Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op

Page created by Benjamin Lowe
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op

Brattleboro Food Co-op                                   May 2019

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  Local Producer of the Month
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op

                                                   What's New at the Co-op!
Published monthly by the


                                                                                                                    ild                 ing
Marlene O'Connor
Donna Lee Amerman
Jon Megas-Russell,
                                                                                                              WEDNESDAYS                                                                             Every Wednesday our team in the Deli
Ruth Garbus,
                                                                                                       marinates and bakes delicious flavors of chicken
                                                                                                        wings. These wings are from Murray’s Family
Jon Megas-Russell                                                                                         Farms and are fed vegetarian feed, free of
To advertise in Food For Thought                                                                       hormones and antibiotics, and humanely raised.
call 257-0236, ext. 813, or email
                                                              Nutty Life                                 For $7.99 you can get about a dozen wings.

Ad deadline is the first Friday
                                                Nutty Life is a Woodstock, VT based company
of the previous month.
Letters to the editor must be signed
                                                creating delicious organic cashew milk and body
and may be edited for length.                   products such as lip balm and soap. Check them
Brattleboro Food Co-op                             out in our Grab and Go and in Wellness!
General Manager
Sabine Rhyne
Board of Directors
Jim Barker
                                                Badger Balm Clear Sunscreen
Mary Bené                                                                          Badger Balm
Anna Edson, Secretary
Judy Fink                                                                        of Gilsum, NH
Skye Morse, Treasurer
Beth Neher, President
                                                                                  has released a
                                                                                 new clear zinc
                                                                                                                  Archway Farm
Tamara Stenn
Arion Thiboumery                                                                sunscreen which            Archway Farm in Keene, NH humanely
Jerelyn Wilson,Vice President                                                    offers the same         raises pastured heritage breed pigs that are
The articles appearing in this newsletter                                       effective results      Animal Welfare Approved and eat high quality
represent the views of the individual writers                                     you know and         non-GMO feed. Our meat department has lots
and do not necessarily reflect the opinion                                     trust, but without       of delicious offerings such as chorizo sausage,
of the Brattleboro Food Co-op.
                                                                                  the whitening.                     pork loins and more!
Brattleboro Food Co-op
2 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT
Mon. - Sat. 7–9; Sun. 9–9
2 Main Street, Brattleboro
Main Number: (802) 257-0236                           Recipients for May                                  Staff
Customer Service 802
Bulk Area 812
Cheese Counter 852
                                                  Safe Place Child Advocacy                            Recognition
Deli Counter 826
Deli Platters 838                                                                                     Each month, Co-op employees nominate
Grocery 875
                                                  We Celebrate Democracy                            colleagues they want to honor, and a
Meat Area 818
Produce Area 804
                                                   Brattleboro Coalition for                        committee comes together to vote on a
                                                                                                    winner. This month Tim, a cook in our
Seafood Counter 846                                    Active Transport                             Commissary Kitchen, was selected. As
Shareholder Services 821
Wellness Counter 803                                                                                his colleague stated: “He has such a great
(Dial "0" at any time for assistance)                                                               demeanor, always goes above and beyond
Moved recently?                                                                                     of what is asked of him and always has
We want to keep in touch!
Please give your new address (or any status
                                                                                                    even keel about him. He’s great!”
updates we should know) to Shareholder                                                               Congratulations, Tim!
Services at 802-257-0236 ext. 821. Thanks!

 2 | May 2019
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op
Just. Equitable. Sustainable.
                        from the GM                                                                                      Sabine Rhyne, General Manager

       recently attended the             1. There are many problems with           Ms. Tyson shared with us a            Community Room in late March.
       Neighboring Food Co-ops’            our food system, and the impacts      series of maps of the continen-         They too reflected on the dispar-
       Association annual meeting,         often affect communities of color     tal United States, beginning with       ity of our food economy, especially
and was captivated by the keynote          disproportionately.                   farms owned and farmed by native        globally, and called for individuals
speaker, Ruth Tyson, who is the          2. We must advocate for poli-           Americans, followed by African          to step up and take action. They
Coalitions Coordinator for the             cies that promote sustainable         Americans, Asians, Latinos, and         are publicizing a summit June
Food and Environment program of            and equitable food production,        women. She showed us the distri-        20-22 in Norton, MA, to further
the Union of Concerned Scientists.         procurement, and distribution by      bution of farms by size. Finally, she   explore and inspire all the ways
She was able to draw some very             minimizing harm and increasing        showed the picture I have shared        in which citizen action can have
clear pictures of our agricultural         good.                                 online (brattleborofoodcoop.            effect on the state of our food
food system and its prejudice. Ms.                                               coop), of where, to whom, and           system (for more info: https://
Tyson highlighted three relevant         3. Co-ops occupy a critical role with   for what, the federal agriculture
themes: Just, Equitable, and               their advocacy potential, purchas-    subsidies live. Then she showed us      Further, they have called on our
Sustainable. Finally, it seems we          ing power, ownership/employment       the actual crops that these farms       help to support a bill introduced
are beginning to connect the lines         opportunities, and distribution of    produce, and no surprise here,          in Congress, the Booker Pocan
between food sustainability and            fresh healthy affordable food.        fruit and vegetables were seriously     Food and Agribusiness Merger
social justice, and to illustrate this   4. Cooperative development, owner-      underrepresented. Corn and soy          Moratorium and Antitrust Review
to a larger audience than before,          ship, and operations must be          are king. (See above.)                  Act, which is seeking to slow the
as the results of consolidation and        inclusive, centering restoration        In thinking about things that we      pace of hyper-consolidation that
government misdirection become             and reparation to ensure we           can do to actively move the needle      we have seen in the food industry
sadly obvious to most anyone               don’t perpetuate the inequities       to a different kind of food system,     over the last decade, effectively
who is paying attention. Her main          persistent throughout our food        visitors from Equal Exchange            deepening the difficulties that farm
takeaways for us were these:               economy.                              set up a discussion in our own                       Continued on next page.

