Page created by April Morales
                                   by Wetex Kang
                                      B Pharm (Hons) MPS
                              and Bernadette Han

                   First published in Auckland, New Zealand in 2005

                 Copyright © Bernadette Han and Wetex Kang, 2005

                                       The right of Wetex Kang
                  to be identified as the author of this work in terms of section 96
                           of the Copyright Act 1994 is hereby asserted.

        All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted,
    in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise),
                      without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

                                          NZ Low Carb
                          P.O Box 44322, Pt Chev, Auckland, New Zealand
                            Tel: +64 9 815 9803          www.nzlowcarb.com

                                       ISBN 0-473-10216-1

                                Typesetting by Aerial Toast Creative Ideas Studio
                                       Edited by Mike Wagg Editing Ltd
The information contained in this book is not intended as a substitute for the advice of
your physician(s) and other health-care providers. Please check with your physician before
commencing the eating programme outlined. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsible
for the effectiveness of any goods or services mentioned in this book; they also disclaim all
liability in connection with the eating programme, advice, goods and services described within
this publication and for any damage, loss or expense to any person or property arising out of or
relating to them.
page 5 Introduction
     6 Chapter One
         About This Recipe Book
   11 Chapter Two
         Suggested Daily Meal Plans
   20 Chapter Three
         Unlimited Meals
    21   Beef
    22   Beef stir-fry
    23   Black pepper beef
    24   Pepper and wine steak
    25   Meat loaf
    26   Beef burger
    27   Pork
    28   Stir-fry bacon and spinach
    29   Stir-fry pork with chives
    30   Spicy pork chops
    31   Garlic sliced pork
    32   Quick pork balls
    33   Pork stir-fry
    34   Lettuce and pork mince stir-fry
    35   Chicken
    36   Spicy chicken stir-fry
    37   Chicken stir-fry parcels
    38   Chinese chicken wings
    39   Chicken and bacon roll
    40   Steamed chicken
    41   Lamb
    42   Oriential lamb chops
    43   Eggs
    44   Vegetarian omelette
    45   Shrimp and cheese omelette
    46   Microwave scrambled eggs
    47   Salmon omelette
    48   Salami and cheese omelette
    49   Mushroom and cheese omelette
    50   Microwave bacon and eggs
    51   Chicken and cheese omelette
    52   Quick microwave omelette
    53   Microwave bacon and egg muffins
    54   Bacon, cheese and parsley omelette
    55   Fish and Seafood
    56   Oriental-style salmon steak
57 Chapter Four
58   Berries smoothie
59   Iced coffee smoothie
60   Mocha smoothie
61 Chapter Five
     Once Per Day Meals
     Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle
62   Salmon quiche
63   Seafood chowder
65   Lamb Stew
66   Beef casserole
67   Beef curry
68   Chicken curry
69 Chapter Six
     Once Per Day Meals
     Not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle
70   Chicken and garlic cream
71   Buffalo chicken wings
72   Creamy meatballs
73 Chapter Seven
     Once per day meals
     Suitable for the fat-sensitive lifestyle
74   Mixed berries jelly
75   Low carb hot chocolate
76   Chocolate strawberries
77   Double chocolate pudding
78   Jaffa pudding
79   Jelly, berries and cream
80   Jelly and cream
81   Chocolate crunchies
82 Chapter Eight
     Fat-sensitive Meal Plans
91 Appendix A
     The carb addiction rehab phase
95 Appendix B
     Fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle
97 Appendix C
     Whey protein supplement

About the authors

After graduating from Otago University with a Bachelor of Pharmacy (with honours) at
the end of 1994, I served my pharmacist internship in Auckland. In 1996, I bought my
accident and medical clinic pharmacy. In 1998, I sold my pharmacy and concentrated
on my second career as a Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle Coach. Over the years, I have
advised thousands of individuals (athletes and non-athletes) about their nutritional needs.
This recipe book is intended for both low carbohydrate “virgins” (those just starting out
on low carbohydrate) and veterans. It is my wish for you to look forward to every one of
your low carbohydrate meals and learn to love eggs and meat (and vegetables?) for life!

The co-author of this book is my mother, Bernadette Han, my personal chef. I would
have spent countless hours in my kitchen preparing all my meals (or spent thousands
of dollars buying low carbohydrate equivalents) while following a low carbohydrate
lifestyle over the last six years if it wasn’t for her. My mother has also benefited
from low carbohydrate eating and currently both my parents are following a weight
maintenance version of my low carbohydrate lifestyle.

About This Recipe Book

About This Recipe Book

Why a low carbohydrate microwave cookbook?

A great many of my clients find the switch from a high carbohydrate to a low
carbohydrate diet very stressful because they aren’t sure what to eat. They also don’t
want to spend hours and hours in the kitchen preparing low carbohydrate meals. The
problem is that if they have not had a meal for some hours, their carbohydrate craving
will become even more intense until finally they binge out on carbohydrates (bread,
sweets, doughnuts etc etc etc). The solution I finally came up with was the book you
now have in your hands – a low carbohydrate microwave recipe book! Meals that can be
prepared quickly and without time-consuming cleaning up afterwards.

Although there are countless low carbohydrate cookbooks on the market many of their
recipes are not suitable for the first two weeks of most low carbohydrate eating regimes.
This cookbook is designed with the first two weeks of most low carbohydrate eating
regimes in mind. The ingredients used all comply with the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase
“House Rules” (see Appendix A).

