Media Guide Paralympics Australia - Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games

Page created by Emma Daniels
Media Guide Paralympics Australia - Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
Paralympics Australia

Media Guide
    Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
               24 AUGUST – 5 SEPTEMBER 2021
Media Guide Paralympics Australia - Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
Media Contacts                                        Contents
STAFF                                                 02	Message from the President
Alice Wheeler - Media and Content Coordinator         03	Message from the Chef de Mission
P:+61 418 961 184                                     05	About Paralympics Australia
                                                      PA MEDIA SERVICES
Jacqueline Chartres - Media and Content Coordinator
                                                      08	Support for Australian media
P:+61 402 338 719
E:              12	PA Media team
                                                      16	Media etiquette
Lucy Hunt - Media and Content Coordinator             ABOUT THE GAMES
P:+61 401 338 660                                     19	What is Paralympic sport?
E:                        22	History of the Paralympic Games

GENERAL MEDIA ENQUIRES                                TOKYO 2020 PARALYMPIC TEAM
P: +61 2 9704 0506                                    34	Fast facts
E:                            36	Australia at the Paralympic Games
                                                      40	Team Executive
Tim Mannion                                           ATHLETES AND STAFF BY SPORT
General Manager, Communications                       44	Para-archery
P: +817015957089                                      48	Para-athletics
E:                      61	Para-badminton
A complete contact list is available on page 12.      64 Boccia
                                                      67	Para-canoe
                                                      71	Para-cycling
Paralympics Australia:
                                                      78	Para-equestrian
                                                      82 Goalball
International Paralympic Committee (IPC):             85	Para-judo                                    87	Para-rowing
Organising Committee (TOCOG):                         91	Para-shooting                                     94	Para-swimming
                                                      106	Para-table tennis
                                                      111	Para-taekwondo
   @ausparalympics                                    113 Para-triathlon
   @ausparalympics                                    117	Wheelchair basketball
                                                      124	Wheelchair rugby
   @ausparalympics                                    129	Wheelchair tennis
   @ausparateam                                       134	Competition schedule
                                                      138	Sponsor family

