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MILTON KEYNES: TRAVELLING IN CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES Date: March 2018 Clare Nutter Frances Goodfellow Dan Parr Consultant Senior Consultant Vice President 1 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
INTRODUCTION ▪ CACI has been instructed by Milton Keynes BID to independently understand current travel habits and perceptions of Central Milton Keynes workers and to assess the appetite for a CMK Park & Ride scheme amongst the existing workers in the BID zone. ▪ The analysis will provide: ▪ An understanding of workers travel habits and perceptions of their current commute ▪ Assessment of the key considerations of workers when choosing where to park, and an understanding of their perceptions of the current parking experience ▪ Insight into the opportunity for a Park & Ride scheme and a ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service ▪ The analysis is based on the findings of an online survey, which was sent to a CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES representative panel of individuals within a 0 – 60 minute drive time of the CMK zone. GET IN TOUCH: ▪ Acorn is CACI’s consumer segmentation model. Acorn combines geography with a wide CACI’s analysts are happy to answer any questions you have range of demographics and lifestyle data sources to group the entire population into 5 in order to understand the survey results better and to Categories, 18 Groups and 62 Types. maximise the value of the research to your centre. ▪ Retail Footprint (RF) is CACI’s UK gravity model that predicts the catchments of all UK retail Clare Nutter Frances Goodfellow destinations and accounts for the attractiveness of the centre’s mix, the location of competing schemes and the level of demand in the area. 020 7605 6284 020 7605 6832 3 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence © CACI Ltd, 2017
KEY FINDINGS 1. HEADROOM TO IMPROVE THE PARKING 2. OPPORTUNITY TO ENCOURAGE USE OF 3. POTENTIAL FOR NEW SERVICES IN EXPERIENCE ALTERNATIVE MODES OF TRANSPORT CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES of workers are not of worker’s companies do are likely/extremely likely 48% satisfied with their current 48% not currently offer travel 52% to use a ‘hop on-hop off’ commute to work allowances bus service ▪ Poor provision of parking, high costs & traffic are ▪ There is scope to work with businesses in Central ▪ Respondents show a higher appetite for a ‘hop on- key barriers to satisfaction for commuters, Milton Keynes to adopt and promote travel hop off’ bus service compared to an extended Park reflecting the dominance of car as MOT in CMK. allowances and schemes to incentivise workers to & Ride. use alternative MOT beyond the car. This would ▪ Concerns of losing a car parking space prevents also help alleviate pressure on car parking. ▪ Awareness of the current Park & Ride service is workers from engaging with the wider Milton high at 71%, but usage is low with inconvenience Keynes offer during work hours. ▪ 42% of those who do not currently car share the key barrier. Even with a discounted rate and would consider doing so, were this type of MOT non-stop service, the majority of respondents are ▪ Consider implementing technology to ease the improved. Respondents suggested a need for a not likely to use it. parking experience – there is strong demand for Milton Keynes wide network that can help mobile apps and digital parking information. commuters find people in their area who they can ▪ 52% of respondents are likely/extremely likely to car share with. use a ‘hop on-hop off’ service if introduced. ▪ Improving parking can retain workers within Realistic engagement of such a service will depend Central Milton Keynes when they are considering ▪ That said, travel incentives cannot be used in on areas covered, frequency/reliability and how their next career move. isolation. Convenience and cost are very well it is marketed. important factors when commuting and so alternative MOT needs to be convenient, reliable ▪ Such a service provides an opportunity to boost and cost effective to encourage higher usage. engagement with the wider city offer. Promote the service in the context of connecting users to the activities they wish to conduct e.g. shopping. Source: MKCCM 2018 5 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH The survey captured respondents across a 0 to 60 minute drive time of Central Milton Keynes. SURVEY CONDUCTED MARCH 2018 330 RESPONDENTS HOME POSTCODE BY DRIVETIME BAND: 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 31% 36% 29% 5% AVERAGE DRIVETIME TO CENTRAL MILTON 24 KEYNES (MINUTES) Source: MKCCM 2018, Retail Footprint 2017 7 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ACORN PROFILE High proportions of Executive Wealth and Career Climbers captured in the survey reflects the worker population within Central Milton Keynes, to provide a robust profile of workers attitudes towards commuting in the area. RISING AFFLUENT ACHIEVERS PROSPERITY COMFORTABLE COMMUNITIES FINANCIALLY STRETCHED URBAN ADVERSITY 23% 17% 31% 12% 15% Career Climbers are typically young professionals at the start of 20% 18% their career. They are likely to move jobs frequently. They have 18% 17% limited financial ties so disposable income can be spent on 16% themselves, making them a key target to drive engagement with wider Milton Keynes offer. % of Respondents 14% 12% 11% 10% 10% 8% 6% 6% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 2% 0% 0% 1% 0% Survey Profile 45 minute drivetime Source: MKCCM 2018, Retail Footprint 2017 8 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
