Messenger thethe - Grand Crowne Resorts

Page created by Bradley Hampton
Messenger thethe - Grand Crowne Resorts
                                                                                                                  Winter 2020

                                MANAGER’S MESSAGE
                                Dear Owners,
                                2020 has been an inconceivable, uncharted year. We are still learning
                                to live with the new norm during this unpredictable time. As we are
                                approaching our Annual Owners’ Meetings to be held in March, we
                                would like to share with you what we have been working on, including
                                some surprises we may have for you in 2021. Our dedicated staff has
RESERVATIONS &                  been working very hard to make your resort and an Owners’ Week for
EXCHANGES                       2021 very special!
Weeks Owners:
866-219-7873 ext. 1                                 While the weather outside was amiable, your resort teams were busy
Points Owners/All Others:                           focusing on exterior projects. In late summer all three properties, Grand
877-778-7739                                        Crowne, Carriage Place and the Surrey Townhouses were renewed with a                               new appearance with the completion of the paving, sealing and striping of
                                                    the parking areas throughout the properties.
                                                  Additionally, at Grand Crowne and Carriage Place the stairways received
                                                  needed attention. Broken concrete steps were replaced, railings and
ACCOUNTING SERVICES                               landings were repaired, and all the rusted and rotted metal was removed
For maintenance fee and
assessment billing questions:
                                and replaced with new material. The I-Beams on the Building 1 catwalk bridges were
866-219-7873 ext. 7             completely repaired and the underlying garden level stucco columns were resurfaced.      Simultaneously, the Surrey Townhouses received deck and dormer repairs, siding repairs,
MAINTENANCE FEES                some landscaping enhancements, and all the buildings were power washed.
To make payments:
866-219-7873 ext. 2
                                During the past few months, your Associations also acquired some useful equipment. A
                                new commercial washer and dryer set for the Grand Crowne laundry area was installed to
Pay online at
                                help with the cost of sending items out to a third-party vendor; a new 60+ foot scissor-lift
com/pay                         was purchased at Carriage Place in order to do building repairs and maintenance at extreme
                                heights; and each Townhouse received a new in-unit vacuum cleaner in response to various
SERVICES                        owner and guest requests over the years. Plus, all three properties received new golf carts.
Front Desk:
                                Meanwhile, with the Boards’ approval and your support, we are so excited to have started         working on the interior refurbishment of Building B at Carriage Place. With the projected
                                completion in 2021, Building B will be the last of the four buildings to be completed at
Owner Services:
855-241-8157                    Carriage Place. Lastly, Grand Crowne’s Building 12 will be the fourth of the six buildings to         be renovated and we cannot express how proud we are of these milestones. We are pleased to
OWNER SERVICES                  have completed all the refurbishments of the Townhouses as of 2019.
                                                                                                                continued on pg 2

DEPARTMENT                                             Surrey Grand Crowne Resort Owners Association Inc.,
800-899-9381                                                       Surrey Phase IV Owners Association Inc.,               & Surrey Condominiums Association Inc. are professionally managed by
Messenger thethe - Grand Crowne Resorts
As autumn arrived, your teams decorated your resorts with displays of friendly scarecrows, haybales,
    pumpkins and warm colored mums. Now, as we transition from fall into winter with the sights and
    sounds of Christmas the properties are adorned with twinkling lights, decorated trees with a variety
    of colors, plus a few new items to enhance your properties this delightful holiday season!
    We hope 2021 will be a much better year for all. We wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous
    holiday. May peace be with you and your family. We look forward to seeing you soon.
    Smith Toussaint, General Manager

    Dear Fellow Townhome Owners,                                        providing a property you, as Owners, can be proud of.
    The new year is approaching quickly, and we are saying              In closing, I would like to take a moment to recognize our
    goodbye to a long challenging year. As we look back at what         previous Board President and Vice President, Barb and Jerry
    we have accomplished at your Townhouses over the years, we          Eggert. They dedicated many years for a better tomorrow for
    are pleased to have made some major improvements and we             the Townhouses. We would like to say “thank you” to them
    will continue to do so.                                             for their dedication. They will be missed.
    We have made a lot of progress, but we are not done. Our            Sincerest regards,
    plan for 2021 is to focus on curb appeal by enhancing the           Bill Young
    outsides of the buildings and embellishing the landscaping.         Townhouse Board of Directors
    We look forward to the opportunities the future brings in           Surrey Condominium Association

