MASTER AGREEMENT - Federal Bureau of Prisons Council of Prison Locals and American Federation of Government Employees - AFGE

Page created by Jordan Sandoval
MASTER AGREEMENT - Federal Bureau of Prisons Council of Prison Locals and American Federation of Government Employees - AFGE

             Federal Bureau of Prisons

              Council of Prison Locals
       American Federation of Government Employees

                 July 21, 2014 – July 20, 2017


PREAMBLE     ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE 1 -  RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 2 -  JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS MEETINGS ........................................................ 3
ARTICLE 3 -  GOVERNING REGULATIONS ....................................................................................................... 5
             PRACTICES ...................................................................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 5 -  RIGHTS OF THE EMPLOYER ........................................................................................................ 8
ARTICLE 6 -  RIGHTS OF THE EMPLOYEE ...................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 7 -  RIGHTS OF THE UNION .............................................................................................................. 16
ARTICLE 8 -  UNION DUES BY PAYROLL DEDUCTION ............................................................................... 20
ARTICLE 9 -  NEGOTIATIONS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL ................................................................................. 22
ARTICLE 10 - UNION REPRESENTATION ON COMMITTEES ....................................................................... 26
ARTICLE 11 - OFFICIAL TIME ............................................................................................................................. 29
ARTICLE 12 - USE OF OFFICIAL FACILITIES................................................................................................... 33
ARTICLE 13 - QUESTIONNAIRES ....................................................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 14 - EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND RATINGS .......................................................................... 36
ARTICLE 15 - OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................ 38
ARTICLE 16 - POSITION DESCRIPTION AND REVIEW .................................................................................. 39
ARTICLE 17 - EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL FILES ................................................................................................ 40
ARTICLE 18 - HOURS OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 41
ARTICLE 19 - ANNUAL LEAVE........................................................................................................................... 48
ARTICLE 20 - SICK LEAVE .................................................................................................................................. 51
ARTICLE 21 - TRAINING ...................................................................................................................................... 53
ARTICLE 22 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY .................................................................................. 55
ARTICLE 23 - UPWARD MOBILITY .................................................................................................................... 56
ARTICLE 24 - EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES ................................................................................................. 57
ARTICLE 26 - RETIREMENT AND RESIGNATION ........................................................................................... 60
ARTICLE 27 - HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................................................ 61
ARTICLE 28 - UNIFORM CLOTHING .................................................................................................................. 65
ARTICLE 29 - WORK SITE CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 68
ARTICLE 30 - DISCIPLINARY AND ADVERSE ACTIONS .............................................................................. 69
ARTICLE 31 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 71
ARTICLE 32 - ARBITRATION .............................................................................................................................. 74
ARTICLE 33 - MERIT PROMOTION .................................................................................................................... 77
ARTICLE 34 - EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 78
ARTICLE 35 - PRIORITY PLACEMENT PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 80
ARTICLE 36 - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 81
ARTICLE 37 - SEXUAL HARASSMENT .............................................................................................................. 82
ARTICLE 38 - QUALIFIED DISABLED EMPLOYEES ....................................................................................... 83
ARTICLE 39 - FURLOUGHS.................................................................................................................................. 84
ARTICLE 40 - ASBESTOS...................................................................................................................................... 86
ARTICLE 41 - PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT............................................... 88
ARTICLE 42 - EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF THIS AGREEMENT................................................ 89
APPENDIX B - QUARTERLY EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE REQUEST FORM.................................................. 92
INDEX        .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
SIGNATURE PAGE .................................................................................................................................................... 98

PREAMBLE                                          mission and the employees who carry
                                                  it out. Therefore, the Federal Bureau
        The Federal Bureau of Prisons             of Prisons and Federal Prison
acknowledges that the participation of            Industries, Inc. Hereinafter referred to
its employees in providing input into             as “the Employer” or “the Agency,”
the development of personnel                      and the Council of Prison Locals and
policies, practices, and procedures               the American Federation of
which affect conditions of                        Government Employees, hereinafter
employment, and their assistance in               referred to as “the Union” or
the implementation of policies,                   “exclusive representative,” do hereby
practices, and procedures, contributes            agree to:
to the effective operation of Bureau
facilities. The Bureau of Prisons will            (A)   focus on problems and ways to
develop and maintain constructive                       deal with them;
and cooperative relationships with its
employees, through their exclusive                (B)   recognize the needs of the other
representative, where applicable, the                   party;
Council of Prison Locals and the
American Federation of Government                 (C)   consider collective bargaining
Employees. The parties respect the                      as an opportunity to improve
rights granted to Management,                           the relationship between the
employees, and the Council of Prison                    Agency and the Union; and
Locals by the Civil Service Reform
Act of 1978, as amended.                          (D)   recognize that the employees
                                                        are the most valuable resource
       The parties recognize that                       of the Agency, and are
efficient and effective service is                      encouraged, and shall be
paramount requirement and that                          reasonably assisted, to develop
public interest requires the continual                  their potential as Bureau of
development and implementation of                       Prisons employees to the fullest
modern and progressive work                             extent practicable.
practices to facilitate improved
employee performance and efficiency.                     This Agreement and such
                                                  supplementary agreements and
       Moreover, the parties recognize            memorandums of understanding by
that the administration of an                     both parties as may be agreed upon
agreement depends on a good                       hereunder from time to time, together
relationship. This relationship must              constitute a collective agreement
be built on the ideals of mutual                  between the Agency and the Union.
respect, trust, and commitment to the
                                     Page 1 of 98
ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION                               representative of all employees
                                                      employed by the Federal Bureau of
Section a. The Union is recognized                    Prisons, with the exception of the
as the sole and exclusive                             employees of the Central Office.
representative for all bargaining unit                Since March 31, 2006, the Council of
employees as defined in 5 United                      Prison Locals became the exclusive
States Code (USC), Chapter 71.                        representative for Central Office
                                                      employees. The term “employee” as
Section b. The Employer recognizes                    used in this Agreement means any
the Union as the exclusive bargaining                 employee of the Employer
agent under the provisions of the                     represented by the Union and as
Federal Service Labor Management                      defined in 5 USC, Chapter 71.
Relations Statute, 5 USC, Chapter 71,
7101 et. seq., hereinafter referred to as             Section d. The Union will have
“the Statute,” and the Civil Service                  access, using predetermined entry
Reform Act of 1978, of all of the                     procedures, to properly represent
employees in the unit, as the                         bargaining unit employees located in
recognized Union for bargaining                       contract/privatized facilities, in
purposes with respect to conditions of                accordance with this Agreement and
employment of employees                               applicable laws, rules, and
represented by the Union. The Union                   regulations.
has the full authority as provided by
Statute to meet and confer with the                          The Agency will provide a list
Agency for the purpose of entering                    of all bargaining unit employees
into negotiated agreements,                           working in a contract facility to the
concerning changes in conditions of                   Council of Prison Locals President
employment covering bargaining unit                   and appropriate Regional Vice
employees, and to administer this                     President upon request, but no more
Collective Bargaining Agreement.                      frequently than every six (6) months.

