May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021

Page created by Vincent Schmidt
May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021
2020 - 2021
Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program
at Georgetown Law

                         May her
                        Memory be a
May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021
Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                    FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute
This newsletter is dedicated to
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Justice was a longtime friend
of the Women’s Law & Public
Policy Fellowship Program,
and spent time each year with
the fellows over tea. It was my
pleasure as the Program Director
to bear witness to her impact on
these young women and men                          Marya Torrez, seated fifth from right

who have decided to devote their
                                                   Marya Torrez (US 2007-2008)
careers to advancing equality and
                                                   I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to be in her presence and thankful for all
justice.                                           she did to pave the way and create a better world for us to live in. I met RBG first
                                                   at our tea, and then a second time was when I was sworn into the Supreme Court
Included are pictures from many                    bar as part of my Georgetown Law ten-year reunion. After the swearing in, we
                                                   went back to a room where our families were and waited for one or more Justices
of our teas, as well as some other                 to come speak to us. This is how my partner describes it:
pictures and words in tribute to                   I remember this day so vividly. Marya was sworn into the Supreme Court Bar,
the icon we affectionately call                    along with many of her Georgetown alumni. Chief Justice Roberts walked in
                                                   waving his arms as if to say “Hey! Look at me! I’m here!” He was given a cordial
RBG. I know that many of our                       welcome. Then Justice Ginsburg walked in. There were audible gasps. Everyone
Fellows were simply too bereft to                  instantly started beaming. Some cried at the honor of being in her presence! You
                                                   can see the expression on their faces when she first walked in.
write anything. I hope that these
remembrances inspire you to
continue the work of Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg. Her memory is
indeed a blessing.

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 Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                                FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


 Lynn Paltrow (US 1984-1985)                          least sometimes) on the basis of sex. That        vised the military to withdraw Captain Struck’s
                                                      case, Reed v. Reed, successfully challenged       discharge and to change the rule so that preg-
 Over the years, and primarily because of the         an Idaho state law that specified that “males     nancy would no longer be automatic grounds
 Women’s Law and Public Policy Fellowship             must be preferred to females” in appointing       for discharge. That is what the Air Force did,
 Program, I have had several opportunities to         administrators of estates. The decision held      making the case “moot” and preventing it from
 meet with Justice Ginsburg. One of these             that the law’s preference for men was arbitrary   continuing and being decided by the Supreme
 times was immediately following a Supreme            and unconstitutional.                             Court.
 Court oral argument on a case I had filed,
 helped to try and continued to work on after         That decision, however, was just the              Why do I tell you all this? Because that Court
 starting National Advocates for Pregnant             beginning. Justice Ginsburg knew that             has still not recognized that government efforts
 Women; Ferguson v. City of Charleston. We            full protection for women under the equal         to control and coerce women in relationship
 won that case with Justice Ginsburg among            protection clause would not exist unless the      to their pregnancies and pregnancy outcomes
 the six- member majority. That was the case          Courts recognized that the Constitution           — including abortion — are prohibited by the
 challenging the Medical University of South          also prohibited discrimination based on the       Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection
 Carolina’s policy of secretly searching preg-        capacity for pregnancy and pregnancy itself.      clause. It is why so many prosecutors and
 nant patients (almost all of them Black) for         So, she looked for and found a case that would    legislators believe there are no constitutional
 evidence of drug use. If they tested positive,       expose and address this discrimination. That      limits on their power to use pregnancy as a
 hospital staff turned their confidential medical     case was Struck v. Secretary of Defense.          basis for locking-up women. It is why National
 information over to the police and coordinated                                                         Advocates for Pregnant Women must continue
 their arrest. These patients were taken out of       Susan Struck was serving as a Captain in the      to fight on behalf of so many people including
 the hospital in chains and shackles, some still      U.S. Air Force, when, as a single woman, she      Latice Fisher and Chelsea Becker.
 pregnant, others still bleeding from just having     became pregnant. The Air Force, however, had
 given birth. While the holding of the Supreme        a strict rule: terminate the pregnancy or face    As someone who considers herself a “daughter-
 Court decision is typically squeezed into a          immediate discharge. It was a perfect case for    in-law” of Justice Ginsburg, I will continue to
 fairly narrow legal box, I think of it as one that   exposing the scope of the government power        be part of that fight. And in these times when
 stands for the broad proposition that all medi-      to control and coerce women because of their      it is so easy to despair and to focus on division,
 cal patients, including pregnant women, are          reproductive capacity. Indeed, thousands of       I ask you to continue to fight not only in
 fully protected by the 4th Amendment’s prohi-        women were thrown out of the US military          memory of Justice Ginsburg, a white, Jewish
 bition on unwarranted searches and seizures.         because they continued their pregnancies to       woman, but also the extraordinary, brilliant
                                                      term.                                             Black lawyer and theologian Pauli Murray who
 As many people know by now, in her early                                                               developed the legal strategy Ginsburg used to
 years, Ruth Bader Ginsburg brought the               Although Ginsburg lost her challenges to the      persuade the Supreme Court to recognize that
 challenge that resulted in the Supreme Court’s       policy in the lower federal courts, the U.S.      the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection
 first decision recognizing that the Fourteenth       Solicitor General believed the Air Force might    Clause protects women.
 Amendment’s equal protection clause applies          lose in the Supreme Court. As a result, he ad-
 to women and prohibits discrimination (at

