Page created by Troy Ortiz

    “find your star in the
table of

      o    Abstract
      o    Summary
      o    Our goals and vision
      o    Pay attention to the Metaverse!
      o    Facebook to be reborn as a metaverse
      o    Metaverse – not a temporary trend
      o    NFT - the key technology leading to the metaverse era
      o    Participation of NFT metaverse platform and large
           entertainment companies
      o    Land on Earth to be traded in a virtual world
      o    Introduction of Milky Way Galaxy
      o    Background of Milky Way Galaxy
      o    The true values of Milky Way Galaxy and essential elements for
      o    Milky Way Galaxy pursuing the sense of reality
      o    The metaverse environment of Milky Way Galaxy
      o    Service description
      o    Roadmap
      o    Our team

In 1980, Dennis Hope claimed his "ownership of the moon." He
established a "moon embassy" and started selling it. The price is 19.99
dollars per acre (ac), about 24,000 Korean won. One acre
corresponds to 4,046 square meters (about 1,224 pyeong), so you can
say 3.3 square meters of lunar land could be purchased at 19,000
won. The buyer will be given a lunar map showing the location along
with a certification of purchase. According to the New York Times,
over the past 30 years, more than 5.7 million people in 193 countries
have purchased land on the moon. It is said that 600 million acres, or
more than 2.5 million km2, which is about 25 times the size of Korea,
have been sold. With the same method, he also put other planets
such as Mars and Venus on sales for 11 million dollars (about 11,6
billion won).

             Just 10 years ago, there was another case of selling the
             moon. At that time, many celebrities such as Jimmy
             Carter, Tom Cruise, Eddie Murphy, and Tom Hanks also
             bought the lunar land. It is said that the one that sold
             the land of the moon to them was an American
             company called 'Luna Embassy', which aimed to make
             the dreams of people who longed for the moon come
             true, rather than profit.
             If in the past people used to sell the moon by arousing
             symbolic meanings emotions, nowadays, along with the
             development of technology, efforts are made to sell and
             trade the moon in a digital virtual space by digitizing
             the actual physical environment. Recently appeared a
             platform called Earth 2. In this platform, planet earth is
             replicated with digitalizing technology and allows users
             to buy, sell and own all the fantasy spaces that
             geographically exist on earth.

                              The virtual world has rapidly
                              approached the human race in a
                              non-face-to-face era accelerated by
                              technological advances and the
                              Corona pandemic. It is a very
                              mysterious and interesting space full
                              of new tasks and challenges for
                              people to explore. In the future,
                              humans will live in this real world
                              and numerous virtual worlds. And
                              investment in the virtual world will
                              appear in a completely different

The goal of the Milky Way Galaxy project is to create a metaverse
platform that will protect digitalized NFT assets stimulating real
planets existing in the universe by decentralizing them. Also, it is
expected to be a safe and explicit place for traders.
We seriously looked into the difficulty of implementing a true
metaverse in a centralized way. In the early stage of the market, the
metaverse led by centralized companies may gain strength.
However, the data and digital assets that are continuously
generated within them cannot be traded and maintained in a safe
and sustainable environment. In the end, the most reasonable and
realistic alternative would be to move away from the centralized
method and go to a decentralized one that operates autonomously
in small, distributed units. The technology making this possible is
blockchain NFT.
Milkyway Galaxy is a decentralized virtual space digitally
reproduced based on an actual astronomical map, and an
ecosystem without intermediaries, allowing you to own, purchase,
and sell the NFT planets.
         Milky Way Galaxy is a metaverse that digitally replicates
         real planets on astronomical maps, allowing users to select
         and own virtual stars, then design buildings, roads
         according to their desire and purpose, and grow stars
         through exchanges and cooperation with other stars'

         Like a role game, you can grow your own stars and avatars
         through resource mining and various missions, go to distant
         space, explore new planets, and explore unknown planets.
         Through an autonomous space community, you can
         manage a real socio-cultural and economic life.

         Milky Way Galaxy, in which the development of the stars it
         owns is directly connected to practical economic benefits,
         goes beyond the emotional concept of simply owning a
         star, and pioneers an endless universe. It is a grand scale
         multi-metaverse that helps you create the value you want
         as an irreplaceable NFT and creates more value through
         autonomous transactions, cooperation and adventure
         between users.

            GOALS & VISIONS
Based on blockchain NFT technology in our metaverse
environment, a mix of reality and virtual, anyone can
easily own digitized NFT assets created based on the idea
of planets and space environments exist in the actual
universe. Through this, other digital assets continue to be
produced and traded. In short, our goal is to create a
virtual universe where all users will be well aware of living
and experiencing social, cultural, and economic activities.
Milky Way Galaxy Metaverse is a service that creates an
autonomous market for users and allows them to expands
the environment by themselves or through cooperation.
This independent expansion is expected to increase in
value over time based on new revenue potential,
including numerous content production and occupations.

Because of the development of technology, people have become more
accustomed to non-face-to-face transactions rather than face-to-face
ones. We have now quickly entered the era of Un-tact rather than
On-tact by working from home, doing online business, or taking online
classes. Moreover, due to the global corona pandemic, this is an era in
which we have no choice but to become more accustomed to a non-
face-to-face society. Accordingly, this year, sales of virtual reality
games such as Electronic Arts and Blizzard have increased by 33% and

Metaverse is a compound word of "Meta", meaning fictitious
transcendence, and "Universe", meaning the world. It means a virtual
world where you can create social, cultural, and economic activities
similar to the real world.