Section c. The former Director,
Bureau of Prisons, Commissioner,
Federal Prison Industries, Inc.,
Myrl E. Alexander, in a letter dated
January 17, 1968, said letter being
issued in accordance with Executive
Order 10988, did certify the Council
of Prison Lodges (currently known as
the “Council of Prison Locals”)
exclusive recognition as the
                                         Page 2 of 98
ARTICLE 2 – JOINT LABOR                              Employer, if the number of agency
MANAGEMENT RELATIONS                                 representatives exceeds ten (10).
                                                            The party placing an item on
Section a. Representatives of the                    the agenda shall describe the issue,
Employer and ten (10) representatives                concern, or problem in sufficient
of the Union, or the number of                       detail to allow others to understand
Employer representatives, which ever                 the situation and prepare for
is greater, shall meet in person at least            discussion.
four (4) times per year to resolve
and/or negotiate, as applicable, on                  Section c. Generally, the issues for
national issues of concern to either                 discussion will be limited to those
party, regarding general conditions of               placed on the agenda in a timely
employment. These meetings will be                   fashion. Exceptions maybe made for
held in Washington, D.C.                             pressing issues which arise after the
                                                     agenda has been established and
        These meetings may be                        which should be discussed before the
initiated by either party, but may only              next meeting.
be dispensed by mutual consent.
                                                     Section d. The Employer will
       The duration of these meetings                prepare minutes (summary) of the
will normally be two (2) days;                       items discussed, agreements reached,
however, by mutual agreement, they                   and/or suspense dates set for follow-
may be extended or shortened as                      up action. The minutes will be
determined by both parties. The                      reviewed and approved by the parties
expense of such meetings will be                     upon conclusion of discussion of each
borne by the Employer.                               issue. A final copy of the minutes
                                                     will be reviewed and signed by the
       Union representatives shall be                parties prior to the conclusion of the
on official time.                                    meeting, and a copy will be provided
                                                     to each participant.
Section b. An agenda will be
required for all meetings. Each party                Section e. Management will provide
will exchange agenda items not less                  the Union with updates on issues
than twenty-one (21) calendar days                   raised at these meetings in accordance
prior to the scheduled meeting.                      with agreed upon time frames. Should
                                                     the Union be asked to provide the
      The Union may revise the                       Agency with an update on any issues
number of their representatives, to                  raised at national meetings, the
achieve equal numbers with the                       responding Union representative will
                                        Page 3 of 98
be afforded the use of that amount of
official time that both parties at the
meeting agree to be reasonable and

Section f. The parties at the national
level endorse the concept of regular
labor management meetings at the
local level. It is recommended that
such meetings occur at least monthly,
that there be an established method of
written minutes, and that there be
suspense dates for responses or
corrective action. The actual
procedures for local labor
management meetings will be
negotiated locally.

                                         Page 4 of 98
ARTICLE 3 - GOVERNING                               provisions contained in the proposed
REGULATIONS                                         policy manual and/or program
                                                    statement change or affect any
Section a. Both parties mutually                    personnel policies, practices, or
agree that this Agreement takes                     conditions of employment, such
precedence over any Bureau policy,                  policy issuances will be subject to
procedure, and/or regulation which is               negotiation with the Union, prior to
not derived from higher government-                 issuance and implementation.
wide laws, rules, and regulations.
                                                    1.    When national policy issuances
1.     local supplemental agreements                      are proposed, the Employer
       will take precedence over any                      will ensure that the President,
       Agency issuance derived or                         Council of Prisons Locals, each
       generated at the local level.                      member of the Executive Board
                                                          of the Council of Prisons
Section b. In the administration of all                   Locals, and each Local
matters covered by this Agreement,                        President receives a copy of the
Agency officials, Union officials, and                    proposed policy issuance by
employees are governed by existing                        electronic message, reply
and/or future laws, rules, and                            requested. The Council
government-wide regulations in                            President will provide email
existence at the time this Agreement                      addresses for him/herself and
goes into effect.                                         the members of the Council
                                                          Executive Board. Receipt will
Section c. The Union and Agency                           be assumed if no reply is
representatives, when notified by the                     received within three (3)
other party, will meet and negotiate                      business days. Delivery to
on any and all policies, practices, and                   Local Presidents will be to the
procedures which impact conditions                        Local's BOP Union Resource
of employment, where required by 5                        e-mail box.
USC 7106, 7114, and 7117, and other
applicable government-wide laws and                       Council of Prison Locals 33
regulations, prior to implementation                      (CPL33) Executive Board
of any policies, practices, and/or                        (e-board) members will receive
procedures.                                               printed copies of Limited
                                                          Official Use Only (LOUO)
Section d. All proposed national                          proposed national policy
policy issuances, including policy                        issuances in person, from the
manuals and program statements, will                      Chief, Labor Relations Office
be provided to the Union. If the                          (LRO), or designee. Upon
                                       Page 5 of 98
receipt, each e-board member                         overriding exigency, the
       will sign for receipt of the                         issuance and implementation of
       proposed LOUO policy                                 the policy will be postponed,
       issuance and agree not to                            pending the outcome of the
       further reproduce and/or                             negotiations;
       distribute it, except as may be
       mutually agreed otherwise                      4.    should the Union, at the
       between the President, CPL33,                        national level, fail to invoke the
       and Chief, LRO.                                      right to negotiate the proposed
                                                            policy issuance within the time
       Local Union Presidents will be                       required above, the Agency
       notified of LOUO proposed                            may issue and implement the
       national policy issuances by                         proposed policy issuance; and
       e-mail, with instructions to
       obtain a printed copy from the                 5.    when locally-proposed policy
       Chief Executive Officer's                            issuances are made, the local
       office at their locations, after                     Union President will be notified
       signing the same receipt and                         as provided for above, and the
       agreement (above) not to                             manner in which local
       further reproduce and/or                             negotiations are conducted will
       distribute it, and to return the                     parallel this article.
       copy once the policy is issued
       and implemented, except as                     Section e. Negotiations under this
       may be mutually agreed                         section will take place within thirty
       otherwise between the                          (30) calendar days of the date that
       President, CPL33, and Chief,                   negotiations are invoked.
       LRO.                                           Negotiations will take place at a
                                                      location that is mutually agreeable to
2.     After the last Council of Prison               the parties, and the Agency will pay
       Locals Executive Board                         all expenses related to the
       member receives the proposed                   negotiations.
       policy issuance, the Union, at
       the national level, will have
       thirty (30) calendar days to
       invoke negotiations regarding
       the proposed policy issuance.

