Mill Creek Academy Parent and Student Handbook

Page created by Richard Fleming
Mill Creek Academy Parent and Student Handbook
Mill Creek Academy
Parent and Student Handbook
Leading the Charge in Lifelong Learning!

               Principal: Ken Goodwin
        Assistant Principal: Stacy Stackhouse
       Assistant Principal: Jacqueline Ottosen
         Assistant Principal: Kimberly Miller

  3750 International Golf Parkway, St. Augustine, FL 32092
                 Main Office: 904-547-3720
                     Fax: 904-547-3730
Welcome Back to School!
We are excited about the upcoming school year! The staff, students, and parents worked extremely
hard last year and we are looking forward to making this year even better. In addition, we will continue
to further strengthen our school-wide community relationships to help us reach our goals.
At MCA, our goal is to provide high quality instruction, in a caring environment, that ensures that every
child is prepared for secondary education and beyond.
Our commitment to our students and community continues to drive our vision, “The Learning
Community of Mill Creek will ensure that ALL achieve their fullest potential through challenging,
purposeful learning opportunities where lifelong learning becomes a passion! We are The Mighty

Our Core Values are as follows:
   •   Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are essential to the
       well-being of individuals and society.
   •   All individuals have intrinsic value.
   •   Every individual can contribute something of worth to society.
   •   Individuals are responsible and accountable for their choices and decisions.
   •   In order to grow and thrive, individuals need caring relationships and a nurturing environment.
   •   Supportive family relationships are the foundation of the community.
   •   High expectations lead to higher performance which, in turn, empowers the individual and
       strengthens society.
   •   Continuous learning is a lifelong process that is essential to a productive and enriched life.
   •   A safe and orderly environment is conducive to learning.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Ken Goodwin, Ed.D.
2021-2022 Mill Creek Academy Student/Parent Handbook
GENERAL SCHOOL INFORMATION ......................................... 1                      PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PDA) ................................... 8
ST. JOHNS COUNTY DISTRICT MISSION .................................. 1                      PUPIL DETENTION, SEARCH, AND SEIZURE ............................ 8
ST. JOHNS COUNTY DISTRICT VISION..................................... 1                     SUSPENSION (OUT OF SCHOOL) ............................................ 8
MILL CREEK ACADEMY MISSION ............................................ 1                   RESPONSIBILITY ROOM/IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION ................. 8
MILL CREEK ACADEMY VISION ............................................... 1                 STUDENT SERVICES & INFORMATION ................................... 8
MILL CREEK ACADEMY FACTS ................................................ 1                 CAFETERIA ............................................................................. 8
2021 – 2022 PTA OFFICERS .................................................... 1             LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER ....................................................... 9
MILL CREEK DISCIPLINE PHILOSOPHY .................................... 1                     GUIDANCE & COUNSELING .................................................... 9
MILL CREEK ACADEMY: THE “ONE” RULE .............................. 1                         PHYSICAL EDUCATION ........................................................... 9
ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL CHANGES........ 1                                       LOCKERS (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY) ........................................ 9
SIGNING STUDENTS IN AND OUT........................................... 2                    LOST AND FOUND .................................................................. 9
BIRTHDAYS and CELEBRATIONS………………………………………….2                                                TEXTBOOKS .......................................................................... 10
VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS ......................................................... 2             TRANSPORTATION ............................................................... 10
MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULES ........................................ 2                     TRANSPORTATION CHANGES .............................................. 10
EMERGENCY DRILLS ............................................................... 2          FIELD TRIPS & EXTRA CURRICULAR ...................................... 10
MASTER CALENDAR ............................................................... 2           SCHOOL NURSE & CLINIC GUIDELINES ................................ 10
ATTENDANCE ......................................................................... 3      STUDENT ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY .............................. 11
ATTENDANCE MATTERS ......................................................... 3              ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (HONOR CODE) ................................ 11
ATTENDANCE INCENTIVES (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY) ............. 4                                  CHEATING ............................................................................ 11
TARDINESS ............................................................................. 4   3rd – 8th Grade GRADING ................................................... 11
TRUANCY................................................................................ 4   SCHOOLOLOGY .................................................................... 11
SCHOOL CLIMATE................................................................... 4         EXTRA CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY) .. 11
STUDENT CONDUCT ............................................................... 4           FORGOTTEN PROJECTS/HOMEWORK .................................. 11
BEHAVIOR OF EXCELLENCE .................................................... 5               MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................... 12
SJCSD STUDENT CODE OF CODUCT ....................................... 5                      Home Access Center (HAC) ………………………………………………12
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS ..................................................... 5               STUDENT AWARDS, RECOGNITION & ACHIEVEMENT
MCA PRIDE Behavior Expectations ........................................ 6                  PROGRAMS (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY) .................................. 12

Universal Signals (Be mindful of environmental                                              Student Government Association (SGA) .............................. 12
requirements and safety policies.) ........................................ 6               NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY ................................... 12
BULLYING / INTIMIDATION / HARASSMENT .......................... 7                           PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ........................ 12
CHARACTER COUNTS! ............................................................ 7            PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES ....................................... 12
DRESS CODE ........................................................................... 7    PARENT/ TEACHER ASSOICATION (PTA) .............................. 13
BACKPACK/BOOK BAGS ......................................................... 7              COMMUNICATION ............................................................... 13
ELECTRONIC DEVICES/CELL PHONES ..................................... 7
GENERAL SCHOOL INFORMATION                                     Mustang PRIDE:
                                                                          1. Politeness/Positive (Fairness & Caring)
           ST. JOHNS COUNTY DISTRICT MISSION                              2. Respect
   The St. Johns County School District will inspire good                 3. Integrity (Trustworthiness)
character and a passion for lifelong learning in all students,            4. Discipline (Responsibility)
  creating educated and caring contributors to the world.                 5. Effort (Citizenship)
                                                                      We encourage parents to join us in our commitment to
 All students will choose a learning path that leads to a             teach, model and practice these essential life skills. It is
well-rounded graduate who demonstrates good character                 the responsibility of the staff and parents to provide a
                     and leadership.                                  safe and appropriate learning environment.

