Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...

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Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Red Series
Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control

Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters –
Increasing the Attractiveness
of a Harmful Product

Volume 17
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control Volume 17:
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters –
Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product

© 2012, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg

Suggested citation:
German Cancer Research Center (Ed.)
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters –
Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product
Heidelberg, Germany, 2012

German Cancer Research Center, Unit Cancer Prevention, 2012

Sarah Kahnert, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg


Responsible for the content:
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Unit Cancer Prevention and
WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control

Dr. Martina Pötschke-Langer

Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 62 21 42 30 07
Fax: +49 (0) 62 21 42-30 20
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Red Series
Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control
Volume 17

Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters –
Increasing the Attractiveness
of a Harmful Product


Dipl. Biol. Sarah Kahnert

Dr. Martina Pötschke-Langer

Susanne Schunk

Dr. Urmila Nair

Dr. Katrin Schaller

Ute Mons, M. A.

German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...


Key points����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� VII

1 Menthol and its significance as a cigarette additive������������������������������������������������������ 1

2 Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter������������������������������������������ 3

      2.1 Menthol content and possible influence
          on tobacco smoke composition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6

      2.2 Development of capsule cigarette filters��������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

      2.3 Marketing of cigarettes with menthol capsules:
          target group young consumers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13

3 The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents���������� 19

      3.1 The market for menthol cigarettes in the USA������������������������������������������������������� 19

      3.2 The market for menthol cigarettes in Japan������������������������������������������������������������22

      3.3 Spread of cigarettes with menthol capsules ����������������������������������������������������������22

4 Recommendations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25


List of authors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31

                                                                                                                                                                     Contents   III
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...

Additives in tobacco products, particularly flavouring compounds, increase the attrac-
tiveness of these products.They promote smoking initiation by children and adolescents
and make it more difficult for smokers to quit. The German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ) calls for a German and European ban on tobacco additives, such as menthol,
sugar, fruit flavours and other substances which mask the unpleasant, harsh and irri-
tating character of tobacco smoke. Such a ban is intended to protect consumers from
the hazardous health effects of tobacco smoking. Informations on these issues are
available in several DKFZ publications wherein an urgent need for regulation has been

Recently, the tobacco industry has introduced cigarettes with a new technology in
several European Union member states – which has already been available in Japan,
the USA and other countries. This new technology makes cigarettes more attractive
as it offers a capsule filled with a flavouring solution, embedded in the cigarette filter
where the smoker can crush it at any chosen time. Thus the aromatic liquid is released
from the capsule and causes the smoke to taste different. Wherever the products have
already been launched on national markets, the capsule contains menthol. Crushing
the menthol capsule in the filter is designed to give consumers a “kick of freshness”
and release the menthol more quickly and directly. The innovation seems to be particu-
larly appealing to young people. Moreover, the advertising for these products is also
directed towards this very target group.

Patents applied by the tobacco industry show that menthol is only one of many
possible flavours that can be filled in these capsules. Thus it is possible that the range
of products may be expanded even further in the case of cigarettes using the new
capsule technology. This will probably tempt even more people into consuming these
products that are dangerous to health.

The document aims to raise awareness among decision-makers in the political field
and the general public about the consequence of these novel capsule filter cigarettes
and provide them with scientific rationale for regulation to ban this new technology.

Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler
Chairman of the Management Board
and Scientific Director
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Heidelberg, January 2012

                                                                                             Preface   V
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
Key points


 ■■Menthol has a characteristic odour and taste. It has a cooling, pain-relieving
   and slightly numbing effect. When added to tobacco products it masks the
   unpleasant characteristics of smoke and enables the smoker to inhale more

 ■■Menthol as an additive is of particular importance. It is not only used in cig-
   arettes which have the word “menthol” included in their label but a small
   amount of menthol is contained in most other cigarettes as well.

 ■■Menthol has a variety of physiological effects and thus increases the attrac-
   tiveness of cigarettes. It promotes smoking initiation among children and
   adolescents and makes it more difficult for smokers to quit. When menthol is
   added, products that are already harmful to health are made even more risky.

 Cigarettes with menthol capsules

 ■■Over the past years, cigarettes with menthol capsules enabling the consumer
   to change the taste of a cigarette any time during smoking have been launched
   in a rising number of countries. Young people are the prime target group of
   those products.

 ■■The range of products can be expanded to almost any amount because tech-
   nology makes it possible to use not only menthol but many other flavours and
   aromatic substances in the capsules.

 ■■Embedding flavour capsules in cigarette filters increases the attractiveness
   of these unhealthy products and counteracts the objective of health policy to
   reduce tobacco consumption.

 Spread of menthol cigarettes

 ■■Studies conducted in the USA and Japan show that menthol cigarettes are
   widely used by young people and that adolescents who start smoking quite
   often choose menthol cigarettes.

 ■■In many countries where cigarettes with menthol capsules are available their
   market share increased quickly after their launch.

 ■■Cigarettes with menthol capsules will, in all probability, help spread tobacco
   consumption further, especially among children and adolescents, and must
   therefore be banned.

                                                                                     Key points   VII
Menthol Capsules in Cigarette Filters - Increasing the Attractiveness of a Harmful Product - Red Series Tobacco Prevention and Tobacco Control ...
1 Menthol and its significance
  as a cigarette additive

Manufacturers can choose from more            Menthol is not only chosen for its charac-
than 600 different additives that they        teristic taste but also because of various
can use in tobacco products to alter, for     pharmacological effects it causes in the
example, the taste of tobacco, to keep        human body1 (Fig. 1.1). In the cigarette
it moist or to improve its burning prop-      production process, menthol is either
erties5. Menthol is the additive most         directly added to the tobacco or other
widely used in cigarettes and the tobacco     parts of the cigarette, such as the filter or
industry uses it for targeted advertising.    cigarette paper, or it is applied to the pack-
However, menthol is not only used in          aging. As menthol is a volatile substance,
cigarettes that have the word “menthol”       over time it will spread to the whole ciga-
included in their label but is added to       rette and pack, regardless of the place of
most other cigarettes as well, in quanti-     application20.
ties small enough that the characteristic     Menthol has a typical peppermint odour
menthol taste cannot be detected25.           and taste. It has a cooling effect on the

                    Cooling effect
                                                            Masks the irritating
                                                            effect of tobacco smoke
                                                            and makes it easier
                    Pain-relieving and                      to inhale
                    slightly numbing effect

                    Desensitization to nicotine
                    response, tolerance and
                    longer exposure to nicotine
                                                            Increases potential
  MENTHOL                                                   for addiction
                    Inhibition of nicotine

                    Increased absorption of
                    tobacco smoke components
                    into the lung
                                                            Increases risk of cancer           Fig. 1.1
                                                                                               Pharmacological effects of
                                                                                               menthol and their impact
                    Inhibition of breakdown of                                                 during the course of
                    carcinogenic substances*                                                   smoking1,14,23,44,48,66,70.
                                                                                               Illustration: German
                    *possible                                                                  Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                               Unit Cancer Prevention

