MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL

Page created by Brett Torres
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
May, 2022                             St. Matthews Messenger
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                           MAY 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
For more pictures go to               Work continues on Phase 1
 Media Outreach Technician                                               of our construction projects
   First, a huge thank you to Jared
Oloffson who in the past year has
served as St. Matthews first Media
Outreach Technician. This idea
came from our leadership and then
approved by our
congregation at
our 2021 Annual
Meeting. This all
continues as a
goal        using
technology that is
in our Long-Range and Strategic Plan derived from
membership planning which began in 2015 and in 2017 was
approved by our congregation. (Another goal involves Phase
1 of our renovations as pictured to the right.) Jared now has
moved to Tennessee for new full-time employment.
   Then, please give a huge welcome to our new
Media Outreach Technician, Jim Gassen. Jim is
retired and brings vast knowledge of technology,
marketing, and strategic planning. Our leadership
sees Jim as a tremendous asset as we look to the                 Our renovated organ is
future with hope.                                                 close to being done!

                                      First Communion at                   Kids’ Night Out April 26, 2022
                                       Maundy Thursday,
                                          April 14, 2022
                                      Abigail Catherine Dye
                                       Brixen Andrew Rapp
                                     Waylon Ayer James Seidel

 Easter Sunday
 April 17, 2022

St. Matthews Messenger                                       2                                      May, 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
A Note from Pastor Scott Schmidt:
    The angel said to
  the women, “Do not
  be afraid, for I know
                            W   hat wonderful news to
                                share with others, that
                        our Lord not only died for our
                                                                         youth received their First Communion, and for the
                                                                         first time in two and half years, we were able to serve
                                                                         Communion at the Rail.
  that you are looking  forgiveness, but Jesus also rose                    As the pandemic does linger, we also had several
  for Jesus, who was    from the grave to defeat death                   households choose to still worship from home via
  crucified. He is not  for us. It makes us want to sing                 video technology or using the printed material we
   here; he has risen,  “Alleluia!” That is what we did                  send to those who request these weekly mailings.
                        on Easter to celebrate the                       One of the blessings from the pandemic is that we
  just as he said. . . .”
                        Resurrection of our Lord! After                  have learned to be creative in how we can help those
      Matthew 18:6a     the past two and half years for                  continue to worship God but who are homebound.
                        many of us, it felt like new life                   Thanks to all who participated in any of these
 in the resurrection because we could gather in-person                   services in person or from home. A special thank you
 for Easter. We were able to return to offering both our                 to all who helped with worship leadership during
 7am Sunrise and traditional 9 am Easter Worship                         Lent and Holy Week! Thanks be to God!
 services. We also saw the return of our Youth and                          This all is new life. There is much celebration of
 Family Ministry Easter Breakfast and the Easter Egg                     the Gospel message taking place here at St. Matthews
 Hunt. It all came together for a glorious day of                        and beyond our doors! Thank you to all who helped!
 celebrating our Lord’s Resurrection.                                    Thanks be to God! We have much to celebrate in the
    Also, our Wednesday Lenten Services were well                        name of crucified and risen Christ!
 attended as were Maundy Thursday and Good Friday                                               Proclaiming Jesus Christ,
 worship services. On Maundy Thursday three of our                                                        Pastor Scott Schmidt
                    To our wonderful friends &
                    supporters of St. Matthews;
                    Thank you so much for your                CONGREGATION GIVING                                            St Matthews 2022
                    continued support of Our                            FINANCIAL REPORT                                   Congregation Council
                    Table. It is greatly                                Through March 2022                                       & Leaders
appreciated. As of now Our Table is purchasing                                                                             Andy Dye, President &
                                                           YTD Giving Budget:                          $67,700                       Property
meals and ready made items to serve twice a                YTD Giving Actual:                          $63,731             Term: 2022 - Jan 2023
month. We hope to have more news in the                    YTD Expenses Budget:                        $69,808             Dick Volker, Vice President
                                                           YTD Expenses Actual:                        $78,411             Term: 2022 - Jan 2023
coming month. Once again Thank you for your
thoughtfulness.                                            YTD Expenses Actual                                             Diana Dye, Finance
                                                                                                                           Term: 2021-Jan 2023
                                                           under Budget                                $(9,403)
                              God Bless You All,           YTD Giving Actual                                               Katie Dye, Worship & Music &
                        The Board of Our Table             under Expenses Actual                     $(10,303)
                                                                                                                           Term: 2021 - Jan 2023
                                                                                                                           Terry Rapp, Education &
                        CONGREGATION COUNCIL                                                                               Term: 2022-Jan 2023
                                                                                                                           Nate Edlefson, Stewardship
Tuesday, April 12, 2022                                  Education & Youth/Family: Easter Breakfast is on                  Term: 2020 - Jan 2023