Nutritional basis of the recipes

In my opinion, the main objective of any low carbohydrate lifestyle should be to
eliminate deprivation. Typically, low calorie diets limit calories by reducing portion
sizes, and consequently leave dieters obsessing about food all day long. The main
attraction of the low carbohydrate lifestyle, on the other hand, is the unlimited
consumption of certain food groups allowed to its followers – hence putting a stop
to food deprivation once and for all. For this reason, the recipes are divided into two
groups: recipes you are allowed to have as much as you want of as frequently as you
want and recipes you are only allowed once per day.

Therefore, to put a stop to the calorie-counting habit practised by many individuals,
nutritional information is deliberately omitted from this cookbook. However, for those
who are conscious of protein intake and would like to know how much protein they are
consuming, here is a simple formula:

•        20 g protein = a piece of meat approximately the size of your palm =
         approximately 200 g uncooked weight.
About This Recipe Book

•        30 g protein = a piece of meat approximately the size of your palm plus your
         fingers (closed) = approximately 300 g uncooked weight.
•        40 g protein = a piece of meat approximately the size of your palm plus your
         fingers (open) = approximately 400 g uncooked weight.
•        1 egg = 5–6 g of protein
•        100 g of canned fish (salmon or tuna) = 20 g of protein

Note: Considering the variation in meat protein content and individuals’ hand sizes, the
above guidelines are merely rough estimates.

Fat-sensitive Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle Recipes

The four categories of recipes in this book are divided into:

1.       Unlimited meals (suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate lifestyle).
2.       Once per day meals (suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate lifestyle).
3.       Desserts (suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate lifestyle).
4.       Smoothies (suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate lifestyle).
5.       Once per day meals (NOT suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate

Recipes in categories 1 to 4 contain notes on how to modify them to minimise their fat
content so they can be adapted to the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate lifestyle.

14-day Meal Plans

In Chapter 2, the 50 low carb recipes described in this book are arranged into 14 daily
meal plans for the first two weeks of the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase. You are allowed
to snack as often as you want, as long as your snacks comply with the House Rules – for
example, as many cheese and ham wraps and as much meat/eggs as you want.

In Chapter 8, certain recipes that are not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carbohydrate
lifestyle are eliminated, and 14 daily meal plans for the fat-sensitive version of the Carb
Addiction Rehab Phase are set out.
About This Recipe Book


In Appendix A, I mention that alcohol consumption is prohibited during the first two
weeks of the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase. Nevertheless, a small amount of wine
(1–2 teaspoons/tablespoons) will be used in some of the recipes in this book and their
carbohydrate content will be negligible.

The Essential Tools

To make the omelette recipes in this book, you will require a microwave omelette maker
(available from most Warehouse stores in New Zealand for around $2.99).

Figure 1. Microwave omelette maker

You will also need a microwave, a blender, and a whey or soy protein supplement.*
*For details on whey or soy protein supplement, please refer to Appendix C.

What if I cannot afford a protein shake mix?

Most whey or soy protein mixes sell for between $30 (for 500 g) and $55 (for 750 g);
$55 will buy you enough powder to make 25 protein shakes. If you consume two protein
shakes per day, your cost for two weeks is $55 (approximately $2 per day and only 50
cents more expensive than a can of Coke!).

However, if you are on a limited budget but wish to follow a low carbohydrate lifestyle,
other in-between-meals protein snacks include boiled eggs, salami, and ham and cheese.
Never just consume cheese by itself though, as it doesn’t contain enough protein (protein
About This Recipe Book

consumption will stabilise your blood sugar levels and reduce hunger and cravings)
– always wrap the cheese slices with salami or ham. Otherwise, combine boiled eggs or
chicken with grated cheese.

Suggested Daily Meal Plans

Suggested Daily Meal Plans

Breakfast             Shrimp and cheese omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 45)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Seafood chowder (once per day meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 63)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake made with 50 mls of cream and 10 mls of water
                      and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein powder
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Oriental lamb chops (unlimited meal) (p. 42)
Dessert               Mixed berries jelly and 1⁄2 bar of low carb chocolate (p. 74)

Breakfast             Vegetarian omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 44)
Mid-morning snack     Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Lunch                 Salmon quiche (once per day meal) with vegetables or salad
                      (p. 62)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Stir-fry bacon and spinach (once per day meal) (p. 28)
Dessert               Low carb hot chocolate (once per day meal) and 1⁄2 bar of low
                      carb chocolate (p. 75)

Suggested Daily Meal Plans

Breakfast             Microwave scrambled eggs (once per day meal) (p. 46)
Mid-morning snack     Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Lunch                 Lamb stew (once per day meal) with vegetables or salad
                      (p. 65)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Oriental-style salmon steak (unlimited meal) (p. 56)
Dessert               Double chocolate pudding (once per day meal) and 1⁄2 bar of
                      low carb chocolate (p. 77)

Breakfast             Salmon omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 47)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Spicy chicken stir-fry (unlimited meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 36)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Beef stir-fry (unlimited meal) (p. 22)
Dessert               Jaffa pudding (once per day meal) (p. 78)
Suggested Daily Meal Plans

Breakfast             Microwave bacon and egg muffins (unlimited meal) (p. 53)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Chicken and garlic cream (once per day meal) with
                      vegetables or salad (p. 70)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Black pepper beef (unlimited meal) (p. 23)
Dessert               Jelly, berries and cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2 bar of
                      low carb chocolate (p. 79)