               MILL CREEK ACADEMY MISSION                                       MILL CREEK ACADEMY: THE “ONE” RULE
 Mill Creek Academy will inspire our students to become               In the Mill Creek community, students need to
             life-long learners with integrity.                       remember that only one rule is necessary for all of us:

                MILL CREEK ACADEMY VISION                                  Treat others the way they want to be treated.
The Learning Community of Mill Creek will ensure that ALL
    achieve their fullest potential through challenging,              This rule applies to the way adults treat children as well
 purposeful learning opportunities where lifelong learning            as the way children treat adults. This rule is also
                    becomes a passion!                                applicable and worth remembering when we talk about
                                                                      adult-to-adult interactions. We encourage all adults to
                                                                      teach and model this to students as they learn to interact
School Information:       Originally Established 1879
                                                                      with their peers.
Mill Creek Academy:       Established 2018
School Hours:             Mon./Tues./Thurs./Fri.
                          8:25 am – 2:45 pm                           NOTE TO PARENTS – WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
                          Wed. 8:25 am – 1:45 pm                      We want you to know that you can reach us to discuss
School Mascot:            Mustangs                                    your child or get information in many different ways. We
Colors:                   Blue and Yellow                             have progress reports, parent-teacher conferences,
                                                                      student planners, newsletters, voicemail, email, Home
                  2021 – 2022 PTA BOARD                               Access Center (HAC), and Schoology. We will work to
                 President: Danielle Page                             keep you updated and should you need to discuss
                  VP Elem: Sondra Hisrich                             something in detail, contact your child’s homeroom
               VP MS: Nery De Los Santos                              teacher or an administrator.
               Treasurer: Amanda Mullins
                 Secretary: Carol Tarnawa                                ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL CHANGES
                Comm. Coord.: Kim Sheets                              Please notify our office immediately if there is a change
              Parliamentarian: Bridget Blake                          in your address, telephone number, email, or your
    Business Partner/Spirit Night Rep: Tane Cheptoo                   emergency contacts. This information is very important
    Teacher Appreciation: Christina Dixon & Amanda                    in case your child becomes ill or injured. Students will
                         Dykman                                       not be released to anyone who is not listed on the
   Helping Hands: Carole Sullivan & Christine Marano                  emergency contact list. If you would like neighbors or
                  SAC Rep: Sondra Hisrich                             friends to be eligible to pick up your child from school,
                  MS Rep: Justine Larson                              please list them on your emergency contact list. Please
       Spirit Wear/Membership: Michell Marone                         make sure this information is updated whenever
                                                                      necessary. Proofs of residency must be provided to
                                                                      change an address.
At Mill Creek Academy, learning and using life skills are                                  School Messenger
critical to the success of all students. As a lifelong learner,       School Messenger is a rapid phone, email, and/or text
students should develop life skills that represent the                notification system provided by our school district to
Character Counts Pillars and MUSTANG PRIDE!                           communicate important or emergency information
                                                                      efficiently. This system will be used for providing
accurate information to parents/guardians about safety                       classroom.
and daily attendance, as well as communication from the                 •    Due to CO VID restrictions and capacity, parents/visitors
principal.    These messages are for time urgent                             will not be able to visit during lunch.
information. We ask that you listen to the complete                                  MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULES
                                                                                       Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
message for this timely information and that you
maintain current phone numbers on file so we can make                        1st     2nd      3rd       4th       5th       6th     7th
sure these messages are reaching our families in case of                    8:25-   9:22-    10:11-    11:00-    11:49-    1:09-   1:58-
                                                                            9:18    10:07    10:56     11:45     1:05 *    1:54    2:45
urgent or emergency situations.

                                                                                      *A lunch 11:51-12:21, B lunch 12:39-1:09
                                                                                             Wednesday (Early Release)
Students reporting late to school must have a
parent/guardian sign them in at the office before going to                   1st     2nd      3rd      4th       5th       6th      7th
class. Students leaving during the scheduled school day                     8:25-   9:15-    9:55-    10:35-    11:15-    11:54-   1:08-
                                                                            9:11    9:51     10:31    11:11     11:51     1:04*    1:45
must have a parent/guardian sign them out at the office
before leaving. For student safety, picture identification
is required when signing a student in or out. Parents need                            *A lunch 11:51-12:21, B lunch 12:39-1:09
to send a note to the teacher in advance of a student
signing out early.                                                                            EMERGENCY DRILLS
                                                                      Emergency drills will be conducted throughout the
           BIRTHDAYS AND CELEBRATIONS                                 school year. We conduct monthly fire and lockdown
                                                                      drills as required by the Florida law. We will also practice
                 NUT AWARE CAMPUS.                                    drills for the following scenarios: severe weather (high
                                                                      winds) and evacuation. Our school district also requires
                VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS –                                 bus evacuation drills for our bus riders. Safety is of the
                                                                      utmost importance.
  PARENTS ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE SCHOOL REGULARLY                                Mill Creek Extended Day Program
    AND BECOME INVOLVED IN ALL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES.                     The Mill Creek Extended Day Program is a community
                                                                      service available to all Mill Creek Academy students. The
               FUNCTIONS AFTER SCHOOL.                                students in the program are provided with a closely
                                                                      structured and supervised yet fun afternoon schedule of
  •   Parents or guardians interested in visiting DURING
                                                                      activities, care and fun. Time will be provided each day
      SCHOOL HOURS, NEED to complete an online
                                                                      for homework, snack and free play as well as a variety of
      volunteer/school access application. The application is
      available on the school website under Parent                    activities within the daily program. Additional, fee based,
      Information/School Access. Once you have been                   activities are also offered. Please visit our website for
      approved, your application is good for three years.             additional information.
      Please understand the approval process may take       
      several weeks.
  •   While volunteering in our school, chaperoning a field
      trip, assisting a teacher, or coordinating classroom
      activities and celebrations, it is important that you not
                                                                                            MASTER CALENDAR
      be accompanied by younger children. This is for the             Sometimes due to unforeseen conditions, dates or times
      safety of the young child and to ensure the volunteer is        for activities can be changed. Parents would be notified
      able to focus on the important task of assisting in the
                                                                      if changes are made, however please check with
      educational setting.
                                                                      students, check the MCA calendar website or call the
  •   Parents with younger children will still have an
      opportunity to volunteer through the PTA program,               school office at 904-547-3720 should you have questions
      “Helping Hands.” Please check the PTA website for               at any time about calendar dates.
      dates and times.
  •   In order to maintain the learning environment, we ask           All Schools will be dismissed 1 hour early on December
      that volunteers stay no longer than 3 hours per                                21, 2021 and June 2, 2022
The MCA Absentee form is available in two different
                                                                 formats. Absentee forms can be submitted digitally by
                                                                 using the link MCA Digital Absentee Form found on our
                                                                 website under Parent Information. You can attach a
                                                                 doctor’s note using the upload feature. You will receive
                                                                 email confirmation of your submission.

