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                                                                                 Medizinhistorisches Journal 43 (2008) 372–379
                                                                                 © Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart                                      JOURNAL

                                                                                 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau

                                                                                 The British Journal for the History of Science
                                                                                 Vol. 41 (2008), Pt. 2, No. 149: Elizabeth Hedrick: Romancing the salve: Sir Kenelm
                                                                                 Digby and the powder of sympathy, S. 161-185. – Russel Smith: Optical reflection and
                                                                                 mechanical rebound: the shift from analogy to axiomatization in the seventeenth century.
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                                                                                 Part 2, S. 187-207. – Terje Brundtland: From medicine to natural philosophy: Francis
                                                                                 Hauksbee’s way to the air-pump, S. 209-240.

                                                                                 Bulletin of the History of Medicine
                                                                                 Vol. 82 (2008), H. 2: Alan Mikhail: The nature of plague in late eighteenth-century
                                                                                 Egypt, S. 249-275. – Peter J. Kastor und Conevery Bolton Valenčius: Sacagawea’s
                                                                                 „cold“: pregnancy and the written record of the Lewis and Clark expedition, S. 276-
                                                                                 310. – Anne-Emanuelle Birn: Doctors on record: Uruguay’s infant mortality stagnation
                                                                                 and its remedies, 1895–1945, S. 311-354. – Jacob M. Appel: „Physicians are not
                                                                                 bootleggers“: the short, peculiar life of the medicinal alcohol movement, S. 355-386.
                                                                                 – Mical Raz: Between the ego and the icepick: psychosurgery, psychoanalysis, and
                                                                                 psychiatric discourse, S. 387-420.
                                                                                 H. 3: Michael Brown: From foetid air to filth: the cultural transformation of British
                                                                                 epidemiological thought, ca. 1780–1848, S. 515-544. – Catherine Kelly: „Not from the
                                                                                 college, but through the public and the legislature“: Charles Maclean and the relocation
                                                                                 of medical debate in the early nineteenth century, S. 545-569. – Tatjana Buklijas:
                                                                                 Cultures of death and politics of corpse supply: anatomy in Vienna, 1848–1914, S. 570-
                                                                                 607. – Christian W. Mcmillen: „The red man and the white plague“: rethinking race,
                                                                                 tuberculosis, and American indians, ca. 1890–1950, S. 608-645. – Stephen T. Casper:
                                                                                 Atlantic conjunctures in Anglo-American neurology: Lewis H. Weed and Johns Hopkins
                                                                                 neurology, 1917–1942, S. 646-671.

                                                                                 Early Science and Medicine
                                                                                 Vol. 13 (2008), No. 4: Qiong Zhang: Hybridizing scholastic psychology with Chinese
                                                                                 medicine: a seventeenth-century Chinese Catholic’s conceptions of Xin (mind and heart),
                                                                                 S. 313-360. – Leigh N. Chipman und Efraim Lev: Take a lame and decrepit female
                                                                                 hyena: a genizah study of two additional fragments of Sabur Ibn Sahl’s al-Aqrabadhin
                                                                                 al-Saghir, S. 361-383.

                                                                                 Vol. 65 (2008), No. 1/2: Elisabeth Hsu: A hybrid body technique: does the pulse
                                                                                 diagnostic can guan chi method have Chinese-Tibetan origins?, S. 5-29. – Anton

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                                                                                 Erkoreka: Spanish influenza in the heart of Europe: a study of a significant sample of the
                                                                                 Basque population, S. 30-41. – Stephen Snelders: The plot against cancer: heredity and
                                                                                 cancer in German and Dutch medicine, 1933–1945. – Arnold Reisman: They helped
                                                                                 modernize Turkey’s medical education and practice: refugees from Nazism 1933–1945.
                                                                                 – Rudolf Pfister: Essay review – historiography of the body and medicine in ancient and
                                                                                 medieval China: 1997–2007, S. 86-107.

