Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov

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Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov

Mayor’s Air Quality
Fund Completion
RO U N D 2
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T


Greater London Authority
November 2019

Published by
Greater London Authority
City Hall
The Queen’s Walk
More London
London SE1 2AA

enquiries 020 7983 4100
minicom 020 7983 4458

Copies of this report are available

All images are © copyright

Cover image:
Kasia Molga, Human Sensor
LDN at Under Her Eye 2018
© Photo credit Angela Dennis,
courtesy of Invisible Dust
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov

Mayor’s Air Quality
Fund Completion
RO U N D 2
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T


                              1. Introduction                                               7

                              2. S
                                  ummary and cumulative impacts                           10

                              3. Low Emission Neighbourhoods                             12
                                   (LENs) and Business Low Emission
                                   Neighbourhoods (BLENs)

                              	3.1 Barbican LEN (City of London)                          13
                                3.2 City Fringe LEN (Hackney, Islington and                14
                              		    Tower Hamlets)
                              	3.3 Greenwich Town Centre LEN (Greenwich)                  16
                                 3.4 Ilford Garden Junction LEN (Redbridge)                17
                                 3.5 Marylebone LEN (City of Westminster)                  18
                                3.6 Archway Village BLEN (Islington Council and            19
                              		    the Archway Business Group)
                                3.7 Borough High Street BLEN (Better Bankside              20
                              		 and Team London Bridge BIDs)
                                 3.8 Euston BLEN (Euston Town BID)                         22
                                3.9 Hammersmith BLEN (Hammersmith Council                  22
                              		    and Hammersmith BID)
                                 3.10 Homerton BLEN (Hackney Council)                      23
                                 3.11 Northbank BLEN (Northbank BID)                       24

                              4 . Other Air Quality Projects                              26

                                 4.1 Archway Zero Emission Network (Islington)             27
                                4.2 Electric Vehicle Charge Point Trial And Beat           29
                              		 The Streets (Hounslow)
                                 4.3 Clean Air Better Business (Cross River Partnership)   30
                                4.4 Evelyn Street Construction Logistics Plan              32
                              		    Framework (Lewisham)
                                4.5 Freight Consolidation Service (Camden                  33
                              		    lead borough)
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov

  4.6 Zero Emission Deliveries – Zed                  33
		    Deliveries (Waltham Forest)
  4.7 Hackney Fleet Project (Hackney)                 35
  4.8 Hammersmith Grove Scheme                        35
		    (Hammersmith & Fulham)
  4.9 Haringey No 2 No2 Programme (Haringey)          37
	4.10 Idling Action (City of London lead borough)   37
  4.11 The London Low Emission Construction           38
		     Partnership (Camden lead borough)
  4.12 Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) –             41
		     South London (Merton lead borough)
  4.13 Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) –             41
		     North London (Barnet lead borough)
 4.14 Putney High Street Air Quality Scheme           43
 4.15 Redbridge Schools Air Action Programme          44
  4.16 Shoreditch Zero Emissions Network (Hackney     44
		     lead borough)
  4.17 South London Low Emission Logistics study      46
		     (Lambeth lead borough)
  4.18 Specification for use of standby generators    47
		     (City of London and City of Westminster)
  4.19 Sutton Town Centre Permeability and Access     48
		     Improvements (Sutton)

5. Conclusion and Next Steps                          49
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov


The Mayor is committed to cleaning          therefore have a vital role in making
up London’s air. He has nearly doubled      local improvements to reduce
TfL’s spend on air quality and is           emissions and exposure, particularly
bringing in hard-hitting measures to        in polluted hotspots.
reduce air pollution and protect public
health. These include introducing the       The Mayor’s Air Quality Fund (MAQF) is
world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zone in    designed to help the boroughs trial local
central London, cleaning up London’s        measures to cut pollution and exposure
bus and taxi fleets and taking action       to pollution and share learnings and
to reduce exposure to air pollution at      outcomes with each other, including
some of the most polluted schools in        via a series of workshops and events
London. Monitoring shows that the           organised by the GLA and TfL. The fund
central London ULEZ is working; NO2         is delivered jointly by the Mayor and TfL,
concentrations at roadside locations        and the objectives of the MAQF are to:
in central London have dropped by a
third since the Mayor confirmed the         • support boroughs to reduce PM and
introduction of the Toxicity charge (in       NO2 concentrations across London
February 2017) until 6 months into the      • support projects that will help to
ULEZ (September 2019). The ULEZ will          deliver against some of the Mayor’s
be expanded London-wide for heavy             key priorities
vehicles in October 2020 and to the         • maximise investment by securing
North and South Circular for                  match funding from boroughs and
all vehicles in October 2021.                 other sources
                                            • provide a clear understanding of
London boroughs have a key role to            the impact of different measures
play in addressing air pollution. Under       through robust monitoring and
the Mayor’s statutory London Local Air        knowledge sharing
Quality Management (LLAQM) system
they must monitor and act on air            The funding is linked to the LLAQM,
pollution, including delivering against a   with key actions from the LLAQM
statutory local Air Quality Action Plan.    guidance prioritised for funding. MAQF
Boroughs have a range of powers and         is providing boroughs with £22m funding
levers to help reduce pollution, such as    in total over 9 years, split into three
management of all streets other than        funding rounds for projects lasting
the Transport for London Road Network       three years in duration.
(TLRN) and the control of parking. They
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

The second round of the MAQF allocated                      Emission Vehicle (ULEV) only streets,
£10m between April 2016-2019.                               and the UK’s first diesel surcharge on
                                                            metered parking. These trials have led
The Mayor has also provided a further                       the way for similar improvements to be
£1m (from the London Economic Action                        rolled out elsewhere; the ULEV streets
Partnership) through the Mayor’s Air                        scheme has blazed a trail for Zero
Quality Business Fund (MAQBF). This                         Emission Zones, several of which are
has supported the delivery of six                           planned for the City of London; and the
Business Low Emission Neighbourhoods                        diesel surcharge on metered parking at
(BLENs). The BLENs were rolled out                          the Marylebone LEN has subsequently
either directly by Business Improvement                     been expanded to cover the whole of
Districts (BIDs), or by councils working                    the borough of Westminster. A number
in partnership with local businesses                        of other schemes and initiatives from
and organisations.                                          Round 2 of the MAQF are also being
                                                            expanded. This includes the Non-Road
All the projects and BLENs were match                       Mobile Machinery and Idling Action
funded by delivery partners from both                       projects, which are now being delivered
public and private sources. This has                        across London; and the electric bike
brought the total investment in Round                       trial in the Greenwich LEN and the Green
3 of the MAQF plus BLENs to more                            Courier Service in Walthamstow Village,
than £20m in three years.                                   which are being rolled out across the
                                                            respective boroughs.
This report summarises the outcomes
from the second round of the MAQF
and the six Business Low Emission
Neighbourhoods. This funding has
enabled a host of innovative trials
including the world’s first Ultra Low
                                                            £22 m
                                                            funding in total over 9 years,
                                                            split into three funding rounds
                                                            for projects lasting three years
                                                            in duration is being provided
                                                            by MAQF to boroughs.
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov

Some highlights

This round of the MAQF and the                 impact of other local/regional initiatives.
MAQBF have brought the ground-                 The areas that hosted the Archway
breaking Low Emission Neighbourhood            Zero Emission Network and BLEN, for
(LEN) concept to life. Through the             example, measured an average 40ugm-
LENs, targeted and bespoke measures            3 reduction in pollution levels following
have been introduced at 11 polluted            the introduction of these schemes. Yet
locations across London. The fund              it would be unreasonable to claim this
has also supported other projects              was all a direct result of these projects.
covering everything from idling                Obviously, many other factors (such
engines to improving air quality at            as cleaner buses and local gyratory
schools and tackling construction              improvements) will have contributed.
pollution. You’ll find full details of         This means that the benefits set out
the projects and their results in              below will be a conservative assessment
part 3 and 4 of this document.                 and just a snapshot of some of the
                                               combined benefits delivered by the
Some of the major successes and                MAQF and BLEN projects.
cumulative impacts from the BLENs and
Round 2 of the MAQF are highlighted on
the next page. It is worth noting that it is
not possible to show all the cumulative
benefits of the schemes because the
analytical techniques used are different.
Some have used estimated emissions
reductions, while others have used local
pollution monitoring. Secondly, it is
challenging to measure how much a local
scheme has individually contributed to
monitored reductions compared with the
Mayor's Air Quality Fund Completion Report - ROUND 2 - London Gov
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

key highlights and
cumulative impacts

key highlights

16.5                                                        16 %
Tonnes of PM and 297 Tonnes of                              reduction in older more polluting
NOx cut through the South London                            vehicles parking in the Marylebone
Non-Road Mobile Machinery project.                          LEN as a result of the diesel surcharge
Based on estimated calculated                               on metered parking, with no
emissions reductions                                        displacement to nearby areas.

16 %                                                        13
World’s first Ultra Low Emission Streets                    awards received so far
in the Hackney LEN, contributing to
an estimated 16% reduction in NO2
emissions across the LEN

Cumulative benefits

26                          924                         2.4 km
new clean air routes        secure and standard         of new/improved
helping pedestrians         cycle parking spaces        cycle routes
reduce their exposure       installed
to pollution by up to 60%

218                         + 2918 sq.m                 333
trees planted               of new greening to          standard and 11 rapid
                            help reduce exposure        electric vehicle chargers
                            to pollution (excluding     installed

53                                        30
diesel/petrol vehicles replaced by        new cargo bikes making
electric models                           zero emission deliveries

3787                                      + 500,000
businesses actively engaged with, and     online engagements/interactions
supported to reduce their emissions       recorded (includes clicks, tweets,
(through workshops, events, meetings,     followers, Youtube views, website
and 1:1 support)                          views etc)
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. Low Emission Neighbourhoods
    and Business Low Emission

LENs are reducing pollution at 11                           Other measures include EV charging
London hotspots through measures                            points, cleaner vehicles incentives and
such as changes to streetscapes and                         disincentives for dirty vehicles, greening
new cycling infrastructure and                              to reduce exposure to pollution and
walking routes.                                             enhance areas for walking and cycling,
                                                            events, and support to reduce emissions.
                                                            LENs and BLENs are not only a chance
                                                            to improve air quality, they can also
                                                            contribute to improving community
                                                            health and wellbeing. At the same
                                                            time, they help to reduce noise, carbon
                                                            emissions, community severance
                                                            and social isolation. LENs have been
                                                            given £1m each by the Mayor, while
                                                            the BLENs received up to £200,000 each
                                                            to help businesses reduce pollution.

                                                            The Mayor has supported five new
                                                            borough-led Low Emission and six
                                                            Business Low Emission Neighbourhoods.

have been given to each LEN by
the Mayor, while the BLENs received
up to £200,000 each to help
businesses reduce pollution

Low Emission Neighbourhoods and
Business Low Emission Neighbourhoods

   3. 1 BA RB I CA N L E N                     • A small decrease in annual NO2
   (City of London)                              emissions in most core LEN areas.
   The Barbican is an area of the City of        Nine of the 14 monitoring sites in
   London with a high resident population.       the LEN registered a small reduction
   Like most of the Square Mile it has high      (around 3-4 micrograms) of NO2. Of
   levels of air pollution. The City of          the five that didn’t, one site remained
   London LEN aimed to act as a test bed         level and four noted small increases
   to pilot measures to improve air quality.     of 2-3 micrograms. Two of these
   If successful, these could be rolled          can be explained by roadworks/
   out across the borough.                       construction nearby
                                               • 250m2 of new green infrastructure,
   The objectives of the LEN were to:            including a new parklet
   • reduce emissions of air pollutants        • Eighteen pop up clean air gardens
   • reduce exposure to air pollution            (as well as the green infra above)
   • raise awareness of air quality and        • Two hundred new secure cycle
     its associated impacts                      parking spaces
   • monitor and understand air pollution
     in the LEN focus area                     A Zero Emission Zone for Beech Street
                                               (a highly polluted covered street by the
   Key achievements:                           Barbican). This scheme was delayed but
   • Thirty EV charging bays installed         should start in 2020 with a permanent
     on the Barbican Estate, plus two          scheme in place by 2022.
     to service local fleets (22 charging
     units providing capability for 30
     charging bays)
   • A zero-emission taxi rank on

