MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association

Page created by Bobby Sandoval
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
MAY 2021

   GTIA BOARD        Due to continued COVID restrictions, all Green Trails Improvement Association
  MEETINGS TO        board meetings for the beginning of the year will be held virtually. ACM has
                     provided the call-in information below for upcoming meetings. Always check
      BE HELD
            for the most up to date information.
                     Tue, May 11, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (CDT)
                     Owner Call-in: 1 (571) 317-3112
                     Access Code: 584-436-245

       SPRING The Village’s Branch Collection Program is free for all single-family homes within
      BRANCH Lisle’s corporate limits and provides for the collection and disposal of branches.
   COLLECTION The program rotates collection regions every season. Pickups are scheduled
                     according to three regions and Green Trails falls in the South region, South of
                     Maple Avenue.
                     This program is intended for bundled branches that have been trimmed by
                     homeowners or are the result of damage by weather. Whole trees or shrubs are
                     not accepted and will not be collected. All bundled branch piles need to be placed
                     in the parkway by 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of the week of May 3rd. Please note
                     that crews will not go back down a street for branches
                     that are placed out late. General program guidelines
                     for preparing bundles for pick up and a collection map
                     that is updated daily can be viewed on the Village’s
                     branch collection webpage. Please contact the Village
                     of Lisle’s Public Works Department at 630-271-4180
                     for further information.

A REMINDER TO With the return of warmer weather, residents should use extra caution when
    RESIDENTS driving in the neighborhood. Children and adults will be out biking, walking,
                     playing catch, and exercising their pets. Please watch your speed, especially
                     where the paths intersect the roadway. Realize that speeding through residential
                     neighborhoods will make very little, if any, difference in the total time it will take
                     to complete your entire trip. It only takes a second of inattention combined
                     with speed to cause a tragedy. Also remember, in Illinois, the law requires that
                     motorists stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk. With your help we can keep
                     Green Trails safe.			                        Page 1                     
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
Mulching Advice from Morton Arboretum
                                           Submitted by Betty Long

How? “Never pile mulch against a tree trunk or the stems of a
shrub.” Why? Piled-up mulch traps moisture, which encourages
insects, disease, and rot that can damage the bark. Small animals
such as voles can live in the mulch and dine on the bark. It’s best
to keep mulch an inch or more away from the trunk.
How? “Whatever kind of plant matter you use, it’s important not
to apply the mulch too deeply. Spread it in a wide, even layer
over the roots of a tree or shrub, in a circle that extends at least
three feet from the trunk. It should be no more than 3 to 4 inches
deep.” Why? “Too-deep mulch, especially bagged wood products,
can prevent needed water and air from penetrating the soil and Expose the root flare at the base of
reaching the roots.”                                                 the tree to air.
Damage Protection. “A circle of mulch around a tree has another
important function: It protects the bark from lawnmowers or string trimmers. Cuts in the bark do serious harm
to a tree, preventing it from drawing water and nutrients up from the roots to the leaves. Since you don’t mow
                                                 mulch, the mulch circle creates a buffer zone to keep machines
                                                 well away.”
                                                Benefits. Mulch “prevents moisture from evaporating from the soil,
                                                so plants’ roots are less likely to dry out in hot weather. It insulates
                                                against extremes of cold and heat, such as the hot summer sun
                                                and warm spells in late winter. Your plants will appreciate reduced
                                                temperature swings. And as mulch decays, it improves the soil.”
                                                Landscape Fabric. “The Arboretum advises against using
                                                landscape fabric beneath a mulch layer. The fabric barrier reduces
                                                the flow of air and water to plants’ roots and keeps the mulch from
                                                decaying into the soil to improve it. It does not permanently stop
 One more reason to avoid mulch volcanos:       weeds, which can still sprout from seeds that land from the air.”
 they encourage development of potentially
 strangulating surface roots, which can kill
 even a mature tree.                            Excerpts from       Why    and    How     to    Spread   Mulch    from

