Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV

Page created by Lance Allen
Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
RURAL Hilights
Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
    After years of consideration,
the cooperative has purchased its
first all-electric vehicle, and the
timing couldn’t have been better.
Battery technology has improved
and driving ranges have increased
substantially. The EV infrastructure
is taking shape and is expanding
across the country. Charging times
have decreased and will get faster
in the future. EVs are getting larger
and can now accommodate the
needs of SUV drivers. Several new
models are available, and prices are
starting to align with gas-powered
vehicles. The $7,500 Federal Tax
Credit is still available, and most EV
models qualify.
    RECC chose the ID.4 Pro S,
Volkswagen’s first all-electric SUV
because of its size, range and style.
It was a popular choice and had
to be pre-ordered through the VW
website; look for that to change         new vehicle. Rear-wheel-drive was             An 82 kWh battery pack pow-
once their Chattanooga, Tenn.            selected over AWD because it pro-        ers the 201 horsepower engine.
plant starts production in 2022. The     vided better range and is currently in   The electric motor is located just
online purchase was simple and           production. The following informa-       above the rear axle and transfers
estimated delivery time was 6-8          tion pertains only to the ID.4 Pro S     its torque to a two-stage gearbox.
weeks. We received notifications         model that was purchased by the          The location is ideal for handling
when our vehicle was being built,        cooperative. Details on the Pro and      and traction. The electric drive unit
left the factory, and cleared            all-wheel-drive models can be found      weighs about 200 pounds and could
customs.                                 on           fit into a duffle bag. This design frees
    There were two rear-wheel-               The EPA estimated fuel economy       up space inside the car, leaving the
drive models to choose from, the         is 104 MPGe for city driving, 89         under-hood area for just the radiator,
Pro for $39,995 and the Pro S for        MPGe highway and 97 MPGe com-            12 volt battery, and air conditioning
$44,495. The all-wheel-drive option      bined. The term MPGe, or miles per       components. The motor is so quiet
added $3,680 but also included a         gallon of gasoline equivalent, is an     that synthetic sounds were added
hitch and a heated windshield. The       EPA calculation that compares con-       for pedestrian awareness when driv-
destination charge of $1,195 was         sumption energy to traditional gas-      ing under 20 mph.
not included in the MSRP price. All      powered cars. When compared to                The battery weighs 1,087
models would qualify for the $7,500      an average gas vehicle, VW claims        pounds and is composed of 288
Federal Tax Credit.                      the ID.4 can provide up to $3,500 in     pouch cells in 12 modules. Its
    The Pro S model was chosen           estimated fuel cost savings in five      underbody position creates a low
because it contained the features        years. Hopefully, that can be verified   center of gravity and evenly distrib-
that most members prefer in a            in the next few years.                   utes the weight. One-fifth of the

                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2021   • ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING   20A
Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
weight comes from the battery’s              The interior has a modern design        battery level when plugged into a
      aluminum housing, which is bolted        and is controlled mostly by touch or        charging station.
      to the frame to strengthen the           voice control but does have a few               The interior’s ambient lighting
      bodyshell. The extruded frame wraps      actual buttons. The driver’s cockpit is     can be customized with the choice
      around the entire system to prevent      located on the steering column and          of 30 different colors. The illuminated
      battery damage during a collision. A     replaces the traditional instrument         charging pad allows convenient
      separate panel protects the battery      cluster. This screen is operated by         wireless charging of most handheld
      from road hazards below. The flat        touch-sensitive steering wheel con-         devices. Wireless App-Connect allows
      design also eliminates the floor hump    trols with haptic feedback. It displays     smartphone apps to run directly on
      in the rear passenger area.              battery power, range, lane assist sta-      the vehicle’s display through Apple
          The ID.4 is a nimble SUV with a      tus and other driving information. The      CarPlay, Android Auto and MirrorLink.
      turning radius of 33.5 feet. Driving     gear selector is a large toggle switch      USB-C ports are also available
      performance can be customized indi-      and is also attached to the steering        throughout.
      vidually or by use of the Eco, Comfort   column.                                         The ID.4 is unusually quiet due to
      or Sport presets. Regenerative               A 12-inch touchscreen is used for       its aero-acoustic design. The pan-
      brakes recover energy as the speed is    navigation, entertainment, vehicle          oramic roof is enormous and allows
      decreased and feeds power back into      settings and other driver preferences.      plenty of light to flow through the
      the battery.                             Menus can be moved using gestures           cabin, but the electric sunshade can
          The exterior is sleek and the        or by the swipe of a hand in front of       be closed with the swipe of a finger.
      radiator grill is replaced by intake     the screen. Many adjustments can            The 12-way power seats include ad-
      scoops. They funnel air into the car     also be made by voice command.              justable lumbar, massaging and two
      and open electrically when cooling       Separate sliders are located below the      memory positions. The seats are also
      is needed. LED light strips are used     display for adjustment of temperature       heated, just like the steering wheel,
      for running lights and shine through     and volume.                                 side mirrors and washer nozzles.
      the VW logos. Illuminated door               The ID. Light system is a light strip   Other convenient features include
      handles feature an electric release.     that runs below the windshield and          keyless entry, proximity access, power
      The 19-inch aluminum-alloy wheels        provides the driver with intuitive          tailgate, rain-sensing wipers, dual-
      have a flat aerodynamic design with      support. It uses various light pulses       zone climate control and under-floor
      low rolling resistance tires. Aluminum   to signal turn instructions, brake          storage.
      is used to lighten weight and the flat   prompts and incoming phone calls.               The ID.4 has a 4-year/50,000-mile
      underbody reduces drag.                  The lights will also pulsate to show        bumper-to-bumper warranty and the

Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
high-voltage battery has coverage for        signal turned on. If the driver still tries   will slow the vehicle to a gradual stop
8 years/100,000 miles of 70 percent          to steer out of the lane, the system          in its own lane.
capacity. The Carefree Maintenance           will warn with an additional vibration            Park Distance Control uses
Program provides 2 years/20,000              of the steering wheel.                        ultrasonic bumper sensors to monitor
miles of free maintenance. Roadside              Rear Traffic Alert warns if a             the front and rear of the vehicle when
assistance and free charging are also        potential collision is detected while in      parking. This feature will not park
included for a limited time.                 reverse. If the driver does not respond       the car, but it does provide guidance
    The driver assistance package,           to the warning, the brakes may be             when driving into tight spaces.
which Volkswagen calls IQ.DRIVE,             applied automatically to prevent a                Maneuver Braking is a park
provides even more technology. VW            collision.                                    distance feature that helps prevent
describes it as, “advanced driver assis-         Adaptive Cruise Control uses              collisions with stationary obstacles
tance with hands-on semi-automated           radar to maintain a safe distance to          in the front and rear as the vehicle is
capability.” Most auto manufacturers         the vehicle ahead, slow down, or even         maneuvered. The brake maneuvering
use similar technology and many of           stop if the vehicle in front does.            system is active between 1-6 mph.
these features may become standard               Lane Keeping System is active             If a stationary object is detected, it
in the future.                               when driving above 40 mph and                 can apply the brakes automatically to
    The ID.4 utilizes a front radar, front   system cameras recognize visible lane         help prevent a collision.
camera, two rear radars, and eight           markings. If certain conditions are               Dynamic Road Sign Display uses
ultrasound sensors to collect data           met, the lane assist will counter-steer       a forward-facing camera to detect
from the surrounding area, enabling          to help keep the vehicle in the lane.         and read road signs and verifies the
Forward Collision Warning and                    Travel Assist enables Level 2             information with signage data in the
Autonomous Emergency Braking with            partially-automated hands-on driv-            onboard navigation, then displays the
Pedestrian Monitoring; Blind Spot            ing from 0 to 95 mph by using the             speed limit sign for the driver.
Monitor; Rear Traffic Alert; Adaptive        steering wheel buttons to activate                High Beam Control automatically
Cruise Control; Lane Keeping System;         adaptive cruise and lane assist. The          switches on the high beams above 37
Travel Assist; and Emergency Assist. In      features will help steer, accelerate,         mph on poorly lit roads if no oncom-
addition, the ID.4 includes Dynamic          and brake while responding to chang-          ing traffic detected. Below 18 mph,
Road Sign Display; Park Distance             ing traffic conditions. The driver is still   the high beams switch off.
Control; and High Beam Control or            in control of the vehicle, but mun-
Light Assist.                                dane driving tasks are made easier. To
    Forward Collision Warning is             ensure alertness, the system monitors         Charging
intended to warn drivers of potential        the capacitive steering wheel to make         Stations
frontal collisions with vehicles and         sure the driver’s hands are in frequent
pedestrians. When traveling above            contact with the wheel.                          The battery charger is part of the
18 mph, it uses both acoustic and                Emergency Assist constantly               car’s electrical system and can accept
visual warnings to alert before an           monitors the driver’s attentiveness           a variety of different voltages. The
automatic brake jolt is applied. If the      to the steering wheel. If the system          charging station or plug-in device
driver fails to brake, Autonomous            does not detect driver input, a series        determines the type of voltage and
Emergency Braking is activated to            of warnings and brake jolts will occur.       the amount of power that the car’s
help slow the vehicle. Below 18 mph,         If the driver is incapacitated and no         charger will receive. There are three
the Autonomous Emergency Braking             input is detected, Emergency Assist           categories or levels of charging
activates without a warning to avoid a
collision. If the brake pedal is applied
too lightly by the driver, Breaking
Support will increase the brake
pressure.                                               H
    Blind Spot Monitoring uses two                      A
radar sensors at the rear of the vehicle                R
to scan the approaching traffic. A
warning symbol will flash on the mir-
ror housing if a vehicle is detected in                 I
a blind spot. In certain situations, the                N
system will counter-steer to prevent                    G
a lane change, even with the turn

