Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College

Page created by Lucille Lopez
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                            22 February 2019

Message from the Principal
Kia ora koutou and welcome to         about having fun but are also        How about this for a great
our second pānui for Term 1.          about opportunities to build         start?
                                      resilience, supporting others,       Numeracy and Literacy are
House Spirit gets underway            challenging yourself to try          necessary components of a level
The Festival of Athletics and         something     new     and     an     one NCEA attainment. This year
Swimming Carnival (next week)         opportunity to learn outside of      our     students    gained   the
are two fabulous examples of          the classroom. There are plenty      following results at NCEA Level 1
house spirit. This year saw our       more house spirit activities to      - Literacy 89.3% and Numeracy
entire school down at the             come, so make sure you support       93.2%. These results provide a
Domain for athletics. I travelled     your house to be the best that it    great foundation for our
by bus with the last of the           can be!                              students’ onward journey to
students to make their way to                                              Level 2.
the Domain last Thursday and it       Wheels on the Bus
was quite the sight to see a          I am pleased to report there has     The new blouse is put to the
grandstand filled with colleagues     been an improvement in the           test
and students dressed in house         reliability of the bus service but   I am pleased to report that the
colours. Thank you to the             it has certainly taken a while to    uptake of the new blouse has
parents who came down to visit        get there. As last reported, any     been a resounding success. I
and to all the students and my        new system will have some            have spoken to many students
colleagues for making the day         teething problems and we have        about the new blouse when
such a successful one. Special        endeavoured to work with each        compared to the former polo.
thanks to Ms Marinner and our         of the bus companies to              They have all mentioned how
Deputy Head Girl, Sport and           highlight some issues. Some bus      comfortable it is to wear, cool in
House       Spirit      for   their   timetables are still changing and    summer, looks smart and feels
organisation and enthusiasm.          we continue to update the girls      good. The quality of these
House points are allocated for        as soon as we hear about them.       blouses means they will last
participation, competition events     This has been less than ideal and    longer, keep their shape and
and for attendance. That means        I thank the girls and their          look cleaner. The blouse will be a
everyone can get behind their         families for what has certainly      compulsory item in 2020. No
house and support each other on       been a challenging time for us       new polos will be ordered once
this school day. It is important to   all.                                 stock runs out. NZ Uniforms are
note that these days are not only                                          stockists of our new TGC blouse.
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                         22 February 2019

The voice of a leader               space!                              and safe around schools. Parents
The voice of our Head Girl,                                             please ensure you pick up and
Maioha is a pleasure to hear        New Reporting Format                drop off your daughter in
when you call Tauranga Girls’       A new reporting format will be      designated areas. Cameron Road
College. Along with a lovely        trialled this year. Learning        is always busy, so patience is
phone voice, Maioha is a            Behaviours will be reported on      necessary as is using the
talented, dedicated, community      more frequently and therefore       pedestrian       crossing.   We
minded and proud TGC student        give both students and parents      appreciate everyone modelling
who continues to get to know a      indicators of progress.There will   respect for the road rules.
great number of students            be more about this report in our
outside of her year group.          next newsletter.
Maioha will introduce herself
and other members of her            Safety First
student leadership team at the      A reminder to parents and           Tara Kanji
next newsletter, so watch this      students of being road smart        Princpal

                                  Festival of Athletics

On 18 February, all cohorts from Tauranga Girls’ College headed to
the Tauranga Domain for an action packed day of Athletics. This
year we had a new format where traditional athletics and festival
events were combined into one school wide event, modelling the
values          of          pride,          participation        and
respect, with something for everyone to enjoy. The day was filled
with a range of festival activities which included waterblast round-
ers, balloon blast and livewire, while also having traditional ath-
letic events such as 100m sprint, javelin and triple jump. Through-
out the day, house spirit was continuously shown with a mix of
chants, Mexican waves and fiery cheering for their friends and
house members. The event provided an opportunity for everyone
to take part (even the teachers!) as well as being exposed to the
talented girls among us.
Athletics Day 2019 was a great success and can be an event for all
to look forwards to in years to come.