                                                              Menthol and its significance as a cigarette additive      1
skin or mucous membranes17. In higher          The tobacco industry is fully aware of all
                           dosages it also shows a pain-relieving         the characteristics of menthol. Intensive
                           and numbing effect48. A higher dosage          research is being conducted in this area
                           of menthol in the oral cavity can cause        and the industry uses this additive with a
                           irritation. Repeated exposure over a fairly    deliberate purpose20,42,43,76.
                           long period of time may cause a desen-         There are a number of studies from the USA
                           sitisation which reduces the reactivity        showing that the use of menthol cigarettes
                           to other stimuli. This may also affect the     is particularly wide-spread among new
                           perception of other irritating substances      smokers. They also show that it is much
                           such as nicotine14. Furthermore, menthol       harder to quit for smokers of menthol ciga-
                           suppresses coughing and prolongs the           rettes than it is for smokers of non-menthol
                           time you are able to hold your breath23.       cigarettes. This fact also seems to be
                           The cooling, pain-relieving and slightly       connected to an increased addiction poten-
                           numbing effect of menthol reduces              tial4,18,19,21,23,28-31,40,50,63,75. Presumably it is the
                           the irritation caused by tobacco smoke         physiological characteristics of menthol,
                           and enables the smoker to inhale more          such as easier inhalation, that add to the
                           deeply44,70. Thus, the lung is exposed         popularity of menthol cigarettes among
                           longer to the poisonous and carcinogenic       young people. This is also the case with
                           elements of tobacco smoke66. In addition,      occasional smokers and women as they
                           it is possible that menthol heightens the      are more sensitive to the irritation caused
                           absorption of tobacco smoke compo-             by tobacco smoke than people who have
                           nents into the lung, as it can also speed      been smoking for years.
                           up the absorption of substances through        The fact that the tobacco industry offers
                           the skin1. An increased exposure to carci-     both menthol products with a low
                           nogenic substances can thus increase           concentration of menthol and relatively
                           the risk of cancer. It is also possible that   high menthol concentration seems to
                           menthol inhibits the decomposition of          show that it tries to adjust the amount
                           nicotine or carcinogenic substances from       of menthol contained in its products to
                           tobacco smoke. However, there is no            consumers' needs. Apart from the group
                           definite proof of that yet1,66 (Fig. 1.1).     of menthol smokers that prefer cigarettes
                           Due to its manifold physiological              with a low concentration of menthol there
                           effects, menthol is much more than             is another group which prefers this type
                           just a flavouring agent as it masks the        of cigarettes due to their high menthol
                           unpleasant characteristics of tobacco          concentration: this group comprises
                           smoke, makes inhalation of smoke easier        particularly African-Americans and male
                           and gives the impression that menthol          smokers who generally prefer stronger
                           cigarettes are less harmful to your health.    cigarettes42.

2   Menthol and its significance as a cigarette additive
2 Cigarettes with
  menthol capsules
  embedded in the filter

Cigarettes with menthol capsules           Their names vary according to the
embedded in the filter were first          country (see Fig. 2.1 for examples of
launched in Japan in 2007. Since then,     brands with menthol capsules). At the
more brands with capsules are sold         moment, menthol capsule cigarettes are
there, such as “Kool” and “Kent” by        available in at least 40 countries around
British American Tobacco (BAT) as well     the globe (Table 2.1, Fig. 2.2).
as “Marlboro” and “Lark” by Philip         The menthol capsule is usually placed in
Morris (PM). Menthol cigarettes were       the middle of the cigarette filter (Fig. 2.3).
then introduced in the USA, where the      It is spherical, about 3.5 or 4 millimetre
brand “Camel Crush” by R. J. Reynolds      in diameter and blue to green in colour.
(RJR) has been available since 200859.     The outer shell is made from gelatine
Currently, brands such as “Lucky Strike    or a similar substance. Inside, there is
Click&Roll” by BAT or “Camel Activate”     a liquid containing the flavouring agent
by Japan Tobacco International (JTI) are   which might include medium-chain
available in some European countries.      triglycerides16.

                                                                                            Fig. 2.1
                                                                                            Examples of cigarette
                                                                                            brands containing
                                                                                            menthol capsules. Above:
                                                                                            cigarette packs of “Camel
                                                                                            Crush” (R. J. Reynolds)
                                                                                            from the USA (source:
                                                                                            Trinkets&Trash67), “Lark
                                                                                            Hybrid” (Philip Morris)
                                                                                            from Japan and “Lucky
                                                                                            Strike Click&Roll” (British
                                                                                            American Tobacco) from
                                                                                            Italy; below: cigarettes
                                                                                            containing menthol
                                                                                            capsules – the position of
                                                                                            the capsule is marked on
                                                                                            the filter.
                                                                                            Pictures above centre, above
                                                                                            right and below: German
                                                                                            Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                            Unit Cancer Prevention

                                                     Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter         3
Fig. 2.2
Countries where
cigarettes with menthol
capsules were sold in 2011
(possibly incomplete).
Illustration: German
Cancer Research Center,
Unit Cancer Prevention

                             Manufacturer Brand          Type           Countries of distribution

                             British          Dunhill    Boost          Malaysia
                             Tobacco                     Switch         Bahrain, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Republic
                             (BAT)                                      of Korea, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
                                              Kent       Convertibles   Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Georgia, Kazakh-
                                                                        stan, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea,
                                                                        Romania, Russian Federation, Switzerland,
                                                                        Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
                                                         Boost          Japan, Republic of Korea
                                                         Switch         Japan
                                              Kool       Boost          Colombia, Costa Rica, Japan, Panama
                                              Lucky      Click&Roll     Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Chile, France, Italy,
                                              Strike                    Luxemburg, Peru, Romania, Spain, Uruguay,
                                                                        United Kingdom
                             Japan            Camel      Activate       Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden
                             Interna­tional              Shift          France
                             (JTI)            Silk Cut   Choice         United Kingdom
                             Philip Morris    L&M        Forward        Finland, Poland
                                              Lark       Hybrid         Japan
                                                         Mint Splash    Japan
                                              Marlboro   Beyond         France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland
                                                         Blue Ice       Romania, USA
Table 2.1
                                                         Ice Blast      Japan
Cigarette types with
menthol capsules,                                        Ice Xpress     Mexico
according to manufacturer
and countries of             R. J. Reynolds Camel        Crush          USA
distribution in 2011         (RJR)
                                                         Crush Bold     USA
(possibly incomplete).
Illustration: German                                     Menthol        USA
Cancer Research Center,                                  Menthol silver USA
Unit Cancer Prevention