                                                                                                                                             May 2019 | 3
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op
Continued from previous page.
workers, farmers, grocers, and                                    Board of Directors Report                                              by Skye Morse
consumers have experienced. Our

                                                                 Family & Community
Co-op will certainly support this
legislation, as will many if not all of
the co-ops around the country.
  There is much to do, and it
will take time. It begins, however,
with your local co-op. If you               “…community is the optimal           lately the Co-op feels like such        and when need be, discuss discord
yourself are not spending your            condition for human fulfillment.” –    a warm and friendly epicenter of        we hear. We table for shareholder
grocery dollars in an organiza-           Sidney Pobihushchy                     community, full of smiling staff and    comments, collect feedback, and

tion that values its employees                                                   happy customers, and I think it’s       conduct a rigorous and continuous
and its producers, and returns a                 ’ve been thinking a lot about   more than the fact that spring is       program of compliance monitor-
large portion of its revenue to its              family and community lately     in the air. A lot of hard work has      ing. While we do not, and in most
community, then your habits might                as my own family has grown      gone into shaping our cooperative       cases cannot, take direct action
be a good place to start. Once            in the past six months to include      into the place that it is, and to me,   in response to specific concerns
here, think about your choices in         our twin boys, Bennett and Emery.      it truly feels like a big family.       raised, the accumulated senti-
the aisles. Yes, we are messy, we         Time spent with grandparents and                                               ments inform our strategy for
                                          others has gone from social to           As I have reflected further on
humans. We may make choices                                                                                              how to foster the most impact-
                                          essential. My experiences as a new     the similarities between family and
based on packaging one day, and                                                                                          ful engagement with as many of
                                          father and the long hours late at      co-op, it strikes me that the Inter-
price another, but in the end, we                                                                                        you as possible, and how best to
                                          night have allowed me to ponder        national Co-operative Alliance’s
are responsible for our actions,                                                                                         interpret and embody the values
                                          the community relationships,           ten cooperative values are surpris-
and they have real consequences.                                                                                         of cooperation to which we have
                                          the interpersonal dynamics, and        ingly similar to the values many
At least try to move your own                                                                                            subscribed.
                                          the structures put purposefully        strive to model within families.
needle a bit towards a more
                                          in place that shape strong family        Like children, we look for educa-        In many cases, we find clear
sustainable food system. If a few
                                          bonds.                                 tion and guidance from those            direction in the Policies and
more of us begin to pay attention,
                                                                                 more experienced in the practice        Bylaws on how we must and must
we can make more change and                 In my family, the principals
                                                                                 of the cooperative ethical values of    not conduct ourselves, and well-
leave our descendants a worth-            of respect for all, independent
                                                                                 honesty, openness, social respon-       crafted guiding principles in our
while future.                             thought, support for each other’s
                                                                                 sibility, and caring for others.        Ends policies. However, we are
  Do you have something to add?           interests and ambitions, the value                                             not so arrogant as to think that
Please drop me a line or stop me          of education and hard work, high         Like parents, we are all called to    these guiding documents are infal-
in the store. Tell me about some          standards for achievement, and the     uphold and enable the cooperative       lible or immune to changing times,
of the thinking you have been             rules of proper personal conduct       values of self-help, self-responsi-     or that they will have anticipated
doing on this topic. I’ll see you in      were not just taught, but lived.       bility, democracy, equality, equity,    the unknowable circumstances
the aisles!                               And while at times I found myself      and solidarity.                         we have yet to face. In fact, we
                                          in conflict with certain facets, the      Of course, like family, in a coop-   know that our predecessors took
                                          parenting doctrine was fair and        erative we do not get to choose         great pains to keep certain things
                                          well-reasoned, and its application     who joins our ranks as sharehold-       open-ended, left to interpretation
                                          consistent. Perhaps most import-       ers. It must be expected that we        in a given scenario. Accordingly,
                                          ant however, we always had room        will disagree, and so it is imper-      we constantly and continually
                                          for calm and open discourse about      ative that we continue the open         question the meaning of our guid-
Sabine Rhyne                              any discord.                           discourse and mutual respect that       ing documents, suggest changes
                                            The outpouring of support            has kept our co-op family close         to more clearly apply the origi-
802 257-0236 x801
                                          Geneva and I have received from        across decades, despite or perhaps      nal intent, or tweak language to
                                          this community since the babies        in celebration of, our differences.     reflect our accumulated learnings
                                          arrived has been humbling, and         We know that it is when this prac-      and the current environment.
                                          while it may take three times          tice has broken down that we have         In recent months we have heard
                                          longer to pick up a few quick items    struggled as a community.               questions raised by patrons, staff,
                                          at the Co-op, it’s mostly because        In its current iteration, our         and directors about the role of
  A Perfect Gift!                         we end up in happy conversations       board spends a lot of time listening    employees on the board, and the
                                          with so many fellow shoppers. I        so that we may better understand;       role of the board in monitoring
                                          have also heard from others that

   4 | May 2019
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op
the Third End. We have delved
                                                                                                                      LOOK FOR
deep into the origins and impli-                                          Co-op Partners
cations surrounding our Third
End, “A workplace community                                               with Black Bear

where cooperative values are                                                                                       Upcoming Cheese
modeled.” What does this mean in                                             Biodiesel                               Competition
the context of our store and our
community today? How can we                                               As you know, we prepare a
best measure our performance in                                         lot of food here at the Co-op                IN STORE
pursuing this End, and how can we
                                                 from the April 1       and each Friday we turn on the
monitor our progress? We know                     Board Meeting         fryers for our Fish Friday. One
where the End came from and                                             of our on-going waste streams
why it was added, and we have just           1. End #3 (“a workplace    has been our cooking oil. We
begun our journey of discovery,                 community where         are pleased to announce that
discovery and interpretation.                   cooperative values      our fantastic Facilities Manager
                                                                        has partnered with Vermont-          Look for this (purple)
  Through our efforts, I hope that              are modeled”)
                                                continues to provoke    based organization Black Bear          logo in-store for
our cooperative doctrine, as it
were, remains just in its concep-               deep thought and        Biodiesel to turn our cook-             Every-Day
                                                                                                                Low Prices!
tion and application. If we can feel                                    ing oil into bio-fuel. We are
confident to share our frustrations                                     pleased that we can help reduce
                                             2. We talked about         consumption of fossil fuels in
at what is not working without
                                                “self-responsibility”   the state of Vermont.
fear of retribution, openly and