Council approved the hiring of Jim Gassen as our         for April 17. We are working together with St. John’s             Kathy Waca, Fellowship &
                                                                                                                                     Social Ministry
Media Outreach Technician.                               on the Hill with Confirmation for their students. Kids’           Term: 2020 - Jan 2023
Council approved sending $100 toward Princeton           Night Out scheduled for April 26 and will work on a               Brian Huffstodt, Property
Ministerial Christian Service scholarship.               summer activity.                                                  Term: 2022– Jan 2025
Worship & Music: No report                               Social Ministry: No report                                        Leanne Martin, Memorial
Stewardship: No report                                   Fellowship: No report                                             Term: 2022-Jan 2024
Evangelism: no report                                    Executive Committee Meetings:                                     Jill Snethen,
Finance: March was another slow month, but hoping        Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 4:30 pm                                        Financial Secretary
April will be better with Easter.                                                                                          Mike Herro, Treasurer
                                                         Council Meeting:
Memorial: Council approved the update of names to                                                                          Barb Miller,
                                                         Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 6:30 pm Note Change                        Secretary (Office & Council)
the Memorial Board.                                      This is a summary of the council meeting. If you would like the   Megan Olson, Director of Music
Property: Lawn mowing will begin soon. Sign up           approved copy of the Minutes contact the office.
                                                                                                                           Kathryn Freiberg Nesbitt,
sheets are by the bulletin board.                        Minutes are pending approval at next Congregation                    Director of Youth & Family
                                                         Council meeting.                                                     Ministry
                                                                                                                           Jim Gassen,
     St Matthews 2022       Brad Snethen 2022-Jan 2025 Andy Dye 2021-Jan 2024           Wendell Nelson 2020-Jan 2023           Media Outreach Technician
        Foundation          Steve Nelson 2022-Jan 2025 Charlie Waca 2020-Jan 2023                                          Pastor Scott Schmidt

   St. Matthews Messenger                                               3                                                                May, 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
416 E. Dover Road
                                                                                                                  Princeton, IL 61356        Webpage:
                          St. Matthews Lutheran Church                                                                815.879.6491           Email:

                         Sun                                 Mon                     Tue                     Wed                     Thu                           Fri   Sat

                         1                                   2                       3                       1                       5                             6     7

St. Matthews Messenger
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF                                                        10 am Pastor’s Bible Study
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person                                                    5:30 pm Bell Practice   2 pm Greenfield Worship
                                                                                     4:30 pm Executive                               Service
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom   5:15 pm Via de Cristo                           7 pm Finance
                         10:45 am Drive Thru Communion       Meeting                                         Committee               Explorer’s Bible Study
                                                                                                                                     takes a break for the
                         with car radio transmission                                                                                 summer

                         8                                   9                       10                      11                      12                            13    14
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF        1 pm Quilters                                   10 am Pastor’s Bible Study
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person                            1 pm South              5:30 pm Bell Practice   12 pm Princeton Ministerial
                         10:20 am In-Person Confirmation     5:15 pm Via de Cristo   Conference Pastors      6:30 pm Congregation    Assoc at St. Matthews
                                                             Meeting                 Meeting                 Council                 Explorer’s Bible Study
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom
                                                                                     6:30 pm Work Camp                               takes a break for the
                                                                                     Committees                                      summer

                                                                                     7 pm Work Camp
                                                                                     Regular Meeting
                         15                                  16                      17                      18                      19                            20    21
                         9 am Worship Service with           PASTOR’S DAY OFF         11 am C-5 Rural
                         Public Recognition of a Baptism                                                                             10 am Pastor’s Bible Study
                                                                                     Meeting at
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person    5:15 pm Via de Cristo   St. Matthews                                    Explorer’s Bible Study
                                                                                                             5:30 pm Bell Practice
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom   Meeting                                                                 takes a break for the
                         11:30 am Pre-arranged Home                                                                                  summer

                         22                                  23                      24                      25                      26                            27    28
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF                                                        Stewardship Committee
                                                                                     10 am Liberty Village   4:30 pm Worship &          TBA
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person                            Worship Service         Music Committee
                                                                                                                                     10 am Pastor’s Bible Study
                         10:20 am In-Person Confirmation     5:15 pm Via de Cristo   1 pm Quilters           6:30 pm Work Camp
                                                             Meeting                                         Committees              1 pm Pastor’s Text Study
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom
                                                                                                             7 pm Work Camp          Explorer’s Bible Study
                                                                                                             Regular Meeting         takes a break for the

                         29                                30                        31                      June 1                  2                             3     4
                         9 am Worship Service              PASTOR’S DAY OFF
                         Sunday School & Confirmation take
                         a break for the Summer            5:15 pm Via de Cristo

