

Although CYM is now set up for GoFundMe, it will still require extra staff time because of the problem
of receipts. Friends are asked to first connect with the Office Finance Team to explore the financial
and time implications before proceeding with GoFundMe. Working with any other online fundraising
platform can be problematic.

We strongly encourage Friends to take these considerations seriously due to the significant additional
last-minute and rushed workload related to the GoFundMe setup.

Appendix D. Budget Presentation to Representative Meeting December 5, 2020 by Anne-Marie
Zilliacus, CYM Trustee-Treasurer

We looked at the projected results to year end 2020 at the November 21 Representative Meeting.
Now we build on that with the 2021 budget. The main spreadsheet (the first tab) has the following
columns: • Column F is the 2021 Draft Budget.
    • Column E is the Projected year end 2020.
    • Column D is the actuals to October 15 2020.
    • Column C is the 2020 Budget passed last year.
We will be looking mainly at columns E and F because we already examined the others at the
last meeting.

The spreadsheet also has several tabs:
   • Tab 1, the main tab, brings together the budgets for the CYM General, Publications and
   Communications (PubCom), Education and Outreach (E&O) and the Archives Committee Funds. •
   Tab 2 shows the Programme Committee budget for 2020 and what would have been spent if we
   were to have a face-to-face CYM session in Winnipeg. This is for information only as we have not
   budgeted for a face-to-face session in 2021.
   • Tab 3 is the E&O budget.
   • Tab 4 is the PubCom budget.
   • Tab 5 is the Archives Committee budget.

Education & Outreach Budget (E&O)
   • E&O supports online courses, capacity-building workshops, Canadian Young Friends Yearly
       Meeting (CYFYM) gatherings and initiatives and support for children and families to travel
       to CYM face-to-face sessions.
   • E&O applied for a grant from the Samuel Rogers Memorial Trust (SRMT) and was approved for
   • Since approximately half of Canadian Quakers live in Ontario, SRMT is able to support
   approximately half of E&O’s expenses and CYM’s own funds support the balance. • In 2021,
   with no face-to-face CYM sessions and little other travel by Friends, E&O will not be
   supporting gatherings or support for children and families going to Winnipeg.
   • Support for online courses and capacity building workshops can continue and the total expenses
       for these activities are $23,000.
   • E&O uses contractors to offer its services as well as time from the CYM Secretary, Office
   Administrator and Staff Accountant, whose remuneration is in the Yearly Meeting Office budget. •
E&O activities are supported by a grant from SRMT and by drawing down its own fund. When
   this fund is depleted, support will have to come from the CYM General Fund.

Publications & Communications (PubCom) Budget
   • Income for PubCom consists of advertising revenue, subscription income and an SRMT grant for
       a total income budget 2021 of $30,350.
   • PubCom’s programs are the website, the Canadian Friend (CF) and the Learning Series
       (pamphlet production). They also have a new electronic newsletter produced by a Friend
       serving on PubCom and the web/CF editor.
   • Total expenses are $48,573 and the CYM General Fund will support PubCom activities with
       $18,223 as well as staff support. PubCom employs the web/CF editor and uses some of the
       CYM Secretary’s, Office Administrator and the Staff Accountant’s time.
   • The PubCom fund has no balance at present and could be quite easily folded into the CYM
       General Fund if we wish to simplify our books of account. This is being considered by
       PubCom and Finance committee.

Archives Committee Fund
   • The Archives budget has changed a lot in the last few years. Originally Archives committee had
       the valuable volunteer services of Jane Zavitz Bond to the CYM archives. Since she is no
       longer available to do this, the committee has had to employ an archivist directly.
   • In the last year, with Pickering College closed during COVID for much of that time, the Archives
   have been inactive, which is why there is so little to show for income and expenses in 2020. • In
   2021 the Archives Committee is hoping to employ an archivist and a cataloguer, as well as have
   some other expenses.
   • SRMT granted Archives $25,000 for 2021 and the committee projects total expenses of
   $41,245. • Since the Archives is located in Ontario and all its activity takes place in Ontario, SRMT
   does not require CYM to match its grant. The Archives Committee Fund can be used to cover
   those expenses not covered by the grant.
   • The Archives Committee Fund will begin 2021 with a balance of $23,068 and can absorb the
       $16,245 net decrease and should end the year with a balance of $6,822.
   • CYM will have to seek outside sources of income (SRMT grant or other outside sources of
       revenue) if we want to maintain this level of budget in the future. This is something that
       should be considered by CAST and Finance Committee.