                                                as a cooperative                                                                    Fresh Deals
respectfully disagree, listen and                                                                                                       every
be heard, and give each other the               value that calls for
                                                the wisdom of each      Compostable Bags
tools to build a better organiza-                                                                                                    during the
                                                person to be heard                                                                    week of
tion together, then we are truly
                                                                          in Produce
are a cooperative.                              and respected.                                                                        the 15th
                                                                                                                                    through the
   In my first year on the board             3. We are modeling           We continue to try and                                        21st!
we celebrated achievements from                 that in our board       decrease our consumption and
the financial to the personal; we               meetings. Everyone      use of plastic here at the Co-op.
                                                                                                                     Advertise in

mourned losses of co-workers and                shows up and is         By placing compostable bags                        FOR
friends; we heard grievances from               thoughtful in their     into the produce department
shareholders, staff, and fellow                 responses and           (above the root vegetables and
board members and took action;
                                                questions.              avocados) we hope to entice
we made difficult decisions; we                                         shoppers to use these vegeta-        Reach 3000+ people.
clarified bylaws; we sought counsel                                     ble-based bags instead of plastic.   Discounts for multiple months.
and learned from the experiences                                        We have done some testing with
of others within the movement;                                          root veggies, dry vegetables, dry       For rates and information, contact
and we shared ice cream on a                                                                                 Jon Megas-Russell at 802 246 2813 or
                                                                        greens, and dry fruits, and these
beautiful day. From where I sit,
looking through the lens of the
                                             The Board of               bags hold up well. They also

                                                                        are compostable through the
ten cooperative values, ours is a
picture of a healthy and resilient
                                              Directors                 Brattleboro curb-side compost
                                                                        program.                             Do you have EBT, WIC or SSI?
co-op, and our family is truly             Visit
strong.                                                                                                       Ask us about Food for All!
                                           or Facebook to learn          SLOWER
    The next BFC Board                     when the                      SHOPPING HOURS:
     Meeting is Monday,
     May 8th at 5:15pm,
                                           BFC Board                     Mon-Sat 7-9 am/pm.                                           10%t!
                                           will be tabling               For those among us who prefer                                Discoun
       in the Co-op's                                                     shopping with less stimulation          FOOD for ALL
                                           in May!                          (and more parking places).
     Conference Room.

                                                                                                                                  May 2019 | 5
Thought - Local Producer of the Month V T - Brattleboro Food Co-op
Producer                                               by Ruth Garbus
                                                                                  THE              Month
                                        FinAllie Ferments

       always find it interesting
       when hippies become
       entrepreneurs. Not
that Allie Dercoli, owner and
operator of FinAllie Ferments, is
necessarily a hippie…she’s more
like a combination of itinerant
farmer, artist, electrician, teacher,
and finally, chef, with a refined         After graduating in 2010 from           First are the vegetables: Allie is   crushed by hand. Allie has help
palate, innate resourcefulness,         Columbus College of Art and            passionate about Vermont’s soil.        from a couple employees: Carol
and a penchant for smelly stuff –       Design as a glassblowing major,        The concept of terroir—the idea         (“my right hand”) and Cristina,
which is an important attribute         she began farming all over United      that the environment and methods        and her boyfriend, Nate, who is
for someone devoted to crafting         States, making it to a total of 51     that go into growing food affect        nicknamed “The Polish Hammer”
this delightfully pungent food.         farms over the course of about         its character—is typically applied      because of his mother’s country
When she settled in Vermont in          four years. It was early on in this    to wine and cheese, but Allie uses      of origin and his big, kimchi-clob-
2014, she wasn’t looking to start       time of travel that she landed         the term when she talks about           bering hands. Once it begins to
a business—she was looking              in a place called Bastrop, Texas       anything grown in our state, and        release its moisture, the cabbage
for sustainable community and           and learned the art of fermen-         is adamant about the truly special      gets combined with other ingre-
farming. FinAllie Ferments is           tation. From then on, she would        qualities this mineral-rich land        dients to create Allie’s unique
simply the result of meeting the        make ferments at the farms she         creates. All the veggies in FinAllie    recipes, and then is pounded into
demand that naturally arose from        worked at, along the way expand-       Ferments are grown at nearby            giant wine barrels with a classic
her delicious supply of amazing         ing her knowledge through              farms, like Allwinds, Harlows, and      Louisville Slugger baseball
kimchi and kraut.                       experimentation and study, the         High Meadows. It’s the supreme          unconventional but highly effective
  Allie is originally from Canfield,    latter especially focused on the       quality of these ingredients that       kraut-pounding tool. The barrels,
Ohio, near Youngstown, in the           works of Sandor Katz, who,             lends each jar its truly next-level     which stand at about 3 feet high
corn and soy industrial farming         according to Allie, is “the Elvis of   flavor, and the perfect blend of        and almost 3½ feet across, are
belt. The food culture in her family    fermentation.”                         crunch, sweet, and zing. Even the       made of lightly toasted oak wood.
was strongly influenced by their          The process of making sauer-         herbs and spices are grown locally.     This is a point of pride: FinAllie
Italian roots—growing it, preserv-      kraut is pretty simple: get some       The kimchi has the remarkable           Ferments are never aged in plastic,
ing it, making sauce, and making        cabbage, crush it with some            clear zest of Old Friends Farm          the industry standard.
wine were all were big, community       salt, pound it into a container        young ginger root, and the “Dill
                                                                                                                          All of FinAllie’s products
affairs when she was little. She        and cover it (tightly, but not         With It” kraut has a stunning,
                                                                                                                       are made and packed at the
remembers wondering even when           too tight), and keep it at around      kitchen-garden aroma when it’s
                                                                                                                       W.A.A.W.W.E. kitchen in Spring-
she was a little kid in Ohio why        room temperature until it’s to         served slightly warm—the kind of
                                                                                                                       field, VT (it stands for We Are All
being wasteful was the norm, and        your liking. But Allie has taken       savory scent that can only come
                                                                                                                       What We Eat, and is pronounced
taking it as a compliment when her      this simple recipe and made each       from fresh-picked herbs.
                                                                                                                       “wowie”). The space belongs to
cousin visited and declared, “You       component sing in its highest            After it gets shredded, all that      Lisa Kaiman of Jersey Girls Dairy,
stink!” Allie replied, “Thanks!”        octave.                                cabbage gets mixed with salt and