                                                      Cover: 18 sports on the 2020 Australian Paralympic Team
                                                      This page: Tokyo, Japan
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Message from the President                                                                                  Message from the Chef de Mission
                                     The lead-up to these Games          home, these Games present                                           of preparation into podium          as well as the all-important
                                     has been unlike any other.          our best opportunity yet to                                         success. What this means for        competition schedule.
                                     While the decision to postpone      introduce all of Australia to                                       Australia’s athletes – including
                                                                                                                                                                                 Further, I encourage you to
                                     was not easy, it was one that       our athletes and welcome as                                         those who arrive in Tokyo
                                                                                                                                                                                 regularly check the Games
                                     our Team took in its stride.        many as possible to the official                                    as defending Paralympic
                                                                                                                                                                                 portal on the Paralympics
                                     In the 12 months they would         cheer squad of the Australian                                       medallists, reigning world
                                                                                                                                                                                 Australia website (paralympic.
                                     not otherwise have had,             Paralympic Team, AUS Squad.                                         champions and world record
                                                                                                                                                                        – your
                                     our athletes have stayed                                                                                holders - is that, while the
                                                                                                                                                                                 one-stop shop for all the latest
                                     committed, focused and              As those who have already                                           competition has never been
                                                                                                                                                                                 news, results, images and
                                     adaptable.                          covered a Paralympic Games                                          fiercer, they are in the shape of
                                                                         can attest, there are few                                           their lives.
                                     As always, Paralympics
                                                                         athletes more deserving of your                                                                         Ultimately, we want all
                                     Australia values the incredible                                                                         Also primed to make their
                                                                         coverage than ours. I challenge                                                                         Australians to know the stories
                                     support of the Australian                                                                               mark are our 84 Paralympic
                                                                         you to tell as many stories as                                                                          of our country’s best athletes
                                     media; our Paralympians                                                                                 debutants, including in the
                                                                         possible, remembering that                                                                              and we will be working around
                                     rely on you to tell their stories                                                                       new Paralympic sports of
                                                                         having a disability is only a                                                                           the clock to help you tell them.
With the Paralympic Games set        and our country’s sports fans                                          The 2020 Paralympic Games,       badminton (two athletes)
                                                                         part of who our athletes are,                                                                           If you do not find what you
to return to Tokyo, Japan, for       are better for it. We saw this                                         more than any other, has         and taekwondo (one athlete).
                                                                         not all of who they are. I look                                                                         need in this Media Guide or on
the first time in nearly 60 years,   in 2016 and again in 2018                                              been a long time coming. Our     Incredibly, some of these
                                                                         forward to reading, watching                                                                            the PA website, please contact
I am confident we will all be        when the Gold Coast hosted                                             athletes have dedicated the      athletes only emerged as
                                                                         and listening to what you come                                                                          Tim and his team.
sharing a very special moment        the most disability-inclusive                                          last five years of their lives   contenders in the past 12
                                                                         up with.
in Paralympic history.               Commonwealth Games ever.                                               to protecting their dreams       months. Were it not for the         It simply will not be possible
                                                                                                            of success in Tokyo and          postponement, it would have         for me to attend every session
The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic            With Seven West Media - now         JOCK O’CALLAGHAN
                                                                                                            Paralympics Australia has        been Paris, not Tokyo, in their     of every sport every day, so I
Games are expected to be the         a world leader in Paralympic        President
                                                                                                            spent thousands of hours         sights.                             will be relying on you to help
largest and most competitive         sport broadcasting - reprising      Paralympics Australia
                                                                                                            adapting its plans for the                                           keep me updated. I can’t wait
yet, contested against the           its role as rightsholder and                                                                            Helping you to tell their stories
                                                                                                            delivery of the Australian                                           to watch, read and listen to
iconic backdrop of one of the        with what we hope to be the                                                                             is a highly experienced media
                                                                                                            Paralympic Team to the                                               your great work covering the
busiest cities in the world. After   unprecedented support of                                                                                team led by Tim Mannion,
                                                                                                            Games.                                                               Games.
many years of training, the          reporters in Tokyo and at                                                                               Paralympics Australia’s General
179 athletes of the Australian                                                                              Paralympic athletes from         Manager of Communications.
                                                                                                                                                                                 KATE MCLOUGHLIN
Paralympic Team will be aiming                                                                              all over the world have been     Within this Media Guide,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Chef de Mission
to push their limits to reach the                                                                           counting down to these Games     you will find comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                                 2020 Australian Paralympic Team
pinnacle of their sports, the                                                                               for what feels like a lifetime   information about the services
Paralympic podium.                                                                                          and most feel an incredible      available to you during the
                                                                                                            sense of responsibility – and    Games, athlete and sport
                                                                                                            opportunity – to convert         profiles, a brief history of
                                                                                                            those 12 additional months       Paralympic sport in Australia,
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Paralympics Australia Ltd                                Member organisations                     About Paralympics Australia                           At the heart of what we do is our athletes,
                                                         Archery Australia                                                                              who strive to compete at an elite level and
PO Box 596                                                                                        Paralympics Australia is the nation’s peak
                                                                                                                                                        uphold the ideals of the Paralympic Movement:
Sydney Markets                                           Athletics Australia                      sporting organisation for athletes with physical,
                                                                                                                                                        determination, equality, inspiration and courage.
NSW 2129                                                 Australian Para Ice Hockey Association   vision and intellectual impairments.
                                                         Australian Sailing                                                                             Of the 159 nations represented at the Rio 2016
Building A
                                                         Australian Taekwondo                     Our Purpose                                           Paralympics, Australia placed fifth on the medal
1 Herb Elliott Avenue
                                                         Badminton Australia                      To advance the Paralympic Movement and Para-          tally with 22 gold, 30 silver and 29 bronze medals.
Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127
                                                         Basketball Australia                     sport in Australia and be a catalyst for a more       Australia placed fifth also at London 2012, Beijing
P: +61 2 9704 0500                                       Blind Sport Australia                    inclusive society.                                    2008, Athens 2004, and first at Sydney 2000.
E:                                Boccia Australia
                                                                                                  Our Values                                            • Paralympic Innovation
                                                         Cycling Australia
Board                                                                                                                                                   A major driver of Australia’s consistent
                                                         Disabled Wintersport Australia           Para-sports, Para-athletes and Paralympians
                                                                                                                                                        Paralympic success in the 21st century has been
President Jock O’Callaghan                               Disability Sport Australia               are at the centre of everything we do. Together,
                                                                                                                                                        cutting-edge innovation. Our team of sport
Directors Tim Carmody                                    Equestrian Australia                     we are TENACIOUS, PROUD, LIMITLESS.
                                                                                                                                                        scientists and applied researchers works across
           Rebecca Frizelle                              Football Federation Australia
                                                                                                  Our Priorities                                        a range of key areas, including skill acquisition,
                                                         Paddle Australia
           Lachlan Harris                                                                                                                               coach and athlete development, performance
                                                         Rowing Australia                         - To identify, deliver and manage Australian
           John Hartigan                                                                                                                                analysis, biomechanics and sports engineering.
                                                         Shooting Australia                          Teams for Paralympic Summer and Winter
           Rosie King                                                                                Games and other international sporting
                                                         Snow Australia                                                                                 Our Paralympic Innovation team has specialist
           Grant Mizens                                  Sport Inclusion Australia                   competitions;                                      knowledge of Para-sport. The team works closely
           Helen Nott                                    Swimming Australia                       - To initiate, implement and support programs        with athletes and their coaches to co-design