What sparked interest in the Metaverse in earnest was Steven
Spielberg's film Ready Player One. The virtual world called 'Oasis' was
a space where anyone could become a character they wanted, go
anywhere, do anything, and realize everything they could imagine. As
in science fiction novels and movies, virtual space becomes actualized
in various forms with digital technology. That's the metaverse we
usually think of.

The desire to escape from reality or to resume reality has stimulated
the interest in Metaverse quickly. And along with the demands of the
times, concerts, freshman welcoming receptions, company briefings,
and various marketing activities are held in the Metaverse virtual
space. That is no surprise.

Metaverse used to be known as a playground for Generation Z or just
a realm of games. Why do all industries try to get on it? Because in the
metaverse, more active socio-cultural and economic activities are
possible than in reality, users can continuously face new challenges in
various service areas. And above all, because the economic impact in
the metaverse is considerable.

                  The metaverse market, which was $49.9 billion
                  (50 trillion won) in 2019, is expected to grow
                  more than 30 times to $1.504 trillion (1.700
                  trillion won) in 2030. Since the metaverse first
                  advent, its growth rate has increased by a
                  whopping 8,080%, or 800 times, compared to
                  the present time. We might not find any other
                  industry with such high growth over the next ten


Accordingly, many companies around the world are
currently focusing on preoccupying the metaverse-
related industries. A lot of investment capital is making
large-scale investments in the Metaverse ecosystem.
Global companies such as Google, Microsoft, and
Facebook are also competing to build the Metaverse
and develop related technologies.
- to be reborn as a metaverse platform

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg makes an ambitious declaration
that he will soon transform his company from a social media
company to a metaverse company.
Facebook posted 33.4 trillion Won in sales in the second quarter of
this year alone, based on 3 billion users worldwide. Most of that is
advertising revenue using platforms such as Facebook and
Instagram with their huge number of users. Of this total, sales related
to the Metaverse account for only 4%.

Nevertheless, with the increase of the investment in the Metaverse,
the personnel working in this area is also increasing. Currently,
Facebook's total number of employees is 45,000, and among that,
about 10,000 people are doing jobs relating to the Metaverse area.
That means more than 20% of the workforce of Facebook is being
invested in the Metaverse.

The argument that everyone agrees
on and the economic feasibility:
Saying "the metaverse is the successor of the mobile internet,"
Zuckerberg claims that the metaverse is more than just a simple
platform. He believes that as a new type of Internet in which various
things can be implemented, the metaverse is a new computing
platform after the PC and mobile.

Users of Metaverse can watch movies, do shopping, play games,
work in the office, hold meetings, and advertise in a vast virtual
realm. Along with more socio-cultural activities, economic activities
such as selling one's goods or products also become possible soon.

  UPCOMING                          About Metaverse, which has
                                    become       a    world-changing

   20 YEARS                         megatrend rather than a
                                    temporary fad, Nvidia CEO
                                    Jensen Huang said this in his
   WILL SEE                         keynote speech at ‘GTC 2021’.
                                    “The next 20 years will be like
     THE                            science fiction. The age of the
                                    metaverse is coming.” As he said,
  COMING OF                         the metaverse is in the progress
                                    of developing and evolving into
     THE                            a platform that is not limited to
                                    any one app, one place, whether
  METAVERSE                         virtual or real.


The era of social media is gone
and the time of the Metaverse is
coming. A new opportunity to
shake up the real world,
including culture, economy, and
profession, Metaverse! That is by
no means an exaggeration.
- non fungible tokens
- the key technology that leads to the
Metaverse era

                 Characters of the NFT
1.   Irreplaceable

2. Easy to prove ownership

3. Impossible forgery/falsification

4. Safe transaction possible
Thanks to these characters, NFT allow users to create their world in
the virtual space and trade digital assets with other users.

             Understanding the NFT
NFTs are digital assets that have all information related to digital
creations recorded on the blockchain. They are difficult to forge and
easy to trace. However, this NFT is different from the existing
cryptocurrency that can be exchanged. Since it has a unique value
like a kind of contract, each token has scarcity and ownership and
becomes an irreplaceable asset.

          The range of NFT is infinite
Real artworks such as paintings, music, and video files can also be
scanned, digitized, and stored in the NFT. That means they all can
be digitized in any way and stored in the NFT no matter those
artworks are tangible or intangible.
the story of
About 10 pieces of Gram Eames, a singer famous for Elon Musk's lover,
were sold for 6.5 billion won in 20 minutes.
A digital product of American digital artist Beeple was sold for 78
billion won at Christie's auction in New York. His 10-second video was
also sold for 7.4 billion won.

These traded works are called works of art, but technically they are
just digital files. Grimes' work is also an image file in the computer
under the JPEG format, and Beeple's video work is also just a video
file. It is a file that can be copied perfectly and indefinitely on a
computer without any damage to the original. But can you believe
that these files can be traded for billions or tens of billions of dollars?

            The technology making that
                   possible is NFT.


                                A game in which users

     THE                        freely explore, build and
                                live the world in the game

   SANDBOX                      by trading land and
                                buildings in NFT that
                                guarantees ownership.

Purchase real estate
in virtual spaces,
build cities, and
ensure all land
purchased in the
game is owned and
guaranteed by NFT.