 4    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
Fig. 2.3
                                                                                             Menthol capsules in filters
                                                                                             of cigarettes of these
                                                                                             brands: “Lucky Strike
                                                                                             Click&Roll” (above and
                                                                                             below left) and “Lark
                                                                                             Hybrid” (below right; with
                                                                                             activated carbon filter).
                                                                                             Pictures: German Cancer
                                                                                             Research Center, Unit
                                                                                             Cancer Prevention

It is up to the smoker to decide when to      this product category is described
release the menthol. Crushing the filter      with attributes such as “switch” or
cracks the capsule and the mentholated        “convertibles”.
liquid is thus released into the filter.      There is another type of product where
When the smoker draws on the cigarette        the flavouring agents are located in the
the liquid enters the mainstream smoke        filter, but in this case the filter contains
which he/she inhales.                         a mentholated “thread” in the middle61.
Currently the cigarette industry markets      However, this thread does not need to be
two types of menthol capsule ciga-            crushed and thus the consumer cannot
rettes. The first is the regular menthol      influence the taste of the cigarette.
cigarettes with additional capsules in        Several brands of this type of cigarette
the filter where the menthol taste is         are available in Japan, such as “Kent
enhanced by crushing the capsule.             Citric Menthol” (BAT) and “Salem Alaska
The word “boost” is used to describe          Menthol” but also “Seven Stars Cutting
these products because the existing           Menthol” (JTI, Fig. 2.4) or “Silver Mint”
menthol concentration is increased all        and “Ice Mint” by Marlboro (PM).
of a sudden. The second type is the non-      Unlike the above, in Germany, the brand
mentholated cigarette which does not          “West Ice” containing menthol in the
taste of menthol since the substance is       filter is sold by Reemtsma, part of the
only contained in the capsule. Only when      Imperial Tobacco Group.
the capsule is crushed does the ciga-         The first menthol capsule cigarettes
rette get its menthol taste. When pres-       were introduced in 2007. However, the
sure is exerted on the filter the cigarette   principle was used for other flavouring
becomes a menthol cigarette. Therefore,       agents than menthol as early as 2002

                                                        Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter      5
Fig. 2.4
Examples of cigarette
types with a “thread”
containing menthol in
the filter: “Salem Alaska
Menthol” and “Seven
Stars Cutting Menthol”
(JTI) from Japan.
Pictures: Dr. Yumiko
National Cancer Center,

                            when R. J. Reynolds launched “Camel          two to five milligram. Between 10 and
                            Exotic Flavors” in the USA. The filter of    20 per cent of this menthol blends into
                            these cigarettes contained a polyeth-        the tobacco smoke, which will then
                            ylene capsule with flavouring agents.        contain about 0.4-0.8 milligram of
                            The year they were launched the sales        menthol. Measurements for the “Camel
                            of Camel cigarettes increased by             Crush” brand are quite high: the ciga-
                            4 per cent11.                                rette has a menthol content of 5.3 milli-
                                                                         gram and the smoke contains 0.87 milli-
                                                                         gram of menthol. However, the menthol
                            2.1 Menthol content and                      level of the two “Camel Menthol” types
                                possible influence on                    are much higher than that. Measure-
                                tobacco smoke composition                ments showed a menthol content of
                                                                         8.5 and 9.8 milligram of menthol per
                            There are hardly any publications            cigarette where the capsule had not
                            reporting the menthol content of             been crushed – levels that are quite high.
                            capsule cigarettes as yet. However, there    However, the transfer efficiency into the
                            is a report by Altria Client Services2, a    tobacco smoke is only five or six per
                            subsidiary of the Altria Group (which        cent. When the capsule was crushed,
                            is also the parent company to Philip         menthol contents in the tobacco smoke
                            Morris), which includes the results of       increased drastically in both brand
                            an unpublished study by Philip Morris        types. The “Camel Menthol” cigarettes
                            on the menthol market in 2008/2009 in        showed 1.24 milligram of menthol, the
                            the USA. This study looked at selected       “Camel Menthol Silver” type contained
                            American       menthol     brands    that,   a menthol level of 1.29 milligram in the
                            together, constituted about 80 per cent      tobacco smoke – being the “lighter”
                            of the total market for menthol ciga-        type of them both, according to nicotine
                            rettes in the USA, amongst them various      and tar content2.
                            “Camel” menthol capsule types.               The function of a filter, even if only
                            Figure 2.5 shows the menthol levels          possible to a limited extent, is to reduce
                            in tobacco smoke as a function of the        the concentration of substances that
                            menthol level of the cigarettes exam-        are carcinogenic and dangerous to your
                            ined. While “Camel Menthol” and              health in tobacco smoke. This function
                            “Camel Menthol Silver” are menthol           of a filter could be impaired by either
                            cigarettes that also contain a menthol       crushing the filter to crack the capsule or
                            capsule, the “Camel Crush” brand             by the liquid released. However, there
                            contains menthol solely in the capsule       are no studies yet that prove a possible
                            and is converted from a “regular” into       interference with the filter function.
                            a menthol cigarette only when the            An independent study examined the
                            capsule is crushed.                          effect of menthol content on the concen-
                            Measurements show that the menthol           tration of substances in the tobacco
                            level per cigarette in most brands is        smoke. This study also included “Camel

 6    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
Camel Menthol Silver
 Menthol content of tobacco smoke [mg/cigarette]

                                                                                                                 (capsule crushed)
                                                                                                              Camel Menthol
                                                                                                              (capsule crushed)

                                                   1.0                                Camel Crush
                                                                                      (capsule crushed)
                                                                                                              Camel Menthol Silver
                                                                                                              (capsule intact)
                                                   0.6                                                                 0.59               Fig. 2.5
                                                                                                                                          Menthol content of
                                                   0.4                                                        0.42                        tobacco smoke as a
                                                                                                              Camel Menthol               function of the menthol
                                                                                                              (capsule intact)            content of the cigarette
                                                   0.2                                                                                    in different brand types
                                                                                                                                          and in menthol capsule
                                                                                                                                          cigarettes of “Camel”
                                                                                                                                          (Data: Altria Client
                                                         0   2              4            6                8            10            12
                                                                                                                                          Services 20102).
                                                                 Menthol content of the cigarette [mg/cigarette]                          Illustration: German
                                                                                                                                          Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                                                                          Unit Cancer Prevention