Breakfast             Mocha smoothie (once per day meal) (p. 60)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Chicken stir-fry parcels (unlimited meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 37)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Pepper and wine steak (unlimited meal) (p. 24)
Dessert               Jelly and cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2 bar of low carb
Suggested Daily Meal Plans

                      chocolate (p. 80)
Breakfast             Chicken and cheese omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 51)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Stir-fry pork with chives (unlimited meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 29)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Meat loaf (unlimited meal) (p. 25)
Dessert               Mixed berries jelly (once per day meal) and 1⁄2 bar of low carb
                      chocolate (p. 74)

Breakfast             Iced coffee smoothie (once per day meal) (p. 59)
Mid-morning snack     Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Lunch                 Buffalo chicken wings (once per day meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 71)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Creamy meatballs (once per day meal) (p. 72)
Suggested Daily Meal Plans

Dessert               Mixed berries jelly without cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2
                      bar of low carb chocolate (p. 74)

Breakfast             Quick microwave omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 52)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Chinese chicken wings (unlimited meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 38)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein Bar
Dinner                Beef curry (once per day meal) (p. 67)
Dessert               Mixed berries jelly without cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2
                      bar of low carb chocolate (p. 74)

DAY 10
Breakfast             Microwave bacon and eggs (unlimited meal) (p. 50)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Chicken and bacon roll(s) (unlimited meal) with vegetables or
                      salad (p. 39)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein

Suggested Daily Meal Plans

                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Spicy pork chops (unlimited meal) (p. 30)
Dessert               Low carb hot chocolate (once per day meal) (p. 75)

DAY 11
Breakfast             Bacon, cheese and parsley omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 54)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Steamed chicken (unlimited meal) with vegetables or salad
                      (p. 40)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Garlic sliced pork (unlimited meal) (p. 31)
Dessert               Double chocolate pudding (once per day meal) (p. 77)

DAY 12
Breakfast             Salami and cheese omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 48)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein

                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Quick pork balls (unlimited meal) with vegetables or salad
                      (p. 32)
Mid-afternoon snack   Ham and cheese wrap(s)
                      Protein bar
Dinner                Chicken curry (once per day meal) (p. 68)
Dessert               Mixed berries jelly without cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2
                      bar of low carb chocolate (p. 74)

DAY 13
Breakfast             Mushroom and cheese omelette (unlimited meal) (p. 49)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Lettuce and pork mince stir-fry (unlimited meal) with
                      vegetables or salad (p. 34)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Pork stir-fry (unlimited meal) (p. 33)
Dessert               Mixed berries jelly without cream (once per day meal) and 1⁄2
                      bar of low carb chocolate (p. 74)
DAY 14
Breakfast             Berries smoothie (once per day meal) (p. 58)
Mid-morning snack     Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Lunch                 Beef burger (unlimited meal) with vegetables or salad (p. 26)
Mid-afternoon snack   Protein shake (50 mls of cream or Anchor low carb Trim
                      milk, 100 mls of water and 2 heaped tablespoons of protein
                      Protein bar
                      Ham and cheese wrap(s)
Dinner                Beef casserole (once per day meal) (p. 66)
Dessert               3 x Chocolate crunchies (once per day meal) (p. 81)

 Unlimited Meals


Unlimited Meals – Beef

Beef stir-fry
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

350 g beef tenderloin – sliced into small pieces
1⁄4 onion – sliced
4–5 sticks celery – sliced into small pieces
3 tablespoons water
11⁄2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon white wine
1 teaspoon sugar substitute
3 tablespoons oil

1.       Mix the beef pieces, water, salt, wine, sugar substitute and 1 tablespoon of oil
2.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil on high for 2 minutes in a covered microwave-safe
         bowl, add the onion and celery and heat on high for another 3 minutes
3.       Add the seasoned beef pieces to the bowl and heat on high for a further 4

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Beef

Black pepper beef
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

450 g beef tenderloin
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon ground pepper
1 tablespoon sugar substitute

1.       Slice the beef into small pieces
2.       Add salt, 1 tablespoon of oil, water, ground pepper and sugar substitute to the
         beef pieces
3.       Add 3 tablespoons of oil to a covered microwave-safe bowl
4.       Heat on high for 4 minutes
5.       Add the beef and heat on high for 4 minutes
6.       Stir the beef around and heat on high for another 3 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Beef

Pepper and wine steak
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 pieces Scotch fillet steak (approximately 300 g)
2 tablespoons oil
2 teaspoons pepper
2 cloves garlic – minced
1⁄4 onion – sliced into small pieces
2 tablespoons red wine
1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe container and heat on
         high for 1 minute
2.       Place 2 pieces of steak in the bowl
3.       Sprinkle one teaspoon of pepper, 1 clove of minced garlic, half the amount of
         onion, 1 tablespoon of red wine and 1⁄4 teaspoon of salt evenly over the 2 pieces
         of steak
4.       Heat on high for 6–10 minutes (depending on whether you like your steak half
         or well done)
5.       Turn the two pieces of steak over and sprinkle the rest of the pepper, garlic,
         onion, red wine and salt evenly over them
6.       Heat on high for a further 6–10 minutes (depending on whether you like your
         steak medium or well done)

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Beef

Meat loaf

400 g beef mince (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use lean mince)
4 eggs – beaten
2 chillies – finely sliced
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic – minced
1 tablespoon sugar substitute
6 tablespoons grated cheese (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use feta cheese)

