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Materials Express - Ingenta Connect
Materials Express
                 Copyright © 2021 by American Scientific Publishers
                 All rights reserved.                                                                           doi:10.1166/mex.2021.1961
                 Printed in the United States of America                                               

Polylactic acid block copolymer grafted
temozolomide targeted nano delivery in the
treatment of glioma
Maokai Wang1 , Rongyan Kuang1 , Baoqing Huang1 , and Defeng Ji2, ∗
    Department of Neurosurgery, Jiaozhou Central Hospital, Qingdao 266000, Shandong, PR China
    Department of Neurosurgery, Jiaozhou People’s Hospital, Qingdao 266000, Shandong, PR China

Gliomas are tumors of the central nervous system; they can be invasive and are commonly treated by surgical

resection, chemo, and radiotherapy. Removal of a glioma is dangerous and not always successful. Temozolo-
mide (TMZ), the first-line chemotherapy    drug for On: Fri, 19inhibit
                                                    gliomas,     Nov 2021
                                                                             recurrence, and metastasis to some
                                    Copyright: American  Scientific   Publishers
extent. TMZ is often accompanied by side effects such as anemia, fever, constipation, and more. Here using a
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double-targeted Kunitz domain Angiopep-2 (ANG) modified block copolymer poly(lactic acid)-polyethylene gly-
col (PEG-PLA) coated with TMZ, we constructed a nano-delivery system (ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ) that crosses
the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to treat gliomas.
Keywords: Glioma, Polylactic Acid, Temozolomide, Blood-Brain Barrier, Delivery System.

1. INTRODUCTION                                                             effects (thrombocytopenia, anemia, vomiting, increased
Neuroglioma (NG), a primary central nervous system                          drug resistance) [5]. Cancer drugs can be improved, work-
tumor, accounts for 45% of central nervous system malig-                    ing on ways to improve specific targeting and side effects
nant tumors [1]. Clinically, surgical resection is the main                 are paramount in this field.
treatment for gliomas. However, because of its high                            Angiopep-2 (ANG) is a Kunitz domain-derived peptide
degree of malignancy, strong invasiveness, and infiltra-                    that binds with low-density lipoprotein related protein-1
tive growth, surgical resection does not completely remove                  (LRP-1) [6]. LRP-1 is highly expressed on glioma cells,
the NG making the success rate of surgery low [2].                          making them a target for ANG directed treatment. ANG
The survival time of patients is only 9–12 months,                          has been favored by researchers in the modification of
and the 5-year survival rate is only 0.05%–4.70% after                      nanomaterials, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of
surgery [3]. Currently, surgery combined with radiother-                    NG, because it can to carry molecules across the blood
apy and chemotherapy is the primary treatment for glioma.                   brain barrier (BBB) and favorably binds to LPR-1 recep-
TMZ is the first choice for adjuvant glioma chemother-                      tors [7]. Therefore, ANG modified drugs can better pene-
apy. A combination of radiotherapy and TMZ chemother-                       trate the BBB and target the glioma, reducing the damage
apy on tumor cells can help patients go into remission                      to normal tissue, and improving the bioavailability of the
and improve their total survival time of patients [4].                      drugs [8].
While TMZ has toxic effects on tumor cells, it also                            The PEG-PLA block copolymer is a high molecular
                                                                            polymer material. It has excellent biocompatibility and
does serious damage to noncancerous cells, causing side
                                                                            is an environment-friendly biomedical material; PLA has
                                                                            been widely used in various fields of medicine [9]. How-
        Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.                  ever, the weak hydrophilicity of PLA and its low adhesion

                                                              Mater. Express, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2021                                  627
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                                                                                                                              Wang et al.