    Welcome Everyone,                                                   construction of the fence. We truly had a great time working
    As president of the Carriage Place Board of Directors, it           alongside several of the employees
    is my pleasure to announce several updates and report on            and getting a good work out as
    the new things that have happened at Carriage Place this            well. Thanks to management for
    summer and fall. First of all, I would like to say a special        allowing us to help out when we
    thank you to management for the fantastic job they have             can.
    done by making it possible for owners to come and enjoy             The stairways in all of the
    the resort and feel comfortable in doing so during this             buildings at Carriage Place have
    pandemic. They have done a tremendous job making sure               been repaired. All the rusted
    the rooms are sanitized and clean and that each employee            metal has been replaced giving the
    follows all the COVID-19 rules and regulations that were set        buildings a much-needed clean
    in place. It has been a great responsibility and they have met      and safe look. A great deal of attention is now being focused
    the challenge. During my stay in September for our board            on building B which needs updating. Management is doing
    meetings, I witnessed the great job each of the employees at        a great job in making sure that your Carriage Place Resort
    Carriage Place is doing. Thank you!                                 continues to be a place where owners and guests are happy
    Several new and exciting purchases have taken place. Carriage       to spend their vacation each and every year.
    Place purchased a new Niftylift which will save a tremendous        Please make sure that your proxy votes get sent in this year.
    amount of money for the resort. We can now do almost all            Your vote is more important than you can even imagine. As
    of the repairs needed to each of the buildings using our own        owners at the resort your vote gives you the power to make
    maintenance staff. The machine has the capability of lifting to     a difference. Each owner has the responsibility to have their
    the top of each of the buildings and can get into the area of the   voice heard.
    outdoor pool which we were not able to do in the past. It has a     Thank you all so much,
    reach capacity of 60 plus feet.                                     Steve Ruter, President
    Also, a new fence has been built around the entire area             “Carriage Place”
    which surrounds the playground. Board member, Peter                 Surrey Phase IV Owners Association
    Spitzley and I had the opportunity to help with the

Messenger thethe - Grand Crowne Resorts
Dear Fellow Grand Crowne Resort Owners,                               resort improvements as they are needed.
As we enjoy another beautiful fall season in Branson, I               Furthermore, we will continue to work with Capital Vacations
continue to hope for the good health of you and your                  and Sales to ensure that weeks will be sold based on accurate
families. Though challenges may still lie ahead as we navigate        information being shared with Owners. You and your
through this pandemic, I am confident in the steps we have            vacation satisfaction, as always, are our top priorities, and
taken to ensure that your vacation time is safe and at the level      working with Capital Vacations will help us maintain a high-
of quality you have come to expect.                                   quality experience for years to come.
I’m happy to share with you that we recently entered into a           Again, I want to thank you for adapting to our “new normal,”
Sales Agreement with Capital Vacations, a leading provider of         and for doing your part to keep yourself and your fellow
resort management and sales solutions for timeshare resorts           Owners safe and healthy. As we move through the last part of
across the United States and the Caribbean. This new sales            2020, I wish you all joy and prosperity and look forward to
agreement will be crucial to the sustainability of our resort, as     seeing you on vacation soon.
Capital Vacations will be able to produce more maintenance            Best regards,
fees than ever before using their innovative sales model. This        Bill Young, President
arrangement will allow our resort to count on an increase in          Surrey Grand Crowne Resort Owners Association
revenues when budgeting, thereby giving us more funds for