   6 | May 2019
Kimchi fermenting in a repurposed     ceramic sauerkraut crocks are also       most of Allie’s vegetable scraps,
            wine barrel.               still in use from before she scaled      and there’s virtually no single-use
                                       up. These are used for small-batch,      plastics used in the packaging or
                                       experimental flavors. They’re            the processing. And if her supply
                                       about 2 feet high, and, naturally, all   of cabbage or other ingredients
                                       have names: Thor, Carol, Harriet,        cannot be met by local farms, then
                                       Alice, and Helga, and then there’s       demand be damned, she will not
                                       Pete, a little half-sized crock          produce more! Allie’s vision of
                                       named after her dad. On a recent         success doesn’t look like exponen-
                                       visit to the facility I thought I        tial growth or a bigger bottom line
                                       heard someone’s cellphone make a         (“more money more problems,”
                                       pert “Bloop!” sound, but realized        she said), and doesn’t want to
                                       that it was actually bubbles of gas      expand the business beyond her                            *“Naturally fermented foods
                                       escaping through the “airlocks”:         heart’s capacity—it seems that                         are getting a lot of attention
who shares the space. There Allie      a little trough of water lines the       FinAllie truly exists to help and                      from health experts these
has built an insulated room where      opening of each crock, and the           heal people and planet through                         days because they may help
there could be up to nine of the       lids sit in the water, sealing off the   good food and community. She                           strengthen your gut microbi-
giant barrels in operation at one      contents from the air but allowing       would like to create employment                        ome—the 100 trillion or so
time during growing season, or as      gases to escape. And apparently          opportunities for more local people,                   bacteria and microorganisms
few as two or three in late winter.    this old technology also has the         and perhaps will down the road, but                    that live in your digestive tract.
The time of year also affects the      added benefit of giving voice to         staying small and sustainable is the                   Researchers are beginning to
fermentation time: when the            the little life forms that are the       priority. She was recently picked                      link these tiny creatures to all
produce is super fresh in spring       microscopic operators behind             up by a regional distributor, which                    sorts of health conditions from
and summer, it spends about one        lacto fermentation, the process          has the potential to increase orders                   obesity to neurodegenerative
month aging. In the colder months,     that transforms simple cabbage           dramatically. But she has made it                      diseases.
it will take 6 weeks or so to reach    and salt into a living food that is      clear to them that for now, she
optimum flavor…she says it’s done                                                                                                        Fermented foods are
                                       not only delicious, but also benefi-     only wants them to make FinAllie
“when it’s super crunchy, but not                                                                                                      preserved using an age-old
                                       cial for our health.*                    available to Vermont stores. We
too crunchy,” and tastes each batch                                                                                                    process that not only boosts
                                          Allie emanates fun and playful-       are so lucky to be able to sell Allie’s
to make sure it’s perfect. During                                                                                                      the food’s shelf life and nutri-
                                       ness, and so does her business.          high-quality products at the Brattle-
harvest season Allie goes through                                                                                                      tional value, but can give
                                       Cases in point: she and her              boro Food Co-op, and after tasting
900 lbs. of local, organic cabbage                                                                                                     your body a dose of healthy
                                       employees wear custom screen-            them I’m sure you’ll agree!
every month. There are three regu-                                                                                                     probiotics, which are live
                                       printed red jumpsuits when they            Come try some for yourself,                          microorganisms crucial to
larly available varieties: Dill With
                                       do tastings; the labels on FinAllie      when Allie is here (donning a                          healthy digestion, says Dr.
It Kraut, Electric Curry Kraut,
                                       jars feature a drawing of her and        custom red jumpsuit) on three                          David S. Ludwig, a professor
and her unique Kimchi made with
                                       her dog, Fin, wearing psychedelic        Fridays, May 10th from 11-2,                           of nutrition at the Harvard
beets. All varieties are made with
                                       sunglasses; and coming very soon         May 24th from 2-4, and May 31                          School of Public Health.”
ingredients purchased from farms
                                       we’ll see some wild, limited-run         for an all-day seasonal sampling.
that use organic and non-GMO                                                                                                             From:
                                       labels made by people in her             And keep your eyes peeled for a
practices in a kitchen that does not                                                                                                   blog/fermented-foods-for-bet-
                                       community of artist friends. But         ferment-making class taught by
use gluten, and is vegan.                                                                                                              ter-gut-health-2018051613841
                                       don’t let this lightheartedness          Allie this summer or fall.
  In addition to the giant oak         belie the seriousness with which
barrels, five traditional German       she takes her vocation: Allie
                                       does not compromise on values
   Traditional German sauerkraut
               crocks.                 or quality. Lisa, with whom she
                                       shares the W.A.A.W.E. produc-
                                       tion facility, said of Allie, “She                M I T S U KO U C H I DA & J O N AT H A N B I S S , A R T I S T I C D I R E C TO R S
                                       doesn’t do it unless she can do
                                       it the right way.” This goes for
                                       the quality of her ingredients, the
                                                                                    Five Special Weekends of Concerts
                                       quality of her equipment, and an                                 on the Campus of Marlboro College
                                       attention to resourcefulness and
                                       minimal waste in all things. Cows                                July 13–August 11
                                       and chickens that Lisa raises eat
                                                                                                                                                                   May 2019 | 7
It's All About the Food!                                                                     Avocado
by Chris Ellis, Staff Nutritionist
                                                                                                                      Enjoy the simplicity of this
                                                                                                                        winning avocado toast,

