Page created by Tiffany Bryant


MAY 2021
Cautionary Statement
Some of the statements in this presentation, other than statements of historical fact, are “forward-looking statements” and are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the
date such statements are made and are necessarily based on estimates and assumptions that are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may
cause actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of CopperBank Resources Corp. (“CopperBank”) to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-
looking statements. Such forward-looking statements and forward-looking information specifically include, but are not limited to, statements concerning the exploration prospects and projected
resources of the properties of CopperBank, future capitalization and market capitalization of CopperBank, the successful acquisition of additional copper projects, development of and future
expansion drilling on the Copper Creek project property, resource expansion work on Pyramid property, mapping and field work at San Diego Bay property and optimizing work at Contact
property. Although CopperBank believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements should not be in any way
construed as guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or

Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include without limitation: market prices for metals; the conclusions of detailed feasibility and
technical analyses; lower than expected grades and quantities of resources; mining rates and recovery rates; significant capital requirements; price volatility in the spot and forward markets for
commodities; fluctuations in rates of exchange; taxation; controls, regulations and political or economic developments in the countries in which CopperBank does or may carry on business; the
speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, competition; loss of key employees; rising costs of labour, supplies, fuel and equipment; actual results of current exploration or
reclamation activities; accidents; labour disputes; defective title to mineral claims or property or contests over claims to mineral properties; unexpected delays and costs inherent to consulting
and accommodating rights of First Nations and other Aboriginal groups; risks, uncertainties and unanticipated delays associated with obtaining and maintaining necessary licenses, permits and
authorizations and complying with permitting requirements, including those associated with the Contact and Copper Creek properties; and uncertainties with respect to any future acquisitions
by CopperBank. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development and mining, including environmental events and hazards, industrial
accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave-ins, flooding and the risk of inadequate insurance or inability to obtain insurance to cover these risks as well as “Risk Factors”
included in CopperBank’s disclosure documents filed on and available at

This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation
in such jurisdiction. This presentation is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, a prospectus, an offering memorandum, an advertisement or a public offering of securities in
CopperBank in Canada, the United States or any other jurisdiction. No securities commission or similar authority in Canada or in the United States has reviewed or in any way passed upon this
presentation, and any representation to the contrary is an offence.

All of the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are qualified by these cautionary statements. CopperBank does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update
these forward-looking statements, except as required under applicable securities legislation. For more information on the CopperBank, readers should refer to for the
CopperBank’s filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities.

Technical information in this presentation has been reviewed and approved by Mark Pfau, Professional Geologist, a technical advisor to CopperBank and a “Qualified Person” as defined under
NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”).                                                                                 2                                        CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Many Reasons to Invest
    Two flagship, advanced stage                                                           Multi-billion lbs copper                                                Robust project economics
    projects in tier 1 jurisdictions                                                          resource base1                                                     with optimization opportunities
▪ District-scale properties with resource largely on                             ▪ Copper Creek: one of the largest undeveloped                                  ▪ Copper Creek: >670,000 feet drilled with metallurgical
  private lands in Nevada and Arizona                                              copper porphyry projects in North America with 4.9B                             testing and a completed PEA
                                                                                   CuEq of M&I resources and 3.7B lbs CuEq of inferred
▪ Excellent access to key infrastructure                                                                                                                         ▪ Contact Copper: 2013 PFS outlines a low-cost, 50M
                                                                                 ▪ Contact Copper: hosts 831M lbs of near-surface,                                 lbs/year open pit heap leach, SX-EW copper operation
▪ Over $100M in historical expenditures
                                                                                   heap leachable copper oxide M&I resources

    Excellent potential for resource                                                    Compelling value with re-                                                            Experienced & proven
    expansion and new discoveries                                                          rating potential                                                                  management & Board

