Microbiological Air Contamination in Poultry Houses

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Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 19, No. 1 (2010), 15-19

                                                                                                                        Mini Review
                    Microbiological Air Contamination
                            in Poultry Houses

                                              Elżbieta Lonc*, Kinga Plewa

         Institute of Genetics and Microbiology, Departament of Microbial Ecology and Environmental Protection,
                           University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 63, 51-148 Wrocław, Poland

                                                   Received: 2 February 2009
                                                   Accepted: 11 August 2009


                    Since intensive poultry production is accompanied by as high as possible densities of birds within build-
             ings, this exposes poultry house workers to elevated concentrations of bioaerosol that is mainly emitted by
             birds. Exposure to dust containing pathogenic microbial and parasitic agents may cause asthma, asthma-like
             syndrome, mucous membrane irritation, chronic bronchitis, and allergic alveolitis organic dust toxic syn-
             drome, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Since the microbial air pollution data base of poul-
             try houses is insufficient at present, and poultry production is increasingly widespread, it is important to col-
             lect, compare and update the available data.

             Keywords: airborne bacteria, airborne fungi, airborne microorganisms, bioaerosol in poultry farming,
             poultry house

                      Introduction                                                               Health Hazards

    In recent decades, intensive poultry production has                      It is known that air in poultry houses is polluted with
become more common in many countries, including the                      large quantities of different microbial components and
Netherlands, Denmark, France, USA, Canada, China, and                    metabolites, i.e. aggregation of bacterial and fungal cells,
more recently, Poland. Such production that deals with                   endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) of Gram-negative
large densities of animals in small areas is a significant               bacteria, 1,3-beta-glucan of fungi, fungal spores and frag-
source of microbial air contamination that may constitute a              ments of mycelium [13-16]. They are suspended as
considerable risk to human health [1-5]. It has been proven              bioaerosols and can occur as liquid droplets or as dry parti-
that exposure to organic dust may exacerbate asthma, asth-               cles. This bioaerosol may contain representatives of bacte-
ma-like syndrome, mucous membrane irritation and chron-                  rial genera: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Corynebacterium,
ic bronchitis. Inhalation of noninfectious microorganisms                Pasteurella, Vibrio, Enterobacter, Salmonella, Brucella,
and their components may cause inflammation of the respi-                Leptospira, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Yersinia,
ratory system, while antigens and allergens may activate                 Staphyloccocus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Pantoea, and
the immune system and cause allergies. Firstly, this is a                Sarcina [2]. Bacteria in poultry dust bioaerosols may be
health hazard to poultry house workers and rural residents               derived from soil, feed, bedding and from the birds them-
living in close proximity to the farms. Secondly, this dust              selves (faecal or skin microflora). Their presence in large
may also transfer different microorganisms from one live-                numbers may represent a significant immunological chal-
stock building to another, or from a livestock building to a             lenge to the human respiratory system. Bacteria are classi-
farmhouse and nearby houses [6-12].                                      fied according to their cell wall components and cell shape.
                                                                         Gram-positive bacteria have a thicker cell wall and are gen-
*e-mail: lonc@microb.uni.wroc.pl                                         erally more robust and therefore capable of surviving
16                                                                                                     Lonc E., Plewa K.