           Annabelle Williams                            Table Tennis Australia                      to increase awareness of, access to and            world-leading learning environments that:
                                                         Tennis Australia                            participation in Paralympic sports;                - Provide context-specific and bespoke solutions
                                                         Triathlon Australia                      - To promote inclusion and equality for people          to coach and athlete challenges;
                                                                                                     with a disability within sport and more broadly.   - Empower athletes to take ownership of their
                                                                                                                                                           skill development;
                                                                                                  We work with our national sporting organisation
                                                                                                  partners to help identify potential Paralympians      - Simulate competition contexts and prepare
                                                                                                  and assist athletes to prepare for competition           athletes for the expected and unexpected;
                                                                                                  by providing funding for and access to coaching,      - Support behaviour change;
                                                                                                  equipment, medical support and travel in the          - Allow for sharing and education for sustainable
                                                                                                  lead up to the Summer and Winter Paralympic              success.
                                                                                                                                                        Our Paralympic Innovation team has targeted
                                                                                                  Our partnerships with governments, business,          and strong partnerships with the National
                                                                                                  national sporting organisations and disability        Institute Network, key research institutes and
                                                                                                  groups are critical to delivering successful          world-leading specialists in skill acquisition,
                                                                                                  Paralympic Teams to the Games.                        coaching pedagogy, athlete development, sports
                                                                                                  We believe participation in sport provides            engineering and other targeted disciplines.
                                                                                                  positive social and physical benefits to people       • Driving Social Change
                                                                                                  with disabilities and plays an important role in
                                                                                                                                                        We believe the Paralympic brand has the
                                                                                                  changing community perceptions of people
                                                                                                                                                        power to transform lives and societies. We seek
                                                                                                  with disabilities.
                                                                                                                                                        to empower governments, businesses and
Paralympics Australia CEO Lynne Anderson, Australian Paralympic Team co-captain
Ryley Batt, Australian Chef de Mission Kate McLoughlin and Australian Paralympic
Team co-captain Danni Di Toro
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                                                                                                           as a pathway into Para-sport for people with            - Through the Australian Paralympic History
                                                                                                           a disability. To date, funding grants have been            Project, we oversee the capture, management
                                                                                                           provided to more than 50 individuals and 180               and preservation of the remarkable history of
                                                                                                           Para-sport programs at all levels, totalling more          the Paralympic movement in Australia in a way
                                                                                                           than $850,000.                                             that is relevant, accessible and establishes the
                                                                                                          - Our Paralympic Speakers Program involves                 movement within its broader social context.
                                                                                                             Para-athletes visiting businesses, schools,              In 2019, we launched the online history of the
                                                                                                             hospitals and community groups to talk about             Paralympic movement in Australia,
                                                                                                             diversity, inspiration, leadership, inclusion,           Paralympic Stories.
                                                                                                             workplace safety, motivation and success, as          • Classification
                                                                                                             well as their personal stories. Para-athletes have
                                                                                                                                                                   Classification is at the centre of Para-sport,
                                                                                                             delivered dozens of speaking engagements
                                                                                                                                                                   determining which athletes are eligible to
                                                                                                             nationally since its inception in 2013.
                                                                                                                                                                   compete and the structure for how athletes are
                                                                                                          - Our Paralympic Education Program provides             grouped together for Para-sport competition.
                                                                                                            free and flexible curriculum-linked resources          We are responsible for implementing the IPC
                                                                                                            that teach students about resilience and               Athlete Classification Code, which details the
                                                                                                            inclusion. The program involves Para-                  classification policies and procedures that are
                                                                                                            athletes visiting schools to give presentations,       common across Paralympic sports. We work with
                                                                                                            demonstrations and answer questions, as                our national federations to embed classification
                                                                                                            well as share their personal stories. In 2020,         in sport by creating opportunities for athletes
                                                                                                            online resources reached 50,000 teachers and           to access accurate and quality classification at
                                                                                                            students, while Paralympians delivered virtual         the relevant point in their sporting pathway. We
                                                                                                            school events nationally to more than 700              actively promote ethical classification practice,
                                                                                                            children. An expert classroom series featuring         ensuring that our athletes and people are
                                                                                                            Paralympians also reached the wider school             protected and Para-sports integrity is upheld.
                                                                                                                                                                   Whether at the elite level or lower, we believe
Curtis McGrath                                                                                            - Our Indigenous People With Disabilities And
                                                                                                                                                                   participation in sport provides positive physical
                                                                                                             Sport web section provides information and
                                                                                                                                                                   and social outcomes for people with a disability.
communities to commit to policy and strategies        - Conduct programs that educate diverse               resources to help chronic disease prevention
                                                                                                                                                                   It also complements our broader advocacy for
that drive change towards a genuinely inclusive          audiences;                                          and promote health and physical activity
                                                                                                                                                                   diversity and inclusion across society. Working
society.                                              - Run programs that minimise obstacles to             awareness and opportunities for First Nations
                                                                                                                                                                   alongside us in these pursuits are governments,
                                                         participation in sport;                             people with a disability.
Central to this objective is changing the narrative                                                                                                                sporting partners, disability groups, sponsors,
around disability and highlighting the benefits       - Create purpose-built content that is engaging,   - Our Communications division is a vital driver         supporters – and you, the media.
and opportunities that come from diversity and           informative and accessible.                         of the growth in awareness of Paralympic sport
inclusion.                                                                                                   in Australia. The 2016 Paralympic cycle was our
                                                      • Programs                                             most successful media operation, reaching a
To achieve this, we:                                  - Our Para-sport Equipment Fund provides              cumulative audience of 467.9 million through
- Foster social change partnerships with               grants to successful individual or group             online, print, radio and television coverage in the
   organisations and entities that have similar         applicants to address the costs associated           three-month period surrounding the Games.
   values;                                              with Para-sport equipment and access. It aims
                                                        primarily at entry level participants and acts
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    PA Media Services
    Support for Australian media                  To subscribe to the releases, please
    Paralympics Australia (PA) is
    committed to helping you provide              General interest stories will be filed.
    your best coverage of the Tokyo 2020          These will be sent to our mailing list
    Paralympic Games. We aim to set               and published on our website.
    a new benchmark for coverage of
    Paralympic sport in Australia.                Interviews
                                                  Australian athletes and staff will be
    During the Games, we will supplement
                                                  available for interviews throughout
    the news services provided by the IPC
                                                  the Games. All requests should
    and TOGOG with information that is
                                                  be directed to PA media teams in
    comprehensive, relevant and timely.           Sydney and Melbourne, who will
    Stories, quotes, images and audio             coordinate interviews as quickly and
    will be available within two hours of         efficiently as possible.
    the conclusion of each session of the
    Games.                                        Note: Members of the media are not
                                                  to approach athletes and Team staff
    Note: Media Centres within PA’s               directly. In Tokyo, all interviews must
    offices in Sydney and Melbourne               be coordinated through the PA Media
    should be the first point of contact for      Liaison Officer for each sport. Thank
    all Australian-based media. PA Staff          you for your understanding.
    in Australia will regularly liaise with the
    media team in Tokyo to coordinate             Audio interviews for radio
    all requests. The Tokyo-based media           Where possible, we will provide
    team may not be as responsive to              broadcast quality audio interviews
    Australian-based media due to the             which comply with News Access Rules
    demand they face from accredited              following the completion of an event.
    media at Games venues.
    Results                                       Explorer Media is the official
    Schedules and results for every               photographer of the Australian
    Australian athlete will be published          Paralympic Team. News
    on the Tokyo 2020 website via the             organisations can access
    Olympic Data Feed immediately                 photographs for editorial use only.
    following each event. The final event         To apply for access, please email
    schedule will be shared before the  
    Opening Ceremony on August 24.                Low-resolution photographs will be
                                                  posted daily to our digital platforms.
    Stories                                       These can be shared but can not
    Media releases will be distributed            be copied and posted without
    regularly, covering the key events of         acknowledgement of Paralympics
    each morning and evening session.             Australia.

