Masters & Executive Education 2021 | 2022 - English - Universitat de Barcelona

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Masters & Executive Education 2021 | 2022 - English - Universitat de Barcelona
          & Executive

          2021 | 2022

Masters & Executive Education 2021 | 2022 - English - Universitat de Barcelona
Ramon Alemany
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Economics and Business is a leading
centre in southern Europe for teaching economics, business, sociology and
statistics. It was the first faculty to train economists in Catalonia, and combines
the historical tradition of the UB with its strong commitment to modernity and
internationalisation in recent years.

The UB is the national leader in the main international league tables. The Facul-
ty makes an important contribution to maintaining this position. More specifica-
lly, our university is the top university in the country in rankings such as the QS
World University Rankings and the Academic Ranking for World Universities.

This position was obtained because of the quality of the courses on offer and the
quality of the research. The UB School of Economics, the UB Business School
and the UB School of Sociology bring together research and international
postgraduate studies in economics, business and sociology. The Faculty has an
important number of groups recognised as established research groups in their
field by the Government of Catalonia, with hundreds of active researchers.

The Faculty offers a wide range of quality postgraduate courses for the academic
year 2021-2022. These include both university master’s degrees and Executive
Education (UB-specific master’s degrees and postgraduate courses). Situated on
the Barcelona Knowledge Campus (BKC) at Pedralbes, a campus of internatio-
nal excellence, the Faculty of Economics and Business offers the opportunity to
receive excellent training, provided by academics who are experts in their fields.
A wide range of university services are available to students, such as the chance
to undertake professional placements.
Masters & Executive Education 2021 | 2022 - English - Universitat de Barcelona
The Faculty                                                                                                                                              Internationalisation
of Economics

                                                               The UB is one of the few Spanish universities
                                                               ranked among the top 200 in the world in the
                                                               main international rankings. It is considered
                                                                                                                  Extensive range of postgraduate        The University of Barcelona is involved in
                                                                                                                                                         various international university networks,
                                                               the 90th best university according to the Best     training options for prospective       including the Coimbra Group and the League
                                                                                                                                                         of European Research Universities (LERU), in
                                                               Global Universities Rankings. In addition, it is
                                                               ranked 133rd worldwide according to the la-
                                                                                                                  doctoral students and researchers,     which the UB is the only Spanish institution.

                                                               test edition of the ranking published by Center    and for specialised and professio-     The Faculty of Economics and Business has an
                                                                                                                                                         extensive range of international mobility agree-
                                                               for World University Rankings (CWUR) and
                                                               ranked 165th according to the QS World
                                                                                                                  nal training.                          ments with other institutions, both under the
                                                                                                                                                         Erasmus programme and other programmes,
                                                               University Rankings. Finally, the university is                                           which include a wide variety of destinations, as
                                                               ranked 151-200 according to the Academic           Focus in placements, professio-        well as some of the most prestigious universities
                                                               Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also                                                in the world.
                                                               known as the Shanghai Ranking.                     nal integration and entrepre-
                                                                                                                  neurship, with a wide range            International programmes
The University of Barcelona was founded in                     In the QS World University Rankings by Subject
1450 and is the most formidable public insti-                  2020, the University of Barcelona was placed       of agreements and placements           Some of the Erasmus agreements that have
                                                                                                                                                         been signed under the framework of the facul-
tution of higher education in Catalonia today,                 142nd for social sciences and business mana-       available and a co-working spa-        ty’s master’s programmes:
catering to the needs of the greatest number of                gement, the branch of knowledge in which the
students and delivering the broadest and most                  Faculty of Economics and Business is registered.   ce for entrepreneurial projects.       Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
                                                                                                                                                         University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
comprehensive range of courses. The UB is also                 With regard to specific disciplines, the UB has                                           Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
the principal centre of university research in                 been ranked among the top 150 universities in                                             University of Helsinki (Finland)
Spain and has become a European benchmark                      the world for Sociology and Statistics & Opera-    Quality research, with 23 groups       Toulouse School of Economics (France)
                                                                                                                                                         University of Göttingen (Germany)
for research activity, both in terms of the num-               tional Research, among the top 200 for Econo-
ber of research programmes it conducts and the                 mics & Econometrics and Accounting & Finance,      recognised as established research     Sapienza University of Rome (Italy
                                                                                                                                                         University of Bologna (Italy)
excellence these have achieved.                                and among the top 300 for Business & Manage-       groups in their field by the Govern-   University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
                                                               ment Studies. The QS ranking is based on three                                            University of Groningen (Netherlands)
University                  Faculty of                         key indicators: academic reputation, employer      ment of Catalonia and three specific   University of Lisbon (Portugal)
of Barcelona                Economics                          reputation, and citations per faculty.             research ecosystems: UB Business       In addition to the agreements under the Eras-
                            and Business                                                                                                                 mus programme, the master’s degrees also have
                                                                                                                  School, UB School of Economics         agreements with other universities, such as:
The top
university                  60th in Europe                                                                        and UB School of Sociology.            Kyoto University (Japan)
                            for social                         The faculty in figures                                                                    Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)
in Spain
According to the QS World
                            sciences and
University Rankings 2021,   business                           6,802                    589
Academic Ranking of World
Universities 2020 and
                            management                         Under-                   Postgraduate
World University Rankings                                      graduate                 students
                            According to QS World University
                            Rankings by Subject 2020