     Nobel Street to encourage use of
     Low Emission Taxis
   • Positive business engagement with
                                               Thirty EV charging bays installed
     50+ businesses in and around the
                                               on the Barbican Estate, plus two
     LEN focus area. As a result, 34
                                               to service local fleets.
     businesses acted on air quality,
     and eight Delivery and Servicing
     Plans were completed
   • Successful pilot of a zero-emission
     delivery service in Smithfield Market.
     This has led to a full-time cargo-bike
     delivery service-based in Smithfield
     car park
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 2 C I T Y F R IN G E LE N                                • Based on recorded vehicle
(Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets)                        reductions, estimated local
                                                              emissions reductions are:
The City Fringe LEN is a tri-borough                          — NO2: -16 per cent
scheme involving Hackney, Islington                           — PM2.5: - 13 per cent
and Tower Hamlets, covering the                               — PM10: -13 per cent
South Shoreditch area.                                        — CO2: -15 per cent
                                                            • Introduction of several diverse and
The project transformed public space.                         transformational greening projects,
It also introduced a scheme to restrict                       including a green wall, planted
access to only cyclists, pedestrians                          “LEN” prism-shaped signage, and
and Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs)                       five parklets
in five LEN streets at peak times.                          • Major new public space schemes and
                                                              reallocation of road space to cyclists
Key achievements:                                             and pedestrians. This includes a new
• Introduction of the world’s first                           space in Worship Square and a revamp
  ULEV Streets scheme                                         of Rivington Square
• Study area-wide reduction of 12.5                         • Nine new electric vehicle charging
  per cent (13,338) in the number of                          points, with 41 more in place by the
  vehicles observed during the                                end of 2019
  7am to 7pm period                                         • Four new or improved cycle lanes.
• Twenty one out of 25 study                                • Two road closures to create new public
  locations reported a reduction                              spaces (Garden Walk and Clifton Street)
  in vehicles observed                                      • Twelve new or improved walking routes
• Area wide reduction of 8 per cent                         • Sixty-two new cycle parking spaces
  (11,088 vehicles) in overall traffic                      • Thirteen trees and 26 square meters
  movements reported on the core                              of green wall
  road network (ANPR data, 7-7)
• Area wide reduction of 21 per cent
  (8,106) in overall traffic movements
  on local roads (ATC data, 24hr). This
  is estimated to be a reduction of
  10,551 motor vehicles (21 per cent)

London borough of Hackney LEN
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 3 GRE E NW IC H TOW N C E N T R E LE N                     pedestrian-friendly walking routes,
(Greenwich)                                                   and nice spaces for residents to dwell
                                                            • The local e-bike loan scheme gave
Several pollution reduction schemes                           residents the opportunity to trial an
and new infrastructure was installed on                       electric bike for a month. It was so
the busy Trafalgar Road and around the                        successful the scheme has been
historic Greenwich centre. As well as                         rolled out across the borough
direct benefits, this scheme has paved                      • Greenwich Car Free Day transformed
the way for the Greenwich Town Centre                         the town centre and gave locals
Liveable Neighbourhood. This proposes                         the chance to enjoy a traffic free
that the traffic choked town centre                           town centre. This supported the
gyratory be removed to create more                            development of the Greenwich
space for walking and cycling.                                Town Centre Liveable Neighbourhood
                                                              programme. This will further improve
Key achievements:                                             local public space, plus walking
• A new 500m high-quality walking,                            and cycling links, connecting the
  cycling and public transport corridor                       above LEN schemes in west and
  through the LEN, along Trafalgar                            east Greenwich
  Road with nine continuous footways                        • The walking, cycling and bus reliability
  and wider footways. It also has                             improvements in the Trafalgar Road
  lightly segregated cycle lanes in both                      corridor will support better design/
  directions; 24-hour bus lanes and                           delivery of Cycle Future Route 11
  a peak time loading ban (7-10am
  & 4-7pm)
• More electric vehicle infrastructure to

  boost uptake of EVs – 17 additional
  electric vehicle charging points have
  been installed within the LEN                             new high-quality walking, cycling
• Seven new electric car club vehicles                      and public transport corridor
• Four public space schemes on the                          through the LEN, along Trafalgar
  west and east of the LEN. Together
                                                            Road with nine continuous
  these will create a more human-
                                                            footways and wider footways.
  friendly neighbourhood, a key aim
  of the Greenwich LEN. The green
  infrastructure helps to absorb
  pollution from busy roads. Streetscape
  improvements meanwhile create

3. 4 I L FO RD G A R DE N J UN CT IO N          “T he project will make this
(Redbridge and Newham)
                                                  junction safer, greener,
This ambitious project spans two major            cleaner, and quieter
roads and three different Highways
Authorities. Due to its complex nature,           by putting in place
the project has been extended until April
                                                  Carriageway reduction
2020. It aims to influence modal shift for
travel through the hostile and very busy          and realignment to
Ilford Junction. It is the only route to walk
and cycle to and from the town centre
                                                  provide space for a
and train station from several locations.         segregated two-way
The project will make this junction safer,
greener, cleaner, and quieter by putting
                                                  cycle lane through the
in place the following measures:                  junction, better walking
• Carriageway reduction and                       infrastructure, and lower
  realignment to provide space for                vehicle speeds.”
  a segregated two-way cycle lane
  through the junction, better
  walking infrastructure, and lower
  vehicle speeds.
• Reduce pollution exposure, noise
  and improve the walking and cycling
  environment using planting to
  make a barrier between the road
  and the pavement
• Improve the environment for walking
  and cycling through by putting in
  structural lighting
• Create a pocket park on the banks
  of the River Roding
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 5 MARY L E B O N E L E N                                 Key achievements:
(City of Westminster)                                       • UK’s first emissions-based on-street
                                                              parking surcharge for older more
This project has improved public                              polluting diesel vehicles. This reduced
space by reducing the car dominance                           the number of these vehicles in the
and providing more pleasant conditions                        area by 16 per cent
for pedestrians. There is also more                         • Indoor Air Quality Information Guide
and better green infrastructure.                              published, plus indoor monitoring
                                                              in one business
Alongside these changes, several                            • Delivery and servicing workshops
behaviour change measures were                                and presentations open to all
introduced. This has helped to embed                          local businesses
sustainable practices in the wide                           • Eighty-four businesses using the
community. The council worked with                            deliver BEST online delivery reduction
local groups to co-deliver these                              support tool as part of the Delivery
schemes. They include Marylebone                              and Servicing Programme
Green Club Building Energy Efficiency                       • Sixty-one EV charge points installed
Scheme and an Area-wide Delivery and                          across the public and private sector
Servicing Programme. The use of cleaner                     • Four urban realm projects (13 trees,
vehicles has been encouraged through                          17 rain gardens totalling 180m2,
emissions-based parking charges and                           16 cycle parking spaces, 12 secure
new EV charging points. Other schemes                         cycle storage spaces, 12 improved
include smart management of Taxi-ranks                        walking environments)
and fast charging, an Electric Delivery                     • Seven play street events for
Vehicle Scheme with UPS and no-idling                         1,100 children
enforcement. In addition, there have                        • Schools engagement programme
been awareness raising and campaign                           for 13 schools
days, a schools engagement scheme                           • Two dedicated anti-idling marshals
and new play streets.                                         dealing with 900 idling incidents
                                                              per month
                                                            • Support for taxis through Park
                                                              Right app
                                                            • The emissions-based parking and
                                                              the anti-idling work has now been
                                                              rolled out across the borough