Owners join the GC Resorts family in many ways. John and              Ownership to your family members.
Susan Hancock are second generation Owners—they inherited             It’s an easy process and your family
their Ownership from Susan’s parents!                                 members will enjoy the flexibility to
John and Susan met through John’s sister and Susan’s college          travel.” Her parents have since passed,
friend, Janet. Janet had introduced John to many of her friends       but the love of Branson they shared
and John said, “enough is enough, I do not want to meet               with Susan and John and the gift of
any more of your friends.” So, Janet didn’t introduce him to          Ownership will be cherished forever.
Susan. When they finally met, John was mad that his sister            John and Susan look forward to
hadn’t introduced them sooner. As they say, the rest is history!      sharing Branson with their children
John and Susan now have 5 children and 13 grandchildren               and grandchildren in the future, too.
and celebrated 50 years of marriage in June of 2020. With             Susan learned how to maximize their usage from her mother.
restrictions on large gatherings still in place, friends and family   She recalls watching her mom carefully calculate their points
from across the country showered them with greeting cards to          so that they could stay as long as possible in Branson each year.
celebrate the milestone.                                              By traveling during the off-peak seasons and staying in one-
In the early 2000s, when Building 1 at Grand Crowne                   bedroom units, they stretch their points and can stay much
was under construction, Susan’s parents toured the resort.            longer. Like Susan’s parents, John and Susan have also shared
They were interested but told their salesman they would               their Ownership with friends and family. They love that they
not make the purchase because Grand Crowne was not                    can travel together to Branson and have connecting units, so
going to be pet friendly. After a short time, their salesman          they are close, but also have some privacy.
returned with approval to grant them one of the first pet             John’s favorite thing about visiting Branson is the scenery. The
friendly units at Grand Crowne. They continued to travel              rolling hills and beautiful views are a nice change from the
to Branson during the winter to escape the cold, snowy                landscape in northern Minnesota. They enjoy driving around
weather in northern Minnesota.                                        the countryside in the Branson area to take in the natural
Susan and John would sometimes visit her parents when they            beauty of the Ozark Mountains. They also enjoy SIX and the
were staying in Branson at Grand Crowne. That is when                 Hughes Brother’s shows, and they love eating at Danna’s BBQ
they fell in love with Branson and the idea of a winter retreat       and Burger Shop. Even more than the scenery and shows, John
like her parents. In 2017, the Owner Services team helped             and Susan love the people they have met at Grand Crowne.
Susan and John transfer her parent’s Ownership over to them.          From the staff to fellow Owners, everyone is always kind.
Susan advises fellow Owners, “don’t be afraid to transfer your        Thank you John and Susan for being part of the family!

                               The Surrey Condominium Owners’           recipes together.
                               Association would like to thank all      Larry’s professional experience will provide a new perspective to
                               of those Owners that responded           the Townhouses Board of Directors. Larry brings more than 37
                               to the recent solicitation for board     years of experience with the Missouri State Tax Commission.
                               members. It is with great pleasure       Larry’s career has taken him across the state of Missouri to work
                               that we introduce the newest             with county assessors to ensure the accuracy of assessments.
                               member of the Townhouse’s Board          While Larry says he could retire, he loves his job and enjoys the
                               of Directors, Larry Hixson. Many         work he is doing!
                               of you may recognize Larry and
                               his wife Barbara from previous           Prior to joining the Missouri State Tax Commission, Larry and
                               Owners’ Weeks, Grand 4th of July         Barbara owned a small weekly newspaper. They truly embodied
    celebrations, Monday Night Hospitality Parties, or have seen        the role of small business owners by writing nearly all the
    them around the resorts. They are always up to something fun        articles, taking the photos, selling advertisements, and preparing
    when they are in Branson!                                           the layout themselves. With a small team, they distributed more
                                                                        than 5,000 copies each week with 26 sales locations.
    Larry and Barbara live in Greenville, Missouri, approximately 3.5
    hours east of Branson. They have been married nearly 50 years       One of Larry’s favorite things about being a GC Resorts Owner
    and have one son, one daughter, and 6 grandchildren. Larry first    is the relationships he has built. Each time he and Barbara visit,
    visited Branson when he was young, and Silver Dollar City had       he says it feels like coming home to visit family. They have made
    just opened. It wasn’t until their son attended College of the      many new friends that they enjoy spending time with. Larry also
    Ozarks that Larry and Barbara began visiting more frequently.       finds that everyone, from fellow Owners to management and
    When they would visit their son, Barbara would cook and do his      staff, is happy and courteous.
    laundry and in exchange their son would get them tickets to see   When asked why Larry thought he would be a successful board
    the shows. In 1998, Larry and Barbara purchased their first GC    member, Larry responded that he had served on boards in
    Resorts timeshare and have loved it ever since.                   the past, he has extensive knowledge of property tax laws in
    Larry and Barbara try to visit Branson as much as they can. Their Missouri, and ultimately he wants to see the Association be the
    favorite shows are at the Grand Country Theatre. They are even    best it can be. In closing Larry said, “I am proud and humbled to
    season pass holders! They love eating at Big D’s and Branson      be appointed and plan to do the best job for my fellow Owners
    Center Stage, where Larry says they have the best prime rib in    and our Resort.”
    Branson! When they aren’t in Branson, Larry and Barbara enjoy     Please welcome Larry to the Townhouses Board of Directors!
    spending time with their grandchildren and cooking low-carb