          to cells, there are many restrictions on the separate use of    SpectraMax® Plus384 (Perkin Elmer instrument Co., Ltd.
          PLA in many fields [10]. To break through these limita-         (Shanghai, China)), and a Cyto-FLEX flow cytometer
          tions, using effective technical means to graft hydrophilic     (Beckman Coulter, Inc. U.S.A) was used to detect cell
          groups or segments on the main chain of PLA is a way            apoptosis.
          to improve its hydrophobicity of PLA [11]. Polyethylene
          glycol (PEG) is able to improve the hydrophobicity of           2.3. Synthesis of Block Copolymers
          PLA based on its good hydrophilicity and softness. PEG
                                                                          The PEG2000 -PLA block copolymer was prepared using
          modified PLA (PEG-PLA) has low toxicity and can travel
          through the bloodstream [12]. PEG-PLA can be quickly            a simple hydrothermal method [15], in which 10.0 g of
          excreted after entering the body and rarely accumulates in      lactic acid, stannous octanoate (1.0% wt), and PEG2000
          the human body. More importantly, when PEG modifies             were    added to a 150 mL flask, degassed, and sealed
          PLA, it can still be used as a biomedical material [13].        in  an  argon (Ar) environment and placed in a 100  C
          After the drug is loaded with the PEG-PLA block poly-           reaction bath. The mixture was continuously stirred at
          mer, it can also be used to control the release of the drug,    800 rpm, and the reaction lasted for four days. The
          it is associated with further improving the bioavailability     obtained reaction mixture was filtered and washed with
          of the drug [14].                                               N -N -dimethylformamide (DMF). After dissolving in chlo-
             In this work, we use ANG bipolar targeting modified
                                                                          roform and recrystallizing in an ethanol solution, the pure
          PEG-PLA to carry TMZ in a nano-drug targeted delivery
                                                                          PEG2000 -PLA block copolymers were obtained, filtered,
          system (ANG@PEG-PLA/TMZ). With the help of ANG’s
          targeted navigation function, we can break through the          and  dried with P2 O5 .
          limitation of the BBB and realize the accumulation of
          TMZ in brain NG lesions. While further improving the            2.4. Preparation of Targeted Nano-Pharmaceuticals
          efficacy and bioavailability of TMZ, reducing the toxic-        PEG2000 -PLA (20 mg/mL), TMZ (20 mg/mL), and
          ity and side effects, and improving the quality of life of      Angiopep-2 were dissolved in DMF and magnetically
          patients. This study explored the pharmacological activity

                                                                          stirred (800 rpm) for 20 min, then the mixture was sealed
          and biosafety of ANG@PEG-PLA/TMZ through in vitro               in a dialysis bag and dialyzed in living water for 24 h,
          and in vivo experiments to provide IP:
                                                   new strategies On:
                                                                  and Fri,and
                                                                           19 Nov 2021 03:03:43
                                                  Copyright: American Scientificthe Publishers
                                                                                     uncoated TMZ and Angiopep-2 were vacuum
          choices for the treatment of NG.                   Delivered bylyophilized
                                                                           Ingenta and set aside.

          2. MATERIALS AND METHODS                                       2.5. Cell Culture and Collection
          2.1. Materials                                                 Rat glioma C6 cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 mixed
          L-lactide (C6 H8 O4 , 99.99%), PEG-2000, and thiazolyl         medium (10% FBS), DMEM/F12 mixed medium plus
          blue (MTT, C18 H16 BrN5 S, 98%) were purchased from            0.2 mM L-glutamine, 100 g/mL of streptomycin, and
          Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A). Stannous           100 U/mL of penicillin. The cells were incubated in 37  C,
          octanoate (C16 H30 O4 Sn, 95.0%), ethanol (CH3 CH2 OH,
                                                                         5.0% CO2 (95% Air) at constant temperature for 24 h, the
          95%), methanol (CH3 OH, 99.5%), trichloromethane
                                                                         culture medium was changed and sub-cultured in dishes.
          (CHCl3 , Analytical purity), and acetone were pro-
          vided by Shanghai Maimeer Chemical Technology Co.,             After three days of culture, 80% of the cells were collected
          Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Kunitz-type domain Angiopep-2          for follow-up experiments.
          (ANG) was purchased from National Peptide Biotechnol-
          ogy Co., Ltd. (Hefei, China). Temozolomide (TMZ) was           2.6. Establishment of Animal Model
          purchased from Beijing Bellingway Technology Co., Ltd.         The cultured C6 cells were dispersed in serum-free
          (Beijing, China). All reagents were able to be used without    DMEM/F12 medium at 3.0 × 107 cells/mL. After SD mice
          further purification.                                          were anesthetized with 10.0% chloral hydrate and disin-
             Rat glioma C6 cells were purchased from Tongpai             fected, an incision of about 1.00 mm was made in the
          (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). SD       brain, and 10 L of glioma C6 cells were injected with
          rats were purchased from Tianqin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
                                                                         a needle at the junction of the cortex and white matter.
          (Changsha, China). The feeding and treatment of the ani-
          mals involved in this study all meet international ethical     The injection time was 5.0 min, the needle retention time
          and moral standards.                                           was 3.0 min, and then the wound was sutured. SD rats
                                                                         were intravenously injected with penicillin (10 U) for three
          2.2. Instrument                                                consecutive days to avoid postoperative infection and were
          Transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-1400Flash,          reared in cages. MRI imaging was performed on the SD
          JEOL, Japan) was used to characterize the morphology           rats two weeks after the operation to observe the growth
          of the nanodrugs. C6 cell activity was measured on a           of solid tumors in the brain.