Business Low Emission

3. 6 ARC H WAY V IL L AG E B L E N         A new pool cargo bike hire
(Islington Council and the Archway         scheme with eight cargo bikes
Town Centre Group)                         for local businesses

The project aimed to turn the
central Archway area into a haven for
pedestrians and cyclists with additional
provision for electric vehicle users.
This was done by installing new green
infrastructure, EV charging points and
green walking routes to help reduce
local air pollution. These improvements
have made the area more pleasant           26
for everyone, and it is now a more         new trees, 280 square meters
attractive area to live and work in.       of green wall (including green
                                           screens outside the Whittington
Key achievements:                          Hospital), and a parklet
• Creating a Clean Air Walking route
  from Whittington Hospital to
  Archway Town Centre Group including
  various public space improvements
  and 15 wayfinding signs
• Removing four car parking spaces to
  create build out and planting outside
  Vorley Road’s Children Centre
• Introducing an electric vehicle for
  shared use of eight local businesses
  to reduce their use of diesel vehicles
  for trips and deliveries
• A new pool cargo bike hire scheme
  with eight cargo bikes for local
• Some 26 new trees, 280 square
  meters of green wall (including
  green screens outside the
  Whittington Hospital), and a parklet
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 7 B O RO U G H H IG H ST R E E T B L E N                 • Rollout of #BetterAirBenches across
(Better Bankside and Team London                              the area to raise awareness of using
Bridge BIDs)                                                  quieter routes to reduce exposure to
                                                              air pollution. These modular benches
This project aimed to make businesses                         contain planting inside
more aware of their impacts on local                          them, as well as panels with air
air quality and change behaviour                              pollution information. These benches
through their servicing and delivery                          provide a place to sit and rest and are
strategies. It also encouraged people                         highly transportable. That means they
to use quieter less polluted streets to                       can be used for road closures and
move through this busy and congested                          events, as well as to meet the need for
area. The project delivered a range of                        seating in and around Borough Market
innovative and eye-catching public                          • A new Tooley Street Totem to help aid
realm improvements along with practical                       navigation from London Bridge Station
support for businesses.                                       to Bankside via low exposure routes
                                                            • Some 111 businesses and over 3,000
Key achievements:                                             people were directly engaged through
• Some 414 vkms per week cut                                  12 events and workshops. Example
  through the Borough Market Waste                            outcomes include 1,048 fewer
  Consolidation Project (reducing                             deliveries to Ernst and Young per year
  NOx by 97 per cent and PM2.5 by
  47 per cent)
• Two new Clean Air Routes (including
  one to Guys Hospital) which include
  public space improvements and
  green infrastructure
• A beautiful and bio-diverse 75m 2
  Green Wall on Collingwood Street
  to support the Inns and Yards low
  exposure route
• Rollout of the eye-catching #BetterAir
  planted letter sculptures to raise
  awareness of the issues around
  air pollution

Orchard-Lisle Living Wall
Collingwood Street
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 8 E U STO N BLE N                                        3.9 Hammersmith BLEN
(Euston Town BID)                                           (Hammersmith Council and
                                                            Hammersmith BID)
To create a clean air route between
Euston Station and Regents Park with                        The Hammersmith BLEN aimed to
greening and public realm interventions,                    address air quality by changing business,
an art installation, and signage.                           employee, visitor and resident habits for
The initiative has replaced lost green                      the long-term and improving residents’
space and encourages walking and                            health. New public realm was designed
cycling. It is over 30 per cent less                        to provide a focal point for the
polluted than walking along Euston                          community around the issue of air
Road. The route also takes people                           quality. The project also encouraged
past the independent shops and                              and supported businesses to reduce
restaurants on Drummond Street,                             emissions from their own operations,
helping to support these businesses.                        particularly deliveries.

Key achievements:                                           Key achievements:
• On street improvements including                          • Planting 522m² of ivy screens along
  greening, a green wall, a pollution-                        the most polluted section of Talgarth
  themed art installation and a new                           Road, directly underneath the flyover.
  pocket park                                                 The screens shield the public from
• New signage for the cleaner route,                          exposure by providing a physical
  including high profile position on                          barrier and ensuring that people
  Euston Road                                                 walk as far away from the kerbside
• High profile Invisible Dust event with                      as possible. This is supported with
  the Wellcome Trust                                          “Plants Not Pollution” signage painted
• Over 100 businesses engaged, 30                             onto Flyover piers. It uses an iconic
  of which helped shape the scheme’s                          William Morris design, which links
  design process                                              to a wider anti-pollution awareness
• Installation of a rapid charger in                          campaign
  partnership with Camden council                           • Four rapid electric vehicle
  and TfL                                                     chargers installed
                                                            • An improved cycle lane
                                                            • A new clean air route created from
                                                              Hammersmith station to Riverside

• The scheme won the Hammersmith            3 .1 0 HO M E RTO N B LE N
  Society Award for Improving the           (Hackney Council with
  Local Environment and Best Healthy        Homerton Hospital)
  Streets Business Improvement
  District Project 2019                     The project aimed to encourage
• Seventy businesses and almost             Homerton Hospital staff, patients
  1,000 people were engaged at 14           and visitors to use more sustainable
  events and workshops                      transport modes by providing cycle and
• New secure cycle hub to provide much      EV infrastructure and enhancing and
  needed cycle parking for commuters        increasing safety on walking routes to
• The project proved extremely popular      and from the hospital.
  with the local community, with many
  residents asking for the BLEN to be       Key achievements:
  extended throughout the area.             • Better pedestrian environment
• Local businesses have been really           between the hospital and Hackney
  interested in the project. As a result,     Central and Homerton Station
  five buildings including the Apollo       • More cycle parking at the hospital
  and the Ark, have made changes to         • Promoting walking, cycling and EVs
  reduce their deliveries                     through a Staff Travel Policy and
                                              Travel Hierarchy
                                            • Electrification of Homerton Hospital
                                              fleet with replacement of four
                                              petrol vehicles
                                            • Installing a network of EV charging
                                              points for use by the hospital, staff
                                              and visitors

businesses and almost 1,000                 Installing a network of EV
people were engaged at 14                   charging points for use by
events and workshops                        the hospital, staff and visitors
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