                                                                 Absentee forms are also available in printable form on
                                                                 the Attendance tab under Parent Information. The form
                                                                 can be completed and sent in with your student. If you
                                                                 have a note from a doctor, please send it in with the
                                                                 Absentee form. Reminder, if your student has been out
                                                                 3 (three) or more days, you will need to provide a note
                                                                 from a physician.

                                                                 The absentee form will be required upon returning to
                                                                 school. Automated phone calls and emails will still be
                                                                 sent out on the day of the students absent to alert

                                                                 Excused absences include: Personal illness, death in the
                                                                 family, religious holidays of the student’s established
                                                                 religious faith, required court or law agency
                                                                 appearances, public functions, school related state
                                                                 competitions,     scheduled     doctor    or     dentist

                                                                 Unexcused absences include shopping trips, pleasure
                                                                 trips, suspension from school, appointments without
                                                                 prior approval except in case of emergency.
                                                                 For a complete list of excused and unexcused absences,
                                                                 students and parents should refer to the Student Code
                                                                 of Conduct.

                                                                 It is extremely difficult to be highly successful in
                                                                 management of class work if attendance is irregular.
                                                                 Students having 5 unexcused absences within a calendar
                                                                 month or 10 unexcused absences within a 90 calendar–
                                                                 day period shall be reported to the principal/designee to
                                                                 secure and determine rationale for such absences. If a
                   ATTENDANCE                                    student is absent more than fifteen days, it is the
                                                                 responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide a
                 ATTENDANCE MATTERS                              doctor’s note.
Communication between parents/guardians and school
officials must be made when students are absent from or          Excused Make-up work: If your child is ill and absent for
tardy to school. Any student who has been absent from            two days, contact the classroom teacher or front office
school for an entire day or any part of a day is to submit       to arrange for the schoolwork your child has missed.
the MCA Absentee Form the day the student returns to             Middle School students will check Schoology first. It is
school. MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS SHOULD SUBMIT                     the responsibility of the middle school student to make
AN ANSENTEE FORM WHEN THEY MISS ANY PERIOD.                      his/her own arrangements with the teacher to make up
                                                                 the missed work.
Tardies to class will be handled by the class teachers. The
Students with an extended illness may qualify for the              following procedures and consequences will apply
Hospital Homebound program. For other extended                     quarterly.
absences, please notify the principal, in writing, prior to
the absence.                                                          •    3rd tardy to class -parent notification
We encourage medical appointments to be made after                    •    Additional tardies to class – alternative lunch
school hours or during early release hours whenever                        location
possible to reduce the amount of instructional time lost.
     ATTENDANCE INCENTIVES (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY)                    Truancy is defined as an absence from school without the
Students will be celebrated quarterly for maintaining a            parent’s or guardian's knowledge or consent. In some
95% or higher attendance rate.                                     instances, a student may be considered truant because
                                                                   of a parent’s or guardian's negligence. Habitual truancy
                        TARDINESS                                  is defined as 15 or more days of unexcused absences in a
Tardies to school negatively affect a student’s overall            90-calendar‐day period. Truancy steps that may take
attendance percentage and academic progress. The                   place:
parent/guardian needs to provide an appropriate excuse
for their child’s tardy to school. ALL tardies to school are         •    Administration shall report such absence to the
unexcused, unless a note is issued by a Professional Care                 Director of Student Services.
Provider (notes must be received on the day of the tardy             •    Student Services personnel shall give written
prior to the student’s lunch period).                                     notice, either in person or by registered mail, to
                                                                          the parent when no valid reason is found for child's
School starts at 8:25 AM. If a student arrives at school                  absence from school, requiring enrollment or
after the school day begins, he/she must report to the                    attendance within three (3) days from the date of
office and receive a pass before going to class. A                        notice.
parent/guardian contact is necessary to verify the reason            •    If such required notice is ignored, the Student
for the late arrival. Personally, accompanying the student                Services Office shall report the case to the
to the receptionist is required.                                          Superintendent and take steps necessary to bring
The following consequences will apply quarterly for any                   criminal prosecution against the parent, guardian,
tardy.                                                                    or other responsible persons.
  • 3rd unexcused tardy – warning/parent contact
  • 4th – 9th unexcused tardy – alternative lunch
          th                                                                         SCHOOL CLIMATE
  • 10 tardy - 1-Day In-School Suspension and parent
      conference                                                                       STUDENT CONDUCT
                                                                   Mill Creek Academy is guided by the MCA Positive
 Procedures                                                        Behavior Systems Handbook and believes in a pro-
  • Parents must escort their child to the main office             active approach to student safety and well-being
     when tardy for school.                                        involving parents and all associated with the activities of
  • Students are considered tardy any time they are                the school day and school events. Students are
     not in their classroom ready to learn at 8:25 a.m.            responsible for following all school rules and regulations
  • Parents will receive a notification via the School             anytime students are involved in activities associated
     Messenger system when a student is tardy to                   with the school. This includes from the time students
     school.                                                       leave their homes, throughout the school day, until they
  • Students will receive a tardy notice upon late                 arrive at home after the school day or school activities.
     entry.                                                        Student responsibility applies to any school district
  • Students will eat lunch in an alternative location             property, school field trips, school sponsored activities,
     within one week of their tardy date.                          walking to and from the school or when participating in
      TARDY TO CLASS (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY)                          school transportation. School transportation includes
During the school day, middle school students are                  between home and the bus stop, while at the bus stop
permitted 4 minutes to move from one class to another.             and when riding on the school bus.
3. Check
We are constantly seeking ways to reward positive                4. Referral
behavior and help students develop positive self-esteem                        Redirection of Behavior
through our incentives and Positive Behavioral Supports.         •   1 step - A VERBAL WARNING will be given to the