    Based on the ever-changing status of the coronavirus pandemic and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
    your Boards of Directors have elected to keep Resort Activities and some Amenities closed to help protect the health and
    well-being of our Owners, guests and staff. We are carefully monitoring the conditions and following recommendations
    from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) to determine a
    re-opening time. The indoor pools, fitness centers, business centers and outdoor sports courts are open and available for your
    use with reduced occupancy to ensure social distancing. We are continuing to work behind the scenes to plan Owners’ Week
    2021 and are hopeful Activities will re-open in 2021. Be sure to sign-up to receive our monthly Owner E-Update and follow
    us on Facebook to keep up-to-date on new and exciting Activities when we open again!

                         We believe a warm smile and cheerful          have fun when they talk to each other.
                         welcome is the perfect start to your stay     One of Monique’s passions in life is music. She chooses the type
                         with us and this Employee Spotlight           of music she wants to listen to based on her mood and she enjoys
                         honoree embodies just that. Meet Monique      many types including Pop, Hip Hop, Reggae, Dance Hall and
                         Campbell, your Front Desk Supervisor.         R&B. Monique also enjoys dancing, too. For Monique, music is life.
                         Monique has been part of the GC
                         Resorts team for 2 years as part of the       Another source of joy and energy for Monique is the water. She
                         Grand Crowne front desk team. She has         loves any activities that involve being at the lakes. She also finds
                         welcomed many of our Owners and guests        that if she has something on her mind, she is drawn to the water
                         with unmatched hospitality and kindness.      to think. Her favorite place to relax is the Peninsula Lookout near
                                                                       Table Rock Dam. It is a beautiful place to park and enjoy the views
                             Monique grew up in Jamaica and moved      of Table Rock Lake. Monique also enjoys the Mizumoto Japanese
to Antigua and Barbuda when she was 7. When Monique was 19,            Stroll Garden in Springfield for its tranquil scenery and peaceful Koi
she moved to the United States to live in Illinois near her aunt. A    lake.
few years later she moved to Branson and has lived here for 8 years.
Monique has 1 older brother in Antigua, 2 siblings in Jamaica and 1    Monique also enjoys cooking at home. One of her favorite foods is
sister that also lives in Branson.                                     the Jamaican dish Stew Peas and Spinners. The comforting mix of
                                                                       red beans, coconut milk, thyme and other spices, and spinners is
Monique is engaged to get married to her boyfriend of two years.       served over rice and tastes like home.
Her fiancé, Kyle, lives in Jamaica and owns a car rental company.
Monique and Kyle planned to get married in 2020, but due to            When asked why she loves working at Grand Crowne, Monique
COVID-19, they were forced to postpone their wedding until             said, “I love working here because everyone makes me feel like
Spring 2021. They also have not been able to travel to see each        family.” During your next visit to Grand Crowne, be sure to say hi
other, so they spend a lot of time together on FaceTime. Monique       to Monique!
describes Kyle as very funny so even though they are far apart, they

       We are proud to announce that both Surrey Townhouses and Carriage Place have earned RCI Silver Crown Resort
                property designation for 2021! This designation reflects your staffs commitment to excellence.

Owner e-Update
Have you signed up to receive your monthly Owner e-Update? E-Update readers will be
the first to know details about Owners’ Week 2021, news from your Owners’ Associations,
special Branson events and more! We also invite you to forward the newsletter to your family
and friends to share what is happening at your Resorts and in Branson! Don’t miss out! Email
Owner Services at or call 417-332-8415 to sign up!
Be sure to Like us on Facebook: @surreyvacationresort @carriageplaceresort @
Follow us on Instagram: @surreyvacationresort @carriageplaceresort @grandcrowneresort

Schedule a call with your Owners’
                                                          Associations’ on-site Owner Services Team!
                                                              We will teach you how to avoid challenges and
                                                         frustrations and turn your vacation dreams into reality!
                                                             • What do you own?         • Use Year
                                                             • Making a reservation • Exchanges
                                                             • Banking & borrowing • Getaways
                                                             • Pending requests         • Travel benefits
                                                                         • NEW Points Portal
                                                                         Not a Sales Presentation!
          Due to social distancing guidelines, the in-person Timeshare Education Class has been
          temporarily suspended. We are committed to educating our Owners and will resume
            classes as soon as possible. Contact the Owner Services Team at 417-332-8415 or
               to schedule a virtual class.