21st best city
in the world                According to QS Best               603
to study                    Student Cities 2019
University                                           Economics                                                     Master’s degree                                                   Master’s degree
Master’s Degrees                                                                                                   in Economics                                                      in Economics,
                                                     Master’s degree                                               Seal of excellence and internationalisation by the                Regulation
                                                     in Economic                                                   Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU)
                                                                                                                                                                                     and Competition
                                                     History                                                                                                                         in Public Services
The University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Eco-
nomics and Business offers a wide range of
professional and research-oriented university
master’s degrees in the fields of economics,
                                                     This is an interuniversity programme between the
                                                                                                                                                                                    60                                 €2,766
business, statistics, sociology and interdiscipli-                                                                                                                                  Credits
                                                     University of Barcelona (coordinator) and the Auto-
nary studies. These programmes have a strong
                                                     nomous University of Barcelona.

international dimension, and some are taught

                                                                                                                   120                               €2,766
entirely in English.

The aim of official university master’s degrees is   60
                                                                                       €2,766                      Credits                           per academic year
                                                                                                                                                                                    Language of instruction
                                                                                                                                                                                    *Optionally up to 40% in
to introduce a compatible system of credits, cri-                                                                                                    (60 credits)                                                      Joan Ramon Borrell Arqué

teria and methodology with a similar duration
to that of European qualifications, in order to
facilitate and promote the mobility of students,     Spanish                           Coordinator:
                                                                                                                   Language of instruction
                                                                                                                                                     Vicente Royuela Mora
                                                                                                                                                                                     5,994 euros for students who do not currently reside in
                                                                                                                                                                                     Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-
and their incorporation into the European job        Language of instruction           Javier San Julián Arrupe
                                                                                                                                                                                     zerland, Andorra or China nationals.
                                                                                                                   3,952 euros per academic year (60 credits) for students who do
                                                     3,952 euros for students who do not currently reside in       not currently reside in Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway,
All tuition fees for the university master’s         Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-   Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China nationals.
degrees for the academic year 2021-2022              zerland, Andorra or China nationals.
are indicative and subject to approval by the
Government of Catalonia. In addition, students                                                                                                                                      Objectives:
must pay administrative fees with the                Objectives:                                                                                                                    To prepare students for professional work in
enrollment. Further information about                To provide advanced training in research skills,              Objectives:                                                      the area of economics and law in relation to
the tuition fees:                                    techniques and methods so that students can study             To train and prepare students with the theo-                     the provision of public services, which are also
                                                     the field of economic history, through an integrated          retical and empirical tools to analyse real                      known in the European Union as services of          programme with a multidisciplinary, global approach.          economic problems and conduct independent                        general interest or universal services. In parti-
                                                     The programme provides advanced tools to analyse              research. The Master’s degree in Economics                       cular, the programme trains students to address
                                                     historic and economic problems. Its aim is to fami-           is particularly suitable for students who have                   problems related to the liberalisation of eco-
                                                     liarise students with the latest practices in economic        just graduated and want to develop their                         nomic public services, leading to freedom of
                                                     history in leading academic institutions worldwide.           analytical skills through a wide range of cour-                  establishment and competition among service
                                                                                                                   ses taught in English by our best researchers.                   providers.
                                                     Career opportunities:                                         As this is a two-year programme, students
                                                     Students will develop the general and specific skills         have the opportunity to learn very solid me-                     Career opportunities:
                                                     required in professionals who can undertake quality           thodological principles, and specialise in the                   Students who complete the programme will be
                                                     research tasks in public and private research centres         areas that are of most interest to them.                         able to take on management and technical respon-
                                                     and universities. Graduates who do not wish to con-                                                                            sibilities in the following areas:
Further information on University master’s           tinue with doctoral studies and prefer to work as             Career opportunities:                                            -Management of regulations, corporate strategy,
degrees:                                             professionals in public administration, companies,            Students who complete the programme could                        institutional relations and general management of
                                                     or the third sector will be capable of undertaking            enter a wide range of professional sectors,                      public and private operators who provide services
Master’s and Doctoral office                         projects with a considerable research component,              including higher education or economic con-                      of general interest.
Faculty of Economics and Business                    such as those carried out in consultancies or re-             sultancy. Graduates who are particularly inte-                   -Directorate-generals and sectorial directorates for
University of Barcelona                              search services, and will be able to provide econo-           rested in research could apply to the doctoral                   instruction and research in public organisations
Av. Diagonal 696 | 08034 Barcelona                   mic advisory services for governments, non-govern-            programme in Economics, and continue to do                       for market regulation and supervision, or authori-
+34 93 403 98 38                                     mental organisations for economic cooperation, and            advanced research.                                               ties that promote and defend competition.                                       public and private institutions.                                                                                               -Legal advisors for public and private operators,
                                                                                                                   Mobility:                                                        supervisory and regulatory organisations, and          Mobility:                                                     The degree offers students the chance to take                    competition authorities.
siness/university-master-s-degrees                   The degree offers students the chance to take up              up Erasmus mobility placements as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                    -Directorate-generals and technical directorates of
                                                     Erasmus mobility placements.                                  other specific student exchange placements.
                                                                                                                                                                                    ministries responsible for public service planning
                                                                                                                                                                                    and regulation.
Master’s degree                                           Business                                                      Master’s degree                                               Master’s degree in
in Labour                                                                                                               in Business                                                   Creation and
Economics                                                                                                               Research                                                      Management of
                                                          Master’s degree                                                                                                             Innovative
                                                          in Accounting                                                                                                               Technology- Based
This is an interuniversity programme between
                                                          and Taxation                                                                                                                Companies
                                                                                                                        60                                €2,766
the University of Barcelona (coordinator), the
Autonomous University of Barcelona and the
University of Girona.                                     60                                €2,766                      Credits