       he oddly shaped avocado          provide us with a special group of
       may not be an eye catcher        fats referred to as phytosterols,
       as you walk through the          which include beta-sitosterol,
Produce department, but they            campesterol, and stigmasterol.                                               INGREDIENTS
sure provide a wealth of nutrients      This unique group of fats has been                                           • 4 ounces fresh goat
for your body. The avocado—once         shown to be beneficial for fighting                                            cheese
known as “alligator pear”—has           inflammation in the body as well as
                                        preventing heart disease. Avoca-                                             • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
become a commonly consumed
food in the American diet and is        dos are a great source of plant                                              • 2 tablespoons chopped
considered a “hot food” due to its      compounds, mainly carotenoids,                                                 watercress, plus sprigs
nutritional profile.                    including lutein which is so inte-                                             for garnish
                                        gral to eye health. Carotenoids                                              • 4 slices hearty whole
  Avocados are a rich source of
                                        play a role in the functioning of                                              grain bread
many nutrients that include fiber,
                                        other body systems as well. The
vitamins K and E, potassium,                                                                                         • 1 large avocado
                                        fat in avocados not only provides
pantothenic acid, manganese,
                                        a good source of MUFAs but has                                               • 4 small red radishes or
zinc, copper, and several B-vita-
                                        also been shown to increase the                                                a medium watermelon
mins. They contain a whopping 22
                                        bioavailability of all of the carot-                                           radish, thinly sliced
percent of the daily value for the
                                        enoids by the body. Therefore it
B-vitamin folic acid, which plays a
                                        is a good idea to serve avocados                                             DIRECTIONS
key role in the prevention of heart
                                        alongside other carotenoid-rich                                              1. In a medium bowl,
disease and birth defects.
                                        foods such as salad, dark green                                                 mash the cheese and
  The main nutrition component          vegetables, carrots, and tomatoes.                                              mix in the lemon
they provide is not carbohydrate        If served with high carotenoid                                                  zest and chopped
or protein but essential fat, and       foods, an avocado significantly                                                 watercress.
that fat is primarily in the healthy,   increases their absorption by two
monounsaturated form. About 70                                                 cold winter and always readily        2. Toast the bread.
                                        to six times!
percent of the 82-percent total fat                                            available in the Co-op’s Produce         Spread 1/4 of the
                                           Avocados were once referred         department. When choosing                cheese mixture on
avocados contain are monounsat-
                                        to as “alligator pears” due to their   avocados, select firm ones and           each piece of toast.
urated fats (MUFA). MUFAs have
                                        shape and rough, reptilian skin.       keep them at room temperature
been shown to be a preventive for                                                                                    3. Halve the avocado
                                        The fruit originated in Mexico         until they get a little soft. To
heart disease, and eating avoca-                                                                                        lengthwise, carefully
                                        thousands of years ago. The word       quicken the ripening process, place
dos in moderate amounts on a                                                                                            remove the pit, then
                                        avocado is derived from the Aztec      them in a paper bag along with an
regular basis have been shown to                                                                                        use a paring knife to
                                        and it was known to them as a          apple or banana, which a produces
decrease levels of “bad” LDL and                                                                                        slice the flesh thinly in
                                        fertility fruit. The main producer     natural ethylene gases to speed
overall total cholesterol levels, and                                                                                   the shell. Use a soup
                                        of avocados is Mexico but they are     up ripening. For the most nutri-
to increase “good” HDL levels.                                                                                          spoon to scoop out
                                        grown plentifully in other Central     tional benefit, cut an avocado in
MUFA-intake is essential in the                                                                                         the slices, and fan 1/4
                                        and South American countries           half lengthwise and then peel back
winter for skin integrity since our                                                                                     of the avocado over
                                        such as Brazil, Dominican Repub-       the skin like you would a banana,
skin often dehydrates and cracks                                                                                        each slice of toast.
                                        lic, and Colombia. Many avocados       since some of the best nutrition is
during the long and dry, cold
                                        are also grown in Florida and Cali-                                          4. Top with radish slices
winter months, so avocados are                                                 right underneath the skin. Choose
                                        fornia, which unfortunately are                                                 and garnish with
a great food to consume to fulfill                                             one of the simple recipes below to
                                        also far from local. But avocados                                               watercress sprigs.
that requirement. Avocados also                                                enjoy the rich taste of avocados.
                                        are in season in the midst of our                                             Serves 4.

   8 | May 2019
Avocado Brownies                                                 Civil Rights Banner
                                                                 Photo Opportunity
                                                                                                         Call for BFC
                                                                                                       45th Anniversary
   Brownies are a                                                                                      Stories & History
perfect place to                                                   As a cooperatively owned
slip in some creamy                                             business and members of the            We’re gearing up!
avocado. In place of                                            community, we want to take
                                                                                                       2020 marks the 45th Anniver-
some of the butter,                                             every opportunity to work
                                                                                                     sary of the Brattleboro Food
avocado adds cream-                                             towards equality and equal rights
                                                                                                     Co-op—45 years of tasty food,
iness with more                                                 for all. We are excited to host
                                                                                                     community fabric-weaving and
nutrients and fewer                                             a photo opportunity in front of
                                                                                                     social connection!
calories. You will                                              the Co-op on Tuesday, May 21
never know there’s                                              @ 5 pm. (Rain date is Thursday,        We want your stories! As we
a healthy fruit in                                              May 23 @ 5 pm). We welcome           turn 45, we are interested in
there, thanks to the         slightly underbaked so they        all Shareholders, community          hearing and releasing your stories
cocoa and vanilla.           stay moist and gooey. From         members and staff to take part.      about the Co-op in a celebration!
These are lower fat                                          Did you divvy up bags of rice on
                                                                “CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL”
brownies, and best           avocado-brownies.                                                       weekends in 1977? What was
                                                                   STAND WITH THE
                                                                                                     bagging like on the day before
                                                                                                     Thanksgiving in Brookside Plaza?
                                                                  The “Civil Rights For All” Main    What is your favorite memory of
INGREDIENTS                             until completely        Street Banner will be hung under     our years on Flat St? Did your
                                        smooth. Add the         the Brattleboro Food Co-op sign.
• 3/4 cup unbleached flour                                                                           kids grow up shopping at the
                                        white and brown         This is an opportunity for us to
• 1/2 cup cocoa                                                                                      Co-op? Send your proposals
                                        sugars and process,     be photographed for posterity        for stories to JonMR@brattle-
• 1/2 teaspoon salt                     then add the eggs,      standing with the banner.  , SabineR@
                                        oil or butter and
• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda                                        Southern Vermont Samba will or
                                        vanilla and process
• 3/4 cup mashed                                                perform on the 21st. Woody           SarahB@brattleborofoodcoop.
                                        until smooth. Scrape
  avocado (1 large or 2                                         Bernhard and friends will make       coop
                                        the avocado mixture
  small)                                                        a postcard from a photograph,          Throughout 2020 we will release
                                        into the flour
                                                                and the postcard will be available   YOUR stories and YOUR pictures
• 1/2 cup white sugar                   mixture and stir to
                                                                at the Co-op. Woody also plans       to celebrate 45 outstanding years
                                        combine. Spread
• 1/2 cup brown sugar                                           to make a wall calendar for 2020
                                        the batter in the                                            of cooperation!
• 2 large eggs                                                  which will include the postcard
                                        prepared pan.
                                                                photo, and we hope to get our
• 1/2 cup canola oil or 1             4. Bake for 20-25         picture in the Reformer and the
  stick melted butter                    minutes, until the     Commons.
                                                                                                       Stay tuned for
• 1 teaspoon vanilla                     top looks dry and a
                                                                  All who attend agree to behave        MEMORIAL
                                         toothpick inserted
DIRECTIONS                               in the middle of
                                                                nonviolently in word and in deed.      DAY WEEKEND
 1. Preheat the oven to
    350°F. Lightly oil an
    8-inch square baking
                                         the pan comes out
                                         with big wet crumbs
                                         attached-not dry.
                                                                For info & to help:
                                                                or 802-464-3154
    pan.                                 Don’t overbake,        JonMR@brattleborofoodcoop.
                                         if you like a gooey    coop, or 802-257-0236 x813
 2. In a large bowl, mix                 brownie, take it
    the flour, cocoa, salt                                      Sponsored by:
                                         out while a little
    and baking soda,                                            We Celebrate Democracy/Civil
                                         gooey in the middle
    crushing any lumps of                                       Rights For All
                                         and chill to make it
    cocoa with the back                                         PO Box 6231, Brattleboro, VT
                                         easier to cut.
    of your spoon.                                              05302
 3. In a food processor,              Cut into 16 squares       Hosted by:
    puree the avocado                 and serve.                Brattleboro Food Co-op