With continued cooperation and communication among                   student. Example: “John, please sit in your seat and
parents, teachers, and students, we can continue the                 work on your assignment. This is your warning.”
high standards for academic success. We want Mill Creek
to continue to be a safe and secure place for every                            In Class Consequence
individual. If a student is referred to the office for a         • Possible disciplinary consequences may include,
serious problem, a parent will be contacted by phone.              but not limited to:
                                                                  o Conference after class
                BEHAVIOR OF EXCELLENCE                            o Reflection Sheet
Students that are going “above and beyond” showing                o New seating opportunity
PBIS behaviors will be recognized.
            SJCSD STUDENT CODE OF CODUCT                         •  1st check will result in warning - teacher contact
Students are responsible for the choices they make. All             will be via email and reflection form brought home
Mill Creek students and parents are required to read the            by student. Reflection should be returned the
online Code of Conduct, which supports our goal of                  following day with parent/student signature.
excellence in behavior. All parents and students are                Check will be documented by teacher in PBIS
required to read, sign and return the acknowledgement               system.
page that is part of the online registration and returning       • Subsequent checks will be document in student
student verification process. A copy is also available on           PBIS account for documentation. Students have
the        St.        Johns        County         Website:          access to their own PBIS page.                             • 3rd check and beyond – Referred to Administration.
                                                                    Administration will contact parents regarding
                                                                    consequence. SJCSD Student Code of Conduct will
Showing our MUSTANG PRIDE is considered behavior
                                                                    be a guideline when determining consequences.
excellence within the Mill Creek learning community.
                                                                  Referral – Violation of Student Code of Conduct
Presenting with EXCELLENCE holds all stakeholders
responsible for their own behaviors. We are EXPECTED             • A referral may be issued immediately for any level
to meet the PRIDE expectations of EXCELLENCE in                     2 offense or higher.
EVERYTHING we do.                                                • Consequences are aligned to the St. John’s County
                           PRIDE                                    Code of Conduct.
Politeness – Use positive words and good manners                 • Refer to PBS Section on detailed information on
Respect – Treat others with kindness                                “Meeting PRIDE Expectations”
Integrity – Take responsibility for your own actions
Discipline – Be in control of yourself/Be prepared
Effort – Be an ACTIVE LEARNER every day!

Throughout the school year, each teacher will model,
expect, and reinforce what Mustang PRIDE behaviors
look and sound like in the classroom. These expectations
are also specific in the hallway, cafeteria, media center,
and other common areas.

For students who do not meet PRIDE excellence, the
following corrective measures may be taken:

         The Mustang PRIDE Progression Plan
  1. Redirection of Behavior
  2. In-class Consequence
MCA PRIDE Behavior Expectations                                         Restroo      Be Kind   -Use the      -Be          -Be In       -Treat
                                                                                  m            Use       Restroom      Honest       Control      the RR
                 Matrix 2021-2022                                                              Good      -Take Care    -Mind        of Your      like Your
                                                                                               Manne     of MCA        Your Own     Actions      Own
Setting      Positiv   Responsibl    Integrity    Disciplin   Effort                           rs        Property.     Business     -Use the     -Clean Up
             e         e                          e                                            Apolog    -Wash and     -Own Your    Facilities   After
Online       -Be       -Follow       -Present     -Stay on    -Submit                          ize       Clean Up      Actions      Appropr      Yourself
Learning     Kind      Your          Your Own     schedul     Quality                                    After         -Apologize   iately
             -Use      Recomme       Work         e.          Work                                       Yourself                   -Make
             Good      nded          -Work on     -Follow     -Show Up                                                              Good
             Manne     Schedule      your own     digital     On Time                                                               Choices
             rs         -Create a    assignmen    expectat    -                   Assembly     Be Kind   -Listen to    -Be          -Be In       -Be On
             -            quiet      ts           ions        Communi                          Use       Staffulty/F   Honest       Control      Time
             Apolog    workspace     -Being a     -           cate with                        Good      ollow         -Own Your    of Your      -Follow
             ize       -Work         model        Complet     teacher if                       Manne     Directions    Actions      Actions      Direction
                       Now, Play     citizen      e work      issues                           rs        -Treat        -Apologize   -Be          from
                       After                      when no     arise.                           Apolog    Others        -Play Fair   Present      Staffulty
                                                  one is                                       ize       How You                    and          at Event.
                                                  looking.                                               Want to                    Enjoy
Universal    Be Kind   -             -Be          -Be In      -Do Your                                   be Treated                 the
             Use       Listen/Foll   Honest       Control     Best                                                                  Presenta
             Good      ow            -Own Your    of Your     -Stay                                                                 tion
             Manne     Directions    Actions      Actions     Focused                                                               -Make
             rs        -Treats       -Apologize   -Accept     -Be On                                                                Good
             Apolog    Others        -Play Fair   Respons     Time                                                                  Choices
             ize       How You       -Follow      ibility     -Be                 Locker       Be Kind   -Secure       -Be          -Be In       -Quickly
                       Want to       Dress        -Make       Ready to                         Use       Your          Honest       Control      gather all
                       be            Standards    Good        Learn                            Good      Property.     -Own Your    of Your      of your
                       Treated.                   Choices     Everyday                         Manne     -Visit        Actions      Actions      belonging
                       -Take Care                                                              rs        Locker        -Hands on    -Accept      s
                       of MCA                                                                                                                    -Walk
                                                                                               Apolog    Daily at      Your Own     Respons
                       Property                                                                                                                  directly
                                                                                               ize       Appropriat    Property     ibility
Cafe         Be Kind   -Follow       -Be          -Be In      -Be On                                                                             to your
                                                                                                         e Times                    -Make
             Use       Seating       Honest       Control     Time                                                                               class
                                                                                                         -Arrive                    Good
             Good      Arrangeme     and Eat      of Your     -Clean Up                                  Prepared                   Choices
             Manne     nts           Your own     Actions     After                                      for Class
             rs        -Always       lunch        -Make       Yourself            Common       -Be       -Take Care    -Always      -Be In       -Put
             Apolog    Make          -Own Your    Healthy     -Pack Up                                                                           Materials
                                                                                  Areas        Kind      of School     Check Out    Control
             ize       Room for      Actions      Choices     All                                                                                Back
                                                                                  (CAFÉ,       -Use      Property      Materials    of Your
                                                              Belonging                                                                          Where
                       Friends       -Apologize   -Make                           Hallway,     Good      -Use Voice    You Need     Actions
                                                              s Before                                                                           You
                       -Make                      Kind                            Resource     Manne     Level 0       -Treat       -Accept
                                                              Leaving                                                                            Found
                       Your Space                 Choices                         classroo     rs        -Please       Media        Respons
                       Clean and                                                                                                    ibility      Them
                                                                                  ms,          -         walk when     Center
                       Ready for                                                  Recess       Apolog    in the        Property     -Make
                       Next Lunch                                                 playgrou     ize       Media         as if Your   Good
Hallway      Be Kind   -Listen to    -Be          -Be In      -Be On              nd)                    Center        Own          Choices
             Use       Staffulty/F   Honest       Control     Time                Drills       Be Kind   -Use Voice    -Follow      -Always      -Follow
             Good      ollow         -Own Your    of Your     -Use                (Fire/lock   Use       Level 0       Safety       keep         direction
             Manne     Directions    Actions      Actions     Appropri            down/        Good      -Follow all   Procedure    hands        s of the
             rs        -Keep         -            -Walk       ate                 etc)         Manne     adult         s            and          closest
             Apolog    Hands and     Remembe      Safely to   Speed                            rs        directions    -Own Your    your         adult.
             ize       Feet to       r Your       Your        When                             Apolog    -Remain in    Actions      feet to
                       Yourself      Purpose      Destinat    Transitio                        ize       a straight    -Apologize   yourself.
                       -Have         for          ion         ning                                       line at all                -Make
                       Hallways      Movemen      -Make                                                  times                      Good
                       Pass if       t            Good                                                   -Face away                 Choices
                       Necessary                  Choices                                                from the
Classroo     Be Kind   Listen/Foll   Be Honest    Be In       Follow                                     building
m            Use       ow            -Own Your    Control     the                                        during the
             Good      Directions    Actions      of Your     Teacher’s                                  drill
             Manne     -Treat        -Apologize   Actions     Direction
             rs        Others        -Play Fair   -Accept     s
             Apolog    How You                    Respons     -Always          Universal Signals       (Be mindful of environmental
             ize       Want to                    ibility     Do Your
                       be                         -Make       Best Each        requirements and safety policies.)
                       Treated.                   Good        Day              Universals signals will be used throughout the learning
                       -Take Care                 Choices     -Grow
                       of MCA                                 Each Day         environment (all classrooms and all common areas) to provide
                       & Friends                                               consistency in gaining a groups attention.