RESPONDENT LOCATIONS: ACORN The high proportion of Rising Prosperity within the survey reflects the urban location of respondents. ACORN BREAKDOWN 23% 24% 17% 9% % of Respondents 30% 31% 21% 12% 15% 16% Survey Profile 45 minute drivetime Affluent Achievers Rising Prosperity Comfortable Communities Financially Stretched Urban Adversity Source: MKCCM 2018, Retail Footprint 2017 9 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
WORKERS IN CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES The majority of respondents are in full-time employment, with Area A the place where respondents are most likely to work. Q What is your current employment status? Q Which area is your workplace situated in? A B C Full-time employed 85% Part-time employed 13% 60% 23% 17% Self-employed 2% % of Resp Source: MKCCM 2018 10 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
TRAVEL HABITS & BACKGROUND 11 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
CURRENT COMMUTE: MODE OF TRANSPORT (MOT) Workers main mode of transport is currently the car. As further investments are placed into Central Milton Keynes, such as new offices and housing, MKCCM must consider how to alleviate the negative impacts this could have on factors like parking and traffic. Thinking of your typical commute, what method(s) of Q transport do you use to travel to your place of work? 78% % of Resp 15% 13% 9% 6% 5% 4% 1% 1% 1% Car/van Car share Bus/coach Walking Train My own Taxi Motorcycle Park & Ride Santander (alone) bicycle (Junction 14) bicycle Source: MKCCM 2018 12 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
CURRENT COMMUTE: CONSIDERATIONS Both cost and time of commute are of similar importance when commuting, however, when respondents were asked to choose the most important factor, time was the highest rated showing the significance of an effective commute. Thinking of your commute to & from work, how important to you are Q the following? Which of the following is most important to you? 61% If rated the same, which is more important: 50% 52% 48% 40% 34% TIME COST % of Resp 7% 2% 4% 1% 0% 1% NOT AT ALL NOT THAT NEITHER FAIRLY VERY IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOR IMPORTANT IMPORTANT UNIMPORTANT Travel time as short as possible Travel cost as inexpensive as possible Source: MKCCM 2018 13 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
CURRENT COMMUTE: PERCEPTIONS 48% of respondents are not satisfied with their current commute. Lack of parking provision is the key issue – a sentiment echoed in additional comments - with cost of parking and levels of traffic also impacting overall satisfaction. How satisfied are you with your current commute? Why Q are you unsatisfied with your current commute? 5% 23% 15% 48% DISSATISFIED SATISFIED not satisfied VERY NEITHER SATISFIED VERY DISSATISFIED NOR DISSATISFIED SATISFIED 20% 38% Why are you unsatisfied with your current commute (‘very dissatisfied to ‘neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)? P 69% 45% 44% 30% 6% NOT ENOUGH PARKING TOO EXPENSIVE TOO BUSY/TRAFFIC TAKES TOO LONG OTHER Source: MKCCM 2018 14 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ALTERNATIVE MOT WORKERS WOULD CONSIDER “Not enough parking MOT TO CONSIDER “More affordable “More electric “Signposting to “The main problem for spaces at all. Turn up car charging available/vacant parking to work nearly an hour parking spaces” all, other than trains, is Thinking of travelling to & spaces” early in order to get a Car/Van points” traffic congestion, takes from work in central MK, space!” Q would you consider using any too long to get to MK and very frustrating of these MOT if they were “Improved traffic light “Better parking waiting in traffic, bad improved? (Asked for all MOT systems which cause big availability closer to “Cheaper parking permits, more spaces” way to start the day” not currently used) How do delays” work” you think that this MOT could be improved? “Employers “Making it easier “Some kind of “More awareness of car sharing in local area. Option should have to find a car Car/van (alone) 51% database/contacting system for for free parking if car shared” car sharing sharer” car sharing across different Car Share Car share 42% schemes” businesses would be useful as I Bus/coach 30% work for a large company but “A website to let cannot find anyone to car share “Need more information about this” “Better initiatives us know about the Train 25% with who works similar shifts and opportunities” lives on route or close to my area” “I don't know about the availability so generate created by more awareness if there is a scheme” employers” My own bicycle 23% Park & Ride… 19% “Earlier (before 6am) bus services “More frequent, plus to include more areas rather than “More frequent direct buses for a running later in “Tram system based Bus/Coach & Train Walking 