Maximizing Self-supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion

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Maximizing Self-supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
Maximizing Self-supervision from Thermal Image
                                                 for Effective Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
                                                                     Ukcheol Shin, Kyunghyun Lee, Byeong-Uk Lee, and In So Kweon

                                            Abstract— Recently, self-supervised learning of depth and
                                         ego-motion from thermal images shows strong robustness and
                                         reliability under challenging scenarios. However, the inherent
                                         thermal image properties such as weak contrast, blurry edges,
                                         and noise hinder to generate effective self-supervision from
                                         thermal images. Therefore, most research relies on additional
arXiv:2201.04387v1 [cs.RO] 12 Jan 2022

                                         self-supervision sources such as well-lit RGB images, generative
                                         models, and Lidar information. In this paper, we conduct
                                         an in-depth analysis of thermal image characteristics that
                                         degenerates self-supervision from thermal images. Based on
                                         the analysis, we propose an effective thermal image mapping
                                         method that significantly increases image information, such as
                                         overall structure, contrast, and details, while preserving tem-               (a) Thermal images       (b) Shin et al.(T)           (c) Ours
                                         poral consistency. The proposed method shows outperformed
                                         depth and pose results than previous state-of-the-art networks             Fig. 1.     Depth comparison between Shin et al. [3] and proposed
                                         without leveraging additional RGB guidance.                                method. (a) is the temporal consistently re-arranged thermal images with
                                                                                                                    our proposed method, (b) is depth map results trained with Shin et
                                                                 I. I NTRODUCTION                                   al. [3], and (c) is the depth map results trained with the our method.
                                                                                                                    Our proposed temporal consistent temperature mapping method remarkably
                                            Recently, thermal image based 3D vision applications for                increases image contrast and details while preserving temporal consistency
                                         a robust robot vision [1], [2], [3], [4] are gradually attracting          for effective self-supervisory signal.
                                         attention. Since a thermal camera has a consistent image
                                         capturing ability regardless of lighting and weather condi-
                                         tions, it is suitable for robust robot vision. However, thermal            additional modalities that usually require careful hardware
                                         image usually suffers from its inherent image properties,                  setting, additional training stage, and accurate calibration
                                         such as low signal-to-noise ratio, low contrast, and blurry                process. In this paper, we first analyze thermal image prop-
                                         edge. Therefore, lots of researches have been proposed that                erties that hinder self-supervised learning of depth and pose
                                         utilize another heterogeneous sensor, such as RGB camera,                  networks from thermal images. After that, we propose an
                                         depth sensor, IMU, and Lidar, to compensate for the inherent               effective thermal image mapping method to train depth and
                                         problems.                                                                  pose networks without any additional modality guidance.
                                            The aforementioned thermal image properties are a more                  Based on the proposed method, the networks show accurate
                                         serious issue for the self-supervised learning of depth and                and sharp depth results in all evaluation datasets, as shown
                                         ego-motion estimation. Therefore, Kim et al. [2] exploits                  in Fig. 1.