3.     should the Union invoke their
       right to negotiate the proposed
       policy issuance, absent an
                                         Page 6 of 98

Section a. In prescribing regulations
relating to personnel policies and
practices and to conditions of
employment, the Employer and the
Union shall have due regard for the
obligation imposed by 5 USC 7106,
7114, and 7117. The Employer further
recognizes its responsibility for
informing the Union of changes in
working conditions at the local level.

Section b. On matters which are not
covered in supplemental agreements
at the local level, all written benefits,
or practices and understandings
between the parties implementing this
Agreement, which are negotiable,
shall not be changed unless agreed to
in writing by the parties.

Section c. The Employer will provide
expeditious notification of the
changes to be implemented in
working conditions at the local level.
Such changes will be negotiated in
accordance with the provisions of this

                                        Page 7 of 98
ARTICLE 5 - RIGHTS OF THE                                        (1)    among properly
EMPLOYER                                                                ranked and
Section a. Subject to Section b. of                                     candidates for
this article, nothing in this section                                   promotion; or
shall affect the authority of any
Management official of the Agency,                               (2)    any other
in accordance with 5 USC, Section                                       appropriate source;
7106:                                                                   and

1.     to determine the mission,                           d.    to take whatever actions
       budget, organization, number                              may be necessary to
       of employees, and internal                                carry out the Agency
       security practices of the                                 mission during
       Agency; and                                               emergencies.

2.     in accordance with applicable                 Section b. Nothing in this section
       laws:                                         shall preclude any agency and any
                                                     labor organization from negotiating:
       a.    to hire, assign, direct,
             layoff, and retain                      1.    at the election of the Agency,
             employees in the                              on the numbers, types, and
             Agency, or to suspend,                        grades of employees or
             remove, reduce in grade                       positions assigned to any
             or pay, or take other                         organizational sub-division,
             disciplinary action                           work project, or tour of duty, or
             against such employees;                       the technology, methods, and
                                                           means of performing work;
       b.    to assign work, to make
             determinations with                     2.    procedures which Management
             respect to contracting                        officials of the Agency will
             out, and to determine the                     observe in exercising any
             personnel by which                            authority under this Agreement;
             Agency operations shall                       or
             be conducted;
                                                     3.    appropriate arrangements for
       c.    with respect to filling                       employees adversely affected
             positions, to make                            by the exercise of any authority
             selections for                                under this section by such
             appointment from:                             Management officials.
                                        Page 8 of 98
Section c. The preferred practice
whenever Bureau of Prisons positions
are announced under Section a (2)(c).
above is to select from within the
Bureau from all qualified applicants.
This shall not be construed as limiting
the recruiting function or any other
rights of the Employer.

       In accordance with 5 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Section
335.103, while the procedures used by
an agency to identify and rank
qualified candidates may be proper
subjects for formal complaints or
grievances, nonselection from among
a group of properly ranked and
certified candidates is not an
appropriate basis for a formal
complaint or grievance.

                                      Page 9 of 98
ARTICLE 6 - RIGHTS OF THE                            1.   to bring any matters of personal
EMPLOYEE                                                  concern to the attention of any
                                                          Management official, any other
Section a. Each employee shall have                       officials of the executive
the right to form, join, or assist a labor                branch of government, the
organization, or to refrain from any                      Congress, and any other
such activity, freely and without fear                    authorities. The parties endorse
of penalty or reprisal, and each                          the concept that matters of
employee shall be protected in the                        personal concern should be
exercise of such right. Except as                         addressed at the lowest possible
otherwise provided by 5 USC, such                         level; however, this does not
right includes the right:                                 preclude the employee from
                                                          exercising the above-stated
1.     to act for a labor organization                    rights;
       in the capacity of a
       representative and the right, in              2.   to be treated fairly and
       that capacity, to present the                      equitably in all aspects of
       views of the labor organization                    personnel management;
       to heads of agencies and other
       officials of the executive                    3.   to be free from discrimination
       branch of government, the                          based on their political
       Congress, or other appropriate                     affiliation, race, color, religion,
       authorities; and                                   national origin, sex, marital
                                                          status, age, disabling
2.     to engage in collective                            condition, genetic information,
       bargaining with respect to                         participation in protected
       conditions of employment                           activity, Union membership, or
       through representatives chosen                     Union activity;
       by employees in accordance
       with 5 USC.                                   4.   to direct and pursue their
                                                          private lives without
Section b. The parties agree that                         interference by the Employer or
there will be no restraint, harassment,                   the Union, except in situations
intimidation, reprisal, or any coercion                   where there is a nexus between
against any employee in the exercise                      the employee’s conduct and
of any employee rights provided for                       their position. This does not
in this Agreement and any other                           preclude a representative of the
applicable laws, rules, and                               Employer or the Union from
regulations, including the right:                         contacting bargaining unit staff