                                                                                                                                                                                      60                                €2,766

                                 €2,766                   80% Spanish
                                                                                                                        55% Spanish
                                                                                                                        45% English
                                                          20% Catalan
English                                                                                                                                                                               75% Spanish
                                                                                                                        Language of instruction           Josep Maria Argilés Bosch
                                                                                            Coordinator:                                                                                                                Coordinator:
                                 Coordinator:             Language of instruction           Javier Osés García                                                                        25% English                       Natalia Jaria Chacón
Language of instruction          Antonio Di Paolo                                                                       3,952 euros for students who do not currently reside in       Language of instruction
                                                          5,700 euros for students who do not currently reside in       Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-
4,920 euros for students who do not currently reside in
                                                          Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-   zerland, Andorra or China nationals.
Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein,                                                                                                                                 5,700 euros for students who do not currently reside in
Switzerland, Andorra or China nationals.                  zerland, Andorra or China nationals.                                                                                        Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-
                                                                                                                                                                                      zerland, Andorra or China nationals.

                                                          Objectives:                                                   Objectives:                                                   To provide advanced training in the creation of
                                                          To provide the practical training required to                 To provide advanced training in research skills,              companies and the management of innovation,
                                                          become a specialist in the fields of accounting,              techniques and methods that will enable gradua-               to train future entrepreneurs and managers of
                                                          taxation and auditing. The course will enable                 tes to carry out studies to increase knowledge                innovative companies to the highest level, and
To train and prepare students to meet the
                                                          graduates to use sound knowledge to effecti-                  of companies and business competitiveness.                    to train professionals who can manage innova-
growing demand for analysts and researchers
                                                          vely manage tasks associated with these areas                 Students will develop the general and specific                tion and have the tools required to start inno-
with a thorough knowledge of the theories,
                                                          in companies of any kind and size.                            skills required to undertake quality research                 vative business initiatives. Therefore, the aim is
methodologies and quantitative tools that
allow for the study of the different aspects                                                                            tasks in public and private research centres and              to provide competences and skills that enable
of the labour market. The programme also                  Career opportunities:                                         universities. The programme is aimed at stu-                  students to manage projects and/or innovative
offers the necessary training to understand the           In the public sector, the skills that graduates               dents with an academic, professional and, above               processes, start business initiatives, begin new
design and study the impact of economic and               gain on the master’s degree will qualify them                 all, research interest in business.                           projects, and launch them on the market.
social policies aimed at improving the functio-           for management posts in any area of accoun-
ning and welfare of society.                              tancy or taxation in public entities and compa-               Career opportunities:                                         Career opportunities:
                                                          nies. In the private sector, the analytical and               Graduates will gain the competences and skills                The competences gained on this master’s degree
Career opportunities:                                     planning skills developed during the course will              required to start a doctoral thesis, as the mas-              will help professionals from different fields
Graduates of this master’s degree can find                enable graduates to undertake highly analytical               ter’s degree is a training period that should                 to undertake entrepreneurial and innovative
employment in public and private institutions             tasks with a mid-term perspective in the areas                be completed prior to the Doctoral program-                   activities that are mainly associated with the
both international and local that analyse phe-            of accountancy, taxation and auditing.                        me in Business. Therefore, on completion of                   application of new technologies. These are high
nomena related to the labour market, as well                                                                            the master’s degree, many graduates would                     value-added activities, and are vital to business
as human resources departments at large mul-              Independent work is one of the most promising                 continue with an academic career. However,                    development. Expectations for future growth in
tinational companies. It can also constitute a            areas for career development in these fields:                 although the master’s degree does not have a                  this area are high. These activities are potential
gateway to research through doctoral studies.             the specialised training in accountancy and                   professional focus, the knowledge gained by                   sources of business opportunities and emplo-
                                                          taxation will give graduates the skills required              students enables them to apply for jobs with                  yment growth, which is one of the main pro-
                                                          to solve problems in these areas in any organi-               better conditions in the private sector.                      blems in the Spanish economy at present.
                                                          sation. Students who successfully complete this
                                                          specialised master’s degree will be exempt from                                                                             Mobility:
                                                          the first stage of access to the Official Register                                                                          The degree offers students the chance to take up
                                                          of Accounting Auditors (ROAC), which is the                                                                                 Erasmus mobility placements.
                                                          starting point for the auditing profession.
Master’s degree                                                Master’s degree                                                 Master’s degree                                              Master’s degree in
in Financial                                                   in International                                                in Marketing                                                 Sport Business
and Actuarial                                                  Business                                                        and Market                                                   Management
Sciences                                                                                                                       Research
Seal of excellence by the Catalan University
Quality Assurance Agency (AQU)