                                         RGB stereo image pair to train thermal image based monoc-                     Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
                                         ular depth network with spatial RGB image reconstruc-                         • We provide in-depth analysis for raw thermal image
                                         tion loss. Lu et al. [4] utilizes an RGB-to-thermal image                        properties in terms of self-supervised learning perspec-
                                         translation network for the spatial image reconstruction loss                    tive. Our observation are as follows:
                                         between left thermal-like image and right thermal image to
                                                                                                                            – Raw thermal image is suitable choice to preserve
                                         train disparity network. Lastly, Shin et al. [3] proposed multi-
                                                                                                                               temporal consistency.
                                         spectral temporal image reconstruction loss that utilizes
                                                                                                                            – Sparsely distributed thermal radiation values dom-
                                         monocular RGB and thermal video to train single-view depth
                                                                                                                               inate image reconstruction loss.
                                         and multiple-view pose networks.
                                                                                                                            – High and low temperature objects degenerate self-
                                            However, these methods do not try to solve the fundamen-
                                                                                                                               supervision from thermal image.
                                         tal issue of the thermal image and leverage knowledge of
                                                                                                                       • Based on the in-depth analysis, we propose a temporal
                                            This work was supported by the International Research and Development         consistent image mapping method that maximizes self-
                                         Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the          supervision from thermal images by rearranging thermal
                                         Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-2021K1A3A1A21040016) and Center
                                         for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (CARAI) grant funded by          radiation values and boosting image information while
                                         DAPA and ADD (UD190031RD). (Corresponding author: In So Kweon.)                  preserving temporal consistency.
                                            U. Shin, K. Lee, B. Lee, and I. S. Kweon are with the School               • We demonstrate that the proposed method shows outper-
                                         of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Republic of
                                         Korea. {shinwc159, kyunghyun.lee, byeonguk.lee,                                  formed results than previous state-of-the-art networks
                                         iskweon77}                                                           without leveraging additional guidance.
Maximizing Self-supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
A. Self-supervised Depth and Pose Network
   Self-supervised learning of depth and ego-motion network
is the study of 3D understanding that does not rely on
expensive Ground-Truth labels. SfM-learner [5] is the pi-                (a) Frame t − N         (b) Frame t          (c) Frame t + N
oneering work that train neural network to estimate depth
                                                                   Fig. 2. Problem analysis of normalized thermal images. Typical thermal
and relative pose in a fully unsupervised manner by using          camera provides a normalized thermal image in default setting. Generally,
temporal image reconstruction. After that, the violation cases     the normalized thermal image is acquired through the thermal camera’s im-
for temporal image consistency such as brightness incon-           age signal processing pipeline which normalizes the raw thermal image with
                                                                   its min-max values. However, this process destroys temporal consistency,
sistency, non-Labertian surface, homogeneous regions, and          which is key-factor for self-supervised learning, between adjacent images.
moving objects are covered in various ways. Invalid pixel
masking scheme are variously proposed with the form of