Crush” brand cigarettes with menthol                                                   these capsules were not designed to
capsules26. Various volatile organic                                                   hold flavouring agents; rather they
compounds (VOCs) were measured,                                                        contained water that was generally
such as acetaldehyde, 1.3-butadiene,                                                   intended to moisten a certain filter
acrylonitrile and other substances,                                                    material when smoking. This was done
for example nicotine or carcinogenic                                                   to filter out more harmful substances
tobacco-specific     nitrosamines    and                                               from the cigarette smoke and make
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. An                                                   the tobacco smoke more pleasant
increased VOC concentration was meas-                                                  and cooler8,9,34,45. In 1967, a patent was
ured in those “Camel Crush” cigarettes                                                 granted which included a capsule
where the capsule had been cracked26.                                                  filled with vitamin A in the form of an
These first results are alarming because                                               aqueous solution, which was to enter
they imply that menthol in capsule ciga-                                               the respiratory tract in aerosol form
rettes increases the carcinogenicity and                                               during smoking69.
toxicity of cigarettes even further.                                                   In 1968, a scientist who worked for
                                                                                       R. J. Reynolds reported that it was
                                                                                       possible to encapsulate flavouring
2.2 Development of capsule                                                             agents in a tube embedded in the
    cigarette filters                                                                  filter, whereby the tube was made
                                                                                       of e.g. polyethylene and had imper-
Various patents acquired and docu-                                                     meable membranes on the sides71.
ments issued by the tobacco industry                                                   The membranes were designed to
prove that for many years the industry                                                 be destroyed during the process of
has been developing procedures to                                                      drawing on the cigarette, thus releasing
embed flavouring agents in the ciga-                                                   the flavouring agents in the tube. This
rette filter. A comprehensive list of those                                            principle was designed to avoid the loss
patents can be found, for example, in                                                  of flavouring agents in the cigarette
the patent by Dube et al.16.                                                           over time, as many of these substances
As early as in the 1960s patent applica-                                               are volatile.
tions were filed for different types of                                                Another reason why flavouring agents
cigarette filters incorporating a capsule                                              are embedded in the filter is to compen-
(see Fig. 2.6 for examples). However,                                                  sate for the loss in taste which occurs

                                                                                                   Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter           7
Fig. 2.6
Schematic drawing of
a filter capsule from a
patent applied for in

 8    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
when adsorbing filter material is used.    For years, there has also been research
An example of such a material is acti-     in products which enable the consumer
vated carbon. It retains substances and    to influence the taste of the cigarette. In
thus reduces the amount of harmful         1985, Philip Morris introduced the brand
elements in tobacco smoke24. Ciga-         “Concord” with its two types “Regular”
rettes with activated carbon filters       and “Menthol” where it was possible
are particularly popular in Japan (e.g.    to vary the tar and menthol content by
in cigarette brands such as “Seven         rotating the filter (Fig. 2.7). Adjusting the
Stars”, “Mild Seven” or “Lark” 51,         filter influenced the degree of ventilation
Figs. 2.1 and 2.3). Since the use of       of the smoke and therefore the intensity
adsorbing material also has a negative     of the cigarette. The patents Philip Morris
effect on taste, this is to be compen-     applied for in 1986 and 1987 include a
sated for by additional filter segments    description of technologies with rotat-
releasing flavouring agents 35,36,74. In   able filter segments, allowing for a vari-
2004, Philip Morris tested cigarettes      ation of the taste by the consumer37,55.
whose crushable menthol capsules           The first patent on the capsule tech-
were located between the part of the       nology that is used in today's cigarettes
filter containing activated carbon and     was filed by R. J. Reynolds in 2003
the filter end the smoker draws on, so     (Fig. 2.8)16. According to this patent, a
that the menthol is not held back by       cigarette may include more than one
the activated carbon during smoking.       capsule in the filter (Fig. 2.9). It is obvious
Test subjects rated this as a pleasant     that the filter volume decreases with
product. They showed even more             each additional capsule, i.e. non-filter
interest in the product when they were     object, embedded in it. Especially in ciga-
told that this innovation was designed     rettes that contain several or larger non-
mainly to filter harmful substances out    filter objects it must be assumed that
of the tobacco smoke 58.                   the function of the cigarette filter, i.e. to
In 1994, BAT applied for a patent          retain substances which are dangerous
for another technology that used           to your health, is impaired.
flavouring agents encapsulated in the      Furthermore, this patent by R. J.
filter47. The technology was based on      Rey­nolds shows that menthol is not the
the principle that the aromatic agents     only substance in terms of flavourings
encapsulated in a filter element were      or agents that capsules may contain:
released when stubbing out the ciga-       “Flavorings [...] may be natural or
rette. This would help masking the         synthetic, and the character of these
noxious smell of cigarette stubs.          flavors can be described, without

                                                                                             Fig. 2.7
                                                                                             “Concord” cigarettes
                                                                                             where the consumer
                                                                                             was able to individually
                                                                                             adjust the intensity of the
                                                                                             cigarettes by rotating the

                                                     Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter         9
Fig. 2.8
Excerpts from US patent
No. 7836895 (Dube et al.,
R.J. Reynolds)16.
Illustration: German
Cancer Research Center,
Unit Cancer Prevention

10    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
Fig. 2.9
                                                                                            Schematic drawing
                                                                                            of cigarettes with one
                                                                                            (left) and two (right)
                                                                                            capsules in the filter (from
                                                                                            patent No. 7793665 by
                                                                                            R. J. Reynolds)16.

limitation, as fresh, sweet, herbal,          clearly of interest to smokers. Some
confectionary, floral, fruity or spice.       smokers may prefer a cigarette that
Specific types of flavors include, but        is capable of selectively providing a
are not limited to, vanilla, coffee, choco-   variety of different flavors, depending
late, cream, mint, spearmint, menthol,        upon the smoker's immediate desire.
peppermint, wintergreen, lavender,            The flavor of such a cigarette might be
cardamon, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove,            selected based on the smoker's desire
cascarilla, sandalwood, honey, jasmine,       for a particular flavor at that time, or
ginger, anise, sage, licorice, lemon,         a desire to change flavors during the
orange, apple, peach, lime, cherry, and       smoking experience. For example,
strawberry. [...] Flavorings also can         changing flavors during the smoking
include components that are consid-           experience may enable a smoker to end
ered moistening, cooling or smooth-           the cigarette with a breath freshening
ening agents, such as eucalyptus. These       flavor, such as menthol or spearmint.
flavors may be provided neat (i.e.,           Accordingly, it is desirable to provide
alone) or in a composite (e.g., spearmint     a cigarette that is capable of providing
and menthol, or orange and cinnamon).         different sensory experiences at the
Composite flavors may be combined             discretion of a smoker”16.
in a single capsule as a mixture, or          Philip Morris, too, had patented
as components of multiple capsules            methods of productions of several
positioned within the filter element.”        versions of cigarette filters with ruptur-
“Release of the contents of the capsule       able capsules. (Fig. 2.10)38,39. The advan-
into the filter element thus enables          tages of capsules mentioned here
the smoker to achieve the intended            are that this technology allows the
benefit of action of certain of those         production of cigarettes with consistent
contents, whether that benefit results        taste, as flavouring agents do not
from flavoring or scenting the smoke,         volatilize. Moreover, the removal of
cooling or moistening the smoke, fresh-       flavouring agents from tobacco smoke
ening the scent of the cigarette butt, or     by adsorbing filter material can be
achieving some other goal associated          prevented. Furthermore, an unwanted
with modifying the overall composi-           migration of flavouring agents into other
tion of the smoke or altering the perfor-     parts of the cigarette during storage can
mance characteristics of the cigarette.”      be prevented, and flavouring agents
Furthermore, the patent is not to be          are not burned during the course of
“limited to the specific embodiments          smoking. Suitable flavours are, just to
disclosed and that modifications and          name a few, “menthol, mint, such as
other embodiments are intended to be          peppermint and spearmint, chocolate,
included within the scope [...]”16.           licorice, citrus and other fruit flavors,
Apart from various potential uses it          gamma octalactone, vanillin, ethyl
becomes obvious from reading the              vanillin, breath freshener flavors, spice
patent that the capsule technology is         flavors such as cinnamon, methyl salic-
intended to make cigarettes more attrac-      ylate, linalool, bergamot oil, geranium
tive for smokers, since “cigarettes incor-    oil, lemon oil, ginger oil, and tobacco
porating distinctive flavors that provide     flavor.” In addition, the capsule may
a pleasurable sensory experience are          have a variety of physical formations,