90                                 €2,766                      60
                                                                                                                               60                                                           60                                €2,766
                                   for the first year

                                   (60 credits)                                                  Coordinator:
85% Spanish                                                                                      Fariza Achcaoucaou            Credits                                                      Credits
15% English                                                    Language of instruction           Iallouchen

Language of instruction*                                       5,700 euros for students who do not currently reside in Spain
                                                               and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland,
                                                                                                                               Spanish                          Coordinator:
                                                                                                                                                                Francisco Javier
                                                                                                                                                                Arroyo Cañada
                                                                                                                                                                                            80% Spanish
                                                                                                                               Language of instruction
*The advanced itinerary offers
30 credits in English and 60         Coordinator:              Andorra or China nationals.                                                                                                  20% English                       Coordinator:
credits in Spanish.                  Manuela Bosch Príncep                                                                                                                                  Language of instruction           María Pilar Aparicio Chueca
                                                                                                                               5,700 euros for students who do not currently reside in
                                                               Objectives:                                                     Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein,Swit-
4,920 euros for the first year (60 credits) for students who   To train specialists in global business mana-                   zerland, Andorra or China nationals.                         4,920 euros for students who do not currently reside in
do not currently reside in Spain and are not EU, Iceland,
                                                               gement and covers the fields of finance and                                                                                  Spain and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Swit-
Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China
nationals.                                                     accounting, marketing, operations, human                                                                                     zerland, Andorra or China nationals.
                                                               resources and strategic management. Globa-
                                                                                                                               The general objective of this master’s degree                Objectives:
                                                               lisation of the economy is a tangible reality
                                                                                                                               is to provide specialised training in marke-                 To train students from different disciplines who
                                                               nowadays. Hence the need for companies to
Objectives:                                                                                                                    ting and market research, to meet social and                 would like to acquire more detailed understan-
                                                               develop a strategy for internationalisation in
To provide professionals with solid, quanti-                                                                                   business needs. Students will learn theoreti-                ding of aspects related to economics and sport,
                                                               order to safeguard their competitiveness in
tative training in mathematics and statistics,                                                                                 cal and practical aspects of the methods and                 which could lead to the management of sports
                                                               global environments. This programme contri-
supported by the University of Barcelona’s                                                                                     techniques of marketing management and the                   entities and companies in a range of areas and
                                                               butes in a decisive way to a wider specialisa-
considerable experience in training actuaries.                                                                                 tools and techniques used in market research,                economic sectors.
                                                               tion for graduates in International Business,
The UB is currently the only university in                                                                                     which are essential to the development of
                                                               Management and Business Administration,
Catalonia to offer this kind of course. Actua-                                                                                 businesses and other organisations in a highly               Career opportunities:
                                                               and such like, who have acquired a more ge-
rial studies are a fundamental requirement for                                                                                 competitive environment.                                     Graduates will be qualified to work in company
                                                               neralized training during their studies.
joining the Catalan Association of Actuaries,                                                                                                                                               management in the sports sector. Opportunities
and other Spanish professional associations.                   Career opportunities:
                                                                                                                               Career opportunities:                                        include: management of facilities for physical
                                                                                                                               Management-level positions in marketing and                  fitness and competition, technical management
                                                               Students who complete this Master’s degree
Career opportunities:                                                                                                          market research in companies, consultancies,                 of federations or other entities that promote
                                                               can find employment in a wide array of
Graduates in Financial and Actuarial Scien-                                                                                    bureaus, research institutes and other organi-               sports, and the management of companies that
                                                               positions within the business sector. The most
ces will be experts in risk management and                                                                                     sations, and freelance work in this field. The               produce sports apparatus and equipment. Gra-
                                                               usual jobs for students who complete the
in uncertainty quantification. There is a high                 degree are posts of management, as well as
                                                                                                                               master’s degree will also improve the profes-                duates could also work in the areas of sports
demand for these skills in banks, large compa-                 specialised tasks in multinational companies,                   sional opportunities of graduates who already                events, club management, and the management
nies with their own risk departments, insu-                    such as human resources, finances, foreign                      have management experience in these areas of                 of marketing programmes and other policies
rance companies, brokerage firms, and other                    trade or international marketing. Furthermo-                    knowledge, and want to increase or consolida-                to promote products and services. The master’s
corporations that need professionals with the                  re, the MSc in International Business trains                    te their training and technical skills in the field          degree will foster an enterprising spirit and
quantitative training required to assess risk                  students to find employment in public organi-                   of marketing and market research.                            facilitate the creation of companies and services
and uncertainty. Due to their solid technical                  zations and NGOs dealing with international                                                                                  associated with the sports sector.
training, graduates will also be equipped to                   cooperation.
continue their studies at doctoral level.                                                                                                                                                   Mobility:
                                                               Mobility:                                                                                                                    The degree offers students the chance to take
Mobility:                                                      The degree offers students the chance to take                                                                                up Erasmus mobility placements.
The degree offers students the chance to take                  up Erasmus mobility placements as well as
up Erasmus mobility placements.                                other specific student exchange placements.
Statistics                                                     Sociology