                                                                                Raise your hand signal - A well-practiced and
                                                                               consistently implemented attention signal is essential in
                                                                               group-learning situations.
Volume Levels:                              identify students who exemplify monthly pillars and
                                                                 students are recognized monthly as Character Counts
Level 0 (Silent): independent work in class, hallways            Students!
(elementary), media center, assemblies
                                                                                        DRESS CODE
Level 1 (Low Volume): partners/small group work                  The dress and grooming of our students should
Level 2 (Conversational): class discussion, lunch, bus,          contribute to the health and safety of the individual,
hallways/class change (middle school)                            promote a positive educational environment and not
                                                                 disrupt the educational activities and processes of the
Level 3 (Celebration): recess, athletics, dances,                school. Mill Creek Academy follows the school district’s
applause for assemblies/performances                             dress code guidelines explained in the Student Code of
"Bullying" means intimidation, unwanted aggressive                                BACKPACK/BOOK BAGS
behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is                 Students may use backpacks to transfer materials from
substantially likely to be repeated and causes a                 class to class and from school to home. Each middle
reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety        school student has the opportunity to rent a locker and
or property; substantially interferes with the educational       is encouraged to use this storage system to prevent
performance, opportunities, or benefits of any student           overloading the backpack. NO ROLLING BACKPACKS are
without exception; or substantially disrupts the orderly         allowed without documented medical need, which must
operation of the school. Bullying may consist of physical        be approved by administration.
actions, including gestures, oral, or written
communication, and any threat of retaliation for                             ELECTRONIC DEVICES/CELL PHONES
reporting of such acts. Bullying of students is prohibited       Technology is prevalent within our society. However, at
on school property, at any school function, or on a school       MCA we will work to develop responsible boundaries
bus.                                                             with technology.

Should a student experience any of these behaviors they          We recognize that parents may want their student to
MUST tell a teacher, a counselor, or an administrator            have a cell phone for safety reasons and at Mill Creek, we
immediately. Always tell your parent/guardian. Everyone          recognize that cell phones can be used as a learning
at Mill Creek has the right to feel safe physically and          device. However, should a student choose to bring their
emotionally.                                                     device to school, honoring the technology agreement
                                                                 will be strictly enforced.
The Guidance Counselor will provide bullying education
throughout the year to guide conversations and provide           The cell phone will be the student’s and
support throughout their school years.                           parent/guardian’s responsibility at all times. The school
                                                                 is not responsible for investigating lost, damaged, or
                   CHARACTER COUNTS!                             stolen cell phones.
The St. Johns County School District, along with area
businesses, youth organizations and civic groups,                APPROPRIATE DEVICE USAGE:
selected the national character educational program of             • Before warning bell (8:20 AM)
CHARACTER COUNTS! as a countywide initiative to instill            • When invited by teachers to use device for learning
positive character traits in our young people. As adults,             or other educational purposes
we are responsible for modeling appropriate behaviors,             • After dismissal bell
which has been proven as the best way to teach                   INAPPROPRIATE DEVICE USAGE
character in others.                                               • Pictures and videos are STRICTLY PROHIBITED
                                                                      during the school hours.
MCA provides character education based on core ethical             • During class time UNLESS given permission by the
values, in particular, the Six Pillars of Character. These            classroom teacher
pillars are TRUSTWORTHINESS, CARING, RESPECT,                      • Between passing periods
RESPONSIBILITY, CITIZENSHIP, and FAIRNESS. Teachers                • Texting parents during class time (all contact
should be completed through the Front Office).                    item(s) may be seized, and such action taken as
  •   Phone calls during campus hours.                                  provided for by law or school board regulations.

We believe our students will work to honor the                                 SUSPENSION (OUT OF SCHOOL)
technology agreement. However, should a student need              The principal or their designated representative may
to be reminded of appropriate usage, a verbal reminder            suspend a student from school for misconduct in
will be given to the student. Thereafter, if a student must       accordance with the SJCSD Student Conduct Code. The
be reminded of appropriate usage, a parent will be                suspension shall be reported immediately to the
notified and MUST come to the school and receive the              parent/guardian of the student. Suspended students are
phone.                                                            not allowed on any SJCSD campus during this time unless
                                                                  approved by administration. Additionally, students may
EXCEPTION- If a student is found recording or taking              not attend or participate in school activities on or off
pictures, the device will be taken immediately, and               campus while suspended.
parents will be contacted.
                                                                       RESPONSIBILITY ROOM/IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION