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                  Party Equality Day Celebration, August 2018.                                                     G E O R G E T O W N L AW
May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021
Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                                 FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Justine F. Andronici (US 2002-2003)                 the most important equality battles for our
                                                    generation of women’s rights lawyers would
I went to law school because of Justice             be. I expected her to talk about equal pay, or
Ginsburg.                                           continued problems of race and gender-based
                                                    employment discrimination. Instead, she said
As a young feminist organizer and activist,
                                                    that the roll back of our reproductive rights
I learned about her brilliant strategy as an
                                                    would be the most crucial battle we faced.
advocate attorney with the ACLU Women’s
                                                    She talked about the lack of meaningful
Rights Project. I wanted to be like Justice
                                                    reproductive freedom for poor women and
Ginsburg, to use the law and to help advance
                                                    women of color, and the significant trend
                                                    in the Court eroding the Roe and Casey
Sitting in the room with Justice Ginsburg           decisions, explaining that without reproductive
during my post-graduate fellowship with             freedom, equality for women was not possible.
WLPPFP was truly one of the most powerful
                                                    The next time I had the privilege of being in
influential moments in my career. Justice                                                                Beth Burkstrand-Reid (US 2005-2006)
                                                    Justice Ginsburg’s presence was at the storied
Ginsburg had recently recovered from a bout
                                                    Sewall Belmont House, the home of the                Just after this photo she asked me to please
of cancer, a fact that was not at the time
                                                    National Women’s Party during the final days         sit down. “We’ve had a heart attack in the
widely known. She entered the room where
                                                    of the suffrage movement, in the Summer of           Supreme Court before but I don’t think
we met with her at the Supreme Court, and
                                                    2018 at an event which I was truly honored to        we’ve had a baby.” She then talked about
a feeling of awe and gravitas swept over our
                                                    suggest and help to organize. As I watched the
small group. As she sat gingerly and spoke                                                               the need for a new generation of women’s
                                                    Justice take the stage and listened to her quiet
quietly about her path to the Supreme Court,                                                             rights activists. Lola was born just after
                                                    brilliance once again, I was reminded of that
she told the story of her history. She spoke                                                             —5 weeks early. We always joke that she
                                                    day long ago when I met her as a young lawyer.
of how she had been treated as a woman                                                                   heard Justice Ginsburg and came run-
                                                    There was a profound respect in the energy
lawyer who couldn’t get a job after law school,                                                          ning.
                                                    of the room as she once again offered her
and about how far we have come since then.
                                                    answers to each question with a very precise
She described her work at ACLU Women’s
                                                    explanation of our legal history.
Rights Project, her step by step, case by
case, strategic approach to individual cases        Listening that day, it felt as if Justice Ginsburg
to change the meaning of the Constitution to        was once again, trying to make sure each of          Moza Jadeed (LAWA 2008-2009)
include women.                                      the leaders in attendance truly understood           announced that some of the Kenyan
                                                    what it took to get where we are, case by case,      LAWA Alumnae held RBG Memorial
It was clear Justice Ginsburg felt it was
                                                    step by step. I found myself reflecting deeply       Proceedings on Friday, October 9th
critically important to tell us, a group of young
                                                    on my own career, hoping I was doing enough,
and eager women’s rights lawyers, how it was
                                                    as she mentioned the work yet to be done to
that we got where we were. As a young lawyer
                                                    guarantee equality for women. She talked that
acutely aware of continued inequalities and
                                                    day about the work ahead, noting the absence
the challenges we faced, I also cherished                                                                Neena Chaudhry (US 1997-1998)
                                                    of an Equal Rights Amendment - the lack of
throughout my career another piece of advice
                                                    a Constitutional guarantee for equality on the       Thank you Justice Ginsburg for your
she offered that day. She told us she believed
                                                    basis of sex, and the lack of meaningful repro-      life’s work, which helped make our
dwelling in anger in the face of injustice was
                                                    ductive freedom for poor women and women             careers possible. Your generosity of spirit
a “waste of energy” telling us that she coped
                                                    of color. For me, Justice Ginsburg’s history, life   and the time you gave to the fellows will
with the hostility to her as an advocate for
                                                    and legacy isn’t about the past, and it isn’t just
women’s rights by being the best lawyer she                                                              stay with us always. We are honored to
                                                    about dissenting, it is about understanding our
could be.                                                                                                stand on your small but mighty shoulders
                                                    history but always looking forward to making
                                                    justice and equality under the law meaningful
                                                                                                         and vow to continue the fight.
Her last comments to us during that meeting
are also seared into my mind, especially now.       and real, for all of us.
Towards the end, I asked her what she thought