18% just Bletchley to CMK - this would competitive price compared with evenings” (bus/coach) on MK grid road help retail staff who are working driving” (bus/coach) layout” (train) Taxi 13% early shifts get to work. Later bus “Making it more services to enable retail staff affordable. Parking in a Santander bicycle 10% working late shifts to get home by “More frequent and cheaper. Make local train station costs more than parking in “More train arrival bus rather than having to get it easier to get weekly/monthly Motorcycle 9% MK“ (train) information” (train) expensive taxis” (bus/coach) ticket” (bus/coach) Source: MKCCM 2018 15 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ALTERNATIVE MOT CURRENT CAR USERS WOULD CONSIDER There is potential to encourage car users to travel via different modes of transport if they are improved. Working with companies to incentivise employees to car share, or implementing a car share service to connect workers across Milton Keynes, could help to overcome current issues of parking and traffic in the city centre. Top 3 other modes of transport car users would consider if they were improved: Car share Bus/coach Own bicycle CURRENT CAR USERS Notes: Current car users may also travel to work via another mode of transport, as well as by car. Source: MKCCM 2018 16 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
TRAVEL ALLOWANCES The majority of workers do not use, or do not have access to, travel allowances via their company. Working with businesses to offer such incentives can help retain workers in the city by easing their commute, while also helping to encourage workers to diversify their MOT to minimise current reliance on cars and the impact on traffic and parking. Q Does your company offer any travel allowances? Travel allowances used: Yes & I make use of them 14% P 57% 19% PARKING PASSES PARKING PERMIT Yes but I don’t make use of them 25% LOANS 21% 17% CYCLING INCENTIVES OTHER No they do not offer any 48% 19% ▪ ▪ Taxi service Park on premises TRAVEL CARD LOANS ▪ Provided with bike I don’t know 13% % of Resp Source: MKCCM 2018 17 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ACCESS TO TRAVEL INFORMATION To what extend do you agree/disagree with the following Q statement? Strongly agree “IT IS EASY TO 7% Agree FIND/ACCESS 29% Neutral INFORMATION ABOUT 32% Disagree TRAVELLING AROUND 16% Strongly Disagree CENTRAL MILTON 9% Don’t know KEYNES” 6% % of Resp Source: MKCCM 2018 18 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
PARKING 19 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
CAR PARKING RATINGS There is headroom to improve parking within Central Milton Keynes, particularly in terms of price and ease of finding space. With car the main mode of transport, ensuring a more seamless parking experience will help to retain workers within the city when they consider their next career move. How would you rate Central Milton Keynes in terms of the following Q aspects? 3.5 2.3 2.1 2.2 Ratings /5 Price of parking Ease of finding a parking space Overall parking experience Ease of wayfinding Source: MKCCM 2018 20 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
TYPICAL PARKING LOCATION The majority of respondents favour Standard Tariff parking over Premium Tariff due to associated cost savings. Convenience plays more of a role for those who park in Premium spaces, showing a willingness amongst some to pay extra for a more convenient experience. Q Which parking spaces do you mainly use? WHY DO YOU TYPICALLY USE THE STANDARD TARIFF PARKING SPACES? 16% 80% 20% 14% 1% 7% CHEAPER THAN UNAWARE OF CONVENIENCE OTHER* PREMIUM PREMIUM TARIFF Notes: *‘Other’ predominantly = employee permits WHY DO YOU TYPICALLY USE THE PREMIUM TARIFF PARKING SPACES? 78% 58% 47% 11% 5% Standard Tariff (Purple) Premium Tariff (Red) EASIER TO GET UNAWARE OF Other CONVENIENCE OTHER A SPACE STANDARD TARIFF Source: MKCCM 2018 21 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
CONSIDERATIONS WHEN PARKING While convenience is still an important factor, the price of parking is the most important consideration when choosing a parking location. Thinking of parking Central Milton Keynes, how important are the Q following to you? Which of the following is most important to you? 64% If rated the same, which is more important: 52% 45% 55% CONVENIENCE COST 31% 30% % of Resp 8% 8% 2% 4% 0% 1% NOT AT ALL NOT THAT NEITHER FAIRLY VERY IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOR IMPORTANT IMPORTANT UNIMPORTANT Convenience Inexpensive parking Source: MKCCM 2018 22 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
THE PARKING EXPERIENCE The importance of convenience is reflected in the fact that workers are only willing to walk a maximum of 8 minutes from a car park to their place of work. High demand for technology to ease the parking experience shows an opportunity to provide a more seamless journey for workers and appease their desire for a convenient commute. Maximum time prepared to walk to Would consider using a mobile app to Would consider using digital parking workplace once parked locate available parking space information to locate available spaces 8.3 84% 94% minutes Yes Yes Source: MKCCM 2018 23 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