CYM General Fund (CYMGF) Budget Overview
We are showing the budget for the CYMGF together with the three budgets above so that Friends
can see the full effect of all our budgeting.
   • Income for CYMGF is $232,552 but when the income from PubCom, E&O and Archives is added,
       the total is $299,402.
   • Expenses for CYMGF are $307,662 but when expenses from PubComm, E&O and Archives is
       added, the total is $420,480.
   • This results in a deficit in these funds of $121,079, which is less than the budget deficit for 2020
but more than our projected deficit for yearend 2020.

CYMGF budget detail
   • Monthly Meeting contributions: although we received more than budget in 2020 from Monthly
       Meetings, we can’t presume these increases will recur. Therefore, the budget for 2021, to be
       conservative is the same as 2020, $140,745.
   • Donations: we are on track to reach the budget for 2020 and Finance Committee sees no reason
       to increase our expected donation budget, which remains at $72,000. We do not budget for
       bequests, because they are unpredictable.
   • Annual Gathering: The November 7th Representative Meeting decided we would have an online
       gathering in 2021, rather than an in-person one. Based on the results for 2020 we are
       budgeting $4,000 in income (either from donations or registration fees) and $2,000 in
       expenses (for the printing of the directory). No salary has been assigned to the gathering as
       yet although there are significant salary costs whether the gathering is online or face-to-face.
   • Interest: We earn interest from money we have in the bank that we place in temporary
       investments and from the Meetinghouse fund and other trustee funds for a total of $15,307
       in the budget 2021.
   • Sales of faith and practice books: are budgeted at $500.
   • Yearly Meeting Committee expenses are $4,300, Contributions committee ($3,000 in mailing
   costs for our appeal) and small amount to cover miscellaneous expenses for other committees. •
   Yearly Meeting Office is the largest expense because it includes the CYM office staff, (CYM
   Secretary, Office Administrator and Staff Accountant). We should remember that this is not the
   whole salary bill as there are also additional committee contract salary costs and service
   • There are some increases in the Yearly Meeting Office:
           o Directors & Officers + Liability insurance has increased to $6,000
           o Professional Fees for 2021 increased from $3,250 in budget 2020 to $10,000 because
               Personnel Committee and the CAST process requires the expertise of human
               resource and legal professionals.
           o Staff travel and Secretary travel are down as it is unlikely that any staff will travel before
               the summer at least
           o Office salary costs are based on the status quo with a slight increase for COLA. We
               anticipate there will be adjustments to this when the restructuring being undertaken
               by Personnel and CAST is complete.
   • Committee travel is down from the budget of $20,350 in 2020 to $3,700 because we ask
       committees to continue meeting online in 2021. There is a budget of $2,500 to be transferred
       to CFSC to support their committee meetings (they might have a meeting in the fall of 2021)
       and Archives Committee travel will be meeting in 2021 because they need to be physically
       present in the Archives in order to do their work. This committee now has participants from
       across Canada, which necessitates a budget to bring them together.
• Other Bodies Travel is budgeted only for the Canadian Council of Churches, which meets,
        obviously, in Canada. Other bodies are in the U.S. and Finance Committee agreed that travel
        would be unnecessary for them. Clerks Committee is considering a process for CYM to
        review our participation in these bodies and the associated costs.
     • Donations to Other Bodies are slightly higher than 2020 because Finance Committee evened
        out the contributions to Friends General Conference, Friends United Meeting and Friends
        World Committee for Consultation to $1,000 each. It is also the first year that CYM will
        contribute directly to KAIROS rather than through CFSC.
     • Designated donations are not budgeted.
     • Cost of sales of Faith and Practice books are $1,137. That is $137 for the cost of sales of the
        books actually sold and $1,000 as we are writing off the cost of the books we have in