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May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021
Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                               FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Michelle X. Liu (US 2018-2019)                    are today. In many countries, women and girls       and defend the person of his wife,” including
                                                  are prohibited from pursuing an education;          disposing of her property at his will—violated
“Don’t worry,” said Jill, “if you have the baby   from owning, managing, or inheriting property;      the country’s constitutional guarantee of
early, you can join us for tea next year.” The    from making decisions relating to their sexual      equality for women. If this spousal dynamic
Director tried to assure 8-months pregnant        and reproductive health; from being an equal        seems shockingly archaic, bear in mind that a
me that, no matter what, I would not miss the     partner in marriage or from seeking divorce;        husband’s right to marital power over his wife’s
annual capstone event of the Women’s Law &        and from accessing justice as survivors of          property was the law of the land in Louisiana
Public Policy Fellowship Program—a private        sexual abuse, just to name a few. These legal       as late as 1980.
tea party and conversation with Justice Ruth      restrictions relegate women and girls to second
Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court. My           class citizens based on their sex and subjugate     These legal changes are only a few examples
due date loomed dangerously close to the date     their position in society such that they become     of the work being done by women’s rights
of the RBG tea. But, not to be outdone by his     dependent on others for the realization of their    advocates around the world to remove
older brother who had met Hillary Clinton         fundamental rights.                                 systemic barriers for women and girls in
while in utero back in 2016, my son Max                                                               claiming their rights to equality and non-
waited obediently to make his debut to the        But some of these laws are changing.                discrimination, health, life, and dignity, among
world two days after our tea with RBG. Mine                                                           others. Only by removing these barriers can
was the last fellowship class to enjoy such a     In 2018, Ireland—a country where over three-        women and girls around the world become
privilege.                                        quarters of its citizenry is Catholic—amended       equal and truly “independent.”
                                                  its Constitution to remove the constitutional
Much of the impetus behind my work in             recognition of a fetal right to life and to allow   “Real change, enduring change, happens
advocating for international women’s hu-          legislators to legalize abortion. Similarly, the    one step at a time,” said the late Justice.
man rights can be summed up in the spirit         Parliament of Malawi in the coming months           As a trailblazer for women’s equality in the
of Justice Ginsburg’s mother’s advice to her:     is set to debate the repeal of its 150-year-old     United States, Justice Ginsburg also became
“Be independent.” Around the world, many          law that criminalizes abortion in nearly every      an icon for women’s rights advocates globally.
women and girls are socially, economically,       circumstance. Just last year, the High Court        The realization of women’s human rights is
and legally dependent on men—much like            of Eswatini (a country in Southern Africa)          work that takes commitment, collaboration,
many women in the United States were just         ruled that the common law doctrine of marital       and time. And, on her shoulders, the work
a few generations ago and, in some ways, still    power—“the right of the husband to rule over        continues.