3. 1 1 T H E NORT H BA N K B L E N                          The Northbank BID teamed up with
(Northbank Business Improvement                             Groundwork London to deliver the
District (BID) and Capco                                    BLEN. It consisted of a series of
(Covent Garden area)                                        green infrastructure measures,
                                                            behaviour change campaigns,
The Northbank area suffers from some                        business engagement and
of London’s worst air quality which                         delivery service planning.
impacts on local workers, residents
and visitors. Creating a healthier area                     Key achievements:
is a priority for Northbank BID and its                     • A matrix of eight clean air streets
member businesses to ensure the local                         with improved public space. This
community and businesses thrive.                              encourages walking, and walking on
                                                              low exposure routes, between major
The Northbank BID is in the heart of                          interchanges and destinations in
London and is the gateway into London’s                       the area. It was supported with
West End, from Victoria Embankment                            wayfinding and extensive promotion.
and the Strand. The area has high footfall                  • A new parklet
with very busy walking routes from                          • Some 376 businesses engaged with
transport links to places where people                        through 54 events and workshops,
work and visit. It incorporates significant                   and 40 businesses provided with 1:1
landmarks, visitor attractions, education                     support to establish how to reduce
and cultural institutions, theatres, hotels                   emissions. Example outcomes include
and is a major shopping destination.                          a 12 per cent reduction in deliveries
                                                              to Somerset House
The BLEN helped provide a focus for                         • Some 26,800 people engaged with
street greening to reduce pollution                           via pop up events, anti-idling events,
exposure and raise awareness of air                           wellbeing walks and air quality events
pollution issues. It has made the area                        hosted with large local businesses
more attractive to walk and cycle                             and organisations
and helped businesses to reduce
their emissions.

The Northbank BLEN – Clean Air Routes
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

4. Other Air Quality Projects

4. 1 ARC H WAY Z E RO E M IS S IO N           • Installing the first publicly available
NE T WO RK ( Z E N )                            electric charging points in the area,
(Islington)                                     on Giesbach Road, St. John’s Grove
                                                and Pemberton Gardens
The Archway ZEN project worked with           • Putting in a range of small and
businesses, residents, schools and              medium-scale greening initiatives
community groups to raise awareness             by local businesses and schools,
of air pollution and help provide tailored      including a new parklet. Green
practical solutions. The key aims were          infrastructure proved a good way
to achieve air quality improvements             to get businesses to think about air
by changing:                                    quality in Archway and options on
                                                offer through the ZEN
• the way employees and residents             • Adoption of cargo bikes for local
  commute                                       deliveries, which is now reducing
• modal shift to sustainable travel             approximately 805 kilometres of petrol
• increasing the uptake of ultra-low            or diesel vehicle use per week
  emission vehicles                           • Some 380 people had anti-idling
• assisting businesses to consolidate           and smarter driver training including
  deliveries                                    drivers at Whittington Hospital,
                                                Metroline bus garage and Whittington
Key achievements:                               cars minicabs
• Twenty NO2 monitoring diffusion             • Signing up 120 businesses to the ZEN,
  tubes were placed in the area. They           with 1000 individuals benefitting from
  have recorded an average reduction of         ZEN services
  40ugm-3 over two years. It is not easy      • Forty events and workshops and bike
  to quantify the ZEN’s contribution to         repair events held
  this huge drop. Other London-wide
  improvements, such as the upgrade
  of the bus fleet, will have played a role
  in these improvements. However, it is a
  very positive indicator of this project’s   businesses signed-up to the ZEN,
  success, the complementary Business         with 1000 individuals benefitting
  Low Emission Neighbourhood                  from ZEN services.
  (referred to earlier in this report), and
  other local and regional measures
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

Clean Air Walk, Archway

4. 2 E L E CT R IC V E H IC LE C H A RG E    • One fully electric street in the borough
PO I NT T RI A L A N D BE AT T H E             with chargers in every lamppost, due
ST R E E T S                                   to demand from residents switching
(Hounslow)                                     to cleaner vehicles

This initiative had two strands – an         Key achievements Beat the Streets:
innovative trial of electric vehicle         • Launch event attended by over
chargers in lampposts, and the                 300 people
complementary Beat the Street. This          • Some 9,523 people took part in the
promotional, game-based measure                scheme. Over 160,000 miles were
was designed to increase activity              logged. The highest participation
levels amongst participants both while         levels (55 per cent total participants)
playing and in the longer term. During the     were recorded in the most
game, pupils and residents recorded how        deprived areas
far they walked. They did this by tapping    • There was a 4 per cent decrease in the
their Beat the Street cards on ‘Beat           in the proportion of adults reporting
Boxes’ on lamp posts at various                being inactive (immediately before
locations around the borough. Other            the scheme to immediately after)
objectives included:                         • The proportion of children doing
                                               60 minutes of physical activity on
• Boost levels of active travel on the         five+ days in the past week
  school run                                   increased from 56 to 64 per cent
• Enhance levels of wellbeing and            • There was a 27 per cent average
  community cohesion.                          decrease in the number of cars
• Increase the popularity of walking           arriving at schools. There was also a
  and cycling                                  12 per cent increase in the proportion
• Reduce the use of cars for                   walking to school
  short journeys                             • Longer term changes were also
• Improve air quality around schools           recorded. For inactive people (0-1
                                               days of physical activity) before
Key achievements for the EV                    Beat the Street in 2016, their average
charging project:                              days of activity went up to 3.1 days,
• 80 charge points installed into              a year later
  lampposts, creating charging
  capability without taking up
  pavement space or requiring
  dedicated parking space
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

4. 3 C L E AN A IR B E T T E R B U S IN E S S               Key achievements:
11 (CA B B 2 )                                              • Identified and promoted 13 clean air
Cross River Partnership                                       walking routes across five boroughs,
                                                              reducing exposure by between 30-60
Clean Air Better Business brought                             per cent
together multiple central London                            • Commissioned and publicised
boroughs and BIDs to enable business-                         research showing air pollutants are
led action to reduce emissions and                            30-60 per cent lower on side streets
exposure to air pollution. Key objectives                     (clean air walking routes). Coverage
were to empower businesses and                                in the Guardian led to more than
BIDs to take positive action. This was                        11,000 clean air route searches in
particularly around business demand                           just one day
for freight and servicing, and in delivery                  • A 300 per cent increase in pedestrians
of green infrastructure and healthy                           using the clean air route between
streets. The project:                                         Euston and Kings Cross stations after
                                                              the Wellbeing Walk was signposted
• Helped put air quality firmly on the                      • Cut 1,162 deliveries a year through
  business agenda                                             a shared supplier scheme. We
• Supported 500+ businesses to reduce                         worked with businesses to identify
  emissions from freight and servicing                        inefficiencies by developing
• Reduced the impact of e-commerce                            the deliverBEST online tool and
  deliveries                                                  business support service. It
• Supported business-led green                                provides businesses with relevant
  infrastructure and healthy streets                          recommendations to make deliveries
• Reduced exposure to air pollution                           to their organisations more efficient.
• Spread the word that clean air is                           Recommendations are tailored to
  better for business. The CABB has                           an organisation based on factors
  also helped to capacity-build partners                      including size, location and sector.
  and particularly the BID sector to                        • Some 38 trees, 40 square meters of
  help support the Mayor’s air quality                        rain garden, and nine other greening
  agenda. CABB piloted and trialled                           measures delivered. These include a
  new and different ways to reduce                            parklet in Fitzrovia, which has led to
  emissions and exposure, with lessons                        a 41 per cent increase in recorded
  learnt used to deliver wide-ranging                         feelings of wellbeing for pedestrians
  actions                                                     using the area