Abbie Mortimer Deputy Head Girl, Sport
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                           22 February 2019

         Te Ara Ako (Learning Conversations) Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11
                          Thursday 21 March 8.00am to 5.00pm
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to book an appointment to meet with their daughter’s whanau/
tutor teacher. Appointments will run for 15 minutes. Normal classes will not run on this day and Year 9,
10 and 11 students only attend school for their meeting. There will be tutorials running which Year 12
and Year 13 students will be able to opt into.
Interview bookings can be made after progress records have been sent out, from 08 March through
the school interviews website ( The access code is sevsq
Alternatively, you can call the office to book an appointment from Monday 11 March

     Elicit Dream Academy Day
                                                                          2019 Triennial
                                                                         Board of Trustees
                                                      Every three years state and state integrated school
                                                      communities elect their parent and staff trustees to
                                                      help govern their schools. The next election is due this
                                                      year and the Tauranga Girls’ College election date has
                                                      been set as Friday 07 June 2019

                                                      NZSTA would like to encourage parent and whanau
                                                      participation on school boards and will be rolling out
                                                      the Korari Programme for anyone interested in finding
                                                      out about standing for the school board elections.
Tauranga Girls' College was privileged to welcome     More details can be downloaded from our website
                                                      under Board of Trustees and the NZSTA website.
to our kura Annette Presley, recipient of the New
Zealand Order of Merit and founder of the Elicit
Dream Catching Academy. Our Year 9 students
heard inspiring messages about "dreaming big",                 1957-1959 Alumni Event
"working hard" and "never giving up". The Dream       Do you have a family member, or community con-
Boards they created as a result are very special      tact who attended Tauranga Girls' College in the
and we hope they share them with their whānau."       years 1957-1959? If so, we would love to hear
                                                      from them. We are hosting a morning tea for
                                                      these alumni (prepared by the current students),
                                                      to be followed by a tour of the college.
                                                      When: Late March 2019
                                                      For information and to provide details of others
                                                      who may wish to join us, please email
                                             before 08 March.
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                        22 February 2019

Introducing the 2019 Learning Support Team
2019 heralds a new season for learning support at Tauranga Girls’ College. The establish-
ment of a full-time “Inclusive Learning Leader” position has given greater capacity to meet
a wider range of learning needs across the college. The Learning Hub has also relocated to
C Block, ensuring close proximity to the Health Centre, Deans, Careers, Guidance & school
counsellors. The centre provides oversight and co-ordinates programmes for high-needs
students, along with ‘Fast-Track’ numeracy & ‘English Support’ literacy classes, correspond-
ence and Northern Health School students. Flexibility in the delivery of their programme is
an essential ingredient for their academic success. Our department has a skilled and talent-
ed team, committed to the success of students at TGC – let’s introduce them to you….

Karen Gilby (Leader of Inclusive Learning): Karen    to run the English Support and Flexi-Learn pro-
joined the department in Term 3, 2018 after 5 ½      grammes.
years of leading Learning Support at Bethlehem       Corinne Little (ILA): Corrine has worked at TGC as
College.                                             an Inclusive Learning Assistant (ILA) for the past
Adi Sutherland (0.4 FTE ORS Specialist teacher):     four years and her focus is on helping students
Adi has recently joined the team after being an      achieve NCEA Level 1 Literacy & Numeracy.
Acting Special Needs Education Co-ordinator and      Robyn Dixon (ILA): Robyn has worked at TGC for
ORS Specialist teacher at Papamoa College.           six years as an ILA, and has experience in working
Judith Somerville & May Tran (Fast-track Mathe-      with students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
matics): Judith heads up the ‘Fast-track Maths’      (ASD).
programme supported by May Tran, who has re-         Maree Cohen (ILA): Maree is a primary-trained
cently transferred to TGC from Tauranga Primary      teacher, who has been working overseas as an ILA
School.                                              in special needs education in middle school. She’s
Verna Morris (English Support): Verna is part of     recently returned to NZ and is in the process of re-
the international languages department at TGC,       registering as a primary teacher, along with work-
but she also joins the Learning Support department   ing at the college.
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                                    22 February 2019