          628                                                                            Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 627–633, 2021
Materials Express - Ingenta Connect
Polylactic acid block copolymer grafted temozolomide targeted nano delivery
Wang et al.
                                                                                           Materials Express
2.7. Physicochemical Properties of                                   2.7.4. Clone Formation Experiment
     ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ                                                 The monodispersed cell suspension was obtained after
2.7.1. Entrapment Efficiency and Drug Loading                        the C6 cells were in the logarithmic phase and digested
The absorption value of TMZ in the ANG@PLA-                          with trypsin (0.25%). The dispersed cells were inocu-
PEG/TMZ polymer was determined by an enzyme                          lated in a 96-well plate, with DMEM/F12 (10% FBS)
labeling instrument, which was used to calculate the                 medium, and cultured at 5% CO2 , 37  C in a constant
loading rate and drug loading of polymer to TMZ. In                  temperature incubator for 24 h. The medium was changed
                                                                     after the cells were attached, and the newly configured
brief, ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ was completely dispersed in
                                                                     PBS, ANG@PLA-PEG, and ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ were
0.10% DMSO solution, and the obtained dispersion was                 added and mixed evenly. In the same environment, the
added to a 96-well plate of 1.00 mL per well. After shak-            cells were cultured for 4 h, and the new medium was
ing and mixing, the absorbance value was measured on                 changed for continuous culture until a clone appeared.
the enzyme meter. By setting the gradient concentration of           After the original culture medium was removed, the cells
TMZ, the corresponding absorbance value was obtained,                were washed with aseptic PBS, and 2.0 mL paraformalde-
and a standard curve was drawn. The entrapment efficiency            hyde was added to each well. After being treated with-
and drug loading rate in ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ were cal-                   out light for 15 min at room temperature, the cells were
culated according to the following formula:                          washed. Each well was stained with 2.0 mL crystal violet
                                                                     for 20 min and washed. The cells were dried in the nat-
                      Amount of drug loaded                          ural environment, and the clone formation rate (FR) and
     Loading rate =                         × 100% (1)               cell survival rate (SR) were calculated according to the
                           Total drug
                                                                     following formula:
                             Drug loading                                                 Clone number
    Drug loading rate =                       × 100% (2)                     FR =                             × 100%      (3)
                           Empty carrier mass                                      Number of inoculated cells
2.7.2. ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ Morphology                                           Clone formation rate of experimental group