                                                               Heath Davidson and Dylan Alcott
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Video for TV coverage
The Seven Network, as the broadcast rights
holder for the 2016, 2018 and 2020 Paralympics,
will produce and deliver comprehensive multi-
platform coverage of the Tokyo Games to
Australian audiences. Seven’s TV broadcast will
include up to 14 hours a day of live coverage plus
the Opening and Closing Ceremonies live. This will
be complemented by coverage of 18 sports live
via its digital app, 7plus.

To access video from the Seven Network for use
in news reporting, non-rights holders must ensure
they cover the Paralympic Games in accordance
with the IPC’s News Access Rules.

Social media
The Australian Paralympic Team will have
a strong social media presence during
the Games. You are invited to follow us on
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube at
the handles below. Our campaign hashtag is






                                       Tokyo, Japan
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PA Media Team                                       years, during which they won two men’s BBL           Cup, NSW Origin Teams and the Gold Coast                         David Sygall
Paralympic Village, Tokyo                           titles, the second of which included spending        Commonwealth Games. Lauren’s previous                            Media Liaison Officer – Wheelchair
                                                    65 days in a biosecure bubble.                       experience included working with Surf Lifesaving                 Basketball (men), Triathlon,
             Tim Mannion                                                                                 Australia and Equestrian Australia. While this                   Goalball
                                                    P: +8170 1595 4140
             Head of Media and Broadcast                                                                 will be Lauren’s first Paralympic Games, she has                  David is a Communications Officer
             Tim is the General Manager,                                                                 worked as an MLO for the Australian Olympic                       at Paralympics Australia. Previously
             Communications at Paralympics                       Quentin Hull                            Team at the past three Summer Games.                he was a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald
             Australia and one of two Deputy                     Media Liaison Officer – Wheelchair                                                          for 20 years and won the Australian Sports
                                                                                                         P: +8170 1595 4119
                                                                 Basketball (women), Wheelchair
Chefs de Mission for the Australian Paralympic                                                           E:                    Commission award for best coverage of sport in
Team. During the Games, he will oversee                                                                                                                      2011. He has since worked for Australian Sailing,
the Australian Team’s media and broadcast                         Quentin is an award-winning                        Amanda Scott                            Cricket Australia, the AFL, PlayersVoice and
operations, manage inquiries from Australian                      ABC broadcaster with 20 years’                     Media Liaison Officer – Equestrian,     at the Invictus Games. David was an MLO for
                                                    experience covering domestic and international                   Shooting, Archery
media, coordinate interviews and media                                                                                                                       Paralympics Australia at London 2012 and Rio
conferences, and help to resolve any issues which   sport. His diverse resume includes track and field                 Amanda has more than 15 years’        2016.
may arise during the Games. Tim will also be the    commentator for the Australian TV coverage                         experience in communications,         P: +8170 1595 4111
Media Liaison Officer for wheelchair rugby.         of the Paralympic Games at Beijing 2008 and          community engagement and public relations           E:
                                                    London 2012. Quentin is delighted to join PA’s       across the public and private sector. She was the
P: +8170 1595 7089
                                                    media team for his first Games ‘on the other         Australian Defence Force's public affairs lead                   Brett Frawley
                                                    side’ of the microphone.                             for the Invictus Games in Sydney in 2018 and,                    Content Producer
             Danielle Balales                       P: +8170 1595 4131                                   in 2019, managed public affairs for the ADF's                    Brett is a co-owner of Good Shout,
             Media Liaison Officer – Swimming       E:                    involvement in the Royal Edinburgh Military                      a content production company
              Danielle is the Media and                                                                  Tattoo. Amanda works for Transport for NSW as                    established in 2017. Brett has worked
                                                                 Margie McDonald                         a Communications and Engagement Manager
              Communications Advisor at                                                                                                                      at two Paralympic Games and two Olympic
                                                                 Media Liaison Officer - Athletics
              Swimming Australia. Formerly an                                                            overseeing major infrastructure projects.           Games. Tokyo 2020 will be his third Paralympic
ABC radio producer in Adelaide and Melbourne                      Margie has been to every Summer        P: +8170 1595 4115                                  campaign making engaging content for fans of
before moving to 3AW, Danielle worked on a                        Paralympic Games since 2000 and        E:                   the Australian Paralympic Team.
range of sports and was a producer on Neil                        Winter Paralympic Games since
                                                    2002. She was MLO for the Australian track and                   Gennie Sheer                            P: +8170 1595 4145
Mitchell’s Morning program. She then spent four
                                                    field team for the 2102 London and 2016 Rio                      Media Liaison Officer – Cycling         E:
seasons at Carlton Football Club driving PR
strategy for its inaugural AFLW side. Now in her    Games and 2019 World Championships. Margie's                      Gennie has been involved with                       Nicholas Arganese
third year at Swimming Australia, Dan oversees      journalistic background includes sport reporting                  national and international sporting                 Content Producer
communications strategy for the Paralympic          at The Townsville Daily Bulletin, AAP, The                        events including as a commentator,
                                                                                                                                                                          Nicko is a co-owner of Good Shout;
program and works across junior pathways,           Australian, and                             reporter, producer and communications and
                                                                                                                                                                          a content production company
participation and community initiatives.            P: +8170 1595 4127                                   marketing director. Her resume includes Invictus
                                                                                                                                                                          established in 2017. Nicko has
P: +8170 1595 4150                                  E:                 Games Sydney 2018, six Olympic Games, three
                                                                                                                                                             worked at international events for the Australian
E:                                                                    Paralympic Games, three Commonwealth Games
                                                                 Lauren Ryan                                                                                 Swim Team, Rowing Team and Australian
                                                                                                         and more than 50 World Championships and
                                                                 Media Liaison Officer – Canoe,                                                              Paralympic Team. During these Games, Nicko
             Jodie Hawkins                                                                               world class events.
                                                                 Table Tennis, Boccia                                                                        will be supporting PA's content production
             Media Liaison Officer – Rowing,                                                             P: +8170 1595 4113
             Judo, Badminton, Taekwondo                          Lauren works at consulting firm                                                             with a focus on servicing the Australian host-
                                                                                                         E:                   broadcaster.
             Jodie is an experienced sports                      Beyond The Break and has extensive
             administrator who started her career   media, communications and marketing                                                                      M: +8170 1595 4162
as a communications professional with teams         experience across charity, sport and government                                                          E:
such as the NRL’s Parramatta Eels and Sydney        agencies. At BTB, she has worked on campaigns
Roosters, and then Big Bash League cricket side     with Water Polo Australia, Ski and Snowboard
Sydney Sixers. In 2018 she was appointed General    Australia, NSW Waratahs, Rugby League World
Manager of the Sixers, leading them for three
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             Callum Lawrence                                   Drew Chislett
             Content Producer                                  Photographer
              Callum is a content producer for                   Drew loves adding unique and
              Good Shout, a Canberra-based                       creative perspectives to his images
              production company. Callum has                     and says that what he lacks in
produced audio-visual content for a wide range    beauty he makes up for in hard work. At Rio
of Paralympic sports during the Tokyo Games       2016, Drew became known as ‘the running
cycle. In Tokyo, Callum will be working within    photographer’, stopping only to swing his camera
the media team and alongside Australia's host     or tell a story about how awesome our Para-
broadcaster to create engaging content.                                                                         THE MOST ACCESSIBLE GAMES EVER
                                                  athletes are. Drew considers it a privilege to be in
P +8170 1595 4128                                 the photography team capturing the moments
E:              and people who make up the Australian
                                                                                                         Unprecedented                        Eighteen of the 22 Paralympic         7NEWS, Australia’s official
                                                  Paralympic Team.
             Jeff Crow                                                                                   Paralympic Games                     disciplines will be covered           Paralympic news service, is the
                                                  P: +8170 1595 3942                                     coverage on Seven                    live, including all the sports        only network with unrestricted
             Chief Photographer
                                                                                                         and 7plus                            Australia traditionally excels in     access to the Games, and
              Jeff is the founder and chief                    Greg Smith
                                                                                                         Paralympic legend Kurt Fearnley      – swimming, athletics, cycling,       will take Australians into the
              photographer for Explorer Media,                 Photographer
                                                                                                         will join the Seven Network’s        wheelchair basketball and             inner sanctum in Tokyo, inside
              the official photographer for the                 Greg is a multi-media expert in
                                                                                                         unrivalled team for the Tokyo        wheelchair rugby. For the first       the venues and alongside the
2020 Australian Paralympic Team. During the                     digital photography, videography
                                                                                                         2020 Paralympic Games.               time, all these events will be live   athletes.
Games, Jeff will lead a photography team                        and graphic design. He is a leading                                           on 7plus.
of three, who will make a selection of images     dirtbike photographer and his iKapture® brand          Fearnley will join Johanna Griggs                                 will be the #1
available to the Australian media for editorial   is recognised worldwide. Greg has also written         and fellow Paralympic gold           Seven’s team of reporters on          online destination for Paralympic
use on a daily basis throughout the Games.        articles for motorcycle industry publications in       medallist Annabelle Williams         the ground in Tokyo will include      news, updates and daily event
M: +8170 1595 3965                                Australia and the US. He was a photographer for        to anchor Seven’s Games              another Australian Paralympic         schedules. The website will
E:                       the Australian Paralympic Team in London and Rio.      coverage, including the Opening      great, Katrina Webb, who won          feature a dedicated hub for
                                                                                                         and Closing Ceremonies.              three gold medals in athletics        results and medal tallies, plus
                                                  P: +8170 1595 3945
                                                                                                                                              across three Paralympic Games.        all the latest breaking news,
                                                                                                         Seven’s coverage will be             She will be joined by 7NEWS           exclusive content, in-depth
                                                                                                         Australia’s biggest-ever             sport reporters Matthew               features and the greatest
                                                                                                         broadcast and digital event for      Carmichael and Chris Stubbs.          stories from the Games.
                                                                                                         Paralympic sport – all live, free
                                                                                                         and in HD on Seven and 7plus.        Fans will also enjoy unparalleled     Australians will be able to
                                                                                                                                              inner-sanctum access to the           keep up to date with all the
                                                                                                         From morning to midnight             Australian competitors in Tokyo,      latest news, the biggest and
                                                                                                         every day, viewers will be able to   with team co-captain Ryley Batt       best moments, and exclusive
                                                                                                         choose from an unprecedented         (men’s wheelchair rugby) and          content, on the 7Sport social
                                                                                                         offering of up to 16 live streams.   Rio 2016 gold medallist Curtis        channels on Twitter, Facebook,
                                                                                                         Seven’s coverage will take fans      McGrath (canoeing) both set           Instagram, TikTok and
                                                                                                         inside the Paralympic Games like     to join Seven’s commentary            YouTube.
                                                                                                         never before across 13 action-       team once they have finished
                                                                                                         packed days.                         competing.