1.       Mix beef mince, eggs, chillies, curry powder, salt, pepper, garlic, sugar
         substitute and 3 tablespoons of cheese together
2.       Pack the mixture into a rectangular microwave dish (approximately 20 cm x
         8 cm), covered with greaseproof paper or a plastic cover, and heat on high for 5
3.       Drain the fluid off
4.       Sprinkle on the rest of the cheese and microwave on low for 2 minutes
5.       Cut the meat loaf into slices (approximately 3 cm thick)

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Beef

Beef burger

To make one burger:
200 g beef mince (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use lean mince)
mixed herbs
1 clove garlic – minced
pinch of salt and pepper
2 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
1 slice cheese (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use feta cheese)
1 piece lettuce

1.       In a bowl, mix 200 g beef mince, garlic, salt and pepper, and 1 egg together
2.       Form the mixture into 2 patties
3.       Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on high
         for 1 minute
4.       Place the 2 patties in the bowl and heat on high for 5 minutes
5.       Remove the patties, drain off the water and oil, and place the patties aside on a
6.       Place 1⁄2 cup of water in a covered microwave-safe bowl
7.       Add second egg and heat on high for 45 seconds
8.       Place one pattie on a plate with:
         – cooked egg on top
         – one slice of cheese on top of the egg
         – one piece of lettuce on top of the cheese
         – and the other pattie on top to make a beef burger
9.       Secure the burger with a toothpick

Add Best Foods mayonnaise (optional)


Unlimited Meals – Pork

Stir-fry bacon and spinach
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

130 g dry cured bacon – sliced into small pieces
one handful spinach – cut into large pieces
1⁄4 onion – finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 tablespoon sugar substitute
1⁄2 tablespoon white wine
1 chilli – finely chopped
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon pepper

1.       Heat bacon in a covered microwave-safe bowl on high with 2 tablespoons of
         water for 4 minutes
2.       Heat the onion, salt, sugar substitute, white wine, chilli, oil and pepper in a
         covered microwave-safe bowl on high for 2 minutes
3.       Mix the bacon and spinach into the above mixture thoroughly and heat on high
         in a covered microwave-safe bowl on high for 3 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Stir-fry pork with chives
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 tablespoons oil
340 g thinly sliced pork or pork mince
1 chilli – sliced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1⁄2 tablespoon white wine
2 cloves garlic – minced
170 g chives – sliced

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl
2.       Add the pork, chilli, salt, pepper, white wine and garlic and heat on high for 7
3.       Add the chives – mix thoroughly
4.       Heat on high for a further 2 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Spicy pork chops
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 tablespoons butter (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – substitute with oil)
2 pork chops (approximately 300 g)
Sprinkle of salt and pepper
2 cloves garlic – minced
2 chillies – cut into small slices
4 teaspoons of white wine
2 teaspoons NZ Low Carb ketogenic sweetener

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on
         high for 1 minute
2.       Place 2 pork chops in the bowl
3.       Sprinkle salt and pepper on top of the pork chops
4.       Sprinkle 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 sliced up chilli, 2 teaspoons of white wine
         and 1 teaspoon of sweetener on top and microwave on high for 6 minutes
5.       Turn the pork chops over and add another sprinkle of salt and pepper, the other
         clove of minced garlic and sliced chilli, 2 teaspoons of white wine, 1 teaspoon
         of sweetener and microwave on high for another 6 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Garlic sliced pork
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon of oil
200 g lean pork (do not slice)
3 slices ginger – finely chopped
1 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic – finely chopped

1 teaspoon sugar substitute
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 chilli – finely chopped
1 tablespoon oil

1.       Spread ginger and pepper on top of the block of pork
2.       Heat 1 tablespoon of oil with the block of pork in a covered microwave-safe
         bowl for 4 minutes
3.       Remove the pork, cut into thin slices and arrange on a plate
4.       Mix the sauce ingredients thoroughly and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds
         then pour on top of the pork slices

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Quick pork balls
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

500 g minced pork (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – make sure to use lean pork

Seasoning (A)
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄4 onion – finely chopped
1 tablespoon white wine
1–2 slices ginger – finely chopped
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 egg – beaten
1 teaspoon ground pepper

Seasoning (B)
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white wine
2 teaspoons non-aspartame sugar substitute

Seasoning (C)
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon salt

1.       Mix the pork mince with seasoning (A) and knead the mixture thoroughly
2.       Divide the mixture into 4 portions and shape into balls and place in a
         microwave-safe bowl
3.       Pour seasoning (B) on top of the balls
4.       Cook on high for 6 minutes
5.       Pour seasoning (C) on top of the cooked pork balls and heat for a further 30

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Pork stir-fry
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

3 tablespoons oil
350 g pork tenderloin – cut into thin slices
1 egg white
1 teaspoon salt
1 cucumber – sliced into pieces
5 medium-sized mushrooms – thinly sliced
1 tablespoon water
1⁄2 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon white wine
2 chillies – sliced
1 teaspoon pepper
2 slices ginger – finely chopped

1.       Heat 3 tablespoons of oil on high in a covered microwave-safe bowl for 2
2.       Add the pork, egg white, salt, cucumber, mushroom, water, vinegar, white wine,
         chillies and pepper – mix well
3.       Heat the mixture covered on high for 5 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Pork

Lettuce and pork mince stir-fry
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Half a head of lettuce
130 g pork mince (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – make sure you use lean pork
3 tablespoons oil

Seasoning (A)
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1 egg white
1 teaspoon ground pepper

Seasoning (B)
1 teaspoon salt
sliced fresh chilli (optional)
1 clove garlic – sliced
1⁄4 onion – chopped