Due to teaching and practicing responsible boundaries,            The principal or his designee may place a student in the
we BELIEVE that all students will be respectful and work          Responsibility Room for misconduct in accordance with
to encourage one another to ensure the success of the             the SJCSD Student Conduct Code. The placement in the
technology agreement.                                             Responsibility Room shall be reported immediately to a
                                                                  parent/guardian. Each student will receive his/her class
      PROFANTITY/ABUSIVE LANGUAGE/MATERIALS                       work/homework assignments for the time spent in the
Profanity, including racial slurs, is not permitted at Mill       Responsibility Room and he/she is expected to work on
Creek Academy. Also prohibited is the use of words,               given assignments while there.
gestures, pictures, or objects that are otherwise not
acceptable at school and/or upset the normal day or any
school activity. The use of profanity will result in                  STUDENT SERVICES & INFORMATION
disciplinary action.
           PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PDA)                      All students who make purchases in the cafeteria need
PDA is not allowed while students are on school campus            to memorize their six-digit student ID number. Parents
or during any school sponsored events. PDA includes, but          may check their child’s account as to the remaining
is not limited to, hugging, kissing, hand-holding, etc.           balance or food purchased by calling the Food Service
Engaging in acts of PDA will result in disciplinary action.       Manager or using PayPams.
                                                                  The basic rules, which govern Mill Creek lunch periods,
         PUPIL DETENTION, SEARCH, AND SEIZURE                     are:
The principal, teacher, or any other member of the staff
is authorized to detain temporarily and question a                •    Students may bring lunch and/or unopened drink
student when circumstances indicate that such student                  containers from home.
has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a             •    Students line up in the service line upon reporting
violation of law or a regulation of the school board.                  to the cafeteria with their teacher.
  • If at any time reasonable suspicion arises that the           •    Students are not allowed to use the accounts of
       student is unlawfully concealing any stolen or                  other students. Borrowing money from other
       illegal property, including but not limited to an               students is prohibited.
       alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs, cell phones, or         •    After eating, students will throw away all trash at
       any weapon as prohibited in school board                        designated times
       regulations, a member of the instructional staff           •    Students remain seated at their table throughout
       may search for the presence of the items without                lunch. Students are not allowed to move to other
       a parent/guardian being present.                                tables or go to other parts of the building during
  • If a search of a student or his/her locker or other                their lunch period without special permission.
       property reveals stolen or illegal items as                •    Neither food nor drinks can leave the Café or be
       prohibited by law or school board regulations, such             consumed in the hall or stored in the lockers.
                                                                  •    Parents may eat/bring lunch for their child only.
Friends are not allowed to visit or eat lunch with            The counselors are available for individual sessions with
     students.                                                     students who wish to make an appointment. Teachers,
•    Students may possess a water bottle only. The                 parents, the nurse, and administrators may also make
     bottles must only contain water.                              student referrals.

Breakfast and lunch meals are served each day. Lunch               Counselors also help coordinate class scheduling,
times depend on the schedule of the student. Students              teacher conferences, the exceptional student referral
who are eligible for free lunches are also eligible for free       process, and testing procedures.
Free/reduced meal applications need to be turned into                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION
the cafeteria as soon as possible when school begins.              All students enrolled in physical education classes will
Registration packets may be obtained from the Front                dress appropriately and participate in activities unless
Office or found on the St Johns County School District             they have medical excuses. Excuses for a day's absence
website. Students are responsible for paying for all meals         will be honored with a note from the parent, but if more
until their free/reduced application has been approved.            than 5 days are missed, a doctor's note/excuse will be
Parental Restrictions: Restrictions can be placed on your          required. Failure to dress out in middle school will result
student’s meal account by requesting, in writing, the              in a lower grade in the class as PE requires participation.
restrictions. Once restrictions are placed, they can only
                                                                                LOCKERS (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY)
be removed by the parent in a written letter/email to the
                                                                   Students will be able to rent lockers and combination
food service manager.
                                                                   locks at the beginning of the school year. Rented lockers
Food Allergies: If your child has food allergies, please
                                                                   will be assigned. Lockers are the property of Mill Creek
provide the school nurse with a physician’s note
                                                                   Academy and are subject to inspections by authorized
indicating the allergies and appropriate medical
                                                                   school personnel. The school is not responsible for lost,
attention required.
                                                                   damaged or stolen items. Let an adult know if you need
                                                                   help opening your locker. We discourage decorating the
                                                                   interior/exterior of lockers.
                 LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER
Materials are checked out of the Media Center in                     •   Always close your locker door and turn the dial to
accordance with Media Center policy. Failure to return                   make sure it is locked.
items will result in loss of Media Center privileges,                •   Keep your locker area neat and clean.
including checking out additional books, and may result              •   Keep your locker combination secret.
in suspension from participation in extra-curricular                 •   Students are not to place any adhesive products on
activities until received. In addition, students who have                or in their lockers.
purchased a yearbook will not receive this item until                •   Students are not allowed to move lockers without
Media Center obligations are met. Instead, the money                     consent from an administrator. Consequences will
may be used to offset the cost of the missing book. The                  be assigned for students housing themselves in a
Media Center is open from 8:00 A.M. until 2:30 P.M. You                  non- assigned locker and for allowing a student to
must have a pass from your teacher to come to the                        use an unassigned locker.
Media Center.                                                        •   Students are to use only his/her assigned locker.
                                                                     •   Student is responsible for a lost lock fee of $5.