explainability mask [5], [6], flow-based mask [7], [8], [9],       lots of applications [2], [4], [20], [21], [22] already lost the
static mask [10], and depth inconsistent mask [11], [12]           temporal consistency between the adjacent frames and is not
   Feature-map reconstruction loss [13], [14] are proposed to      suitable for depth and pose estimation application. Based on
complement the self-supervisory signal of the homogeneous          the observation, they proposed a basic form of temperature
regions. For the scale-ambiguity problem, several works [9],       reconstruction loss that preserve temporal consistency along
[11], [15], [12], [16] impose geometric constraints to predict     with a temporal photometric consistency loss.
a scale-consistent depth and camera trajectory. A semantic            However, these methods do not try to solve the fundamen-
knowledge also can be leveraged to enhance the feature             tal issue of the thermal image and leverage other modalities’
representation for monocular depth estimation [17], [18].          information that usually requires careful hardware setting [2],
Guizilini et al. [19] introduce a detail-preserving representa-    additional training stage [4], and accurate extrinsic calibra-
tion using 3D convolutions.                                        tion process [2], [4], [3]. In contrast to these studies, our
   In contrast to the researches that focus on the RGB             proposed method trains single-view depth and multiple-view
domain, our proposed method focuses on the self-supervised         pose networks from monocular thermal video without relying
learning of depth and pose estimation from thermal images          on other sensor modalities.
that has not been actively explored so far. Furthermore, it
is not known whether the above-mentioned techniques can                                III. P ROBLEM A NALYSIS
lead to a performance improvement in the thermal spectral             In this section, we conduct an in-depth analysis of thermal
domain. Therefore, based on our empirical observations,            image characteristics that degenerate self-supervisory signals
we form a concise self-supervised learning method in the           from thermal images.
thermal spectrum domain.
                                                                   A. Raw thermal image is suitable for temporal consistency
B. Self-supervised Depth and Pose Network from Thermal                The standard thermal camera can support two types of
Images                                                             thermal images; raw thermal image and normalized thermal
   Thermal image based depth or pose estimation networks           image. Raw thermal image indicates thermal radiation values
are one of the crucial topics for a weather and lighting con-      measured from thermal infrared detector array. After that,
dition invariant 3D understanding. Kim et al. [2] proposed         thermal camera acquires a normalized thermal image by
a self-supervised multi-task learning framework that exploits      normalizing the raw thermal image with min-max values
spatial RGB stereo reconstruction to train single-view depth       within raw measurement values. However, the normalized
estimation. They assume the thermal image is geometrically         thermal image loses the temporal consistency between adja-
aligned with the left RGB image. They make a synthesized           cent images because of the different min-max value of each
right RGB image with an estimated depth map from the               raw image, as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, the raw thermal
thermal image, left RGB image, and extrinsic parameter.            image is a suitable choice for the applications requiring self-
Lu et al. [4] proposed a image translation network based           supervision from temporal consistency.
cross-spectral reconstruction loss to train single-view depth
network. Their method requires an RGB stereo pair and              B. Sparsely distributed thermal radiation values dominate
one thermal image.The left RGB image is synthesized to a           image reconstruction loss
thermal-like image with the image translation network. After         However, directly utilizing raw thermal images cannot
that, the spatial reconstruction loss between the thermal-like     generate a valuable self-supervisory signal from image re-
left and real right thermal images is used to train the network.   construction process. Typical thermal camera [23] has a wide
   Shin et al. [3] proposed a multi-spectral temporal consis-      dynamic range that can measure temperature values in a
tent loss to train single-view depth and multiple-view pose        range of [-30°C, 150°C]. On the other hand, common real-
networks. For this purpose, they analyze a proper thermal          world object temperatures are located in a narrow range
image format for the temporal image reconstruction loss.           around room and air temperatures. Also, the histogram of
They pointed out that a normalized thermal image used in           raw thermal image usually possesses multiple temperature
(a) Raw image           (b) Heat map           (c) Difference