                        After indie singers Deer, rapper
                        Paloalto, singer Seven, and group
                        Ilchi released NFT music and

     JYP                albums,      JYP     Entertainment
                        announced its entry into the K-pop-
                        based NFT platform business in
   Entertain            partnership with Dunamu, which
                        operates the digital asset exchange
     ment               Upbit, and JYP officials said, "As
                        there are already many attempts
                        abroad, we expect to issue NFTs in
                        a similar way."

In a series of SM Vision announcement videos at the end of last
month and keynote speeches at the World Culture Industry
Forum earlier this month, Lee Soo-man, executive producer of
SM Entertainment, cited "Prosumer", "Metaverse" and "NFT" as
the topic of future content. SM's unique content will expand as it
is recreated by fans in the digital world, and such content will be
recognized as a high-value virtual asset, and singers, content,
and fans will breathe together on the “ ” virtual metaverse. SM's
new girl group Aespa is a new concept group that combines 4
members and their 4 avatars. Avatar members live in the "Flat"
of the virtual reality space, but when the actual member and
the avatar are connected, they come to the real world. In
addition to music, the company aims to expand its intellectual
property (IP) to virtual space with SM's mixed video content
genre "Cawman," which combines Cartoon, Animation,
Webtoon, Motion Graphic, Avatar, and Novel.

Recently, many large and small companies around the world are
scrambling to build a blockchain NFT-based metaverse.
Recently, Roblox, an American metaverse game company listed
on the New York Stock Exchange, has drawn the attention of
many people as it has decided to introduce cryptocurrency.
Currently, Roblox has more than 400 million users worldwide.
TRADE LAND on Earth in a

                                     Earth 2 is a digital replica of
                                     Earth's planet that allows you to
                                     own, buy and sell lands in all
                                     real geographic locations on
                                     Earth in virtual space. It's only
                                     been a few months since its
                                     release, but already going viral
                                     and could be Elon Musk's next
     EARTH 2                         playground. One of the future
                                     features expected from the
                                     trading platform, which is
                                     currently only the first level of
                                     service, is that users can rent or
                                     build virtual structures on land
                                     to earn income tax or earn cash
                                     through advertising.

Next Earth is a metaverse
platform that digitally copies
Earth like Earth 2 based on
blockchain technology using the
NFT economic model that has
changed the way crypto
businesses are conducted.                     NEXT
It is a digital copy of the entire
land on Earth, and on top of                 EARTH
that, through a grid system, it
made it possible to own, buy
and sell NFT land by controlling
the location of all physical land
and dividing it into NFTs.

A star is an object that shines itself. The Earth we are standing on now also
belongs to the stars.
A long time ago, when we were kids. The stars in the night sky are always
shining brightly, always like a friend. It was a natural thing that we see
everyday. Listening to fairy tales and Greek myths, and wandering around
finding constellations. There was a time when I happened to see a shooting
star falling through the stars and made a wish with my hands together.
But these days... It's not easy to find stars in the night sky. Have all those stars
disappeared from our night sky?
However, the stars are still always there. Maybe for those who live in a busy
world like us, the stars have been forgotten for a long time. And we forgot to
look at the sky.
Milky Way Galaxy Metaverse finds new owners for such forgotten stars. Be
the owner of that beautiful star..
You are the owner of those stars.