    Who owns our Resorts?
    You do! There are approximately 18,000 individual deed holding Owners, just like you, that own your resorts. Your resorts are
    managed by your Owners’ Associations and your Board of Directors. Each Board of Directors is elected by active, deed holding
    Owners. Owners vote for the Board members by mailing in their Proxy each January or February or by voting at the Annual
    Meeting held the first Tuesday of March each year. It is very important that Owners return their proxy each year. Your vote counts!
    Why does the Owners’ Association sell deeds so cheap?
    Owners’ Associations’ budgets are comprised of incoming maintenance fees. The more owners paying maintenance fees, the
    lower each owners’ share of the budget! Owners’ Associations are not-for-profit – all money received goes back into the budget
    and back into your resorts, keeping downward pressure on your maintenance fees! Share these low prices with friends and
    family interested in enjoying vacationing as much as you!
    Is my resort financially strong?
    YES! In fact, your Owners’ Associations are very healthy, and money is set aside in reserve for future projects. There are no
    plans or needs for special assessments or significant increases in maintenance fees. Since 2011, the GC Resorts team has
    renovated three Grand Crowne buildings, three Carriage Place buildings and all of the units at the Townhouses and your
    maintenance fees have only increased by 10% or less. Your Owners’ Association Boards of Directors have also approved
    refurbishment projects for Carriage Place’s Building B and Grand Crowne’s Building 12. Don’t listen to the naysayers, listen to
    your Owners’ Association. Your resort is on solid ground!
    Why would I choose GC Resorts when I can only stay in Branson? Other timeshare companies have multiple resorts I
    can travel to for no exchange fee!
    It all comes down to what makes sense financially. Consider the difference not only in the annual maintenance fees, but the
    initial purchase price as well. Over the next 10 years, how many times are you going to exchange to travel somewhere other
    than Branson? How many $209 exchange fees can you get out of the extra money you will be paying in annual or monthly
    maintenance fees and initial purchase? They make it sound like you are not paying exchange fees, but take a closer look. Most
    likely, those costs are built into their annual or monthly maintenance fees and inflated purchase price. With a GC Resorts
    ownership, you only pay the $209 exchange fee when you exchange somewhere other than Branson, and they can’t beat our
    purchase prices!
    Grand Crowne, Carriage Place and the Townhouses belong to the individual deed-holding Owners. As an Owner, you should
    know best what is happening at your Resorts. Read your Newsletters and eUpdates, attend the Annual Meeting, and visit the
    Owner Services team when you are in Branson. Your Owners’ Associations strive to provide you with everything you need to
    be a confident, informed Owner. Before you allow another company to use scare tactics to trick you out of your GC Resorts
    Ownership, get informed!
    Your best resource for information regarding your timeshare is contacting your Owners’ Association directly for the facts. Please
    call Owner Services at 417-332-8415 or email with any questions you may have!
What an exciting time it is in Branson right now! Over the past 6 months, we have seen new attractions and restaurants
opening around the area and plans for new shows in 2021 are laid. Here are just a few must-see items to add to your next
Branson vacation:
You can’t miss one of Branson’s biggest new attractions as you drive along the Highway 76 “Strip!” The engineering and
design masterpiece, WonderWorks opened in June, inviting visitors to experience more than 100 hands-on exhibits that will
challenge your mind and spark your imagination. WonderWorks is an “amusement park for the mind” and promises fun for
the whole family!
Additionally, the Aquarium at the Boardwalk began welcoming visitors in November. Construction of the large octopus
sculpture began at the beginning of October and world-renowned Trompe L’oeil artist, John Pugh, started painting a
beautiful mural on the northwest corner of the building. One thing is for sure, WonderWorks and the Aquarium at the
Boardwalk will be must-see attractions for many years to come in Branson!
2020 marked Silver Dollar City’s 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee. What better way to celebrate than with an all new
area of the park called Rivertown, featuring the new Mystic River Falls water raft ride! This new attraction features the
tallest drop on a water raft ride in the Western Hemisphere, as it takes guests along nearly half a mile of roaring rapids set
in an authentic Ozarks mountain theme. Rivertown is also home to the new Rivertown Smokehouse and Dockside Grill as
well as Clara Belle’s Cinnamon Bread. Yum!
Speaking of food, Branson is at it again with new celebrity-chef dining experiences. Guy Fieri’s Kitchen + Bar joined Paula
Deen’s Family Kitchen and Jimmy Buffet’s LandShark Bar & Grill at the Branson Landing. Guy Fieri’s brings the flavor
with his famous Trashcan Nachos and Bacon Mac n’ Cheeseburger. You can’t go wrong at any of the fun new restaurants at
the Branson Landing!
Some of the biggest stars in golf, including Tiger Woods, visited Branson this fall for the official opening of Payne’s Valley,
the first public-access course in the U.S. designed by Tiger Woods’ TGR Design group. To commemorate the opening,
Tiger Woods and Justin Thomas played against Rory McIllroy and Justin Rose in the charitable Payne Valley Cup. Golf
legends Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player were on hand to help dedicate the new golf course. Golfers will find mountain and
valley layouts that offer a variety of playing experiences suited for every level of play. With 10 beautiful courses in the area,
Branson is home to some of the best golf in the Midwest!
As we look ahead to 2021, one of the most anticipated show openings is Jesus at Sight and Sound Theatre. From the
bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, Jesus will be an action-packed musical adventure for the whole
family! The greatest rescue story of all time will come to life on stage at the Sight and Sound Theatre with exciting special
effects, massive sets, and live animals!
With so many new shows, attractions, and dining experiences in Branson, there is only one thing for you to do. Start
planning your next visit! We look forward to seeing all of our Owners in Branson in 2021!
Tickets to your favorite shows and attractions are now available at the Carriage Place Activities Center! Stop by Monday
through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the lower level of Building I, or call 417-690-9624!