                                                                                               SEPTEMBER 2021   • ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING   20C
Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
3973 W. State Route 104
           P.O. Box 19 • Auburn, IL 62615
                   (217) 438-6197

            Board of Directors
              Mel Repscher, Chairman
            Chris Wilcox, Vice Chairman
        Clayton Bloome, Secretary/Treasurer
         Jimmy L. Ayers, Asst. Sec.-Treasurer
                Cassie L. Eigenmann             stations and charging times can
                  Andy Goleman                  range between 30 minutes and
                   Thomas Hart                  three days.
                  Garry Niemeyer                    Level 1 is the slowest and ideal
                  Lou Weitekamp                 for supplemental charging. These
                                                charging units are included with the
              President/CEO                     EV purchase and the cable plugs
                   David Stuva                  into a standard 120 volt outlet. It
                                                provides an output of 1.1 kW and
                     Editor                     adds 2-3 miles of range per hour.
                   Jeff Lancaster                   Level 2 units will fully charge
                                                an EV overnight or in 8-10 hours.
                                                These are recommended for daily
         See our web page for monthly
                                                home charging and commonly
            Board meeting reports.              found in public spaces and parking
                                                lots for office buildings or shop-
        RECC will be closed on Monday,          ping centers. Level 2 charging sta-
         September 6th for Labor Day.           tions require 220 volt AC to operate
                                                and will supply 3.3 kW–11 kW and
                                                increase the range by 20-30 miles
            Payment Options                     per hour.
                                                    Level 3 is often referred to as
    • At our office front desk or outside       DC Fast Charging and is the best
        drop-box                                choice for recharging on a road
    •   Mail to: PO Box 19, Auburn IL           trip. The output of a level 3 is 25 kW–350 kW DC and can fully recharge most
        62615                                   batteries within 30 minutes. DC fast-charging stations require three-phase volt-
    •   Set up recurring bank draft or          age, are expensive to install, and somewhat difficult to find in many areas.
        credit card payments                        More than 90 percent of charging is done at home. Costs can be easily
    •   Online, with Pay Now from our                                                      calculated by multiplying the electric
        website                                                                            rate by the kWh used to replenish the
    •   Use SmartHub portal, online                                                        battery. The variable is the number
        or mobile app                                                                      of miles that will be produced by
                                                                                           the fully charged battery, which is
    •   By phone to our office, using
                                                                                           de-pendent upon driving habits and
        credit card or checking account
                                                                                           outside temperatures. If the charger
    •   By phone using automated                                                           uses 1.2 kWh to replenish 3 miles, it
        payment (217) 438-6197                                                             would cost less than 5 cents per mile
                                                                                           on RECC's residential rate. Charging
                                                                                           250 miles will be around $12.50.

Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV Meet the Volkswagen ID.4 Electric SUV
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