• Some 97 events and workshops
• Three awards won and runner up/          500 +
  finalist for seven other awards          businesses supported
• Around 22,000 users of the ‘Click.       to reduce emissions from
  Collect. Clean Air' tool. This was       freight and servicing
  developed to change behaviour and
  encourage the use of ‘click & collect’
  for online shopping purchases. The
  website (and
  various locally-branded versions)
  maps collection points across London
  and the UK. This makes it easy to find
  a convenient collection point
• Some 140,000 users of the Clean Air
  Route Finder we designed to help
  people find cleaner walking              22,000
  and cycling routes                       users of the ‘Click. Collect. Clean
• The Heart of London Deliveries,          Air' tool. This was developed to
  Waste & Recycling Action Plan            change behaviour and encourage
  (launched as HOLBA Clean Air             the use of ‘click & collect’
  Initiatives in May 2017). CRP, on        for online shopping purchases
  behalf of Heart of London. The aim
  was to minimise waste and reduce
  waste vehicle collection trips
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

4. 4 E VE LY N ST R E E T                                   Key achievements:
C O NST RU CT IO N LO G IST IC S                            • Detailed transport and logistics
P L A N F R AM E WO R K                                       plans put in place with sites, to
(Lewisham)                                                    reducing construction traffic including
                                                              removing peak deliveries, reduce
This project aimed to coordinate the                          workforce passenger car travel
construction logistics from the planned                     • NRMM usage was reduced through
redevelopment of Deptford to reduce                           the usage of mains power at
the impact of the additional construction                     Deptford Foundry
vehicles. The emphasis was on vehicle                       • Introduction of local AQ monitoring at
emissions and their contribution to                           Timberyard, funded by the developers
poor air quality for people living in the                   • Relationship building between
Evelyn Street Area. Ten of the biggest                        individual sites and infrastructure
construction companies in the area take                       projects (Cycleway 4) to reduce
part in the scheme. However, several                          conflict during concurrent
major developments have been delayed,                         construction, reducing congestion
which have limited the project’s impact.                      and delays
Lewisham plans to keep the project in                       • There is now a forum in place for the
place so that the anticipated benefits                        new and largest sites once they begin
can be realised over the coming years.                        the development (Convoys Wharf,
                                                              Neptune’s Wharf, New Bermondsey)

Detailed transport and logistics                            There is now a forum in place
plans put in place with sites,                              for the new and largest sites
to reduce construction traffic                              once they begin the development
including removing peak deliveries,                         (Convoys Wharf, Neptune’s
reducing workforce passenger                                Wharf, New Bermondsey
car travel

4. 5 F RE I GH T                            4 .6 Z E RO E M I S SI ON
C O NSO L I DAT IO N S E RV IC E            DE LI V E RI E S – Z E D
(Camden and Islington)                      (Waltham Forest)

The Camden consolidation centre is a        With support from the MAQF, Waltham
facility that takes hundreds of different   Forest became the first UK council to
deliveries from various suppliers, and      support introduction of a zero emissions
channels them into one central point.       delivery service: ZED Waltham Forest.
The supplies, goods and materials are       This service targets local businesses
then sorted into fewer – and electric –     and first and last mile deliveries. It uses
vehicles for delivery, on a just-in-time    cargo bikes, trikes, and electric vehicles
basis. The project is delivering to over    to courier goods from shops and
135 buildings across Camden                 suppliers within the borough and beyond.
and Islington.
                                            The service gives residents and
Key achievements:                           businesses a chance to support their
• Some 43,686 parcels delivered from        local economy and improves air quality.
  August 2018 to July 2019. This has        It encourages people to leave their
  helped save:                              vehicles at home and instead walk,
                                            cycle and use public transport, using
	— 21,743vkms                              the borough’s new local transport
  — 6.9 Tonnes carbon / 6944kg              infrastructure. This new and high-quality
  — 40.66 Tonnes NO2                        service in Waltham Forest is now being
                                            well used by a range of local businesses,
• Camden have seen a 57 per cent            both within the borough and beyond.
  reduction in delivery trips and 66 per    The council is now using ZED for
  cent drop in delivery miles since they    library deliveries, to move musical
  started the Consolidation Centre          instruments for tuition classes and
                                            to deliver materials to schools.
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

Key achievements:                                           • Innovation – Waltham Forest not only
In the first 18 months of the project,                        supports zero emission deliveries,
the team has:                                                 it has also used new approaches
                                                              to solve logistical issues and meet
• Delivered 21,979 packages                                   business needs. They have a fleet of
• Travelled 21,248km                                          ten cargo bikes; two Iceni trikes, two
• Provided a delivery service for                             Omnium cargo bikes, three Urban
  55 local businesses                                         Arrow cargo bikes, a Bullitt Alu bike,
• Partnership working - ZED also works                        a Bullitt Convoy bike and an e-bike,
  with Zedify in central London to create                     alongside a branded Nissan e–NV200
  a network of sustainable deliveries.                        van. By using such a wide range of
  One of their clients, Organiclea, who                       bikes, they can meet the needs of all
  are based in north Chingford, use                           businesses. The council now wants
  this service to deliver to restaurants                      to buy a trailer which will turn into a
  in central London. ZED collects the                         mobile consolidation hub, the first
  fresh fruit and vegetable boxes in their                    of its kind in the UK
  electric van and hands them over to
  Zedify’s depot in Smithfield Market, for
  onward delivery by bike. This means
  the whole journey is ultra-low emission
• Employment – ZED is one of only
  six London Living Wage employers
  in Waltham Forest and is therefore
  providing a decent wage for 12 local
  people. They are paid by hour worked,
  not by the number of deliveries that
  they make. This means they are not
  under pressure to deliver and can
  instead provide a high-quality service

4. 7 H ACKNE Y F LE E T P RO J E CT         4 .8 HA M M E RSM I TH G ROV E SCHE ME
(Hackney)                                   (Hammersmith & Fulham)