Changes in Fund Balances
The section in orange on Tab 1 of the spreadsheet shows how our funds would change with
the budgeted income and expenses in 2021.
   • CYM General Fund Opens with a balance of $568,069, has income of $232,552, expenses of
   $307,662 and transfers $18,223 to the PubCom Fund, ending with a balance of $474,735. •
   PubCom fund opens with a zero balance, has income of $30,350, expenses of $48,573 and
   receives a transfer of $18,223 from the CYMGF, ending with a balance of zero.
   • E&O Fund opens with a balance of $86,740, has income of $11,500, expenses of $23,000 and
       does not require support from the CYMGF because it has sufficient in its fund to cover its
       expenses. It ends with a balance of $75,240, the majority of which comes from donations to
       the Quaker Renewal Fund that was merged into the E&O Fund [WHEN? LAST YEAR?].
   • Archives Committee Fund opens with a balance of $23,067, has income of $25,000 and
       expenses of $41,245, ending with a balance of $6,822.
   • Opening Balance for all four funds added together is $677,875 and the closing balance of all
       four funds is $556,797, a decrease of $121,079 in the funds (shown in the green line above
       the orange).

Appendix E. Approved Canadian Yearly Meeting Budget for 2021

12/09/2020 Draft 2 2019 Budget

2021 CYM General Fund Budget for presentation to Representative Meeting

                                                                                                                                 2021 Draft
                                                                                                      2020                      Budget with
                                                                               2020                Actuals to       Projected   Online CYM
                                                                              Budget                Oct 15        Year End 2020  Sessions
                            Summary Section
Revenue/CYM General Fund
    Monthly Meeting contributions                                                 140,745               88,482          157,216       153,245
    Donations                                                                      72,000               46,965           72,000        72,000
    Annual gathering                                                               75,152                3,941            3,941         4,000
    Interest and other                                                              7,186                5,654            5,654        18,000
    Interest on Travel Capital Fund                                                10,307                6,249           11,623        10,307
    Designated donations to other Q Orgs                                                                 3,381            3,381           -
    Sale of Faith & Practice Books                                                     2,000               544              544           500
    Total General Fund Income                                                   307,390               155,216          254,359       258,052
    Pub Com Income                                                                    26,804            28,179           28,179        30,350
    E&O Income                                                                        23,000            20,000           20,000        11,500
    Archives Income                                                                                                                    25,000
Total Revenue CYM General, PubComm, E&O and
Archives Funds                                                                  357,194               203,395          302,539       324,902

Expenses CYM General Fund
    Yearly Meeting committees                                                      10,000                3,099            6,000         4,300
    Annual gathering                                                               85,730                1,119            1,119         2,000
    Representative Meeting                                                          7,000                6,715            6,715           -
    Yearly meeting office                                                         272,416              215,108          280,276       290,400
    Travel and lodging-committees                                                  20,350                5,000            5,000         3,700
    Travel and lodging-other bodies                                                 5,750                  155            1,155         1,000
    Donations to other bodies                                                       4,925                4,725            4,725         5,125
    Designated donations to other Q Orgs                                                                 3,381            3,381
    Cost of Sales - Books and GST                                                      9,123             1,137            1,137         1,137
    Total CYM General Fund Expenses                                             415,294               240,438          309,507       307,662
    PubComm Expenses                                                                  51,308            34,125           51,308        48,573
    E&O Expenses                                                                      46,000               -              2,000        23,000
    Archives Expenses                                                                                                                  41,245
Total Expenses for CYM General, PubComm, E&O and
Archives funds                                                                512,602               274,564           362,816       420,480
    Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses in CYM General,
    PubComm, E&O and Archives Funds                                          (155,408)              (71,169)          (60,277)      (95,579)
Opening Balance CYM General Fund                                              571,654               586,228           586,228       568,069
    Add Revenue CYM General Fund                                                307,390               155,216          254,359       258,052
    Add Bequests (60% to CYM General)                                                                  60,000           60,000
    Deduct expenses CYM General Fund                                           (415,294)             (240,438)        (309,507)     (307,662)
    Budgeted Transfer to PubComm                                                 (24,504)                               (12,347)     (18,223)
    Transfer to Archives                                                                                               (10,665)          -
Closing Balance CYM General Fund                                                439,246               561,005          568,069       500,235
Opening Balance PubComm                                                                  -              10,782           10,782            (0)
Net income (expenses) PubComm                                                     (24,504)              (5,946)          (23,129)     (18,223)
Transfer from CYM General                                                             24,504                             12,347        18,223
Closing Balance PubComm                                                                      (0)         4,836                (0)          (0)
Opening Balance E&O                                                                   64,566            68,740           68,740        86,740
Net income (expenses) E&O                                                         (23,000)              20,000           18,000       (11,500)
Closing Balance E&O General/QR Fund, Available PH & QS                                41,566            88,740           86,740        75,240
Opening Balance Archives Committee Fund                                               12,269            12,269           12,269        23,067