▪ Copper Creek: only 40 of over 400 breccia zones have                           ▪ Over 70% discount to comparable copper                                        ▪ >300 years of combined mineral development and
  been drilled to date. Upcoming 12-hole, 6,000 m drill                            developers on an in situ basis                                                  capital markets experience
  program                                                                        ▪ Market cap represents less than 3% of the pre-tax                             ▪ Highly focused on advancing the CopperBank
▪ Copper Ridge Prospect: traced oxide copper over                                  NPV of both projects at a US$4.00/lb copper price                               business model and corporate strategy
  2,500 m x 600 m with grades of up to 12.4% Cu                                  ▪ Upside from spin-out of copper royalty subsidiary

             Building a premier, diversified, U.S. focused copper development company
1. See slides 10 and 22 for additional details. Resource estimates for the Copper Creek and Contact Copper projects were sourced from NI 43-101 compliant technical reports that were prepared for previous operators. CopperBank do not
   consider these resource estimates to be current                                                                                                    3                                               CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
2 Advanced Copper Projects in Nevada & Arizona

                                                            COPPER CREEK (100%)
       CONTACT COPPER                                                   (Pinal County, AZ)
           (100%)                                       ▪   ~670,000 feet drilled & $80M spent by
              (Elko County, NV)                             previous operators

▪   Oxide copper deposit with large NI 43-101           ▪   Large historic (2012) NI 43-101 compliant
    compliant resource                                      resource
    − P&P reserves: 612M lbs Cu at 0.22% Cu                 − M&I: 4.9B lbs CuEq at 0.49% CuEq
    − M&I resources: 831Mlbs Cu at 0.20% Cu                 − Inferred: 3.7B lbs CuEq at 0.38% CuEq
                                                            − Based on 8 of over 400 identified breccia zones
▪   2013 PFS: low-cost, 50M lbs/year copper
    heap leach (SX/EW) operation                        ▪   2013 PEA for a 17.5-year bulk underground
    − Evaluating optimization opportunities                 mine producing over 120M lbs Cu per year

▪   Copper Ridge Prospect: traced oxide                 ▪   Upcoming 12-hole, 10,000 m drill program
    copper over 2,500 m x 600 m with sample
    grades of up to 12.4% Cu                              4   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Advanced Projects in Tier 1 Jurisdictions
Nevada & Arizona are consistently ranked amongst the top mining jurisdictions in the world
                                              Overhead view of Freeport-McMoRan and Sumitomo’s Morenci copper mine in Arizona
     Nevada’s Rankings for Investment
   Attractiveness from the Fraser Institute

  2020        2019         2018        2017

 1st 3rd 1st 3rd
     Arizona’s Rankings for Investment
   Attractiveness from the Fraser Institute

  2020        2019         2018        2017

 2nd 9th 8th 9th                                   5                               CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Capital Markets Profile
                       Capital Structure                                                    Share Ownership                                        Share Price and Volume
                                                                                                                                                            (Last 12 Months)

Tickers                                                       CSE:CBK                                                                     $0.80                                              1.40
                                                          OTCQX:CPPKR                                                                     $0.70                                              1.20

Share Price (May 14, 2021)                                            C$0.60                                                              $0.60

                                                                                                                       Share Price (C$)

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Volume (millions)
52-Week Trading Range                                   C$0.14 – C$0.82                                                                   $0.50
Basic Shares Outstanding                                               81.5M                                                              $0.40
Options                                                                 7.7M1                                                                                                                0.60
Warrants                                                                1.3M2                                                                                                                0.40
FD Shares Outstanding                                                  90.5M
                                                                                                                                          $0.10                                              0.20
Market Capitalization (Basic)                                      C$48.9M
Cash                                                               ~C$1.0M                                                                $0.00                                              0.00
                                                                                                                                              May-20 Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 May-21
                                                                                                                                                           Volume      Share Price

      Well financed for 2021 following a                                               Significant ownership from       One of the top performing junior copper
       C$1.3 million equity financing                                              management/directors and U.S. Global   companies over the last 12 months