Cindy Lawrence (ILA): Cindy is also a trained Food              Natalie Dawson (ILA): Natalie has just moved to
& Textiles Technology teacher, with teaching expe-              the Bay of Plenty with her family from Taupo,
rience in both NZ and overseas schools – including              where she gained NCEA Level 3 last year at Taupo-
Germany & Ghana.                                                nui-a-tia College. She’s a keen horse rider and also
                                                                loves art, photography, music & taking her two
Carol Hitchcock (ILA): Carol began work at TGC in
                                                                dogs for a run on the beach.
Term 4 last year and has been helping a student
with epilepsy. She has experience in nurse-aiding               Cindy Welch (ILA): Cindy and her family immigrat-
and has also been a teacher’s aide at St. Mary’s                ed to NZ from South Africa two years ago. She has
school in Tauranga.                                             a heart for students with special needs and is
                                                                trained in early childhood/primary education.

                Welcome - Sue Ferguson                                             Welcome BBQ for Year
                                                                                    9 and their Whānau
 Kia ora te whanau o te kura o nga tamawahine o Tauranga Moana.                   A huge thanks to all our families
                                                                                  who were able to attend the
                                          I am humbled to be the reliev-          Year 9 BBQ and picnic held at
                                          ing counsellor in 2019 whilst           the school pool. It was a lovely
                                          Chantal Stopford is on study            evening meeting everyone and
                                          leave. I am an Aussie born kiwi         hearing feedback around our
                                          who has never left school. I am         start of year programme where
                                          a member of the NZ Associa-             we     have     been     building
                                          tion of Counsellors, who prac-           whanaungatanga, a sense of
                                          tices narrative, strength based         connection and belonging with
                                          and art therapies.                      our students and kura.

                                     My purpose in life is to walk
                                     alongside the development of
the world’s children so that they can be nurtured, understood and
to have lives free of abuse and harm. This purpose also allows chil-
dren to teach me so that I may continue to learn and be educated by
their knowledge. 40 years in Education in NZ, Australia, UK and Eu-
rope, across many genres, has allowed me to be immersed in di-
verse cultures which has helped me listen, develop compassion and
                                                                                  Our Head Girl, Maioha catching up
understand need. My experiences in many Bay of Plenty schools                     with a Year 9 student
over the past 17 years, as a counsellor and RTLB, has given me joy
and growth as a person.

My other loves are exploring the diversities of spirituality, travelling,
the arts, my husband plus watching Kiwi/Aussie sporting events!!! I
look forward to getting to know you and your whanau.

                Oranga ki nga tamariki…. Love to all children                     Year 13s and Year 9s chat together
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                        22 February 2019

    Coffee anyone?                               Tauranga Girls’ College Expo
                                                      - time to join up!
                                      On Wednesday 13 February students had the opportunity to show
                                      case many the activities available at TGC. Year 9 students came
                                      through the School Wide Participation Expo Period 4, picking up
                                      information and signing up to groups/sport/activities/committees
                                      and the rest of the school came through the Expo at lunch time.

Level 3 Hospitality students this
year have the opportunity to
complete a full Barista training
course in our newly renovated
café facility. Successful comple-
tion of the Unit Standards
offered as well as the practical
sessions will give students the
skills required to gain entry level
employment in the hospitality
industry as a barista or café as-

Training is provided by Mr Ne-
ville Morgan, who is a qualified
workplace assessor with many
years’ experience in barista
training. Students have been
quick to take up this opportuni-
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                        22 February 2019