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12/09/2020 Draft 2 2019 Budget

                                                                                                                             2021 Draft
                                                                                                  2020                      Budget with
                                                                               2020            Actuals to       Projected   Online CYM
                                                                              Budget            Oct 15        Year End 2020  Sessions
Net income (expenses) Archives                                                                                         133       (16,245)
Transfer to Archives from CYM General Fund in 2020                                                                   10,665
Closing Balance Archives Committee Fund                                               12,269        12,269           23,067        6,822

Opening Balance CYM General Fund and other funds                              648,489           678,019           678,019     677,875
Closing Balance CYM General Fund and other funds                              493,081           666,850           677,875     582,297

Detail Section of CYM General Fund Budget
Section 1: Suggested Contributions and Gifts from Meetings
    Annapolis Valley MM (prev. Wolfville)                                           1,050            1,400            1,400        1,050
    Argenta MM                                                                      1,050              -              1,050        1,050
    Calgary MM                                                                      1,155            2,000            2,000        1,155
    Coldstream MM                                                                   2,100            1,500            1,500        2,100
    Cowichan MM                                                                       809              800              800          809
    Edmonton MM                                                                     3,675            4,000            4,000        3,675
    Halifax MM                                                                      2,888            1,000            1,000        2,888
    Hamilton MM                                                                     6,825           15,000           15,000        6,825
    Kitchener MM                                                                    2,079              -              2,079        2,079
    Montreal MM                                                                       725              -                725          725
    New Brunswick MM                                                                2,100              -              2,100        2,100
    Ottawa MM                                                                      17,750                82          17,750       17,750
    Pelham Executive Meeting                                                        2,205            1,500            1,500        2,205
    Peterborough MM                                                                   630            1,000            1,000          630
    Saanich Peninsula MM                                                              735              100              100          735
    Thousand Islands MM                                                             2,363            6,000            6,000        2,363
    Toronto MM                                                                     72,500           35,000           72,500       85,000
    Vancouver MM                                                                    6,300           12,200           12,200        6,300
    Vancouver Island MM (prev. Victoria)                                            5,145              -              5,145        5,145
    Interior BC MM                                                                  1,050              -              1,050        1,050
    Winnipeg MM                                                                       630              -                630          630
    Wooler MM                                                                         788              -                788          788
    Yarmouth MM                                                                     1,890            1,800            1,800        1,890
    Yonge Street MM                                                                 4,305            5,100            5,100        4,305
Total Section 1 Monthly Meeting contributions                                     140,745           88,482          157,216      153,245

Section 2: Individual Donations and Other Income

    Donations -Gen.-Can Helps                                                          3,000         2,879            3,000        3,000
    Donations-Committee Travel                                                         1,000           -              1,000          -
    Donations-General                                                                 34,000        13,840           34,000       34,000
    Donations-In Kind                                                                                  806                         1,000
    Donations-donations -other                                                                         154
    Donations-Gen.-PAC                                                                34,000        29,286           34,000       34,000

Total Donations                                                                       72,000        46,965           72,000       72,000

Section 3: YM Session and Representative Meeting
    Annual Session Registrations                                                      75,152           -                -          4,000
    YM Session - In Kind Req'd Serv                                                                    -                -
    Donations- YM Session                                                                            3,941            3,941
                                                                                      75,152         3,941            3,941        4,000
Section 4: Interest, Trust and Other Income
     Interest - CYM General Fund                                                       7,186         5,061            5,061        5,000
     Interest - Miscellaneous                                                                          594              594       13,000
     Interest on Travel Capital Fund                                                  10,307         6,249           11,623       10,307
Total Interest Trust and Other Income                                                 17,493        11,903           17,277       28,307

Donations to Other Quaker Organizations
    Canadian Council of Churches - TP                                                                  -                -

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12/09/2020 Draft 2 2019 Budget

                                                                                                                                     2021 Draft
                                                                                                           2020                     Budget with
                                                                                        2020            Actuals to      Projected   Online CYM
                                                                                       Budget            Oct 15       Year End 2020  Sessions
     Friends General Conference - TP                                                                            129             129
     Friends United Meeting - TP                                                                                100             100
     Friends United Meeting - Ramallah - TP                                                                   1,202           1,202
     Friends World Conference for Consultation - TP                                                           1,950           1,950
Total Donations to Other Quaker Organizations                                                                 3,381           3,381          -