Mount Fuji
Media Guide Paralympics Australia - Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
16   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                    17

Media etiquette                                           • Inform them of obstacles which may not be
                                                            detected by their cane.
                                                                                                                 • Identify the athlete first, then their disability;
                                                                                                                   however, you should not feel obligated to
                                                                                                                                                                          • Avoid using negative words and phrases, such
                                                                                                                                                                            as ‘wheelchair-bound’ or ‘suffers’. Instead, try
When speaking to or socialising with people with          • Allow them to take your arm if you offer to guide     mention their disability at all.                         ‘uses a wheelchair’ or ‘acquired paraplegia’.
a disability, it is important:                              them; if you guide them to a seat, place their       • Avoid sensationalising the accomplishments            • Portray the athlete as they are in their everyday
• To use the same gestures to meet or greet                hand on the back or arm of the chair.                  of athletes with a disability as extraordinary or         life; for example, as well as being an athlete,
  them as you would an able-bodied person,                                                                         superhuman, or in another way which may imply             they may also be a civil engineer, parent or
  even if they have limited use of their hands or         People with an intellectual impairment                   that expectations were low.                               doctor.
  wear a prosthetic. They will let you know what is       When speaking to or socialising with people with
  appropriate or inappropriate.                           an intellectual impairment:
• Not to underestimate their intelligence; speak         • Use simple language.
   to them directly and in your usual tone of voice.      • Allow them more time to process; do not
• To feel comfortable asking specific questions            interrupt or speak for them.
  about their disability; it is a part of who they are    • Consider using gestures or pictures if you are
  and one of the reasons why they are competing              unable to effectively communicate verbally.
  at the Paralympic Games.
• Use everyday words and phrases. For example,           People with a communication impairment
   it is fine to tell a person with a vision impairment   When speaking to or socialising with people with
   that you will see them later.                          a communication impairment:
• Not to use negative language to describe their         • Be aware of and respect alternative forms
   impairment, even if they use it themselves.              of communication, such as electronic devices
• Not to assume they require your help; ask if             or Braille.
   they need a hand or wait to be asked. When             • Do not interrupt or speak for them.
   assisting, ask them how best to do this.               • Always speak directly to them.

People who use wheelchairs                                Paralympics, not Olympics or
When speaking to or socialising with people who           Para-Olympics
use wheelchairs:                                          The Paralympic Games are distinct from the
• Position yourself at eye level by sitting next to     Olympic Games and the competitors at both
  them.                                                   events should be acknowledged in their own
• Consider their chair to be a part of their             right. It is inappropriate to call a Paralympian
   personal space; keep an appropriate distance           an Olympian, as it is to call an Olympian a
   and never use it to lean on.                           Paralympian.
• Feel comfortable in offering to help them             There is also a tendency to refer to the
  navigate obstacles such as doors, but do not            Paralympic Games as the Para-Olympic Games.
  push their chair unless they have asked you to.         The Para-Olympic Games do not exist.

People with a vision impairment                           Remember
When speaking to or socialising with people with          When compiling your stories, please remember:
a vision impairment:                                      • Athletes with a disability who compete at the
• Announce your entrance and exit from a room.             Paralympic Games are the best at what they do
• Describe visual happenings.                              and should be afforded the same recognition as
                                                            any able-bodied athlete who competes at the
• Do not acknowledge their guide dog while it is                                                                Amber Merritt
                                                            highest level.
18   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                     19

                                              About the Games
                                              What is Paralympic sport?                their ability to pass, receive and
                                                                                       manoeuvre their chairs on the court;
                                              Paralympic sports exist so people with
                                                                                       compared to swimming where
                                              a disability have equal opportunities
                                                                                       athletes are grouped by how much
                                              to compete and be successful in
                                                                                       their impairment affects their ability
                                              sport. The Paralympic Games are
                                                                                       to dive, turn and perform each
                                              the pinnacle of sporting achievement
                                                                                       swimming stroke.
                                              for athletes with a disability and are
                                              contested by athletes with a physical,   As no two impairments are the same,
                                              vision and/or intellectual impairment.   there is a range of athletes in each
                                                                                       class. In individual sports, athletes
                                              Classification                           generally compete only against
                                              The classification system for            others in the same class. In some
                                              Paralympic sports groups into            sports, such as cycling and triathlon,
                                              categories for competition athletes      multiple classes are grouped together
                                              whose impairments cause similar          and a factoring or points system is
                                              limitations, comparable to other         used to determine the results. This
                                              practices used in sport to create        means that every athlete has the
                                              fairness, such as grouping athletes      same chance of winning.
                                              by gender or weight. As each sport
                                                                                       Team sports, such as Wheelchair
                                              requires athletes to use their bodies
                                                                                       Rugby and Wheelchair Basketball,
                                              differently, classification systems
                                                                                       often use a classification system
                                              are different for each sport. For
                                                                                       where multiple combinations of
                                              example, in Wheelchair Rugby
                                                                                       classifications are permitted to
                                              athletes are grouped in classes by
                                                                                       make up one team.
                                              how much their impairment affects

                                                                                                              Tiffany Thomas Kane
20   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                           21

Eligible impairments for Summer Paralympic Games                                                                      to attend a future classification. This usually          •T
                                                                                                                                                                                 echnical classifiers with qualifications in sport
                                                                                                                      depends on their age, medical condition,                  science, human movement or sport-specific
 Impairment                                   Description                                                             medical intervention, as well as any changes to           qualifications.
                                                                                                                      classification rules.                                    •C
                                                                                                                                                                                 lassifiers are remunerated in the same way
 Ataxia (tremor), athetosis (involuntary      Impairments from neurological conditions such as an acquired
 muscle movement) and hypertonia              brain injury, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis that affect                                                                   as other sports federation officials.
                                                                                                                      Athletes are permitted to have a representative
 (increased muscle tension).                  coordination and smoothness of movement and balance.
                                                                                                                      with them during classification, usually a coach
 *Collectively referred to as coordination                                                                                                                                    Classification integrity
   impairments                                                                                                        or team staff member.
                                                                                                                                                                               As in other areas of sport integrity, classification
 Impaired muscle power(Muscle weakness)       Muscle weakness or paralysis from conditions such as muscular           Like other sport officiating decisions, if an            relies upon:
                                              dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, nerve damage, a spinal cord              athlete disagrees with the classification they are       •A
                                                                                                                                                                                 thletes participating in the true spirit of fair
                                              injury or other spinal condition.                                       allocated they may lodge a protest or appeal.             play by providing an honest and accurate
                                                                                                                      Athletes are not permitted to protest the                 reflection of their medical condition and best
 Impaired passive range of                    Restricted movement or tightness in a joint/s from conditions
 movement(Restricted joints)                  such as joint fusions and other conditions restricting movement.        classification of other athletes.                         effort of their skills. Fair play and honesty must
                                                                                                                                                                                also be supported by the athlete’s support
 Leg length difference                        Significant difference in leg length due to a deficiency at birth       Classifiers
                                                                                                                                                                                personnel and influencers. Similarly to doping,
                                              or trauma.                                                              Classifiers are sport officials trained, certified and    there are serious consequences for athletes who
                                                                                                                      appointed by their sport’s federation as members          intentionally misrepresent themselves.
 Loss of limbs                                Partial or complete absence of bones or joints due to deficiency
                                              at birth, or amputation resulting from illness or trauma.               of a classification panel.                               • Objectivity and consistency in the decisions of
                                                                                                                      In addition to a high degree of sport-specific              classifiers.
 Short stature                                Reduced standing height and limb length from conditions such
                                              as achondroplasia or other conditions that affect growth.               expertise, classifiers are either:                       • A collaborative relationship, mutual respect and
                                                                                                                        edical classifiers who are medical professionals        trust between athletes, sport administrators
 Vision impairment                            Impairment of the eye structure, optic nerves or pathways, or            (doctor, physiotherapist, vision specialist or            and classifiers.
                                              vision area of the brain, resulting in a loss of vision in both eyes.
                                                                                                                       psychologist) with disability experience; or            • Respect for the rules that govern the Para-sport.
                                              Caused by conditions such as albinism, macular degeneration,
                                              macular or cone rod dystrophy and retinitis pigmentosa.