                   (d) Histogram of raw thermal image                          Fig. 4.     Overall pipeline of temporal consistent and information
                                                                               maximized image mapping. The proposed thermal image mapping pro-
Fig. 3. Problem analysis of raw thermal image. The typical thermal             cess converts raw thermal images to have maximum image information
camera [23] has an extensive dynamic range that can capture over than [-       while preserving temporal consistency locally. From left to right, (a) is
30°C, 150 °C]. From left to right, (a) is raw thermal image, (b) is heat map   histogram of raw thermal images and corresponding one of raw images,
clipped with the range [10°C, 30°C], (c) is image difference map between       (b) is rearranged histogram of one thermal image, (c) is locally enhanced
adjacent raw images. (d) is histogram plot of the raw thermal image. The       thermal image. After the mapping process, thermal image possesses greatly
thermal image difference is dominated by an intense heat source and lost       improved image information, such as overall structure, contrast, and details,
most of the object details’ difference.                                        by resolving domination and degeneration effects of raw thermal image.

distributions, as shown in Fig. 3-(d). In both natural and
                                                                                  This property degenerates self-supervision from the ther-
man-made environments, every object emits different thermal
                                                                               mal image. As shown in Fig. 3-(c), since local regions of
radiation according to its thermal properties and its own
                                                                               high-temperature objects have large temperature variance,
temperature. Some objects have high or low temperature
                                                                               the difference map shows diverse error contrast, from yellow
values, such as the sun, electric devices, ice cups, and vehi-
                                                                               to blue scale, for its local regions. On the other hand, the
cles. Most other objects have similar temperatures with room
                                                                               remaining region of the difference map shows low error
or air temperatures. Therefore, the measured temperature
                                                                               contrast, from blue to not-visible color, despite its large num-
distributions usually exist in a sparse way and have a narrow
                                                                               ber of observations. However, the difference between global
valid area.
                                                                               structures is more appreciated than local region differences
   This phenomenon makes the raw thermal image and
                                                                               to train depth networks for structure-aware depth estimation.
normalized image usually look to have weak contrast and
                                                                               Therefore, to maximize self-supervision from thermal im-
details. This tendency is more severe when a distinctly hot
                                                                               ages, the contrast between a large number of observations
or cold temperature object exists within scene, as shown
                                                                               should be increased by adjusting each distribution range
in Fig. 3-(a) and (b). Therefore, as shown in Fig. 3-(c),
                                                                               proportional to the number of samples.
the difference map is dominated by an intense heat source,
loses most of the object details, and provides awful self-
supervision for depth and pose network training,
   To decrease this domination effect, raw thermal image                              IV. T EMPORAL C ONSISTENT AND I NFORMATION
needs to be rearranged with a valid range only. However,                                       M AXIMIZED I MAGE M APPING
the valid range of each temperature distribution can be
dynamically changeable depending on the time, places, and                         As discussed in Sec. III, we observed that the major
temperature conditions. The rearrange process should capture                   degradation factors for self-supervision from thermal images
a valid temperature range of each raw image and preserve                       are temporal inconsistency, sparsely distributed thermal ra-
temporal consistency between images regardless of surround-                    diation values, and few high- and low- temperature objects.
ing ambient temperature conditions.                                            Therefore, to maximize self-supervision from thermal images
                                                                               while preserving temporal consistency, our intuitions are as
C. High and low temperature objects degenerate self-                           follows:
supervision from thermal image
                                                                                  •   Rearranging thermal radiation value according to the
   Also, as shown in Fig. 3-(b) and (d), most near-room-
                                                                                      observation number of each sub-histogram.
temperature objects exist in the narrow distribution with a
                                                                                  •   Maintaining temporal consistency by executing the re-
large number of observations. On the other hand, since ther-
                                                                                      arrangement process in units of image groups to be used
mal radiation from high-temperature object affects its local
                                                                                      for loss calculation, not in units of single image.
regions through heat reflection and transfer, high-temperature
                                                                                  •   Enhancing local image details for a better self-
objects have a wide thermal radiation distribution with a
                                                                                      supervisory signal.
small number of observations. Therefore, even after captur-
ing valid range only, the small number of observations from                    The temporal consistent and information maximized image
high-temperature objects takes a large portion of the range.                   mapping process is shown in Fig. 4.
A. Temporal Consistent Thermal Radiation Rearrangement
   For given raw thermal images It , Is , the histogram h(i)
for raw temperature measurements is defined as:

              h(i) = ni , for i = b0 , b1 , · · · , bmax ,        (1)