                                                                                                                        May 2019 | 9
TRUCKLOAD SALE Order Form & Instructions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      REG.      SALE               1. Fill out this order form with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        UNITS                             SALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                           UNIT                  %  UNIT        UNIT                  the number of cases you wish
                                                                                                                  QTY PLU# BRAND/FARM                         PRODUCT                                                    PER                              CASE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CASE    OFF PRICE       PRICE     PRICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ea./Lb.   Ea./Lb.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to purchase, along with your name,
                                                                                                                  PACKAGED GOODS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      telephone number, email, and
                                                                                                                      7201   Annie's                          Shells & White Cheddar, Family Size          10.5 Oz        6     46%   $3.99     $2.17     $13.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shareholder number (if applicable).
                                                                                                                      7202   Amy & Brian's                    Coconut Water                                33.8 Fl Oz     6     53%   $4.99     $2.33     $14.00    By placing your email on this sheet, you allow
                                                                                                                      7203   Field Day                        ORGANIC Coconut Milk, Unsweetened            13.5 Oz       12     30%   $2.39     $1.67     $20.00        us to be in contact with you about the
 Name: ________________________________ Tel #: ____________ Em: ______________________________ Share # ________

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   truckload sale and our 2X/month e-newsletter.
                                                                                                                      7204   Green Mountain Gringo            Tortilla Strips                              8 Oz          12     52%   $2.79     $1.33     $16.00
                                                                                                                      7205   Clif                             Builder Bar, Chocolate                       2.4 Oz        12     53%   $2.49     $1.17     $14.00   2. Bring your completed order
                                                                                                                      7206   Westbrae                         ORGANIC Canned Black Beans                   25 Oz         12     49%   $3.59     $1.83     $22.00      form to any cash register and
                                                                                                                      7207   Tropical Plantation              ORGANIC Coconut Oil                          24 Oz          4     48%   $11.99    $6.25     $25.00      pay for your order.
                                                                                                                      7208   Spectrum                         ORGANIC Extra Virgin Mediterranean Olive Oil 33.8 Fl Oz     6     57%   $16.99    $7.33     $44.00   3. We will keep your receipt and
                                                                                                                      7209   BioNaturae                       ORGANIC Diced Tomatoes                       28.2 Oz       12     45%   $3.79     $2.08     $25.00      order form. The cashier will also
                                                                                                                      7210   Wild Planet                      Albacore Tuna, No Salt                       5 Oz          12     50%   $4.99     $2.50     $30.00      give you a copy of the receipt.
                                                                                                                      7211   Equal Exchange                   ORGANIC Chocolate Bar, Dark Caramel Crunch 2.8 Oz          12     36%   $2.99     $1.92     $23.00      Please have your receipt copy
                                                                                                                      7212   Equal Exchange                   ORGANIC Extreme Dark Chocolate Bar, 88%      2.8 Oz        12     36%   $2.99     $1.92     $23.00      with you when you pick up your
                                                                                                                      7213   Seventh Generation               Unbleached, Recycled 2-Ply Bath Tissue       12 Rolls       4     54%   $13.99    $6.50     $26.00      order on Saturday/Sunday,
                                                                                                                      7214   Ecos                             Liquid Laundry Detergent, Free & Clear       100 Fl Oz      4     50%   $15.99    $8.00     $32.00      May 18/19 (10am-5pm).
                                                                                                                      7215   Ecos                             DishMate Dish Soap, Free & Clear             25 Fl Oz       6     50%   $3.99     $2.00     $12.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4. Discounts listed are final.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      No further discounts apply to
                                                                                                                      7216   Green Mountain Creamery          Non Fat Greek Yogurt                         32 Oz          6     37%   $5.79     $3.67     $22.00      Truckload Sale items/orders.
                                                                                                                      7217   Woodstock                        Extra Firm ORGANIC Tofu                      14 Oz          6     40%   $2.79     $1.67     $10.00      Prices are for everyone.
                                                                                                                      7218   GT's                             Trilogy ORGANIC Kombucha                     48 Oz          6     45%   $9.99     $5.50     $33.00   5. Vegetable & Flower Starts:
                                                                                                                      7219   GT's                             Gingerade ORGANIC Kombucha                   48 Oz          6     45%   $9.99     $5.50     $33.00      The Truckload Sale Discount is
                                                                                                                  FROZEN FOOD                                                                                                                                         available on FULL FLATS of
                                                                                                                      7220   Dr. Praeger's                    California Veggie Burgers                    10 Oz          6     37%   $5.29     $3.33     $20.00      flowers OR FULL FLATS of
                                                                                                                      7221   Cascadian Farm                   ORGANIC Frozen Corn                          10 Oz         12     40%   $2.79     $1.67     $20.00      vegetables - NO MIX/MATCH
                                                                                                                      7222   Cascadian Farm                   ORGANIC Frozen Peas                          10 Oz         12     40%   $2.79     $1.67     $20.00      of floral & veggies to make
                                                                                                                      7223   Woodstock                        ORGANIC Frozen Mixed Berries                 10 Oz         12     43%   $4.99     $2.83     $34.00      a full flat. Feel free to mix/
                                                                                                                  BULK FOOD                                                                                                                                           match an all-veggie flat
                                                                                                                      7225   Commodity                        ORGANIC Rolled Oats                          5 Lbs          1     40%   $1.49     $0.90     $4.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      or an all-floral flat.
                                                                                                                      7226   Commodity                        ORGANIC Dried Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)     25 Lbs         1     53%   $2.99     $1.40     $35.00
                                                                                                                      7227   Commodity                        ORGANIC Black Beans                          25 Lbs         1     50%   $1.99     $1.00     $25.00   Don’t forget to pick up
                                                                                                                      7228   Lundberg Family Farms            ORGANIC Short Grain Brown Rice               25 Lbs         1     44%   $2.49     $1.40     $35.00   our BADIC (Brattleboro Area
                                                                                                                      7229   Commodity                        Almonds                                      5 Lbs          1     42%   $7.99     $4.60     $23.00   Drop in Center) Food Shelf
                                                                                                                      7230   Commodity                        Walnuts                                      5 Lbs          1     41%   $8.79     $5.20     $26.00   Truckload Sale order
                                                                                                                      7231   Commodity                        ORGANIC Raisins                              5 Lbs          1     46%   $4.79     $2.60     $13.00   sheet to purchase cases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of food for this local
                                                                                                                      7232   Equal Exchange                   ORGANIC French Roast coffee                  5 Lbs          1     30%   $9.99     $7.00     $35.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   organization on your behalf.
                                                                                                                      7233   Equal Exchange                   ORGANIC Love Buzz Coffee                     5 Lbs          1     30%   $9.99     $7.00     $35.00