 Intellectual impairment                      An IQ of less than 75 and impairments in adaptive behaviour
                                              (conceptual, social and practical skills) – that is observed
                                              before the athlete is aged 18.

Classification evaluation                                  •A
                                                             thletes perform key sports tests, drills and skills
                                                            related to their sport, for example dives, turns
Any potential athlete must first provide medical
                                                            and stroke technique in swimming, passing and
evidence to their sport’s federation to confirm
                                                            blocking in wheelchair rugby.
whether they have a permanent and eligible
impairment for their chosen sport. This is called          •A
                                                             thletes are observed during competition to
an Eligibility Assessment.                                  ensure consistency of their skills.

Once their eligibility assessment is complete,             Once completed, athletes are allocated a sport
athletes are assessed by a classification panel.           class for competition (for example, S9 SB9 SM9
Classification panels assess athletes in three             in swimming, C3 in cycling - see sport-specific
steps:                                                     profiles for details of each sport’s classification
• Medical tests such as vision tests, psychological
   tests or measures of strength and coordination,         The athlete is also allocated a sport class status,
   depending on the athlete’s medical condition.           which identifies if or when they are required
                                                                                                                      Sam Von Einem
22   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                  23

Paralympics Australia upholds sports integrity        Participation at the Paralympic Summer Games   Rome 1960                                             While the Games represented a significant step
and ethical classification practice. All Tokyo                                                                                                             forward in the world of disability sport, teething
                                                       Year   Host city      Number of   Number       Number of                 400
team members have completed mandatory                                                                 competing athletes
                                                                                                                                                           troubles did not go unnoticed; for instance,
classification and integrity training in order to                            countries      of                                                             athletes were housed in units built on stilts, which
                                                                                         athletes     Number of competing       23
be eligible for selection.                                                                            countries                                            were only accessible via two sets of stairs.
                                                       1960   Rome, Italy       23         400        Final Australian          7th (gold), 7th
Classification at the Tokyo Games                                                                     medal standings           (overall)
                                                                                                                                                           Tokyo 1964
                                                       1964   Tokyo,            21         378                                                              Number of competing       375
While all efforts have been made to have                                                              Sports                    8– archery, athletics,
                                                              Japan                                                                                         athletes
Australian Para-athletes classified prior to Tokyo,                                                                             dartchery, snooker,
                                                                                                                                swimming, table             Number of competing       21
the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted athletes’           1968   Tel Aviv,         29         750                                  tennis, wheelchair
                                                              Israel                                                                                        countries
access to classification opportunities. A small                                                                                 basketball, wheelchair
                                                                                                                                fencing                     Final Australian medal    4th (gold), 5th
number of Australian athletes will be required         1972   Heidelberg,       43         984                                                              standings                 (overall)
to undergo classification in Tokyo.                           Germany                                 Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries
                                                                                                                                                            Sports                    9 – weightlifting added
                                                                                                                                                                                      to the program;
History of the                                         1976   Toronto,
                                                                                40         1,657
                                                                                                     The inaugural Paralympic Games in Rome, Italy,                                   wheelchair racing
                                                                                                                                                                                      added to athletics
Paralympic Games                                       1980   Arnhem,           43         1,973
                                                                                                     were staged over one week, with Australia one of
                                                                                                     21 participating nations. Athletes with spinal cord

                                                              Netherlands                                                                                   Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries
Before World War II, most people with a spinal                                                       injuries were eligible to compete. The eight sports
cord injury died within months – a couple of                                                         contested were archery, athletics, dartchery,
                                                       1984   Stoke             41         1,100
years at best – due to infection and other                    Mandeville,                                                                                  The most recent Paralympic Games to be staged
                                                                                                     snooker, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair
complications. However, post-war developments                 England                                                                                      in Japan were held immediately after the 1964
                                                                                                     basketball and wheelchair fencing.
in antibiotics, treatment and rehabilitation                  New York,         45         1,800
ensured spinal cord injuries were survivable. In
1944, German neurosurgeon Sir Ludwig Guttman           1988   Seoul, South      60         3,041
established the National Spinal Injuries Unit at              Korea
Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England, where he
                                                       1992   Barcelona,        83         2,999
introduced sport as a method of rehabilitation.               Spain
On July 29, 1948, the same day as the Opening
                                                       1996   Atlanta,          104       3,808
Ceremony of the Olympic Games in London,                      USA
the first Stoke Mandeville Games were held. Two
teams – one from Stoke Mandeville Hospital             2000   Sydney,           123        3,879
and the other from a neighbouring hospital for
war veterans in Richmond – competed in Para-           2004   Athens,           135       3,808
archery.                                                      Greece

By 1952, the Games had become international,           2008   Beijing,          146        3,951
but Guttman had a vision of an international
equivalent to the Olympic Games. In 1960, at           2012   London,           164        4,237
what is now considered to be the first Paralympic             England
Games, 400 athletes from 23 countries contested
                                                       2016   Rio de            159        4,328
the eight sports of archery, athletics, dartchery,            Janeiro,
snooker, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair                   Brazil
basketball and wheelchair fencing.

                                                                                                     Shae Graham and Jayden Warn
24   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                        25