 The Lisle French Market Returns
 for its 16th season and opens on May 1st on Garfield Avenue
 at Burlington Avenue, just east of Route 53, adjacent to
 beautiful PrairieWalk Pond! This colorful open-air French
 Market features a variety of fresh produce, meats, delicious
 baked goods, gourmet items, plants, flowers, artisan crafts
 and occasional live entertainment. The market is open every
 Saturday (rain or shine) through October 16th from 8am to
 1pm. Parking is free and there is no admission fee; with Covid
 guidelines posted and implemented. If you are interested in
 securing a booth at the 2021 Lisle French Market, please contact
 Market Supervisor, Paula Gleason, 630.222.3403,
 or			                              Page 2                           
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
Summary of GTIA Board Meeting                                                          Green Trails Improvement Association
                                                                                                Board of Directors
Minutes April 13, 2021                                                                    Peter Bakas - President - Area N, TYN-APC
Pending Board Approval                                                                  Leslie Lavin - Vice President - Area E, WGL(W)
                                                                                               Joe Broda - Treasurer, Area I, SR1
                                                                                         Liz Sullivan - Secretary, Area D, HF2, WGL(E)
In compliance with Covid-19 pandemic guidelines, Peter Bakas                           Robert Klaeren - Area L, SR4, LW1, AWC, CG apts.
called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. via teleconference.                                   Pavel Snopok - Area A, HF3, 4&5
Board members participating: Greg Athas, Peter Bakas, Joe                                     George O’Hare - Area B, HF1, OKS
Broda, Bob Klaeren, Jevon Knowles, Les Lavin, Gary Ledvora,                                   Gary Ledvora - Area C, WV1,2,TLO
                                                                                         Alden Snyder - Area F, CWD, HTW, WGL 1-31
Mark Munoz, George O’Hare, Michael Olson, Pavel Snopok,
                                                                                                  Mark Munoz - Area G, PRM
Alden Snyder, Liz Sullivan and John Warrington. Board                                  Pat Coughlin-Schillo - Area H, GR1 &2, LWS, SR5
member absent: Pat Coughlin-Schillo. Management: Laurie                                       Jevon Knowles - Area J, SR2, BLM
Barker and Tom Skweres. Paula Gleason was Recording                                          John Warrington - Area K, SR3, LW2
Secretary. A quorum was available.                                                     Robert Klaeren - Area L, SR4, LW1, AWC, CG apts.
                                                                                                   Greg Athas - Area M, HPT
Open Forum: A Green Trails resident was in attendance to                                        Michael Olson - Area O, GT apts.
observe.                                                                                   Green Trails Pathfinder is a newsletter of the
Minutes of the Prior Meeting: Minutes of the March meeting                                    Green Trails Improvement Association
                                                                                       Board Meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month.
were presented for review.
                                                                                             All Green Trails residents are welcome.
Board Motion: Alden Snyder motioned to approve the March                                        NEXT MEETING: May 11, 2021
meeting minutes, Greg Athas seconded. Motion was passed                                      7:30 p.m. - Meeting will be held virtually.
by a unanimous voice vote.                                                                       Owner Call-in: 1 (571) 317-3112
                                                                                                    Access Code: 584-436-245
Treasurer’s Report: Joe Broda reported that total income for
the month of March was $11,912.
The total delinquent amount beginning March 1st, consisting                     PROPERTY MANAGER
                                                                             Regional Manager- Laurie Barker            Visit the Green Trails
of 19 accounts, was $34,395.                                                 3041 Woodcreek Drive, Suite 100
                                                                                 Downers Grove IL 60515                       website at:
As of 3/31/21, two payments in full and two partial payments
were received for a total of $1,714, plus the added admin fee                    Telephone: 630-620-1133         
for 18 accounts, for a total delinquent amount of $33,021 for
                                                                            Email:              Visit the ACM-GTIA
the 18 accounts.                                                                        Please call if                        website at:
                                                                                you need information or have   
Joe reviewed the March Balance Sheet, and Income and                          questions regarding Green Trails.
Expense Statement. Joe presented the monthly check register
of all payments requiring Board approval, including the pre-
approved automatic payments and in-process invoices.                                            GTIA Yearly Assessment Policy

