Maxillary Sinusitis Caused by Pleurophomopsis lignicola

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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 1997, p. 2136–2141                                                                                 Vol. 35, No. 8
Copyright © 1997, American Society for Microbiology

               Maxillary Sinusitis Caused by Pleurophomopsis lignicola
                ARVIND A. PADHYE,1* R. W. GUTEKUNST,2 D. J. SMITH,2                             AND   E. PUNITHALINGAM3
         Emerging Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases Branch, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for
           Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of
             Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Georgia 303331; Community Hospital, Munster, Indiana 463212;
                      and International Mycological Institute, Egham, Surrey TW20 9TY, United Kingdom3
                        Received 24 January 1997/Returned for modification 4 March 1997/Accepted 28 April 1997

           An immunocompetent 59-year-old man developed sinusitis over a 6- to 8-month period after cutting down a
         rotted maple tree (Acer sp.). A polypoid obstruction with a bloody drainage was evident in his right nasal cavity.

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         A computed tomographic scan showed an opacification of the maxillary sinus. Surgery was performed to
         remove a fungus ball that had extended into the patient’s medial sinus cavity. Sections of the sinonasal mucosa
         revealed marked acute and chronic sinusitis with inflammation, congestion, and hemorrhage. Sections from
         the pasty brown to black debrided material revealed a fungus ball consisting of an extensive network of
         brown-pigmented, septate, profusely branched hyphae. When grown on oat agar, the phaeoid fungus produced
         pycnidia and was identified as Pleurophomopsis lignicola. The genus Pleurophomopsis includes seven species,
         which are all known from plant material. This report documents for the first time a coelomycetous fungus,
         P. lignicola, causing sinusitis in an immunocompetent patient.

   Chronic sinusitis and allergic sinusitis caused by phaeoid               crotic material. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin
(dematiaceous) (12, 16) fungi have usually been reported for                and eosin, periodic acid and Schiff’s reagent, and Grocott’s
patients who are immunologically intact (6, 10). Some of the                methenamine silver nitrate stains.
patients had been treated with intranasal steroids, resulting in              Tissue sections of the sinonasal mucosa showed marked
possible secondary fungal colonization (1, 26). A number of                 acute-to-chronic sinusitis with inflammation, congestion, and
patients with sinusitis were often swimmers, implicating water              hemorrhage. There was no invasion of mucosa by the fungal
as a possible source of fungal infection (1, 6, 25). The most               elements. Sections from the pasty brown to black material
common phaeoid etiologic agents of sinusitis include species of             revealed a fungus ball composed of interwoven, profusely
the genera Alternaria, Bipolaris, Cladosporium, Curvularia, and             branched, septate, light to dark brown hyphae, 2.5 to 5.0 mm in
Exserohilum (6, 10, 11, 14, 21). We describe a coelomycetous                diameter (Fig. 1). Some hyphal walls were roughened or ver-
fungus, Pleurophomopsis lignicola Petrak, causing maxillary si-             rucose.
nusitis in an immunocompetent man.                                            Mycological studies. A portion of the biopsy tissue was cul-
   (Preliminary results of this study were presented previously             tured on Sabouraud dextrose agar and cornmeal agar (Difco
[15a].)                                                                     Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.). Several velvety, olivaceous grey
   Case report. A 59-year-old man was first seen in January
1992 with a complaint of having intermittent sinus problems
after cutting down a rotten maple tree (Acer sp.) 6 to 8 months
prior to his admission to the hospital. The patient had a pol-
ypoid obstruction with bloody drainage in the right nasal cav-
ity. A computer tomographic scan showed an opacification of
the maxillary sinus. He was admitted for a Caldwell-Luc oper-
ation and nasal airway reconstruction as well as a bilateral
inferior turbinectomy. He had no history of diabetes mellitus,
use of steroids, or hypertension. The patient underwent surgi-
cal removal of a fungus ball that had extended into his medial
sinus cavity.
   Treatment with amphotericin B was initiated. His postoper-
ative course was complicated by a spinal fluid leak that re-
quired rehospitalization. He received a total of 1.0 g of am-
photericin B without further complications. When examined in
April 1992 and later in June 1993, he was found to be healthy
with no evidence of any sinus tenderness. A biopsy taken from
the nasal area was negative for fungi. A checkup 1 year later
showed that he was healthy without any evidence of sinusitis.
   Histologic examination. The biopsied tissue labelled “thick-
ened membrane from the right maxillary sinus” consisted of
several small fragments of pasty, brown to black, partially ne-

                                                                              FIG. 1. Tissue section of the synovial mucosa showing profuse growth of
  * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Mail Stop G-11, Centers          septate, branched hyphae of P. lignicola. Staining was with Grocott’s methana-
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333.                      mine silver. Magnification, 3580.