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Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                                 FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Christine Webber (US 1993-1994)                    able to participate in the public visitation at       what she worked for and achieved is now at
                                                   the Supreme Court last week. Her memory               risk. But it’s our fight now, and that is what she
I so appreciated Justice Souter’s remembrance,     will be an inspiration and blessing to millions,      would want us to do. We should fight so that
which noted that Justice Ginsburg was one of       but I will borrow a variation on that seen on         her legacy continues to live in the work we do.
the greats before she ever joined the Supreme      Twitter: May her memory be a revolution.              RBG, may your soul rest in a supreme power!!
Court. It was the sort of litigation she did
with the ACLU Women’s Rights Project that
defined what I wanted to do when I went to         Jamesina King (LAWA 2001-2002)                        Mirabelle Chi-Okezie (LAWA 2016-2017)
law school. So when my fellowship began
                                                   I want to express my condolences to the               Adieu to a trailblazing champion of women’s
with a welcome lunch featuring Justice
                                                   WLPPFP family for the loss of one of our              rights! Thank you Ruth Bader Ginsburg for
Ginsburg as keynote, I was over the moon.
                                                   greatest mentors. I will remember her as              helping to propel women’s rights to the fore-
While I didn’t get to talk to her then, I was
                                                   a fighter and a very humane person who                front of political agendas, bringing attention
thrilled again years later to have the chance
                                                   knew what it meant to give of her very best           to why gender equality across all industries is
to join a tea with the Fellows, and ask her a
                                                   to effect change and transformation in her            key. You are a powerful example of a woman
                                                   generation. The last time I saw her was when          who lived her beliefs and wasn’t afraid to voice
I asked her to name her favorite opinion, and      I attended the 2013 celebrations organized            them. Your actions and values have produced
favorite dissent, thinking loudly the whole        by the Fellowship and again I was inspired by         generations of fearless women who will honour
time “VMI, it has to be VMI; and Ledbetter, or     her speech and just marveled at her splendid          your memory by continuing your life’s work –
maybe Shelby County, no, say Ledbetter.” Her       career achievements and service to humanity.          fighting for justice and gender equality. Person-
answer was indeed VMI and Ledbetter. The           Well she is a life worth celebrating and I am         ally, as a working mom, I will most especially
VMI decision practically adopted the ERA           very honoured and very grateful to have met           remember you for your shining example of
by proper reading of the 14th Amendment.           her. May she rest in peace.                           work-life balance. Your legacy will live on in
Few justices get to accomplish something so                                                              the countless women you inspired!
consequential – especially sweet as it was         Jen Caballero (US 2012-2013)
the fitting conclusion of the line of cases she
started her career by litigating. I am person-     I still can’t quite wrap my head around the
ally attached to Ledbetter, a case in which I’d    fact that she is no longer with us, or the
written an amicus brief, because it’s so central   abundance of who she was and what she
to my work in employment law. Bad decisions        gave while she was here. I have never been            Kaboneke Zaamu (LAWA 2010-2011)
and powerful dissents have inspired legislative    so certain that I was among the truly unique          You cannot believe the gap left by
changes before, but rarely so swiftly and thor-    when she walked into that room for our tea,
                                                                                                         this death of an icon. We shall always
oughly as with the passage of the Ledbetter        and I have cherished the presence of mind she
                                                                                                         remember with unbound fondness.
Fair Pay Act. Would that all her dissents draw     shared for all my days since. I actually have
an equally prompt correction.                      *so much* RBG schwag it incites affectionate
                                                   chiding from friends of mine. I truly, and sadly,
In the week following her death, I noticed         look forward to mourning and lifting up her
that many of my friends had changed their          greatness with the WLPPFP community.                  Beatrice Akua Duncan
Facebook profile pictures to be a picture                                                                (LAWA 1992-1993)
of Justice Ginsburg. But what particularly
                                                   Yamrot Henok (LAWA 2014-2015)                         I learned many things from Justice
delighted me is that they had mostly chosen
different pictures of her (personally I went
                                                                                                         Ginsburg. The greatest of all is that it is
                                                   For so many of us RBG was an inspiration and          possible to be small in stature, humble
with a picture of her from her ACLU days,
                                                   a real-life superhero. I am forever grateful for      and unassuming and yet achieve great
as I will always be a litigator at heart), so
                                                   her selfless dedication to women’s rights and         heights and impact your world in a
for a short while at least, my FB feed was
                                                   social justice. It is sad that she has died after a
enough, because there were nine, nine RBGs                                                               magnificent way.
                                                   long and good life dedicated to women’s rights
(#whentherarenine). It was a privilege to be
                                                   and social justice, and tragic that so much of