Milky Way Galaxy was born in the vast universe, a metaverse between
virtual and physical reality. In this virtual metaverse Milky Way Galaxy, users
can acquire ownership of their digital assets, planets (stars), and build various
structures and amenities on their own stars, become friends with stellar
creatures and collect resources. Through exchange and cooperation with
other stars' friends, you can promote your own stars and make them more
sparkly. Through expansive interplanetary exploration, you can collect
resources of other stars and engage in social, cultural, and economic activities
through NFT in a space where reality and virtual worlds are fused. It is a
metaverse that allows users to expand their own planet and space ecosystem.
A metaverse story unfolds
 in a digital universe merged
 with reality
What star do you like? I pick up my smartphone and find the countless
stars in the night sky. Not long ago, I bought a wonderful star called
'Procyon' that exists beyond the solar system with just 1 dollar in the
'Milky Way Galaxy' metaverse. I think it will be a wonderful event for
my girlfriend too, so I am looking for a beautiful star to give her. Good!
That's one! There is a big shinning star stands out near mine. I will give
her this one. Of course, there will be a special gift packed inside the star
Buying stars? When I first heard that the Milky Way Galaxy Metaverse
was going to sell stars, I thought it was a wonderful idea and felt exciting.
It made me imagine all kinds of things, and immediately picked a star
and made my own Procyon planet. Although it is a virtual space called
Metaverse, when I run the Milky Way Galaxy app, illuminate the night
sky with my smartphone, and look for the stars I purchased, my name,
the owner, is marked on the planet Procyon. It felt very strange, and
that star is literally my star now.
Milky Way Galaxy sells all the planets or stars in outer space beyond
Earth. And for just $1, you can buy an entire star. However, it is
completely different from the way the moon was sold in the past.
Beyond possessing in an emotional simple sense, it is a metaverse that
can have an endless planet (star) in a magnificent universe of a digitally
replicated virtual space fused with reality. Also, you can manage a life
with socio-cultural activities and economic benefits as in reality through
avatars replacing yourself.
Of course, you can just buy the stars and leave them alone. But it will
leave you with a lot of regrets. In Milky Way Galaxy, the value of goods
that can be obtained through stars and avatars is endless depending on
the user's efforts and perspectives, and there are so many fun and
interested elements to do with.
The reason why Milky Way Galaxy is different from the existing
metaverses is that it can continue to expand its power to the distant
universe according to the user's intention and purpose against the
background of this vast universe rather than the Earth. In addition, the
Milky Way Galaxy, which enters the AR method, allows additional
connection of VR equipment so that users can enjoy a more three-
dimensional and realistic service.
Through the Milky Way Galaxy Editor function, star owners can design
stars as they want and build various cities by filling the star's spaces with
buildings along with different purposes and characteristics.
You can communicate with your friends through 3D lifelogging in the
building of your own city, and you can also display and sell your own
NFTs or newly create them. Sometimes you can have a special party or
hold an exhibition or seminar for your business. Let's imagine a virtual
ball on your star.
In addition, since there are always native extraterrestrial creatures on
each planet, you can find, capture them alive and by their help you can
quickly increase the collection of cosmic resources on the star. Space
resources can be used to build cities or grow avatars and converted into
assets' value.
Milky Way Galaxy has fun elements similar to role-playing games where
you grow your own stars and avatars, just like the sci-fi movie 'Star
Through the act of mining resources with various cosmic beings,
travelling across the vast universe and exploring unknown planets with a
teleport, you can pioneer and then expand your territory. At this time,
you can purchase a probe NFT or explore using a probe that you built
During expeditions, sometimes you can encounter good or evil alien
civilizations, interact or unite with them to fight evil alien civilizations,
and then obtain various rewards such as unknown planets and space
resources. Naturally occurring stories like sci-fi movies will definitely
provide users more joy and motivation. Of course, you can also sell your
planet that you have been working hard on to other people, and you
can trade extraterrestrial creatures you own with those in need.
Not only this, star owners can also expect advertising revenues like
YouTube. The higher the star value is, the more popular the planet is,
the more special it is in brightness and color. Through this, many
advertisements can be attracted, allowing advertisers to put
advertisements on buildings or throughout cities of stars they own to
earn steady advertising revenue.
In Milky Way Galaxy, a user who owns a planet is more advantageous
when working with other planet owners or in associations than when
working alone to grow, expand and benefit from planets. Therefore, a
structure of users' community is inevitably formed. This is called space
If the existing SNS is the 3rd generation, Milky Way Galaxy's Space
Community is a 4th generation community that utilizes cutting-edge
technology, and I believe that it will be a service that never be behind
even when compared to the next-generation platform that Facebook
dreams of.
Famous companies and franchise companies around the world will be
able to build planets by using their business items as keywords, and
effectively collaborate with numerous planets of Milky Way Galaxy in
various ways.
For example, companies like Apple, Samsung, Mercedes-Benz, Coca-
Cola, Louis Vuitton, and McDonald's can purchase their planet names
with non-replaceable NFT keywords, create various exhibition halls on
the stars, and place special events and contents to share more intimate
and realistic communication with numerous users who want to
experience the brand.
Whenever a new product is released, visitors can visit anytime anywhere,
experience the brand with advanced AR, VR, and XR technologies, and
even purchase it right away. Also, users can directly participate in all
kinds of fun events that can enhance the value of the brand.
Of course, the entertainment sector will also become Neverland of
world-class stars. By creating a space full of dreams and hopes, make it a
device and space to have a more realistic interaction with fans in 3D,
now you can communicate with fans at any time. This could literally
make a star even bigger. There will be stars dedicated and decorated to
great people such as Steve Jobs, Lincoln, King Sejong, Beethoven,
Einstein, and Michael Jackson, who have made great achievements in
the history of mankind on Earth. Anyone can visit their stars and
experience their lives and achievements in three dimensions.
Milky Way Galaxy may feel like a game, but rather than a game, you
can see that it has a same plan and structure as the Big Bang that allows
all mankind to lead socio-cultural and economic lives .
Numerous developers and experts in each field can build their own stars,
create, display, and trade their items to create more value. Ordinary
people can build stars with the style and purpose they want and engage
various life activities realistically.
Milky Way Galaxy, which guarantees the maximum autonomy of users
without any special restrictions, is a platform that participants
themselves create. There will be a variety of stories that we have never
experienced before, and someone can be a legend of the Milky Way
Galaxy and someone can be a hope for life.

               Our future is virtual
Digital twin technology, Google Earth and various navigation
apps that allow you to observe and experiment with the virtual
world that replicates the real world, are representative
technologies. Digital twins, which were initially used only in
aerospace, have evolved and expanded beyond games to
education to all areas of society.

Now, we are able to move around in virtual augmented reality,
accumulate new information and knowledge, and boldly try to
look at the present more broadly through the imaginable future.
As computers and smartphones became popular, the ubiquitous
and digital twins of the past have expanded rapidly, and the
metaverse, which we have only seen in novels and movies, is now
close enough to touch our skin thanks to advanced science and
In line with this trend, the metaverse also begins to be
systematized, and the technical aspects of 'augmentation' to build
up our new information and 'simulation' to provide a virtual
world like reality. In addition to that, the user side of the 'internal
technology' focused on identity such as the 'avatar' profile and the
external technology that gives control over the world has been
added to build two large pillars that support the metaverse.

            Start now, convergence from
               reality to virtual
Since then, as the metaverse has evolved, it has begun to divide
into different types. First, there is a type of 'life logging' that
records and shares the daily life we use the most.