                                                        Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter      11
Fig. 2.10
Excerpts from US patent
No. 7878962 (Karles et al.,
Philip Morris)39.
Illustration: German
Cancer Research Center,
Unit Cancer Prevention

12    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
such as “one-piece capsules, two-part       innovative (Figs. 2.11 to 2.14), whether on
capsules, macrocapsules or microcap-        posters or cigarette vending machines, in
sules to enhance the taste of main-         magazines, on websites or at promotion
stream smoke produced”39.                   events. The slogans used to advertise
In summary it can thus be noted that the    these products are, for example, “Click.
use of capsules in cigarettes includes      Switch. Refresh.” (“Kent Convertibles”)
various aspects that enhance the attrac-    or “Squeeze, Click, Change!” (“Camel
tiveness, which, in turn, will lead to an   Crush”) (Table 2.2). On the one hand,
additional danger to a person's health:     advertising focuses on the experience of
■■Capsules have a cooling and mois-         freshness that menthol causes and, on
  tening effect on tobacco smoke and        the other, on the opportunity to individu-
  change its pungency. Thus, the con-       ally change and decide on the taste. The
  sumer can inhale more deeply.             advertising addresses the need for indi-
■■Capsules with the additives mentioned     viduality and “doing your own thing”,
  above are designed to make cigarettes     which is particularly strong in young
  more flavoursome and create pleasant      people. Slogans of this kind probably
  sensory perceptions. This further in-     make the product mainly attractive for
  creases the attractiveness of a danger-   curious young people who like to try
  ous product.                              new things out, as they are more open
■■The capsule is intended to change the     towards innovations and want to be inde-
  cigarette smoke and cigarette stub        pendent and make their own decisions.
  in such a way as to mask their harsh      A general manager of British American
  odour.                                    Tobacco Austria comments on this: “We
                                            are making large investments in market
                                            research. Our findings conclude that this
2.3 Marketing of cigarettes with            innovation – Click&Roll – appeals to our
    menthol capsules: target                customers. There is a tendency towards
    group young consumers                   more freedom of decision, a tendency
                                            that can also be found in other consumer
The new products containing menthol         goods: I am doing what I want whenever
capsules are designed to appeal mainly      I want it. It is my own decision whether
to young consumers, because the target      I want more taste or less. Click&Roll
group mentioned again and again in          addresses this very target group, which
documents of the tobacco industry are       is a quite broad one and includes mainly
“adult smokers under 30” (ASU30)10,59.      20-to-35-year-olds. [...] In any case, this
Advertising   for   menthol    capsule      technology can also be applied in other
cigarettes is colourful, dynamic and        cigarettes”52.

Cigarette brand and type                    Advertising slogan

Kent Convertibles                           Click. Switch. Refresh.

Camel crush                                 Squeeze, Click, Change!

                                            Bold how you like it,
Camel crush bold
                                            Fresh when you want it.

Camel Activate                              Press – Activate – Fresh

Camel Activate                              Activate Freshness                            Table 2.2
                                                                                          Examples of advertising
                                                                                          slogans for menthol
Lucky Strike Click&Roll                     A Small Big Change
                                                                                          capsule cigarettes.
                                                                                          Illustration: German
Marlboro Blue Ice                           Press Activate Liberate                       Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                          Unit Cancer Prevention

                                                      Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter   13
Fig. 2.11
Advertising for menthol
capsule cigarettes in
Pictures: Dr. Yumiko
National Cancer Center,

14    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
Fig. 2.12
                                   Advertising for menthol
                                   capsule cigarettes of
                                   “Camel” from the USA
                                   (source: Trinkets&Trash67).

Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter     15
Fig. 2.13
Advertising for menthol
capsule cigarettes of
“Lucky Strike Click&Roll”
from Austria (slogan
above: “Has it already
clicked with you?”;
slogan below: “Click with
the original!”; source:
Trafikanten Zeitung53,54).

16    Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter
Fig. 2.14
                                   Advertising for menthol
                                   capsule cigarettes
                                   of “Camel Activate”
                                   from Austria (source:
                                   Trafikanten Zeitung54).

Cigarettes with menthol capsules embedded in the filter      17
3 The market for menthol
  cigarettes and the target
  group of adolescents