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Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                              FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Emilia Nuiselie Lobti (LAWA 2008-2009)            responsibility of being Women’s Law & Public        collaborate. I still feel that way today. The
                                                  Policy Fellows — of being lawyers — in our          work by noted alums from this program
On arriving in the United States in 2008          evolving society. I can hardly yet reflect upon     continues to influence my thinking and work,
for the Leadership & Advocacy for Women           the enormity of this loss, or the possibility for   and I am lucky to consider so many of them
in Africa Fellowship, Justice Ruth Bader          personal and professional self-determination        dear friends.
Ginsburg was one of the personalities the         I owe to Justice Ginsburg. I do, however, feel
Executive Director of the program wanted the      both humbled as an inheritor of her legacy and
Fellows to interact with at all cost. The tea     galvanized to “fight for the things that [I] care
with the Justice was necessary and served as a    about, but do it in a way that will lead others
valid introduction of the main purpose of the     to join [me].”
program, and motivation for the LAWAs. I per-
sonally admired her profound personality, her
calmness, and valuable advice which I took        Beverly Mumbo (LAWA 2019-2020)
seriously during my stay in the program. It was
                                                  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the cham-
a privilege for me to study one of her landmark
                                                  pion of advocacy for women’s rights. Prior to
decided cases, United States v. Virginia, which
                                                  joining Georgetown my knowledge and appre-
I applied in most of my analyses and briefs on
                                                  ciation for RBG was limited. However, after
the international protection of women’s rights.
                                                  attending her lecture on October 30th 2019 at
She is my role model in contemporary gender
                                                  Georgetown Hart Auditorium, and hearing her
equality struggles. She is gone, but her legacy
                                                  speak, I was drawn to her brilliance and pas-
will be remembered forever.
                                                  sion for women’s rights. I have gone on to read
                                                  about her and have been greatly inspired to
Prudence Mutiso (LAWA 2017-2018)                  continue in the fight for equality. The strides
                                                  and opportunity she created for women is
I do recall a particular event when GULC          comparable to no other.
hosted her to discuss My Own Words with her
official biographers, Professors Mary Hartnett    She also demonstrated that you need not come
and Wendy Williams. She beamed with pride         from a notable background to make change in
discussing gender equality, particularly the      society. Anybody can be the necessary change
case of United States v. Virginia. As a lawyer    if they are passionate and work hard to achieve
working to advance gender equality in Kenya,      their goals. This is extremely encouraging to       Christine Webber (US 1993-1994)
the issues she litigated on remain present day    young girls. The women’s rights movement and        This is me with my RBG dissents
challenges here. I continue to draw inspiration   the world has lost an icon. We only hope that       blanket. The picture is made from the
from her work as a litigator and a Supreme        we can fill her shoes. Shine on your way, RBG!      text of her dissents in Epic Systems,
Court Justice. As I re-read My Own Words, I                                                           Hobby Lobby, Ledbetter, Masterpiece
am still in awe and I know her work SHALL
                                                  Margaret Johnson (US 1995-1996)                     Cake, and Shelby County.
                                                   I am so grateful for her support of the
Monica Bhattacharya (US 2015-2016)                WLPPFP program. When I was accepted
                                                  into the Fellowship I was so happy because
Our tea with Justice Ginsburg will forever        I felt that others saw me, really for the first
be one of my most cherished memories. She         time, as someone who could contribute in the
was warm, gracious, and contemplative as          area of gender justice and that I was given
we discussed the role of her now-notorious        a wonderful opportunity to be surrounded
dissents and the unique privilege and             by like people from whom I could learn and