Hackney Council has ambitions to            To turn the street from a traffic-
have the cleanest and greenest fleet        dominated rat-run with planting, seating,
in London and one of the cleanest and       cycling facilities, reduced traffic lanes,
greenest fleets in the UK. This project     entry treatments and EV charging points.
aimed to show how local authorities
can rapidly increase uptake of electric     Key achievements:
vehicles, as well as increase walking       • Introduced a large variety of plants,
and cycling for work trips.                   plus four parklets with seating and
                                              cycling facilities
Key achievements:                           • Delivered four fast multi-point
• Winner of the Fleet Category at the         charging points and bays,
  2018 National Air Quality Awards            removing eight out of 12 P&D
• Installed 45 charging points of 7 KW or     parking bays overall
  more on council car parks and depots      • Changed the road to one-way,
• Procured 39 electric vehicles –             narrowing the lanes and entries,
  bringing the total electric vehicle         and providing a contra-flow cycle
  fleet to 55 vehicles                        lane and bike-port
• Have successfully trailed home            • Held a very successful car free day
  charging using Ubitricity’s smart lead      to promote the scheme
  and charging equipment with five          • Won three awards for the scheme
  Hackney staff members officers. A           (Healthy Streets Award; the
  first for London and one of first in UK     Hammersmith Society’s prestigious
• Increased the council owned bike fleet      Nancye Goulden Award; and Silver
  by 30 and launched an innovative pool       Award at Global Good Awards 2019)
  bike solution for council business        • An AQ mesh monitor was placed in the
  travel. The council has in addition         area to provide before and after data.
  delivered various internal campaigns        It recorded an average reduction of
  to increase bike use by Council             25 per cent in the annual mean
  employees                                   Nitrogen Dioxide concentrations
                                              (pre- monitoring took place between
                                              March and July 2018, and post-
                                              monitoring between January and
                                              September 2019)
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

No 2 NO2 Programme

4. 9 H ARI NG E Y N O 2 N O 2                4 .1 0 I DLI NG ACTI O N
P RO GR A MM E                               (City of London lead borough)

Haringey’s ‘No 2 NO2’ Programme is a         This project brought together BIDs,
package of linked measures to improve        boroughs, businesses, and other
local air quality and reduce emissions       stakeholders to deliver idling awareness
through awareness raising and                across the 19 participating boroughs.
behaviour change.                            The project recruited and trained
                                             volunteers to engage with drivers
Key achievements:                            about the impacts of engine idling
• Haringey’s first school street – which     on Idling Action Days.
  delivered timed road closures at the
  entrance to Lordship Primary               The aims of the campaign were to:
• Some 6,376 Personal Travel Plans           • Reduce unnecessary engine idling
  developed to help parents and carers       • Raise the profile of air quality; and
  get to school in non- polluting ways         of idling engines as a source of
  and expose children to less pollution        air pollution
• The setting up of 12 Walking Zones         • Get the support of local communities,
  for those schools that experience            businesses and organisations to help
  high car use and are in / adjacent           with campaign days
  NO2 affected areas. A walking zone         • Speak to drivers to educate and
  aims to discourage cars in favour of         encourage behaviour change
  travel by foot                             • Gain maximum publicity for the
• Some 472 people had cycle skills             campaign across London
  training and 240 people had cycle
  maintenance training
• An air quality business engagement
  project focussed in the Wood Green
  area, developing business-focused
  action plans with 59 businesses
                                             One of the aims of the campaign
• Engagement work with those with            was to speak to drivers to educate
  asthma, COPD, heart disease, stroke        and encourage behaviour change
  etc to raise awareness of air pollution.
  Promotion of / airtext by
  means of an ‘information pack’ via GP
  surgeries, local medical centres and
  pharmacies, engaging directly
  with patients
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

Key achievements:                                           4 .1 1 THE LONDON LOW E M I S SI ON
• Delivered 161 events and interacted                       CONSTRU CTI O N PA RTNE RSHI P
  face to face with over 7,200 members                      (LLECP)
  of the public                                             (Camden)
• Over 750 toolkits were downloaded
  from people across the UK – the                           LLECP was a partnership project with the
  campaign materials have been                              Environmental Research Group (ERG) at
  particularly popular                                      King’s College London, and six boroughs.
• Delivered educational sessions                            Through the project ERG worked with the
  for around 15,000 primary                                 construction industry and supply chains
  school students                                           to reduce the overall pollution of their
• Publicised the campaign through                           activities. It involved a combination of
  a Twitter account with over 1,400                         scientific study and on-the-ground work
  followers; over 13,000 website                            directly with construction companies and
  views, and many website enquiries                         construction sites.

Using Round 3 of MAQF funding, this                         Key achievements:
project is now being expanded to benefit                    • Helped the construction industry to
all but one London borough (Barnet                            understand its impact on local air
have chosen not to take part). All the                        quality. This was achieved by running
boroughs are now complementing the                            seminars and workshops at City Hall
expanded project with enforcement                             and speaking at industry events.
against idling vehicles.                                      Examples include BuildLondon,
                                                              EcoBuild, Construction Plant Hire
                                                              Association annual conference,
                                                              Highways England NRMM user group
                                                              and the Environmental Industries
                                                              Commission. We also engaged directly
                                                              with developers and their contractors
                                                              as well as through the website and
                                                              social media accounts
                                                            • Worked with established industry
                                                              bodies to develop guidance and
                                                              training materials. These included
                                                              the Institute for Civil Engineers
                                                              (ICE) – Engineering cleaner air
                                                              report, Considerate Constructors
                                                              Scheme (CCS)

• Reached 500 businesses through the
  industry engagement campaign              500
• LLECP wrote several articles              businesses reached through
  for national papers and industry          the industry engagement
  publications. It also appeared a          campaign
  on regional BBC news to discuss
  the GLA’s control of construction
  emissions in London
• Training event for boroughs and
  stakeholders at City Hall
• Improved pollution monitoring,
  and made this data available for
  construction sites in London. Dust
  monitoring is often a planning
  requirement for major development         Improved pollution monitoring,
  sites. LLECP improved this by             and made this data available for
  developing guidance on how and            construction sites in London.
  where to locate indicative monitors
  and how to operate them to improve
  data quality. The project also provided
  a real-time pollution measurement
  platform on the project website. It
  included a rapid alert system to notify
  the site managers when there was
  a pollution event likely to have been
  linked to construction activity.
• Assessed the impact of pollution
  abatement techniques using high
  quality on-site measurement and
  specialist data analysis. This allowed
  LLECP to independently assess the
  potential to reduce emissions using
  hybrid machines, chemical dust
  suppression, diesel fuel additives and
  ISO grade fuels
• Sponsored a PhD thesis
  ‘Characterising non-road mobile
  machinery emissions through
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