Board Motion: George O’Hare motioned to approve the                        Assessments are paid annually. The billing for the each new year’s
check register expenditures presented of $25,238.88 for April,             assessment is mailed no later than Nov. 29th. Payment is due Jan. 1st.
Liz Sullivan seconded. Motion was passed by an affirmative                 If payment is not received by Feb. 1st, an administrative fee is added
voice vote of twelve with one negative voice vote.                         to the assessment. If an owner does not receive an invoice by Dec.
Management Report: Financial reports for March 31,                         10th, notify management immediately. GTIA policy states the home-
                                                                           owner is responsible for paying on time, with or without the invoice.
2021 included residential delinquent report, general ledger
                                                                           If your address has changed, or if you have any questions regarding
investment report, balance sheet, budget comparison report,
                                                                           your bill, call management at 630-620-1133.
accounts payable cash disbursement, monthly general ledger.
April 2021-to-date list of closings was also included.
                                                                                                  SELLING? REFINANCING?
ACM is waiting for an update from the association’s accountant             Anyone selling or refinancing within the Green Trails Improvement Associa-
to verify the tax return filing and an update on the annual audit.         tion will need a Statement of Account (PAL – Paid Assessment Letter). One
                                                                           can be requested at a $100 fee will apply. It is
ACM contacted Elevations again to schedule an appointment                  recommended that requests be made at least ten days in advance of closing.
with Les to provide pricing for a retaining wall for the Telluride
project, to be addressed in the Maintenance Committee
                                                                           Please read the box on the Classified            For Commercial Ads
                                                                           page for instructions on how to submit           Contact Katherine at
                                                                           an ad.
R&D submitted a proposal for spring transplants and another                Commercial ads should be submitted to                 ALLEGRA
proposal for grass restoration, which will be addressed in the             address at right.                               Marketing Print Mail
Maintenance Committee Report.                                                                                             2200 Ogden Ave., Ste 550
Inspections of the common areas in 15% increments were                                Beth Haugeberg                           Lisle, IL 60532
initiated and will alternate between the ACM inspectors.                               630-416-7693                            630-963-9100
                                                                                     E-Mail stories to:        
                                  Please see “Minutes” cont. on page 4			                                            Page 3                                     
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
“Minutes” cont. from page 3                                          encouraged to look for any issues with lights/light poles while
Violations observed will be sent to Les to verify and violation      walking their areas and report them to Maintenance.
letters will also be sent to Les to review prior to mailing to       The Telluride Court survey is still pending as the contract was
respective homeowners. ACM inspectors will subsequently              missing one clause. ACM is following up with the surveyor.
create a schedule of when and where inspections will be
                                                                     The Maintenance Committee members (Les, Mark and Joe)
completed in compliance with their contract, plus any additional
                                                                     inspected the trails during March and found them to be in
inspections Les Lavin may request.
                                                                     better condition than expected. The RFP for this year has been
Balanced Environment (BE) submitted their cost adjustment to         modified accordingly and Joe has adjusted the 5-Year Plan to
the maintenance contract reflecting the reduced maintenance          reflect the positive impacts of the observed trail conditions. The
areas, along with a copy of the map showing the landscape            Maintenance Committee recommends negotiation of a crackfill
maintenance areas.                                                   and sealcoat contract with Commercial Asphalt. ACM will
Management is waiting for Commercial Asphalt to provide a            follow up for a proposal.
proposal for sealcoating and crackfill per the maps provided by The Village of Lisle (VOL) Public Works (PW) did an excellent
Les Lavin.                                                       job of clearing and re-grading the common area on the
Phone/Email Log                                                  Ridgewood/Timber Trails curve. GTIA will proceed to seed and
                                                                 mow the area.
Management continues to provide weekly call logs to the
Board. Following discussion, it was agreed that ACM will Maintenance Committee members inspected a persistent water
send the weekly report at the end of the day on Thursdays to collection problem on the common area between Breckenridge
Peter Bakas for his review. Peter may edit when necessary; and Vail. Discussions were held with VOL PW personnel and
on Fridays, ACM will then forward the log as reviewed and/or a report submitted to the full committee and to ACM. ACM will
amended to the Board.                                            follow up with notifications to residents.

Maintenance Committee                                            There is an increasing number of old and new violations which
                                                                 need follow up. ACM has been advised of the issues and is
Les reported that he held a meeting on March 28th with requested to follow-up with property owners.
Maintenance Committee members to review work items
scheduled for the upcoming season.                               Les Lavin received a recent BE proposal for insecticide spraying
                                                                 of trees in an effort to control Diplodia tip blight and Zimmerman
BE submitted their adjustment to the Landscape Maintenance Pine Moth. Les will consult with a Morton Arboretum arborist
contract relative to the reduced acreage no longer necessary as to the necessity for anti-desiccants and other items listed in
for BE to maintain. Mowing and clean-up has been initiated. the proposal.
Les will meet with ACM inspectors tomorrow to review ACM
follow-up on BE turf maintenance performance.                    Finance Committee: Nothing new to report.

Tulips in signage areas will be taken out in May; BE will place Communication Committee: Liz Sullivan stated that the
tulips behind signs so that residents may take them. Annuals Communications Committee members are working on their
will be planted in the signage areas by Mother’s Day, weather assignments to update the Board of Directors book and provide
permitting. Several Maintenance Committee members are digital access to the same for Board members. Liz estimated a
working on plans for native species in other accent areas. three-month timeframe to complete the Board of Directors book
ACM will follow up with BE for a proposal to plant perennials in task. The Committee is also working on the next phases of the
accent areas by Mother’s Day.                                    Document Management System development.