Olympic Games. Again, athletes with spinal             Heidelberg 1972                                        The inclusion of the South Africa Team (during      At the 1980 Paralympic Games in Arnhem,
cord injuries were eligible to compete and, in                                                                apartheid) led to several nations boycotting the    Netherlands, athletes with cerebral palsy were
                                                        Number of competing      984
addition to archery, athletics, dartchery, snooker,     athletes
                                                                                                              Games. However, in a first for the Paralympic       included for the first time, joining athletes with
swimming, table tennis, wheelchair basketball                                                                 Games, television coverage was broadcast daily      spinal cord injuries, amputees and athletes with
                                                        Number of competing      43
and wheelchair fencing - weightlifting was              countries                                             to more than 600,000 viewers worldwide.             a vision impairment. Together, they contested
contested.                                              Final Australian medal   11th (gold), 9th                                                                 13 sports; archery, athletics, dartchery, goalball,
                                                        standings                (overall)                    Arnhem 1980                                         lawn bowls, shooting, swimming, table tennis,
While the Games were small and relatively
                                                        Sports                   10                            Number of competing      1,973                     weightlifting, wheelchair basketball and
unsophisticated by contemporary standards,
                                                        Disabilities             Spinal cord injuries          athletes                                           wheelchair fencing, as at previous Games, as well
athletes were assisted from their planes, received
                                                                                                               Number of competing      43                        as sitting volleyball and wrestling. Snooker was
a formal welcome and transport and interpreters                                                                countries
                                                       Due to a plan to convert the Olympic Village in                                                            removed from the program.
were available for the duration of the Games.
                                                                                                               Final Australian         14th (gold), 9th
                                                       Munich into residential apartments immediately          medal standings          (overall)                 Like the 1976 Games, South Africa’s participation
Tel Aviv 1968                                          after the 1972 Olympic Games, the 1972                                                                     was controversial. While key international
                                                                                                               Sports                   13 – sitting volleyball
                                                       Paralympics were staged in Heidelberg, Germany.                                  and wrestling added       organisations supported the Team’s inclusion –
Number of                  750
competing athletes                                     The same 10 sports that were contested in Tel                                    as sports, snooker        on the basis that sanctioning a mixed team would
                                                       Aviv were featured on the Paralympic program for                                 removed from program
                                                                                                                                                                  help to foster change in the country – the Dutch
Number of                  29                                                                                  Disabilities             Spinal cord injuries,
competing countries                                    Heidelberg, with the addition of demonstration                                                             Parliament vetoed this decision and South Africa
                                                                                                                                        vision impaired,
                                                       events for athletes with a vision impairment.                                    amputees, cerebral        was banned from the Games.
Final Australian           4th (gold), 5th
medal standings            (overall)                                                                                                    palsy
                                                       Toronto 1976
Sports                     10 – lawn bowls added
                           as a sport as well as        Number of competing      1,657
                           women’s wheelchair           athletes
                           basketball and the           Number of competing      40
                           men’s 100m wheelchair        countries
                                                        Final Australian         11th (gold), 12th
 Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries         medal standings          (overall)
                                                        Sports                   13 – goalball and
                                                                                 shooting added as
The 1968 Paralympic Games, originally                                            sports; sitting volleyball
scheduled to be staged in Mexico, were held                                      (demonstration sport)
in Tel Aviv, Israel. Athletes with spinal cord          Disabilities             Spinal cord injuries,
injuries contested 10 sports – archery, athletics,                               amputees, visually
dartchery, lawn bowls, snooker, swimming, table
tennis, weightlifting, wheelchair basketball and
wheelchair fencing – with a women’s wheelchair         Unlike the 1976 Olympic Games, which were
basketball competition featuring for the first time.   held in Montréal, Canada, the 1976 Paralympics
                                                       were staged in the Canadian city of Toronto.
In an attempt to depoliticise the Games – Israel’s
                                                       Athletes with spinal cord injuries, amputees and
Six-Day War with Egypt, Jordan and Syria was
                                                       athletes with a vision impairment competed in 12
just over a year old and hostilities between the
                                                       sports – archery, athletics, dartchery, goalball,
countries persisted – national anthems and flags
                                                       lawn bowls, shooting, snooker, swimming, table
were abandoned during medal presentations
                                                       tennis, weightlifting, wheelchair basketball and
and there was no official medal tally.
                                                       wheelchair fencing – plus sitting volleyball as a
                                                       demonstration sport.
                                                                                                              Kathryn Ross and Simon Albury
26   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                               27

New York and Stoke Mandeville 1984                      Seoul 1988                                               Barcelona and Madrid 1992                           Atlanta 1996
 Number of competing        1,100 (UK), 1,800 (USA)      Number of                   3,057                        Number of                 3,001                    Number of                  3,195
 athletes                                                competing athletes                                       competing athletes                                 competing athletes
 Number of competing        41 (UK), 45 (USA)            Number of                   61                           Number of                 83                       Number of                  103
 countries                                               competing countries                                      competing countries                                competing countries
 Final Australian medal     8th (gold), 7th              Final Australian            10th (gold), 7th             Final Australian          7th (gold), 6th
 standings                  (overall)                    medal standings             (overall)                    medal standings           (overall)                Final Australian           2nd (gold), 4th
                                                                                                                                                                     medal standings            (overall)
 Sports                     18 – boccia, road-           Sports                      18 – Judo added as           Sports                    16 – Wheelchair tennis
                            cycling, powerlifting                                    sport; wheelchair                                      added as sport;          Sports                     19 – equestrian added
                            and football                                             tennis (demonstration                                  snooker removed                                     as a sport and track
                            7-a-side added as                                        sport); equestrian not       Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries,                               cycling added as a
                            sports; equestrian                                       yet on permanent                                       vision impaired,                                    discipline; wheelchair
                            (demonstration sport);                                   program                                                amputees, les autres,                               rugby and sailing
                            snooker reincluded           Disabilities                Spinal cord injuries,                                  cerebral palsy                                      (demonstration
 Disabilities               Spinal cord injuries,                                    vision impaired,                                                                                           sports); lawn bowls
                            vision impaired,                                         amputees, les autres,                                                                                      removed
                            amputees, les autres,                                    cerebral palsy              The 1992 Paralympic Games were held in              Disabilities               Spinal cord injuries,
                            cerebral palsy                                                                       Barcelona, Spain, from September 3 to 14 and                                   vision impaired,
                                                                                                                 were followed by an event for athletes with                                    amputees, les autres,
                                                                                                                                                                                                cerebral palsy,
The 1984 Paralympic Games were staged                   The 1988 Games are widely considered to be               an intellectual impairment in Madrid from                                      intellectual disability
in New York, USA, and Stoke Mandeville,                 the first Paralympics of the modern era. They            September 14 to 22. The eligible impairment
England, on June 17 to 30, and July 22 to August        were the first Games since 1964 to be held in the        types for the Games in Barcelona were the same
1, respectively. All but one of the 13 sports           same city as the Olympics. As in 1984, athletes          as in Seoul, as were the sports, except snooker     At the 1996 Paralympic Games, athletes with an
contested in Arnhem were featured on the                with spinal cord injuries, amputees, athletes with       and wheelchair tennis.                              intellectual impairment were eligible to compete
program (dartchery was not), as well as boccia,         cerebral palsy, athletes with a vision impairment                                                            for the first time. Alongside athletes with spinal
                                                                                                                 The Games were the first since the dissolution
cycling, football seven-a-side and powerlifting         and les autres were eligible to compete. They                                                                cord injuries, amputees, athletes with cerebral
                                                                                                                 of the Soviet Union, increasing the number of
(weightlifting and powerlifting were classified         contested archery, athletics, boccia, cycling,                                                               palsy, les autres and athletes with a vision
                                                                                                                 participating countries from 60 to 83 (though
under the single sport of lifting). Snooker was         football seven-a-side, goalball, judo, lawn                                                                  impairment, they contested archery, athletics,
                                                                                                                 the Soviet Union only competed at Seoul 1988,
also reincluded and equestrian appeared as a            bowls, lifting, shooting, sitting volleyball, snooker,                                                       boccia, cycling – now on the track as well as road
                                                                                                                 having previously denied it had any people with
demonstration sport.                                    swimming, table tennis, wheelchair basketball                                                                – equestrian, football seven-a-side, goalball,
                                                                                                                 a disability).
                                                        and wheelchair fencing. Wheelchair tennis                                                                    judo, lawn bowls, powerlifting, shooting, sitting
Originally, the Games were to be held in Illinois,
                                                        featured as a demonstration sport.                       In Madrid, Australia placed first on the medal      volleyball, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair
USA, but issues with finances and other disputes
                                                                                                                 tally with 13 gold medals, 10 silver and eight      basketball and wheelchair fencing. Racquetball,
saw the University of Illinois terminate its contract   Australian participation in international
                                                                                                                 bronze.                                             sailing and wheelchair rugby appeared as
just four months before the Games. New York             competition was still in a state of transition
                                                                                                                                                                     demonstration sports.
hosted events for amputees, athletes with               and the country’s football seven-a-side team
cerebral palsy, athletes with a vision impairment       comprised track and field athletes – the team                                                                Controversially, venues and other infrastructure
and ‘les autres’ – athletes with other physical         was regularly well-beaten, with one athlete,                                                                 from the Olympics were dismantled during the
impairment types – and Stoke Mandeville hosted          Christopher Scott, breaking his ankle and                                                                    Games; the Paralympic Village was also inferior,
events for athletes with spinal cord injuries.          missing his premier event, the long jump.                                                                    in terms of accommodation and food supply.
28   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                       29