                                        Page 10 of 98
or legitimate work-related                   Section e. Preferences regarding
       matters;                                     hairstyle and facial hair are a matter
                                                    of individual concern. Employees
5.     to become or remain a member                 will maintain a neat appearance and
       of a labor organization; and                 dress, considering the correctional
                                                    environment, and such appearance
6.     to have all provisions of the                and dress will not interfere with the
       Collective Bargaining                        security or safe running of the
       Agreement adhered to.                        institution. The wearing of jewelry is
                                                    a gender neutral issue. In the event of
Section c. The Employer agrees to                   disputes, and prior to an employee
distribute to all employees its                     being required to change their dress or
understanding of legal protection that              appearance, alternatives will be
can be furnished to employees.                      explored.
Updates will be provided as
necessary. Distribution will be in                  Section f. Unit employees, including
handout form and provided to current                probationary employees, have the
employees upon the effective date of                right to a Union representative during
this Agreement, and to new                          any examination by, or prior to
employees at the time they are hired.               submission of any written report to, a
                                                    representative of the Employer in
Section d. If an employee has a                     connection with an investigation if:
problem or situation which the
employee desires to discuss with the                1.    the employee reasonably
Union during working hours, upon                          believes that the examination
request to their supervisor in advance                    may result in disciplinary
and workload permitting, the                              action against the employee;
employee may report to the Union                          and
official as approved. If the employee
cannot be made available at that time,              2.    the employee requests
the supervisor will inform the                            representation.
employee when he/she can be made
available. Perceived abuse of this                        The Employer recognizes the
section will be discussed and resolved              Union’s right to appoint and designate
at the local level. Frequent and                    the Union representative of its choice.
repeated requests by the same
employee may not be approved if                             Employees will be notified of
perceived as abusive. When this                     their right to a Union representative
occurs, the local Union President or                by the Employer if an official
designee will be informed.                          examination authorized and/or
                                       Page 11 of 98
initiated by the Warden or higher                  questioning may proceed only when
authority of the Bureau of Prisons                 these urgent circumstances are
could potentially lead to disciplinary             documented and presented to the
action of said employee. This                      employee and/or his representative.
notification will be given prior to
examination or submission of any                          Reasonable time is defined as
written report by the employee. This               that time necessary for the designated
is not intended to interfere with the              representative from the local Union to
routine questions supervisors ask                  travel to the site of the examination.
employees in the normal course of a                The Union will promptly designate its
workday nor the routine                            representative and make reasonable
memorandums that employees are                     efforts to avoid delay.
asked to submit. The failure of the
Employer to so inform the employee                         For those locations which have
shall not affect the Employer in taking            no representatives (e.g., residential
administrative action against the                  reentry offices, new BOP facilities,
employee.                                          etc.), reasonable time is the time
                                                   necessary for the Union designated
Section g. The Employer recognizes                 representative to travel to the
its statutory duty to annually inform              examination site.
its employees of their rights under
Section f. This requirement is found               Section i. Employees being
in Section 7114 of 5 USC.                          questioned by representatives of the
                                                   Employer will be informed of the
Section h. If the employee requests a              identity of the investigator, unless
Union representative under Sections f.             already known by the employee, and
or g., no further questioning will take            the investigator will present their
place until the representative is                  credentials to the employee being
present, provided that if the                      interviewed and their Union
representative is not available within a           representative, if applicable, prior to
reasonable period of time, the                     the commencement of the face-to-face
questioning and/or submission of a                 questioning.
written report may proceed without
the representative being present.                  1.    investigations/examinations
Questioning and/or submission of a                       under Section f. above will not
written report without a Union                           take place at the residence of
representative may go forward only                       the employee without the
where urgent circumstances could                         consent of the employee;
interfere with the safe and orderly
running of the institution. Such
                                      Page 12 of 98
2.     time spent in                                 Section k. Any follow-up interviews
       investigations/examinations                   conducted under Section f. above will
       will be compensated in                        be subject to the same requirements as
       accordance with applicable pay                outlined in that section.
       regulations; and
                                                     Section l. In the interest of respect
3.     no employee will be required to               for all staff, the parties agree that
       sign statements or affidavits                 reprimands and counseling sessions
       that the employee believes to be              will be handled in a private setting
       inaccurate or incorrect.                      whenever possible. Both parties
                                                     further agree that the Employer and
Section j. When the Employer                         its representatives have the
interviews employees to ascertain                    responsibility to instruct, advise,
necessary facts in preparation for                   direct, and correct employees in a
action involving a third party hearing,              work setting in a manner that
the Employer will provide certain                    promotes a good working
safeguards to protect the employee’s                 relationship.
rights under 5 USC.
                                                     Section m. Procedures for serving
1.     the Employer must inform the                  warrants or subpoenas at the
       employee who is to be                         employee’s work site/institution are
       questioned of the purpose for                 negotiable at the local level. During
       the questioning, assure the                   local negotiations regarding the
       employee that no reprisal will                service of warrants or subpoenas by
       take place if the employee                    local authorities (sheriffs, etc.), the
       refuses, and obtain the                       privacy concerns of employees are an
       employee’s participation on a                 important consideration.
       voluntary basis;
                                                     Section n. There are occasions when
2.     the questioning will occur in a               it is necessary for the Employer to
       context which is not coercive in              remove employees from their work
       nature; and                                   site or facility for safety or security
                                                     reasons. When such an escorted
3.     the questions will not exceed                 departure is necessary, efforts will be
       the scope of the legitimate                   made wherever possible to ensure that
       purpose of the inquiry or                     such actions are handled in a discrete
       otherwise interfere with the                  manner.
       employee’s statutory rights.
                                                     Section o. Any employee covered by
                                                     this Agreement may, without fear of
                                        Page 13 of 98
penalty or reprisal, exercise their                      overpayment/underpayment,
rights under the Whistleblower                           the employee will notify their
Protection Act, which includes the                       first line supervisor in writing;
right to disclose gross
mismanagement, a gross waste of                     3.   once it has been determined
funds, an abuse of authority, or a                       that an employee has received
substantial and specific danger to                       an overpayment, the Employer
public health or safety. This act is                     will inform the employee of the
codified in 5 USC, Section 1213.                         procedure for applying for a
                                                         waiver of repayment of funds
Section p. Employees are required to                     and, upon the employee’s
receive their salary payment through                     request, the Employer will
electronic fund transfer as a condition                  assist the employee in
of employment.                                           completing and submitting the
                                                         proper forms. All waivers are
       Those employees who do not                        evaluated on a case-by-case
receive salary payments by the                           basis in accordance with
established payday will, at the                          applicable laws, rules, and
affected employee’s request, receive                     regulations;
an electronic payment. The payment
will be for the employee’s base salary,             4.   the employee will not be
including premium, less normal                           required to make any payment
withholdings.                                            on any overpayment of funds
                                                         until the completion of the
Section q. The Employer and its                          waiver process, if the waiver is
employees bear a mutual                                  denied;
responsibility to review documents
related to pay and allowances in order              5.   if the waiver is denied,
to detect any                                            employees m ay avoid paying
overpayments/underpayments as soon                       interest on the debt if full
as possible.                                             payment is made prior to the
                                                         sixtieth day after the initial
1.     should the Employer detect that                   written notification; and
       an employee has received an
       overpayment/underpayment,                    6.   both parties agree that any
       the Employer will notify the                      repayment by the employee of a
       affected employee in writing;                     salary overpayment will be
                                                         made with the assistance of the
2.     should an employee realize that                   Employer in accordance with
       he/she has received an                            existing regulations. This
                                       Page 14 of 98
repayment may be made                           honest intention to fulfill any
       through payroll deductions or a                 just financial obligation in a
       cash payment for the full                       timely manner. In the event of
       amount. This will be done to                    a dispute between an employee
       ensure that all adjustments, i.e.,              and an alleged creditor, this
       taxes, FICA, etc., are made in a                section does not require an
       timely fashion.                                 agency to determine the
                                                       validity or amount of the
Section r. If a supervisor maintains                   disputed debt or to collect a
an informal file about an employee,                    debt on the alleged creditor’s
the employee shall be given an                         behalf.”
opportunity to see any notation as
soon as practicable, and before the
notation is used officially, but no later
than fifteen (15) working days after
the notation is made.