                                                                                 Gewina. Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen,
                                                                                 Wiskunde en Techniek*
                                                                                 Jg. 31 (2008), Nr. 1: Raf de Bont und Kaat Wils: Kennis in meervoud. Voor een
                                                                                 ruimhartige wetenschapsgeschiedenis, S. 3-12. – Leen Dorsman: Slaapmutsen en
                                                                                 ornamenten? Over het bestuur van een universiteit in de negentiende Eeuw, S. 32-46.
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                                                                                   mit Summary

                                                                                 History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
                                                                                 Vol. 29 (2007), No. 3: C. Kenneth Waters: The nature and context of exploratory
                                                                                 experimentation: an introduction to three case studies of exploratory research, S. 275-284.
                                                                                 – Richard M. Burian: On microRNA and the need for exploratory experimentation in
                                                                                 post-genomic molecular biology, S. 285-312. – Kevin C. Elliott: Varieties of exploratory
                                                                                 experimentation in nanotoxicology, S. 313-336. – Maureen A. O’Malley: Exploratory
                                                                                 experimentation and scientific practice: metagenomics and the proteorhodopsin case,
                                                                                 S. 337-360.
                                                                                 No. 4: Heiner Fangerau: Biology and war – American biology and international
                                                                                 science, S. 395-428. – Michael S. Billinger: Racial classification in the evolutionary
                                                                                 sciences: a comparative analysis, S. 429-468. – Erik Ellis: What is marine biology?:
                                                                                 Defining a science in the United States in the mid 20th century, S. 469-494. – Gregory
                                                                                 E. Blomquist: Population regulation and the life history studies of LaMont Cole, S. 495-

                                                                                 History of Psychiatry
                                                                                 Vol. 19 (2008), Pt. 3, No. 75: John C. Burnham: The syndrome of accident proneness
                                                                                 (Unfallneigung): why psychiatrists did not adopt and medicalize it, S. 251-274. – Louis
                                                                                 C. Charland: Alexander Crichton on the psychopathology of the passions, S. 275-296.
                                                                                 – Claire Hilton: The provision of mental health services in England for people over 65
                                                                                 years of age, 1970–78, S. 297-320. – Jette Møllerhøj: On unsafe ground: the practices
                                                                                 and institutionalization of Danish psychiatry, 1850–1920, S. 321-338. – Sander L.
                                                                                 Gilman: Electrotherapy and mental illness: then and now, S. 339-357. – G. E. Berrios:
                                                                                 „Essay on a classification of different genera of insanity“ by J. Baillarger (1853), S. 358-

                                                                                 History of Science
                                                                                 Vol. 46 (2008), Pt. 3, No. 153: Anna Marie Roos: Lodestones and gallstones: the
                                                                                 magnetic iatrochemistry of Martin Lister (1639–1712), S. 343-364.

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                                                                                 Vol. 99 (2008), No. 2: Angela N. H. Greager und Gregory J. Morgan: After the double
                                                                                 helix: Rosalind Franklin’s research on Tobacco mosaic virus, S. 239-272. – Peter Pesic:
                                                                                 Proteus rebound: reconsidering the „torture of nature“, S. 304-317.

                                                                                 Journal of the History of Biology
                                                                                 Vol. 41 (2008), No. 3: Adam R. Shapiro: Civic biology and the origin of the school
                                                                                 antievolution movement, S. 409-434. – Ronald P. Ladouceur: Ella Thea Smith and
                                                                                 the lost history of American high school biology textbooks, S. 435-472. – Marianne
                                                                                 Sommer: History in the gene: negotiations between molecular and organismal
                                                                                 anthropology, S. 473-528. – Hyung Wook Park: Edmund Vincent Cowdry and the
                                                                                 making of gerontology as a multidisciplinary scientific field in the United States, S. 529-
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                                                                                 Journal of the History of Dentistry
                                                                                 Vol. 55 (2007), No. 2: Curt Gerhard Lorber und Wilma Dorotheé Lorber: Odontology
                                                                                 or philologic: medical disputation about the teeth: Adam Meyer and Johannes Loew, Hof
                                                                                 1669, S. 59-67. – Gerald Shklar: Lorenz Heister and oral disease with the original text
                                                                                 from his chapters, S. 68-74.
                                                                                 No. 3: Brian Dolan: What have teeth taught us about culture? Practice, patienthood and
                                                                                 ethics in the history of dentistry and public health, S. 126-133. – Peter G. Meyerhof:
                                                                                 Early struggles to identify ethical standards in dentistry: Dr. Benjamin Brown and the
                                                                                 amalgam war of the 1840s, S. 139-149.
                                                                                 Vol. 56 (2008), No. 1: Till Dammaschke: The history of direct pulp capping, S. 9-23.