where ni is the number of samples within the range of
[bi , bi+1 ) and b0 , · · · , bi are calculated by dividing the global
min-max values (i.e., tmin , tmax ) of raw images (It , Is ) with
a hyper-parameter bin number Nbin .
   After that, each raw measurement value x within sub-
histogram [bi , bi+1 ) are rearranged in proportional to its             Fig. 5. Overall pipeline of the proposed network architecture. The
                                                                         depth and pose networks share the same feature encoder network and have
number of samples as follows:                                            task-specific decoder head. The depth map Dt and pose Tts are estimated
                                                                       from the raw thermal images It , Is through the depth and pose networks.
                      0                x − bi       0
                                                                         The temporal consistent temperature mapping module rearranges the raw
                   x = αi ∗                      + bi ,            (2)   images to have high contrast and object details (i.e., Iteh , Iseh ). The thermal
                                     bi+1 − bi
                                                                         images are reconstructed with the estimated depth map Dt , relative pose
where αi is a scaling factor in proportional    to the number            Tts , and source image Iseh .
                                            Pmax          0
of sub-histogram, defined as αi = ni / j=0 nj . bi is a
new offset of each scaled sub-histogram, defined as bi =                 A. Network architecture
P  i−1
   j=0 αj . This rearranging process stretches or squeezes
                                                                            The depth and pose networks consist of a shared feature
each sub-histogram according to its number of samples and
                                                                         encoder and separate task-specific decoder heads, as shown
greatly increases image information, as shown in Fig. 4-
                                                                         in Fig. 5. The shared feature encoder has ResNet18 [25]
(b). Also, non-valid areas such as zero-observation regions
                                                                         backbone and is modified to take single-channel input ther-
are removed during this process. For a temporal consistency
                                                                         mal images. We adopt the depth and pose decoder architec-
between adjacent images, the histogram, scaling factor, and
                                                                         ture of Monodepth v2 [10] for the depth and pose decoder
offset calculation processes are conducted in units of image
                                                                         heads. The depth network takes a single-channel raw thermal
groups to be used for loss calculation, not in units of a single
                                                                         image as an input and estimates a depth map. The pose
                                                                         networks estimate a 6D relative pose from consecutive raw
                                                                         thermal images.
B. Local Detail Enhancement
   After thermal radiation rearrangement process, rearranged             B. Training Loss
thermal image possesses greatly improved image informa-                     Our overall self-supervised training loss to train single-
tion, such as overall structure, contrast, and details, by               view depth and multiple-view pose estimation network is as
resolving domination and degeneration effects of raw thermal             follows:
image. However, we found that enhancing local image details
                                                                                         Ltotal = Lrec + λgc Lgc + λsm Lsm                            (4)
can provide a better self-supervision from thermal image
leading to performance improvements. For this purpose, we                where Lrec indicates thermal image reconstruction loss, Lgc
adopt Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization                   is geometric consistency loss, Lsm is edge-aware depth
(CLAHE) [24] to avoid noise amplification and increase                   smoothness loss, and λgc and λsm are hyper parameters. In
local image details while maintaining temporal consistency               the following descriptions, we use two consecutive images
between adjacent frames as much as possible. The CLAHE                   [It , Is ] (i.e., target and source images) for a concise explana-
internally divide the image into non-overlapped local tiles,             tion. However, we utilizes three sequential images and both
conduct per-tile histogram equalization with a pre-defined               forward and backward direction loss in the training steps to
clip limit . Therefore, the rearranged thermal image I is               maximize the data usage.
converted locally enhanced image I , as follows:                            1) Temperature Consistency Loss: As shown in Fig. 5,
                                           0                             the depth and pose networks estimate a depth map Dt
                         I eh = fLDE (I ),                        (3)    and relative pose Tts from a raw thermal images It , Is .
                                                                         The raw thermal images are mapped to enhanced thermal
                                                                         images Iteh , Iseh that possess high visibility, contrast, and
                                                                         details through the proposed mapping block. After that, a
                                                                         synthesized thermal image I˜teh is generated with the source
   In this section, we first describe network architecture for           image Iseh , target depth map Dt , and relative pose Tts in
single-view depth and multiple-view pose estimation from                 the inverse warping manner [5]. With the synthesized and
thermal images. After that, we describe overall and each self-           original target thermal images, the thermal image reconstruc-
supervised training loss to train depth and pose network from            tion loss consisting of L1 difference and Structural Similarity
monocular thermal video.                                                 Index Map (SSIM) [26] is calculated as follows:
         Lpe (Iteh , I˜teh ) = (1 − SSIM (Iteh , I˜teh ))           A. Implementation Details
                              2                               (5)
                               +(1 − γ)||Iteh − I˜teh ||1 ,            1) ViViD Dataset: As described in [3], there are very