                                                                                                                      7234   Stonewood Farm                   Ground Turkey                                1 Lb           8     28%   $6.99     $5.00     $40.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NOTE: Rain checks are NOT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        available for out-of-stock
                                                                                                                      7235   Black River Meats                Hamburger Patties                            1 Lb           8     15%   $7.99     $6.75     $54.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      products ordered on Saturday,
                                                                                                                      7236   North Country Smokehouse         Applewood Smoked Sliced Bacon                12 Oz         12     24%   $6.99     $5.33     $64.00       May 18 and Sunday, May 19.
                                                                                                                      7237   Applegate Naturals               Natural Uncured Beef Hot Dogs                10 Oz         12     38%   $6.99     $4.33     $52.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               like us on         follow us on
                                                                                                                      7238   Applegate Naturals               Chicken & Maple Breakfast Sausage            7 Oz          12     28%   $4.99     $3.58     $43.00
                                                                                                                      7239   Applegate Naturals               Pork Breakfast Sausage                       7 Oz          12     28%   $4.99     $3.58     $43.00
                                                                                                                  FROZEN SEAFOOD
                                                                                                                      7240   Henry & Lisa's Natural Seafood   Grab & Go Salmon                             4 Oz          10     50%   $5.99     $3.00     $30.00
                                                                                                                      7241   Ducktrap River of Maine          Wild Salmon Trim                             1 Lb           3     44%   $12.99    $7.33     $22.00
                                                                                                                  FLOWER & VEGGIE STARTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                           6 Pack
                                                                                                                      7242   Couch Brook Farm                 Assorted ORGANIC Flower Starts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6     29%   $3.99     $2.83     $17.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Pack
                                                                                                                      7243   High Meadows Farm                Assorted ORGANIC Vegetable Starts                          10     32%   $3.99     $2.70     $27.00