VOL. 35, 1997                                                                                                                                    NOTES         2137

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  FIG. 2–6. (2) Vertical section of pycnidium of P. lignicola on oat agar. Magnification, 3164. (3) Vertical section of the pycnidium of P. lignicola. Magnification,
3320. (4) Vertical section of bilocular pycnidium of P. lignicola. Magnification, 3320. (5) Part of pycnidial wall, conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia.
Magnification, 3650. (6) Roughened or verrucose hyphae. Magnification, 31,620.

colonies were evident after 7 days of incubation at 25 and 37°C.                     was sent through the Indiana State Board of Health to the
A microscopic examination of the colonies showed that they                           Fungus Reference Laboratory, Centers for Disease Control
consisted of septate, branched, yellowish brown hyphae with-                         and Prevention (CDC), for specific identification. At the CDC,
out any conidia. A subculture of the isolate and tissue slides                       several media such as cornmeal, V8 juice, Pablum cereal, lac-
2138       NOTES                                                                                                                                 J. CLIN. MICROBIOL.

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   FIG. 7–10. (7) Innermost cell layer lining the floor of the convoluted pycnidial cavity with conidiophores, conidiogenous cells, and conidia. Magnification, 3650.
(8) Innermost cell layer lining the pycnidial cavity with conidiophores, conidiogenous cells, and conidia. Magnification, 31,620. (9) Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells,
and conidia. Magnification, 31,620. (10) Conidia. Magnification, 31,620.

tritmel, and oatmeal salt agars (13, 23) were used to induce                           aerial mycelium. The reverse of the colony was moderate red-
sporulation. Subcultures on the above-mentioned media were                             dish brown. The mycelium was composed of septate, smooth-
incubated at 25°C and were alternately exposed to 12 h of                              to-roughened-to-verrucose, yellowish brown-to-reddish brown
daylight and 12 h of darkness to induce sporulation but without                        hyphae (Figs. 2–6). Conidiophores, condiogenous cells, and
success. A subculture was sent to the International Mycological                        conidia were produced inside pycnidia. The pycnidia were scat-
Institute (IMI), Egham, United Kingdom, for further studies.                           tered on the surface, and some were partially immersed in the
   At the IMI, subcultures on oat agar in petri dishes were                            agar. They were reddish brown, subglobose, and chiefly uni-
subjected to a regimen of near-UV (black light) irradiation for                        loculate, though occasionally biloculate, with the floor of the
12 h and incubation for 12 h in darkness to induce sporulation                         cavity sometimes being convoluted, with prominent necks be-
(24). After 4 weeks, cultures on oat agar were floccose, light                         set with flexous hyphae (Fig. 2 to 5). They were ostiolate and
yellowish brown becoming greyish sepia, with an abundant                               measured 220 to 250 mm wide and 300 to 600 mm high. Osti-
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                                  TABLE 1. Comparison of some Phoma, Pleurophoma, Pleurophomopsis, and Pyrenochaeta species isolated in culture from human infection
                                                                                                                         Characteristicsa of:
                                        Conidiomata                   Setae on or around ostiole             Conidiophores                      Conidiogenous cells                      Conidia                           Culture
Phoma cava (see Pleu-
  rophoma cava)
Phoma species
  P. cruris-hominis     Pycnidia globose, 100–160 mm in diam, bay     2b                           2                                    Hyaline, globose to doliiform, in-  Hyaline, aseptate, globose to      Colony initially floccose,
                          to dark brick, thin walled, with very                                                                          distinguishable from cells lining    obovoid, 2–4 by 1–1.5 mm           finally cinnabar red,
                          short necks                                                                                                    the pycnidial cavity, phialidic                                         chlamydospores absent
  P. eupyrena           Pycnidia variable, nearly globose, 110–250    2                            2                                    Hyaline, subglobose to ampulli-     Hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical to Colony initially dense, fi-
                          mm wide, dark brown or black, thin                                                                             form, indistinguishable from         oblong, 3–5 by 2 mm                nally black with abundant
                          walled, with distinct necks                                                                                    cells lining the pycnidial cavity,                                      chlamydospores
  P. herbarum           Pycnidia globose, 90–180 mm in diam, light    2                            2                                    Hyaline, globose to doliiform,      Hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical to Colony variable with sparse
                          brown to reddish brown                                                                                         indistinguishable from cells         oblong, 4–6 by 2–2.5 mm            mycelia, olive brown to
                                                                                                                                         lining the pycnidial cavity,                                            grey green, pycnidial exu-
                                                                                                                                         phialidic                                                               date buff to pink, chlamy-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dospores absent
  P. hibernica          Pycnidia 100–200 mm in diam, fawn to          2                            2                                    Hyaline, globose, indistinguish-    Hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoid to    Colony with sparse mycelia,
                          dark brown, thin walled, without necks                                                                         able from cells lining the pyc-      oblong, 5–8.5 by 2–3.5 mm          fawn to dark brown, pyc-
                                                                                                                                         nidial cavity, phialidic                                                nidial exudate pinkish,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 chlamydospores absent
  P. minutella          Pycnidia subglobose, 100–150 mm wide, dark    2                            2                                    Hyaline, ampulliform, phialidic     Hyaline, aseptate, allantoid to    Isolate from human infec-
                          brown, thick walled, with short necksc                                                                                                              cylindrical, 3.5–5 by 0.7–1 mm     tion not examined
  P. minutispora        Pycnidia globose, 120–200 mm, dark brown      2                            2                                    Hyaline, globose, indistinguish-    Hyaline, aseptate, globose to      Colony grey olivaceous to
                          to black, thin walled, mainly without                                                                          able from cells lining the pyc-      oblong, 2–3 by 1.5–2 mm            vinaceous buff or pinkish
                          necks                                                                                                          nidial cavity, phialidic                                                at the periphery with sim-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ple sparse chlamydospores
  P. oculo-hominis      Pycnidia subglobose, obpyriform, 120–200      2                            2                                    Hyaline, globose to obpyriform,     Hyaline to straw yellow to         Colony fuscous black,
                          mm in diam, vinaceous to fuscous black,                                                                        indistinguishable from cells         brown, aseptate conidia, 3–7       chlamydospores absent
                          thick walled with necks                                                                                        lining the pycnidial cavity,         by 1–2 mm, 1-septum conidia