Augmented reality, which overlays virtual images on top of the
real world, has also emerged. Beyond the virtual world and
mirror world, which is more informationally expanded than the
real world, a virtual world has been created where you can walk
around as an avatar in a world where the whole of Ae is realized
with digital technology. In short, SNS that captures, stores, and
shares everyday moments is evolving into Metaverse, and
augmented reality games that use GPS to catch monsters while
carrying a smartphone are also evolving into a more interesting

As such, most services in the real world begin to step into the
virtual world. As the entire planet is turning into a metaverse, the
era of service is arriving too.

Using the advanced metaverse technology, we have prepared the
Milky Way Galaxy Metaverse platform with a system that are
completely different from the existing metaverse environment.
We designed an environment where users can sell countless stars
that exist in the vast universe and grow their stars as they wish.

Based on AR and VR realization technologies that are highly
immersive, it allows socio-cultural and economic activities through
its own stars, enjoys life-logging, grows avatar and stars like
games, and enjoys more interesting and useful services through
exchange and cooperation between users in a wonderful universe.
The ever-expanding Milky Way Galaxy will greatly accelerate the
global popularization of the metaverse ecosystem.

 It's a phenomenon in which the real world and the virtual world
 converge using systems and devices that can implement real-
 world technology by modern technology. As a result, another
 world created is the Milky Way Galaxy Metaverse
   for its success

1. FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format
2. NFT Blockchain Virtual Planet Ownership through Marketplace
3. Design technology that can create assets (items) using NFT creators
4. De-intermediation NFT trading system through NFT market
5. Provide a process based on shared quest community cooperation that
     is facilitated through autonomous decentralization
6. A digital space world where you can interact with users of all planets
     through avatars
          - It is designed to allow users to explore the cloned virtual universe
          and freely exchange components on the planet through their own
          Milky Way Galaxy's avatar. Depending on the actions of the user’s
          avatar, completely different results are produced.
7. NFTs that can be created freely
          - Using NFT creators (the tools provided by the Milky Way Gallery),
          players can create, design, and monetize assets, and increase the
          value of their own stars by purchasing them. Platform users can
          create various NFT contents with high autonomy, and they can
          create various objects such as buildings, probes, costumes, animals,
          people, and decorations using NFT creators.
8. The Creator Economy Can Generate Profit
          - It realizes revenue generation through creative production
          activities such as autonomous and continuous creators so that users
          can produce and sell NFTs through editor functions rather than
          simply consumption.
9. A Digital Universe with all Metaverse Features
          - Virtual worlds / Online virtual universes. (Virtual Space)
10. Space background (Augmented reality) created by simulating
    a digitally implemented space environment with computer graphics
          - Virtual universe on top of reality
          - Augmented reality / Converting virtual space into real space. In
          reality, the space background and virtual digital information are
          displayed in augmented reality through real astronomical maps.
11. Life logging / SNS capturing moments of life
          - Record and share information and experiences that occur in your
          daily life in text, video, or three-dimensional space on your own
12. Mirror world / Virtual universe just like the real world
          - A world that digitally mirrors the space background of the
          connected real world. Maximize efficiency by realistically realizing
          the real world in the metaverse as if it were a mirror
Milky Way Galaxy is
We pursue a realistic metaverse environment and develop systems
with this goal.

According to the user's environment settings in mobile apps and
PCs, VR equipment through AR systems is used to help users
explore metaverse in a more realistic way.

FITS (Flexible Omage Transport           System) format function
provided by NASA, as a digital file format used in astronomy, FITS
(Flexible Omage Transport System) format function provided by
NASA, a digital file format used in astronomy.

                     Milky Way Galaxy
You can run Milky Way Galaxy on various
devices such as PCs and mobile apps combine
with VR, AR technologies through real
astronomical maps provided by NASA and each
country, and observe the stars at any time and
see information about the stars at a glance.

Explore available planets (stars) and check basic information such as
distance, size, and characteristics of planets from Earth.
The price of one planet is fixed at $1 (one dollar), and upon purchase,
the NFT blockchain authority is set as the owner of the NFT planet.

The $1 pre-sale fee is fully donated to the development of astronomy
and is transparently disclosed.

                                       PLANET OWNER

The planet (star) on the astronomical map has its original name,
but in Milkway Galaxy, the names set by the users, the actual
owners of the stars that was sold.

create an   AVATAR

When you acquire a planet, you can explore space and purchase an
avatar to run the planet. The purchased avatar is an avatar with
basic options and functions provided by Milky Way Galaxy. You can
easily decorate your avatar by purchasing the design you want
through a design editing editor or by making your own designs. You
can also use your own editor's tools to sell clothes or accessories in the
NFT market.

                                             BUILD CITY
                                             on the planets

Various editor functions are provided so that you can build a city on
your own star or design a star easily with special editing tools. Design
and build your own unique city on the planet. Through each
constructed building and facilities built for special purposes, you can
engage in socio-cultural and economic activities.
 You can record your daily life in text, voice, and video, meet your
 friends through avatars, communicate in three dimensions and
 share them. You can have meetings or parties in special places to
 interact with more friends. You can also display and trade or sell
 your own collections and objects.
                                       NFT PRODUCTION
 To grow stars, you can recreate, display, or sell various tangible and
 intangible values such as buildings or designs, collectibles, paintings,
 and videos in NFTs.

You can register and sell your own NFT contents in the NFT market.
You can also purchase and utilize various NFTs created by users of
different stars.