In most countries, cigarettes with            3.1 The market for menthol
menthol capsules embedded in the                  cigarettes in the USA
filter have only been available for a
short period of time, therefore there is      As in the other industrialized countries,
hardly any data on the market share of        there is a downward trend in cigarette
these products and just as little infor-      consumption in the USA. However, despite
mation on their consumers. However,           the fact that cigarette sales decreased in
regular menthol cigarettes have been          the USA by 22 per cent between 2000
established in the markets in several         and 2005, the menthol cigarette sales
countries for a long time and their           remained stable during this period42.
market share is quite high. Thus, suffi-      Moreover, between 2004 and 2008,
cient data is available on these mentho-      the share of smokers stating they had
lated products.                               consumed menthol cigarettes during the
While the market shares of menthol            past month actually increased from 31 per
cigarettes are quite high in some coun-       cent to almost 34 per cent, the largest
tries, there is very little consumption       increases being among younger people,
in others. This makes the global market       with whom menthol cigarette consump-
for menthol cigarettes very heteroge-         tion is very popular64. These figures
neous. In the Philippines, menthol ciga-      include those smokers who only occa-
rettes have the largest market share of       sionally consume menthol cigarettes. The
60 per cent, followed by Cameroon of          share of regular smokers of menthol ciga-
about 40 per cent and the USA and Hong        rettes is just under 27 per cent, according
Kong each of about 25 per cent25. This        to a survey from 2006/200749.
data was collected in 1999 and 2001.          Among American adolescents while the
In Europe, the consumption of menthol         overall share of smokers decreased,
cigarettes is lower. The largest market       the share of smokers of menthol ciga-
shares of about 15 per cent can be            rettes increased. According to a study
found in Estonia, Finland and Romania.        from the year 2000 the share of menthol
In most other European countries their        cigarette smokers among 12-to-18-year-
share is significantly less than ten per      old smokers was 40 per cent, this rose
cent25. In Germany, the market share          to 47 per cent in 2002. This represents
of menthol cigarettes in 2011 was             an increase by 18.5 per cent within
around three per cent65; as compared to       this menthol group28. Taking the period
about ten years ago when it was only          between 2004 and 2008 as a refer-
1.3 per cent25. Thus in Germany too,          ence, there is an increase among the
the use of menthol cigarettes is now          12-to-17-year-olds from 43.5 per cent to
increasing.                                   47.7 per cent64. Generally speaking, the
Due to the relatively small market share      share of menthol brand smokers was lower
of menthol cigarettes there are no            among higher age groups than among
studies available for most countries on       adolescents and younger age groups49.
smoking prevalences, especially among         Correspondingly, the increase was also
certain groups of the population. There-      less in the higher age group compared to
fore, most of the studies on this topic are   the lower age group64 (Fig. 3.1).
from the USA. Some data is also avail-        This tendency is also reflected by brand
able on the Japanese menthol market.          preference: the menthol variation of the

                                          The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents   19
12 to 17 years   18 to 25 years      26 years and older


                              Share of menthol cigarette smokers
                                                                   50                                                47.7                47.7
                                      of all smokers [%]                                 41.5                                            40.8
                                                                   40                                                38.5
Fig. 3.1                                                                                             35.6
                                                                        34.1             34.0
Share of menthol                                                                                                     30.4
                                                                        29.3             29.4        29.9
cigarette smokers of all                                           30
smokers according to
age in the USA (smoker =
“have consumed ciga-                                               20
rettes during the past
month”; smoker of
menthol cigarettes =                                               10
“have consumed
menthol cigarettes during
the past month”; Data:                                             0
SAMHSA 200964).                                                         2004            2005         2006            2007                2008
Illustration: German                                                                                 Year
Cancer Research Center,
Unit Cancer Prevention

                            “Camel” brand is very popular among                                     Apart from adolescents41, there is an
                            American adolescent smokers. These                                      above-average consumption of menthol
                            cigarettes were consumed by just under                                  brands in the USA by African-Americans
                            a third of 12-to-17-year-olds in 2006.                                  and women7,19,64. Roughly 32 per cent
                            In comparison, it was only 13 per cent                                  of American female smokers consume
                            among 18-to-25-year-olds and only                                       menthol cigarettes, while the share
                            six per cent among persons older than                                   among male smokers is only 22 per cent.
                            35 years42. Other menthol brands which                                  Among African-Americans, 70 per cent
                            are quite popular in the USA, not only                                  of smokers normally consume menthol
                            among adolescents, are “Newport”                                        cigarettes49 (Fig. 3.3).
                            (an American brand) and “Marlboro                                       There is possibly a connection between
                            Menthol”, that have both been able to                                   those high prevalences in these groups
                            increase their market share of less than                                of society and the form of advertising for
                            two per cent to more than 15 per cent                                   menthol cigarettes, as advertising (at least
                            since the 1990s. At the same time, the                                  in the USA) for these products was target
                            market shares of other menthol brands                                   group-oriented right from the beginning.
                            with a long history in the USA, such as                                 Furthermore it gave the impression that
                            “Kool” and “Salem”, show a decline.                                     menthol cigarettes were healthier than
                            In 2000, almost seven per cent of all                                   other cigarettes. Against this background,
                            adolescent smokers consumed “Marl-                                      new smokers and experienced smokers
                            boro Menthol” cigarettes, almost every                                  who are concerned for their health seem
                            fifth adolescent smoked “Newport”                                       to think that the use of menthol will make
                            cigarettes. In comparison: “Kool” and                                   smoking less harmful, as well as easier and
                            “Salem” only had a market share of 1 or                                 more pleasant3,62. In addition, studies were
                            0.3 per cent42.                                                         able to find that advertising for certain
                            Furthermore, the share of menthol                                       menthol cigarettes was often addressed
                            brands is higher among adolescent                                       particularly to the African-American
                            new smokers, who have been smoking                                      population as they were often placed,
                            for not more than one year, than in                                     for instance, in magazines with mainly
                            those who have smoked for more than                                     African-American readers or located in
                            one year28,64 (Fig. 3.2). This implies that                             those parts of the city where these ethnic
                            menthol cigarettes could be gateway                                     groups live3,13,62. It is conspicuous that the
                            products for smoking.                                                   target group-oriented advertising goes

20    The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents
Started smoking during                    Started smoking more
                                                         the past 12 month                         than 12 month ago
 Share of menthol cigarette smokers

                                      50                          49.2
                                           44.6                          43.8                          42.6
         of all smokers [%]

                                                                                           36.4                                  36.2

                                      30                                                                      28.1

                                                                                                                                         Fig. 3.2
                                      20                                                                                                 Share of menthol ciga-
                                                                                                                                         rette smokers of all
                                                                                                                                         smokers according to
                                      10                                                                                                 point in time they started
                                                                                                                                         smoking in the USA
                                                                                                                                         (mean values from 2004
                                       0                                                                                                 to 2008; Data: SAMHSA
                                           ≥ 12 years           12 to 17 years    18 to 25 years         male              female        200964.
                                             Total                          Age group                         Sex (≥ 12 Jahre)           Illustration: German
                                                                                                                                         Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                                                                         Unit Cancer Prevention

hand in hand with a higher prevalence of                                                magazines tended to increase: in 1998,
menthol brands in certain sections of the                                               overall spendings amounted to almost
population.                                                                             US$350 million, ten per cent of which
Between 1998 and 2005, the overall                                                      were spent on menthol brands, while in
spendings of the US tobacco industry                                                    2005, industry spendings had decreased
for advertising in magazines declined                                                   to roughly US$80 million, with about half
drastically, while spendings for the                                                    of this amount being spent on advertising
marketing of menthol cigarettes in                                                      for menthol brands42.