        Characteristics                                             SR =
                                                                               Clone formation rate of control group
The morphology of ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ IP:    On: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 03:03:43
                                              and the par-                  × 100%                                                 (4)
ticle size distribution of the polymerCopyright:    American
                                        were measured    by Scientific Publishers
                                                   Delivered by Ingenta
TEM, and the distribution of polymer nanoparticles was         2.8. Antitumor Effect of ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ
observed. Each sample was tested three times. In brief, the           In Vivo
suspension obtained by ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ dispersion              Tumor-bearing rats were randomly divided into a PBS
was added to a 200 mesh carbon film and re-stained with        (n = 5), TMZ (n = 5), ANG@PLA-PEG (n = 5), and
2.0% phosphotungstic acid to observe the morphology of         ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ group (n = 5). 10 mg/kg of
polymer nanoparticles under TEM.                               ANG@PLA-PEG, and 40 mg/kg, of TMZ or ANG@PLA-
                                                               PEG/TMZ were injected into the rat from its respected
2.7.3. ANG@PLA-PEG Toxicity Test                               group once a day for 20 days. The in vivo imaging obser-
Based on the traditional MTT assay, the inhibition of the      vation was carried out on the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30th
ANG@PLA-PEG polymer carrier on cell proliferation was          day after drug injection, and the actual tumor volume and
analyzed to evaluate whether it has a toxic effect on cells.   the inhibition rate of each nanodrug on solid tumors were
After the C6 cells were in the logarithmic phase, they were
digested by enzyme, and the cell suspension was obtained.
A cell suspension of 5.0 × 103 cells/well was added to
a 96-well plate and cultured in DMEM/F12 (10% FBS)
medium for 24 h (5% CO2 , 37  C). Then, the serum-
free medium was changed, and the ANG@PLA-PEG was
added to the cells at a gradient concentration (0, 100,
200, 200, 300, 400, 500, 500, 1,000, 1,200 g/mL). After
adding 100 L of the above-mentioned specific concentra-
tions of ANG@PLA-PEG to each well, the C6 cells were
cultured in the gradient concentrations of ANG@PLA-
PEG for 12 h, and then the fresh medium (10% FBS) was
changed and cultured for 24 h. At the end of the culture
period, 20 L MTT solution was added and incubated for          Fig. 1. 1 H-NMR spectrum of the poly(lactic acid)-polyethylene glycol
4 h, and the absorbance was measured at 490 nm.                 (PEG2000 -PLA) block copolymers.

Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 627–633, 2021                                                                                       629
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Materials Express                                            Polylactic acid block copolymer grafted temozolomide targeted nano delivery
                                                                                                                                                 Wang et al.

          Fig. 2. Technical route for synthesis of the poly(lactic acid)-polyethylene glycol (PEG2000 -PLA) block copolymers.

          3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      According to formulas (1) and (2), the entrapment effi-
          3.1. Physicochemical Properties of Block Copolymers                         ciency of ANG@PLA-PEG to TMZ was 88.24%, and the
          The NMR spectrum of the PEG2000 -PLA block copoly-                          drug loading rate was 63.2%.
          mers synthesized by the hydrothermal method is shown in
          Figure 1. And the synthesis route of PEG-PLA is shown in        3.4. Cytotoxicity of ANG@PLA-PEG Vector
          Figure 2. The strong proton peak at  = 2.24 is the –CH3        In this study, an amphiphilic block copolymer PEG2000 -
          segment in the PEG2000 unit, while the peak at  = 3.3          PLA was loaded with targeted ANG as the carrier of TMZ
          belongs to the proton peak of –CH3 in the PLA structural        chemotherapeutic drugs, which has excellent biocompati-
          unit, and the peak at the chemical shift  = 3.65 is formed     bility. Therefore, the carrier’s toxicity needed to be tested
          by the –CH splitting in the PEG unit. As a result, it can be    to ensure the reliability of the follow-up experiments. The
          proven that the PEG2000 -PLA block copolymer was suc-           cytotoxicity of ANG@PLA-PEG polymer carrier detected
          cessfully synthesized.
                                                                          by MTT assay is shown in Figure 5. When ANG@PLA-
                                                                          PEG reached 1,000 g/mL, the survival rate of the C6
          3.2. Morphology Characteristics of
                                                                          cells was 92% or more. With the extension of the co-
                                                                          incubation time between the carrier and the C6 cells, the
          The morphology of ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ was tested
                                                                          survival rate of C6 cells decreased to a certain extent,
          by TEM, as shown by Figure 3. The particle size and