R&D provided their proposal for transplanting six trees from  Parks Committee: In Pat Coughlin-Schillo’s absence, Mark
the nursery, in the amount of $570; and a proposal for grass  Munoz noted that recognition was given to Les Lavin at the
restoration at three designated locations, in the amount of   March Park District Board meeting for his hard work to resolve
$2,640.                                                       various erroneously recorded Park District/Green Trails
                                                              ownership of certain adjoining parcels including the Abbeywood
Board Motion: Bob Klaeren motioned to approve both R&D Park property, with a certain portion of that to be deeded by the
proposals as submitted in the amounts of $570 and $2,640, Liz Park District to GTIA per the original plans.
Sullivan seconded. The motion was passed by a unanimous
voice vote.                                                   Board Member Area Reports: None

Volt will begin pole replacement and fixture repairs within this     Adjournment
week. One of the scheduled repairs has been eliminated since         Board Motion: There being no further business, Michael Olson
the light pole is now scheduled for removal. There is some           motioned to adjourn the meeting, George O’Hare seconded.
concern regarding water seepage into four fixtures. Les notified     The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote, the meeting
the manufacturer, Cree, of the situation and is investigating cost   was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
recovery consistent with warranty provisions.
                                                                   Respectfully submitted,
ACM is still waiting for an estimate from Inside Out for repair of Paula Gleason, Recording Secretary, Signature on File
moderate cracks in several light poles. ComEd will relocate the
pedestal for light 244 in late spring to early summer. Once done,
ACM will have Volt run a cable to the light. Board members are			                                       Page 4                             
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
Turn the                                    Milkweed for Monarchs
                             Lights Out For Birds                        By Kristy A. Belton, PhD
                             By Christine Hauser
                                                                         The monarch butterfly, its orange and black wings
                             Dozens of American cities are being
                             transformed this spring, enveloped
                                                                         dancing on the summer breeze, is a joy to behold.
                             in darkness as the lights that usually      Illinois’s official state insect is a magical creature that flies
                             brighten up their skylines are turned       thousands of miles to reach its overwintering home in
                             off at night to prevent birds from          Mexico. Unfortunately, this pollinator is also undergoing
                             fatal impacts during their annual           a vanishing act. The number of monarch butterflies has
                                                                         plummeted in the past few years – so much so that
                             Each year, an estimated 365 million to      the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined last year
                             one billion birds die by smacking into
                                                                         that the monarch meets the criteria for listing under the
reflective or transparent windows in deadly cases of mistaken
identity, believing the glass to be unimpeded sky.                       Endangered Species Act. Due to the agency’s need to
                                                                         work on other higher priority considerations, however,
“These birds are dying right in front of their eyes,” said Connie
Sanchez, the bird-friendly buildings program manager for the
                                                                         the monarch remains a “candidate” for listing under the
National Audubon Society, which for two decades has asked                Act instead.
cities to dim their lights from about mid-March through May, and
again in the fall, under its Lights Out initiative.               Illinois is not waiting to take action and has become a
Since late last year, at least six cities have joined forces with the    regional champion on monarch butterfly conservation.
35 other places where the society, local organizations, ornithology      In 2020, the Illinois Monarch Action Plan was approved,
experts and some of the nation’s largest companies have been             which aims to add 150 million milkweed stems to the
helping birds navigate in urban centers. The efforts are gaining
                                                                         state by 2038. Why
ground in cities including Chicago, Houston and New York City,
which are among the top 10 in the United States for light pollution.     milkweed?        Milkweed
                                                                         (Asclepias spp.) is the
“If we can generalize, say, ‘Let’s keep lights out or at a minimum
during peak migration time,’ this can have an impact on wild bird        only plant that monarch
populations,” said Nate Rice, the ornithology collection manager         caterpillars eat. Without
at Drexel’s Academy of Natural Sciences. Dr. Rice said the               milkweed there can be
academy’s database now has 823 specimens that have been                  no monarch butterflies.
identified as window strikes in Philadelphia.
Many migratory songbirds navigate based on starlight and stellar         Despite      its    name,
orientation. Artificial outdoor lights disorient them. It is simple to   milkweed is not a “weed”,
help migratory birds from March to early June, and late August
                                                                         but a beneficial native
to early November: keep outside lights off, or operating only on
motion-sensing mode.                                                     wildflower.     Milkweeds
                                                                         come in a variety of colors and prefer full-sun and well-
•   Choose a new outdoor light fixture with an optical “eye” to
    sense darkness and motion; set the mode to “light off, motion        drained soils (although a couple can tolerate saturated
    sense light on”.                                                     soils). As natives, they are well-adapted to our climate
•   Assess brightness needs, and choose the dimmest light for            and generally not “high maintenance.” Ascelpias
    the task.                                                            tuberosa or “butterfly weed”, for example, is a lovely
•   Use a timer to turn off landscaping or holiday lights after 9pm.
                                                                         alternative to day lilies.
•   Install light-blocking curtains and blinds to darken windows.
                                                                         We can become monarch butterfly champions in our
•   Find a full list at the National Audubon Society link below.         own gardens and outdoor spaces by planting milkweed.
Consider also that nighttime predator birds, such as owls who do         The effects of this one action will reverberate far beyond
not migrate, also become disoriented by outdoor lights. Switching        our gardens, helping to ensure that the monarch does
to a motion-sensing light year round allows property security and
human use only when needed, while keeping the nighttime dark
                                                                         not go extinct under our watch.
for animals.
International Dark Sky Association                       Resources
Fatal Light Awareness Program                               Illinois Monarch Project:
National Audubon Society “Lights Out”                   Monarch Watch:
conservation/project/lights-out                                          Monarch Joint Venture:

Excerpts from a New York Times April 10, 2021 article			                                           Page 5                               
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
Thank You Tony Carballo for 16 Years of Public Service
                            Last month, Tony                                      Tony, thanks for your 16 years of community service as an elected official.
                                                                                  Lisle is certainly a better community because of all your years of hard work
                            Carballo concluded                                    and dedication!
                            16 years of service as
                                                                                  —Dave & Jean Dierlam | Green Trails residents since 1994
                            an elected official in
                                                                                  Congratulations on your retirement Tony! Thank you for all your years of
                            Lisle — Park District                                 dedication and service. You’ve helped make Lisle a great place to call home.
                            Commissioner 2005-                                    Congratulations friend!
                            2013 and Village                                      —Jon and Kari Dunlap | Green Trails residents since 2004
                            Trustee 2013-2021. As                                 We have personally known Tony for 18 + years as a dedicated husband
                            a practicing business                                 and father. He has always gone above and beyond putting in countless
                                                                                  hours working to improve the quality of life for all Lisle residents. He was the
                            litigation attorney in                                primary driver of getting Wood Glen Park from a thought to reality. Thank
                            Chicago, Tony brought                                 you Tony! The fields are beautiful and are now used by families in Lisle for
                            30+ years of expertise                                soccer, lacrosse, picnics, and just walking their dogs. Your dedication to the
                                                                                  families of Lisle has been a great example of what can be accomplished
                            in negotiation, conflict                              when you are thoughtful, kind, and agreeable without giving up your values.
                            resolution, strategic                                 —Jeff and Laura Helf | Green Trails residents since 1988
problem solving, and collaboration to both boards.                                You have represented the Lisle community with an abundance of integrity,
Tony and his wife, Julie, moved to Green Trails in 1993.                          professionalism and sensitivity to the needs of the residents you serve. As
                                                                                  your neighbor for almost 30 years, you have been an outstanding role model,
Julie gathered these sentiments from several long-time                            great neighbor, and dear friend. The time you spent in office is immensely
Green Trails residents:                                                           appreciated and your leadership will be greatly missed.
Congratulations Trustee Carballo for your service on the Village of Lisle         —The Hochstetter Family | Green Trails residents since 1987
Board and as a Lisle Park District Commissioner. When you look back at            I’ve known Tony for 19 years as a neighbor, friend and public official.
your 16 years of service to the community, you will notice that Lisle has         I’ve never met a harder working, more dedicated person than Tony. His
changed and you can look back with a smile and pride and say that you             enthusiasm and love for this community should be highly recognized. Thank
helped make that happen. Tony, for the years that we worked together on           you so much Tony for all the years of work you sacrificed to help others and
the board, it was pleasure working with you. I enjoyed every minute of it.        improve this community. Your voice on the board will be greatly missed and
—Former Mayor Joe Broda | Green Trails resident since 1978                        is truly appreciated.
Lisle residents have been fortunate to have Tony Carballo serve our               —Ronda Johnson | Green Trails resident since 2002
community first as a Lisle Park District Commissioner and more recently as        Thank you Tony for your years of working for the benefit of the citizens of
a Village of Lisle Trustee. While serving with him on the Lisle Park Board,       Lisle. You have helped the Village of Lisle move forward and to prosper. You
I learned that he would approach issues with objectivity, with respect for        have always shown great concern and listened to the needs others.
the opinions and concerns of others, and with a well-reasoned approach to
decisions. Tony had no hidden agendas, only a genuine desire to do what           —Chuck and Dee Johnwick, Green Trails residents since 1988
would be best for the community.                                                  Thank you Tony for your 16 years of public service to the Village of Lisle.
—Margaret Hough, LPD Commissioner 2003-2017 | Green Trails resident               Always thoughtful, prepared and knowledgeable, you have set the bar high