    Football Fern, Katie Duncan, Visits
         Tauranga Girls’ College

                                                                       Mahnoor Qadri. Year

TGC Football Club was proud to host one of the country’s leading
footballers, Katie Duncan, a capped Football Fern squad member
and ex captain of the Football Ferns, after athletics day on Tuesday
18 February. It was held in the senior common room and all football-
ers and futsal players were invited. A small group of TGC futsal and
football players attended the session which was part of promoting
women’s football during Woman’s Week by NZ Football. The girls
heard about Katie’s Football journey and asked lots of questions
during the Q and A session. Katie’s football highlight was beating     I did this pastel drawing as a part
USA who won the Woman’s Football title at the Olympics that year       of Pop Art assignment. I first
and her lowlight was receiving a yellow card for a tackle she made     completed two A5 still life devel-
during the game.                                                       opments in graphite pencil of
                                                                       popular New Zealand and global
NZ Football’s Woman’s Development Manager - Holly Nixon, Wai-          consumer products, which were
BOP Football Development Officer for BOP - Cliff Harris, WaiBOP        displayed in the classroom. Each
Football Coaching Specialist - Nico, and Goalie Trainer Seamus along   drawing had to show a progres-
with TGC’s Kaydi O’Connor, Don Wallis and TGC Head Coach and Di-       sion in development so in my
rector of Football, Scott Harrison also attended and contributed to    final pastel drawing I altered the
the discussions.                                                       composition and added a few
                                                                       new objects. From this pastel
The session ended with a group photo and the attending players         drawing then again I made
were delighted to receive a signed football and an autographed tee     changes to create an acrylic
shirt from Katie and NZ Football. Any students who are keen to play    painting to portray Pop Art in
football this season please keep an eye out for key dates for regis-   the style of my artist model Tom
trations and trials coming up soon. We have already had 60 students    Wesselmann. I was happy with
register their interest at the club’s open day which is great news     the final acrylic painting of ob-
leading up to the season.                                              jects and composition, but I felt
                                                                       that the colour and values were
For any questions regarding TGC Football please contact Mr Wallis,     out of balance, the background
TIC Football -                                   blue being especially dissonant.
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                        22 February 2019

                          Enviro Day
Year 9 and Year 12 students spent some time working together
during an Enviro-day as part of the whanaungatanga programme.
Activities included exploring the school gully and considered how
they could make a difference to their outdoor learning environ-
ment; learning the legend of Rangi and Papa; designing paintings
to surround stormwater drains and to identify recycling bins; and
helping out with the school gardens. Students can continue to con-
tribute to environmental projects by getting involved with the
Kaitiakitanga Committee and keeping an eye out for projects
through the year.

Dates for the diary...
   21 - 24 February              Matatini
   28 February                   TGC Swimming Sports
   28 February                   Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30pm, TGC Boardroom
   05 March                      Bay of Plenty Athletics
   08 March                      Learning Behaviour Progress Records emailed
   14 March                      BOP Regionals - Sailing

   14 March                      Summer Sports Photographs

   21 March                      Te Ara Ako (Year 9, 10 and 11)
   25 March - 29 March           Summer Tournament Week
   12 April                      Last Day of Term 1
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE                                                         22 February 2019

            Contacting the College 2019
 We encourage parents to contact the College (578 8114) for support at any time during the year.
 The Pastoral Team includes:
 Year 9     Dean: Mrs Anna Leach               ext 770         Senior Leader:          Mrs Cade
 Year 10    Dean: Ms Robyn Mankelow:           ext 767         Senior Leader:          Mrs Bird
 Year 11    Dean: Mrs Fiona Lochhead           ext 766         Senior Leader:          Ms Valentine
 Year 12    Dean: Ms Caroline Gill             ext 768         Senior Leader:          Mrs Ferguson
 Year 13    Deans Mrs Bridget Prendiville      ext 769         Senior Leader:          Ms Rowlands

 Guidance Counsellors      Ms Judy Burr        ext 728         Ms Sue Ferguson         ext 724
 Inclusive Learning Leader Ms Karen Gilby      ext 740
 College bank account details:
 Name of Account       Tauranga Girls' College Board of Trustees
 Name of Bank          ANZ       Branch        Tauranga
 Account Number        01-0475-0055400-00
Message from the Principal - Tauranga Girls College
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