Section s. All contributions to
charities, causes, and functions are to
be a matter of personal concern and
strictly voluntary in nature.

Section t. In matters relating to
employee’s indebtedness, the parties
agree to abide by the provisions of 5
CFR, Section 2635.809, which states:

       “Employees shall satisfy in
       good faith their obligations as
       citizens, including all just
       financial obligations, especially
       those such as Federal, State, or
       local taxes that are imposed by
       law. For purposes of this
       section, a just financial
       obligation includes any
       financial obligation
       acknowledged by the employee
       or reduced to judgment by a
       court. In good faith means an
                                       Page 15 of 98
ARTICLE 7 - RIGHTS OF THE                          additions/deletions to this list are
UNION                                              made, the Union will notify the
                                                   Employer at its earliest convenience.
Section a. There will be no restraint,
interference, coercion, or                         Section d. Union representatives are
discrimination against any employee                authorized to perform and discharge
in the statutory exercise of any right             the duties and responsibilities which
to organize and designate                          are assigned to them by the Union in
representatives of their own choosing              accordance with applicable laws,
for the purposes of collective                     rules, regulations, this Agreement,
bargaining, presentation of                        and applicable supplemental
grievances, labor management related               agreements.
activity, representation of employees
before the Employer, or upon duly                  Section e. Union representatives will
designated Union representatives                   be permitted to leave their work sites
acting as an agent of the Union on                 to perform and discharge their
behalf of an employee or group of                  representational responsibilities after
employees in the bargaining unit.                  being properly relieved. This will be
                                                   done in accordance with the
Section b. In all matters relating to              following:
personnel policies, practices, and
other conditions of employment, the                1.    local Union representatives
Employer will adhere to the                              desiring to perform and
obligations imposed on it by the                         discharge their responsibilities
statute and this Agreement. This                         must request the time from
includes, in accordance with                             their supervisor prior to leaving
applicable laws and this Agreement,                      the work site. When
the obligation to notify the Union of                    Management initiates the need
any changes in conditions of                             for a representative,
employment, and provide the Union                        Management will coordinate
the opportunity to negotiate                             with the affected supervisor and
concerning the procedures which                          secure the representative’s
Management will observe in                               relief. If initiated by the Union,
exercising its authority in accordance                   the representative will inform
with the Federal Labor Management                        the supervisor of the anticipated
Statute.                                                 time that the representative will
                                                         be away from the work site,
Section c. The Union will notify the                     where the representative may
Employer of the identity of its officers                 be contacted, and the general
and representatives in writing. When                     nature of the function to be
                                      Page 16 of 98
performed (i.e., meeting,                         timekeeper for the time and
       complaint, etc.). It is                           attendance record.
       understood that specific
       individuals or problems will not            Section f. The Employer and the
       be discussed;                               Union agree to the scheduling, at the
                                                   local level, of at least one Union
2.     for the purpose of                          representative, designated by the
       representation (i.e.,                       Union, to daytime hours of work.
       investigatory examinations, to              Daytime hours of work is defined as
       assist an employee with a                   those hours between 6:00 a.m. to 6:00
       problem, disciplinary meetings,             p.m., Monday through Friday. This
       etc.), the supervisor will ensure           will be done in accordance with the
       that the designated                         Employer’s rotation policy, if
       representative is expeditiously             applicable, provided that this does not
       relieved. If the representative             adversely affect the Union’s ability to
       is unable to be relieved, the               provide representation.
       function that the representative
       requested to be relieved for will           Section g. Provided that there is no
       be rescheduled to a time when               significant disruption of departmental
       the representative is able to               operations, the work schedule of the
       attend.                                     local Union President and at least two
                                                   other local Union officers will be
       For the purpose of                          adjusted, a t the Union’s request, to
       prescheduled meetings to                    allow these individuals to attend
       which the Union has                         Union meetings. The Union will
       membership, the Employer will               coordinate the schedule change with
       provide the Union with a list of            the appropriate supervisor(s), and the
       scheduled meetings for the                  Union will address any concerns of
       month. If the Union designates              employees affected by the change.
       a representative for these
       meetings, the supervisor will               Section h. Union representatives who
       ensure that the designated                  are not employees of a specific local
       representative is relieved to               Bureau of Prisons managed facility
       attend the meeting; and                     who desire admission to the facility
                                                   will be allowed access as follows:
3.     upon returning to the work site,
       representatives will notify their           1.    employees of the Agency who
       supervisor. The supervisor                        are representatives of the Union
       shall calculate the amount of                     will be allowed access to any
       time used and forward it to the                   Bureau of Prisons managed
                                      Page 17 of 98
facility in the same manner as                   2.    In cases where a disciplinary
       any visiting employee;                                 action or adverse action has
                                                              been proposed, but no
2.     Union representatives who are                          grievance has been filed, the
       not employees of the Agency                            Union will be notified of the
       will be allowed access to                              terms of the settlement between
       Bureau of Prisons managed                              the Employer and the
       facilities in the same manner as                       employee. This notice will
       other official visitors; and                           include reference to the date the
                                                              proposal was issued, but will
3.     it shall be the responsibility of                      not include individual
       the local Union to advise the                          identifiers, except as outlined in
       Employer, in advance and in                            Section j (1). This will not
       writing, when visits by Union                          affect the Union’s entitlement
       officials described in (1) and                         to data pursuant to the statute.
       (2) above are planned,
       whenever possible.                               Section k. The Union and the
                                                        Employer recognize the role of the
Section i. Council representatives,                     Union at the local level. The Union’s
when scheduled to meet with                             participation in local Institutional
representatives of the Employer in                      Familiarization Training may be a
pre-arranged meetings, will have their                  subject for local negotiation.
work week adjusted, upon written                        Regardless of Union participation, the
request, if it conflicts with the                       Agency will inform new employees at
scheduled meeting.                                      Institutional Familiarization Training
                                                        of the specific local Union
Section j. In accordance with 5 USC,                    designation and identify the officers
552a (Privacy Act):                                     of the local Union.

1.     the local President will be                      Section l. The Union will be given
       notified of any proposals or                     the opportunity to be present at formal
       decisions regarding disciplinary                 discussions and meetings between the
       or adverse action against                        Employer and employees covered by
       bargaining unit staff, and such                  this Agreement concerning
       notification will include the                    grievances, personnel policies and
       charge(s) and the                                practices, and any other matter
       proposed/decided upon                            affecting general working conditions
       corrective action; and                           of employees covered by this

                                           Page 18 of 98
The following procedures will                  endanger staff or the security of the
be used in providing notice of a                     institution.
formal discussion/meeting to the

1.     whenever possible, the
       Employer will notify the local
       Union president, or his/her
       designee, at least twenty-four
       (24) hours prior to the
       scheduled discussion/meeting;

2.     notification will include the
       date, time, and location of the
       discussion/meeting. Whenever
       possible, the notification should
       also include a brief description
       of the topic(s) to be discussed.

     The Union will inform the
Employer of who will represent the
Union at the discussion/meeting.

       Relief for the Union
representative will be accomplished in
accordance with Section e. of this

Section m. The Union has the right
to refer allegations of misconduct by
any other employee, including
representatives of the Employer, to
the Office of Internal Affairs.

Section n. The parties agree that they
and their representatives will not
make statements or post notices in
inmate access areas which would