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So thank you to Justice Ginsburg for helping       Due to the pandemic, we also missed having       LAWA Ghana mourns with people in the
to create and support this path so we can have     tea with Justice Ginsburg this Spring. As a      United States of America the passing away
this amazing community and do this work. I         highlight of the program, I’d been bragging      of a formidable jurist who fought to promote
was grateful to serve as co-alumni director for    about this opportunity to anyone who would       the rights of women in her country and in
WLPPFP in the 90s with Johanna Bond. In            listen to me talk about WLPPFP in the            the world. As students of the Leadership &
that role we served to help organize the 25th      months preceding. Once it was clear that         Advocacy for Women in Africa Fellowship,
Anniversary Celebration of WLPPFP and              it wasn’t going to happen this year, we held     who studied at the Georgetown University
Justice Ginsburg was our Keynote speaker. My       onto the hope that Jill would allow us to join   Law Center in the 1990s and early 2000s, we
mom, who was around the same age as Justice        the 2020-2021 cohort when they had the           were attracted to her judgements in which she
Ginsburg, attended the celebration with me.        opportunity to meet Justice Ginsburg.            pushed to promote the rights of women. May
At the end of the evening, Wendy Williams,                                                          She Rest in Peace.
Judy Lichtman, and Marcia Greenberger made         In a year of COVID-19, racial injustice, and
sure that my mom and I got to meet Justice         an economic crisis, the passing of Justice
Ginsburg. I remember my mom wanted to tell         Ginsburg is amongst the most profound
her thank you because my mom, as an early          losses of 2020. In addition to the massive
feminist psychologist, faced a lot of barriers     implications for our democracy, her death        Elizabeth Atemnkeng
and appreciated so much what RBG had done.         also highlights some of the smaller and more     (LAWA 2008-2009)
                                                   personal losses that we’ve experienced over
                                                   the past six months. While we won’t get to       We thank God for the opportunity,
Twasiima P. Bigirwa (LAWA 2019-2020)               enjoy tea with her or celebrate our graduates    moments, and rich experiences Justice
                                                   in the usual way or guarantee that we’ll ever    Ginsburg shared with us LAWAs. Her
I did not have the pleasure of meeting the
                                                   all be in the same place again at once, I feel   departure has created a big vacuum
Great RBG in person as previous fellows did.
                                                   such gratitude for my fellow Fellows. We built   that will be hard to fill. She was a great
We had imagined that we would have another
                                                   a beautiful family and even in the most trying   inspiration and a mother to us all. Adieu
time, perhaps as alumnae to sit with her after
                                                   times, we found ways to connect and support      Justice.
the pandemic was over and she was fully back
                                                   each other throughout.
on her feet. However, I remember hearing
her speak during her last visit to Georgetown      This is a huge, devastating blow for all of
Law, accompanied by Hillary and Bill Clinton       us. But after spending a year in community
last fall and being amazed that she was still so   with some of the most resilient, kind, and
willing to fight for what she believed in. She     intelligent advocates for gender justice, I am
was inspirational in so many ways, not only        encouraged. Just as committed as Justice
because she set the bar so high, but because       Ginsburg was to equality, I know a whole gang
she accepted her flaws, apologized when            of women who are just as committed in their
she realized her mistakes and asked us all to      own ways. We have big shoes to fill, but I am
believe that we can indeed live in a more just     confident that WLPPFP alumnae—a group
and equitable world.                               that now includes my cohort—will step in
                                                   and step up. We have no other choice and no
Desiree Luckey (US 2019-2020)                      better way to honor her legacy.

Being a 2019-2020 WLPPFP Fellow was truly
                                                   Regina Mutyaba (LAWA 1993-1994)
an adventure. Transitioning from in-person
meetings to Zoom calls, the uncertainty of         The loss of Lady Justice Ginsburg has left
our employment prospects, and the delayed          a permanent dent on our hearts. She was
commencement ceremony that robbed our              admired by many people especially women.
LAWAs of their well-earned celebration             She will be greatly missed by many of us.
distinguish our cohort from any other in
WLPPFP history.

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Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                              FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Meet our 2020-2021 Fellows
WLPPFP is delighted to welcome (virtually!) our two LAWA
Fellows and seven US Fellows.