                                                                   If a student chooses to abuse his/her locker by slamming
                GUIDANCE & COUNSELING
                                                                   the door, kicking it, or pulling it open without using the
The purpose of the counseling and guidance program is
                                                                   combination, appropriate disciplinary action will be
to help students develop interpersonal relationships,
make informed decisions, and develop the ability to                                    LOST AND FOUND
explore and plan for careers. Terms to describe school             Students who find items that have been left unattended
counseling are preventive, situational, supportive, and            should turn them in to a staff member or the office. All
temporary crisis. In general, school counselors are not            items brought to school should display the student’s
involved in long-term therapeutic counseling of the type           name, clearly written in permanent ink. Do not bring
one would seek in private counseling.                              valuable clothing, watches, purses, electronic devices
etc., to school. Clearly mark all personal items with your         students cannot be accepted. For more information,
name so the item can be returned, if lost.                         please                                            visit:
Lost and Found is in the front office. Students who lose 
personal belongings should check the Lost and Found.
After 30 days, unclaimed items will be donated to                                 TRANSPORTATION CHANGES
charity.                                                           Transportation changes for ELEMENTARY students (Bus,
                       TEXTBOOKS                                   Parent Pick-Up, Extended Day, etc.) must be received, in
Students will be required to replace textbooks that are            writing. No courtesy bus rides will be allowed. Please
lost or damaged at the replacement cost.                           send a note to your student’s teacher before 8 AM on the
                                                                   day the transportation change is needed. If there is a
                    TRANSPORTATION                                 situation during the day and a change in normal dismissal
Transportation is provided free for students living more           is needed, a guardian will need to email
than two miles from their school. Riding the bus is a     BEFORE 2 PM (1 PM
privilege that is earned by obeying safety and behavioral          on Wednesdays). Include your elementary child’s name,
rules. Bus routes comply with state guidelines. Our first          grade, teacher and how they need to get home. We do
concern is safety. We provide supervision during loading           not accept phone calls for transportation changes.
and unloading of buses. The bus driver provides
supervision while students are on the bus. Drivers must                         FIELD TRIPS & EXTRA CURRICULAR
watch traffic and road conditions while driving.                   Reward field trip eligibility is determined based upon
Therefore, drivers must rely on the cooperation of                 academics, behavior and attendance. Administration
students in order to maintain a safe and orderly situation         reserves the right to revoke privileges. If a student loses
on the bus. Students must practice responsible self-               this privilege after paying, a refund will not be provided
discipline while riding the bus. A student, who chooses            past the deadline date. This policy also applies to the
not to do so, cannot be allowed to jeopardize the safety           eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C. as well as
of others and will be required to arrange other                    Gradventure. *At this time there will be no Field Trips.
transportation with their parent/guardian to and from
school.                                                                       SCHOOL NURSE & CLINIC GUIDELINES
                                                                   We make a special effort to help students establish good
Students riding the bus to and from school will ride an            health habits and stay healthy. The success of our efforts,
assigned bus each day. Students will not be issued bus             however, depends on parental follow-through at home.
passes to ride another bus or change bus stops unless
approved by transportation (see below). We regret any              Students should not come to school when they are ill
inconvenience but recognize safety as our top priority.            and have an elevated temperature of 100 degrees or
Bus drivers are authorized to issue referrals for rule             higher or a suspected contagious condition. Students
infractions that could result in disciplinary action,              should stay at home until symptom free, including fever
including bus suspension. Parent requests or complaints            and or vomiting, for 24 hours. This is for your own
regarding bus service should be directed to the director           protection as well as for others in the classroom. A
of transportation at 547-7810.                                     registered nurse is on duty each day in the clinic.
                                                                   Medication Guidelines:
                                                                     • SJCSD requires parents to bring in and pick up
       PROVISIONAL TRANSPORTATION WAIVER                                 medications, prescriptions, over-the-counter
Provisional Transportation Services are afforded to                      inhalers, and topical ointments with current
students enrolled in St Johns County School District                     expiration dates on them. All medications, over-
schools on a space available basis for a specified period                the-counter and prescribed, must be kept in the
of time due to extenuating circumstances. Provisional                    nurse’s office.
Transportation Services are afforded to students on                  • All non-prescription over-the-counter medication
existing bus routes and bus stops at scheduled times                     must be kept in the nurse’s office and sent in the
only. Students afforded Provisional Transportation                       original container marked with the student’s name
Services are subject to the student code of conduct while                and accompanied by a parent’s authorization to
aboard buses. If you have multiple students for whom                     administer. Only the instructions on the container
you are requesting a waiver, please fill out this form once              will be followed unless the physician provides
for each child, separately. Waiver requests for multiple                 alternative instructions. If a question should arise,
the school nurse will have the right to refuse              Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is defined as using
      administration of the medication until further              another person's ideas, expressions or work without
      clarification is received and documented from the           giving the original author credit.
      physician.                                                  Forging is a form of cheating and is defined as writing a
  •   Any change in the time or dosage of medication              note with the intent of misleading a staff member.
      must be accompanied by a written request from               Signing or allowing others to sign your parent’s name to
      the physician.                                              a school paper is also forging.
  •   In middle school, it is the student’s responsibility
      to come to the health room for assistance in                Cheating/Plagiarism/Forgery are Level II offenses
      taking medication.                                          according to the SJCSD Student Code of Conduct and
                                                                  consequences will be issued by Administration.