longer in bioaerosols. On the other hand, Gram-negative         Microbiological Air Contaminations in Poultry
bacteria are mainly rod shaped, less robust and capable of         Houses in Poland and Other Countries
surviving for limited periods in bioaerosols [17].
According to Crook, endotoxins are also present in poul-           Only the last decade has brought a significant increase
try dust samples collected at all stages of the poultry pro-   in the worldwide scientific database on air contaminations
duction cycle. The term endotoxins found in literature         in poultry houses and other environmental farming [7, 13,
means the definition of lipopolisaccharide complex (LPS)       14, 19, 27-32]. According to these studies, for example, the
related to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.       number of airborne bacteria in animal houses ranges from
LPS is composed of two major parts, the hydrophobic            103 to 109 cfu/m3 and the concentrations of airborne fungi
lipid A and the hydrophilic polysaccharide part (common-       from 2.5 × 101 to 4.9 × 106 cfu/m3 [21]. Development of
ly called the “O” region). Most biological effects of LPS      new sampling techniques and analytical methods as well as
are due to the lipid A part, but the O-region plays an         advances in human exposure determinations have also
important role in effective colonization of host tissues.      allowed more precise identification of the sources and con-
Inhalation of organic dust contaminated by endotoxin may       tents of microbial contaminations and an assessment of
cause chronic bronchitis and inflammatory reaction in the      their potential biohazard. In Poland, Kurnatowska lists sev-
lungs [17-19]. Due to its proinflammatory properties, high     eral dozen pathogens present in the atmosphere as well in
endotoxin exposure is considered to be associated with         the hydrosphere and lithosphere (Table 1), some of which
acute inflammatory processes that are known as ODTS            are present in the air in poultry houses [33, 34]. In the mid-
(organic dust toxic syndrome) as well as chronic obstruc-      1980s Dutkiewicz and co-workers were the first to investi-
tive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and asthma-like syn-            gate air contamination in different agricultural buildings for
drome. Such diseases are common in poultry workers             vegetable and animal production (e.g. poultry breeding,
[20].                                                          cowsheds, facilities for storing grain) located in Eastern
    Numerous fungal spores, because of their dimensions        Poland. From the bacteria found in the air of the farm envi-
(several micrometers) are classed as a bioaerosol. They        ronment a few dominant groups were more prominent.
are always observed in the atmosphere and their concen-        Three of them were Gram positive (cocci, spore-forming
tration changes depending on environmental conditions          bacilli and corynebacteria) and one was Gram negative
[21]. Like bacteria the fungi (e.g. Stachybotrys chartarum,    rods. These, together with actinomycetes and fungi of the
Alternaria      alternata,      Aspergillus      fumigatus,    family Aspergillaceae, are known as the most dangerous
Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp.,          groups of microorganisms that may cause occupational res-
Rhizopus sp., Mucor sp., Trichoderma sp., and                  piratory diseases in farmers [13]. Air quality of Polish farms
Trichothecium sp.) may be derived from soil, dust, feed        has been described by Karwowska. Air sampling was car-
and bedding, but to a lesser extent from the birds them-       ried out in different farms (poultry houses, cow shed and
selves. According to Crook, long-term or repeated expo-        pigsty) in rural areas in Podlasie. Tests were done using the
sure to high concentrations of airborne fungal spores in a     modern sampling equipment MAS-100 air sampler based
range of agricultural environments is recognized as con-       on the Anderson Impaction Principle accepted and proven
tributing to a decline in lung function and allergic reac-     worldwide. According to the author, the number of
tions such as asthma and allergic alveolitis known as          microorganisms (as cfu/m3) in poultry houses ranged with-
farmer’s lung disease [20]. Despite their occurrence at        in: 1.7 × 103 - 8.8 × 103 for mesophilic bacteria; 3.5 × 101 -
high concentrations in the air, fungal spores have not been    8.3 ×102 for hemolytic bacteria; 1.5 ×103 - 4.6 × 104 for
subject to any detailed or ongoing studies. In Europe,         staphylococci; 5.0 × 100 - 2.0 × 102 for coli-group bacteria
including Poland, only a few laboratories conduct aeropa-      and 1.7 × 102 - 2.4 × 104 for fungi of the genus Aspergillus
lynological and aeromycological analyses. Difficulties in      (A. niger, A. nidulans. A. ochraceus), Penicillium notatum,
identification of spores and different investigation meth-     Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp. and Alternaria sp. The
ods limit the knowledge of their occurrence in the air [21].   presence of high numbers of potentially pathogenic staphy-
Another biological potent agent is 1,3-beta-glucans in the     lococci was emphasized as a negative phenomenon.
cell walls of fungi. Beta (1→3)-glucan have proinflam-         Moreover, the majority of these identified fungal species
matory properties that have been suggested to play a role      are described as potential allergens and exposure to their
in indoor-related respiratory health effects [22, 23].         spores may provoke immune responses in susceptible indi-
    It is worth mentioning the role of parasites as part of    viduals. As a result, diseases such as allergic rhinitis,
biological air pollution. Poultry dust mites are the best      bronchial asthma or extrinsic allergic alveolitis may devel-
known allergens that have a direct link to allergy and asth-   op in certain individuals [27].
ma. Mites belong to acarids and the most common species            In Lithuania, Lugauskas detected thirty-one species rep-
in poultry houses are Dermanyssus galline, Ornithonyssus       resenting 13 fungal genera in poultry house air. Six species
sylvarium, Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides          of the genus Aspergillus were isolated and identified;
pteronyssinus, Knemidocoptes mutans and Acarus siro [24,       among them Aspergillus oryzae and A. nidulans prevailed
25]. Some of these, as well as poultry lice (Mallophaga),      and comprised 15.1% and 9.7% of all the identified iso-
are reported as pathogenic vector agents in parasitological    lates, respectively. Fungi of the genus Penicillium were rep-
textbooks [25, 26].                                            resented by 12 species, with predominance of Penicillium
Microbiological Air Contamination...                                                                                             17