                                                                                 Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
                                                                                 Vol. 63 (2008), No. 3: Karen Brown: From Ubombo to Mkhuzi: disease, colonial
                                                                                 science, and the control of Nagana (livestock trypanosomosis) in Zululand, South Africa,
                                                                                 c. 1894-1953, S. 285-322. – Sarah W. Rodriguez: Rethinking the history of female
                                                                                 circumcision and clitoridectomy: American medicine and female sexuality in the late
                                                                                 nineteenth century, S. 323-347. – Lynn E. Miller und Richard M. Weiss: Medical
                                                                                 education reform efforts and failures of U.S. medical schools, 1870–1930, S. 348-387.
                                                                                 No. 4: Nancy Tomes und Susan M. Reverby: Continuity and contingency: the medical-
                                                                                 historical world according to Charles E. Rosenberg, S. 411-413. – Rosemary A. Stevens:
                                                                                 Charles E. Rosenberg and the multifaceted promise of medical history, S. 414-422.
                                                                                 – Naomi Rogers: Explaining everything? The power and perils of reading Rosenberg,
                                                                                 S. 423-434. – Julie Fairman und Patricia D’Antonio: Reimagining nursing’s place
                                                                                 in the history of clinical practice, S. 435-446. – Susan M. Reverby: „Don’t fence me
                                                                                 in“: connecting irony to power in the scholarship of Charles E. Rosenberg, S. 447-
                                                                                 454. – Nancy Tomes und Jeremy Greene: Is there a Rosenberg School?, S. 455-466.
                                                                                 – Dissertations completed by students of Charles E. Rosenberg, S. 467-475. – Charles
                                                                                 E. Rosenberg’s publications, S. 476-483. – Gretchen A. Condran: The elusive role of

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                                                                                 scientific medicine in mortality decline: diphtheria in nineteenth- and early twentieth-
                                                                                 century Philadelphia, S. 484-522.

                                                                                 Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
                                                                                 Vol. 44 (2008), No. 3: John A. Mills und Erika Dyck: Trust amply recompensed:
                                                                                 psychological research at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, 1957–1961, S. 199-218. – Robin L.
                                                                                 Cautin: David Shakow and schizophrenia research at Worcester State Hospital: the roots
                                                                                 of the scientist-practitioner model, S. 219-237. – Renato Foschi: Science and culture
                                                                                 around the Montessori’s first „Children’s Houses“ in Rome (1907–1915), S. 238-257. –
                                                                                 Jacob A. Belzen: The development of early psychology of religion: a Dutch falsification
                                                                                 of the received view, S. 258-272.
                                                                                 No. 4: Howard Hsueh-Hao Chiang: Effecting science, affecting medicine:
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                                                                                 homosexuality, the Kinsey reports, and the contested boundaries of psychopathology
                                                                                 in the United States, 1948–1965, S. 300-318. – Sofie Lachapelle: From the stage to the
                                                                                 laboratory: magicians, psychologists, and the science of illusion, S. 319-334. – Thomas
                                                                                 D. Fallace: John Dewey and the savage mind: uniting anthropological, psychological,
                                                                                 and pedagogical thought, 1894–1902, S. 335-349. – Colin Goff und Gilbert Geis: The
                                                                                 Michael-Adler report (1933): criminology under the microscope, S. 350-363.

                                                                                 Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
                                                                                 Vol. 17 (2008), No. 3: C. U. M. Smith: Visual thinking and neuroscience, S. 260-273.
                                                                                 – Nicholas Wade: Vision and visualization, S. 274-294. – Sheryl Ginn und Lorenzo
                                                                                 Lorusso: Brain, mind, and body: interactions with art in Renaissance Italy, S. 295-313. –
                                                                                 Lorenzo Lorusso: Neurological caricatures since the 15th century, S. 314-334. – Marco
                                                                                 Piccolino: Visual images in Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity, S. 335-348. – Sarah
                                                                                 de Rijcke: Light tries the expert eye: the introduction of photography in nineteenth-
                                                                                 century macroscopic neuroanatomy, S. 349-366. – Cornelius Borck: Recording the
                                                                                 brain at work: the visible, the readable, and the invisible in electroencephalography,
                                                                                 S. 367-379. – Alan Gross: The brains in brain: the coevolution of localization and its
                                                                                 images, S. 380-392.