1.   7,660,000 options outstanding with a weighted average exercise price of
     C$0.33 and a weighted average life of 2.9 years
2.   1,293,341 warrants outstanding with an exercise price of C$1.00 expiring on
     August 21, 2022                                                                                  6                                        CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Experienced Management & Board
           Giulio T. Bonifacio (CPA) │ Chairman
                                                                                                                                            Board of Directors
           ▪   Over 30 years of experience in senior executive roles in the mining industry
           ▪   Founder and former Director & CEO of Nevada Copper Corp. from its inception in 2005 to February 2018              ▪   Gianni Kovacevic – CEO, Director
           ▪   Raised over $700M through equity/project debt financings and +$1 billion corporate transactions >$1B              ▪   Giulio T. Bonifacio – Chairman, Director
           ▪   Led efforts at every stage including exploration, development, permitting and construction
                                                                                                                                 ▪   Tony Ricci – CFO, Director
           Gianni Kovacevic │ Co-Founder, CEO and Director                                                                       ▪   Kenneth Cunningham – Independent Director
           ▪   Renowned expert on energy systems and a sought-after strategist
                                                                                                                                 ▪   Gavin C. Dirom – Independent Director
           ▪   His expertise on copper markets has brought him to lecture at institutions and think-tanks around the world
           ▪   Avid proponent of realistic environmentalism, he is frequently interviewed by the media and his book, My                     Technical Advisors
               Electrician Drives a Porsche? was published in 2016
                                                                                                                                 ▪   R. Joe Sandberg – QP & Technical Advisor
           Tony Ricci (CA, CPA) │ CFO and Director                                                                               ▪   Terence Ortslan – Engineering Advisor
           ▪   Over 25 years of experience, mainly with public companies listed on Canadian and U.S. stock exchanges             ▪   William Willoughby – Engineering Advisor
           ▪   Director of Great Bear Resources Ltd. (TSXV:GBR), a director and CFO of Kodiak Copper Corp., a former director
               and CFO of Keegan Resources Inc., a former director and CFO of Norsemont Mining Inc., and former CFO of both      ▪   Thomas Ullrich – Geology Advisor
               Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. and Petaquilla Copper Ltd. (combined market capitalization of over $3.5 billion)
                                                                                                                                 ▪   Colin Burge – Geology Advisor
           R. Joe Sandberg (B.Sc., MBA, AIPG) │ Qualified Person                                                                 ▪   Joey Wilkins – Geology Advisor
           ▪   Over 40 years in exploration and project management in the mining industry                                        ▪   Mark Pfau - Consulting Geologist
           ▪   Extensive experience in base and precious metals project development
           ▪   Managed the Copper Creek project since 2004. His previous experience includes management positions with
               Franco Nevada, Normandy Mining, and Newmont

    Management & Board with over 300 years of combined mineral
           development and capital markets experience                                                                            7                                 CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Copper Creek
       (Pinal County, AZ)
▪ 16 sq. mile property near several
  major copper mines/projects
▪ Established mining region with
  access to key infrastructure
▪ ~670,000 feet drilled & $80M spent
  by previous operators
▪ Massive historic (2012) NI 43-101
  compliant resource estimate
  − M&I: 4.9B lbs CuEq at 0.49% CuEq