Master’s degree in  Master’s degree
Statistics and      in Sociology:
Operations Research Social Transformations
This is an interuniversity programme, between                  and Innovation
the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (coordi-               Seal of excellence by the Catalan University Quality
nator) and the University of Barcelona.                        Assurance Agency (AQU)

90                                 €2,766                      90
Credits                            for the first year                                             for the first year
                                   (60 credits)                                                   (60 credits)
50% Spanish                                                    75% Spanish
50% English                        Coordinators:
                                   Marta Pérez Casany (UPC)    25% English                        Coordinator:
Language of instruction            Helena Chuliá Soler (UB)    Language of instruction            Anna Escobedo Caparrós
                                                               3,952 euros for the first year (60 credits) for students who
4,150 euros for the first year (60 credits) for students who
                                                               do not currently reside in Spain and are not EU, Iceland,
do not currently reside in Spain and are not EU members
                                                               Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China

                                                               To train scientists and professionals to become
                                                               leaders in the study of social change and the
                                                               creation of social technologies, who can find
                                                               new solutions to collective challenges, and
Objectives:                                                    improve institutions and societies. The master’s
To provide advanced knowledge of the latest                    degree aims to provide an overview of current
theory and methods in the fields of statistics                 social change and the resulting strategic challen-
and operations research. To train expert pro-                  ges. Students will learn general skills to conduct
fessionals who, as members of interdisciplinary                scientific analyses of processes of social transfor-
teams, can apply the knowledge they acquire to                 mation and innovation, and will gain the ability
the areas of health, services, industry, compa-                to design and assess intervention models.
nies, science and administration
                                                               Career opportunities:
Career opportunities:                                          In the private sector, graduates can work as tech-
Graduates of this master’s degree will be experts              nical experts in strategic planning, in consultan-
who can work in the health field, services,                    cies or engineering companies, or as marketing
industry and companies. They will apply the                    and market research specialists, among other
theory and methods of statistics and operations                jobs. In the public and third sector, graduates
research from different perspectives such as                   can work as experts in strategic planning and
biostatistics, data engineering, marketing and                 in the design and assessment of public policies,
finance.                                                       among other jobs.
Mobility:                                                      Mobility:
The degree offers students the chance to take                  The degree offers students the chance to take up
up Erasmus mobility placements.
                                                               Erasmus mobility placements.
Interdisciplinary                                               Master’s degree                                                 Master’s Degree in
                                                                in Cultural                                                     Institutions And
                                                                Management                                                      Political Economy
Erasmus Mundus:
Global Markets,
Local Creativities                                                                                                              New!
Erasmus Mundus programme, between the Uni-
                                                                                                   for the first year           120                              €2,766
versity of Glasgow (coordination), the Erasmus                                                     (60 credits)                 Credits                          per academic year
University Rotterdam, the University of Göttingen,                                                                                                               (60 credits)
                                                                78% Catalan
the University of Barcelona, Uppsala University,
the University of Los Andes and Kyoto University.               12% Spanish                                                                                      Coordinator:
                                                                10% English
                                                                                                                                Language of instruction

                                                                                                   Coordinator:                                                  Alfonso Herranz Loncán
                                                                Language of instruction            Montserrat Pareja Eastaway
                                                                                                                                3,952 euros per academic year (60 credits) for students who
Credits                     per academic year
                                                                                                                                do not currently reside in Spain
                            (60 credits)                        4,920 euros for the first year (60 credits) for students who
                                                                                                                                and are not EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzer-
                                                                do not currently reside in Spain and are not EU, Iceland,
                            17,138 € per academic year (60                                                                      land, Andorra or China nationals.
                                                                Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China
                            credits) for students who are not   nationals.

                            UK and EU nationals.