Other Income in budget
    Sale of Faith and Practice Books                                                            2,000          544             544          500

Total Revenue CYM General Fund Budget                                                      307,390          155,216         254,360      258,052

CYM General Fund Expenses
Section 5: YM Committees and other YM Bodies
     Clerks' committee                                                                            100            16                          100
     Cont.Mtg. Ministry & Counsel                                                                 300           -                            300
     Discipline Cttee - O&P expenses                                                              300           -                            300
     Contributions Committee Expenses                                                           6,000         2,755           6,000        3,000
     Nominating Committee Expenses                                                                300           -                            300
     Personnel Cttee                                                                            3,000           329             -            300
Total Yearly Meeting Committees                                                                10,000         3,099           6,000        4,300

Section 6: YM Session and Representative Meeting
     Annual Gathering-Misc Expenses                                                             1,000         1,119           1,119        2,000
     Camp Sites                                                                                 2,142
     Facilities Costs                                                                           3,000           -
     Lodging                                                                                   30,450
     Meals                                                                                     22,428           -
     Food Coop - net expenses                                                                                   -
     Participant Grants (see donations)                                                         5,000           -
     AV Equipment                                                                                 210
     Pre-CYM Workshop Expenses
     Programme Committee Expenses                                                                 500
     Program Committee Travel                                                                   3,500
     Required Positions Reimbursements                                                         14,500           -
     Speaker Expenses                                                                           2,000           -
     Youth Programme                                                                            1,000           -
     Salaries & Benefits (YM)                                                                     -             -
     Total annual gathering                                                                    85,730         1,119           1,119        2,000

     Representative Meeting
     Representative Meeting Travel                                                              7,000         6,715           6,715          -

Section 7: Yearly Meeting Office
     Audit & Accounting                                                                      9,000            8,900           8,900        9,000
     Bank Charges incl. U.S. Exchange                                                        2,500            1,097           2,500        2,500
     Directors & Officers Insurance and Liability Insurance                                  2,400            5,846           5,846        6,000
     Employee Development                                                                    1,500              140             500        1,500
     Equipment Purchases                                                                     1,000            1,529           1,000        1,000
     Equipment Service                                                                       1,500            1,483           1,500        1,500
     Internet Service                                                                          850              459             850          850
     Office Supplies                                                                         1,000              577           1,000        1,000
     Postage                                                                                 1,000              133             500        1,000
     Professional Fees                                                                       3,250            8,738          10,000       10,000
     Secretary Expenses                                                                      1,250              -             1,250        1,250
     Senior Staff Search                                                                       570                              -
     Staff Travel                                                                              500              -               -
     Secretary Travel                                                                        7,050              -             2,000        3,500
     Telephone                                                                               3,200            2,733           3,200        3,200
     Office Salaries & Benefits                                                            235,846          183,474         241,230      248,100
Total Section 7 Yearly Meeting Office                                                      272,416          215,108         280,276      290,400

Section 8: Committee Travel Lodging & Registration

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12/09/2020 Draft 2 2019 Budget

                                                                                                                                   2021 Draft
                                                                                                         2020                     Budget with
                                                                                      2020            Actuals to      Projected   Online CYM
                                                                                     Budget            Oct 15       Year End 2020  Sessions

    Board of Trustees Travel                                                                    600           -
    CFSC -Committee Travel                                                                    5,000         5,000           5,000        2,500
    Clerks' Expenses                                                                            500           -
    Cont. Mtg. Ministry & Counsel                                                             1,500           -
    Discipline (O&P) Committee Travel                                                         1,000           -
    Finance Committee Travel                                                                  1,000           -
    Contribution Committee Travel                                                             1,500           -
    Education & Outreach -Committee Travel                                                    4,000           -
    Nominating Committee travel                                                               1,500           -
    Other Travel                                                                                              -
    Personnel Commitee Travel                                                                   750           -
    Publications & Communications Cttee                                                       3,000           -
    Archives Commitee Travel                                                                                                             1,200
Total Section 8 Committee Travel & Lodging                                                   20,350         5,000           5,000        3,700