                                                                          and the higher the concentration of ANG@PLA-PEG, the
          Zeta potential (Table I) were measured with a Malvern
                                                                          longer the action time, the greater the effect on the activ-
          particle size analyzer. It can be  IP: seen
                                          On: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 03:03:43
                                                       from the TEM
          diagram that the ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ        Copyright:              ity of C6Publishers
                                                              American Scientific
                                                      polymer nanopar-               cells. Therefore, when the concentration of the
          ticles have a similar ball-stick-like structure and are uni- by  Ingenta
                                                                          ANG@PLA-PEG         vector was 200 g/mL, it did not cause
          formly distributed.                                             a greater toxic effect on the C6 cells with the prolongation
                                                                          of incubation time.
          3.3. Entrapment Efficiency and Drug Loading
               Rate of Nanodrugs
          The standard curve of the TMZ gradient concentra-                           Table I. Size and zeta potential distribution of nanopharmaceuticals.
          tion is shown in Figure 4, and the standard curve is                       Nanometer material                   Size (nm)               Zeta (mV)
          as follows:
                                                                                     PEG2000 -PLA                           123.56               28.9 ± 0.62
          Fluorescence value = 0.0481CTMZ − 0.0084R2 = 0.997                       ANG@PLA-PEG                            162.41               12.36 ± 1.6
                                                                                     ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ                        198.23               −5.63 ± 2.1

          Fig. 3. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of angiopep-
          2@poly(lactic acid)-polyethylene glycol/temozolomide (ANG@PLA-
          PEG/TMZ).                                                                   Fig. 4. Standard curve of temozolomide (TMZ).

          630                                                                                           Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 627–633, 2021
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Polylactic acid block copolymer grafted temozolomide targeted nano delivery
Wang et al.
                                                                                              Materials Express
                                                                       of ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ treatment time, the C6 cells
                                                                       showed apoptosis and dissolution, and the difference was
                                                                       statistically significant (P < 0.05).

                                                                             3.6. Antitumor Effect of ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ
                                                                                   In Vivo
                                                                             An in vivo imaging technique was used to detect the
                                                                             growth of gliomas in the brains of the tumor-bearing
                                                                             SD rats. Among all the experimental groups, the glioma
                                                                             growth rate with PBS was the fastest. In addition, the
                                                                             growth rate of glioma in the ANG@PLA-PEG group was
                                                                             similar to the PBS group. Compared with the TMZ group,
                                                                             the growth rate of NG in the ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ group
                                                                             was stagnant, indicating that the ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ
                                                                             polymer nanodrugs had a significant inhibitory effect on
                                                                             the growth of NG. More importantly, the fluorescence
Fig. 5. Effect of gradient concentration of angiopep-2@poly(lactic
                                                                             intensity of TMZ in the cancer foci detected by MRI in
acid)-polyethylene glycol (ANG@PLA-PEG) polymer empty carrier on
the activity of c6 cells at different times. (A) 4 h. (B) 8 h. (C) 12 h.     vivo imaging was much higher than TMZ alone. The solid
                                                                             tumor volume and weight of each group are shown in
                                                                             Figure 6.
Table II. Clone formation rate of C6 cells in each drug group.                  In addition, the inhibition rate of each nanodrug on solid
Material                                          Clone formation rate (%)   tumor   tissue is shown in Figure 7. The inhibition rates
                                                                             of the ANG@PLA-PEG and PBS groups were 178.3 and
PBS                                                       59.1 ± 2.0
                                                          54.0 ± 5.0
                                                                             198.1, respectively. The tumor inhibition rate of the TMZ

ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ                                          10.4 ± 10.0         group was 82.3, which was significantly higher than the
                                            IP: On: Fri,PBS    19 Nov    2021 03:03:43 groups (P < 0.01). The results
                                                                                   and ANG@PLA-PEG
                                                  Copyright: American Scientific
                                                                             showed thatPublishers
                                                                                            TMZ could inhibit tumor growth to a certain
                                                                 Delivered byextent.
                                                                              Ingenta The   ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ group’s tumor inhi-
3.5. Clone Formation Rate
Clones of the C6 cells were observed and counted by an                       bition  rate  was  6.2, which was significantly higher than
inverted microscope, and the results are shown in Table II.                  the  other   three groups (P < 0.01). The results showed
The clone group formed by C6 cells was found in the con-                     that ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ had an obvious inhibitory
trol group (PBS) and ANG@PLA-PEG. On the contrary,                           effect on the growth of NG. The potential mechanism
in the ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ group, the proliferation of                           of ANG@PLA-PEG to deliver TMZ in the treatment of
the C6 cells was stagnated, and the cell morphology was                      glioma is illustrated in Figure 8. The ANG@PLA-PEG
abnormal, the cell volume increased, the cytoplasmic color                   polymer carries TMZ across the BBB and releases TMZ
was lighter, and the edge was irregular. With the extension                  to participate in antitumor effects.