10 | May 2019
                                     Classes, Demos & Events
                                          @ the Co-op
                                                                       VISITING AUTHOR
                                                                             IN-STORE TABLING
                                                                                                                                              FREE CLASS for KIDS
                                                                                                                                                 FUN WITH FOOD & ART
   May 1 (Wednesday ) 9:15-10:30am                               May 7 (Tuesday) 11am-5:30pm                                                      THAT CRAZY ROCK
Moderate heat, all levels Vinyasa Flow Yoga class at       Stop by the Co-op to meet Jon Steinman, author of                               May 21 (Tuesday) 3:30-5:00pm
 Bodhifi t, with Kristin. Arrive early. Space is limited.      Grocery Store: The Promise of Food Co-ops                                Meet at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center
                 @ 22 High Street                                     in the Age of Grocery Giants.                                  (BMAC) to enjoy the current exhibit, followed by an
                                                                        Reading, signing, and Q & A                                   art project with Linda. We will then walk up to the
                                                                 @ BFC Community Room 6:30-7:30 pm                                   BFC Cooking Classroom to explore the place where
FREE CLASS for SHAREHOLDERS                                                                                                          art inspires our creativity, and food mirrors art. The
                  YOGA CLASS                                   SAMPLE AND SIGN UP WITH LIZI                                            kids will cook/bake something delicious with Lizi!
         Wednesdays • Noon-1pm                                          SEAWEED                                                       Instructors: Linda Whelihan, BMAC Educator, and
  Join this inspiring, all-levels yoga class lead by a            May 7 (Tuesday) 3:30-4:30pm                                         Lizi Rosenberg, BFC Education Outreach Coordinator
  different instructor each week. Bring your own                  Visit Lizi at the Demo Counter to taste
     yoga mat and arrive early. Space is limited.             different kinds of seaweed. While there, find                                      CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL
  @ BFC Community Room via Canal St. entrance                out about the free kids cooking classes available                                      PHOTO SHOOT
                                                                  this month in our community kitchen.
                                                                                                                                                 May 21 (Tuesday) 5pm
      FREE STORY & SNACK HOUR                                                                                                        Join us in front of the Co-op for a photo opportunity
          Fridays • 10:30-11:30am                              FREE WINE* & CHEESE TASTING                                                with the CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL BANNER.
   Bring the kids to KidsPLAYce for a story hour                       May 9 (Thursday) 4-6pm                                           Gather in front of the BFC Café patio and under
       and a healthy snack from the Co-op.                  The second Thursday of each month, we offer up a                                    the Brattleboro Food Co-op sign.
           @ KidsPlayce (20 Elliot Street)                 tasting of our featured sale wine. Stop by the Co-op                                    Rain date May 23 @ 5 p.m.
                                                             and try Laurent Miquel wines along with a paired
          FRIDAY SAMPLINGS                                           cheese, which will also be on sale.
                                                              *Must be 21+ to sample alcohol in accordance with Vermont state law.            FREE CLASS for KIDS
             Fridays • 11am-1pm                                                                                                      FUN FOODS FROM AROUND THE WORLD
 Stop by the Demo Counter to try something new,                              "MOM'S DAY OUT"
                                                                                                                                            JAPANESE MISO SOUP
      something seasonal, something on sale!                         May 10 (Friday) Noon-5pm
                                                                                                                                           AND VEGETARIAN SUSHI
                                                           Stop by the Co-op with Mom to celebrate Mother's
                                                             Day a few days early! The first 50 Moms to arrive                              May 28 (Tuesday) 3:30-5:00pm
        GREEN UP VERMONT DAY                                will receive a free carnation, and everyone can enjoy                     Seaweed, veggies, and warm aromatic soup is what
       May 4 (Saturday) 8am-Noon                           free samplings and giveaways from a number of local                          the kids will be working with during this Japanese
    Come and help Green Up Vermont clean up                   producers and some of our favorite companies.                            inspired class. Learn how to make dashi, the classic
   downtown Brattleboro and the Food Co-op.                   Plus, enter a free drawing to win fabulous prizes                        broth used as a base for Japanese soups and stews.
    We will have Green Up bags for you to use.                chosen with Mom in mind. There will be lots of                            We will learn how to roll those colorful sushi rolls
                                                                      surprises, goodies, and flash sales.                             filled with a variety of veggies. While having fun with
                                                                                                                                          these foods, the kids will also learn about the
     FREE CLASS for ADULTS                                                                                                                   language and culture of this distant land.
     CHINESE MEDICINE: SUMMER                                 TRUCKLOAD SALE                                                                       Instructor: Lizi Rosenberg,
   SEASONAL ATTUNEMENT JOURNEY                                                                                                                 BFC Education Outreach Coordinator
                                                                  2 DAYS ONLY
      May 4 (Saturday) 10am-Noon
  Prepare for the coming season by relating what is            Saturday & Sunday
happening in the natural world, to what is happening              May 18 & 19
in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Learn how to care       Stock up during our giant
 for yourself with food, self-care and understanding.      truckload sale. These
     Taste some seasonal, nourishing foods, too.           prices are available only
                                                           twice a year at savings up to 50% off.
 Instructor: Michaela Wood, Licensed Acupuncturist
                                                           Order sheets are available in store, in the
                                                                                                                                              FINALLIE FERMENTS
    @ BFC Community Room via Canal St. entrance
                                                           Food For Thought Newsletter, and online at                                      FREE TASTING, MEET & GREET
                                                  We will also give you                                  May 10th (Friday) 11am-2pm
     SIZZLING SAUSAGE SAMPLING                             the opportunity to order truckload cases to donate                                May 24th (Friday) 2-4pm
     May 6 (Monday ) 4:30-6:30pm                           shelf stable cases to Groundworks Collaborative.                                       May 31st (Friday)
     Come to the Co-op and try one of our                  There will be a separate order form in store for this.
    many locally famous, house-made sausages                                                                                            All day seasonal sampling & voting.
                                                           No further discounts apply. No rain checks available.                        Stop by the Co-op to meet Allie from FinAllie
         @ the Demo Counter with Janet                     Orders must be picked up Saturday, May 18, or                               Ferments, our featured local producer, and enjoy
                                                           Sunday, May 19, from 10am-5pm.                                               free samples of her delicious fermented foods.
                                                                 Full class and event descriptions, changes, and updates found at
         May 6 (Monday) 5:30-6:15pm                                             and on our facebook page. All classes require pre-registration.
 Shareholders are invited to a spin class with Susie
 (from Seafood). New students—Arrive at 5:15pm!!                             To register, stop at the Shareholder Services Desk, call 802-246-2821,
                @22 High Street                                                      or email
                                                                                                                                                    May 2019 | 11

                                                            Brattleboro Food Co-op                                 May 2019

What’s Inside:                                                  Brattleboro Food Co-op                            PRSRT STD
                                                                2 Main Street                                    US POSTAGE
Producer of the Month:                                          Brattleboro,VT 05301
                                                                                                                 FIVE MAPLES
FinAllie Ferments
GM Report: Just. Equitable.
BOD Report: Family & Community
Truckload Sale Order Form
And so much more!

       Wheaton College, NORTON, MA
       YOU’RE INVITED! Save the date for Equal               SUMMIT DETAILS & UPDATES:
       Exchange’s annual gathering bringing together
       worker-owners, farmer partners, and you! We          EQUALEXCHANGE.COOP/SUMMIT
       believe you are an integral part of this movement
       and we need your participation to succeed.           508-527-5225
       Join our community for two days of workshops,
                                                            Can’t attend the summit, but interested in joining
       celebration, and planning as we advance our          our citizen-consumer network?
       vision of building a better food system, together.   VISIT: EQUALEXCHANGE.COOP/ORGANIZING
You can also read