                                                                                                                                         phialidic                            9–16 by 3–4.5 mm
  P. sorghina           Pycnidia subglobose to globose, 60–140 mm 2                                2                                    Hyaline, subglobose to ampulli-     Variable, hyaline chiefly asep-    Colony floccose to greyish
                          in diam, yellowish brown to dark or pur-                                                                       form, indistinguishable from         tate, rarely 1-septum, ellipsoid   or rose to pink, chlamy-
                          plish brown, thin walled, with very prom-                                                                      cells lining the pycnidial cavity,   or shortly cylindrical, 4–7 by     dospores simple or com-
                          inent necks                                                                                                    phialidic                            2–2.5 mm                           plex
Pleurophoma species
  P. cava               Pycnidia subglobose, 180–280 mm wide,         2                            Filiform, septate with very short Hyaline, subglobose to shortly     Hyaline, variable, straight or          Colony variable, felty, oliva-
                          yellowish brown, thick walled, with or                                     lateral branches or openings     cylindrical, borne on conidio-     slightly curved, mainly 2.5–3.5          ceous grey chlamydos-
                          without short necks                                                        below septa                      phores or arising directly from    by 0.5–1.5 mm                            pores present
                                                                                                                                      cells lining the pycnidial cavity
  P. pleurospora        Pycnidia subglobose, up to 300 mm in          2                            Filiform, multiseptate with very  Hyaline, borne on conidiophores Usually hyaline, some isolates             Colony floccose to dark
                          diam, dark brown to black, thick walled,                                   short lateral branches or open-  just below the transverse septa,   produce yellowish brown,                 grey or dark brown,
                          with or without short necks                                                ings just below septa            phialidic                          shortly cylindrical-to-oblong            chlamydospores absent
                                                                                                                                                                         conidia, 3.5–4 by 1.5 mm
Pleurophomopsis         Pycnidia subglobose, 200–250 by 300–600       2                            Septate with distinct branches       Hyaline, cylindrical, conidiog- Hyaline, shortly cylindrical,           Colony floccose, becoming
     lignicola            mm, brown to reddish brown, thick walled                                   (not openings) immediately          enous loci terminal on lateral  aseptate, 2.5–3 by 1.5 mm                greyish sepia, chlamydos-
                          with short prominent necks                                                 below septa                         branches, phialidic                                                      pores absent
Pyrenochaeta species
  P. mackinnonii        Pycnidia globose, up to 140 mm in diam,       Septate, long                Hyaline, septate with short lat-     Hyaline, cylindrical, conidiog-     Pale yellow to saffron yellow in    Colony grey, smooth vel-
                          dark brown, thick walled, with short                                      eral branches                        enous loci terminal, phialidic       mass, aseptate, ellipsoid,          vety, with folds, chlamy-
                          necksd                                                                                                                                              2.5–3 by 1.5–2 mm                   dospores absent
  P. romeroi            Pycnidia subglobose, 80–160 mm in diam,       Setae around ostioles,       Sparse, with lateral branches        Hyaline, borne on branches or       Hyaline to yellowish, shortly       Colony wooly greyish to
                          dark brick to fawn, later dark brown,         septate, roughened,                                              arising directly from cells lin-     cylindrical, 1.5–2 by 1.0 mm        fuscous black, simple
                          with short necks                              80–100 by 3 mm                                                   ing the pycnidial cavity                                                 chlamydospores in chains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in old cultures
  P. unguis-hominis     Pycnidia of two sizes: simple pycnidia sub-   Septate, up to 70 mm         Septate with very short lateral    Hyaline, borne on branches, ter-      Hyaline, aseptate, shortly cylin-   Colony floccose, brown vi-
                          globose, 100–200 mm; compound forms           long                         branches lining pycnidial cavity  minal, phialidic                      drical or slightly curved, 2–3       naceous to fawn, chlamy-
                          up to 500 mm                                                                                                                                       by 1–1.5 mm                          dospores absent
    Details were taken from species grown on oat agar.
    2, feature absent.
    From reference material on the plant host.
    From the original diagnosis.
2140     NOTES                                                                                                                  J. CLIN. MICROBIOL.