  portable emissions testing and                            • Launched a dedicated website
  emissions inventory development’.                           containing information on the
  This work has been presented at                             air pollution impacts from the
  UK and international events such                            construction industry and the
  as the Royal Society of Chemistry,                          available abatement measures.
  Cambridge Particle meeting, Public                          Between April 2016 – April 2019
  Health England and the Co-ordinating                        the website had 12,597 unique
  Research Council (US)                                       users with 26,776-page views
• Created guidance on dust and                              • LLECP also worked with Aggreko and
  emissions from construction sites                           Green Urban Technologies to develop
  for use by local authorities,                               and test SCRT retrofit (after-exhaust
  developers and contractors with                             technology) to reduce both nitrogen
  key LLECP project findings                                  dioxide and particulates. The aim
• Worked with targeted construction                           was to allow constant speed engines
  sites to provide advice and guidance                        to meet the GLA emission standards
  on how to apply ‘best in class’                             required in central London from
  abatement. This included major                              2020. Retrofitting existing machines
  London infrastructure projects (HS2/                        is potentially the fastest way of
  Tideway) plus regeneration areas                            achieving the emission reduction
  including Battersea, Deptford, Earls                        targets due to supply shortages of
  Court, Elephant and Castle, King’s                          new stage V generators
  Cross, Nine Elms and Stratford

4. 1 2 NO N- ROA D M O BIL E               4 .1 3 NO N-ROA D M O B I LE
MACH I NE RY ( N R M M ) –                 M ACHI NE RY (NRM M ) –
SO U T H LO N DO N                         NORTH LONDON
(Merton lead borough)                      (Barnet lead borough)

NRMM (primarily construction               The project employed an officer to
machinery) contributes to around 15        audit construction sites for compliance
per cent of PM2.5 pollution in London.     with the Non-Road Mobile Machinery
The NRMM project was originally            (NRMM) regulations. It aimed to reduce
intended to cover only the south London    NO2 and PM10 emissions from NRMM
boroughs. However, following repeated      and raise industry awareness of NRMM
requests, it widened to incorporate        requirements, air pollution, dust and
more councils, bringing the total taking   the GLA’s SPG. Another objective was
part to 13. Membership included the        to create a legacy Code of Practice for
provision of training and expertise, and   north London. This would shape local
the carrying out of audits of NRMM         policy and ensure a consistent approach
at construction sites. Audits included     to enforcement. It also acts as a guide to
extensive engagement with construction     help developers reduce emissions and
site managers to help them understand      reduce nuisance complaints.
and comply with London’s NRMM
requirements. It also included follow      Key achievements:
up visits to sites to check how their      • The officer was able to proactively
equipment and practices have improved.       counter complaints of dust and track-
                                             out onto road from construction sites
Key achievements:                            by assessing “Construction Method
• Audited 464 sites and 1,444 machines       Statement” planning conditions
• A 40 per cent average increase in        • The requirement to register NRMM
  compliance rates between the first         on the website, and for it to comply
  and second construction site audits        with NRMM Regulations has been
• Some 16.5 tonnes of PM and 297             formalised. There are now standard
  tonnes of NOx cut (31 per cent and         planning conditions and it has been
  22 per cent respectively) across           incorporating into the participating
  all sits visited                           councils’ Supplementary Planning
• Six boroughs and five industry             Guidance
  representatives received detailed        • Increase in compliance rates on major
  training on reducing NRMM                  construction sites
• Due to the success of this project,
  in Round 3 of the MAQF it has
  been expanded to include every
  London borough
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

South London NRMM Project

In Round 3 of the MAQF this project        4 .1 5 RE DB RI DG E SCHO O LS A I R
has now been replaced by the London-       ACTI ON PRO G R A M M E
wide scheme led by Merton, leading         (Redbridge)
to economies of scale and a joined-up
approach across London.                    The project worked with 15 schools to
                                           deliver a comprehensive and holistic
4. 1 4 P U T NE Y H IG H ST R E E T A IR   air quality education programme. It
Q UAL I T Y SC H E M E                     supported students to lead on behaviour
(Wandsworth)                               change activities, citizen science and
                                           campaigns. The programme aimed to:
This small-scale project identified and
assessed potential measures on Putney      • Make the school and local community
High Street which could be rolled out        aware of the risks of air pollution
within larger workstreams. This project    • Inform schools about the strategies
developed detailed proposals to reduce       that they can use to protect their
transport related emissions and make         health and reduce their own impact
the high street safer, more functional,    • Reduce the level of car use at
and more attractive.                         each school

Key achievements:
• Completion of detailed design of the
  main environmental improvement
  scheme on Putney High Street which
  will enhance the pedestrian and cycle
  environment, and help to ensure the
  20mph speed limit is adhered to. The
  MAQF enabled the development of
  the detailed designs, which unlocked
  match funding to deliver the scheme,
  which will be complete in 2020.
• Design and negotiation of two new
                                           vehicle kilometres reduced per day
  green walls (to be delivered in 2020)    as a result of the project (based
                                           on before and after surveys, 550
                                           people switched from using their
                                           car to walking and cycling)
M AY O R ’ S A I R Q U A L I T Y F U N D C O M P L E T I O N R E P O R T

Key achievements:                                           4 .1 6 SHO RE DI TCH Z E RO
• Some 4,190 vehicle kilometres                             E M I S SI O NS NE T WO RK ( Z E N) –
  reduced per day as a result of the                        (Hackney lead)
  project (based on before and after
  surveys, 550 people switched from                         Zero Emissions Network (ZEN) is a
  using their car to walking and cycling)                   business liaison and behaviour change
• Holding 232 workshops and events,                         project based in east London with
  reaching almost 29,000 students,                          a transferable model for tackling air
  parents and staff                                         pollution. It is managed jointly by
• Around 1,658 local households                             the London boroughs of Hackney,
  received an air quality protection                        Islington and Tower Hamlets. The
  strategy and pledge flyer. Of these,                      project was established in Hackney in
  784 were engaged in either an                             2012. Since 2013, it has been funded
  air quality brief conversation or a                       by MAQF Rounds 1 and 2. ZEN works
  Personal Travel Plan                                      with businesses and residents offering
• Four out of six schools increased                         bespoke free advice and services to
  their level of STARS (Sustainable                         help them work cheaper, cleaner and
  Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe)                        greener. It also works with moped
  accreditation. Three of these achieved                    delivery riders to encourage the switch
  gold from a baseline of two bronze and                    from mopeds to e-bikes. ZEN shows that
  one silver in the previous year                           air quality is a cross boundary issue that
• Redbridge Primary’s outstanding                           can be effectively addressed through
  Ofsted report specifically referred                       collaborative working.
  to the excellence of programme

workshops and events, reaching
almost 29,000 students, parents
and staff
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