since 1980                                                                        for those who will follow you. You should have run for mayor!
Tony and I spent 8 years working together on the Lisle Park District Board.       —Suzanne and James Kinn, Green Trails residents since 1997
His carefully, measured and diligent approach was always welcomed. His            Tony, congratulations, serving for a long time is a great accomplishment.
listening skills, problem-solving abilities, and dedication to always preparing   Having moved to Green Trails 25 years ago, we can’t say enough about
for meetings made him a very effective negotiator. Tony was the steady            what your leadership has brought both to our neighborhood and Lisle as
hand that the board came to rely on and appreciate. Tony was good for the         a whole. We applaud and appreciate the sacrifices necessary to serve the
park district and good for our village. He made our community better.             community for such a long time. Thank you!
—Janis Kanzler, Lisle Park District Commissioner 2005-2013 | Green Trails         —Bob & Kerry Klaeren | Green Trails Residents since 1996
resident since 1991
                                                                                  As a board member for the Lisle Park District, Tony was a strong supporter
We’ve known Tony for more than 20 years. A good husband, father and               of the Lisle Baseball Softball League. He made important decisions for
neighbor; excellent experience and judgement. Thank you for your service!         the betterment of the league and for the children of Lisle. He provided
—Scott & Debbie Butler|Green Trails residents since 2002                          strong leadership to both the residents of Lisle and the business owners
For 16 years, Tony you served the residents of Lisle with integrity and           in a manner that fostered strong community goodwill and growth. He has
distinction. We in Lisle are fortunate to have had you representing us. In        balanced the needs of all groups coming before either board with the
gratitude, best wishes Tony!                                                      financial responsibility that comes with any decision. His participation as
                                                                                  an elected official will be missed. I am sorry to see him retire. —Randy
—Michael and Lisa Connelly | Green Trails residents since 1990                    LaBelle, President of Lisle Baseball Softball League | Green Trails resident
What a gift you have been to the residents of Lisle! We are so fortunate          since 1996
that you chose to share your talents and abilities serving for many years.        Tony has been a treasure to the Village of Lisle. His service to the community
When things are done so well, we tend to overlook the fact that stability         is unsurpassed. Tony is a dependable and cherished neighbor. His smile
and progress are the result of thoughtful and deliberate actions by elected       and welcoming hand are a great comfort.
officials like you! Thank you!
                                                                                  —Susie and Nicco Menozi, Green Trails residents since 1991 (Nicco for
—Margeruite Degenhardt | Green Trails resident since 1987                         mayor 2025 ☺)
                                                                                                                           Please see “Carballo” cont. on page 7			                                                   Page 6                                      
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
The Benefits of Togetherness
                                                               Submitted by Dennise Vaughn,
                                                              Resident, Homewatch CareGivers
                                                                  Home Care Administrator
                                 It might be time to start                      1. Make time. It’s so easy to get caught up in daily tasks,
                                 thinking about being together                     the “to do” list and the “should” of life. “It’s easy to get
again. Well-being is not just about exercise and nutrition, but                    isolated,” said Professor Robert Waldinger, director of
also relationships and emotional sturdiness.                                       the Harvard Study of Adult Development, in an interview
Beyond spending time with immediate family, studies have                           with the Harvard Gazette. He suggests “investing” time
found that people can benefit from all kinds of relationships                      in relationships.
in their lives. A decades-long Harvard University study found                   2. Be casual. Keeping up relationships isn’t about the big
that close relationships spanning a lifetime can possibly                          shindigs of life, but the little moments. If you can get
alleviate pain levels, aid the nervous system, and keep the                        together in person in a way that feels safe for all parties,
brain healthier longer, whereas those who are feeling a                            then go out for a quick walk, meet for an appetizer and
prolonged sense of loneliness may have a shorter lifespan.                         a drink, run some errands together, or do something that
Here are some ways to prioritize connectedness,                                    is meaningful to both of you. In instances where you
togetherness, relationships to benefit not only you but others                     cannot be in the same place, send a card just to say
in your life who you care about.                                                   hi or make someone smile, call them up to share a silly