Section 9: Other Bodies Travel, Reg/Lodging
    Canadian Council of Churches-Travel                                                       1,000          155            1,155        1,000
    Friends General Conference Lodging/Travel                                                   750          -
    Friends United Meeting Lodging/Travel Trienniel                                           1,000          -
    Friends World Cttee for Consultation -Lodging/Travel World Plenary (2023)                 1,000          -
    KAIROS Travel                                                                             1,000
    World Council of Churches Travel                                                          1,000
Total Section 9 Other Bodies Travel, Reg/Lodging                                             5,750           155           1,155        1,000

Section 10: Donations to Other Bodies
    Canadian Council of Churches                                                                500           500             500          500
    Friends General Conference Cont                                                             -             -               -          1,000
    Friends United Meeting (FUM)                                                              1,800         1,800           1,800        1,000
    FUM 3rd World travel                                                                       200
    Friends World Ctte for Consultation Contribution                                          1,800         1,800           1,800        1,000
    KAIROS                                                                                                                               1,000
    World Council of Churches - Contribution                                                   625           625             625           625
Total Section 10 Donations to Other Bodies                                                   4,925         4,725           4,725        5,125

    Designated donations to other Quaker Organizations                                                     3,381           3,381

    Cost of sales - books                                                                    9,123         1,137           1,137        1,137
Total CYM General Fund expenses                                                      415,294           240,438          309,507     307,662

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12/09/2020 Draft 2 2019 Budget

                                                                             2020           2021
                                                                          actuals to       Budget
Education and Outreach Budget 2020                             2020 Budget Oct 14          Draft 1
E&O Income
     Grants received (outside CYM - Samuel Rogers)                     23,000     20,000    11,500
     Donations                                                         20,000
Total Income E&O                                                       43,000     20,000    11,500

E&O Expenses
    Personnel Expenses                                                 13,750                8,000
    General Expenses                                                      750                1,000
    Initiative expenses                                                31,500               14,000

Total Expenses                                                         46,000        -      23,000

E&O General Fund Opening Balance                                        62,610    62,610    82,610
   Plus Income                                                          43,000    20,000    11,500
   Less Expenses                                                       (46,000)      -     (23,000)
E&O General Fund Closing Balance                                        59,610    82,610    71,110
2021 DRAFT PubCom budget

                                             2020 budget
                                            (proposed by
                                               PubCom,      2020 actuals   Draft 2021 budget
                                              approved)      to Oct 14       for discussion


          The CF : Advertising                       300            300                 350
          Cdn Friend Donations                       -              120                 -
          Cdn Friend Subscriptions                 2,000          4,476               2,000
          SRMT Grant                              24,504         23,283              28,000
 Total Income                                     26,804         28,179              30,350


           Misc: telephone, etc                    3,500                              3,500
           HST Expense                             2,507                              2,507

           Internet Resources Manager              6,000                              7,000

           Website Services/Design/Update          6,250                              1,500

           Website Editing Services                8,785         14,847               8,785
           PubCom General Expenses                                  928
           Cdn Friend Contractors                                15,981
           Cdn Friend General Expenses                            2,369
           Learning Series Board                   4,500                              5,000

           "The CFf": Mailhouse                    1,337                              1,377

           Membership (QUIP)                         100                                100
           "The CFf": Postage                      2,292                              2,360

           "The CF": Printer                       5,538                              5,704

           CF Editor Contract                     10,500                             10,500

          Electronic newsletter expenses                                                240
 Total Expense                                    51,308         34,125              48,573

Net Income (Expense)                             (24,504)                            18,223
Archives Budget 2021
                                                        Budget   Actuals   Budget
  Acc #                      Acc Name                    2020     2020      2021
                Archive Donations                                    350       -
                Archive Grant Income (SRMT)                          -      25,000
                Total Income                               -         350    25,000

           Staff Salaries and Benefits
                 Archivist salary and benefits                              36,750
                 Cataloguer                                                    900
           General Expenses
                 Aquisitians                                                   500
                 AAO Membership                                                 95
                 Digital support                                             1,000
                 Committee costs at Pickering College                          500
                 Supplies                                                    1,500
                 Printing                                            217       -
                 Total Expenses                            -         217    41,245

                Net Increase (decrease)                    -         133    (16,245)

Archives Fund Balance Jan 1                                       12,269     23,068
              Add Net Income                                         133    (16,245)
              Add transfer from CYM General                       10,665
Archives Fund Balance Dec 31                                      23,068     6,823
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