                              MINERAL COLLECTION
You can collect various space minerals stored in your own star, or other
stars. Different minerals have different properties and different values.
Space garbage is also subject to collection.

With the teleport function that allows you to easily move and explore
numerous galaxies from your own stars, you can quickly navigate the
universe at any time. There is a cost to using the teleport function, but it
has the advantage of being able to quickly move between stars and
gathering more space resources.

As you explore space, you may see floating space garbage and
debris. For a beautiful space environment, you can clean up floating
space junk, turn it into a resource, and recycle it.

                                    ALIEN PLANET
Once the star reaches a certain level of value, it can build a probe
that can explore the galaxy. After you purchase a ready probe with
basic options and features, you can upgrade it again. Build your
probe according to your desired capabilities and preferences in the
Milky Way Galaxy Editor Tool.

The exoplanet navigation system enables 24 hours in a row, and new
planets can be searched for based on data sent from astronomical
observatories around the world.

COOPERATION (Universal Union)

Build or design your own city, your one and only planet, the way
you want, and share your stars or invite your friends to share.
You can unite with your friends to form a community, promote the
development of the stars, and distribute and share the resulting
profits fairly.

                                         LIFE EXCHANGE
                                         & SALE

You can trade or sell your creatures to other Star Operators.
Through this, desired space resources can be collected more
on the planets

The Greek philosopher Epikurosms claimed that the universe is
infinite, and that there are countless living places where we do not
know, and the Roman poet Titus Licretius Carus wrote, "There is
something like our Earth somewhere in the universe, so there must
be people or animals living.".

Every star in the universe has a variety of space creatures hiding. Of
course, there is life on the star that you own and you have to find it
and hunt it or be friends with it.

You can build or design a city on your star in the way you want as
your only planet in the world, and if you make friends with your
star's creatures, you can gather more space resources with their help.
Space resources that can be collected for each creature are specific
and limited..

                             & MANAGING TOOLS
Resources hidden in the star can be found through the navigation
function, and other users can visit your star and gather resources
without permission, so you should manage them to avoid being

Only registered friends on their own planet can hunt and gather
resources and creatures.

Depending on the visitors and registered friends of your star, you can
make your own star that sparkles even more. The more visitors to
your star, the higher the value and price of your star.
Shining stars also means a star with a high level, which results in
additional advertising revenue. Many advertisers are paying
attention to your star.
You can play useful games on a game-only planet, such as
upgrading your avatar's capabilities through various games with
other users or securing bonus resources through fierce competition.

                                      USE of VR DEVICES
 You can explore the mysterious universe and travel to find stars with
 lots of resources and life. Through VR equipment, you can travel
 through space and explore the stars more lively..

If you support and sponsor with your own resources, the shining
ability that make your stars shining will be increased.
Shining ability is not only a brightness of the star but also a major
factor in the price increase for your star in the NFT market.

                              ADVERTISING BRAND
By consultation with advertisers interested in your star, planet owners
can produce NFT ads and place them in buildings and amenities and
generate certain advertising profit.

There are many alien races in the galaxy. There are a variety of alien
races, such as those who are friendly to mankind, hostile, and those
who are not interested in mankind. You can gain various benefits by
interacting with friendly races, but you may lose some of your stars if
you come into contact with hostile races. However, if you are
attacked by a hostile race, you can team up with other stellar friends
to defeat the alien race. If you destroy an alien species, you can take
a lot of item skill options that can increase the value of the star, and
cryptocurrency as a reward..
After owning a star, terraforming is one of the essential steps for a
faster, more efficient planetary life after and a smoother interaction
with other visitors.

Terraforming is a virtual process that intentionally modifies the
atmosphere, temperature, surface topography, or ecology of a
planet, moon, or other celestial body to resemble the Earth's
environment, and takes place through terraforming items.

On non-terraforming planets, restrictions apply to urban construction,
resource mining, and the scope of activities of avatars and visitors.
The time for terraforming to be completed depending on the ability
of the terraforming item.
Summary of the NFT flag

1.      The galactic federal government of 'Milky Way Galaxy' is called 'MWG’.

2. The NFT flag owners are called pioneers, PNR for short.
     - If PNR creates a community in MWG, they will have a key role position in
the galaxy economy.

3. NFT flag owner PNR can become the owner of the PNR, as an organization
under the MWG. PNR can be transferred at the NFT market, at that time the
owner of the PNR immediately changes too.

4. PNR receives 1 keyword per NFT flag. This keyword can be used as a
representative name of the PNR community on MWG platform and is
specified in the basic information profile of PNR.

5. Rules of creating MWG star' nickname
     1) You can not duplicate a star name already used by another user.
     2) You can purchase a popular star name keyword and use them
immediately. Star name Keywords must be purchased from the appointed
NFT Market.
     3) You cannot create name with illegal phrases containing swearing words,

6. General users can see the list of planets in MWG platform and choose the
planet they want to join and apply for membership of that planet. The PNR
can manage, approve, and withdraw planet membership application of these
general users.