 Share of menthol cigarette smokers


         of all smokers [%]


                                      30                                                                 26.4
                                                                                        20.6                                             Fig. 3.3
                                      20                                                                                                 Share of smokers of
                                                                                                                                         menthol cigarettes of all
                                      10                                                                                                 smokers according to sex
                                                                                                                                         and ethnic group in the
                                                                                                                                         USA (2006/2007; Data:
                                                                                                                                         National Cancer Insti-
                                            Male                  Female           Caucasian           Hispanic       African-American
                                                          Sex                                        Ethnic group                        Illustration: German
                                                                                                                                         Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                                                                         Unit Cancer Prevention

                                                                                 The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents           21
3.2 The market for menthol                                             also for new smokers12. Between 1996 and
                                cigarettes in Japan                                                2000, the prefence for menthol brands
                                                                                                   increased among female high school
                            Smoking prevalence among men in Japan                                  student smokers from roughly 20 to
                            is among the highest smoking preva-                                    almost 50 per cent, while the increase
                            lences world-wide while smoking preva-                                 among male student smokers during
                            lence among Japanese women is among                                    the same period of time was from 8 to
                            the lowest51. Since the 1990s, when the                                18 per cent (Fig. 3.4). The market share
                            smoking prevalence among men was                                       of menthol cigarettes, which had been
                            higher than 50 per cent, the figures have                              less than one per cent in 1980, reached
                            decreased to just under 37 per cent by                                 20 per cent in 200812. The case study of
                            2008. Among women, it was constantly                                   Japan very clearly shows that menthol
                            at about ten per cent during this whole                                cigarettes can serve as a gateway product.
                            period of time22. However, the preva-
                            lence among young and youthful women
                            (20 to 40 years of age) has increased from                             3.3 Spread of cigarettes with
                            11 per cent in 1990 to 18 per cent in 200533.                              menthol capsules
                            Here, too, is a possible connection to the
                            specific, women-oriented marketing of                                  There are no independent studies or
                            menthol cigarettes. In 1986, the Japanese                              data collections yet on the development
                            cigarette market was opened to foreign                                 of market shares of menthol capsule
                            brands, and advertising of the newly                                   cigarettes. However, an overview can be
                            introduced menthol brands was specifi-                                 gained thanks to the internet sources of
                            cally directed towards young women. The                                the tobacco industry6,10,46.
                            menthol content in the cigarettes created                              In the USA, where “Camel Crush” ciga-
                            especially for the Japanese market was                                 rettes were launched by R. J. Reynolds
                            much lower than that in US cigarettes.                                 in 2008, the brand was at first success-
                            Menthol cigarettes in Japan were mainly                                fully introduced to a test market and
                            smoked because they lacked the tar-                                    shortly after that, it was already marketed
                            like smell of regular cigarettes12. Their                              nationally. The share of “Camel Crush”
                            marketing was based on typically female                                in the national market had already
                            attributes such as “slim”, “light” or “mild”.                          increased to 0.6 per cent at the begin-
                            Producers also noticed that menthol was                                ning of 200960. There are presentations
                            not only attractive for young women but                                by BAT, addressed to investors, in which

                                                                                            1996            2000

                              Share of menthol cigarette smokers

                                                                   50                                                             48.1

                                      of all smokers [%]



                                                                   20                17.7
Fig. 3.4
Preferences for menthol
brands among Japanese                                                   8.2
high school students
(male and female) in 1996
and 200012 (Data: Osaki
                                                                              Boys                                        Girls
Illustration: German
Cancer Research Center,
Unit Cancer Prevention

22    The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents
some countries, among them Brazil and                                In Moscow, too, the market share of BAT's
Chile, are mentioned where the market                                brand “Kent Convertibles” increased
share of either the brand type with                                  from 0.1 to 0.7 per cent between
menthol capsules or the brand itself                                 September and December 201010. Similar
increased considerably after the new                                 increases are reported for the consump-
product had been launched. Here, the                                 tion of “Kent Convertibles” in the Neth-
type “Click&Roll” by “Lucky Strike” had                              erlands and Switzerland as the market
been launched in 2009. In both countries                             share increased to 0.65 and 0.79 per cent,
market shares of “Lucky Strike” almost                               respectively, in just three months after
doubled by the first quarter of 2011. While                          their introduction. For Romania, the
in Chile, for instance, the market share                             market share is said to have increased to
of “Lucky Strike” had been 7.5 per cent                              more than eight per cent just four weeks
at the beginning of 2009, it climbed up                              after the launch6.
to almost 15 per cent over the next two                              For 2009, BAT reports an overall amount
years10. In France, the market share of                              of roughly two billion menthol capsule
“Click&Roll” cigarettes was 0.72 per cent                            cigarettes sold; an amount which more
only twelve weeks after they had been                                than doubled to over four billion ciga-
launched6.                                                           rettes by 2010 (Fig. 3.5)46.


                                              4.5                                                  4.4
  Number of menthol capsules cigarettes
 ("convertibles") sold by BAT [in billions]





                                              1.5                                                                  Fig. 3.5
                                                                                                                   Number of menthol
                                              1.0                                                                  capsule cigarettes
                                                                                                                   (“convertibles”) sold by
                                              0.5                                                                  BAT worldwide between
                                                                                                                   2007 and 2010, in billions
                                                                                                                   (Data: Levy 201146).
                                                    2007   2008                 2009               2010            Illustration: German
                                                                                                                   Cancer Research Center,
                                                                                                                   Unit Cancer Prevention

                                                                  The market for menthol cigarettes and the target group of adolescents    23
4 Recommendations

Menthol in tobacco products has various         banning of ingredients that improve the
effects on the human body and helps             taste of tobacco products as they increase
increase the attractiveness of already          the attractiveness of harmful products
harmful products among consumers, thus          and thus in the end foster the emergence
making the products even more dangerous         of addiction. This holds true in particular
to your health. New technologies increase       for menthol and other flavouring agents
the popularity of cigarettes especially         in capsules which are then embedded
among young people and new smokers.             in the filter, since the main objective of
These technologies include embedding            these products is to improve the flavour.
capsules in the cigarette filter, which may     In some countries the use of certain addi-
be filled with menthol or other flavouring      tives in tobacco products has already been
agents and allow consumers to adjust the        banned by law. In the case of the USA,
taste of the cigarette individually.            they include additives which give tobacco
Flavouring agents contained in capsules         products specific flavours such as fruits,
are protected from volatilisation/loss and      confectionary, coffee, clove and spices68;
are hardly absorbed by filter material.         in Tasmania (Australia) it is prohibited to
Thus, they retain their full flavour and can    sell cigarettes with flavours of fruits and
make the act of smoking more pleasant           confectionary27. The most comprehensive
and easier than flavouring agents that          ban on additives worldwide is in place in
are added directly to the tobacco and are       Canada, where numerous flavours are
thus lost or burned.                            prohibited in cigarettes, small cigars and
The attractiveness of toxic tobacco prod-       blunt wraps. However, the bans do not
ucts should not allowed to be increased by      include menthol yet32.
novel technologies but rather be decreased      In Germany, menthol capsule cigarettes
as quickly and as far as possible. There is     are not approved at present. However,
a global consensus on the above through         as these products continue to spread
the WHO Framework Convention on                 around the globe the tobacco industry
Tobacco Control (FCTC)15,72 international       will try to launch them on the German
law, which has been already adopted by          market as well. As pointed out above,
174 nations, including Germany.                 such products are able to maintain and
Article 9 of the FCTC calls for effec-          promote tobacco consumption. Further-
tive measures for the regulation of the         more, there is a danger of the product
contents of tobacco products, and the           range being expanded even further to
guidelines to this article state as follows:    include, for instance, other flavours.
“From the perspective of public health,         Also, the technology might be developed
there is no justification for permitting        even further to continue launching new
the use of ingredients, such as flavouring      products in order to win over new, young
agents, which help make tobacco prod-           smokers and to keep long-standing
ucts attractive. [...] Attractiveness and its   smokers from quitting. Against this back-
impact on dependence should be taken            ground, the prohibition of distributing
into account when considering regula-           capsule tobacco products in Germany
tory measures. [...] Masking tobacco            must be maintained.
smoke harshness with flavours contrib-          In addition to that, ingredients that add to
utes to promoting and sustaining tobacco        increasing the attractiveness of tobacco
use”15,73. The guidelines recommend the         products must generally be banned. The