  − Inf.: 3.7B lbs CuEq at 0.38% CuEq

▪ Less than 10% of over 400 breccia
  zones have been drilled to date
▪ Upcoming Multi-Phase drill program
(6,000m, +6,000m, +8,000m)                    8   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Location & Access to Infrastructure
▪ 100% owned, ~16 square mile
  property in Pinal County, Arizona
  ‒ Contiguous group of patented and
    unpatented Federal claims and
    Arizona prospecting permits
▪ Near mining and commercial cities
  ‒ 75 miles northeast of Tucson
  ‒ 15 miles northeast of San Manuel
▪ Easily accessible by paved highways
  and gravel roads
▪ Established mining region
  ‒ 30 miles SE of ASARCO Ray mine (1
    of 2 copper smelters in Arizona)
▪ Access to rail, low-cost power, water
  and skilled labour
▪ Arizona is consistently ranked
  amongst the top mining jurisdictions
  in the world                            At the intersection of a major southwest and northeast trending porphyry
                                          copper belts that hosts over 100M tonnes of contained copper resources                                     9                      CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Large Open Pit Resource
                                                            Historic (2012) NI 43-101 Compliant Resource Estimate
                                    CuEq                                      Tons              Cu               Mo               Ag              CuEq               Cu             Mo                Ag             CuEq
▪ Historic resource (2012)                            Category
                                   Cut-Off                                   ('000)             (%)              (%)             (ppm)             (%)             (Blbs)          (Mlbs)            (Moz)           (Blbs)
  prepared by Independent
                                     0.20%            Measured               45,488           0.72%            0.013%              2.63            0.80%              0.7               12               4               0.7
  Mining Consultants
                                                      Indicated             456,687           0.42%            0.008%              1.24            0.46%              3.8               73              18               4.2
▪ Based on 480 drill holes and
                                                      M&I                   501,175           0.44%            0.009%              1.37            0.49%              4.4               87              20              4.9
  over 670,000 feet of drilling
                                                      Inferred              481,309           0.34%            0.007%              0.90            0.38%              3.3               63              13               3.7
▪ Property hosts hundreds of
                                     0.30%            Measured               37,827           0.82%            0.015%              2.94            0.91%              0.6               11               4               0.7
  breccia deposits and multiple
                                                      Indicated             305,120           0.51%            0.010%              1.49            0.57%              3.1               61              15               3.4
  porphyry copper deposits
                                                      M&I                   342,947           0.54%            0.011%              1.65            0.60%              3.7               73              17               4.1
▪ Resource area extends over a                        Inferred              256,329           0.45%            0.009%              1.24            0.49%              2.3               44               9               2.5
  strike length of ~4 km and is
  open in all directions          * The foregoing historical mineral resource estimate (the “Historical Estimate”) was published in a technical report titled “Copper Creek 2012 Mineral Resource Update, Pinal County, Arizona,
                                  USA, Technical Report” prepared for Redhawk by Independent Mining Consultants Inc., dated and filed by Redhawk on SEDAR on June 25, 2012. A qualified person (as defined in National
                                  Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”)), has not done sufficient work to classify the foregoing historical estimate as current mineral resources or reserves, and CopperBank is not treating the
                                  estimate as current mineral resources or reserves. The Historical Estimate was calculated using a 0.20% copper equivalent (“CuEq”) cut-off grade. The Historical Estimate is based on metal
                                  prices of US$3.00/lb CuEq and contained within an open pit geometry using industry comparable estimates for direct mining, milling, and G&A costs. The ratios for calculating CuEq are
                                  based upon US$2.75/lb Cu, US$12.00/lb Mo, and US$20.00/oz Ag and recoveries of 90% for Cu, 80% for Mo, and 90% for Ag.

                                  Because the Historical Estimate was completed relatively recently in 2012 and in compliance with the definitions for mineral resource categorization set out by the Canadian Institute of
                                  Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and disclosed in a technical report conforming to the requirements of NI 43-101, CopperBank is of the view that the Historical Estimate is generally
                                  reliable and relevant to an evaluation of the property, however CopperBank has not completed any independent verification of the Historical Estimate. In order to verify the Historical Estimate
                                  as current, a qualified person (as defined in NI 43-101) would have to conduct a site visit on behalf of CopperBank and complete standard data verification procedures. CopperBank
                                  intends to complete additional resource expansion drilling on Copper Creek for purposes of increasing and upgrading the mineral resource prior to completion of a new mineral resource

                                  Totals may not add due to rounding.                                                                   10                                                     CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Major Copper Deposits in Arizona
 Copper Creek has the highest CuEq grade amongst major (multi-billion lb CuEq) copper deposits in Arizona

                          Major Copper Deposits in Arizona by CuEq Grade and Contained CuEq Resources

Source: company reports                                            11                  CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Copper Creek Property & Historical Resources