 “Carballo” cont. from page 6                                                      story, or find a way to connect online through a shared
 Tony, thank you for your 16 years of service making our village a wonderful       game or similar activity.
 place to live and our parks lovely spots to enjoy nature.
                                                                                3. Move past the shame of loneliness. In his book,
 —Marilyn and Chintan Mistry | Green Trails residents since 2001
                                                                                   “Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection
 When I think of someone who is committed to the community, has high
 integrity and is a true servant leader, I think of Tony Carballo. Tony’s
                                                                                   in a Sometimes Lonely World,” author Vivek H. Murthy,
 quiet, thoughtful demeanor, his razor sharp legal mind and his ability to         MD, and former U.S. Surgeon General, looks at how
 work across the aisle makes him a great ally to have in your corner when          people feel ashamed of their feelings of loneliness. “I
 you have a difficult problem to resolve. Thank you for your 16 years of           think part of the reason is that saying you’re lonely feels
 service to Lisle, Tony Carballo, you are truly the Best of the Best!
                                                                                   like saying you’re not likeable, you’re not lovable—that
 —Dan and Julie Noonan | Green Trails residents since 1994                         somehow you’re socially deficient in some way,” Dr.
 Tony is a man of integrity. His leadership has always been guided by              Murthy said in an interview about his book. This feeling
 sound moral principles based on his Catholic faith. —Mary Beth & Paul             is part of an instinctual survival skill and perfectly natural,
 Sanchez, Green Trails residents since 1994
                                                                                   he explains, pointing out that in the long term this feeling
 Tony, thank you for your service to our community. We have always felt            can have negative physical consequences. Instead,
 confident placing our trust in your leadership. Lisle has been a wonderful
 place to raise our children and we are thankful for all the passion and           recognize loneliness as the body signaling a biological
 work you provided our community. All the best in your future endeavors.           need, just like hunger or thirst, he says.
 —Bob and Kristen Smith | Green Trails residents since 1997
                                                                                4. Know that age doesn’t matter. Experts agree that
 For 16 years, Tony’s ideas and foresight have made Lisle a better place           human connection and togetherness is important
 to live and raise families. We want to thank Tony for his never ending
 support over the years for all the Home Depot Veterans Projects; he               at every age and people of different ages can have
 attended every one. Personally, we thank you for your support and being           essential relationships. People can make new friends
 a friend who could be counted on.                                                 throughout life by sharing a hobby, activity, or history.
 — Don & Barbara Smith| Lisle residents since 1990                                 Beyond grandparents and grandchildren, friendships
 Tony has been a great neighbor and friend. He has been there to give              can develop across an age gap through a caregiving
 support, guidance and always ready to listen. —Lisa and Joe Svoboda,              connection, in a work environment, or by engaging in
 Green Trails residents since 1993                                                 shared interests with others.
 In addition to family and career responsibilities, Tony Carballo found
 the time and energy to also contribute to the village. As anyone who           5. You go first. Stop waiting for the phone to ring. If that
 watched the village board meetings can attest, Tony Carballo was a calm,          feeling of loneliness is nagging at you, be the one to
 reasoned, and principled voice for the good of all of Lisle. Thanks Tony for      take the initiative by either getting in touch with contacts
 16 years of service to the residents of Lisle!
                                                                                   or making new ones by joining an in-person or online
 —Bob Winiecki and Shelia O’Shaughnessy | Green Trails residents since             club or group. There are book clubs, caregiver support
                                                                                   groups, knitting circles, and much more out there to
 Dad, thanks for being our biggest fan in Lisle sports, our favorite
                                                                                   become part of.
 participant in Lisle parades, and the best lifelong supporter of us. The
 care and concern you show for others in everything you do – including          Dr. Murthy says now may be a time of “social revival” with
 16 years of public service – amazes and inspires us. —Vince, Grace and         recommitments to relationships and increased feelings of
 Nick Carballo |Green Trails residents since birth ☺
                                                                                fulfillment and connection.			                                                   Page 7                            
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
TIDBITS      by Paula Gleason