                                        Page 19 of 98
ARTICLE 8 - UNION DUES BY                                The Employer will order and
PAYROLL DEDUCTION                                 maintain a sufficient amount of SF-
                                                  1187’s and SF-1188’s for distribution
Section a. The Employer and the                   to the Union as needed, upon request.
Union agree that unit employees who
are Union members in good standing                Section d. The Union shall ensure
may have allotments deducted from                 that:
their regular salary for the payment of
Union dues for the term of this                   1.    all SF-1187’s submitted by
Agreement in accordance with                            employees correctly reflect the
applicable regulations. This article                    amount of dues to be deducted
may be amended when required by                         from the pay; and
any changes in such regulations.
                                                  2.    all employees submitting SF-
Section b. Any such allotment shall                     1187’s are eligible for payroll
be strictly voluntary on the part of                    allotments for the payment of
each employee and nothing in this                       Union dues.
Agreement may be construed to
require any employee to become or                 Section e. A multilevel dues structure
remain a member o f a Union or to                 will be utilized. Dues will be
pay dues in any manner to a Union,                withheld on a biweekly basis
except as required by 5 USC, Chapter              conforming to the regular pay period.
71, 7115 et. seq.                                 Deductions will begin no later than
                                                  the second full pay period following
Section c. An eligible employee may               receipt of a properly completed SF-
only initiate an allotment for the                1187 by the Human Resource Office.
payment of Union dues by the local                Dues erroneously omitted, after
Union submitting a properly                       receipt by the Employer of an SF-
completed SF-1187 to the servicing                1187 or notification of dues increase
human resource office. The employer               pursuant to Section f. of this article,
shall process the SF-1187 as a routine            shall be retroactively deducted
payroll allotment change unless the               through written notification of the
employer questions the accuracy of                Employer. The Employer, through
the information submitted or the                  the NFC, shall take appropriate action
eligibility of the employee for dues              to correct errors in dues deductions.
allotment, in which case the employer
shall meet with the local President to            Section f. Any changes made in the
resolve any questions.                            amount of dues deducted on a
                                                  national level will only be made
                                                  pursuant to a written request from the
                                     Page 20 of 98
Secretary/Treasurer of the Council of                   transferred direct to the banks
Prison Locals. Changes affecting any                    of the AFGE National,
specific local dues m ay be completed                   biweekly; and
by the local Secretary/Treasurer by a
written request to the institution                2.    the payroll processing agent
HRM.                                                    continue providing the tape
                                                        listing of each remittance by
Section g. An employee may                              local to the AFGE National
terminate a Union dues allotment in                     Office.
accordance with 5 USC 7115(a) by
the local Union submitting a properly             Section i. Employees who meet the
completed SF-1188 to the Human                    eligibility requirements for dues
Resource Office at any time during a              withholding and who have a current
forty-five (45) day period following              dues withholding agreement in effect
the employee’s Union membership                   on the date this Agreement is
anniversary date. A Union official                approved need not execute a new SF-
will verify the employee’s                        1187 to come under the provisions of
anniversary date and note it on the               this Agreement provided that this
SF-1188. The completed form must                  Agreement does not necessitate any
be received in the Human Resource                 changes being made in their current
Office within a forty-five (45) day               allotment.
period following the anniversary date.
The request will be processed within
two (2) pay periods of receipt.

       For the purpose of this section,
the anniversary date referenced above
will be the anniversary date on the
AFGE roster.

       Whenever dues deductions are
terminated by the Employer, the
Union will be notified of the reasons
for such actions.

Section h. The Employer will request

1.     remittance of dues withheld
       will be electronically
                                     Page 21 of 98
ARTICLE 9 - NEGOTIATIONS                          2.    provided that nothing in the
AT THE LOCAL LEVEL                                      local supplemental agreement is
                                                        in conflict with the provisions
       The Employer and the Union                       of the Master Bargaining
agree that this Agreement will                          Agreement, or changes in any
constitute the Master Collective                        policies, regulations, or laws,
Bargaining Agreement between the                        the parties at the local level
parties and will be applicable to all                   may mutually elect to execute
Bureau of Prisons managed facilities                    new signatures and dates, if
and employees included in the                           neither party desires to
bargaining unit as defined in Article 1                 renegotiate the local
- Recognition. This Master                              supplemental agreement.
Agreement may be supplemented in
local agreements in accordance with               Section b. Notwithstanding the
this article. In no case may local                provisions of this article, the parties
supplemental agreements conflict                  may negotiate locally and include in
with, be inconsistent with, amend,                any supplemental agreement any
modify, alter, paraphrase, detract                matter which does not specifically
from, or duplicate this Master                    conflict with this article and the
Agreement except as expressly                     Master Bargaining Agreement.
authorized herein.
                                                  1.    local supplemental agreements
Section a. One supplemental                             may be negotiated provided
agreement may be negotiated at each                     either party serves notice of
institution/facility. Supplemental                      intent to negotiate within sixty
agreements covering                                     (60) days of receipt of the
shared/consolidated services will be                    Master Agreement. The receipt
negotiated at the local level by the                    date will be the date this