▪ Only 8% of the 16 square mile
  property has been explored to
▪ ~US$80 million spent by
  previous operators
▪ Historical work has identified
  over 400 known breccia
  ‒ Only 8 are included in the
    resource and have been
    adequately drill tested
  ‒ Only 35 have had drilling on or
    near them                    12   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Upcoming Phase I Drill Program
▪ Phase I drill program to test 11 of 20
  highly prospective brownfield and
  greenfield prospects
▪ Program to consist of 12 holes totalling
  6,000 m, all on patented land owned by
▪ Focus on near-surface mineralization
  ‒ Targeting breccia pipes, vein swarms,
    disseminated porphyry hypogene
    mineralization, and secondary enrichment
  ‒ Holes to be drilled to a max depth of 325 m
▪ To be followed by a Phase II drill program
  (13 holes) with an updated technical
  report and resource estimate shortly after                                13   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Drill Plan Overlay Breccia Pipes     14          CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Drill Plan Overlay Ground Mag Survey    15       CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Drill Plan Overlay On Historical Resource       16        CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Drill Plan Overlay On Historical Resource       17        CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Drill Plan & Historical Resource Cross Section
▪ Right: cross section
  block model at 0.40%
  CuEq looking at 030
  with planned 2021
  diamond drill holes

                                               ▪ Left: cross section block
                                                 model at 0.20% CuEq
                                                 looking at 030 with
                                                 planned 2021 diamond
                                                 drill holes          18          CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Evaluating Development Opportunities
Evaluating multiple mine development opportunities                                                                                                            Summary of the 2013 PEA
with a focus on open pit mining                                                                                                     Throughput Rate                          ▪ 25,000 short tons per day
                                                                                                                                    Mining Method                            ▪ Room and pillar with backfilling
▪ Underground room and pillar/post pillar with backfill
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Standard flotation
▪ Conventional grind/float sulphide concentrator, producing copper                                                                  Processing Method                        ▪ Production of a 30% copper concentrate with
  and molybdenum concentrate                                                                                                                                                   molybdenum and silver by-products
▪ Reasonable grind size, moderate work index                                                                                        Mine Life                                ▪ 17.5 years
▪ Multiple areas for further optimization                                                                                           Copper Grades
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Years 1-3 average: 0.90%
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ LOM average: 0.77%
                                                                                                                                    Recoveries                               ▪ >90% Cu and Ag, 80% Mo
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Years 1-3 average: 136.3 million lbs
                                                                                                                                    Copper Production                        ▪ LOM average annual: 121.7 million lbs
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ LOM: 2.1 billion lbs
                                                                                                                                    C1 Cash Cost                             ▪ US$1.74/lb Cu (net of by-products)
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Initial: US$857 million
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ LOM sustaining: US$343 million
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Copper: US$3.00 to US$3.60/lb
                                                                                                                                    Metal Price Forecast                     ▪ Molybdenum: US$12/lb
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Silver: US$20/oz
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Pre-tax NPV7.5%: US$488M
                                                                                                                                    Project Economics
                                                                                                                                                                             ▪ Pre-tax IRR: 16.0% (Payback period: 4.5 years)
Source: NI 43-101 technical report titled “Redhawk Copper, Inc., Copper Creek Project, Preliminary Economic Assessment, 25,000 TPD Mill with an Underground Mine for Development of the Copper Creek Resource”, prepared by Mr. Joseph M. Keane, P.E.;
Mr. Herb Welhener, MMSA-QPM; Mr. Steve Milne, P.E.; Mr. Gene Muller, P.E; Mr. David Nicholas and SGS Metcon/KD Engineering dated July 25, 2013, amended October 28, 2013.                                                                                                       19                                                 CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Copper Project
          (Elko County, NV)

▪ 5,935 acres, with most of the
  resource on royalty-free, private land
▪ Premier mining region with access to
  key infrastructure
▪ Oxide copper deposit with large NI
  43-101 compliant resource
  − P&P reserves: 612M lbs Cu at 0.22% Cu