When the time is right, and your friends and family are ready for a vacation to Branson, we encourage you to share your
Friends & Family Discount with everyone you know. The Friends & Family Discount offers 25% off the standard rental rate
to all friends and family of GC Resorts.
Tell your friends and family to go to and use the promo code DEAL to save 25% off!
* Bookings can only be made online at utilizing the promo code DEAL and some blackout dates
may apply. Offer is based on availability and may not be available on all room types; rates may be higher during holiday/event
periods and weekends. May not be combined with other offers and promotions and is subject to change without notice. Minimum
night stay may be required.
Plus help your friends and family save even more on their Branson vacations!
If your friends and family are like us, they also enjoy saving money on vacation while staying in luxurious condominium
accommodations. The Activities Center at Carriage Place offers discounted tickets to many of Branson’s shows and
attractions. We can also show your friends and family how they can save on future vacations! Call 417-332-8415 for details.
    In an abundance of caution and concern for the health and safety of our Owners, your Boards of Directors have made the
    difficult decision to postpone Owners’ Week 2021 due to continued increases in Covid-19 cases. Like many of you, Owners’
    Week is our favorite week of the year and we look forward to the opportunity to spend time together having fun. We are
    disappointed that we will have to wait a little longer to see you all again but we are
    hopeful that we will be able to gather later in 2021 for another fun-filled Owners’ Week.
    We are confident you will enjoy the exciting “Imagination Travel” plans that the GC
    Resorts Team has been working on. Remember to please send in your proxy because we
    need and want your support!
    At this time, the Annual Meeting is still scheduled for March 2, 2021 and will be held virtually. Your Proxy is your official
    notice of the Annual Meeting and will contain the specific date and time for your Association meeting and directions about
    attending the Annual Meetings virtually. Please keep a look out for your Proxy to arrive in your mailbox in January or
    February. If you have any questions, please contact Owner Services at 417-332-8415 or email

    Your Owners’ Associations continuously look for ways to simplify usage while keeping your owner
    information secure. You will notice a secure login is now required to access the Owners Corner.
            • Go to
            • Choose your resort
            • Click Owners, Login
    The Member Login will ask for your Owner ID, which can be found on your maintenance fee bill
    or proxy mailing, and your mailing Zip Code. Please contact Owner Services at 417-332-8415 or to verify either.
    Lots of very helpful information can be found in the Owners Corner such as: your Association’s
    governing documents, budget, meeting minutes, FAQ’s, The Messenger newsletters, an owner
    handbook, a form to contact your Board of Directors, change your address, reservation request
    information, and even pay your maintenance fees, as well as much, much more.
    So, if you haven’t been on the website lately, check it out today! Go to