                                                                                 Medical History
                                                                                 Vol. 52 (2008), No. 2: Annmarie Adams und Stacie Burke: A doctor in the house: the
                                                                                 architecture of home-offices for physicians in Toronto, 1885–1930, S. 163-194. – Paul
                                                                                 Elliott: „More subtle than the electric aura“: Georgian medical electricity, the spirit of
                                                                                 animation and the development of Erasmus Darwin’s psychophysiology, S. 195-220.
                                                                                 – Fay Bound Alberti: Angina pectoris and the Arnolds: emotions and heart disease in
                                                                                 the nineteenth century, S. 221-236. – Barbara Brookes: A corresponding community:
                                                                                 Dr Agnes Bennett and her friends from the Edinburgh Medical College for Women of the
                                                                                 1890s, S. 237-256. – Robert Woods: Texts and documents – Dr Smellie’s prescriptions
                                                                                 for pregnant women, S. 257-276.
                                                                                 No. 3: Virginia Berridge: History matters? History’s role in health policy making,
                                                                                 S. 311-326. – Stephen T. Casper: The origins of the Anglo-American research alliance

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                                                                                 and the incidence of civilian neuroses in second world war Britain, S. 327-346. – Teemu
                                                                                 Ryymin: „Tuberculosis-threatened children“: the rise and fall of a medical concept in
                                                                                 Norway, c.1900–1960, S. 347-364. – Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle: William Harvey’s
                                                                                 soliloquy to the college of physicians: reprising Terence’s plot, S. 365-386. – Annick
                                                                                 Opinel: The emergence of French medical entomology: the influence of universities, the
                                                                                 Institut Pasteur and military physicians (1890–c.1938), S. 387-405.

                                                                                 Medicina nei Secoli. Arte e Scienza*
                                                                                 Vol. 19 (2007), No. 1: Giuseppe Scalabrino, Daniela Veber und Elena Mutti: New
                                                                                 pathogenesis of the cobalamin-deficient neuropathy, S. 9-18. – Mattia Quattrocelli
                                                                                 und Paolo Mazzarello: La reazione nera: una biotecnologia „cognitiva“ ante litteram,
                                                                                 S. 19-28. – P. Binetti und D. Bosoni: Camillo Golgi: (1844–1926), profilo di un Nobel
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                                                                                 politicamente impegnato, S. 55-80. – Giovanni Berlucchi: Riflessioni sull’incontro
                                                                                 mancato della neuroistologia di Golgi e Cajal con la neurofisiologia dei loro tempi, in
                                                                                 occasione del centenario del premio Nobel per la fisiologia o la medicina del 1906, S. 81-
                                                                                 92. – Giuseppina Bock: Camillo Golgi e la „Accademia di scienze mediche e naturali in
                                                                                 Ferrara“, S. 93-100. – Eugenia Tognotti: Camillo Golgi e il contributo degli scienziati
                                                                                 italiani allo sviluppo della malariologia nell’ultimo quarto dell’ottocento, S. 101-117.
                                                                                 – Mario Falchetti, Ramona Lupi und Laura Ottini: Dalla biologia cellulare alla
                                                                                 biologia molecolare: l’apparato di Golgi dalla sua scoperta ai nostri giorni, S. 119-144.
                                                                                 – Rosalba Ciranni: La patologia sperimentale e Angelo Maffucci (1845–1903), S. 145-
                                                                                 156. – Luciana Rita Angeletti: Pre-giudizi versus osservazione razionale nelle malattie
                                                                                 trasmissibili-infettive: l’errore in agguato, S. 157-171. – Andrea A. Conti und Gian
                                                                                 Franco Gensini: The historical evolution of some intrinsic dimensions of quarantine,
                                                                                 S. 173-187. – Renato Soma und Gaetana Silvia Rigo: Le idee sul contagio di un medico
                                                                                 condotto della metà dell’ottocento, S. 189-194. – N. Nicoli Aldini, L. Pontoni, P. Scarani
                                                                                 und A. Ruggeri: Documenti ed immagini sull’innesto del vaiuolo vaccino in Bologna
                                                                                 al principio del XIX secolo, S. 195-208. – Alfredo Serrani und Fabiola Zurlini: Storia
                                                                                 della bibliografia medica ed evoluzione del concetto di malattia „infettiva“ nei secoli
                                                                                 XVI–XVII, S. 209-223. – Germana Pareti: Onda di eccitazione o disturbo propagato?
                                                                                 Un dibattito neurofisiologico tra otto e novecento, S. 225-241. – Antonio Spiller und
                                                                                 Giorgio Zanchin: La scoperta dell’organo stato-acustico nei crostacei da parte di Andrea
                                                                                 Comparetti (1746–1801), S. 243-272. – Donatella Lippi, Mario Milco D’Elios und
                                                                                 Gianfranco Gensini: Aterosclerosi: ieri, oggi, domani, S. 273-283. – Silvia Marinozzi
                                                                                 und Alessandro Aruta: Alla corte dei Medici: Girolamo Fabrizio D’Acquapendente
                                                                                 e la „Gobba“ di Don Carlo, S. 285-293. – Gabriella Nesi, Raffaella Santi und Gian
                                                                                 Luigi Taddei: Il museo patologico quale documentazione dei quadri di malattia del
                                                                                 passato e quale possibile opportunità di studio nella moderna medicina, S. 295-303. – E.
                                                                                 Turba, C. Brillante und S. Arieti: „I sogni“ di Cesare Augusto Levi: un’interpretazione
                                                                                 prefreudiana, S. 305-313. – Dario Piombino-Mascali und Francesco Mallegni: Un
                                                                                 esempio savocese di mummificazione artificiale in età moderna, S. 315-326. – Bruno
                                                                                 Lucci und Lorenzo Lorusso: Gaetano Perusini (1879–1915): il suo contributo alla
                                                                                 descrizione della malattia di Alzheimer, S. 327-335.
                                                                                 No. 2: Nicolò Nicoli Aldini: Chirurgia dei nervi periferici e chirurgia cranica negli
                                                                                 scritti e nelle lezioni di Antonio Scarpa, S. 337-351. – Lorenzo Lorusso, Carlo Cristini