  − M&I resources: 831Mlbs Cu at 0.20% Cu

▪ 2013 PFS demonstrates potential for
  low-cost, 50M lbs/year copper heap
  leach (SX/EW) operation
▪ Copper Ridge Prospect: traced oxide
  copper over 2,500 m x 600 m with
  sample grades of up to 12.4% Cu                        20   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Location & Access to Infrastructure

▪ 50 miles north of the town of
  Wells in Elko County Nevada
▪ 100% ownership 5,935 acres
  of patented and unpatented
  mining claims
▪ Majority of current reserves
  are on royalty-free private
▪ Easily accessible: only 1 mile
  west of U.S. Highway 93
▪ Excellent access to power,
  water and local mining

                                                                          21                 21   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Large Historical Reserve & Resource Base
                                                                   Historic NI 43-101 Compliant Reserves and Resources
▪ Disseminated oxide copper mineralization in quartz                                                                Tons                          Cu                         Cu
  veins within large structural zones                                                                              ('000)                         (%)                      (Mlbs)
                                                               Proven Reserves                                     57,678                       0.23%                        263.2
▪ Mineralization is oxidized to depths of up to 600 m
                                                               Probable Reserves                                   83,416                       0.21%                        348.5
▪ Over 86,000 m has been drilled at the Contact deposit        P&P Reserves                                       141,094                       0.22%                        611.7
  between 1967 and 2012                                        Measured Resources                                  75,473                       0.21%                        314.0
                                                               Indicated Resources                                137,640                       0.19%                        517.5
                                                               M&I Resources                                      213,113                       0.20%                        831.5
                                                               Inferred Resources                                  12,982                       0.20%                         52.2
                                                               •   Mineral reserves reported at 0.07% Cu cut-off, and pit-constrained within a Lerchs-Grossman pit shell based on a
                                                                   copper price of US$4.00/lb Cu and operating cost and recovery parameters as described in the October 2013 Pre-
                                                                   Feasibility Study.
                                                               •   Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources are inclusive of mineral reserves and are captured within the pit shell based
                                                                   on a 0.05% Cu cut-off. Pit optimization is based on assumed copper price of US$4.00/lb.

                                                               * The foregoing historical mineral reserves and resources estimate (the “Historical Estimate”) was published in a technical
                                                               report titled “NI 43-101 Pre-Feasibility Study on the Contact Copper Project” prepared for International Enexco, Ltd. by
                                                               Hard Rock Consulting, LLC dated and filed by International Enexco Ltd. on SEDAR on October 1, 2013. A qualified person
                                                               (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”)), has not done sufficient work to classify the foregoing historical
                                                               estimate as current mineral resources or reserves, and CopperBank is not treating the estimate as current mineral
                                                               resources or reserves.

                                                               Because the Historical Estimate was completed relatively recently in 2012 and in compliance with the definitions for mineral
                                                               resource categorization set out by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and disclosed in a technical
                                                               report conforming to the requirements of NI 43-101, CopperBank is of the view that the Historical Estimate is generally
                                                               reliable and relevant to an evaluation of the property, however CopperBank has not completed any independent verification
                                                               of the Historical Estimate. In order to verify the Historical Estimate as current, a qualified person (as defined in NI 43-101)
                                                               would have to conduct a site visit on behalf of CopperBank and complete standard data verification procedures.
                                                               CopperBank intends to complete additional resource expansion drilling on Copper Creek for purposes of increasing and
                                                               upgrading the mineral resource prior to completion of a new mineral resource estimate.