1.       Chop the lettuce into pieces
2.       Soak the pork mince in seasoning (A)
3.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil on high for 2 minutes in a covered microwave-safe
4.       Place seasoning (B) into the above bowl and heat on high for 1 minute
5.       Add the soaked pork mince to the same bowl and heat on high for 2 minutes
6.       Take out and add 1 tablespoon of water and 1 tablespoon of oil and add the
         lettuce pieces
7.       Heat the mixture on high for 30 seconds
8.       Remove and mix the lettuce/pork mince mixture thoroughly
9.       Heat the mixture on high for another 30 seconds

Serve with salad or vegetables


Unlimited Meals – Chicken

Spicy chicken stir-fry
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

200 g chicken (thighs or breasts) – cut into small cubes
(for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – make sure you discard the skin)
3 tablespoons oil
3 medium-sized mushrooms – thinly sliced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 chilli – sliced
1⁄4 onion – minced
1 teaspoon pepper
2 slices ginger – finely chopped

1.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl for 1 minute
2.       Add chicken cubes, mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of oil, salt, sesame oil, chilli,
         onion, pepper and ginger – mix thoroughly
3.       Heat the mixture on high for 5 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Chicken

Chicken stir-fry parcels
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

200 g chicken breast – minced (in a food processor or chopped into tiny pieces)
2 tablespoons oil
2 sticks celery – thinly sliced
2 medium-sized mushrooms – thinly sliced
1 teaspoon pepper
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic – minced
1⁄2 cucumber – sliced into small pieces
2 slices ginger – minced
4 leaves lettuce

1.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl on high for 2
2.       Add the chicken breast, celery, mushroom, pepper, salt, garlic and cucumber
         and ginger – mix thoroughly
3.       Heat on high for 5 minutes
4.       Divide the cooked chicken mixture into 4 portions and place in the middle of
         the lettuce leaves and wrap the leaves into parcels

Unlimited Meals – Chicken

Chinese chicken wings
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

8 chicken wings
2 tablespoons oil
6 slices ginger – minced or finely chopped
1 tablespoon sugar substitute
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon white wine
1 teaspoon salt

1.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl on high for 2
2.       Sprinkle ginger, sugar substitute, salt, sesame oil and white wine on the chicken
         wings and heat on high for another 5 minutes
3.       Make sure the chicken wings are thoroughly cooked – if not, reheat on high for
         another 2–5 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Unlimited Meals – Chicken

Chicken and bacon roll
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 chicken breast
2 pieces bacon
1 tablespoon spinach
2 heaped tablespoons Philadelphia cream cheese (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use
feta cheese instead)

1.       Slice chicken breast horizontally into 2 halves
2.       Chop the spinach and one slice of bacon into small pieces
3.       Mix 2 heaped tablespoons of Philadelphia cream cheese with the spinach and
4.       Place the mixture between the 2 halves of chicken breast
5.       Wrap the 2 halves of chicken breast with one piece of bacon – securing in
         place with a toothpick
6.       Place one tablespoonful of butter (for fat-sensitive lifestyle, use cooking oil
         instead) or garlic butter on top of the bacon/chicken roll
7.       Microwave for 7 minutes on high in a covered microwave-safe bowl

Serve with salad or vegetables and Best Foods mayonnaise

Unlimited Meals – Chicken

Steamed chicken
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 double chicken breast with skin on – cut into small pieces
(for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – make sure to remove the skin)

1⁄4 onion – finely chopped
1 slice ginger – finely chopped
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon ground pepper

1.       Place chicken pieces in a microwave-safe bowl
2.       Pour seasoning on top of the chicken pieces
3.       Cover the bowl and cook on high for 7 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables


Unlimited Meals – Lamb

Oriential lamb chops
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 lamb chops (approximately 300 g)
2 tablespoons oil or butter (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use oil instead of butter)
2 teaspoons ground pepper
2 cloves garlic – minced
1 teaspoon sugar substitute

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of oil or butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat
         for 1 minute
2.       Add the 2 lamb chops to the bowl and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1⁄2 the
         minced garlic and 1⁄2 teaspoon of sugar substitute and heat on high for 8 minutes
3.       Turn the chops over and sprinkle with remaining pepper, minced garlic and
         sugar substitute and heat on high for another 8 minutes

Serve with vegetables or salad


Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Vegetarian omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
3 eggs – beaten
1 tablespoon spinach – stemmed and finely chopped
1 piece lettuce – finely chopped
1 clove garlic – minced
1 medium-sized mushroom – finely chopped
sprinkle of salt and pepper
2 tablespoons grated cheese (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use feta cheese instead)

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Mix together the eggs, spinach, lettuce, garlic, mushroom, salt, pepper and
3.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 4 minutes
4.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
5.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 2 minutes

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Shrimp and cheese omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
3 eggs – beaten
2 tablespoons shrimp (approximately 6–7 shrimps)
1 clove garlic – minced
sprinkle of salt and pepper
2 tablespoons grated cheese (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use feta cheese instead)
1 tablespoon Best Foods mayonnaise (for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – eliminate the

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Mix together the eggs, shrimp, garlic, salt, pepper and cheese
3.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 4 minutes
4.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
5.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 2 minutes
6.       Pour 1 tablespoon of Best Foods mayonnaise on top of the omelette

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Microwave scrambled eggs
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 eggs
2 teaspoons butter*
2 tablespoons cream* (approximately 50 mls)
sprinkle of salt and pepper
2 tablespoons grated cheese*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 teaspoons of butter with 2 teaspoons of oil
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of feta cheese