oles were circular, surrounded by thick-walled, dark reddish-        granulocytopenic patient (15). Two species of the genus Pyre-
brown cell layers. Conidiophores were hyaline, cylindrical, sep-     nochaeta, namely, P. mackinnonii and P. romeroi, are known to
tate, and branched at the base. They arose from the cells lining     cause eumycotic black grain mycetoma (19).
the floor of the pycnidial cavity and measured 10 to 18 mm              The effectiveness of the azoles against subcutaneous and
long. Conidiogenous cells were generally borne on conidio-           systemic phaeohyphomycotic infections caused by pycnidial
phores but occasionally arose directly from the cells lining the     fungi has not been fully established. Data on the in vitro sus-
pycnidial cavity (Fig. 7, 8). They were hyaline, cylindrical,        ceptibilities of pycnidial fungi causing human disease are also
smooth, phialidic (sensu Sutton [24]), and acropleurogenous          scanty. Many such infections may go unreported because iso-
(formed at the end and on the sides) (Fig. 9). Conidia were          lates of the coelomycetous fungi do not sporulate readily on
hyaline, cylindrical, and aseptate and measured 2.5 to 3.0 by 1.5    the routine mycological media used in clinical laboratories.
mm (Fig. 10).                                                        These fungi also pose difficulty in their identification because
   The isolate (CDC B-5369 or IMI 354512 or ATCC 90281)              many pycnidial fungi are plant pathogens and their morpho-
agreed with the isotype of Pleurophomopsis lignicola, which had      logic features are often described on the basis of their devel-
been described on the basis of a sample from rotting hard-           opment on natural plant hosts rather than their characteristics
wood, in all essential characters.                                   in culture. Despite the difficulties experienced in the identifi-

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   Discussion. It is worth mentioning that Petrak in 1922 (17)       cation of species belonging to the genera Phoma, Pleurophoma,
first described the genus Plectophomopsis and in the following       Pleurophomopsis, and Pyrenochaeta causing infections in hu-
year distributed specimens labelled Plectophomopsis lignicola        mans mentioned above, the species referred to in this paper
as exsiccata Flora Bohemiae et Moraviae exsiccata II. Serie 1.       can be identified on the basis of the important characteristics
Abteilung Pilze nr. 1689. There is no record of a formal descrip-    enumerated in Table 1. According to the current concepts (24),
tion of Plectophomopsis lignicola having been published by           the differences between Pleurophoma and Pleurophomopsis are
Petrak. Subsequently, Petrak (18) described the fungus as            in their conidiogenous loci. The conidiogenous loci in Pleuro-
Pleurophomopsis lignicola. At present, the genus Pleuropho-          phoma are on very short lateral branches or openings imme-
mopsis includes seven species, which are all known from plant        diately below transverse septa, whereas those in Pleuropho-
material.                                                            mopsis are terminal on lateral branches and not on openings
   To our knowledge, this case represents the first record of a      below the septa.
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