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                                                                                 und Alessandro Porro: Lorenzo Tenchini (1852–1906): neuroanatomy and criminal
                                                                                 anthropology, S. 353-360. – Bruno Falconi: Un tema d’attualita’ nella Lombardia del
                                                                                 1906: la rigenerazione dei nervi, S. 361-371. – Monica Panetto und Giorgio Zanchin:
                                                                                 Tra opere a stampa e manoscritti inediti: Girolamo Fabrici D’Acquapendente sul sistema
                                                                                 nervoso, S. 373-385. – Valentina Gazzaniga: Prima dell’erotomania: lettere, cura del
                                                                                 corpo e mal d’amore in età moderna, S. 387-403. – Liborio Dibattista: La questione
                                                                                 delle emozioni: Charles François-Franck (1849–1921) contro la teoria di James-Lange,
                                                                                 S. 405-424. – Francesca Vannozzi: Un’operazione culturale per la salvaguardia del S.
                                                                                 Niccolò di Siena, S. 425-435. – Antonia Francesca Franchini: Il cuore va alla guerra:
                                                                                 rivisitazione della sindrome detta „cuore del soldato“ o „cuore irritabile del soldato“,
                                                                                 S. 437-455. – Giuseppe Armocida: La psicochirurgia di A. M. Fiamberti nella stampa
                                                                                 di informazione di metà novecento, S. 457-474. – Pier Luigi Cabras und Donatella
                                                                                 Lippi: La patobiografia e il caso Torquato Tasso, S. 475-480. – Aldo Gerbino: Tommaso
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                                                                                 Campailla: materia dei sogni e ipocondria di un eclettico, S. 481-493. – Massimo
                                                                                 Aliverti: Oscar Giacchi e la „Malinconia spermatica“, S. 495-502. – Daniele Blasotta
                                                                                 und Omar Ferrario: Le critiche di Arrigo Tamassia alle conclusioni peritali del processo
                                                                                 Guiteau (1882–1883), S. 503-512. – D. Vanni und P. Benvenuti: Sul „meccanismo
                                                                                 d’azione della malarioterapia“, S. 513-520. – Gino Fornaciari, Angelica Vitiello, Sara
                                                                                 Giusiani, Valentina Giuffra, Antonio Fornaciari und Natale Villari: The Medici
                                                                                 project. First anthropological and paleopathological results of the exploration of the
                                                                                 Medici tombs in Florence, S. 521-543. – Raimonda Ottaviani, P. Vanni und M. Barra:
                                                                                 Il pacifismo di Henry Dunant, S. 545-560. – Alessandro Porro und Antonia Francesca
                                                                                 Franchini: Tra Pavia e Brescia: il caso di Luigi Porta (1800–1875), S. 561-576. – Maria
                                                                                 Buscemi: Le botti di gujaco tra scienza ed esoterismo: Tommaso Campailla, Genius
                                                                                 Loci, S. 577-587. – Renato Malta und Alfredo Salerno: Graffiti dello Steri di Palermo
                                                                                 de conoscenze mediche, S. 589-608. – R. Malta, G. Maira und A. Salerno: Aspetti
                                                                                 medico – sanitari, etici e socio economici dell’attivita’ solfifera in Sicilia (1791–1964),
                                                                                 S. 609-626. – Giuliana Cingoli: Preformazione ed epigenesi nell’opera di M. Malpighi,
                                                                                 S. 627-640. – Mario Milco D’Elios: Helicobacter pylori, la storia, S. 641-645. – Ilaria
                                                                                 Gorini: Il neurologo Angelo de Vincenti e le terme di Salice, S. 647-652.
                                                                                   mit Summary