Language of instruction     Elisenda Paluzie i Hernàndez                                                                        Objectives:
                                                                                                                                To train and prepare students with the theoretical and em-
                                                                Objectives:                                                     pirical tools to carry out research in the fields of political
Objectives:                                                     To train professionals who are highly qualified                 institutions and political change. The Master’s Degree in
The programme aims to examine how local                         in cultural management, administration, me-                     Institutions and Political Economy is an interdisciplinary
places (clusters, cities and regions) and local                 diation and research, who can hold positions of                 research program at the intersection of Political Science,
actors (entrepreneurs, firms and policymakers)                  responsibility in the public and private arena in               Economics and Economic History, that offers advanced
generate local competitiveness under global                     a range of cultural sectors, including audio-vi-                training in quantitative and qualitative research methods,
market conditions. The “Global History & Crea-                  sual production, literature, dramatic arts, music,              and combines solid theoretical foundations with empi-
tive Cities” pathway stresses economic orders,                  heritage services and the visual arts. The objec-               rical applications and a deep understanding of current
creative cities and industries, and the history                 tive is also to help to develop theoretical and                 social science debates. It is a collaborative project by three
of international relations and globalisation. On                applied research in this field, and to collaborate              research groups based at University of Barcelona with a
the other hand, the “Global Markets & Develop-                  to increase the professional level, efficiency and              strong international reputation, focused on Comparative
ment” pathway focus on global political eco-                    internationalisation of the sector.                             Politics, Political Economy and Economic History, and
nomy, immigrant entrepreneurship, and global                                                                                    reflects on the current gradual convergence between those
marketing and mass consumption.                                 Career opportunities:                                           three fields, both in research and policy-making.
                                                                The master’s degree in Cultural Management
Career opportunities:                                           provides professional opportunities as mana-                    Career opportunities:
The degree is ideal for highly talented students                gers, technical experts or administrators of
seeking a career in urban or public policy organi-              services, facilities and cultural projects that are             The master’s goal is training students to conduct their own
sations, multinational corporations, international              public, civic or corporate, planners and/or pro-                research and preparing them to apply to high-level PhD
consultancies, cultural and creative industries,                ducers of cultural events (artistic, humanistic,                programs. This master’s graduates will also acquire skills
media or other non-profit organisations. Gradua-                festive, heritage, tourist and cultural), regional              that are highly sought outside academia. Political Scien-
tes will have high-level critical, analytical and               cultural managers, planners and promoters                       ce and Economics are unequivocally intertwined in the
practical skills, thus enhancing their employabi-               of intercultural dynamics and sociocultural                     analysis of the most pressing current issues, from immigra-
lity in the global marketplace. The programme                   activities, and researchers in cultural policy                  tion and international trade to environmental protection,
also includes the opportunity to acquire addi-                  management.                                                     financial regulation and digital rights. MIPE graduates will
tional languages and key employability skills                                                                                   acquire the skills to thrive in these fields by working in
through work placements.                                        Mobility:                                                       international agencies, research centers, consulting firms,
                                                                The degree offers students the chance to take up                regulatory authorities and public administrations.
                                                                Erasmus mobility placements.
Master’s degree in                                              Master’s degree                                                  Executive                                          Executive
Internationalisation                                            in Public                                                        Education                                          MBA
                                                                Seal of excellence by the Catalan University Quality
                                                                Assurance Agency (AQU)

                                                                This is an interuniversity programme involving the
                                                                Autonomous University of Barcelona (coordinator), the                                                               60                           €11,700
90                                 €2,766
                                                                University of Barcelona, and Pompeu Fabra University.
                                                                                                                                 UB-Specific                                        Credits

Credits                            for the first year
                                                                60                                 €2,766                        Master’s Degrees
                                   (60 credits)                                                                                                                                                                  Directors:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Xavier Garcia Marimon
90% Spanish                                                                                                                                                                         Language of instruction      Laura Guitart Tarrés
10% English                        Coordinator:
Language of instruction            Patricia Garcia-duran Huet   35% Spanish                                                                                                         Objectives:
                                                                                                                                                                                    The main aims of this programme are to train
                                                                35% Catalan                        Coordinators:
                                                                                                                                 The University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Eco-      executives in the administration and manage-
4,920 euros for the first year (60 credits) for students who    30% English                        Ismael Blanco Fillola (UAB)
                                                                                                                                 nomics and Business offers a wide range of         ment of companies, and to improve the profes-
do not currently reside in Spain and are not EU, Iceland,                                                                        UB-specific postgraduate programmes across va-     sional careers of the new business leaders that
                                                                Language of instruction            Maite Vilalta Ferrer (UB)
Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China                                                                             rious disciplines. The programmes are designed     society needs. The MBA is taught by recognised
nationals.                                                                                                                       for degree-holders who would like to pursue a      university lecturers, and active, successful
                                                                4,500 euros for students who do not currently reside in
                                                                                                                                 particular specialisation or develop an area of    professionals with extensive experience. The
                                                                Spain and are not EU nationals.
                                                                                                                                 their academic or professional skills in greater   teaching methodology is practical, active and
                                                                                                                                 depth.                                             highly participative. The programme includes
Objectives:                                                     Objectives:                                                                                                         case studies, debates, tutorial sessions, expert
To respond to the growing demand for knowledge                  To provide advanced, specialised training for                    Prices for UB-specific master’s degrees corres-    talks and simulations. This demanding Executi-
                                                                graduates in all fields of the social sciences, and              pond to the academic year 2021-2020 and may        ve MBA is divided into nine modules that lead
and professionals who can manage the complexities
                                                                for graduates from any area of training who                      be increased by a maximum of 70 euros to           students to draw up a successful business plan.
of globalisation. The programme is strongly interdisci-
                                                                have a specific interest in public management.                   cover administrative fees.                         The Executive MBA has been running for many
plinary: it combines the economic, business, legal and
                                                                Students who successfully complete a master’s                                                                       years. In the academic year 2021-2022, the
political aspects required to understand and manage
                                                                degree in Public Management in the established                                                                      twenty-ninth edition of the programme will be
new realities and new game rules.
                                                                period of one academic year are guaranteed                                                                          offered.
Career opportunities:                                           access to the Government of Catalonia’s pool
                                                                of temporary staff. Students who wish to follow                                                                     Career opportunities:
Graduates will have interdisciplinary training in
                                                                a research career could enter a doctoral                                                                            The Executive MBA is designed to consolida-
internationalisation. They could work in internatio-
                                                                programme.                                                                                                          te and enhance the professional career of its
nalised companies, which may be Spanish companies
                                                                                                                                                                                    participants, who will generally be executives,
with a global reach or international companies that
                                                                                                                                                                                    managers or senior managers with an innovative,
operate on Spanish or global markets, companies with            Career opportunities:
                                                                                                                                                                                    enterprising spirit. The programme will offer
internationalisation projects and initiatives, public           Career opportunities for graduates are mainly in
                                                                                                                                                                                    knowledge and skills to help participants
institutions at regional or state level with powers to          the public and semipublic areas: different levels
                                                                                                                                                                                    to carry out their work at an optimum level,
promote, foster and support internationalisation,               and areas of public administrations, public com-
                                                                                                                                                                                    with a higher degree of personal satisfaction.
organisations for intercompany or public-private                panies, private companies that provide services
                                                                                                                                                                                    It will also provide them with a professional
cooperation that support and promote internationali-            for the public sector, non-governmental organi-
                                                                                                                                                                                    network that enables them to plan for their
sation, organisations and institutions at supranational         sations, political institutions or parties, consul-
                                                                                                                                                                                    future in terms of personal life and work, with
or international level, as well as institutions focused         tancies, research institutes, teaching institutes
                                                                                                                                                                                    more guarantees of success.
on analysing and assessing internationalisation and             or units of analysis, among others.
enhancing the global position of companies and
countries.                                                                                                                                                                          Further information on the Executive MBA programme:
                                                                                                                                 Further information on Executive Education:        UB Business School
Mobility:                                                                                                                                                                           John M. Keynes, 1-11
The degree offers students the chance to take up                                                                                 Lifelong Learning Office                           08034 Barcelona
Erasmus mobility placements as well as other specific                                                                            Faculty of Economics and Business                  +34 93 403 49 76
student exchange placements.                                                                                                     University of Barcelona                  
                                                                                                                                 Av. Diagonal, 696 | 08034 Barcelona
                                                                                                                                 +34 93 402 44 67                         
Master’s Degrees