May, 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
                           MAY 1           MAY 8               MAY 15               MAY 22              MAY 29
    ACOLYTE                OPEN          Emma Dye           Grace Nesbitt         Emma Dye               OPEN
  ALTAR GUILD                                          Gail & Betty Peterson
     USHERS          Pam Clementz        Kenny May          Gary Morton          Nate Edlefson        Luann Ferrari
                      Gary Bruce         Dan Druley         Steve Nelson         Brad Snethen        Wendell Nelson
   COMMUNION          Sandy Rose         Mike Herro           Steve &           Teri Schlindwein         Gail &
   ASSISTANT         Pam Clementz        Diana Dye          Marilyn Lange          Andy Dye          Betty Peterson
                     Pam Clementz      Marilyn Lange        Marilyn Lange         Katie Dye           Katie Dye
                     Marilyn Lange      Katie Dye            Katie Dye            Dan Druley         Charlie Waca
                         Sandy Rose     Kathy Waca           Sandy Rose           Kathy Waca          Sandy Rose
                           Gary &          Ryan &             Kenny &          Carolyn Butterfield      Harlan &
                         Diane Bruce   Katelyn Lootens       Nancy May            Ariel Rose          Alice Ehmen
                    Paul Schlindwein    Tommy Rose           Mike Herro            Jeff Martin        Tommy Rose
 SOUND SYSTEM            Jeff Martin    Charlie Waca        Tommy Rose          Brian Huffstodt      Brad Snethen
     READER          Worship Team        Barb Miller        Marilyn Lange        Trish Schmidt        Alice Ehmen
VIDEO PROCESSING*    Jared Oloffson     Jim Gassen           Jim Gassen           Jim Gassen          Jim Gassen
     CANTOR          Worship Team        Barb Miller        Megan Olson            Katie Dye           Diana Dye
                            Jeff &       Tommy &                                   John &
    FLOWERS                                                    OPEN                                      OPEN
                         Linda Berry    Sandy Rose                                Sue Garvin
   MUSICIANS         Worship Team      Leota Carlson        Leota Carlson        Megan Olson              TBA
BUILDING OPENERS                                       Charlie & Kathy Waca
BUILDING CLOSERS                                       Charlie & Kathy Waca
                     Brian Huffstodt       OPEN               OPEN                  OPEN
  LAWN MOWING                                                                                        May 29-June 4
                        May 1- 7          May 8-14           May 15–21             May 22-28

St. Matthews Messenger                             5                                                   May, 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
                                                                                                From St. Matthews: Jim Dye, Steve Lange, Peter Lange,
                                                                                                Shirley Schmidt, Judy Dyke, Doris King, Shirley Carter,
                                                                                                Alyce Dall, Jane Gronwald, George Dall, Paul Segerstrom,
                                                                                                Fran Orloff, Terry Ferrari, Kathy Waca, Dick Volker, Judy
                                                                                                Nelson, Josie Edlefson, Irma Streit, Jim Eble, Leanne
                                                                                                Martin, Porter Seidel.
                                                                                                Friends and Family* Dana Freese (daughter of Jackie
                    LWR SUPPLIES NEEDED                                                         Woolley), Mona Cook (daughter of Libby Dyer & sister of Rita
 While you are putting away your winter linens, please                                          Byrd), Deb Rabe (friend of Joelle Crockett), Scott Pazdro
 consider donating the flannel sheets and pillow cases to                                       (friend of Gary & Joelle Crockett), Brayden Bennett (great-
 St. Matthews for Lutheran World Relief projects. We can use                                    grandson of Nancy Henning), Ruth (Clayton) Porter, (mother
 any size, color, or condition. There is a tub in the Narthex                                   of Quinta [Bill] Naffziger), Gary Schiall (nephew of Lois
 marked “Winter Linens” Thank you.                                                              Pinter), Lisa Nyman (cousin of Jackie Woolley), Loretta
                                                                                                Volker, Gail Edlefson, (father of Nate [Sara] Edlefson),
                                                                                                Elizabeth Johnson (friend of Andy Rapp), Sara Redner
                                                                                                (friend of the Quilters), Linda Wallace (friend of the Quilters),
                                                                                                Rheta Shallhorn (friend of Nancy Henning), Beth Woolley
                                                                                                (cousin of Jackie Woolley), Tim Cass (friend of Gail & Betty
                                                                                                Peterson), Savanna Bell, (friend of Ryan & Katelyn Lootens),
                                                                                                Samantha Buelvas (granddaughter of Steve & Marilyn Lange),
                                                                                                victims of disasters and violence and war, and those impacted by
                                                                                                our pandemic in anyway.

                                                                                                                    THOSE IN MOURNING:
                                                                                                Family & friends of Alma Bradley (sister of George [Dorothy]
                                                                                                   PRAYER CHAIN: If you would like to share a prayer request , call the
                                                                                                      church or email a request to:

                          2022 Confirmation
                         The Small Catechism
 All lessons are 30 to 40 minutes by Google Classroom and should be done by each student
  on their own or with parents.
 Complete the Quiz, save a copy, and send to
 We will meet in person usually twice a month as indicated below in red, and the Google
  Classroom lesson for that day should be done prior to meeting in person.

                                     MAY 2022
     May 1                     Lutheran Worship Practices
     May 8                          Love Your Neighbor
                        Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am
    May 15              World Religions & Christian Denominations
    May 22                    Saved by Grace through Faith
                                   & Sharing Your Faith
                        Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am
   St. Matthews Messenger                                                                   6                                                           May, 2022
MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MAY 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
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