        As timeshare owners, you are constantly targeted by “Relief and Rescue” companies
        and other solicitors making promises to reduce or eliminate maintenance fees,
        assist members in exiting their timeshare ownership, etc. Understand that these
        companies are most likely not legitimate, are not representing your Owners’
        Associations, but they are soliciting you to pay them money.
        Remember that your Owners’ Association will contact you by mail with the Maintenance
        Fee Billing in October or November, the Proxy Mailing in January or February and The Messenger
        Newsletter in Spring and Fall, and all will have the official GC Resorts and Trading Places logos, displayed below.
        Your Owners’ Association will not call you and invite you to dinner or other outings with information about your timeshare.
        Those phone calls should be red flags for Owners. The only unsolicited phone call you will receive from your Owners’
        Association will be to encourage you to fill out your Proxy.
        Your best resource for options regarding your timeshare is contacting your Owners’ Association directly for the facts. Please
        call Owner Services at 417-332-8415 or email with questions or to check the validity of any
        claims or offers regarding your GC Resorts Ownership.
        Look for these logos on all official correspondence from your Owners’ Association:

We are here for you and your family!
We answer questions from Owners all the time about misinformation
their children hear regarding timeshare. Your Owners’ Associations are
here to help you and your family navigate the future of your Vacation
“My children are afraid they are going to get stuck with my
 timeshare, and they want me to get rid of it. What should I do?”
Your timeshare belongs to the Owners that are listed on the recorded deed. Most Owners purchased their timeshare
with the hopes to pass it along to their kids, or heirs. However, contrary to scare tactics used by companies that prey
on timeshare owners, they are not responsible for your timeshare if they don’t want to enjoy it.
Your Owners’ Associations have established a Keep it in the Family Program to help your children truly understand
and appreciate the gift of Vacation Ownership. We invite Owners to schedule a personal Owner and Family
Workshop over the phone, to teach your family about what you own and how to use it, by contacting Owner Services
at 417-332-8415.
If your children plan to travel, we can show them that your timeshare is a great value. For prices similar to your
low maintenance fee and an exchange fee, you cannot rent condos on your own in places like Destin, Las Vegas,
Miami Beach, Scottsdale, Atlantic City, Orlando, and many more! Your timeshare is paid for, all they have to pay is
maintenance fees to benefit from your gift of travel!
Your Owners’ Associations are the best place to start gathering information regarding options available to you and
your children. Contact Owner Services at 417-332-8415 or

                                          Owner Services
                Your Owner Services Team, operated by your Owners’ Associations,
                                        is at-your-service offering:
                    • Ownership Tutorials • Timeshare Owner Services
                                        • And much more!
      We encourage you to call or visit your Owner Services team for all of your Ownership needs!

                         We are now available at two convenient locations:
                      At Grand Crowne                             At Carriage Place in the
               on the lower level of Building 6,               Carriage Place Activities Center
                    or call 417-332-8415!                            or call 417-332-8415!
                           Your Owner Services team at Carriage Place also offers:
                     •    Branson Information        • Discounted Show Tickets

     Branson to help
                Your Owner Services Team always has exciting special discounts
                     you save money on your vacations! We can’t wait to share the
     Breaks   new and exciting Branson Breaks specials we have created for 2021!
                              Call Owner Services for details!

     We are always looking to add diversity to our Boards of Directors. Can you bring something new and fresh to the table? Does
     your background provide perspective that might benefit the Board? Will your strengths make the Board stronger as a whole?
     Serving on the Board of Directors is your opportunity to make an impact on the future of Grand Crowne, Surrey Phase IV,
     and Surrey Condominiums by becoming involved in the decision-making process. (You must be a member of the association
     in good standing to submit your nomination.)
     If you have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact or send your
     request and contact information to the address below. We will be happy to send you the form and consider your nomination
     for our next election. Thank you!
     US Mail: Trading Places International
              Attn: DRO Admin
              25510 Commercentre Drive, Suite 100
              Lake Forest, CA 92630