7. After purchasing stars, you can decorate your own planet with NFT item
cards. You can invite your friends to lead construction activities, collection
activities, content purchase, and economic ecosystem on your star.
In this case, when an NFT item transaction happens, a fee is generated .
Transaction fee is charged as MWG's tax, and through Budget Decision, it is
PNR's activity cost and is given as a tax refund benefit.
Summary of the NFT flag

8. PNR can generate revenue for the following taxes.
   1) 1% of the issued transaction amount for NFT transactions.
(PNR owner will get 1% of the 2.5% market fee)
   2) 5% of the cost of attracting advertisements from the planets you
belong to
(If there is an advertisement attraction on a planet with many
communities, 5% of the advertising fee will be paid under the approval
of the Galactic Federal Government)
   3) 5% of planet transfer fee.
(Owner will get 5% of the 10% of planet sales market fee)

9. Planet loan
   - When users affiliated with PNR want to grow their stars, they can
ask for activity funds, and PNR can review and approve those loans.

10. Precautions
   - If PNR purchases the NFT flag for the first time and transfers it
before Phase 2, the keywords will also be transferred.

FEBRUARY 1, 2022
(Lunar New Year open)

            • PC version, smartphone: Realize the
              Astronomical map

            • Star sale using NFT

            • You can see the information and enter your
              name on My Star, which you have received

            • You can check the astronomical organization
              you donate to.

            • March 2022, in an exclusive partnership with
              NFT Market Snailhouse, open a function
  05          allowing users to trade between stars

            • Establish Space Republic
     Purpose of Milky Way Galaxy –
                Phase 01
Goal of the Phase 1 Version is to enable users to explore the planets
through AR astronomical maps on their phones or website, own the
stars they want, preempt names (keywords) of the stars and
actively conduct transactions in the keyword market.
In addition, with the SNS function, users will enjoy emotional
lifelogging by sharing and telling others about their planets,
activate the space community. Here, users can get token
Space1969 as a reward by sharing link codes, manage the
rewarded tokens in the Star wallet menu and exchange them for
(The Build function that allows users to construct and design their
stars are going to be provided from Phase 2)

                    Basic functions:
- Operating system: Android, IOS, PC web
- Approach: Entry by augmented reality AR system
- Quick login with Google, Apple, SNS accounts (Facebook,
  KakaoTalk, WeChat) after installing the web or app
- Users can check the astronomical map immediately in the AR
  environment when they log in
- The astronomical map screen can be viewed horizontally and
  vertically and can be viewed using a mouse or finger touch
- Share, search, SNS feed, and main menu buttons show by
- The screen of the astronomical map can be enlarged or reduced

                                                My SNS feed

                      Share button

Star details search          Astronomical map           Main menu
      button                    – full screen            button

 View Astronomical Map:
Appears on the initial screen as a cube

 Search star details:
View the details of stars such as their original names or given
names by other users

 Purchase star:
Buy and name a star

 Keyword market:
Trade star keywords between users with fixed price or via

 SNS feed:
Lifelogging service, post and share your daily life

 My star:
View your My account setting, Notification, Help and
Customer Center

 My wallet:
Point & SPACE1969 token’s History, Manage and Exchange

 Share:
Share the link codes you own and get reward points
After logging into Milky Way Galaxy, you will see the astronomical
map fills the screen. You can look for the stars (planets) they want on
the map and buy them. You can check your purchases in the ‘My
star’ menu.

                                         NAME THE STAR
 After buying a star, press the menu button in the lower right corner
 of the screen to check the stars purchased through the ‘My Star’ and
 set the star names (keywords) you want.

To name a star, search for applicable names with the ‘Keyword
search’ function. When you complete the star name setting with a
non-duplicate one, the ownership of the star is established, and the
first-stage purchase and setting finish.

In case the desired name is duplicated and you can not set it as your
star name, if you really want it, you can use the 'Search' function to
find the star of that name(keyword) and negotiate with its owner
through messenger to buy it.

                                FIND THE STAR I KNOW
With the Search function of the astronomical map, you can easily
find a star you know or a friend's star by searching its name

                           Star of LEE JAE HYUN

     Owner of a star
                                                      Visibility              5.3
   LEE JAE HYUN                                       Constellation           Orion
                                                      Other name              HD 126218
                                                      Distance to             458.7 light-
                                                      the sun                 years

                                                                   Gallery & Video

         CONTACT                                                Keyword search

     Keyword status        “ This star is for you ”             Keyword market
      Available for sale
As you explore space, you may see floating space garbage and
debris. For a beautiful space environment, The Basic information of
a star with owner includes: owner of the star, NFT flags possessed by
that owner, and optional information set up by the owner such as
"Status phrase", "View feed", "Conversation" (Messenger), Star name
(keyword) trading or not. If "Star name trading" is "Yes", you can
negotiate with the owner via Conversation function to buy it.

            INFORMATION OF
 The basic information of a star without an owner that is purchasable
 includes: the original ‘Name’, ‘Keyword search’ button, ‘Apply now’
 button for the searched keywords, and the ‘Buy star’ button. When
 you find a name that you want for your star with 'Keyword search',
 click the 'Apply Now' button to complete the star name setting.

In addition, you can purchase a large number of star names
(keywords). To possess valuable star names in advance, you can
search for purchasable keywords with the Search function and
purchase them to own an unlimited number of good keywords.