                    Harvey Wallbanger Bundt Cake (12 Servings)
              Happy Mother’s Day. . .this retro 70’s recipe should bring back memories!!

 1 18 oz pkg Supreme Orange cake mix          3/4 C orange juice
 1 3-3/4 oz vanilla instant pudding mix       1/2 C Galliano
 4 large eggs 					                           2 T vodka
 1/2 C vegetable oil

 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 10” tube bundt pan, set aside.
 In a large bowl stir together cake mix and pudding mix; add eggs one
 at a time, beating slowly. Then add liquids one at a time, beating on
 medium for about 4 or 5 minutes. Add mixture to bundt pan and bake 45 minutes. Remove cake from
 oven and cool approximately 10 minutes while preparing glaze. Loosen cake from pan and invert onto a
 serving plate; glaze while warm.

 Wallbanger Glaze

 3 T melted butter				                        1 T Galliano
 2 C sifted powdered sugar			                 1 tsp vodka
 4 T orange juice

                          Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds;
                            You may grow flowers, OR, you may grow weeds.

                                It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

                            Confidence isn’t thinking you are better than anyone else,
               it’s realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else.

                    Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit!

                          Life is fragile – take nothing and no one for granted!

Upcoming Dates

   May 3, 2021			 Spring Branch Pickup for Green Trails
   					~ visit

   May 5, 2021			                   Cinco de Mayo

   May 15, 2021			                  Tax Day

   May 31, 2021			                  Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all those who serve and have

   June 5, 2021			                  Lisle’s Largest Shred Event
   					                            ~visit			                           Page 8                     
MAY 2021 - Green Trails Improvement Association
Green Trails Classified Ads                                             Brainteaser Time – Palindromes Part 2
                                                                        Contributed by Green Trails
  Green Trails residents may submit ads and ar-
                                                                        Resident Liz Sullivan
  ticles for publication in the Pathfinder free of
  charge according to approved guidelines:                              What exactly is a palindrome?
  1. Ads must be received by the editor on or before                    Palindromes are brain teasers
  the 12th of each month to be considered for publi-                    that tend to get us hooked.
  cation. Ads may be sent by e-mail or by USPS. If                      According to Oxford, palindrome is “a word, phrase, or
  sent by USPS, the ads must be typed or printed on                     sequence that reads the same backward as forward,
  8 ½ X 11 paper.                                                       e.g., madam or nurses run.”
  (2030 Carriage Hill Rd. - Lisle)
  2. Ads must include the residents GTIA Account                        Want to test your brain? Try these Palindrome Puzzles.
  Number (as found on their Pathfinder label), name,
  address, telephone number and/or e-mail address.                      See below for Answers.
  3. Ads will be limited to 25 words.
  4. Renewal ads must be re-submitted each month                        M _ _ _ _ _ m, N _ _ n, N _ n, N _ n,
  according to these guidelines.
  5. Ads that do not meet policy guidelines will not be                 P _ p, P _ p, P _ p, P _ p,
  printed.                                                              R _ _ _ r, R _ _ _ r, R _ _ _ _ _ r, R _ _ _ _ _ r,
  6. Ads for businesses will not be accepted for free                   R _ _ _ _ _ r, R _ _ _ _ _ r, R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r,
  7. First-time classified ad submissions will take
                                                                        S _ _ _ s, S _ _ _ s, S _ _ _ s, S _ _ _ s,
  priority over repeat ads, and the editor will have                    S _ _ _ s, T _ _ _ t, W _ w
  discretion over revisions to ads.
  The Green Trails Improvement Association does not                                         The Pathfinder is looking
  endorse any of the products or services listed in
                                                                                            for articles, photographs,
  the Pathfinder.
                                                                                            and suggestions. If you
  SUBMITTING CLASSIFIEDS                                                                    have an idea or a sub-
  • Classifieds must be renewed monthly via                                                 mission, please send it to
  e-mail with “pathfinder” in the subject line.                We cannot
  • No phone-in ads or phone renewals.                                  accept anything promoting a business, but we
  • Classifieds should be sent to Beth Haugeberg at:                    would be happy to highlight the accomplish-
                                                                        ments of our residents, local fundraisers, and
           Questions: Call Beth at 1-630-416-7693.                      opportunities available to our neighborhood
                                                                        and our neighbors. Make sure to include your
                                                                        contact information in case any additional infor-
• MOUNTAIN Getaway. Winter Park CO. Breathtaking views
overlooking the Continental Divide from your deck. Fully furnished      mation is required.
including kitchen, 1 BR. Condo sleeps 4. Hot tub to relax after moun-
tain biking, championship golf, mini golf, alpine slide, white water
rafting, spa & mountain biking. PH 630-460-0010. $795 per week.
                                                                                                          Shahs, Sulus, Tenet,
• Ethan Allen mahogany dining room table, 2 leaves, pads, 6 chairs,
                                                                                                          Solos, Stats, Sagas,
server, lighted hutch, & buffet. In very good condition. $2,000, OBO.
Text 630-699-2512.
                                                                                                          Rotator, Rotavator,
                                                                                                          Repaper, Reviver,
                                                                                                          Refer, Racecar,
• BY OWNER: 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom townhouse located in the
                                                                                                          Pup, Rotor,
High Point area of Green Trails. This townhouse is a coveted 3 level
A Unit that sits nicely across from the community pool. Small deck                                        Nun, Pep, Pip, Pop,
and one car garage. Steeple Run grade school, Kennedy Jr. High, and                                       Murdrum, Noon, Nan,
Naperville North High School. Asking $204K. For inquiries please
call Scott: 224-221-7126                                                                                   Palindrome Answers:			                                          Page 9                         
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