                                                                                               Recommendations   25
application of the International Guide-           ■■ essential fatty acids such as,
                       lines for Implementation of Articles 9               among others, omega-3 and
                       and 10 of the FCTC could mean a ban                  omega-6
                       on the following additives for tobacco            ■■ slimming agents such as
                       products, regardless of their form of use,           rimonabant
                       whether in a capsule, in the tobacco itself,
                       in cigarettes, wrapping paper or the filter:   4. Ingredients associated with energy
                                                                         and vitality:
                       1. Ingredients that will increase the             ■■ caffeine
                          savouriness and attractiveness of              ■■ guarana
                          tobacco products. These include, as            ■■ taurine
                          proven by patent specifications of             ■■ glucuronolactone
                          tobacco companies, the following               ■■ extracts from energy drinks
                          ■■ any type of flavouring agent             Regarding technical changes to tobacco
                          ■■ any type of fruit essence, organic       smoke in order to increase the attrac-
                             substances                               tiveness of smoking a ban must be
                          ■■ any type of sugar or sugar-like          placed on any further addition to the
                             substances                               cigarette such as capsules, “threads” or
                          ■■ any type of menthol or menthol-          others. Any manipulation of the proper-
                             like substances                          ties of tobacco products or their smoke
                          ■■ oils                                     must be prohibited. Patent specifica-
                          ■■ alcohol                                  tions from tobacco companies, which
                                                                      are available online, prove the indus-
                       2. Ingredients with colouring properties:      try's intentions to make tobacco prod-
                          ■■ ink                                      ucts even more attractive. The patents
                          ■■ pigments                                 also include a list of those additives that
                          ■■ other colouring agents                   help make smoking more flavoursome.
                                                                      Patent specifications are thus an essen-
                       3. Ingredients designed to give the            tial source of information for regulation
                          impression that products have healthy       measures. Patents reveal at least part of
                          benefits:                                   the producers' knowledge.
                          ■■ vitamins                                 The significant danger to their health to
                          ■■ substances derived from fruits           which consumers of tobacco products
                             or vegetables or their processing        are exposed justifies the strict regulation
                             (juices)                                 of such products. Therefore, a ban on
                          ■■ amino acids such as cysteine and         additives is the appropriate and propor-
                             tryptophane                              tionate response.

26   Recommendations

(1)   Ahijevych K & Garrett BE (2004) Menthol      (10) Cobben M (2011) Capsule rollout. Inves-
      pharmacology and its potential impact             tor day (17/18 May), British American
      on cigarette smoking behavior. Nicotine           Tobacco (BAT), Hampshire, United
      Tob Res 6 Suppl 1: S17-28                         Kingdom

(2)   Altria Client Services (2010) Background     (11)   Connolly GN (2004) Sweet and spicy
      Information to: Tobacco Products Scien-             flavours: new brands for minorities and
      tific Advisory Committee. Menthol Dis-              youth. Tob Control 13: 211-212
      cussion. Commissioned by Philip Morris
      USA                                          (12) Connolly GN, Behm I, Osaki Y & Wayne
                                                        GF (2011) The impact of menthol ciga-
(3)   Anderson SJ (2011) Marketing of men-              rettes on smoking initiation among non-
      thol cigarettes and consumer percep-              smoking young females in Japan. Int J
      tions: a review of tobacco industry docu-         Environ Res Public Health 8: 1-14
      ments. Tob Control 20 Suppl 2: ii20-28
                                                   (13) Cruz TB, Wright LT & Crawford G (2010)
(4)   Anderson SJ (2011) Menthol cigarettes             The menthol marketing mix: targeted
      and smoking cessation behaviour: a                promotions for focus communities in the
      review of tobacco industry documents.             United States. Nicotine Tob Res 12 Suppl
      Tob Control 20 Suppl 2: ii49-56                   2: S147-153

(5)   Bates C, Jarvis M & Connolly G (1999)        (14) Dessirier JM, O'Mahony M & Carstens E
      Tobacco additives. Cigarette engineering          (2001) Oral irritant properties of menthol:
      and nicotine addiction. R. J. Reynolds,           sensitizing and desensitizing effects of
      Bates number 524571992/2011, http://              repeated application and cross-desensiti-          zation to nicotine. Physiol Behav 73: 25-36
      (accessed on 23 Dec 2011)
                                                   (15) Deutsches        Krebsforschungszentrum
(6)   Bowles J (2011) Managing the chal-                (2011) Perspektiven für Deutschland: Das
      lenges in Western Europe. Investor day            Rahmeinübereinkommen der WHO zur
      (17/18 May), British American Tobacco             Eindämmung des Tabakgebrauchs. WHO
      (BAT), Hampshire, United Kingdom                  Framework Convention on Tobacco Con-
                                                        trol (FCTC). Heidelberg (Germany)
(7)   Caraballo RS & Asman K (2011) Epide-
      miology of menthol cigarette use in the      (16) Dube MF, Smith KW & Barnes VB (2010)
      United States. Tob Induc Dis 9 Suppl 1: S1        Filtered cigarette incorporating a break-
                                                        able capsule. US Patent number 7836895,
(8)   Carty MF (1968) Filter Cigarettes. US Pat-        R. J. Reynolds      Tobacco     Company
      ent number 3366121, application filed on          (Winston-Salem, NC), Application No.
      15 Dec 1964, granted on 30 Jan 1968               10/600712, filed on 23 June 2003, granted
                                                        on 23 Nov 2010
(9)   Carty MF (1971) Water-reactive Filter Ele-
      ment for Smoking Devices. US Patent          (17) Eccles R (1994) Menthol and related cool-
      number 3575180, application filed on              ing compounds. J Pharm Pharmacol 46:
      24 Aug 1967, granted on 2 Apr 1971                618-630

                                                                                                      References   27
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