                                                                                   3RD – 8TH GRADE GRADING
  STUDENT ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY                                 Student grades are calculated taking into consideration
                                                                  both academic grades such as tests, quizzes, and class
Mill Creek Academy is an institution in which intentional,        projects and investment grades such as homework. The
purposeful learning takes place on a daily basis. Useful          value of academic grades is 75% summative and 25%
and lasting learning does not occur unless the process            formative. Mastery of objectives is our priority, and this
students go through to learn is an honest process, which          is why we have structured grading in this manner.
reflects their true abilities as measured by their own                                  SCHOOLOLOGY
efforts. Progress, which is based on unsound learning, as         Schoology will be used as the main communication tool
in the case with cheating or copying another's work, is           for students and parents/guardians. Students will
not a genuine process. Cheating prepares a student for            receive access information at the beginning of the school
failure, not success. In an academic institution,                 year and will be required to use the tool as a learning tool
dishonesty serves to undermine the academic and                   throughout the school year.
intellectual integrity of the school.
By establishing the honor code, the faculty and                     EXTRA CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY (MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY)
administration of MCA indicate their commitment to                Mill Creek Academy’s eligibility expectations have been
work to eliminate such acts as cheating and to deal with          established to help students be successful and
offenses in a firm and decisive manner.                           responsible for their academic expectations. It is to be
                                                                  used in a positive educational manner. Students earning
                                                                  an F in any subject have a one-week grace period to raise
Cheating involves one or more of the following:
                                                                  their grade to a D- or higher. Any student with multiple
  • Using the work of another person as your own.
                                                                  F’s on the most recent reports are not eligible to try out
  • Copying from (or providing your answers for)
                                                                  for the current seasonal sport. Eligibility reports will be
     another student’s assignments, homework, test
                                                                  run the morning of every activity or event to determine
     answers, reports projects, or writing assignments.
                                                                  if students have regained their eligibility.
  • Preparing for cheating in advance. Such action                Students, while on the non-eligible list, will not be
     involves:                                                    eligible to participate in or attend any school functions
    o Having in your possession a copy of a test to be            outside of the school day including reward or incentive
        given or that has been given by a teacher before          fieldtrips during the school day. In the event that a
        you take it.                                              student is assigned to ISS/Responsibility Room or OSS,
    o Having in your possession and using previously              the student would be considered ineligible to attend.
        prepared answers to a test or quiz (this includes         This would include all district athletic and PTA sponsored
        information written directly upon your person).           events.
    o Unauthorized use of text or notes during a test
        or examination.                                                       FORGOTTEN PROJECTS/HOMEWORK
    o Asking another student for test information or              In helping students gain responsibility, we will monitor
        providing such information to another student             the frequency of items brought to the front office once
        during the test, quiz, or examination.                    the school day has started. At any time, should
                                                                  administration observe this practice becoming disruptive
to the environment or student, other actions will be                  STUDENT AWARDS, RECOGNITION &
taken to prevent disrupting the learning environment.
                                                                      ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMS (MIDDLE
                        Homework                                               SCHOOL ONLY)
Homework plays an essential role in students’ overall
academic achievement. At MCA, students and parents                In order to promote a positive student climate, it is
should expect approximately 10 minutes per grade level            a priority at MCA that students be recognized for
of homework across all subjects (elementary). For                 being contributing citizens in the decision-making
example, 1st grade would have a total of approximately            process. As a contributing member of the student
10 minutes of homework. 2nd grade would have                      body, students remain engaged and excited about
approximately 20 minutes of homework, etc. Expect 5 –             learning, both academically and socially. Currently,
8 hours per week of homework for middle school                    MCA recognizes student leadership in the following
students. Parents play an important role in supporting            ways:
homework. Below are several ways (not inclusive)                         STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA)
parents can support homework.                                     SGA is a student organization that represents the
    • Communicate with the teacher about student                  student body to help improve Mill Creek Academy
        performance, progress, homework                           in grades 6 – 8. A small group of students will be
    • Specify regular time for homework, establish                selected by their peers to represent their class in
        structures for time use                                   the decision-making process regarding specific
    • Structure homework within the flow of family                practices at MCA. To serve on the SGA, student
        life                                                      must meet all the requirements, which include 3.0
    • Articulate and enforce expectations, rules, and             GPA, no disciplinary infractions or bus referrals.
        standards for homework behavior                                      NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY
    • Reinforce and reward student’s homework                     The National Junior Honor Society is an organization
        efforts, completion, correctness                          of student who excel in the areas of scholarships,
                                                                  service, leadership, character, and citizenship.
                                                                  Students with a 3.75 GPA and rank at or above the
                 MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS
                                                                  85% on the teacher evaluation scale. Character and
When a student is absent from school, all assignments
                                                                  citizenship are the main criteria in the teacher
are to be made up. Generally, one day is given to
                                                                  evaluation scale. Students are invited to be part of
complete the work for each day of absence. If the child
                                                                  the NJHS in 7th grade.
has been ill or will be absent for a period of two or more
days, a request for assignments can be made by calling                                    Birthdays
the school office or emailing a teacher on the team. For          If you wish to bring in a birthday treat on your child’s
absences of fewer than two days, the student is                   special day, it must be pre-approved by the classroom
responsible for getting the make-up assignments from              teacher. Due to food allergies, please check in with the
the teachers upon returning to school or from a friend.           classroom teacher in advance. Your child’s homeroom
Middle school students can also utilize Schoology to              teacher will provide an appropriate time for you to drop
review/work on missed assignments. Parents should call            off the treat and your treat must be approved by the
before 9:00 A.M. to request homework.                             teacher for potential food allergens and store bought.
                                                                  The safety and health of all students is a priority. In
                   Home Access Center                             addition, to help minimize classroom disruptions, please
The Home Access Center (HAC), is a web-based                      do not send in balloons.
application that is part of our Student Information
System called eSchoolPlus. Please visit the website
below to access or sign up for an account.                        PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT       This system
                                                                              PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES
provides parents and students with a daily summary
                                                                  A conference can be arranged with an administrator,
page, schedule and attendance, discipline information,
                                                                  counselor, individual teacher, or a team of teachers. To
class work, test scores and course requests.
                                                                  protect instructional time and the learning environment,
                                                                  we ask that parents prearrange to meet with staff
members. Parents can call and leave a message, send a            are sent weekly or bi-weekly and websites are updated
teacher email, or send a note to the teacher to request a        weekly.
conference. Teachers will have conferences with all
parents in the month of October.                                 Visiting Classrooms- Parents may only visit with an
                                                                 appointment. Parents coming on campus for a meeting
          PARENT/ TEACHER ASSOICATION (PTA)                      must complete a health screening and all district health
PTA is an integral part of our school. PTA supports              protocols. Parents may visit classrooms only with the
students, staff and administration financially and               prearranged permission of the teachers and must be
through many hours of volunteer work. PTA sponsors               prescheduled 24 hours in advance. “Drop-ins” are not
family nights and dances and other fun opportunities for         allowed. All visitors are required to sign in at the front
students to come together. In addition, they sale spirit         office. For the safety of all students, parents and visitors
wear and help fund community service projects. We                are not allowed to go directly to any area in the building
encourage all families to join PTA. Membership packets           without permission. Siblings are not permitted to
are available at Meet and Greet and in the front office.         accompany parents while visiting a classroom. Because
                                                                 our staff has required duties and meetings, we are
                                                                 unable to accommodate parents who do not have a
E-Mail- All staff at Mill Creek Academy can be reached by
                                                                 scheduled appointment. We are unable to allow
e-mail, with a reply within 48 hours. For most staff
                                                                 unannounced classroom visitations prior to the
(example: Check with your
                                                                 beginning of the school day. K parents may not walk
student’s teacher for any exceptions or visit our website
                                                                 students to their classrooms after August 20, 2021. All
and select the appropriate link.
                                                                 other parents may not walk their students to class.
Home Access Center- This is a web-based application
                                                                 Website- Communication is the key to a successful
that allows parents to view their child’s educational
                                                                 school/home partnership. Our school website provides
information (i.e. grades, attendance, report cards).
                                                                 information about upcoming events: http://www-
Parents will need to register for their username and
password using the HAC link on the school website.
Instructions and further information can be retrieved
from the district website under
the heading For Families. Additional information can be
found on our school’s website under Home Access
Center (HAC) or call Mrs. Diana Mink at (904) 547-3727.

Schoology - Schoology will be used as the main
communication tool for students and parents/guardians.
Parents will receive communication from the school at
the beginning of the year with access directions. At
Curriculum Chat night in the Fall, parents will be given
further instructions on how to use the system
throughout the school year.

School Closings- Local radio and television stations will
carry all school closing announcements due to inclement
weather or other emergencies by 6:30 a.m. whenever
possible. In addition, you can log on to the St. Johns
County website ( to view

Teacher     Newsletters/Websites-      Teachers     are
responsible for communicating the learning goals for
students via newsletter or website. Teacher newsletters

You can also read