BARRIERS TO PARKING TECHNOLOGY Of those who would not use a mobile app, a key barrier is the perceived danger associated with using a phone while driving, as well as the issue of people vying for the same spaces. Lack of trust in the accuracy of digital parking information is a key barrier to respondents wanting to use this type of technology. WOULD NOT USE A MOBILE APP TO LOCATE WOULD NOT USE DIGITAL PARKING 16% AN AVAILABLE PARKING SPACE 6% INFORMATION TO LOCATE AVAILABLE SPACES “Because it is illegal to use your phone whilst “In the morning people are in a rush- stopping to driving” look at signs is not viable.” “100 other people would “Do not have data “Don't find them be using the app for the “Doubtful if it's accurate” plan” reliable” same space” “Can’t use when driving and by the time you get “No, still too many people chasing the same to space somebody may have got to it” space” Source: MKCCM 2018 24 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
PARK & RIDE: AWARENESS & USAGE Use of Park & Ride is currently low, with inconvenience and the length of travel timing serving as the biggest barriers to engagement. Are you aware of the Park & Ride When you travel round Milton Keynes, how often do you Q available from the coachway at Q use the Park & Ride? Q Why did you not use Park & Ride? Junction 14 of the M1? 8% Always 16% 44% INCONVENIENT AWARE & JOURNEY TO WORK/HOME USED Often 16% 36% TOO LONG 63% Sometimes 16% 25% OTHER (key factor: does not service areas where respondent lives) AWARE, NOT Rarely 32% PREFER OTHER MODE OF USED 19% TRANSPORT I have only used it once 29% 20% before 11% TOO EXPENSIVE UNAWARE Source: MKCCM 2018 Notes: Respondents who are ‘aware, not used’ or who only use ‘rarely’/used ‘once before’, are ask why they do not use Park & Ride. 26 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
PARK & RIDE: OPPORTUNITIES For the majority of respondents, cheaper costs and a non-stop service to the city centre would not encourage them to use the Park & Ride more often, suggesting there is limited interest in an improved Park & Ride service. How likely would you be to use the Park & Ride more often, if the cost was discounted to be £1 per Q person per day, and provided a non-stop service directly to the city centre? 40% WOULD BE MORE LIKELY 26% TO USE THE PARK & RIDE % of Resp 19% 16% 14% 10% Not at all likely Not that likely Neither likely nor unlikely Quite likely Extremely likely Source: MKCCM 2018 27 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ENGAGEMENT WITH CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES The majority of respondents do not regularly visit other areas of Central Milton Keynes on a work break. This echoes additional comments, which reference concerns of losing a parking space during work hours. When you’re at work, how often do you leave your workplace at break times to visit other areas in Q Central Milton Keynes? WOULD VISIT OTHER AREAS OF 69% CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES MORE OFTEN IF IT WAS EASIER TO TRAVEL 32% 28% 21% % of Resp 11% 8% Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Source: MKCCM 2018 28 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
BUS SERVICE USAGE There is headroom to encourage greater use of the bus service to drive more frequent engagement with the wider city centre offer. When you visit Central Milton Keynes, how often do you use a bus service to connect with other Q areas in the city centre (not including Park & Ride)? Rating of bus service 70% 3.3 % of Resp 14% 8% 5% 3% Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Source: MKCCM 2018 29 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
OPPORTUNITY FOR A ‘HOP ON-HOP OFF’ BUS SERVICE A ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service would likely gain strong traction among workers. Marketing of such a service should be set in the context of its benefits in connecting users with the activities they would like to be able to conduct around Central Milton Keynes, this will help overcome current reluctance to do so due to issues of losing a car parking space. How likely would you be to use a ‘hop on-hop off’ bus Would you consider using the ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service to travel around Central Milton Q service, if one were available in Central Milton Keynes? Q Keynes for the following activities? (If gave a rating of 3,4,5 for likely to use the service) Extremely 12% Shopping 88% 12% likely Leisure facilities 71% 29% 40% % of Resp Dining out 69% 31% 22% Getting to & from business related 64% 36% activities 15% Not at all Services 55% 45% 11% likely % of Resp Likelihood to use 'hop on-hop off' bus service Yes No Source: MKCCM 2018 30 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
OPPORTUNITY TIMES FOR A ‘HOP ON-HOP OFF’ BUS SERVICE There is appetite for a ‘hop on-hop off’ service starting early in the morning and finishing late in the evening. Frequency and reliability of such a service will be a key factor in encouraging engagement. If a ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service were available, what is the Q earliest/latest time you would consider using the service? Earliest Latest 31% 24% 25% % of Resp 15% 14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 11% 10% 11% 6% 4% I don’t From 6 am From 7am From 8am From 9am From From I don’t Until 6pm Until 7pm Until 8pm Until 9pm Until Until know 10am 11am know 10pm 11pm Source: MKCCM 2018 31 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