                                                                                 NTM. Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Ethik der Naturwissenschaften,
                                                                                 Technik und Medizin*
                                                                                 N. S. Vol. 16 (2008), Nr. 3: Staffan Müller-Wille: Zeugung, Entwicklung, Evolution,
                                                                                 S. 399-404.
                                                                                   mit Summary

                                                                                 Science in Context
                                                                                 Vol. 21 (2008), No. 3: Asaf Goldschmidt: Commercializing medicine or benefiting the
                                                                                 people – the first public pharmacy in China, S. 311-350.

                                                                                 Social History of Medicine
                                                                                 Vol. 21 (2008), No. 2: Jessica Hughes: Fragmentation as metaphor in the classical healing
                                                                                 sanctuary, S. 217-236. – Leonard Smith: „Your very thankful inmate“: discovering the

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                                                                                 patients of an early county lunatic asylum, S. 237-252. – Cherilyn Lacy: Education,
                                                                                 mutualism, and medical consumers in Third Republic France, 1882–1914, S. 253-268.
                                                                                 – Anena Dove Osseo-Asare: Bioprospecting and resistance: transforming poisoned
                                                                                 arrows into strophantin pills in Colonial Gold Coast, 1885–1922, S. 269-290. – Loh Kah
                                                                                 Seng: „Our lives are bad but our luck is good“: a social history of leprosy in Singapore,
                                                                                 S. 291-310. – Brendan D. Kelly: Poverty, crime and mental illness: female forensic
                                                                                 psychiatric committal in Ireland, 1910–1948, S. 311-328. – Elizabeth Siegel Watkins:
                                                                                 Medicine, masculinity, and the disappearance of male menopause in the 1950s, S. 329-
                                                                                 344. – Leanne Mccormick: „The scarlet woman in person“: the establishment of a family
                                                                                 planning service in Northern Ireland, 1950–1974, S. 345-360. – Cecily Hunter und
                                                                                 Anthony D. Lamontagne: Investigating „community“ through a history of responses
                                                                                 to asbestos-related disease in an Australian industrial region, S. 361-380. – Jonathan
                                                                                 Reinarz: Unearthing and dissecting the records of English provincial medical education,
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                                                                                 c. 1825–1948, S. 381-392.

                                                                                 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part C: Studies in History and
                                                                                 Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
                                                                                 Vol. 39 (2008), No. 2: Consuelo Preti: On the origins of the contemporary notion of
                                                                                 propositional content: anti-psychologism in nineteenth-century psychology and G. E.
                                                                                 Moore’s early theory of judgment, S. 176-185.
                                                                                 No. 3: Richard Noakes: The „world of the infinitely little“: connecting physical and
                                                                                 psychical realities circa 1900, S. 323-334.