This can be considered the same as the context of preempting a
'domain address' to be used online. Because it is possible to preempt
famous and valuable keywords and sell them at the price you want
in the keyword market, it will be a great way to finance your digital

     Preempt the popular
 keywords the same way you
  preempt domain addresses
   A space keyword market opens for trading the preoccupied star
                       names (keywords)

You can search for and purchase keywords, and at the time of
purchase, you will be issued a certificate of ownership of the star
name (keyword). Moreover, you can also register and sell your star
keywords in the market. Once the payment completes, the keyword
is transferred, and the ownership is registered to the buyer's 'My Star'

There are two ways to sell keywords in the market: auction and fixed

The owner of a keyword sets a time for keyword sale and registers it
in the market, and the buyer make a bid for the keywords the want.
The person who bids the highest price at the last time can purchase
the keyword. The higher the scarcity and value, the higher the selling

                         FIXED PRICE
The owner of a keyword set a specified the selling price, and the
buyer conduct payment immediately to purchase that keyword        .
  [Expected fierce competition for keyword preoccupation]
  In the past, competition for domain addresses in the online market
  was quite fierce. That is because anyone who preempted a domain
   address could sell it to a company or individual at a higher price.
 Winning a good domain address used to be no different than winning
     the lottery. A fierce preoccupation with star name keywords is
                      expected in Milky Way Galaxy.

         Share the beauty of the star
Explore countless stars in the vast universe through the astronomical
map, save photos, or record videos of those beautiful stars (planets)
and share with your friends and help them start their challenging
journeys in space!

 Create a story about stars with SNS
     lifelogging service function


                   LEE JAE HYUN
                  “ This star is for you ”
                                            Star associate           32
                     Find my neighbors

 What are you thinking?

    Image/Vide            Emoticon                            File

 The SNS design has the UI which is similar to “My
 Oasis” or “Children of the SKY light” to create a
 dreamy atmosphere
    Like                  Comment                            Share

A special SNS in harmony with the
background of the universe
 If you press the Find Your Friends button in the "My Star Story"
  feed, you can see a list of friends and a list of recommended
  friends close to your star, and chat with them immediately. You
  can attach emoticons, photos, videos, files, and video chat in the
  chat window.

 Various emoticons and stickers inspired by the universe will be
  developed and installed on messengers.

 In your feed, you can actively communicate with Like, Follow
  and Followers, share your daily life through text, photos, videos,
  and interact with friends your friend. When you post an article
  on the feed, an automatic notification will be sent to your friends.

 If the link code given automatically is shared and the keyword
  market app download path occurs and the keyword is
  purchased in the market, a certain fee is deposited into the star
  wallet with SPACE1969 token. The SPACE1969 token can be
  exchanged for points.

 The SNS design has the UI which is similar to “My Oasis” or
  “Children of the SKY light” to create a dreamy atmosphere
DECEMBER 25, 2022
(Christmas open)

Sweet pastel-toned colors and design combines with the
mysterious music to bring an incredible metaverse universe
where anyone can relax in peace.

         • Launch the Builder for decorating your star
         • Launch friend invitation function, SNS function,
         • Launch market function - Users can create
           various building items through the Builder and
03         put them on the market for sale

         • Launch the function that allows the community
           to enter various actual brands into the stars

         • Provide various character interface resources

         • Enhance AR experience

         • Improve the astronomical map

         • Establish Space Republic Bank
DECEMBER 25, 2023

      • Through the Builder, users and developers
        can create and sell their items

      • Provide VR experience

      • Open the Space Travel VR market created
        by users

      • Update each alien with the resource

      • Open Game Planet

& IT Director
                                              David Liu
David Liu is the founder of the Galaxy Project. He is responsible for
new business growth, maintains company leadership, and leads
innovation across the company. As a blockchain expert, he has over
15 years of experience in all areas of development and marketing.

                              & IT Director
  Tony Shen
He has more than 10 years of experience in game development. He
has participated in numerous game projects and is currently an
engineer at Milky Way Gallery. He has an entrepreneurial career.
Blockchain Engineer
He is a blockchain researcher at the
Milky Way Galaxy Project, who
defines the process and is responsible
for platform development and

                                             Henry Thomas
                                         Chief Blockchain Officer at Coinbase

Marketing Manager

                                 She focuses only on a wide range of
                                 digital marketing and marketing
                                 As a meticulous expert, she is an
                                 advisor to the Milky Way Galaxy
                                 project     with  rich   experience
                                 regarding blockchain marketing
                                 and promotion.
Minkyung Lee                     She has been active at home and
                                 abroad such as the United States,
       Marketing                 Singapore, etc.
Board Advisor
Blockchain Developer Advisor
She has powerful problem-solving skills,
ability to work individually as well as
within             the           team.
Familiar with blockchain technology:
network nodes, cryptographic calls,
smart contracts, Ethereum, NFT.
You can select a different technology
stack when needed to complete the task
The big advantage of being able to            Olivia Keene
work with blockchain smart contracts
(Etherium, EOS, ICON)

                            Board Advisor
                            Engineering Technology

Paul Linsell
Participating in developing tools for users that support workflows, he
is a full-stack engineer with a variety of skills.
He is a manager and development business of DXC Technology and
HP Group, and he is an engineer advisor for the Milky Way Galaxy
During the planning stage of the Milky Way Galaxy, we are very honored to share this
Considered as a high-level project, Milky Way Galaxy has endless possibilities.
Metacosm (NFT) “Milky Way Galaxy” is based on the actual astronomical map.
We are thinking of the birth of a vast community in a universe that leads the perfect
blockchain ecosystem and connects people and the virtual world.
This project is also a charity project to help our sick planet and space.
We expect to donate the prepared funds to the actual space fund, and this is the first step to
creating a new world through transparent operation and development.
Welcome to the first step in space travel.

                            MILKY WAY GALAXY

                             THANK YOU FOR
                          SPENDING TIME WITH US
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