Administrative and Financial Management            European Financial Management                          Internationalisation of Small                                    Marketing, Sales and E-Commerce Management
Directors: Antoni García Castellví and Jordi       of Sports Organisations                                and Medium-sized Businesses                                      Director: Mª Luisa Solé Moro
Martí Pidelaserra                                  Directors: Xavier M. Triadó Ivern and Pilar Aparicio   Directors: Joan Tugores Ques and Òscar Mascarilla Miró           Credits: 60
Credits: 60                                        Chueca                                                 Credits: 60                                                      Duration in academic years: 1
Duration in academic years: 1                      Credits: 60                                            Duration in academic years: 1                                    Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                     Duration in academic years: 2                          Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                                   Enrolment fee: 4,980 euros
Enrolment fee: 4,600 euros                         Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                         Enrolment fee: 4,840 euros
                                                                                                                                                                           Real Estate Consultancy, Management and Promo-
Certification in Non-Financial Information (ESG)   Enrolment fee:                                         Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s                   tion
Director: Jordi Martí Pidelaserra                  - First year: 2,050 euros                              degree and can be taken separately:                              Director: Gonzalo Bernardos Dominguez
Credits: 60                                        - Second year: 2,050 euros                             -Trade and International Marketing                               Credits: 60
Duration in academic years: 1                                                                             -International Business Administrationg                          Duration in academic years: 1
Modality: Face-to-face                             Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s                                                                          Mode of delivery: Face-to-face or distance
Price: 9,000 euros                                 degree and can be taken separately:                    Management and Direction of Fashion Businesses                   Enrolment fee: 4,190 euros
                                                   - Basic Concepts in Sports Organisation Management     Directors: Jordi Bachs Ferrer and Sílvia Viudas Bernabeu
Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s     - Administration of Sports Organisations               Credits: 60                                                      Regional and Local Finance: Economics
degree and can be taken separately:                                                                       Duration in academic years: 1                                    and Advanced Management
- Certification in Environmental Information       Financial Markets                                      Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                                   Directors: Joaquim Solé Vilanova and Maite Vilalta
- Certification in Social Information              Director: Joan Tugores Ques                            Place where the course is taught:                                Ferrer
- Certification in Information to the Corporate    Credits: 60                                            LCI Barcelona, Higher Education Design School                    Credits: 70
Governance                                         Duration in academic years: 2                          Enrolment fee: 4,590 euros                                       Duration in academic years: 3
                                                   Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                                                                                          Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Creation, Management and Development of                                                                   Management in E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Franchises                                         Enrolment fee:                                         Directors: Mª Luisa Solé Moro and Jordi Campo Fernandez          Enrolment fee:
Director: Gonzalo Bernardos Dominguez              - First year: 2,900 euros                              Credits: 60                                                      - First year: 3,200 euros
Credits: 60                                        - Second year: 2,900 euros                             Duration in academic years: 1                                    - Second year: 3,400 euros
Duration in academic years: 1                                                                             Mode of delivery: Face-to-face or distance                       - Third year: 800 euros
Mode of delivery: Blended                          Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s         Enrolment fee: 6,450 euros
Enrolment fee: 4,190 euros                         degree and can be taken separately:                                                                                     Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s
                                                   - Financial Markets                                    Management of Foundations and Associations                       degree and can be taken separately:
Customer Experience, Retail and                    - Financial Products                                   Directors: Antoni García Castellví and Jordi Martí Pidelaserra   - Regional and Local Finance: Funding, Budgets and
E-Commerce Management                                                                                     Credits: 60                                                      Accounting
Director: Francisco Javier Arroyo Cañada           Globalisation, Development and Cooperation             Duration in academic years: 1                                    - Local Finance: Advanced Economic Management
Credits: 60                                        Director: Irene Maestro Yarza                          Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Duration in academic years: 1                      Credits: 60                                            Enrolment fee: 4,200 euros
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face or distance         Duration in academic years: 2
Enrolment fee: 6,450 euros                         Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                         Management of Insurance and Financial Organisation
                                                                                                          Director: Mercedes Ayuso Gutiérrez
E-Business & E-Commerce Administration             Enrolment fee:                                         Credits: 75
Directors: Montse Crespi Vallbona and Víctor de    - First year: 1,350 euros                              Duration in academic years: 1
Francisco Cotorruelo                               - Second year: 1,350 euros                             Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Credits: 60                                                                                               Enrolment fee: 9,500 euros
Duration in academic years: 1                      International Trade and Finance
Mode of delivery: Blended                          Director: Emilio Vizuete Luciano                       Marketing, Branding, Digital Environment and Sustai-
Enrolment fee: 3,940 euros                         Credits: 80                                            nability Management
                                                   Duration in academic years: 3                          Directors: Ana Argila Irurita and Jordi Campo Fernandez
Economic-financial Management in Health            Mode of delivery: Blended                              Credits: 60
Centers (One Health)                                                                                      Duration in academic years: 1
Director: Antoni Garcia Castellví                  Enrolment fee:                                         Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Credits: 60                                        - First year: 2,600 euros                              Enrolment fee: 6,450 euros
Duration in academic years: 1                      - Second year: 2,200 euros
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face                     - Third year: 1,000 euros                                                                                               Other courses...
Enrolment fee: 15,000 euros
                                                   Postgraduate courses that make up the master’s
                                                   degree and can be taken separately:                                                                           
                                                   - Foreign Trade and the International Economy                                                                           ub-specific-master-s-degrees-and-postgraduate-pro-
                                                   - Foreign Trade and International Finance                                                                               grammes
Faculty and UB                                                                                            Study
services                                                                                                  in Barcelona