1.       Beat together eggs, cream, salt and pepper in a bowl with a fork
2.       Place 2 teaspoons of butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on high
         for 30 seconds
3.       Pour in the egg mixture and heat on high for 1 minute
4.       Add the grated cheese and heat on high for 30 seconds
5.       Scramble the mixture together and serve

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Salmon omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
3 eggs – beaten
1 clove garlic – minced
sprinkle of salt and pepper
50 g salmon
2 tablespoons grated cheese*
1 tablespoon Best Foods mayonnaise*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of grated feta cheese
Eliminate 1 tablespoon of Best Foods mayonnaise

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Mix together the eggs, garlic, salt and pepper
3.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 4 minutes
4.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
5.       To the right side of the omelette maker, add the salmon and grated cheese
6.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 3 minutes
7.       Pour 1 tablespoon of Best Foods mayonnaise on top of the omelette

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Salami and cheese omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
3 eggs – beaten
3 slices salami* – chopped into small pieces
2 tablespoons grated cheese*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 3 slices of salami with 3 slices of ham off the bone
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of grated feta cheese

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 4 minutes
3.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
4.       Add salami and cheese to the right side of the omelette maker
5.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 2 minutes

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Mushroom and cheese omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
3 eggs – beaten
2 medium-sized mushrooms – sliced
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon grated cheese*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 1 tablespoon of grated cheese with 1 tablespoon of grated feta cheese

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Mix the eggs and mushrooms together thoroughly
3.       Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper
4.       Microwave on high for 4 minutes
5.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
6.       Sprinkle the grated cheese on the right side of the omelette maker
7.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 2 minutes

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Microwave bacon and eggs
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2–3 eggs
2 teaspoons butter*
2 pieces bacon*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 teaspoons of butter with 2 teaspoons of oil
Substitute 2 pieces of bacon with 2 slices of ham off the bone

1.       Place 1⁄2 cup of water in a covered microwave-safe bowl
2.       Add the eggs and heat on high for 45 seconds for perfect microwave poached
3.       Place 2 teaspoons of butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and microwave
         on high for 10 seconds
4.       Place 2 pieces of bacon in the bowl and microwave with cover on for 2 minutes
5.       Arrange the bacon and eggs on a plate and serve

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Chicken and cheese omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
1 clove garlic – minced
sprinkle of salt and pepper
3 eggs – beaten
1 tablespoon pre-cooked shredded chicken
2 tablespoons grated cheese*
1 tablespoon Best Foods mayonnaise*

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of grated feta cheese
Eliminate 1 tablespoon of Best Foods mayonnaise

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Add garlic, salt and pepper to the egg mixture
3.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 3 minutes
4.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
5.       Add the chicken and grated cheese to the right side of the omelette maker
6.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 1 minute
7.       Pour 1 tablespoon of Best Foods mayonnaise on top of the omelette

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Quick microwave omelette
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

1 tablespoon oil
sprinkle of salt and pepper
2–3 eggs – beaten

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Add salt and pepper to the egg mixture
3.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 40 seconds
4.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
5.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves of the omelette will combine to
         form a semicircle-shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 20

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Microwave bacon and egg muffins
Suitable for fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

2 teaspoons butter*
2 eggs
1 tablespoon grated cheese*
2 pieces bacon – chopped into small bits

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 teaspoons of butter with 2 teaspoons of oil
Substitute 1 tablespoon of grated cheese with 1 tablespoon of grated feta cheese

1.       Add 1 teaspoon of butter to each of 2 microwave-safe teacups and microwave
         on high for 10 seconds
2.       Place 1 egg in each cup
3.       Add 1⁄2 tablespoon of grated cheese and then the bacon bits to each cup equally
4.       Microwave on high for 90 seconds
5.       Eat the muffins with a spoon from the teacups

Unlimited Meals – Eggs

Bacon, cheese and parsley omelette

1 tablespoon oil
2–3 eggs – beaten
2 slices bacon* – chopped into small pieces
2 tablespoons grated cheese*
1 tablespoon parsley – stemmed and finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 slices of bacon with 2 slices of ham off the bone
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of grated feta cheese

1.       Place 1⁄2 tablespoon of oil in each half of a microwave omelette maker
2.       Pour the egg mixture equally into each half of the omelette maker and
         microwave on high for 4 minutes
3.       Remove the omelette maker from the oven
4.       Add bacon, cheese and parsley to the right side of the omelette maker
5.       Close the omelette maker (so the two halves will combine to form a semicircle-
         shaped omelette) and microwave on high for another 2 minutes

Fish and Seafood

Unlimited Meals – Fish and Seafood

Oriental-style salmon steak

1 piece salmon steak (with skin on and about the size of your palm) – approximately 300
g raw weight
2 tablespoons butter*
1⁄4 onion – thinly sliced
2 pieces ginger – thinly sliced
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic – minced
1 chilli – finely chopped

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 tablespoons of butter with 2 tablespoons of oil

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of butter and 1⁄4 sliced onion in a covered microwave-safe
         bowl and heat on high for 2 minutes
2.       Remove the onion and leave the butter in the bowl
3.       Place the piece of salmon steak (skin down) in the bowl
4.       Place the cooked onion, sliced ginger, salt, pepper, garlic and chilli on top of the
         salmon steak and heat on high for 5 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables



Berries smoothie

50 mls cream/low carb Trim milk*
100 mls water
2 heaped tablespoons vanilla or strawberry whey or soy protein powder (containing no
more than 3 g carbohydrate per 30 g serving)
1⁄4 cup frozen or fresh berries (or 2 strawberries)

*For fat sensitive low carb lifestyle – use Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk

In a blender, combine the following items in the order outlined:
1.       cream/Trim milk
2.       water
3.       whey/soy protein powder
4.       berries

Serve in a tall glass with a straw

Daily consumption: maximum of one smoothie per day


Iced coffee smoothie

50 mls cream/low carb Trim milk*
100 mls water
2 heaped tablespoons vanilla-flavoured whey or soy protein powder (containing no more
than 3 g carbohydrate per 30 g serving)
1 teaspoon instant coffee

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk

In a blender, combine the following items in the order outlined:
1.       cream/Trim milk
2.       water
3.       whey/soy protein powder
4.       instant coffee

Serve in a tall glass with a straw

Daily consumption: maximum of two smoothies per day


Mocha smoothie

50 mls cream/low carb Trim milk*
100 mls water
2 heaped tablespoons chocolate-flavoured whey or soy protein powder (containing no
more than 3 g carbohydrate per 30 g serving)
1 teaspoon instant coffee

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle – use Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk

In a blender, combine the following items in the order outlined:
1.       cream/Trim milk
2.       water
3.       whey/soy protein powder
4.       instant coffee

Serve in a tall glass with a straw

Daily consumption: maximum of two smoothies per day

         Once Per Day Meals
Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Salmon quiche

Note: the only item in the ingredients list that is counted towards the 20 g daily
carbohydrate intake during the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase is 50 mls cream (= 1.5 g

3 eggs – beaten
6 tablespoons grated cheese*
50 mls cream*
1 can salmon in natural juice
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 teaspoon pepper
1⁄2 teaspoon mixed herbs

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 6 tablespoons of cheese with 6 tablespoons of feta cheese
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk

In a round microwave-safe bowl:
1.       Place eggs, 3 tablespoons of grated cheese, 50 mls of cream, salmon, salt,
         pepper and mixed herbs – mix thoroughly
2.       Microwave on high for 5 minutes
3.       Sprinkle remaining 3 tablespoons of cheese on top
4.       Microwave on high for 1 more minute to melt the cheese

Serve with salad or vegetables

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Seafood chowder

Note: the only item in the ingredients list that is counted towards the 20 g daily
carbohydrate intake during the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase is 50 mls cream (= 1.5 g
carbohydrate). The carbohydrate content of the Philadelphia cream cheese has been
accounted for in the total cheese intake of 200 g during the Carb Addiction Rehab

2 tablespoons butter*
1 cup water
50 mls cream*
6 tablespoons grated cheese*
3 tablespoons Philadelphia cream cheese*
100 g prawns
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic – minced
100 g can salmon (or other fish) in water – drain out the water
50 g squid

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 tablespoons of oil with 2 tablespoons of butter
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk
Substitute 6 tablespoons of cheese with 6 tablespoons of feta cheese
Substitute 3 tablespoons of Philadelphia cream cheese with 3 tablespoons of feta cheese
Total = 9 tablespoons of feta cheese

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on
         high for 1 minute
2.       Add water, cream, grated cheese, cream cheese, prawns, salt, pepper, squid,
         garlic and salmon – mix thoroughly
3.       Cook on high for 7 minutes

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Instructions for a fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
1.       Place 9 tablespoons of feta cheese in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat
         on high for 1 minute – mash the feta until it becomes a paste
2.       Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on high
         for 1 minute
3.       Combine water, low carb Trim milk, feta cheese paste, prawns, salt, pepper
         garlic, salmon and squid – mix thoroughly
4.       Cook on high for 7 minutes

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Lamb stew

Note: the only item in the ingredients list that is counted towards the 20 g daily
carbohydrate intake during the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase is 50 mls cream (= 1.5 g

450 g lamb chops – cut into pieces
50 mls cream*
3 mushrooms – sliced
2 tablespoons grated cheese*
4 celery sticks – sliced
3 lime leaves (optional)
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk
Substitute 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with 2 tablespoons of feta cheese

1.       Place lamb, cream, mushrooms, cheese, celery, lime leaves, pepper and salt in a
         covered microwave-safe bowl – mix thoroughly
2.       Microwave on high for 10 minutes
3.       Mix again
4.       Microwave on high for another 10 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Beef casserole

Note: the only item in the ingredients list that is counted towards the 20 g daily
carbohydrate intake during the Carb Addiction Rehab Phase is 50 mls cream (= 1.5 g

2 tablespoons butter*
handful minced parsley leaves
2 cloves garlic – minced
1 bay leaf
400 g sirloin or Scotch fillet – sliced into small pieces
1 tablespoon white wine
50 mls cream*
2 mushrooms – sliced
2 pieces bacon – sliced into small pieces
1 teaspoon salt

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 2 tablespoons of butter with 2 tablespoons of oil
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk

1.       Place 2 tablespoons of butter, parsley, garlic and bay leaf in a covered
         microwave-safe bowl and heat on high for 2 minutes
2.       Stir in beef pieces, white wine, cream, mushrooms, bacon and salt
3.       Heat on high for 7 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Beef curry

Note: the carbohydrate content of curry powder is approximately 50% – 3 tablespoons
of curry powder (45 g) will contain 22.5 g of carbohydrate. During the Carb Addiction
Rehab Phase, to keep your carbohydrate content below 20 g, it is recommended that
you avoid the sauce of the curry and consume the meat only.