where γ indicates scale factor between SSIM and L1 loss.            few dataset including the raw thermal images, Ground-
   2) Smoothness Loss: As the temperature consistency loss          Truth (GT) depth map, and GT pose labels. Therefore, we
usually does not provide informative self-supervision in            also utilizes ViViD dataset [27] to validate effectiveness of
low-texture and homogeneous regions, we regularize the              the proposed method. ViViD dataset consists of 10 indoor
estimated depth map to have smooth property by adding               sequences and 4 outdoor sequence with different light and
edge-aware smoothness loss Lsm [10].                                motion conditions. We utilize 5 indoor sequences and 2
                                                                    outdoor sequences as a training set and the remaining set
                    X                    eh
            Lsm =       |∇Dt (p)| · e−|∇It (p)| ,      (6)          as a test set.
                        p                                              2) Training setup: We trained the depth and pose net-
                                                                    works for the 200 epochs on the single RTX 2080Ti GPU
where ∇ is the first differential operator along spatial direc-
                                                                    with 12GB memory. We take about 16 hours to train the
                                                                    depth and pose networks. The scale factors λgc and λsm are
   3) Geometric Consistency Loss: Geometric consistency
                                                                    set to 0.5 and 0.1. The weight parameter γ is set to 0.85 for
loss Lgc [11] regularizes the estimated depth maps (Dt ,
                                                                    both indoor and outdoor datasets. For the hyperparameter
Ds ) to have scale-consistent 3D structure by minimizing
                                                                    of temporal consistent temperature mapping module, we set
geometric inconsistency. The geometric inconsistency map
                                                                    bin number Nbin as 30, CLAHE’s clip threshold  as 2 for
Gdif f is defined as follows :
                                                                    outdoor set and 3 for indoor set, and CLAHE’s local window
                               |D̃t (p) − Dt (p)|                   size as 8x8.
                Gdif f (p) =               0
                                                  ,           (7)
                                D̃t (p) + Dt (p)
                                                                    B. Single-view Depth Estimation Results
where D̃t (p) is the synthesized depth map by warping the
source depth map Ds and relative pose Pts . Dt is the inter-          We compare our proposed method with the state-of-the-
polated depth map of Dt to share the same coordinate with           art supervised/unsupervised depth networks [28], [11], [3]
the synthesized depth map D̃t (p). After that, the geometry         to validate its effectiveness. Note that the other related
consistency loss is defined as follows :                            works [2], [4] require stereo RGB pair to train depth network.
                                                                    Therefore, their methods are not compatible with the ViViD
                          1 X
                 Lgc =             Gdif f (p),            (8)       dataset, including monocular RGB and thermal video only.
                         |Vp |                                      We train Midas-v2 [28] along with two architecture variants
                                                                    based on their pre-trained weight to investigate the upper
During the training process, the scale consistency propagate        bound. We use evaluation metrics proposed by Eigen et
to the entire video sequence.                                       al. [30] to measure the performance of depth estimation
   4) Invalid Pixel Masking: The per-pixel reconstruction           results. NYU [31] and KITTI [32] evaluation settings are
loss includes invalid pixel differences caused by moving            applied to indoor and outdoor set, respectively.
objects, static camera motion, and occlusion. Therefore,
                                                                       The experimental results are shown in Tab. I and Fig. 6.
we exclude the invalid reconstruction signal by checking
                                                                    The RGB image based depth network provides precise depth
depth consistency [11] and static pixel [10]. This pixel-
                                                                    results when the sufficient light conditions are guaranteed.
wise reconstruction signal is filtered out according to the
                                                                    However, as the light conditions worsen, the depth accuracy
following Eq. (9).
                                                                    decreases significantly. On the other hand, the thermal image
                   1 X                                              based depth network shows generally robust depth estimation
         Lrec =           Mgp · Msp · Lpe (Iteh , I˜teh ),
                 |Vp |                                              performance regardless of illumination condition.
                                                           (9)         Our proposed method Ours shows outperformed perfor-
         Mgp = 1 − Gdif f                                           mance than Shin et al. [3] (T ) in all test datasets. This fact
                 h                                      i
         Msp = Lpe (Iteh , I˜teh ) < Lpe (Iteh , Iseh )             indicates that our proposed method exploits self-supervision
                                                                    from monocular thermal video effectively than the previous
where Vp stands for valid points that are successfully pro-         method. Also, Ours greatly reduce the performance gap
jected from Is to the image plane of It , |Vp | defines the         between supervised and self-supervised depth network in
number of points in Vp , and Mgp is the geometric incon-            the outdoor set. Shin et al. [3] (MS) shows comparable
sistent pixel mask to exclude moving objects and occluded           results with Ours in the indoor test set. However, Shin et
regions. Lastly, the static pixel mask Msp excludes the pixels      al. [3] (MS) achieve this performance by relying on addi-
which remains the same between adjacent frames because              tional modality source, but our method exploits monocular
of a static camera motion and low texture regions. [·] is the       thermal video only. The reason for the limited performance
Iverson bracket.                                                    improvement in the indoor set is discussed in Sec. VI-E.