                        The National Women’s        she visited the Dilley Family Detention Center
                        Law Center welcomes         to help women and children asylum seekers
                        Sabrina Bernadel as         prepare for credible fear interviews. She was
                        their Equal Justice Works   also a Student Attorney in the International
                        Fellow. Sabrina is deeply   Women’s Human Rights Clinic where she
                        invested in transforming    undertook a fact-finding trip and co-authored a
                        the ways in which our       human rights report on legalizing abortion in
education systems support young people—par-         Malawi. Asees will spend her fellowship year
ticularly Black girls, and those who are            at the National Partnership for Women in
disproportionately adultified and marginalized      Families, working with the Reproductive
by academic institutions. As COVID-19               Rights Group as a step towards a career in
forces schools to reassess what is “essential”      public policy and impact litigation for
for learning, Sabrina’s fellowship year will be     international women’s rights.
dedicated to challenging schools to divert
                                                                           Prior to becoming a
resources away from criminalization, and
                                                                           LAWA fellow, Heather
toward student socio-emotional supports.
                                                                           Chidarara practiced for
Sabrina has demonstrated her commitment to
                                                                           over ten years as a
improving the lives of young people through
                                                                           human rights lawyer and
her work at the Health Justice Alliance at
                                                                           women’s rights advocate
Georgetown University Law Center, where she
                                                                           in South Africa and
is 2020 graduate. She has also held intern-
                                                    Zimbabwe. There, she has litigated on behalf
ships at Advocates for Children of New York
                                                    of women seeking access to housing and
and the U.S. and New York Departments of
                                                    equitable distribution of assets in family law
Education. Sabrina will use the skills and
                                                    proceedings. Driven by a desire to realize
insights gained from these positions to make
                                                    economic justice and challenge the ways in
schools safer for girls.
                                                    which patriarchal norms marginalize women in
                      Asees Bhasin’s                her community, Heather has advanced
                      experience in gender          women’s rights in her representation of women
                      justice is cross-cultural     in custody, domestic violence, and divorce
                      and firmly rooted in civil    cases. Heather earned her Bachelor of Laws in
                      and human rights law.         2010 from the University of Fort Hare in East
                      She has previously            London, South Africa. Her LAWA research
                      monitored trials at a rape    will help deepen her understanding of South
court in New Delhi, and has researched              African housing law in order to develop
Canadian sexual assault laws at King’s College      strategies for actualizing women’s housing
London. During her last winter break at             rights.
Georgetown University Law Center (where
she obtained a joint J.D. and L.L.B. in 2020)

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May her Memory be a Blessing 2020 2021
Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                               FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


                       The Georgetown              strategies for eliminating childhood incarcera-
                       International Women’s       tion and building pathways for women’s
                       Human Rights Clinic is      political and workforce participation in
                       delighted to welcome        Ethiopia.
                       Catherine Cooper as
                       the 2020 Clinical                                  Kathryn Menefee, a
                       Teaching Fellow. Since                             2020 Georgetown
graduating from Harvard Law School in 2014,                               graduate, joins the
Catherine has worked tirelessly to advocate for                           National Women’s Law
human rights and gender justice. As a fellow                              Center’s Income Security
with the Africa Section of the Center for                                 team this year, where she
Reproductive Rights, she supported domestic                               will work to reduce
litigation and advocacy with U.N. and regional     gender and racial inequalities in the federal tax
mechanisms to advance women’s rights.              code. A firm believer in the potential for tax
Catherine later worked as an international         justice to further racial and gender justice,
legal advisor at Justice Base in Myanmar on        Kathryn plans to increase public literacy and
the rights of women and ethnic minorities,         interest surrounding the tax code with the goal
including access to citizenship. Before joining    of dismantling some of its discriminatory
the Clinic, she served as counsel at the Public    underpinnings. She looks forward to mobiliz-
International Law and Policy Group, providing      ing her experience at Negotiation Works and
technical assistance to civil society organiza-    the Human Rights Campaign toward strength-
tions in East Africa and Myanmar.                  ening community support of—and engage-
                                                   ment in—issues relating to women and tax
                        Rehim Baharu Elala is      justice issues. She will also draw on her
                        a human rights attorney    experience at the Equal Employment
                        and women’s rights         Opportunity Commission and the Department
                        advocate based in          of the Interior’s Office of Civil Rights to
                        Ethiopia. Before           bolster support for tax equity issues with
                        obtaining his law degree   Congress and the Administration, and to
                        from the University of     advance state and federal tax policy proposals
Gondar in 2011, he was already dedicated to        that will reduce economic disparities.
challenging local norms surrounding men’s
involvement (or lack thereof) in feminist                                 Malorie Palmer joins
organizing. First advocating for gender equality                          Aequitas, where she will
at his school’s legal aid office, Rehim went on                           be working to improve
to assist in landmark cases that established                              access to justice in
more equitable approaches in divorce                                      gender-based violence
proceedings in Ethiopia. His commitment to                                and human trafficking
improving Ethiopia’s legal and cultural                                   cases. Malorie is driven
protections for women and children continues       by a fierce commitment to preventing and
today. In addition to litigating cases on behalf   prosecuting sex crimes. Graduating with a
of survivors in his community, Rehim’s role at     joint J.D./M.S.W. (Masters in Social Work)
the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission              from Indiana University’s McKinney School of
involves monitoring the living conditions of       Law in 2020, Malorie has already approached
children forced to live in prison with their       this issue from multiple legal vantage points.
incarcerated mothers. This experience will         Whether seeking civil protection orders at
inform his research during the LAWA                Indiana Legal Services, or convictions on
Fellowship, which will focus on potential          behalf of survivors of gender-based violence at