                                                                                 Sudhoffs Archiv*
                                                                                 Bd. 92 (2008), H. 1: Jens Martin Rohrbach: Deutsche Augenärzteschaft und NSDAP,
                                                                                 S. 1-19. – Florian Mildenberger: Heilstrom durch den Kropf. Leben, Werk und
                                                                                 Nachwirkung des Wunderheilers Bruno Gröning (1906–1959), S. 35-64.
                                                                                   mit Summary

                                                                                 Würzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen*
                                                                                 Bd. 27 (2008): Christoph Weißer: 25 Jahre Würzburger medizinhistorische Gesellschaft:
                                                                                 Wie alles begann …, S. 7-14. – Ulrike Bausewein und Johannes Gottfried Mayer:
                                                                                 Alexander von Humboldt und die Tonheilerde, S. 16-23. – Karl-Ernst Bühler und
                                                                                 Gerhard Heim: Pierre Janets Konzeption des Unterbewußten, S. 24-62. – Hartmut
                                                                                 Collmann: Georges Schaltenbrand (26. 11. 1897 – 24. 10. 1979), S. 63-92. – Volker
                                                                                 Klimpel: Hospitäler, Lazarette und Siechenhäuser im Kurfürstentum Sachsen des
                                                                                 16. Jahrhunderts: Ein Fundbericht, S. 93-104. – Hannes Langrieger: Ein Platz für
                                                                                 Sterbende? Das Unheilbarenhaus in der vormaligen freien Reichsstadt Regensburg,
                                                                                 S. 105-163. – Katrin Max: Literarische Texte in der Medizingeschichte: Klabunds
                                                                                 Erzählung „Die Krankheit“, S. 164-202. – Florian Mildenberger: Auf der Suche nach
                                                                                 dem rechten Weg. Leben und Werk des Medizinhistorikers Magnus Schmid (1918–
                                                                                 1977), S. 203-224. – Ferdinand Peter Moog: Jean Dominique Larrey und eine paradoxe
                                                                                 Wohlfahrtsmarke, S. 225-239. – Philipp Osten: „... eine populäre und zweckmäßige
                                                                                 Darstellung von Gegenständen, die dem denkenden Menschen wichtig sind.“ Lehre,

                                                                                                                      Franz Steiner Verlag
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau                                                 379

                                                                                 Krankenversorgung und Laienvorträge in ihrer Beziehung zur Popularisierung
                                                                                 medizinischen Wissens in den 1830er Jahren. Das Beispiel des Magdeburger Arztes
                                                                                 August Ferdinand Brüggemann, S. 240-272. – Georgios Papadopoulos: Vorstellungen
                                                                                 von Wirkungsweise und Spezifität der Arzneimittel zwischen Antike und früher Neuzeit,
                                                                                 S. 273-294. – Siegbert Rummler: Medizinische Promotionsschriften zu Geburtshilfe
                                                                                 und Frauenleiden aus der alten Viadrina (1700–1811), S. 295-306. – Frank Stahnisch:
                                                                                 Über Forschungsentwicklungen der Neurostimulation nach 1945: Historische und
                                                                                 ethische Aspekte medizinischer Manipulationen am menschlichen Gehirn, S. 307-346.
                                                                                 – Manfred Vasold: Nürnberger Privatkliniken im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, S. 347-380.
                                                                                 – Tilmann Walter: Paracelsuskritische Haltungen oder „Antiparacelsismus“?, 1570–
                                                                                 1630, S. 381-408. – Wilf Gunther: Translating Isidore’s „Etymologie“. Review of three
                                                                                 new complete translations of „Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum sive originum
                                                                                 libri XX“ with special regard to aspects of the history of medicine together with some
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                                                                                 introductory remarks, S. 410-436.
                                                                                   mit Summary

                                                                                 Bearbeitung:   Dr. phil. Monika Reininger
                                                                                                Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Michael Stolberg
                                                                                                Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der
                                                                                                Universität Würzburg
                                                                                                Oberer Neubergweg 10a
                                                                                                D-97074 Würzburg

                                                                                                                       Franz Steiner Verlag
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