Fig. 6. Tumor weight (A) and volume (B) curves in tumor-bearing SD rats at different times after caudal vein administration of PBS,
angiopep-2@poly (lactic acid)-polyethylene glycol (ANG@PLA-PEG), temozolomide (TMZ), and angiopep-2@poly(lactic acid)-polyethylene gly-
col/temozolomide (ANG@PLA-PEG/TMZ) (∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.001).

Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 627–633, 2021                                                                                           631
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Materials Express                                           Polylactic acid block copolymer grafted temozolomide targeted nano delivery
                                                                                                                                               Wang et al.

                                                                                  such as strong magnetism, strong targeting, easy modi-
                                                                                  fication, penetration of the BBB, high biocompatibility,
                                                                                  low cytotoxicity, and more [22–26]. In this work, ANG
                                                                                  targeted modified PEG-PLA was used to carry TMZ to
                                                                                  build a nanodrug targeted delivery system (ANG@PEG-
                                                                                  PLA/TMZ). With the help of ANG’s targeted naviga-
                                                                                  tion function, it broke through the limitation of the BBB
                                                                                  and realized the accumulation of TMZ in brain NG
                                                                                  lesions. The drug delivery system improved the efficacy
                                                                                  and bioavailability of TMZ, reduced the toxicity and side
                                                                                  effects, and improve the quality of life of patients. It was
                                                                                  confirmed that ANG@PEG-PLA/TMZ had a significant
                                                                                  inhibitory effect on solid tumors in vivo and in vitro.
          Fig. 7. Tumor growth inhibition of each group of drugs on the tumor-
          bearing SD rats (∗∗ P < 0.01).
                                                                                  4. CONCLUSION
          3.7. Discussion                                                 In this work, a new strategy using a block polymer nano-
                                                                          preparation for the treatment of NG was developed and
          Clinically, NG are treated with temozolomide (TMZ) com-
                                                                          designed. The targeted ANG was loaded on the block
          bined with radiotherapy; this can prolong the survival
                                                                          polymer’s surface, which allowed the drug molecules to
          time of patients by means of the synergistic effect of
                                                                          break through the BBB and accumulate in the cancer
          radiotherapy on cells and the cytotoxicity of chemothera-
          peutic drugs [16]. Studies have also confirmed that radio-      focus. ANG@PEG-PLA/TMZ can improve the efficacy
          therapy, combined with TMZ, can prolong the survival            and bioavailability of TMZ, reduce the toxicity and side
          time of patients with glioma [17]. However, TMZ alone           effects, and improve the quality of life of patients.

          can cause serious side effects (thrombocytopenia, nausea,
          fatigue, loss of appetite, etc.) [18].                          Research Conducted on Animals or Humans
                                              IP: On: Fri,Research
                                                                           19 Nov 2021    03:03:43
                                                                                     experiments  conducted in this article with ani-
             Nanotechnology provides a new means      for the diagnosis
                                                   Copyright:  American Scientific Publishers
          and treatment of tumors [19–21]. Polymer nanomaterials          mals  or
                                                              Delivered by Ingenta  humans   were  approved by the Medical Ethics
          show great potential in the early diagnosis and treatment of    Committee    of  the Jiaozhou   Central Hospital following
          tumors because of their physical and chemical properties,       all guidelines, regulations, legal, and ethical standards as
                                                                          required for humans or animals.

                                                                                  Conflicts of Interest
                                                                                  There are no conflicts to declare including any competing
                                                                                  financial interest.

                                                                                  Acknowledgments: Thank all the colleagues from
                                                                                  Jiaozhou Central Hospital and Jiaozhou People’s Hospital
                                                                                  of Neurosurgery for their support and assistance to this
                                                                                  study, and thank all patients who participated in this study.

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Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 627–633, 2021                                                                                                                633
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