                                                                                                                   Error ↓                           Accuracy ↑
     Scene                     Methods              Architecture        Input    Supervision   Cap
                                                                                                       AbsRel   SqRel   RMS      RMSlog   δ < 1.25   δ < 1.252  δ < 1.253
                             Midas-v2 [28]        EfficientNet-Lite3    RGB         Depth      0-10m    0.198   0.355   0.383     0.216    0.919       0.979      0.991
        Indoor Well-lit

                             Midas-v2 [28]           ResNext101         RGB         Depth      0-10m    0.194   0.348   0.370     0.210    0.928       0.979      0.991
                               Midas-v2           EfficientNet-Lite3   Thermal      Depth      0-10m    0.062   0.044   0.282     0.107    0.946       0.983      0.995
                               Midas-v2              ResNext101        Thermal      Depth      0-10m    0.057   0.039   0.269     0.102    0.954       0.984      0.995
                          SC-Sfm-Learner [11]         ResNet18          RGB         RGB        0-10m    0.327   0.532   0.715     0.306    0.661       0.932      0.979
                           Shin et al. [3] (T)        ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-10m    0.225   0.201   0.709     0.262    0.620       0.920      0.993
                          Shin et al. [3] (MS)        ResNet18         Thermal     RGB&T       0-10m    0.156   0.111   0.527     0.197    0.783       0.975      0.997
                                 Ours                 ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-10m    0.152   0.121   0.538     0.196    0.814       0.965      0.992
                             Midas-v2 [28]        EfficientNet-Lite3    RGB         Depth      0-10m    0.343   0.528   0.763     0.321    0.610       0.894      0.979
                             Midas-v2 [28]           ResNext101         RGB         Depth      0-10m    0.351   0.545   0.766     0.327    0.624       0.875      0.976
        Indoor Dark

                               Midas-v2           EfficientNet-Lite3   Thermal      Depth      0-10m    0.060   0.036   0.273     0.105    0.950       0.985      0.996
                               Midas-v2              ResNext101        Thermal      Depth      0-10m    0.053   0.032   0.257     0.099    0.958       0.987      0.996
                          SC-Sfm-Learner [11]         ResNet18          RGB         RGB        0-10m    0.452   0.803   0.979     0.399    0.493       0.786      0.933
                           Shin et al. [3] (T)        ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-10m    0.232   0.222   0.740     0.268    0.618       0.907      0.987
                          Shin et al. [3] (MS)        ResNet18         Thermal     RGB&T       0-10m    0.166   0.129   0.566     0.207    0.768       0.967      0.994
                                 Ours                 ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-10m    0.149   0.109   0.517     0.192    0.813       0.969      0.994
                             Midas-v2 [28]        EfficientNet-Lite3    RGB         Depth      0-80m    0.278   2.382    7.203    0.318    0.560       0.821      0.946
       Outdoor Night

                             Midas-v2 [28]           ResNext101         RGB         Depth      0-80m    0.264   2.187    7.110    0.306    0.571       0.833      0.955
                               Midas-v2           EfficientNet-Lite3   Thermal      Depth      0-80m    0.090   0.464    3.385    0.130    0.910       0.981      0.995
                               Midas-v2              ResNext101        Thermal      Depth      0-80m    0.078   0.369    3.014    0.118    0.933       0.988      0.996
                          SC-Sfm-Learner [11]         ResNet18          RGB         RGB        0-80m    0.617   9.971   12.000    0.595    0.400       0.587      0.720
                           Shin et al. [3] (T)        ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-80m    0.157   1.179    5.802    0.211    0.750       0.948      0.985
                          Shin et al. [3] (MS)        ResNet18         Thermal     RGB&T       0-80m    0.146   0.873    4.697    0.184    0.801       0.973      0.993
                                 Ours                 ResNet18         Thermal     Thermal     0-80m    0.109   0.703    4.132    0.150    0.887       0.980      0.994

                                                           TABLE II

                                                                          Mslow + Idark                       Mslow + Ivary                   Maggressive + Ilocal
      Scene                      Methods              Input
                                                                        ATE            RE                   ATE             RE                ATE              RE
                              ORB-SLAM2             Thermal        0.0091±0.0066     0.0072±0.0035     0.0090±0.0088    0.0068±0.0034           -                 -

                            Shin et al. [3] (T)     Thermal        0.0063±0.0029     0.0092±0.0056     0.0067±0.0066    0.0095±0.0111     0.0225±0.0125     0.0671±0.055
                           Shin et al. [3] (MS)     Thermal        0.0057±0.0030     0.0089±0.0050     0.0058±0.0032    0.0102±0.0124     0.0279±0.0166    0.0507±0.035
                                  Ours              Thermal        0.0059±0.0032     0.0082±0.0058     0.0054±0.0042    0.0083±0.0102     0.0293±0.0180    0.0489±0.0328
                                                                         Mslow + Inight (1)                  Mslow + Inight (2)
      Scene                      Methods              Input
                                                                        ATE             RE                  ATE             RE
                              ORB-SLAM2             Thermal        0.1938±0.1380     0.0298±0.0150     0.1767±0.1094    0.0287±0.0126