Careers Service                                      * School of Modern Languages                         Barcelona is one of the most prosperous cities
                                                                                                          in Europe and a fantastic place to live, with a
The Faculty of Economics and Business offers         The School of Modern Languages (EIM) offers          sunny climate and a cosmopolitan cultural life.
access to the Careers Service, which oversees        courses in foreign languages to the whole            The cost of living is not very high, particularly
in-company placements, provides careers              university community, aiming for quality and         when compared to cities such as London and
guidance services, and manages the co-working        formal rigorousness. The school offers ordinary      Paris, offering an excellent quality of life and a
space for students involved in business-creation     courses, extraordinary introductory courses,         diverse student mix.
projects. It also organises talks, workshops and     oral fluency courses, exam preparation courses
other events with major employers and a wide         and courses aimed at students from different         The University of Barcelona offers students the
range of organisations of interest to every possi-   university disciplines in face-to-face, online and   chance to study and undertake research at an
ble student profile.                                 blended formats.                                     institution that is fully integrated into the city
                                                                                                          around it. Lying on the Mediterranean coast,
Further information:                                 Further information:                                 and with a population of over 1.5 million, Bar-                                celona is one of the most economically, socially
                                                                                                          and culturally important cities in Europe and
International Relations Office                       Libraries                                            is characterised by its extraordinary diversity.
                                                                                                          Graduates of the UB enjoy an excellent repu-
The International Relations Office oversees the      The Economics and Business CRAI Library has          tation among international employers. In fact,
management of international mobility pro-            two library spaces and provides comprehensive        Barcelona ranks as the 21st best university city
grammes in which the Faculty of Economics            materials for teaching and research, computer        in the world According to QS Best Student Ci-
and Business is involved, seeks new agreements       rooms, group work rooms, self-service photoco-       ties 2019, which combines data on universities,
with universities around the world, and actively     piers and other services. Its opening hours allow    student population, affordability, quality of life
pursues the on-going internationalisation of the     for students to study at different hours and         and reputation with employers.
Faculty and its student community.                   during examination periods the library remains
                                                     open throughout the night.                           General advising and housing search assistance
Further information:                          Further information:                                 The University of Barcelona offers students se-
internacional/?lang=en                               veral types of accommodation so that they can
                                                     economics-business                                   choose the one that best suits their needs and
Languages                                                                                                 expectations:
                                                     UB Sports
* Language Services                                                                                       - UB halls of residence
                                                     UB Sports provides 100,000 sq m of facilities        - UB university residence
The UB’s Language Services are responsible for       for a wide range of directed activities and offers   - Affiliated halls of residence
promoting the Catalan language and for buil-         members of the university community a range          - Private university residences
ding a multilingual university community. They       of installations – swimming pools, tennis and
offer advice on linguistic matters to all members    padel courts, a football pitch and rugby pitch,      Likewise, students admitted to the UB can ad-
of the university community.                         etc. – that are only five minutes away from the      dress the Barcelona Centre Universitari (BCU),
                                                     Faculty!                                             where information and advice are provided.
Further information:                                    Further information:                                 Further information:
100% Recycled

Av. Diagonal, 690-696
08034 Barcelona

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