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Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown Law                             FALL | WINTER 2020 - 2021


Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s Council,            removal of Estonian children from mothers
Malorie draws on her M.S.W. to deliver more        with chemical dependencies. As part of her
than legal outcomes. She connects her clients      work for the clinic, she submitted a report to
to the care and services they need in order to     the U.N. about these human rights violations.
access meaningful relief. Her fellowship year      Recommendations she helped to draft were
will be spent refining her skills as an advocate   later adopted by the Committee on Economic,
for survivors, and learning from others in the     Social and Cultural Rights. Domestically,
field in order to effectively reduce gender-       Gabrielle has interned at the Center for
based violence.                                    Reproductive Rights, centering her work on
                                                   reducing racialized disparities in maternal
                       The Georgetown              healthcare access. She looks forward to using
                       Domestic Violence           her fellowship year to deepen her understand-
                       Clinic is proud to
                       welcome Shanta
                       Trivedi as their 2020
                                                   ing of how to effectively combat institutional-
                                                   ized racism and sexism from an intersectional     Advisory
                                                   legal framework.
                       Clinical Teaching Fellow.
                       Shanta comes to
Georgetown after years of representing clients
in custody, divorce, and domestic violence
                                                                                                     Deborah Epstein
proceedings. A 2008 graduate from Boston
University School of Law, Shanta’s career is                                                         Director of the Domestic Violence Clinic
driven by a commitment to building pathways        In Memoriam                                       and Professor of Law, Georgetown
to justice for women. Her work at the                                                                University Law Center
Brooklyn Defender Service and Sanctuary for        The Fellowship mourns the loss of
                                                                                                     Marcia Greenberger
Families led her to write about the violence of    Maeve McKean (US 2009-2010),
family separation and gender-bias in the           who passed in a tragic accident in                Co-President Emerita, National Women’s
American judicial system. In her previous                                                            Law Center
                                                   April, along with her beloved son
position as teaching fellow at the University of
                                                   Gideon. Maeve had recently returned               Mary Hartnett
Baltimore, Shanta supervised students
representing clients in family law proceedings,    to Georgetown as the Executive
                                                                                                     WLPPFP Director Emerita and Adjunct
and wrote prolifically on the topics of family     Director of the Georgetown University             Professor of Law, Georgetown University
separation and women’s rights. Shanta plans to     Global Health Initiative and was                  Law Center
dedicate her fellowship year to furthering her     excited to collaborate with the
path into feminist academia and mentorship.                                                          Eleanor Holmes Norton
                                                   Fellowship Program. Her warmth and
                                                   sparkling personality will be sorely              Congresswoman for the District of
                      The Washington Lawyers
                                                                                                     Columbia and Professor of Law,
                      Committee for Civil          missed.
                                                                                                     Georgetown University Law Center
                      Rights and Urban Affairs
                      welcomes Gabrielle                                                             Judith Lichtman
                      Wynn as this year’s
                      Small, Webber, Spencer                                                         Senior Advisor, National Partnership for
                      Fellow. Gabrielle                                                              Women & Families
obtained her J.D. at the University of Miami in
                                                                                                     Wendy Williams
2020, where her participation in the Human
Rights Clinic led her to Estonia. There, she                                                         Professor Emerita, Georgetown University
researched and advocated against the forced                                                          Law Center

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Women’s Law & Public Policy Fellowship Program
            at Georgetown Law
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