                                                               Totals may not add due to rounding.                                        22                                                  CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Large-Scale Copper Oxide Deposit
                                  Contact Copper Oxide Project: Optimization Area Of Focus
▪ Traced over 2,300 m east-
  west and 915 m north-
  ‒ Open to the west
  ‒ Open to the north and south
▪ Highlights from previously
  drilled near-surface holes
  ‒ 22.9 m at 1.00% Cu starting
    at 44.2 m (EN-104)
  ‒ 59.4 m at 0.70% Cu starting
    at 3.0 m (EN-111)
  ‒ 18.9 m at 0.70% Cu starting                    Traced over 2.3 km strike
    at surface (EN-68)
  ‒ 25.9 m at 0.74% Cu starting
    at surface (EN-109)                           23                     CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Focus on Optimizing 2013 PFS
                                                                                               Summary of the 2013 PFS
Numerous optimization opportunities:                                                                          ▪ 29,000 tons/day with ramp-up to 52,000 tons/
                                                                    Throughput Rate
▪ Potential for run-of-mine leaching                                                                            day (41,000 tons/day average)
                                                                    Mining Method                             ▪ Conventional open pit mining
▪ Isolate and prioritize high-grade pods
                                                                                                              ▪ Two-stage crushing and heap leach
▪ Promote higher grade material via pit-phasing and grade control   Processing Method
                                                                                                              ▪ SX-EW plant to produce copper cathode
▪ Determine bottlenecks in heap leach system via crusher work       Mine Life                                 ▪ 9.4 years
  index, leach pad size and leaching time, and SX-EW capacity       LOM Ore                                   ▪ 141.1M tons at 0.22% Cu
  (input and output)
                                                                    LOM Strip Ratio                           ▪ 2.3:1 (waste:ore)
▪ Reserve growth by drilling known extensions and nearby targets    Recoveries                                ▪ 76% over LOM
                                                                                                              ▪ Average annual: 50 million lbs
                                                                    Copper Production
    After-Tax NPV8% at Various Copper Prices (US$M)                                                           ▪ LOM: 462 million lbs
                                                                    C1 Cash Cost                              ▪ US$1.73/lb Cu
                                                                                                              ▪ Initial: US$189 million
                                    $137.1                          CAPEX
                                                                                                              ▪ LOM sustaining: US$126 million
                $76.0                                                                                         ▪ After-tax NPV8%: US$106.7M
                                                                    Project Economics
                                                                                                              ▪ Pre-tax IRR: 25.9%
      $45.3                                                         (US$3.20/lb of copper)
                                                                                                              ▪ Payback period: 3.4 years

                                                                    Source: NI 43-101 technical report titled “NI 43-101 Pre-Feasibility Study on the Contact Copper Project” prepared for
      $2.90     $3.05     $3.20      $3.35      $3.50               International Enexco, Ltd. by Hard Rock Consulting, LLC dated and filed by International Enexco Ltd. on SEDAR on
                                                                    October 1, 2013 and amended on March 14, 2016.                                            24                                             CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Exploration Upside - Copper Ridge Area
▪ Excellent potential to materially
  expand the Contact deposit in
  multiple directions
▪ Past surface sampling programs at
  the Copper Ridge and New York
  prospects indicate the potential for
  multiple comparable size oxide
  copper deposits across the 5,900
  acre property                       25   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Copper Ridge Prospect
▪ 1 mile southwest of the        Sample Results
  main Contact copper             Sample #   Cu (%)
  deposit                          51705     2.94
                                   51707     3.05
▪ High-grade copper assays         86675     3.44
                                   85317     9.79
  (up to 12.4% Cu) from 28         85319     4.69
  rock chip samples                85321     1.44
                                   85322     1.35
▪ Oxide copper                     85323     2.40
  mineralization traced over       51705     2.94
                                   51707     3.05
  a 2,500 m by 600 m area          86675     3.44

▪ Has yet to be drill-tested       85317     9.79
                                   85319     4.69
  and previous activity is         85321     1.44
  limited to shallow, historic     85323     2.40
                                   86680     5.57
  prospect pits                    86684     2.58
                                   86686     2.73
                                   86687     1.53
  Demonstrates substantial         86690     2.24
exploration potential across       86691     10.20
                                   86692     12.40
        5,900-acre property        86670     3.12
                                   86673     2.03                                    26   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Copper Royalty Opportunity
▪ Our 100% owned projects are almost entirely
  ‒   Only a tiny portion of our multi-billion pound copper
      resource base has any outstanding royalties