concerned parties.                                      Agreement is provided to the
                                                        local Union President;
1.     it is understood that local
       supplemental agreements will               2.    the sixty (60) day limitation
       expire upon the same day as the                  will not apply to newly
       Master Agreement, except as                      established locals of the
       noted in a (2) below. If the                     Council of Prison Locals. The
       Master Agreement’s life is                       parties at the local level are
       extended beyond the scheduled                    encouraged to complete
       expiration date for any reason,                  negotiations of the
       local supplemental agreements                    supplemental agreement within
       will also be extended; and                       one (1) year;
                                     Page 22 of 98
3.     the parties must begin                      Section c. Disputes as to whether a
       meaningful and substantive                  matter is improper for inclusion in a
       negotiations within six (6)                 supplemental agreement will be
       months of the notice of intent to           resolved as follows:
                                                   1.    matters rejected solely as
4.     a standard set of ground rules                    violating the Master Agreement
       are contained in Appendix A to                    will be resolved through
       this Agreement. The local                         arbitration;
       parties may negotiate their own
       ground rules; however, if they              2.    matters rejected solely as
       are unable to reach agreement                     violating law or government-
       on ground rules during the five                   wide regulations will be
       (5) months following the date                     submitted to the FLRA for
       the notice of intent to negotiate                 resolution as a negotiability
       is served, they must adopt the                    dispute; or
       standard set of ground rules
       contained in Appendix A. In                 3.    matters rejected as violating
       such cases, negotiations must                     both the Master Agreement and
       commence within thirty (30)                       law or government-wide
       calendar days after the                           regulations will first be
       expiration of the five (5) month                  submitted to arbitration to
       period, and specific proposals                    resolve contract issues. When
       for negotiation must be                           the contract questions are
       exchanged at least fourteen (14)                  resolved, any questions of
       calendar days prior to the                        negotiability under law or
       beginning of negotiations; and                    government-wide regulation
                                                         shall be submitted to the FLRA
5.     any matter which the parties at                   for resolution.
       the national level have
       presented to the Federal Labor                     If, during local negotiations,
       Relations Authority (FLRA) or               there is a dispute between the parties
       the Federal Service Impasses                on whether a proposal is in conflict
       Panel (FSIP) may not be                     with the Master Agreement, they must
       negotiated at the local level               seek guidance from their respective
       until such time as decisions are            parties at the national level before
       rendered and/or the parties at              referring to a third party. Such
       the national level have resolved            consultation with national officials
       the dispute.                                will not serve to extend any
                                      Page 23 of 98
established time limits for referral to                     from the date that the proposed
third parties.                                              agreement was signed to
                                                            independently review the
Section d. Once an agreement has                            agreement and determine if the
been reached at the local level, it will                    proposed agreement complies
be reduced to writing within fifteen                        with the provisions of this
(15) calendar days from the                                 Agreement and applicable laws
conclusion of negotiations. The local                       and regulations; and
will then have thirty (30) calendar
days to complete the ratification                      2.   the parties at the national level
process. If the contract is ratified as                     will independently notify their
written, the parties will meet within                       counterparts at the local level of
seven (7) calendar days to sign and                         the results of their reviews
date the entire agreement.                                  before the expiration of the
                                                            forty (40) day time limit. The
       If ratification fails, the parties                   reviewing parties at the national
will return to the table within fourteen                    level will serve on each other
(14) calendar days to reconsider those                      copies of their reviews as they
articles or provisions which blocked                        are sent to the local level. At
ratification. Once this process is                          the end of the forty (40) day
completed, the local will then have                         review period, the local
thirty (30) calendar days to complete                       supplemental agreement will go
ratification. If ratified, the parties will                 into effect, except for those
meet within seven (7) calendar days                         provisions which have been
to sign and date the entire agreement.                      found by either party to be in
                                                            conflict with this Agreement or
1.     once the supplemental                                applicable laws and regulations.
       agreement has been ratified,                         Such conflicting provisions will
       signed, and dated, the proposed                      be returned to the parties at the
       agreement will be forwarded to                       local level with explanations, at
       the Labor Relations Office by                        which time the local parties
       local Management and another                         will do one of the following:
       copy will be forwarded by the
       local Union to its Regional                          a.    implement the agreement
       Vice President. Incomplete,                                as modified by the
       unsigned, or undated                                       review;
       agreements will be returned to
       the parties without action. The                      b.    renegotiate the stricken
       parties at the national level will                         provisions; or
       have forty (40) calendar days
                                          Page 24 of 98
c.   contest the striking
            through appropriate
            appeal procedures, as
            outlined in Section c. of
            this article.