300 g sirloin steak – sliced into small cubes
2 tablespoons oil
1⁄4 onion – sliced
1 chilli (depending on how hot you would like your curry to be!)
1 clove garlic – minced
3 tablespoons curry powder
1 cup water
100 mls coconut cream*
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle
Substitute 100 mls of coconut cream with 100 mls of low fat coconut milk

1.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil on high in a covered microwave-safe bowl for 2
2.       Add the onion, chilli and garlic and heat on high (covered) for another 2
3.       Add the curry powder, water, coconut cream, salt, steak pieces and ground
         pepper – mix thoroughly and heat (covered) on high for 6 minutes and serve
         with salad or vegetables

*Note: make sure you eliminate 100 mls of cream from your daily carb intake when
you include this recipe.

Once Per Day Meals – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Chicken curry

3 tablespoons butter
1⁄4 onion – minced
450 g chicken breast (approximately a double breast) – sliced into small pieces
2 tablespoons curry powder
100 mls low carb coconut cream* (no more than 3 g carbohydrate per 100 mls)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
5 lime leaves (optional)

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle
Substitute 100 mls of coconut cream with 100 mls of low fat coconut milk

1.       Melt the 3 tablespoons of butter with the onion in a covered microwave-safe
         bowl and heat on high for 1 minute
2.       Add chicken, curry powder, coconut cream, salt, pepper and lime leaves – mix
3.       Heat on high for 7 minutes

Serve with salad or vegetables

           Once Per Day Meals
Not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Once Per Day Meals – Not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Chicken and garlic cream

1 tablespoon butter
2 chicken drumsticks
sprinkle of salt
sprinkle of black pepper
1 tablespoon white wine

2 cloves garlic – minced
50 mls cream
4 tablespoons Best Foods mayonnaise
sprinkle of pepper
1 tablespoon grated cheese

1.       Place butter in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on high for 1 minute
2.       Place chicken drumsticks in the bowl, add salt, pepper and white wine and
         microwave on high for 6 minutes
3.       Mix the ingredients for the sauce thoroughly and microwave on high for 11⁄2
4.       Pour on top of the chicken drumsticks

Serve with salad or vegetables

Once Per Day Meals – Not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Buffalo chicken wings

10 chicken wings – cut at the joints to make 20
3 tablespoons oil
3 teaspoons ground pepper
2 tablespoons butter – melted
1⁄2 teaspoon paprika (0.6 g carb = less than 1 g carbohydrate)
2 teaspoons sugar substitute
1 teaspoon salt

Dip (optional):
100 mls cream
7 tablespoons Best Foods mayonnaise
50 g blue cheese
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 clove garlic – minced

1.       Place 3 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave-safe bowl and heat on high
         for 2 minutes
2.       Add chicken wings, ground pepper, melted butter, paprika, sugar substitute and
         salt and mix thoroughly
3.       Heat on high for 7 minutes

•        Make sure the chicken wings are cooked thoroughly – otherwise lengthen the
         cooking time
•        To make the dip, blend the cream, mayo, cheese, vinegar and garlic in a blender
•        Dip the chicken wings in the cheese sauce and serve with salad or vegetables

Once Per Day Meals – Not suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Creamy meatballs

150 g beef mince
150 g lamb mince
150 g pork mince
3 cloves garlic – minced
1 tablespoon red wine
1 teaspoon sugar substitute
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
3 eggs – beaten
2 tablespoons oil

Ingredients for sauce:
2 cloves garlic – minced
50 mls cream
4 tablespoons Best Foods mayonnaise
sprinkle of salt and pepper
1 tablespoon grated cheese

1.       Mix together beef, lamb, and pork mince, garlic, red wine, sugar substitute, salt,
         pepper, sesame oil, mixed herbs and eggs thoroughly
2.       Form into 4 balls
3.       Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a covered microwave safe-bowl on high for 1
4.       Place the 4 balls in the bowl and heat on high for 7 minutes
5.       Mix the ingredients for the sauce thoroughly and microwave on high for 11⁄2
6.       Pour on top of the meatballs

Serve with salad or vegetables

              Once per day meals
Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Desserts – Suitable for the fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle

Mixed berries jelly

1 packet strawberry aspartame-free Weight Watchers jelly*
1 cup berries
1⁄2 bar low carb chocolate
50 mls cream*
1 teaspoon non-aspartame sugar substitute

*The nutritional contents of the aspartame-free Weight Watchers jelly (available in lime,
strawberry and orange) are:

                            Per Serving (125 ml)
Energy                      37 KJ (9 cal)
Protein                     1.9 g
Fat                         0g
Total Carbohydrate:
Carbohydrate                0.3 g
Sugar                       less than 1 g

1.       Place 250 mls of boiling water into a bowl
2.       Add the entire pack of Weight Watchers jelly to the bowl and mix thoroughly
         until all the crystals have dissolved
3.       Add 250 mls of cold water and mix thoroughly
4.       Fold 1 cup of berries into the jelly mixture
5.       Refrigerate until set
6.       Divide into 4 servings

To serve:
1.       Grate 1⁄2 bar of chocolate on top of each serving of jelly
2.       Whip 50 mls of cream* and place on top
3.       Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of non-aspartame sugar substitute

*For fat-sensitive low carb lifestyle:
Substitute 50 mls of cream with 50 mls of Anchor low carb Trim milk or Sun Latte milk
and pour into jelly cut into small pieces with a spoon
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