                            Helpful Hints from your Owner Services Team
         Your Owner Services Team now has two convenient locations to serve you during your visit to Branson! Owners
         can meet with the Owner Services Team at Grand Crowne on the lower level of Building 6, just stop by the Front
         Desk for directions or call to make an appointment. We are now also available at Carriage Place, on the lower
         level of Building I in the Surrey/Carriage Place Activities Center. The Owner Services Team is available Monday
         through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to answer your questions and help you maximize your Ownership! You can also
         call 417-332-8415 or email
         Get ready to plan your 2021 vacation! Make sure you prepay your 2021 maintenance fees if you plan to utilize
         some or all of your 2021 points to avoid delays or issues in confirming your preferred vacation request. Just call
         1-866-219-7873 ext. 7.
         When making reservations at 1-877-778-7739, always verify your email address to ensure you receive your
         confirmation. If you don’t receive your confirmation via email after 48 hours, call 1-877-778-7739 to check on the
         reservation and request they resend your confirmation.
         Did you miss the banking deadline and forget to bank your 2020 points? Don’t fret, email Owner Services
         at to see if there is anything we can do! You may qualify for a one-time courtesy
         banking. You’ve paid for your vacation; we want you to use it! It’s important to know your Use Year and Banking
         Deadline – Points Owners call 1-877-778-7739 ext. 1. Then, mark it on your calendar and hang it on your
         refrigerator! (Weeks Owners – if you need to know more on how to use your ownership, or would like a brush-
         up, call 1-866-219-7873 ext. 1). We are at-your-service!
                                Use Year                              Banking Deadline
                                January 1 – December 31               August 31
                                February 1 – January 31               September 30
                                March 1 – February 28                 October 31
                                April 1 – March 31                    November 30
                                May 1 – April 30                      December 31
                                June 1 – May 31                       January 31
                                July 1 – June 30                      February 28
                                August 1 – July 31                    March 31
                                September 1 – August 31               April 30
                                October 1 – September 30              May 31
                                November 1 – October 31               June 30
                                December 1 – November 30              July 31

  • Banking reminders and points expiration notices now include your point balances! This means you will not need to call
    or go online to the Points Portal to see how many points you have available.
  • The Points Portal will soon allow biennial members to bank their points online. The new release is expected by the end
    of 2020! (Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there may be a delay in the release of updates to the Points Portal features.)
  • You are now permitted to use your points past their expiration date for Interval International exchanges so long as you
    book the confirmation prior to the points expiring!

Great news for Points Owners! All owners can now view their point balances, view historical information on transactions,
and update member online profile information through Grand Crowne’s new online Portal! To access:
  • go to
  • choose your resort (Grand Crowne, Carriage Place or The Townhouses)
  • choose owners, then log in, to log into the Owners Corner with your Owner
    Number (Owner ID) and Zip Code
  • scroll down and click on the Points Portal box located on the Recent Activity Page
  • OR click Owner Tools
  • click Reservation Request
  • then use the Click Here link to go to the Points Portal OR click on the Points Portal box.
Owners be prepared to register by providing your contract number, first and last name of owner and a valid email address to
create a Login ID (6-30 characters, no spaces) and password. If you don’t know your contract number, please call or email
the Information Center at 417-332-8415, or the Reservation Center at 1-877-778-7739, Each owner on a contract will be permitted one Login ID.
If you have an annual contract, you can also bank your points into the following year online, provided you are not past
your banking deadline. If you have a biennial contract, you cannot bank your points online at this time, please contact the
Reservation Center by phone or email. (It’s very important to know your use year and banking deadline – you don’t want to
lose your points!)

                                                                                                                                    US POSTAGE
                                                                                                                                     PERMIT 58
25510 Commercentre Drive, Suite 100                                                                                                 HYANNIS, MA
      Lake Forest, CA 92630

Write to board members c/o TPI at the above address.

Front Desk: 417-332-8330

          KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON                                                           Want the latest news on
             GRAND CROWNE RESORTS!                                                                 your resort & association?
                                                                                                We Need Your E-Mail Address!
                                                                                           For timely communication and in order to save
                                             Carriage              G rand
        Townhouses                                     Place           Crowne              our association substantial monies, the Board of
                                                                                           Directors will frequently communicate important
                                                                                           information via e-blasts.
                                                                                           It is important for us to have your most current
   Townhouses                        Carriage Place             Grand Crowne               e-mail address, which can be updated at
   President                         President   Place             G
   William Young                     Steven Ruter               William Young
                                                                                           We will keep you up-to-date with important
   The President/Secretary
      Townhouses                     Vice President/Secretary   Vice President/Secretary   notices, special offers, and general communication
   Larry Hixson                      Peter Spitzley             Tobey Bennett
                                                                                           from your board. We do not give or sell your
   Treasurer                         Treasurer                  Treasurer                  information to any third party.
   Joseph Sebestyen                  William Young              Bonnie Nannen

                   Board Email:

   LOG ON…
   to for information on
   upcoming events, happenings in and around the resort, and
   owners-only information regarding maintenance fee payments
   and scheduled board and association meetings.
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