                                        Page 25 of 98
ARTICLE 10 - UNION                                rights and responsibilities as other
REPRESENTATION ON                                 members. This includes an adequate
COMMITTEES                                        opportunity to present their thoughts
                                                  and ideas on whatever subject is being
Section a. The Union at the                       discussed. Each Union representative
appropriate level will have                       so selected will have a Union
membership on at least the following              designated alternate to serve when the
committees, where they exist, which               representative is unavailable.
are charged with making
recommendations to the appropriate                       Both parties recognize the
authorities on specific issues. These             Union will, on occasion, need to train
committees are:                                   some of its representatives on the
                                                  operation and functions of
1.     Health and Safety, in                      committees, work groups, and task
       accordance with Article 27;                forces. With the Chief Executive
                                                  Officer’s approval and workload
2.     Incentive Awards (to help                  permitting, the Union will be
       oversee the system and review              permitted to have one (1) other
       suggestions only);                         representative attend the meeting in a
                                                  training, nonparticipatory role. The
3.     Affirmative Action;                        Agency, at its option, may pay any
                                                  expenses or grant official time for this
4.     Staff Housing (whenever                    second attendee.
       members of the unit have
       applied); and                                     Both the Union and
                                                  Management agree that smaller
5.     Commissary.                                committees, work groups, and task
                                                  forces are preferred, in that they are
       When committees, work                      generally more productive.
groups, or task forces are formed to
make recommendations on matters                          If the Union representative
directly affecting working conditions             participating on the committee, work
of bargaining unit employees, the                 group, or task force so desires, the
Employer will fill a position on the              chairperson of the committee, work
committee, work group, or task force              group, or task force, in preparing the
with a representative designated by               final report, will accept and
the Union at the appropriate level. A             specifically include the Union
Union representative selected to                  representative’s concerns that were
participate on these committees will              voiced at the meeting. The Union
be a working member with the same                 representative will be provided a copy
                                     Page 26 of 98
of the final committee, work group, or               4.    if none of the three (3) methods
task force report at the same time                         above is feasible, the Union
through the same applicable                                will appoint an alternate
distribution procedures as other                           representative, or the parties
committee, work group, or task force                       may formulate an arrangement
members.                                                   that is appropriate at the local
                                                           level and agreed to by the
       The Union at the appropriate                        parties.
level will be provided the same
advance notification of the committee,               Section c. It is the expectation that
work group, or task force meeting at                 participation of the Union on
the same time as any other member of                 committees, work groups, or task
the committee, work group, or task                   forces will be beneficial to both
force. This notification will allow for              parties. Participation on committees,
sufficient travel time.                              work groups, or task forces entails a
                                                     responsibility and obligation on all
Section b. In order to avoid the                     participants to hold in confidence
payment of overtime to Union                         matters discussed as requested by the
representatives as a consequence of                  chairperson. Confidentiality does not
local committee participation, one of                preclude national Union participants
these enumerated procedures will be                  from discussing issues solely with
followed:                                            national Union Executive Board
                                                     members. Local work group
1.     (preferred) the committee will                participants may, if necessary, discuss
       meet during the day shift on a                the work group issues with local or
       week day that is also the Union               national Council of Prison Locals
       representative ‘s regular                     executives.
       workday and time;
                                                     Section d. If the Union representative
2.     the meeting time may be                       participating on the committee, work
       shifted to outside the day shift              group, or task force so desires, the
       to fit the Union representative’s             chairperson of the committee, work
       work schedule (e.g., if on the                group, or task force will accept and
       evening watch);                               specifically include the Union
                                                     representative’s concerns that were
3.     Union representatives, with                   voiced at the meeting, without
       supervisory approval, may shift               change, and forward them to the
       work schedules to earlier or                  appropriate authority (deciding
       later hours in order to overlap               official). The Union representative
       part of the day shift; or                     will be provided a copy of the final
                                        Page 27 of 98
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