Sydney 2000                                          contested the sports of archery, athletics,          After the Games, it was revealed that 10 of the       Beijing 2008
                                                     basketball, boccia, cycling, equestrian, football    players on the gold medal-winning Spanish
 Number of                 3,881                                                                                                                                 Number of                  3,951
 competing athletes
                                                     seven-a-side, goalball, judo, powerlifting,          basketball team did not have an intellectual           competing athletes
                                                     sailing, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming,     impairment, resulting in the suspension of all
 Number of                 122                                                                                                                                   Number of                  146
 competing countries                                 table tennis, volleyball, wheelchair basketball,     athletes with an intellectual impairment from          competing countries
 Final Australian          1st (gold), 1st           wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby and             future Paralympic Games. The suspension was            Final Australian           5th (gold), 2nd
 medal standings           (overall)                 wheelchair tennis. Athletes with spinal cord         lifted in 2012.                                        medal standings            (overall)
 Sports                    18 – sailing and          injuries, amputees, athletes with cerebral palsy,                                                           Sports                     20 – rowing added
                           wheelchair rugby          les autres, athletes with a vision impairment and    Athens 2004                                                                       as a sport
                           added as sports;                                                                                                                      Disabilities               Spinal cord or nerve
                                                     athletes with an intellectual impairment were all     Number of                 3,806
                           weightlifting removed                                                                                                                                            damage, vision
                                                     eligible to compete, with the program for athletes    competing athletes
 Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries,                                                                                                                                            impairment, limb loss
                           vision impaired,          with an intellectual impairment considerably          Number of                 136                                                    (amputees or limb
                           amputees, les autres,     expanded and powerlifting opened to female            competing countries                                                              deficiency, les autres,
                           cerebral palsy,           competitors for the first time.                       Final Australian          5th (gold), 2nd                                        cerebral palsy, brain
                           intellectual disability                                                         medal standings           (overall)                                              injury)
                                                     In another significant first, the core services       Sports                    19 – football 5-a-side
                                                     for sport delivery were provided by the same                                    added as a sport
The greatest legacy of the 2000 Paralympics          individuals for both the Olympic and Paralympic       Disabilities              Spinal cord injuries,      At the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing, China,
was its recognition of Paralympians as elite         Games. There was a record 1.1 million spectators                                vision impaired,           the 19 sports from Athens – archery, athletics,
sportspeople. 3,879 athletes from 123 countries                                                                                      amputees, les autres,      boccia, cycling, equestrian, football five-a-side,
                                                     over the 11 days of competition.                                                cerebral palsy
                                                                                                                                                                football seven-a-side, goalball, judo, powerlifting,
                                                                                                                                                                sailing, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming,
                                                                                                          At the 2004 Paralympic Games, 18 of the 20            table tennis, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair
                                                                                                          sports featured in Sydney were contested, with        fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis
                                                                                                          the exclusion of basketball and volleyball for        – were contested, with rowing making its debut.
                                                                                                          athletes with an intellectual impairment (all other   Athletes with spinal cord or nerve damage,
                                                                                                          disability groups were represented). Football five-   cerebral palsy, a limb deficiency, brain injury,
                                                                                                          a-side featured for the first time, as did women’s    les autres or vision impairment were eligible to
                                                                                                          competitions in judo and sitting volleyball.          compete.
                                                                                                          Benefiting from an integrated organising              Athletes competed before the largest crowds to
                                                                                                          committee, all sports were contested in the same      date. A record of 1.8 million tickets were sold and
                                                                                                          venues as the Olympic Games and all teams were        the Games attracted a cumulative audience of
                                                                                                          accommodated in the same Athlete Village.             3.8 billion, including a 200 percent increase in
                                                                                                                                                                broadcasting time compared to Athens.

Tokyo Aquatic Centre
30   Paralympics Australia MEDIA GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                            31

London 2012                                            Rio 2016                                                   Tokyo 2020                                         There are 22 sports on the program for Tokyo,
                                                                                                                  In March 2020, the International Paralympic        including badminton and taekwondo, which are
 Number of                 4,237                        Number of                  4,342
 competing athletes                                     competing athletes                                        Committee expressed its support for the decision   to be contested for the first time. Sailing was
                                                                                                                  to postpone the Tokyo Paralympics due to           removed from the program after Rio.
 Number of                 164                          Number of                  159
 competing countries                                    competing countries                                       Covid-19. The Games were re-scheduled to start     The Tokyo Games are the first Summer Games
 Final Australian          5th (gold), 5th (overall)    Final Australian           5th (gold), 5th (overall)      on August 24, 2021 and still be referred to as     to be delivered under the new IPC Athlete
 medal standings                                        medal standings                                           Tokyo 2020. Athletes worldwide, in large part,     Classification Code. Only athletes with one of the
 Sports                    20                           Sports                     22                             showed exceptional adaptability to maintain        10 eligible impairment types listed on page 20
                                                                                                                  their focus and continue their training despite    are eligible to compete. There are eight physical
 Disabilities              Spinal cord or nerve         Disabilities               Spinal cord or nerve
                           damage, vision                                          damage, vision
                                                                                                                  severely disrupted scheduling and qualification    impairment types, one intellectual impairment
                           impairment, limb loss                                   impairment, limb loss          pathways.                                          and one vision impairment.
                           (amputees or limb                                       (amputees or limb
                           deficiency, les autres,                                 deficiency, les autres,
                           cerebral palsy, brain                                   cerebral palsy, brain
                           injury), intellectual                                   injury), intellectual
                           impairment                                              impairment.

In his closing speech, then President of the IPC,      The most recent Paralympic Summer Games saw
Sir Phillip Craven, described the 2012 Paralympics     canoe and triathlon make their Paralympic debut
as the greatest ever. The Games marked the             alongside the 20 sports featured on the 2012
return of athletes with an intellectual impairment,    Paralympic program – archery, athletics, boccia,
alongside those with spinal cord or nerve              cycling, equestrian, football five-a-side, football
damage, cerebral palsy, a limb deficiency, brain       seven-a-side, goalball, judo, powerlifting, rowing,
injury or vision impairment, and les autres, all       sailing, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming,
competing across the same 20 sports that were          table tennis, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair
contested in Beijing.                                  fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis.
                                                       As in London, all traditional disability groups were
The Games featured a record number of athletes
from a record number of countries and sold an
unprecedented number of tickets – 900,000              Notably absent from the 2016 Games was the
more than were sold in Beijing. They were also the     Russian Paralympic Team, which was banned
first truly online Games; between August 29 and        from competition by the IPC in August 2016 for
September 9, there were 1.3 million ‘Paralympic’       state-sanctioned doping. In contrast, Russia had
mentions on Twitter and 25 million visitors to         been permitted to compete at the 2016 Olympic
the London 2012 website.                               Games.

                                                                                                   Tokyo, Japan
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