                            Shin et al. [3] (T)     Thermal        0.0571±0.0339     0.0280±0.0139      0.0534±0.029    0.0272±0.0121
                           Shin et al. [3] (MS)     Thermal        0.0562±0.0310     0.0287±0.0144     0.0598±0.0316    0.0274±0.0124
                                  Ours              Thermal        0.0546±0.0282     0.0287±0.0142     0.0509±0.0266    0.0271±0.0123

C. Pose Estimation Results                                                                           D. Ablation Study

                                                                                                        In this study, we investigate the effects of the proposed
                                                                                                     temporal consistent temperature mapping module, as shown
   We compare our pose estimation network with ORB-                                                  in Tab. III. The Base method uses an original raw thermal
SLAM2 [29] and Shin et al. [3]. We utilize the 5-frame pose                                          image to calculate temperature image reconstruction loss. As
evaluation method [5]. The evaluation metrics are Absolute                                           discussed in Sec. III, strong heat sources dominate the raw
Trajectory Error (ATE) and Relative Error (RE) [33]. The                                             thermal image, leading to insufficient self-supervision. The
experimental results are shown in Tab. II. The tendency                                              Temporal Consistent Thermal radiation Rearranging (TCTR)
is similar with the depth estimation results. Overall, Ours                                          module rearranges the temperature distribution in propor-
shows better performance than Shin et al. [3] (T ) in the                                            tional to the number of samples within each sub-histogram.
both indoor/outdoor test sequences. However, it shows com-                                           This process eliminates empty sub-histogram, decreases the
parable result with Shin et al. [3] (M S) in the indoor test                                         effect of strong heat sources, and makes sufficient self-
sequencs.                                                                                            supervision for network training. After that, the local detail
(a) Visible Image       (b) Thermal Image      (c) Ground Truth            (d) Midas-v2          (e) Shin-(T)         (f) Shin-(MS)         (g) Ours

Fig. 6. Qualitative comparison of depth estimation results on the ViViD dataset [27]. Midas-v2 is EffcientNet based supervised depth network
taking an RGB image. The others are ResNet18 based self-supervised depth networks taking a thermal image. The results show that the RGB image based
network loses depth accuracy as the illumination condition gets worse. On the other hand, thermal image based networks robustly estimate depth map
results. Also, Our shows sharp and accurate depth results without leveraging any additional modality guidance. Note that, since the raw thermal image
has low visibility, we instead visualize the processed thermal image with our method.

                         TABLE III

                             Error ↓                         Accuracy ↑
              AbsRel      SqRel   RMS      RMSlog   < 1.25    < 1.252   < 1.253
    Base      0.931    21.281     16.025    0.759    0.253     0.489     0.643
   + TCTR     0.111     0.713     4.168     0.153    0.885     0.980     0.994
    + LDE     0.109     0.703     4.132     0.150    0.887     0.980     0.994                  (a) Noise from indoor set            (b) Noise from outdoor set
     (a) The ablation study of sub-modules for depth estimation performance.
                                                                                         Fig. 7. Low signal-to-noise ratio of thermal camera causes image
                             Error ↓                         Accuracy ↑                  noise. From left to right, the averaged thermal image of whole indoor and
              AbsRel      SqRel   RMS      RMSlog   < 1.25    < 1.252   < 1.253          outdoor sequences. Since the thermal camera has low signal-to-noise ratio,
   Nbin =20    0.117      0.901   4.363     0.159   0.872      0.976     0.992           the acquired images all include inevitable noise level to hinder effective
   Nbin =30    0.109      0.703   4.132     0.150   0.887      0.980     0.994           self-supervision.
   Nbin =40    0.112      0.811   4.228     0.155   0.884      0.979     0.993

     (b) Depth estimation performance according to the number of bin Nbin .

                                                                                         as shown in Fig. 7. In order to visualize thermal image noise
enhancement further increases the performance by enhancing                               existing over the whole dataset, we averaged the enhanced
local details. The hyperparameter Nbin of TCTR module also                               thermal images over the indoor and outdoor sequences.
investigated for its best performance.                                                   Inherently, a thermal camera has a low signal-to-noise ra-
                                                                                         tio property that is difficult to distinguish between noise
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