IMPACT OF CHARGING FOR A ‘HOP ON-HOP OFF’ BUS SERVICE The majority of respondents would consider paying a small fee for a ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service, but would be more inclined to use it if it were free. With cost and convenience both important factors for commuters, costs of alternative services will be a key consideration in encouraging workers to shift away from the convenience of travelling by car. If it costed a small fee to use the ‘hop on-hop off’ bus service, Q would this impact how often you would consider using it? Yes – I would use the service, but would Yes – I would only consider using the No – it would not impact how often I consider using it more often service if it were free would consider using the service if it were free 63% 25% 12% Source: MKCCM 2018 32 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 33 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
KEY THEMES & ADDITIONAL COMMENTS “More parking spaces need to be made “Parking for work purposes has “I choose to work from home most days due to the TRAVELLING AROUND MK available i.e Multi storey or using the reached a point now where I inconvenience and time constraints of finding a Cost & Provision empty land for extra spaces rather than have actually changed my work parking bay close to my place of work” Key themes: leaving it overgrown. Changing the red hours” bays to provide more affordable parking “Lack of parking is the key problem. If you start Parking availability for workers” “The cost of parking is way too work at 9:30, you are unlikely to find a space high and being able to find a nearby to your office. During the winter, this parking space is not easy. Have means an unsafe walk for people to wherever “Make it cheaper, more free spaces, to arrive over 30 minutes before their car may be. Women have been approached more spaces, less premium charges” Public transport work to find a space” and attacked in the recent past” “Having a park and ride “I don’t think buses are often that reliable “Frequent and increased bus services provided from from the North - A5 would and they are constantly increasing prices. Luton to Milton Keynes (currently only one bus per Public Transport be great. I would use this I also find walking on redways can feel or hour, or two buses per hour during peak time). Also Cost of parking service to park and then be unsafe in some areas as they are very more bus stops in MK itself for services from Luton. either bus or cycle in. hidden away and dark” Direct and reduced price train routes from MK to Currently I am too remote to “Park & Ride is a fantastic idea but when Luton (currently on long routes)” consider using other options you do the school drop off there is not the “A tram system would be more convenient if it were to Navigating Milton (bus, train etc) and so will time spare to wait for a bus and the 9:15 go to the outskirts of MK as well. I personally would always rely on the car for at not use a Park & Ride service because I would have to bays are nearly always taken well before Keynes least part of the journey” 9am” drive to get the bus, which is counterproductive” “As an American Navigating Milton Keynes designed city in the “Generally easy “A lot of congested areas “I think CMK is well city to get around” “Travelling around UK, it doesn't work. Traffic Parking is difficult to making traveling around planned , accessible during rush hour MK longer than necessary” times is not great. find and navigating and pleasant” “The grid map There are so many round MK is a pain. definitely makes it roundabouts and you Putting roundabouts Safety in instead of traffic “Far too much traffic, too “The roundabouts easier to travel get stuck at each make it easy to get around MK” one…” lights would help many roundabout” enormously” round Milton Keynes” Source: MKCCM 2018 34 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
APPENDIX 35 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
ACORN Acorn is a geo-demographic classification that segments the UK population according to their lifestyle, lifestage and affluence. Classifies every UK postcode Available at 3 levels: 6 Categories, 18 Groups & 62 Types Common language across media, agencies and Size marketing organisations Represents UK Pop. 36 Source: Acorn ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
This report contains information and data supplied by CACI Limited that may (a) be created in whole or part using forecasting or predictive models and/or third party data and are not guaranteed to be error free by CACI, (b) contain data based on estimates derived from samples, and/or (c) be subject to the limits of statistical errors/rounding up or down. Except for title warranties all other implied warranties are excluded. CACI Limited shall not be liable for any loss howsoever arising from or in connection with your interpretation of this report. 37 ©CACI 2018 | CCI | Commercial in Confidence
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