▪ In late 2019, formed a wholly-owned subsidiary
  to hold NSR royalties on our key projects
  ‒   Potential to become one of a few copper-focused royalty
      companies with exposure to advanced stage projects in
      tier 1 mining jurisdictions
  ‒   Potential to add third parties royalties of copper projects to
      build a more diversified royalty company

▪ Spin-out of this new copper royalty company
  provides significant upside for current
  shareholders                                                     27   CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Trading at a Discount to Peer Group
EV/Resource Multiples of Junior Copper Companies with Comparable Copper Projects (C¢/lb CuEq)1
    Companies with U.S. projects                                                                                       Companies with projects outside of the U.S.





















        Trading at a >70% discount to the universe of comparable copper exploration & development companies
1. Source: company reports. Copper equivalent resources calculated using spot metal prices as of May 14, 2021
2. World Copper is shown pro forma the announced acquisition of Cardero Resource Corp.
Note: reflects market prices as of May 14, 2021                                                                                                         28                                      CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Significant Upside
                                                                                                                                   Pre-Tax NPV of CopperBank’s Projects1 (US$M)
▪ CopperBank has two advanced stage copper                                                                                                   Copper Creek Project
  projects in tier 1 mining jurisdictions (NV & AZ)                                                                                          Contact Copper Project
      ‒ Both have been subject to extensive drilling and                                                                                     Market Cap                                                        $1,144
        metallurgical testing
      ‒ Both have a completed PEA or PFS                                                                                                                                                                        $276
▪ CopperBank’s market capitalization is only 3%
  of the pre-tax NPV of its projects at a US$4/lb                                                                                                                                      $211
  copper price                                                                                                                                                 $590

▪ Analysis does not factor the upside from                                                                                                                     $148                                                                    $1,080

  resource growth, optimization opportunities and                                                                                                                                                               $868
  new discoveries                                                                                                                      $83
▪ Demonstrates the substantial re-rating potential
  as we continue to advance our key projects                                                                                          $231                     Current Market Cap: ~US$44M

                                                                                                                                      $3.00                   $3.25               $3.50                         $3.75                   $4.00
                                                                                                                                                                           Copper Price (US$/lb)
1. Source: Preliminary Economic Assessment – Copper Creek Project (SGS Metcon / KD Engineering, 2013); Pre-Feasibility Study – Contact Copper Project (International Enexco, Ltd., 2013). Copper Creek’s pre-tax NPV estimates are reported at a 7.5%
   discount rate. Contact Copper pre-tax NPVs are reported at an 8% discount rate.
Note: Pre-tax sensitivities for Contact Copper are not available in the published report, simplifying assumptions were made to convert post-tax figures to pre-tax figures based on base-case copper price pre and post-tax reported NPVs                                                                                                          29                                                  CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
Contact Information
▪ 2706 – 1011 West Cordova Street
▪ Vancouver, BC, Canada
▪ Phone: (604) 484-7855
▪ Email:
Gianni Kovacevic │ Co-Founder, CEO and Director
▪ Phone: (604) 889-0852
▪ Email:
Copper Creek: Metallurgical Test Work
                                               Cu-Mo second cleaner flotation test results on composite samples

▪ Locked cycle flotation tests on the
  average grade composites showed
  over 95% copper recoveries and 32%
  to 62% copper concentrate grades
  ‒   Molybdenum recoveries were
      proportional to head grades. 94% Mo
      recoveries from high-grade samples and
      28% recoveries from low-grade samples
▪ Extensive open cycle Cu-Mo second
  cleaner flotation testing completed by
  METCON indicated high copper
  recoveries and concentrate grades
  ‒   Copper recoveries ranged from 77% to
  ‒   Molybdenum recoveries ranged from
      38% to 97%                                                      31                                 CSE:CBK │ FWB:9CM │ OTCQX:CPPKF
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