Table 1. Lists of bacteria pathogenic to humans and transmitted         expansum, P. olivinoviride, P. claviforme and P. viridica-
in the air according to Kurnatowska [33].                               tum. Rhizopus oryzae, R. stolonifer and R. nodosus - agents
                               Bacteria species                         of zygomycosis were also isolated. Also keratinophylic
Staphylococcus aureus* [13]            R. typhi                         fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes causing dermatophy-
S. haemolitycus                        R. quintana                      tosis in farm workers was isolated from the poultry house
S. epidermidis*[13]                    Coxiella burnetii                air. The presence of opportunistic pathogens of the genus
Streptococcus pyogenes                 Escherichia coli* [13, 29, 32]
                                                                        Aspergillus increases the risk of invasive aspergillosis in
                                                                        farm workers [9]. The air quality in some Swiss, Danish,
S. pneumoniae                          Shigella sonnei
                                                                        German and Spanish farming objects has been described by
S. faecalis* [13]                      S. dysenteriae
                                                                        Radon. According to that author, in Switzerland the total
Haemophilus influenzae                 Citrobacter sp.* [13]            number of fungi in poultry houses ranged from 2.0 ×107 to
Pasteurella pneumotrica                Salmonella typhi                 1.1 ×109 cfu/m3; whereas the number of bacteria was high-
P. multocida                           S. paratyphi                     er and ranged within 4.7 ×109 to 4.2 ×1010 cfu/m3 [14]. Air
Legionella pneumophila                 S. typhimurium                   quality of Australian poultry buildings has been described
Mycobacterium tuberculosis             S. enteritidis                   by Agranovski et al. Their study showed the concentrations
M. bovis                               S. hirschfeldii                  of bacteria ranged from 1.12 ×105 - 6.38 ×106 cfu/m3.
M. pneumoniae                          Klebsiella pneumoniae* [29]
                                                                        Approximately 85% of bacteria were Gram positive species
                                                                        and no thermophilic actinomycetes were detected.
M. urealitycum                         E. aerogenes
                                                                        Concentrations of airborne fungi ranged from 4.4 ×103 - 6.2
Bordetella pertussis                   E. cloacae
                                                                        ×105 cfu/m3. Only the following genera were recorded:
Franciscella tularensis                Proteus mirabilis                Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Scopulariopsis,
Corynebacterium diphteriae             P. vulgaris                      Fusarium, Epicoccum, Mucor, Trichophyton, Alternaria,
Pseudomonas sp.* [13, 29]              Proteus sp.* [13]                Ulocladium, Basidiospores, Acremonium, Aureobasidium,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa                 Morganella morgani               Drechslera, Pithomyces, Crysosporium, Geomyces and
Borellia reccurentis                   Yersinia enterocolitica          Rhizomucor [28]. Progress in diagnostic testing, especially
B. burgdorferi                         Y. pestis                        in mycology, gives a chance for real health risk assessment
Treponema pallidum                     Campylobacter jejuni             because the application of molecular methods, such as
                                                                        PCR, offers a rapid route of diagnosis with increased sensi-
Neisseria meningitidis                 C. coli
                                                                        tivity and specificity [35, 36].
N. gonorrhoae                          Bacillus anthracis* [13]
                                                                             A few authors have assessed the content of air pollution
Chlamydia psittaci                     B. cereus* [13]
                                                                        on poultry farms with regard to poultry age and productiv-
C. trachomatis                         Clostridium tetani               ity [29-31]. For example, Vucemilo et al. have found the
Rickettsia provazekii                  C. perfringens                   concentration of airborne microorganisms in a poultry
                                Fungi species                           house to rise with poultry age. The highest bacterial con-
Absidia                                C. quilliermondii                centrations of 6.40 ×106 cfu/m3 in the air was found in five-
Mucor* [27, 28]                        C. humicola                      week-old chickens. Microbial air contamination increases
Rhizopus* [9, 27, 28]                  Cryptococcus neoformans          simultaneously with a fattening period. During the first fat-
Aspergillus sp.* [9, 14, 29]           Rhodotorula rubra
                                                                        tening week concentration of bacteria was 2,998.3 cfu/m3
                                                                        with dominating species such as Serratia ficaria, S. odor-
A. fumigatus                           Histoplasma capsulatum
                                                                        ifera, S. plymuthica, S. amarescens, Pseudomonas sp.,
A. flavus                              Blastomyces brasiliensis
                                                                        Pantoea sp. and Microccocus sp. Concentrations of fungi
A. niger* [27]                         B. dermatidis                    was 98.0 cfu/m3 with dominating yeasts and Mucor sp.
Penicillium* [9, 27, 28]               Sporotrichum schenckii           During the fifth fattening week they were 5,401.3 cfu/m3
Scopulariopsis* [28]                   Geotrichum candidum              and 300.5 cfu/m3 for bacteria (dominating species: E. coli,
Candida albicans                       Microsporum canis                Pantoea sp., Serratia plymuthic and S. amarescens) and
C. glabrata                            M. gypseum                       yeasts, respectively [30].
C. famata                              Trichophyton sp.* [28]
C. tropicalis                          T. mentagrophytes [9]
C. psedotropicalis                     T. rubrum
C. krusei                              T. terrestre
                                                                            Poultry production methods have moved towards
C. pulcherrima                         T. tonsurans
                                                                        industrial large-scale production and studies have demon-
C. pseudotropicalis                    T. violaceum                     strated that poultry workers are greatly exposed to
C. inconspicua                         T. ajjeloi                       bioaerosol. Farm workers and animals can be exposed to
C. quilliermondii                      T. schoenleinii                  large quantities of dust microorganisms (bacteria and
C. humicola                            Alternaria* [27, 28]             fungi) and parasites, which form a potential risk for dis-
C. inconspicua                         Cladosporium* [27, 28]           eases, mostly due to their immunomodulatory action.
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18                                                                                                              Lonc E., Plewa K.

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